Callisto: Fear, Sorrow....Despair

Story by yiffwritererotica1245 on SoFurry

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Prologue "I don't know how long we were going down the dark highway or how long I was unconscious but I was scared of who they were and why did they kidnap ME! I couldnt grasp why or for what reason they were doing it but I didn't dare try anything or they might just kill me!" Chapter 2 All I heard was the two talking back and forth but my mind could only make out some of the conversation.... "Hey kid are you awake..? Bud I don't think he is in good shape." "Well what do you expect he is 15 and he took you cock in the ass and my cock in his mouth." "Yeah I see what ya mean." "......nnnggghhh..." "Hey I think he's waking up?!!!" the wolf said with a look of glee at the horse. "That's good..." The horse said with a sigh. I slowly sat up on the seat and realized where I was... "Who are you two? Why did you kidnap me? Why me of all the people?" Question after question I shot at them with a scared voice and the whole time i was cowering in the corner of the seat. "Don't worry kid we are not here to hurt you..." but I cut the wolf off before he could finish the sentence. "Then why!!!!!???" I asked desperately "Listen kid our boss has told us to rescue you from that place, he wants you to be safe for reason we don't know...and sorry for the rough sex back there." The wolf said keeping his eyes on the road. "Also..." The horse suddenly said out of nowhere causing me to jump. "You are too cute and talented to be in a place like that." "You don't know a thing about me..." I spat at the horse but the horse looked at me with caring eyes. "You really don't recognize me do you?" The horse looked away with a sad look. "It seems that memory of yours is gone too..." He said with a shakey voice. "What..." I did not know what he meant, the only thing i remember was when I was five and I was taken by a group of males in an alley way, and then brought to that horrible place... * * *

[flashback] "hehehehe...such purity and it's all ours boys, obtaining him was such an easy job after his parents and guardians were out of the way..." "but what about his husband to be..." "Shut up...his lover will never find him, where we will take him no one will know..." * * * "AHHHHHHH!" I screamed, my head burning, throbbing from pain...then all went black. "What the....Callisto!" The horse said as my world went black. * * *

Five hours later....

  • * * "mphhhh..." I awoke to a soft bed and the sun shining on my black fur and a room which I was not familiar with. "Where am I?" I thought to myself. "Well I guess you finally woke up?" The horse said behind me making my jump about a foot off the groung. "Yeah you freaked in the car and passed out....did you remember anything...anything at all?!" His voice sounded as if it was sad and I did not know why but I felt that I knew him. "Well I did remember when I was five, a group of males kidnapped me and raped me in the alley way...and they also said my parents were gone, and my lover would never find me...." My eyes started to tear, I couldn't help it, my heart felt heavy and felt as if it would burst. "It's okay...I am here to protect you...I always will be..." The way he said it didn't sound weird or stalker like, it sounded sincere, loving, and pure. * * *

Flashback MOTHER!!!!! "Callisto....Callisto...! Ahhh there you are...I want you to meet your mate...his name is...." [the horse]"Your cute....heheheheh...I like you already." The kiss was so nice and pure, we were be together...even if we were young....

  • * * "Callisto! Are you alright?!!!" My eyes flew open and there I saw my mates face...the one I had lost those many years ago. "Callisto did you remember something...?" "Yes I did!" My voice shakey and my eyes tearing, I grabbed hold of my lover, my mate and held onto him so I would never lose him again. "I remember you Josh....I remember....!" He was startled but happy that I remembered him and he returned my embrace for the same reason and kissed my forhead and cheeks in happiness. There we sat on the floor holding each other never letting go, never wanting to let go....and we embraced in a lovers kiss...... To Be Continued...... * * * Hey everyone, well there is chapter 2 and post comments on what you think of it and tell me what you would like me to change or what you want the next one to be about, I know this one is not erotica or anything but it is a story and I wanted a scene like this. So tell me what you think!