
Story by twisted_trisk on SoFurry

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#4 of Gay

William is a quiet boy who keeps largely to himself... but when a glory hole appears in his private hangout, he gives in to temptation and embarks on a journey of self-discovery that will give him great pleasure, and great shame.

This story is the closest thing I'll ever get to being autobiographical. Significant portions of this story are really from my life, some are not.


Contents: Gay sex, Glory Hole sex, Bullying

© 2010-2013 Twisted_Trisk, Benjamin J Johnson

For that kid I went to school with. I'm sorry.

I had found an awesome bathroom that nobody, and I mean nobody else seemed to know was even there. Down a never-used hall and up an emergency staircase whose door was locked and had to be jimmied with a credit card, I found my bathroom, dusty and unused. I'd cleaned it myself, scrubbing the toilets, getting toilet paper and paper towels for it, cleaning the mirror and adding an air refresher. When I was done, it was spotlessly clean and nice inside.

I wasn't a bad kid, I didn't smoke or drink or do drugs, it was just fun to find a place that nobody else knew about that could be my special hiding place. Since nobody ever came in it, I brought in a comfy chair from home, a small coffee table, a small boombox, and even some posters to put on the walls. The school was an old converted army base, and many parts of it were unused and gathering dust, like my treasured find.

It was my sanctum for months, and in all that time I never saw another soul, or even evidence of another soul using it. I was careful to keep it my secret, too... I knew if other kids found it, my hiding place would inevitably be ruined.

At lunch I often went up there to read and relax by myself, enjoying my private room. I wasn't unpopular, I just was the kind of kid who keeps somewhat to himself. Sort of a punk attitude, I guess, but I was too big and strong to be bullied by the jocks.

It was a Monday when everything changed. I walked up there, whistling to myself after having taken my precautions to make sure I wasn't followed. I pushed the door open and headed for the chair I'd brought up, intending to sit down and eat lunch. Suddenly, I realized there was someone in the stall! I froze and looked, but all I could see was a pair of tattered red kicks and faded brown slacks. My heart sank. After a year and a half, someone else had found my special place.

I turned and went over to the urinal to go to the bathroom while I tried to decide what I should do. Should I give up my hiding place? Should I challenge whoever it was and kick them out, telling them to keep it quiet and never return? Should I ignore whoever it was and hope they wouldn't be back?

As I unzipped to go, I realized that someone had made some creative modifications to the stall wall next to the urinal, the stall my intruder was in. It was an old wooden stall, and someone had drilled a rather large hole in it, then taken the time to sand and finish it to a smooth, clean opening. Scratched into the paint was the phrase, "For a luscious treat, stick in your meat."

I stared at it. I'd never seen a glory hole before, but I knew what one was. At first I was furious and determined to go over there, rip the door open, then beat the holy shit out of the little fucker who'd defaced my retreat. Then I paused and thought about this. I was the only person who knew about this place that I could tell, other than this intruder. Somebody had gone through a lot of work to make this, and if I was the only person who came here... was this intended for me?

My heart began to beat in my chest. It seemed as though somebody had observed me coming here and... and I had a secret admirer? Was it a girl or a boy? I bent over a bit, looking at the feet, but there was no way to tell. I was hardly adventuresome, in fact, I was a realist and knew the statistics about teen pregnancy, STDs and things like that, and normally would never have surrendered myself to a complete stranger, but I found myself incredibly intrigued and tempted.

Maybe it was a lapse in common sense, or maybe it was providence, or maybe I just plain lost my mind for a moment, but I found myself undoing my pants and slipping my flaccid penis through the hole. After about a half of a second, I felt gentle fingers touch me, lifting me up, and then I felt the most wonderful warm wet sensation begin to slither over me. Whoever it was, they were lovingly licking at my cock with a very eager tongue.

I was hard within seconds, and the tongue was slurping up and down me in long, luxurious strokes. I shuddered and felt goose bumps race over my skin as my anonymous lover swirled a tongue in circles over my head, licked the tip, then circled over and over. I groaned in delight and absolute ecstasy. It was so kinky, it was so unnatural for me to do something like this, I was having the time of my life.

"Oh fuck yeah, this feels so awesome!" I gasped delightedly. In response, I felt lips close over the head of my throbbing cock and slowly begin to suck me in.

My muscles failed and I had to catch myself to keep from collapsing backwards, but still ended up yanking my dick back out the hole. My mystery lover giggled and whispered, "Easy there, sweetie. I can't make you feel good if you don't keep it in the hole!"

I staggered forward again and slid back into the glory hole, feeling warm lips immediately envelope the head of my penis, starting up right where they'd left off. I grabbed onto the top of the stall wall to try and keep from falling over again and moaned.

The gender of the voice had been impossible to determine, but I thought the lips and mouth worshiping on my cock were furkind, not human. That narrowed the possibilities down to half of the student body. "Oh Gawd, you're doing great!" I squealed.

I felt my partner begin to bob me in and out of that warm, silky mouth, each time going a little deeper, each time sucking a little harder. My legs failed again and only my grip on the top of the wall kept me from collapsing. I could not believe I was doing this. I was sticking my dick through a public bathroom stall door and letting a complete stranger suck me off.

I should have been worried, or cautious, but I was not. I was enjoying the craziest thing I'd ever done, and was so horny I could hardly breathe. "More! Take more of me! Take it all, baby!" I cried.

I heard a little coughing giggle, but still could not determine gender from it. I was pulled out of that luscious mouth, and I felt gentle fingers lift me up, pressing my shaft against the wall above the hole. Delicate lips began to kiss up and down the sensitive underside of my rock-hard cock, and I felt the unmistakable feel of soft, downy fur both on the fingers and around the lips of my secret lover. A furkind for certain, then.

"Ah! You little tease!" I gasped. It still felt wonderful, but I could tell my mystery sex-partner was very much enjoying being in complete charge of the situation.

"Stick your balls through the hole and I'll give them some special attention, too." The voice whispered.

There was no hesitation from me, I stuffed my balls through the wall, struggling because of how tightened they were. Once through the opening, I felt them get firmly sucked into a warm, silky muzzle, suckled and tenderly nibbled. The teeth were not sharp, so I guessed this was an herbivore of some kind, narrowing it down to perhaps a quarter of the school population. I gave a squeak of delight at the intense nipping and pulling, just shy of painful and completely delectable. "Oh, that's so good!" I gurgled, shaking like a leaf.

Another giggle, and this time I was rewarded with that mouth closing down on my throbbing, shiny head and slowly, succulently taking more, and more, and more... I gasped and held my breath, pressing myself hard against the wall and willing more of my penis to be exposed through the hole. Fingers had made a ring around the base of my balls, keeping them pulled through the hole and distended rather than tightening back up to my body.

I began a long cry as more and more was slowly sucked in. Were they going to take all of me? I couldn't stand the pleasure, it was so intense. The room was swirling around dizzily, and I was shaking and sweating as if I'd just been shot at. My first experience was absolutely perfect.

Just like that, I felt my throbbing shaft bottom out in the warm wet silky flesh of my lover's mouth. I gasped frantically, finally able to breathe again. I was buried to the hilt in that sexy muzzle, feeling it suck down hard on me, feeling the warmth of another's body intimate with my own.

The mouth was certainly a muzzle. It had taken all of me, and while I could tell I was at the back of the throat, I had not gone actually down the throat, which could not have happened on a human mouth. This had to be a furkind with a muzzle to take that much shaft without deep-throating me.

"Oh Gawd, your mouth feels so sweet and silky and warm! I love this, whoever you are, this is the best feeling I've ever had in my life!" I cried exuberantly.

The giggle wasn't whispered this time, but a cooing laugh. Maddeningly, I still could not determine gender. It was either a high-voiced male or a low-voiced female, but it was in a grey area that I could not tell one way or the other.

My mystery lover then began to blow me with expert speed and timing, sucking down hard, releasing to almost no pressure, using tongue back and forth as I was sucked in and out, pausing to smooch the tip with a loud smack, I was getting the royal treatment. I could hear panting breath and knew that my blind date was enjoying this greatly too.

"Ahhghhh! So good! You're the best!" I cried out. "Gah! I'm in love! This is great!"

I heard a little gagging, and knew I was being slammed down the throat hard enough that it was making the anonymous lover choke a bit. I thought that perhaps the sound might have been masculine, but I wasn't sure, and right now, I didn't care. I was peaking up to near maximum already, the kinkiness of the illicit sex, the erotic thought of what was happening, not to mention the damn-near perfect blow-job skills being used, it was all tipping me over the edge to an orgasm.

"Oh fuuuuck! This is amazing! Oh, I can't hold it back anymore! I'm gonna shoot my wad, baby! Drink it, doll! Drink it!" I howled.

"Mmmhmm!" came the affirmative, and I tensed and exploded. The way my lover was holding my balls, the way I was being sucked on with perfect intensity, and the thrill of the deed were enough to make it the best orgasm of my young life. I could feel the cum shooting through my penis, and I could feel the eager mouth embracing it swallow each load I deposited on that sweet tongue.

I was seeing stars, gasping for air and shaking so hard the stall wall was vibrating and creaking. As my torrent slowed to a trickle, the mouth pulled back and began kissing me, occasionally sucking on the tip to suck out the last few drops as they sluggishly issued forth. "You've got a _great_cock, an' I love the taste of your semen." My anonymous lover whispered, sounding incredibly satisfied.

The bell rang, indicating five minutes before the next class. "Holy shit!" I laughed. "Did we take that long? That took almost all our lunch break? It felt like it lasted maybe thirty seconds!"

Again a whispered chuckle. "I hope that means you enjoyed it?"

I leaned against the wall. "Baby, that was the best I've ever felt in my life. You are the best! I don't suppose... I don't suppose you might be willing to do a repeat performance tomorrow?" I resisted the temptation to crouch down and peek through the hole at my benefactor.

The response was a playful-sounding soft whisper. "You'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out! Now please, baby, can you leave so I can come out and get to class, too?"

"I'd sure like to meet you..." I mumbled, remorsefully moving over to grab my backpack from the chair where I'd tossed it.

"Aww, that's sweet of you, but isn't the mystery of the unknown so much more enjoyable?"

I sighed. "I guess. Thank you again, that was wonderful. Whoever you are... you are awesome, but please... don't tell anyone about this place, OK? I'm leaving now so you can come out." I said.

"I won't tell a soul. Promise you'll leave all the way an' not try to see who I am, OK? Please?" came the whisper again.

It struck me as a bit odd that they would want such anonymity, but I decided to honor their wishes... after all, that was the point of a glory hole. "Alright, I promise you I'll leave and go straight back to my locker. I... Thank you. Really, thank you."

A soft coo, unidentifiable. "You are very welcome, my love."

* * *

I was floating on cloud nine for the rest of the day. I found myself looking over all my classmates and wondering who it had been. It was so exciting, I could hardly breathe, let alone concentrate on classes. Part of me wanted to tell my friends about it, but part of me wanted to keep it my own special secret, so I kept my mouth shut. I was fairly certain whoever it was had known who I was. The whole situation had been carefully planned and manufactured by someone who knew I went to that bathroom for every lunch.

But who could it have been? I was always careful when I slipped away to go there, and I had never once seen someone observe me, or the route I took through a dizzying array of corridors leading to that remote bathroom. Whoever it had been, they'd been a better spy than I'd been, that was for sure.

I daydreamed about the person all day, and thinking back on it, decided it had to have been a male. A high-voiced tenor male, but a male. For one thing, his cock-sucking technique had been far too accomplished to have been a girl. My secret lover knew cocks, knew them so intimately it could only be because he had one himself.

I was not attracted to human boys at all, but I had always found furkind males to be cute and alluring, so I wasn't particularly bothered by that fact, either. And after that blowjob, I didn't think I'd have the least bit of trouble doing it with a sleek, sexy furkind male. I looked around at the different furkind boys in my class and daydreamed the rest of the day away.

* * *

I had trouble sleeping that night because I was thinking about it so much, wondering if the person would be there again tomorrow. The next day was even worse, as I kept checking the clock nearly every minute waiting for noon to come around. When it at last hit the noon time bell, I decided that as much as I wanted to charge up there as fast as I could, I would go slow to give him a chance to get there ahead of me again. I didn't want to scare him off, after all.

Despite my hurry, I forced myself to take my time, making extra certain I wasn't followed, but giving him the time to make it into the stall. To my delight and relief, when I went inside, I saw a familiar pair of red sneakers and khakis peeking out from under the stall. "Oh awesome! You came back! God, I haven't been able to get you out of my head! It was so wonderful! Oh baby, I'm so glad you are here..." I said, meaning it with all my heart.

Again a whispered laugh. "You took so long getting up here I was starting to think you weren't coming, or that I'd made that poor of an impression on you."

Aghast, I cried "No! Nonono! That isn't why at all! I just... I wanted to respect your privacy and give you time to get up here ahead of me is all. I mean, I really would like to meet you face to face, but I respect your desire to remain anonymous..."

"Aww... that's sweet of you, baby! Thank you."

I gulped, my cheeks flushing. "You're a guy, aren't you."

"That isn't really important, is it?"

I shook my head. "No, it isn't, but I'm not bothered at all that you are. I think furkind guys are super cute and sexy, to tell you the truth."

There was a teasing giggle. "Who says I'm furkind?"

I snorted. "I have nerves in my cock, you know. I could feel your fur, and your mouth was a muzzle, I could tell. Like I said, I think furkind guys are sexy."

"You didn't come here to talk, did you? Why don't you open your pants and slide your warm, meaty cock in here so I can give you some of my special attention again."

Suddenly, I wanted to know that what I was sharing with him was as special to him as it was to me. "D'you do this all the time with other people?" I asked breathlessly.

"Don't you wanna just play?" He whispered evasively. "What does that even matter?"

Hesitantly, I replied "I just... I'd hope that this is special to you, that you don't just do this with everybody."

There was a lengthy pause from him, then he whispered "No, I've never done this before yesterday, baby. No more questions. If you want some, gimme your meat." He'd sounded very nervous about telling me even that.

Satisfied, I eagerly undid my pants and slid my hard-on through the hole into his waiting hands and mouth, but I was a little disappointed that I'd gotten so little out of him. I'd never been intimate with anyone before in my life, and this was like a dream come true for me. I wanted to know him, to hug him, to kiss him and make him my boyfriend, but for whatever reason he didn't want these things.

I again got the most wonderful blow-job conceivable. "Gah! I'm in love! Oh baby, I want this forever!" I cried as I shot off in his mouth, feeling him gulp down my seed.

"Mmm, mmm! Yummy yum." Came a whisper from the stall as I finished up in his mouth. Gentle hands stroked my dick, and he kissed me all over as I slowly softened. Once again the bell rang, signaling five minutes to the next class.

I put my hands on the wall and leaned in close. "Pal, I would love to... see your face. To know who my secret boyfriend is."

"Honey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right? Now can you get going so I'm not late for my class? Thank you yesterday for honoring your word to me, that alone brought me back today. As for waiting for me to get up here, you don't have to. As long as you don't come up here before the lunch bell, I'll be right here waiting for you, baby."

I flushed with excitement. "Aww, yer the greatest!" I crooned. "I meant what I said to you; I would love to meet you and be your friend. I know you know who I am, and I'd sure like to know who you are. Well, I'll be dying to spend time with you tomorrow again! Thank you, babe!"

"You are welcome."

* * *

The rest of the week went that way. Neither of us ate lunch, I spent my whole break with my cock through a hole, and he spent the whole break sucking on it. On Friday, after finishing up and putting my pants back on, I sighed. "Damn. All weekend without you. I... I really like you a lot, and I'm gonna be lonely without you!"

There was a pause before he responded. "Wow. You really feel that strongly, even though you have no clue who I am?"

I shrugged and sighed. "I've never had a lover before you, and what little I know of you, I really, really like. I know you're male, you're a furkind, and that you are sweet, gentle, kind, thoughtful... And you are damn good at sucking cock. I love your giggle, and you sound so sweet whenever you talk. I may not know your name, but I know I like you, and I know we'd be best friends, and I know I'd love to be boyfriend-boyfriend with you."

"The point of this hole is to keep it impersonal, you know." He was silent for a moment, then suddenly yelped "Damn! The bell! We got two minutes to get to class!"

"Oh, no! I'm sorry baby! I'm outta here! Thank you so much! I'll see you Monday!"

"See you Monday! I'll have an extra, extra special treat for you to make up for the weekend, OK?" He whispered.

"Woohoo! Yeah! Sounds great! Bye!" I ran out of the room and down the hall, forcing myself not to glance back, to give him privacy if he still wanted it. It was all he'd asked of me in exchange for mind-blowing sex, so I was not about to betray his trust.

* * *

The weekend was absolute, unrepentant, unending, sweltering hell. I was so horny, I was so filled with questions I wanted to ask him, so full of sweet nothings I wanted to tell him to try and convince him to let me meet him, I was practically out of my mind all weekend. Even worse, his promise for something special on Monday had my imagination working overtime. Would he let me meet him?

I fantasized that it was a sleek black squirrel that I'd noticed the other day, or perhaps a pretty tabby cat from my Biology class that had glanced at me several times throughout the day. The red sneakers didn't match anybody I knew, but I had a feeling he probably changed them after I left. He'd taken such care working out this plan, I doubted he left something like that to reveal his identity.

He knew me. He'd chosen me. He wanted to be with me. -those were all conclusions that I came to, there was just no other explanation to be found. That being the case, I had high hopes that I could convince him to meet me face to face... someday. I was eager for that day to be soon, to show him I was willing to give pleasure to him in our relationship as well as take. His words about keeping it impersonal didn't faze me in the slightest, because I didn't think it was what either of us ultimately wanted.

Monday was an eternity away.

* * *

I don't know how I made it through the weekend, but I managed it. Monday noon found me sprinting to the bathroom in anticipation of his special surprise. Despite my raging sex drive, I'd managed to keep myself from masturbating all weekend and was overcharged to the max to be with him today.

I burst in to the bathroom, seeing familiar red kicks under the stall door. "Hey baby! Oh man, did I miss you all weekend!" I laughed, overjoyed to be here at last with him.

"That addicted to your daily blow-job, huh?" Came a chuckling reply whisper.

I stopped, putting my bookbag down on the chair I never used anymore. "No, not just that... I like you a lot, you're so sweet. Like I said on Friday, I know we could be best friends and lovers. I wish you'd come out and let me meet you, let me take you into my arms and hug you close."

There was an uncomfortable silence, then my mystery lover whispered, "Careful what you wish for, you might not like what you get. I think it would be better to keep it anonymous. Besides, you know nothing about me that would make you able to say those things, nice though they are."

I tried to piece together what that could possibly mean, and just got more confused. "What? I don't understand." I said.

"I mean, I think you'd enjoy it more not knowing. I don't think you'd be pleased if you knew who I was. Now, did you come here to talk or to play? I told you I have something special for you today, I thought you'd be eager to get busy." came the whispered reply.

That just gave me a million more questions, but my cock jumped at his sultry words. I undid my pants and brought it out, stroking it to a full erection before slipping it through the hole. I felt his soft paws caressing me, and sighed happily. "I don't see how you could think I wouldn't like to meet you, we've been intimate for gosh sakes, I'm not going to turn around and dump you just 'cause I know who you are."

The touching paused and I heard him moving around, heard what sounded like him undoing his pants. What was he doing? I felt a thrill of adrenalin, and my heart began to hammer my chest again, sharpening my breathing. I felt him lean against the stall wall, then felt him take me back in his paw. He rubbed up and down my shaft, then pressed the head to something firm.

Gently, lovingly, he pushed harder, keeping my cock from pulling away by holding it firmly in his paw. I realized that he was pressing me to his ass, slowly increasing the pressure, and that his tight anus was resisting being mounted. I gave a cry of shock. "Oh my God, baby! Are you pushing me into your ass?!?"

In answer, he increased the pressure and I felt his tight, muscled butt give and slowly, luxuriously slick, lubed flesh began to slide over my throbbing dick. "Ahhh! God! O holy fuck, you're so tight!" I wailed. This was absolutely blowing my mind.

I heard him groan, actually out loud. It was a tight, strangled sound that didn't identify the voice to me at all, though I was certain it was male this time. "Oh holy fuck, your penis is so big and hard! Oh fuck, that feels really amazing. Nnnnnng... fuck, that hurts!"

He slowly worked himself with my cock, and I strongly felt that this was probably his first time with a cock up his ass. He was punishingly tight, and he was working the throbbing head of my cock into his rectum over and over, trying to stretch the muscles. At last, he slowly, gingerly pushed back, and continued to push back until my shaft was sliding deep into his slippery, wonderfully warm guts.

He moaned louder and louder the deeper it went in, drowning in passion. I was crying out in delight, feeling the heaven of another male's body for the first time. "Oh yes! Oh God!" He nearly sobbed. "It's in! It's really all the way in, I'm taking your whole cock up my ass! Ahh! So goooood... do you like your special treat, baby?"

"Holy fuck, yes! This feels incredible! Your body is so tight and warm and silky and sexy! Gahhh!" I screeched.

"Well," He whispered, "I'm relaxing now, so why don't you do the honors and fuck my tight little butt?"

"G... g... g..." I blubbered, but slowly pulled back and felt tight, muscled bowels cling to me, gripping me and massaging me as I slid out. I pulled most of the way out, then pushed back in. Hearing him give a mewl of pain and delight.

"Oh, this feels better than I would have ever believed! Oh baby, it feels so good to be fucked by you, Will!" He whispered intensely. It was the first time he'd said my name, revealing that he definitely did know who was fucking him, as I'd suspected.

I grabbed onto the top of the stall again to steady myself and began to try and fuck him. It was damned near impossible to do it while pressing up against a wall. At least, it felt impossible to do it right. I couldn't go fast and hard, I couldn't grab his hips and hold him tightly while I fucked. Instead, it was a struggle to stay balanced and slamming myself up to a wall in order to keep the pleasure alive.

"G... g... Gawd..." I whimpered. For all that difficulty, it still felt wonderful. "Oh baby, this is so good! Oh fuck yeah!"

There wasn't much I could do but slowly fuck him while pressed against the wall, but I gave it my all and for ten minutes or so we squirmed and laughed and cried out in delight. I was nearly completely exhausted and going to have to stop when at last I felt my orgasm coming on.

"Here it comes baby! Oh yeah! Oh fuck, this is the best sex in the world! Ahh! Oh, I love you baby! I would give anything to hold you! Ahhhhhhhgh!" I shrieked and blew my load up his rump.

He was moaning and panting, and I felt his body trembling as I gave clumsy thrusts while I dumped a weekend's worth of cum into his guts. "I can feel it splashing inside of me!" He squeaked. "Oh baby, I'm cumming toooooOO!!!" He howled, and I felt his ass begin to flex on my penis, feeling tight enough to almost be painful, it put my orgasm to an even greater level of pleasure as he flexed and came himself.

"I love you! I love your ass! Oh fuuuuck!" I wailed at the top of my lungs.

As the ejaculation subsided, I staggered back, unable to press myself to the wall anymore. I was slurped loose from his tight body, and stumbled to the sink to clean my dick up. I thought about this, thought about what I could say or do to draw him out of his literal shell, hiding in the stall.

I finished washing up and did my pants back up, glancing at my watch. That hadn't taken as long, I still had fifteen minutes to talk to him. I went over to my chair and sat down. I could hear he was using toilet paper to clean himself up. "Baby, I want to plead with you again to come out and meet me face to face." I said softly.

"I already said I don't think you'd be pleased to know who I am." He whispered, sounding a bit confused himself. "I don't want to, Will. I'm sorry."

I sighed. "Look, I don't know why you say that, but I assume that means I know you, or rather that I thought I knew you, and we aren't exactly friends. I... I don't know what I can really say to convince you that I'll be nice, other than to tell you this: I don't care if you have no arms, no legs, and weigh six-hundred pounds, I'll love you with all my heart and hold you close. Please give me a chance to love you back, my sweet, please."

There was total silence for several minutes, during which I waited with bated breath, hoping and praying he would believe me. "You aren't gonna like it." He whispered again.

"No I won't. I will love it, I promise you. If I've been nasty to you, I swear that's gonna change, you'll be my boyfriend, and I'll take care of you from here on out. I mean it with all my heart." I said with conviction.

There was a giant sigh from within the stall. Again I urged him, "Please give me a chance to prove it, please."

"Alright, but... I warned you. This will probably end our time together." I heard him click the lock on the stall door. "Come in."

I walked around to the front of the stall, took a deep breath, and gently pushed the door open. I stood and stared at my mystery lover for several seconds in shock. At last, I managed to weakly croak "Troy???"

The male who greeted my eager eyes was a small grey-furred lop-eared rabbit. He was a skinny little kid who sucked at sports, got mediocre grades in all his classes, and was generally beat up by nearly all the guys in the school. Several of the girls tried to protect him, which can't possibly have helped his self-esteem, but at least gave him some friendly faces in a crowd of cruelty, I suppose.

That wasn't all of it, either. Troy was... a little off somehow. Possibly a mild case of fetal-alcohol syndrome or something, his behavior often drew scorn and derision from everyone. He would stare at me, get this goofy grin and say stupid things like "Will the pill, Will the pill" over and over until I came over and threw him against a wall or something.

I knew he lived with his grandparents, probably a sign that his mother was an addict of some kind and had dumped him off there after birth. He wore cheap, ugly, threadbare clothes and his hair was always a tangled mess... but there was something else about him that I'd never noticed, never taken the time to see.

He was a little cutie. His face was cute, with pretty large green eyes and white fur that trailed down the front of his neck and over his slender chest, while the rest of his body was grey fur. His arms and legs were skinny, but I suddenly thought they were also very sexy. His butt was full and round and totally luscious, and he had the most attractive smile I'd ever seen in my life. God, I'd just fucked that butt having no clue it was him!

I couldn't believe that my secret lover was this kid. I'd done some terrifically nasty things to him in my life, and the fact that he'd had feelings for me in spite of that made me feel so ashamed of myself I was sick to my stomach. In fact, just last week, while feeling exuberant over my secret lover, I'd hurled him through an emergency door outside and off a couple steps where he'd sprawled out on the grass crying and holding his stomach in pain.

My face burned in horror at the truth. Troy... it just couldn't be! "Oh God." I choked, stumbling back and falling into my chair.

He was watching me very closely, with a look of cautious optimism in his eyes. It wasn't hard to guess that he was hoping against hope I would be true to my word and be his friend- he didn't have any friends after all- and perhaps even be his lover. I just stared back at him with horror, trying to come to grips with the truth.

Seeing the look on my face, he apparently decided that I was, in fact, going to kill him when I recovered, because he grabbed up his backpack and started for the door, looking afraid for his life. I staggered out of the chair and managed a weak, "No, wait Troy!"

In response, he started to run, a typical response for him with my bullying. I dove for him and managed to catch his paw as he slipped through the door, hauling him back inside. He resisted with all his might, which wasn't much; Troy was a very weak kid. He struggled and wailed "Please don't hurt me, Will!"

I stared down into his green eyes, and he stopped struggling, staring back at me fearfully and shivering in terror. I swallowed thickly, then slowly moved my hands up to his shoulders. I could feel he was trembling, still scared that I would pulverize him for daring to touch me sexually. My lover was the most picked-on kid in school, I suppose he had every reason to be afraid. "Oh God!" I sobbed suddenly and hugged him. He stiffened, but when the touch was friendly, the embrace warm, he relaxed with a little coo and dropped his bag, wrapping his slender arms around my neck. I buried my face in the soft fur of his neck and sobbed in shame, smelling his scent.

"T... Troy... I am so, so, SO sorry for the way I've treated you!" I choked, staining his fur with my tears.

"You aren't mad at me?" He managed, weakly.

"No!" I barked. "God no! I'm so ashamed..." I hugged him with all my strength.

"Ow! Careful! I'm still bruised from..." he squeaked, then broke off.

I stopped squeezing him and pulled back to look at him. "F... from when I... th... threw you through that d... d... door!" I finished with a sob, burying my face in his fur again.

"Yeah." He said weakly.

I was dizzy and felt like I was going to fall over. I laced my fingers through his and staggered back to my chair, sitting down and patting my lap, wordlessly asking him to sit there. Hesitantly, gingerly, he came and sat down on me, and I hugged him again, trying to control my emotions enough to talk to him. The final bell sounded, and he started to get up. "We gotta get to class!" He yelped.

I caught him and pulled him back to my lap. "Screw that! Please stay here with me, I need to talk to you! This is so much more important than cruddy school!"

"Ohhhhhkay." He said, getting a ghost of a smile on his face. He pushed me back gently in the chair and began to lick the tears from my face and eyes. It was a very sweet, very relaxing feeling, and I began to calm down.

I drew a shuddering breath. "I don't even know what to say or how to begin. So, here I've been treating you like dog shit for years and you've had a crush on me?"

"Yep." He said, still comfortingly licking my face.

"And in spite of how awful I've been to you, you still have feelings for me?"

"Uh-huh." He chirped, nuzzling me with his wet nose.

"Troy, oh Troy..." I searched for words to express my feelings to him. "I will never, ever, eeeEEEver be able to apologize for this, or be able to adequately express my shame at how I've treated you. I feel like a complete fucking jerk. My God, how you could possibly like me after everything I've done is a mystery I'll never comprehend."

He shrugged. "You're so handsome and popular... I've always had a crush on you, an' I knew that deep down you were nice, 'cause sometimes you'd be really nice to me."

"Not even nearly often enough. Oh baby, I'm so sorry!" I sobbed weakly.

He shook his head and shrugged. "is OK. I forgive you. I'm so excited now! You're really gonna be my friend and..." He looked at me with cautious, desperate longing. "Mmmy lover?"

I nodded. "I'd like that more than anything, sweetie."

"An'... an' maybe... could you teach me to be cool like you so I don't get beat up so much?" He said, a look of pleading in his pretty eyes.

My jaw hung open as I comprehended his words. "I... OK, first of all, I will if you'd like, but more importantly, I'm not gonna let you get beat up on anymore. Anybody who wants a piece of you will get it over my dead body. Oh Troy, my sweetheart. I'll do my best to protect you with everything I've got."

He gave a happy coo and hugged me tightly around my neck. I squeezed him, then pulled his lips to mine and kissed him deeply. It was a wonderful kiss, and I explored his muzzle eagerly, kissing the mouth that had given me such joy and pleasure lately. I moaned happily and explored his skinny, sexy body with my fingers. His fur was soft and his flesh was wonderfully warm and alive to the touch.

I pulled back and he cooed again, his eyes still closed, grinning from ear to ear. "This is so great, I feel like it's a dream an' I'm gonna wake up any second now and it won't be real."

"It's real, baby. You're gonna have to drive me off with a stick, 'cause I'm gonna be following you around like a puppy." I murmured, and he laughed delightedly, holding his paws up to his cute little mouth.

We sat there, cuddling and exploring each other with hesitant fingers. "I'm so sorry..." I moaned over and over, tears still dripping from my eyes. "I don't deserve you, Troy."

"Nuh-huh you do!" He said, continuing to comfort me as I was practically in seizures I was so full of remorse.

"How can you want anything to do with me? Oh Troy, here you were giving me such pleasure and I threw you through that door... Oh my God, I must have broken your heart! You were trying so hard to please me... Oh Troy... What have I done? Awwwwww I can't live with myself..." I sobbed.

He continued to lick away my tears before they could even run down my cheeks. "I forgive you. I'm so happy that you feel this way... I want to be held like this forever by you. Just calm down, sweetie."

At last reluctantly, we left when the next bell sounded. We walked together back through the empty hallways of the unused section of the school, and he was skipping along next to me he was so happy. "Oh Will! Willy! Willy! I never thought you'd actually like me! I'm so excited! This is the best day of my life!" He bubbled, spinning in a circle.

I laughed unsteadily, still teary-eyed. "Best day of my life too, sweetie. Think we can get together and hang out after school?"

He stopped up short, staring at me. "I dunno. I've never had a friend before, never even asked before. Can I call my grandparents and ask?"

"'Course you can. Got a cell?" He shook his head, and I flipped him mine, wishing I hadn't asked. From his clothes, it was fairly obvious his family was very poor.

We paused in the hall we were walking down while he dialed. A moment later I heard his grandmother come on and loudly say, "Hello?"

"Hi Gram! It's me!" He breathlessly exclaimed.

Again she responded loudly enough that I had no trouble hearing her. "Oh! Hello dear. Is something wrong? Why are you calling? Where are you calling from?"

He blushed a little. "I'm at school between classes, and my new best friend is letting me use his phone. Ummm, Gramma, can I hang out with him after school today?"

There was a moment of silence. "What? Friend? Hang out? What?" she said, sounding aghast.

He blushed deeper and turned a little away from me in embarrassment, but I caught him and hugged him to me. I felt his tension flow out and he relaxed, looking up at me gratefully. "Yes, he's my new best friend, he's really, really awesome and nice!"

"Dear, is this another imaginary friend?"

I stroked my fingers through his hair, helping diffuse his clearly evident embarrassment. "No Gram. I haven't had one of those since I was in sixth grade. This is my real friend, his name's Will. Can I please do something with him after school?"

"Do what?"

He looked up at me questioningly, and I shrugged and admitted "I dunno, hadn't really thought about it yet. Go to the mall, catch a movie, go out to dinner, something like that?"

He repeated those things to her, and she sounded cross. "You mean you don't even know what you'd do? Troy, you've never even mentioned this boy before, and you've often said you don't have any friends. I'm happy for you if you have one now, but I'm a little concerned about his motivation. Why doesn't he come over here for dinner so your grandfather and I can meet him, OK?"

I could feel the humiliation and frustration fill him through my embrace. "Gramma! That isn't cool! I just..."

I caught his attention and smiled. "That'd be fine, hon'. I'd like to meet your grandparents, and if that'll help them feel confident, I'm cool with it."

"What? But that's... Well... you sure it's OK? You aren't upset at me?" He said, looking up at me with his big eyes, as if he was afraid that the slightest misstep would make me disdainful of him again.

"It's just fine. We can hang out some other time." I smiled.

He put the phone back to his big ear. "It's OK, I guess."

"Shall I drive us so your grandparents don't have to drive in to pick you up?"

"Oh! Will's gonna drive me home, so you don't hafta come pick me up!" He repeated proudly.

I heard his grandma again. "Have you watched him? What kind of driver is he? Kids nowadays are so reckless, I think I should come pick you up."

He sounded nearly hysterical. "Gramma, please!!!"

A loud sigh from the other end could be heard. "Alright, you can come home with him. Make sure you buckle your seatbelt, and don't let him drive a lick over the speed limit!"

He put his head down, looking ashamed. "Fine Gram." He mumbled.

I stroked his hair and tried to relax him. After he got off the line with her and hung up, he had trouble meeting my eyes. "She's always doin' that to me." He mumbled.

I caught him and hugged him. "She's just trying to protect you as best she knows how. I honestly don't mind. I'll do my best to make them like me, and then she'll let us hang out whenever we want to, right?"

He clung to me. "I guess that's true."

I glanced at my watch. "Thirty seconds to the next bell! Run!"

We scampered for the door, making it to our seats just as the bell stopped ringing.

* * *

Class was a bore. We sat together, which got me some questioning looks from my friends. Troy, as usual for him, sat up stock-straight in his chair, folded his hands on the table in front of him, and stared attentively as the teacher talked.

When the lecture was over and we were discussing current events, I smiled and said, "Hey. Sit how I'm sitting. Lower in your chair, legs out, relax. Just take it easy. Part of being cool is just trying to act like everyone around you, ya know? Don't look so eager and interested, you stick out."

He looked at me like I was an alien. "What? But that's bad posture, remember the lecture on posture? And I want to learn, that's why I sit forward and listen good!" I could tell he was hurt or insulted or something.

I held my hands up. "Hey, take it easy! You can do whatever you want, hon'. It isn't gonna change the way I feel about you one way or the other, I promise. It's just you asked me to help you be cool, I was tryin' to do that is all."

He stared at me. "Oh... Oh! I understand now!" He slid down in his chair, trying to approximate the way I was sitting. I grinned at him, but he looked at me gravely. "But I'm supposed to listen hard at school."

I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't say you should listen any less than you do, did I? But you don't need to sit like a statue with your hands folded to do that, right?"

"What about being ready to take notes, then?" He said, starting to look like he was eager to learn what I was telling him.

I handed him my notebook. "I sat with my notebook on my knee and took notes. Compare 'em to yours, I bet I got all the same stuff off the board that you did, am I right? Looking relaxed and chilled-out doesn't mean I don't pay attention or don't take notes."

He looked up at me admiringly. "And this stuff... this will make me cooler?"

I nodded. "You don't wanna stick out and act different. That's a big reason you always drew scorn, because you acted different. I feel terrible saying this now, you're such a sweetie... but please don't take it that I'm saying this stuff to insult you or indicate that I'm not happy with you just how you are. I'm only trying to help where you asked for it.

"I did, an' this is... Well, I never thought about it before. Thanks, Will!"

I nodded and winked at him. He saw that and flushed happily. "Willy Will." He murmured, giggling a little. Something about the way he'd always do that with my name used to infuriate me, prompting me to beat up on him. I could never figure out why he didn't stop doing it therefore, and maybe now I had my answer. In his clumsy, offish way, he'd been flirting. I felt ashamed.

* * *

After school, he directed me while I drove us to his grandparents. We chatted happily and held hands the whole time, something that felt so good it gave me goose bumps. He lived on a small farm which, when I got out, I could tell was old and somewhat run-down. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and led the way up to the door, but looked at me very gravely. "Please Will, don't tell 'em we're lovers, OK? They're old and think bein' gay is evil."

I nodded. "Of course not, pal. That's a very private thing which we shouldn't share with anybody else unless we both agree to it. Sound fair?"

He nodded emphatically and smiled, looking relieved. "Yeah! Thanks, Willy."

He opened the door and we headed inside. The house was an ancient farmhouse with rough-hewn wood floors and rough wood walls. It smelled strongly of old house and wood smoke, which was coming from a wood burning stove in the middle of the room as it burned to heat the house in the cool, late autumn afternoon. It looked incredibly rustic, old enough that electricity and running water probably had been retrofitted into it.

His grandmother came bustling over to us from the other side of the room, which was the kitchen of the house. She was peering at me with suspicion evident in her face. Like most furkind, she didn't show age through wrinkles like humans, instead mostly showing it through a stooped back and a boney figure that had lost the curvaceous beauty of youth. It wasn't hard to see where my little lover had gotten his looks from; she was still quite beautiful.

"Gramma, this is Will, my best friend in the whole world! Will, this is my Gamma." Troy proclaimed proudly.

She stared at me intently. "Troy, would you go help your grandfather finish milking the cows?" She said, wiping her paws on her apron.

He stared at her aghast. "What??? Gramma I..."

"Now Troy. It will only take a few minutes." She said firmly.

He sighed, disgusted. "C'mon, Will."

"No, you stay here young man. I'd like a word with you." She said coolly.

I could tell my new friend was about to blow his stack at this, but I patted his shoulder and nodded encouragingly. He stared at me and blinked, then slowly nodded and left without saying anything. His grandmother walked over to the window and watched him, making sure he went into the barn before whirling on me.

"What are you playing at with my grandson?" She demanded angrily.

I blinked, the smile fading from my lips, afraid she might have picked something of our love up somehow. "Umm, pardon?" I said, blushing.

"I happen to know how all the boys in the school treat him. They are all cruel because he's small and a little different. He has no friends, as he has told me many times." She snapped at me.

My mind was racing, but I slowly said "Well, I like him a lot and I want to be his friend, so that's not true anymore."

She glared at me. "What's your name?"


"Your full name!" She hotly insisted.

I got a nervous grind in my stomach. Something about that question was loaded, I could tell, and answering was going to be bad, but what else could I do? I couldn't lie to her. "William Baints." I nervously said.

She bared her teeth. "I knew it. You know how many times Troy has come home crying, telling me stories of the cruel things you've done to him? Ever since you were kids you've been rotten to him, absolutely rotten! You slam him into the lockers all the time, you broke his lunch pail last month, you make fun of him and call him 'mellon-head' and 'butt-face,' and just last week you threw him through the emergency exit doors and down some cement stairs! He's still covered in bruises from that, and I think it might have even cracked a rIB: "

I could tell she was shaking and furious. "I... I..." I faltered, at a loss for a response.

She was burning holes in my heart with her furious glare. "Oh, and my favorite. My absolute favorite: last year, when you were pounding on him and he was crying, he asked you 'What did I ever do to you?' and do you remember what your response was?"

I stared at her in horror. "Do you???" She shouted.

I hung my head and nodded. "Y-Yes ma'am." I whispered.

Softly, she spat it out anyway. "You told him, 'you were born.'"

I sank back into a chair at their dining room table, blinking back tears and looking at my hands. Her words and voice were biting, filled with bitter recrimination. "Do you have any idea what a statement like that means to a boy whose mother abandoned him at birth? Do you??? You are a monster. The worst kind of predatory, cruel beast on this planet; you pick out the weak, the helpless, the different... and you torment them for your own amusement."

"If Troy was big and strong, you'd leave him alone, but because he's small and weak, you pick on him constantly, you coward. You stick his head in the toilet and make him lick the locker room floor. Anything and everything you can do to be cruel to him and demean and degrade him, you get your jollies out of that."

My face was nearly purple I was so flushed, and I swallowed, nodding but unable to find my voice. I was silently crying hard, filled with shame at what I'd done as she reminded me of the terrible things I'd done to my new boyfriend. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I... don't, ma'am. Everything you've said is true." I whimpered between sobs.

I wasn't ready for it, but she suddenly sucker-punched me right in the face. For a little old lady, she was strong and quick, and the next thing I knew I was in a heap on the ground. "Then get out of my house, and forget whatever cruel, sick trick you were planning on playing on him! Get out of here right now, before he comes back from the barn, or so help me, I'll show him how to pound on a bully myself!"

I gingerly rubbed my cheek where she'd hit me, and picked myself up off the floor. I sat back down in the chair. "Go ahead then, ma'am. I know I deserve it. I know I can never be worthy of his friendship, I know I can never make up for all I've done to him. All I can tell you is the same thing I told him; I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for everything, and I just want to be his friend and protect him and make sure he never suffers like that ever again, from anybody at school."

She stared at me, shocked. "You are so full of manure, boy."

I wiped my eyes. "No ma'am. I mean, yes ma'am, I am, but about this I'm serious."

"You've been awful to him since he was in fifth grade. Last week you physically assaulted him worse than you've ever done before, and now you expect me to believe that at the drop of a hat, you've turned over a new leaf and are his best friend?" She looked like she was going to punch me again.

From the door, I heard Troy's soft voice. "Yes Gamma, he has."

I was incredibly relieved as he walked back in and stood beside me. I wanted to hug and kiss him, but I knew better. She turned to him. "Honey, he's just doing this to play a terrible prank on you, and you are going to end up hurt worse than ever."

"No, he isn't. He really is my friend now. I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. You've just gotta believe me." He said, grinning at me.

"Deary, what in the world makes you think that?" She cried, exasperatedly.

"Because... he and I have talked heart-to-heart and made our peace. He's spilled his guts to me and I to him, and he's shed many tears of remorse. I forgive him for everything that has ever happened between us. Please Grandma, will you forgive him too? You can if I can, right?" He looked at her earnestly.

She was studying his face intently. Slowly, she weakly said "I don't believe him Troy, and I don't want to see him hurt you all over again. You can't change a lifetime of behavior in one day." As she spoke her voice built, as did her evident anger. "You are letting him manipulate you all over again, honey! He's acted nice towards you before! He's a liar and a sneak!" She whirled on me. "Damn you for doing this to my grandson! You've got him believing you!"

I'd thought the situation had been diffused, but suddenly she was smoldering with rage again, and just like that, I got blasted in the face with a fist I didn't even see coming for the second time, and again found myself on the floor holding my now very sore jaw. "Ung..." I grunted.

Troy's paws flew to his pretty muzzle and he gave a scream of shock. "Gramma, no! Don't hit him!" He dove on me, hugging me and shielding me with his own body. "I love him! He's my best friend! He's changed, I promise! I've dreamed all my life of being friends with him, he's always been my hero, and now he finally is... please, please don't turn him away from me after all this, I couldn't bear it!"

He wailed, beginning to cry, and suddenly she looked very uncomfortable and confused. He turned to me. "Don't listen to her, I know you're changed, I believe you! Don't go away! I'll die if you go away!"

I sat up and hugged him a little self-consciously since his grandma was right there, but he was clinging to me fiercely, so I reciprocated. "Don't worry, pal. I'm not going anywhere. I'm never leaving your side." We sort of laid there in a heap on the floor, with his grandma staring at me.

At last, she slowly reached out a paw and helped me back up to my feet. She pulled me close and softly said "If you break his heart, so help me, I swear I'm going to cut your balls off."

I nodded. "If I break his heart, I'll provide the knife for you to do it. I mean it."

She stared into my eyes for a moment, then snorted and laughed. "Alright, I admit he seems determined and honest about this. I just hope you are right, sweetie."

"I am, Gamma, I promise! C'mon Will, let's go to my room!" He said, looking immensely relieved. He grabbed my hand in his warm little paw and I let myself be dragged along by him. I glanced back and saw his grandmother still watching me closely.

His room was as dingy and sparse as the rest of the house, and looked like his grandma decorated it. He had no posters, no toys or models or anything to indicate a young male even lived here. It was all doylies and flower arrangements and paintings of little girls doing ballet. Looking around, I suddenly felt very sorry for him. It didn't look like he had much of a chance to be a kid if his room was like this. I suddenly was starting to see why he acted strange at school... his perception of normal was warped.

I sat down in the chair he had in front of his little desk and held my arms out for him to come to me. He hesitated a bit, glanced at the door to make sure it was closed, then came forward and sat down side-saddle on my lap, looking apologetic. "I'm so sorry about that. I shoulda known she'd be mad and wouldn't understand. I... I kinda have told her some of our past."

I nodded. "I know. She told me that before she punched me the first time."

His paws flew to his mouth again. "She hit you more than once???"

I nodded. "Yeah, but don't feel bad, I deserved it. For that matter, if you wanna belt me one, go ahead. I deserve a couple thousand for all the times I've mistreated you." I glanced at him sheepishly.

He shook his head violently. "Oh, noooo! I don't want to hit you! I'm really sorry this happened... are you honestly not mad at me?"

"Not even a tiny bit. I could really use a comfort kiss, though... my jaw hurts. Your grandma is really strong."

He laughed regretfully, then stood up, sat back down straddling me between his long legs, then wrapped his arms around me, kissing me deeply. I embraced him, pressing his warm, soft body tightly to me. He arched his back up strait, pressing himself firmly into me, a very firm, aggressive, masculine kiss. After several wonderful minutes, I lowered my face from the kiss and nuzzled his soft neck fur, stroking my hands over his body.

I suddenly realized I hadn't seen him naked, and I really wanted to. I slid my hands under his dingy, faded, button-up shirt and felt his soft, silky chest fur. He was so slender, so slight, and so sexy to me. I ran my fingers the length of his long ears, through his tangled mass of brown hair, and down his slender, curvaceous back. More, I wanted more of his body.

I began to unbutton his shirt, eager to strip his body and explore him sexually. He caught my eager hands in his paws and looked at me with fright in his eyes. "No, not here, Willy! My grandparents are rabbits, they'll hear us! Not to mention we can't lock my door, and Gramma's only about twenty steps away in the other room!" He whispered urgently.

I looked at him longingly, but nodded and gently began to re-button his shirt. "I'm really sorry. I'm sure you wanted to make love face to face tonight, didn't you?" He breathed, looking apologetic.

I smiled and picked him up, carrying him over to the bed, holding him tight in my arms. He kept his legs wrapped around me and giggled as I gently plopped him down, flopping over on top of him and beginning to kiss him everywhere, but moving towards his penis. "I want to show you how much I love you, baby." I murmured softly. I gently and deliberately began to rub his crotch with my hand. I could feel that his bunny-cock was already pretty much totally hard.

"Willy, Willy, we can't! Please, what if she decided to come in here right now? What would we do?" He looked scared.

I kissed his dick through his jeans, then moved up and rested my chin on his tummy. "Keep your sexy ears peeled, babe, and jump away like lightning, right?" I cooed to him.

He shook his head, looking miserable. "I want to, but please Will... we just can't. Please stop."

I sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to scare you or get you in trouble. Take it as a complement that I find you so ravishing and irresistible. I'll stop. That reminds me of another question I have about you, though."

"What?" He said, sitting up as I rolled off him.

"Are you ticklish?" I dove on him and began to gently but furiously tickle him. He let out a yelp of delight, and I found out that he was indeed very tickly as he writhed around and tried to escape, shrieking and laughing loudly.

"Noooo!" He wailed in delight as I caught him and held him down, tickling him. He was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe, but he had the presence of mind to go on the offensive and attack me back.

I wasn't actually particularly ticklish myself, but in the interest of fun and fairness I let out a whoop and tried to scramble away from him, leading him on a mad chase around his room. He finally pounced on me, and I was amazed at how slender and light he was as he sat on my back and proceeded to tickle the hell out of my feet. I struggled to get up on all fours, but pretended to fail and collapse back down.

He was shrieking and laughing in delight, torturing me, when suddenly the door flew open on his grandmother carrying a rolling pin. "I told you what I'd do if you hurt my grandson! I'll..." She froze as she saw what we were doing, though we'd stopped when she crashed into the room.

She looked beyond flabbergasted as she stared at us; me down and helpless with Troy sitting on my back and tickling my feet while I struggled to escape. Troy stopped and released my feet. "I'm sorry Gramma, were we making too much noise? We'll stop."

"No!" She almost shouted, looking overcome with emotion. "No, don't stop on my account, please... make all the noise you want!" She turned and hurried from the room, but I could tell she was crying. It dawned on me that if Troy had never had any friends, this was probably the first time she'd ever seen him playing and having fun with another boy. I felt another surge of affection towards him. God damn, I wanted to have sex with him!

I rolled over underneath him, steadying his body as I did so. I put my hands on his hips, resting my arms along his thighs as he knelt over me, now sitting on my stomach. "Hey, how 'bout a tour of the farm? I bet we can hunt up a little more privacy somewhere out there, don't you think?" I said, smiling.

He blinked and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, prolily we could!" He sounded delighted at that prospect and got up off of me. I climbed to my feet and we headed out of his room.

"I'm gonna show Will around the farm, Gramma!" He enthused.

"OK, just stay within earshot so I can call you for dinner. You like vegetable soup, William?" She asked, smiling so kindly at me that I blushed a little.

"Oh definitely!" I enthused, reminded that rabbits were herbivores. "It smells really good, too!"

She smiled at me, and as we walked outside after putting on our shoes, Troy proudly declared "Gramma's veggie soup is the best in the world! I hope you're hungry!"

I chuckled. "I'm starving. I don't eat lunch anymore for some reason. Too distracted, I guess."

He laughed and playfully punched my shoulder. "I wonder why!" I looked down at him and grinned back, and could see in his eyes that he was still watching me very closely, still afraid I might turn on him for something as minor as a friendly shoulder-punch.

He showed me around what was apparently a dairy farm. It wasn't particularly big and certainly wasn't fancy... there wasn't even electricity in the barn, but it was my lover's home, so I enjoyed the tour.

I met his grandfather, who was building a wooden lamp in a small workshop he had in the barn. He looked up at me as Troy introduced me. "Gampa, this is my best friend in the world, Will! Will, this is my Grampa."

The old rabbit looked up at me from what he was doing. "William Baints?" He asked with distaste as I stepped forward and offered my hand.

I tried to cover a wince. "Yessir. Pleased to meet you." He shook my hand with a steely grip and looked none too friendly.

Troy was apparently not going to risk getting me punched again, because he stepped in front of me immediately, blocking me from his grandfather. "Yes, and he and I have patched things up and made peace now, so don't get upset at him. He really is my best friend, OK?"

Though his grandfather didn't look convinced, he didn't openly challenge him, and instead nodded and welcomed me to the farm. It was a relief that he wasn't going to sock me in the mouth anyway. I reached up and felt my jaw, and could tell I was going to have trouble eating hard food for a couple days. Good thing dinner was just vegetable soup.

"My God, Troy." I said as we strolled through one of the fields full of cows. "All these years I've been so cruel to you, and I never once thought about how it made you feel, and I certainly never thought about how it made your grandparents feel. I can tell they both hate me, and I know I completely deserve it."

"Will, you can't change the past, no matter how much you want to. All you can do is change the present and the future. They'll come around quickly now, once I start coming home with stories about how nice you are. I'm sorry I gave you such a bad reputation with them, though. It's not like you were the only one who would beat up on me, but you were the only one I cared about, and so the only one I talked about much."

"Baby, don't you dare apologize. You've done absolutely nothing wrong in _all_of this. Everything, all of it was my fault, OK? I'm fully willing and prepared to pay the piper for what I've done to you, and try to make it up to you." He smiled up me as I said that.

He was still staring at me and smiling when he suddenly pulled up behind a large Maple tree. "We can see the house from here and hide behind this to play together. We just need to make sure we keep an eye out that nobody's coming." He declared, reaching for my pants.

I had other ideas, though. I grabbed him, turned him around against the tree and began to kiss all over his sexy body, touching him everywhere at once with my eager fingers. He giggled happily. "Don't you want me to suck you?" He moaned as I undid the buttons of his shirt.

I stared in open lust at his skinny, slender chest and stomach as I drew eager, trembling fingers all over his upper body. "Baby, you've been doing that for a week. It is well past my turn to do something special for you this time, OK?"

"Uhm... but when you did my bottom, it felt really good and I came... it's not like I haven't gotten to enjoy what we've been doing." He said, his voice higher than usual. I shrugged, kissed his nipples and slowly knelt down, making my way down his fuzzy tummy. I gripped his soft, round, sexy ass and kneaded the flesh in delight. I happened to look up at him expecting eagerness and could see instead that he looked scared.

I paused, surprised and a bit confused to be seeing that reaction from him. I sat back on my feet and looked up at him. "Troy, whatever is the matter? Don't you want me to give you oral sex?"

He gulped and shook his head no. I couldn't for the life of me fathom why not as I stared at him in shock. "...But, you've given me such wonderful pleasure with your muzzle, and it feels sooo good, I want to treat you to the same pleasure. Why don't you want me to?"

"I've never done it before, and I'm scared" was his reply.

That made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. "You mean you'd given head to guys before me?"

"Yes, I mean, no. Not to anything living. I practiced on bananas for a long time, and tried sticking things up my butt, so I knew how it would feel. I'm scared I won't know what to do, or that you won't like how I look or something." He said, sounding a bit pathetic.

I thought for a moment, then said, "Do you trust me, darling?"

"Uh-huh." He whispered, nodding.

"OK, then lie down here at the base of the tree, behind it so we're hidden from the house."


"Please? Trust me, Troy."

At that, he plopped immediately down on his back, propping up his head against a large root. I pulled off my jacket and wadded it up, placing it behind his head for a makeshift pillow. "You'll be cold!" He protested.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine for a bit. Honey, listen to me, OK? I love you, you know that, right? Getting a blow-job from your lover isn't something to be afraid of or shy away from. It's supposed to be wonderful and intimate. I want to make you feel good, to give back the love and care you've shown me. I promise you I'll be gentle and take good care of you, won't you trust me?"

He swallowed, and I could see he was getting a bulge in his pants. I ran my fingers over it and purred. "Oh, you've got a sexy cock, I can just tell. I love you so much, Troy. Please give me the chance to show you how wonderful sex is. I promise you'll like it."

"Ohhhhkay. Watch for my Gamma, though." He squeaked.

As I gently undid his pants and kissed his tummy fur, I reflected on what that could have all been about. He was willing to suck me off and let me fuck him up the ass, but was afraid to let me suck on his penis? That made no sense. On the other hand, he was eccentric, I knew that going in to this, and he probably just needed some coaxing to try it the first time and would love it after that.

I pulled his jeans open and found a crummy, threadbare old pair of tighty-whiteys covering the bulge between his legs. I smelled deeply his musky male scent. It wasn't at all sharp and unpleasant like human smell, but was instead earthy and attractive. I caught the edges of his underwear and pulled them down, letting his penis spring eagerly free of the prison.

He had a very nice cock, if perhaps a bit small. His balls were covered with pretty, downy-soft white fur, and his naked pink shaft was throbbing with his heartbeat. The head was glossy purple and swollen, his skin uncut and very silky. "It's cold." He whimpered a little.

I smiled up at him. "I'll warm you up. You have a sexy dick, baby." I lowered my head and began to kiss his cock, enjoying his lovely smell. I nibbled on the skin tenderly, feeling the many veins covering his warm meat.

"Really? I always thought it was small." He said, sounding embarrassed.

"I don't know, I just think it's beautiful and sexy and warm and soft and the best looking cock I've ever seen in my life. I love it, babe." I held it in my fist, gripping it firmly as I began to lick at the tip of it.

"Wwwwwwwow!" He squeaked. "Oh, that feels incredibly good!"

I pulled his foreskin back and sucked the head of his penis into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it for a minute before responding. "You like it, huh? I told ya there was nothing to be afraid of!" I winked at him and resumed sucking on the tip, then took my free hand and began to play with his balls.

He nodded. "You were right. I'm sorry I was afraid to trust you. Ooo! I've never felt anything like this! It's so great! Oh God! Mmmm! I don't ever want you to stop, Willy-Willy!"

I slid my fingers to the tip to hold it steady, then firmly began licking up and down the length of his dick in long, luxurious strokes. I could taste his flesh, the flavor of a rabbit very different from a human, yet so erotic and sweet that I was more and more falling in love with him every minute. His sexy, slender body was beautiful to me, I thought the sexiest body I'd ever seen. He looked so much better than any girls, it was crazy. He was all I desired.

I turned sideways and smooched his shaft, flicking my tongue rapidly sideways as I slid up and down his penis. He groaned in delight and hugged my head in his delicate, fuzzy arms. "You taste and smell so sexy, bunny. I love your fragrance, it's the sexiest thing I've ever smelled."

He was squirming around, scrabbling at the grass as well as the tree we were stretched out under. "Willy! Oh, Willy-Will-Will!" He laughed in ecstatic delight. "This feels sooOOO good! I love you so much! I can't believe you're doing this to me, that you care about me and love me! Oh Willy, I'll never, ever ask for anything ever again, this is my greatest dream, and now you're all mine!"

I pulled my lips off his penis, gently stroking it and sliding forward to kiss his glossy black lips. He tasted so sweet, and I drank from his lips over and over again. In-between kisses I smiled and cooed happily to him, stroking his sexy body. "Yes, I am all yours and yours alone. I love you, Troy." I whispered, my lips touching and brushing across his.

It was time to go deep. I gripped his cock in my hand and sucked the swollen purple head into my mouth, slowly and evenly sucking my way down his throbbing shaft. It was so warm, and I could feel the quick pulse of his heartbeat. He was eagerly groaning, stroking his paws through my hair and trembling with anticipation. I could tell whatever inhibitions he'd had, they were gone now and he was dying for me to love him orally.

Slowly, luxuriously, I sank down on him, taking his shaft inside my mouth. I sucked fairly hard and swirled my tongue in circles around on the bottom of his cock, a sensation which made him squeal. I sank him in to the hilt, slithering my tongue all over everywhere I could reach. He gave a little hump, which made me gag and pull back off him quickly.

"Sorry!" He wailed, but I winked at him and slurped him back in immediately. It felt so good... I had another male's penis in my mouth. I was sucking on him, giving him pleasure, feeling his lovely body twitch and squirm with every move I made. The skin was so slippery when wet, the flesh loose and velvety as it slid over his rock-hard meat. It was very masculine and raw love, and I was instantly addicted to the sensation of pleasing another male.

I used the tip of my tongue to draw circles up and down his cock as I slid it in and out of my mouth, then laid it flat and let my taste buds rub it along in all directions, keeping on bobbing up and down throughout it all.

After a minute or two of that, I pulled off him, gripping a fist around his dick to keep it warm, and started slurping on his furry balls. He gave a delighted cry at that, and I firmly sucked them into my mouth and worked them over with my tongue as I covered them in drippy kisses.

As I felt his balls tighten up against his body, I reached down and fingered his tight little pink anal pucker. He gave a hoot of delight, apparently having passed the point of coherency in this. I glanced up from my work and could see he was going crazy with the pleasure of sex, and I couldn't help but smile. Making him feel this good didn't reverse years of cruelty, but it had to count for something. I considered his mind blown.

I went back to sucking his cock into my mouth, and began to bob up and down again, blowing him eagerly. I gripped his tight, sexy balls in my left hand, between my thumb and forefinger, and squeezed and pulled on them. I then got a good idea and pulled off, spitting on my middle finger to soak it down good and wet before sucking him back in my mouth. I slid my finger gently, carefully up his tight, round, luscious little bubble butt and gently began to finger fuck his beautiful, sexy anus.

His muscles flexed, threatening to squirt me out of his body, but I kept pumping my finger into his butt hard enough to cause that sexy rump to jiggle. I thought I could even feel the bump of his prostate inside his soft, slippery guts and turned my finger to focus putting pressure on that part of him.

I think I pretty much made him go insane. He told me later that it felt so much better than anything he'd ever thought possible that he nearly passed out. His cock lurched in my mouth, and though I tried to change my focus and keep from tipping him over the edge, he simply grabbed my head and started face-fucking me wildly. I gagged and choked at the brutal treatment as I got a firsthand experience of the reason behind the statement "fucking like rabbits."

He was humping me so fast it was practically like he was vibrating. I tried to just breathe, to control my gagging and gurgling, then remembered my finger in his bowels and started to play with him again. He howled in delight and suddenly froze with his pelvis smashed into my face. I felt his cock lurch and spew a hot, thick streamer of bunny cum.

In between every ejaculation, he humped a good five or six times, churning the slippery seed into a froth in my mouth as I worked to keep blowing him despite not being able to breathe. He filled me with six or more years of his pent-up jizm, spilling all his lust, all his sexual desires and needs into madly fucking my mouth and filling me with his spunk.

His ass-hole was flexing firmly, trying its damnedest to eject the intruding finger, but I kept fingering him deep, working that spot with all the strength of my finger and hoping it was his special place. He writhed, shaking violently, then went stiff. I felt the squirts of semen slow to a gentle oozing, and after a few more weak lurches and swells, he relaxed back into the grass, exhaling a giant breath and panting like he'd run a marathon.

I gasped, pulling off with a loud slucking sound and breathing heavily. I grinned at him. "Well, was I right? Did you like it?"

He looked incredibly solemn, and he nodded vaguely. "That was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had in my life. Thank you so much, Willy..." His voice broke. At last, after giving him this, I saw absolute trust in his eyes. He now truly believed I loved him, and trusted that I would never turn on him. I was overjoyed.

I pulled back, swallowing thickly at the mouthful of his semen, and smiled at him. "I love you, Troy. More than anything in the world, I love you."

"I love you too, Will. More'n anything." He whispered, staring at me wide-eyed. A droplet of his seed formed at the tip of his penis, and I sucked his softening head, pulling the last few drops out of his balls.

He suddenly saw I was shivering in the cool fall air and sat quickly up, grabbed my coat from where he'd been laying his head and handed it to me. "Here! You must be freezing!" He chirped.

I giggled gently. "You take such good care of me, honey. I already can't imagine life without you."

He beamed at me, then blinked as his smile faded. "Are you serious, or are you teasing me?" So much for him trusting me fully. I suppose I was being optimistic; it would take me a long time to be worthy of trust. I blushed in shame.

"I'm absolutely serious, baby. I would never tease you about something like that." I said, sadly.

He must have seen the shame in my eyes, because he whispered. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinkin'."

I stood up, reaching down to offer him a hand to pick him up and hug him and tell him it was OK, when I happened to glance up, sensing some movement at the edge of my vision. There, way too close for comfort, was his grandmother, walking towards us. I hadn't been being particularly careful to stay behind the tree, and she'd seen me.

He put his paw in my hand, but I yanked it back quickly, startling him. "You grandma's coming. Get your pants back on!" I breathed. His look of confusion turned to one of terror and he frantically yanked his underwear back up

"Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod..." He whimpered as he frantically fastened his pants, then began trying to get his shabby shirt back in order.

"Relax." I crooned gently to him. "We weren't doing anything wrong, so you have no reason to be scared. We were just relaxing and talking, two friends."

His clothes back in order, he took a deep breath and relaxed. "You're right. I don't have anything to be ashamed of. Thanks."

I smiled. "Your grandma's coming." I said aloud and offered him a hand. He took it and I hauled him to his feet, surprised at how little he weighed. At the same time, I smiled and waved to the old lagomorph.

Troy turned and smiled, waving too. "Hi Gramma! Time for supper?"

She nodded, smiling. "There you two are. What are you up to?" This time, I could tell she was just being friendly instead of being suspicious.

I motioned around at the farm surrounding us. "Troy was showing me around. I've never been on a farm before, so I'm having fun seeing all this stuff. We'd just stopped and were chatting a bit."

My sexy little lover stared at me in surprise. "Rilly? You've never been on a farm before? You didn't tell me that."

I shrugged and nodded. "I'm a city kid. What can I say?"

We walked back into the house. The warm felt good after being so cold. Troy looked up at me gravely. "You gotta wash your hands, don't forget." He said.

I nodded and chuckled. "I know. I'm on it. That's the bathroom there, right?"


"Why is it so important that he wash his hands?" His grandma asked. She was still paying very close attention to me, even if she did believe my intentions were pure... or maybe she was just curious or nosey.

I smiled. "I may have put my hand in something." I winked at Troy, who was looking flustered at the question.

His grandmother laughed. "Not used to a farm, huh?"

I headed into the bathroom and cleaned up, then walked out, finding Troy waiting to use it. He disappeared inside, and I walked a little hesitantly over to the table, which was filled with a bounty of vegetable dishes. His grandfather came out of the other door in the little hallway, I assumed from their room, and made directly for me, walking quickly. I'd smiled at him, but my smile faltered. I feared another pounding, but stood my ground.

Instead, he threw himself on me and hugged me fiercely, so hard I could barely breathe. "Marge has told me everything. Oh William, I can't thank you enough for this. Troy is so lonely and miserable. He needs you so badly... someone who will look and see what a nice boy he is. Thank you, thank you so much."

This again. I just didn't feel worthy of it all, and over and over again I was seeing how badly I'd treated him in juxtaposition to my feelings for him now. "I'm so sorry I was cruel to him. I'll do everything I can to make it up to him, I swear it. He's never gonna have to be alone again. And that's not gonna stop when I graduate, either."

"Thank God for you. Thank God you saw the truth." The old man was in tears. He grabbed my shoulders and held me at arm's length, looking up into my face. "What in the world made you change toward him?"

I blushed again. "Well... it's very private, but I guess it boils down to the fact that he reached out to me and was kind, helped me out big time. He did it anonymously though, and when I managed to learn who my benefactor was... all my cruelty crashed down on my head at once. Now all I want to do is make him happy, make him smile, try to right some of those wrongs and give him life worth living instead of misery."

"You already have a thousand-billion times over." He said, padding around the corner from the bathroom. Then he dove on me and gave me a huge hug too. Suddenly all three of them were there, hugging me.

"Aww... You guys, I'm not doing anything special. I really like Troy a lot, and I want to give him the companionship a wonderful guy like him deserves." He looked sharply up at me with a look of delighted merriment. He'd gotten my double entendre, apparently.

We sat down to eat, and we chatted away for a long time. I managed to hit it off with his grandparents, though they were looking at me in a periodically worshipful, then suspicious way, they were so grateful I was helping their grandson. It made me very uncomfortable, knowing I didn't deserve their praise and thankfulness.

After supper and talking for over an hour, I said "Well, we probably better work on our homework, pal."

He groaned. "I don't wanna. Let's go... walk around some more."

I twinkled at him at that, but sadly said "Naw, we got that reading to do and a paper to write on it. It's due tomorrow, so we don't have a choice. Besides, if we work on it together, it'll be more fun, right?"

"I guess." He sighed and slouched towards his room. I'd taught him well, I thought.

His grandmother grinned. "Good for you, Will. Maybe you can help us get Troy to do his schoolwork. He never wants to do it."

"Gamma!" He chided indignantly from his room.

I laughed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he gets his homework done."

"Will!" He squawked, sounding aghast.

"Work before play, pal! I can stay as long as we do our homework, otherwise I better head home so I can get it done." I winked at his grandmother.

"No! Stay! We can work on it!" He hurriedly declared.

She gave me the thumbs up and grinned at me as I shouldered my backpack and trotted into his room.

* * *

We lay on his bed, facing each other, working on the short essay we were supposed to write on our reading. It was hard to concentrate. It was hard to believe things had changed so much in so short a time. I leaned forward and kissed him affectionately, which made him smile at me. "I think I'm done!" He bubbled happily.

I nodded. "Yeah? Want me to proof-read it?"

He blushed and mumbled "I dunno. I'm not any good at this stuff."

I caught his warm little paw in my hand and squeezed it. "Sure you are, beautiful."

I read it over, giving him a couple corrections, and we finished out the rest of our homework. I got done first and stood up, going over to his dresser and grabbing his hairbrush from it. I came back over and sat gently down beside him, beginning to brush his tangled brown hair.

"Whadyadoin'?" He grunted, looking a little annoyed.

"Makin' you look sexy." I whispered into his ear. His hair was a total mess, like he never even bothered to comb it, but I was soon putting it into order.

He rolled over on his back and looked up at the ceiling with a sigh. "Is this how it's always gonna be?"

I blinked. "I'm sorry. I was only fawning over you 'cause I like you. You didn't like it?"

He shook his head. "No, I love it. It all feels too good to be true." He rolled back over and rested his head on my lap, his chin on my knee, and closed his eyes happily.

I resumed brushing his hair, brushing over and over until it was shiny and soft. "Yes, I hope it is always like this, babe."

* * *

I headed for home at nine, which he looked none too happy about. Before I left, I asked him "So, can we hang out tomorrow?" in the presence of his grandma.

He looked at her. She hesitated. "Not tomorrow, Troy; Aunt Judy is coming for dinner. Any other nights of the week would be OK, so long as you are home no later than nine-thirty, and get your homework done."

I grinned. "Awesome. Wednesday then?" He nodded emphatically. "Don't worry ma'am, we'll do our homework first before going out, I promise."

"Alright. Thank you for coming Will, it was nice to meet you. Thank you so much again." She said, smiling.

"Thank you so much for dinner and the hospitality, ma'am! The food was excellent. Seeya tomorrow then, pal!"

Troy waved from the porch the whole time I walked to my car, got in, drove down their driveway and turned onto the street. I glance up half a mile away and could still see him waving, a tiny speck in the distance. I shook my head and smiled.

* * *

I figured my resolve to care for him was going to be tested sooner rather than later. When I walked in the door of the school the next morning, I found that apparently the poor thing had been eagerly waiting for me there at the entrance, and some of the other seniors had surrounded him. He was in the middle of them, and they were pushing him around and laughing. My face flushed with anger, but shame too. I'd been one of the participants of these rings before, pushing him around until he cried. I'd taken pleasure in making him cry.

He saw me there and squealed "Will, help me!"

One of the big jocks, Jackson, looked up and saw me. "Shut up, ya little fag-boy! Will, come and join us, we're playing 'Ping-Pong-Troy-Gone' and could use another player!" They all laughed.

I had frozen, and I looked now into Troy's pretty green eyes, saw the fear there, the pleading for help. I could also see horror, because of my hesitation, he was thinking I was going to abandon him. He was so small amidst all of them... so helpless... Why in hell had I ever thought tormenting him was fun? It made me furious to see it now.

Here it came; the end of any popularity I had. My face blackened and I surged forward. "Leave him alone you fucking' jerks!" I yelled and broke my way into the center of the circle. My target was Jackson, undoubtedly the instigator, and he was so surprised by my response that he just stood there until I knocked him over on his ass with a punch to the jaw.

The rest of them moved hurriedly back, staring at me in total shock. I looked around at them all as Troy scuttled to my side and hugged my arm, shaking. "Listen, you jock douche-bags: Anybody messes with my pal Troy, they mess with me. Got it? You don't touch him, or I mess you up."

Jackson picked himself up off the floor. "Are you nuts, man? Is this a joke? You beat up on him more than any of us do!"

I gritted my teeth at that, and my voice was strained as I spoke. "Not anymore, I don't. He's my friend. I woke up and realized what a bunch of assholes we are to him. I've taken the time to sit down and talk with him and found out he's an incredibly nice guy, and I'm ashamed of how I've treated him. Stay away from him, I'm warning you all. Now, piss off."

That broke up the circle, and they muttered blackly to each-other as Troy and I walked purposefully for the lockers. I challenged each of them with my eyes as I passed, but none of them bothered us. I didn't release the tension in my muscles until we'd made it to the lockers, though.

"Awesome!" Squeaked Troy. "I bet they'll leave me alone now, finally!"

I sighed and shook my head. "I wish, but it's more likely it'll get worse as they test my resolve pal. Don't worry though; I'm here, and we'll be OK as long as we stick close together."

* * *

Partway through second-hour, I noticed the class was passing something around and tittering at it. Eventually, it made its way into Troy's paws where he sat next to me. I looked at it over his shoulder. It was a crude drawing of a rabbit fucking a human up the ass. There was a speech balloon over the human's head that said 'I love you, Troy!'

Troy stared at it blankly, then started to crumple it up. I caught his wrist, stopping him, and when he looked up at me questioningly, I motioned for him to give it to me. I unfolded it, drew some hearts around my head and underlined the word love. Then, feeling artistic, I drew a hand on myself, flipping the bird at the viewer and another speech bubble saying "And fuck you, Jason" as I recognized the artistic 'talent' on display.

I showed it to Troy, who stared up at me, shocked. I winked at him and smiled, and he gravely nodded his head in approval. I crumpled the paper back up into a ball, and when the teacher was distracted, I turned and threw it at Jason. I could tell he was trying to look innocent and like he wasn't paying attention to the reaction of his little drawing. My throw was perfect, beaning him right in the forehead, which made him jump. Those that were watching it laughed.

He opened up the wad of paper and looked over my modifications, and when he looked up at me, found I was flipping him the bird for real. He flushed red and looked angry, and I silently laughed at him as he glared at me. He tore the paper up and crumpled it, not letting anyone see it and throwing it in the trash after class.

* * *

By the end of second hour, everybody in school knew about what had happened, and the rampant rumor was obviously that Troy and I were lovers. Many of the girls were coming up to me and thanking me for helping Troy, for standing up for him, which was nice, but all the guys were making me the laughing stock of the year. I was asked what felt like ten thousand times how my new boyfriend was doing. I was asked how he was in bed, if I let him top, and any other supposed homophobic insults they could throw at me.

I don't think any of them actually believed we were lovers, so they thought I would be humiliated by these questions, but I was proud of Troy and really wasn't bothered by their attempted insults. They picked up on this, and became more vulgar, and far more insulting.

My little boyfriend watched all this unfold with a mixture of horror and misery. I could tell that in spite of a lifetime of abuse, he was feeling bad that I was being targeted as he always was. It made me love him all the more to see the empathetic pain in his large eyes.

As we made our way through the empty halls of the unused portion of the school heading for our special hiding place for lunch, he suddenly burst out crying. He threw himself against me and hugged me, sobbing "I thought it would all be better with you protecting me, but all it did is make us both a target! And it's gotten even worse! I can't even take three steps without somebody laughing in my face! I bet you regret liking me..."

I hugged him. "I have no regrets. I'm happier with you than I've ever been. I love you, sexy boy. We probably should have talked about this yesterday, because I knew this was inevitable. They're going to try and break me down for a while here, using every insult they can think of. Once I hold firm and they get tired of it, they'll move on and leave us mostly alone."

He sniffled. "I wish you hadn't done that to the picture. Now they all think we're gay!"

I stared at him for a second, then tipped my head back and laughed, hugging him. "But we are gay, honey!"

His cheeks flushed, but he doggedly persisted. "I know that, but what I mean is, they didn't know, and now they do."

I kissed his nose. "No, not true. Did we ever need any indication that you were gay to call you a fag before I woke up?"

"Uhh... no."

"That's because to an ignorant, stupid, homophobic heterosexual, there is no worse insult than to be called gay. I know, since I used to do it all the time. Now that I realize I am gay, I'm not exactly sure what the big insult was. It's like laughing at someone 'cause they're six feet tall. It's kinda like 'Yeah? So what?' I love being with you, and making love to you, and it feels so good, my fears seem silly now. I guess we all fear what we don't understand a bit, no matter how irrational it is. I'm babbling, aren't I."

"Uh-uh. I think you're right!" He shook his head and looked up at me worshipfully.

"Anyway, Troy, what I mean is, they were gonna call us gay regardless, because they can't think of a worse insult to call somebody. You notice he didn't need any hints to draw that picture in the first place."

"I guess." He said, brow furrowed. We resumed walking towards the bathroom. "I thought you weren't gonna help me for a second this morning. I called out to you and you hung your head. For a second I was sure you'd turn and leave and this was all over."

I groaned. "Auhgh... I'm sorry about that. I was just wishing it hadn't started instantly was all. I'd hoped they'd give us at least a week of peace before noticing us and testing me. I didn't mean to scare you. You don't trust me yet, huh."

"No, I do, I do!"

"Naw, you don't, and that's fine, because trust is earned. Truth is, I don't deserve your trust yet, but I'll work to earn it, I promise."

We stepped into the bathroom and I turned to him, kissing him gently. My arousal quickly grew, and I pressed him firmly back against the wall and began to passionately kiss him, to drown in his silky body and tickly fur. He looked and smelled so good. "I want you, my love." I growled to him in between gasping kisses.

"You can have me." He cooed, tilting his head back to allow me to kiss his neck and chest. I undid the buttons on his shirt and slipped it off his skinny, cute upper body. He looked great with his shirt off, I thought; so slender and small.

I knelt and undid his pants and gently pulled them down. I paused to undo his shoes, then yanked them off and removed his pants, leaving him down to just another pair of old underpants. I looked him over. "God-dammit, Troy! You have the sexiest body I've ever seen!" I moaned, then pulled his underwear off.

I could tell he felt self-conscious about being naked in front of me, especially since I was leering at him with open lust and desire. His cock was semi-stiff, but he was half covering himself with his paws. I caught a whiff of the sexy scent of his nakedness, and breathed deeply. "Put your hands on your hips, love. Spread your legs out a little so your cock and balls can dangle free. Mmmm, that's right." Hesitantly he did as I asked, and when he saw my delight at his movements, he began to eagerly do it.

I reached out and stroked the tip of his cock with a finger, then reach down and wrapped my hands around his thigh, firmly stroking up and down his long leg. I brought my hands all the way up to the top of his leg, feeling the warmth of his inner thigh next to his malehood. I kissed his swelling cock, and noticed by his body language he was no longer feeling shy, but was enjoying what I was doing to him.

I gently caught his hips and turned him around so I could see his sexy butt. Like I'd figured, his ass looked incredibly luscious. Though he was small and skinny, he had a full, voluptuous ass that most gay men would kill to have. I kissed and nipped at each round cheek, feeling the beautiful softness of his flesh. "Bend over." I managed to hoarsely command.

He did as I asked, resting his weight on the arms of the chair, and flicked his little puff-ball of a bunny tail. I gave a soft whine of delight, then hurried to undo my pants as it felt like my cock was about to break it was pushing so hard to escape its uncomfortable prison. His ass formed a perfect heart shape, and his cute, white-furred balls dangling beneath drove me crazy with lust.

"Oh God, I wanna be naked with you, my love." I groaned, gently pushing him over in the chair and madly tearing my clothes off.

It was his turn to watch me eagerly and as I threw off the last of my clothes, he gave a little gasp. "Oh wow, I thought I'd seen you naked 'cause I sucked your cock through a hole... now I realize how much better the full effect is!"

I smiled, playing with my penis. He saw me doing it and joined me until we were both hard and throbbing. "Glad you like it, baby. Umm, can I fuck your ass again?" I sheepishly asked.

He grinned and nodded. "I can hardly wait to try that again. It felt soooo good!"

I pulled him onto the floor with me, straddling his legs around my waist as I deeply kissed him. "You are so sexy. Oh God, wow! The feel of your soft fur against my skin feels just amazing!" I swirled my tongue around his, smiling happily.

He pulled back from me with an audible smack. "Ah! I'm so ready to be taken by you again, love!" He cried. I noticed his fur was bushed out, making him extra fuzzy. I plopped him back on the chair, low down in it so I could push his legs up against his chest and have access to his tight little ass.

As I lined up to push in, he gave a gasp. "Oh! Wait! Lube!"

"We were fine without it yesterday." I grunted, starting to push.

"That's 'cause I put some inside of me yesterday! Please don't dry fuck me!" He cried, sounding frightened.

"Easy, sweetheart. Of course I won't. Do you have some lube? 'Cause I sure don't, I know that."

He pointed. "My backpack."

I grabbed it and gave it to him and he yanked it open, digging around until he produced a bottle full of clear, thick liquid that read 'Anal Lube' on the label. Squeezing some on my cock, I smirked. "Do I want to ask how you scored a bottle of this?"

He laughed. "Do you really want me to spoil all the mysteries for you?"

I grinned and closed the bottle, touching my head to his pink little fur-ringed pucker. "Ooo... This feels so much better'n through a hole!" He groaned. "I can see you and feel you, and it's so much more romantic and sweet like this!"

"Oh yeah. I love how good you look naked, baby. Ready for it?" I moaned.

"Uh-huh!" He said, gritting his teeth and gripping the arm-rests of the chair with all his might.

"Here we go then!" I exulted, pushing into his anus. He was tight. As I pushed against him, his body tensed up even more and he whined. He looked so sexy like this! He was mine; mine to take, mine to breed, mine to sodomize... but also mine to love, to protect, to keep safe and cherish with all my heart.

He grabbed my cock in his paws, keeping me from pushing in farther. He whimpered, keeping his eyes squeezed shut, then slowly began to pull on my cock, encouraging me to push it slowly, luxuriously into his tight, slick, pink guts. I eased myself gently in, until at last I was through his muscles and sank down all the way inside.

He gasped loudly, his eyes opening wide. At the same time, I gave a happy cry, reveling in the feel of what was happening. "Oh fuck, pal! You feel so incredible! Is it OK, or should I pull out and let you relax?"

"N...nnoooo... Ah. Take it, aww c'mon, fuckin' take it." He hissed, squirming in pain. I felt his body shudder, and the weight of his legs was pulling down uncomfortably on my cock. I grabbed his ankles and pulled his legs wide, pushing his knees into his chest. "Ah fuck it... so big and hard." He moaned, grabbing his ass and pulling his round cheeks wide open.

Slowly, carefully I pushed down all the way, then slowly slid back nearly out. "How is it? Do you like that, baby? How does it feel sliding in and out of your sexy asshole?"

"Guh... it feels great, you know it does! Oh God, I love being taken by you! I love how it feels to be fucked by my Wills, to give him pleasure with my body. Ahhhhhhhh... Oh, it's so good. I feel so full. Do you like how I look beneath you, submitting to you, lover?" He enthused.

"I love it! You look so sexy laying there, legs splayed out and my cock forcing your asshole wide open. You're my sweet little princess, baby!" I could tell he was relaxed and comfortable now, so I began to slowly pull out and back in, gradually increasing the speed of it as his body responded. I could tell he was experiencing pleasure and began to set a good, hard pace. He shook and laughed in delight.

Kneeling before him, looking at his sexy body as he sat low in the chair, his rump protruded for me to enjoy... I felt profound emotional attachment, felt an incredible rush of love and lust pour over me. I leaned in and sloppily licked his sweet little face, feeling his tongue reach out to meet my own.

I lowered my face, pressing my forehead to his and looking down at our bodies dancing the dance of love, of romance, of intimacy. His cock was bouncing and jiggling to the rhythm of my thrusts, looking sexy as hell. It was fully erect and beautifully shiny and sleek, my lover's eager sex. I reached a hand down and began to stroke it, working him over as I loved his bottom.

"Ahhh... Willy, my Willy! I feel so loved and wanted when you do me!" He gurgled passionately.

I paused and looked down at him. "You are very loved and desperately wanted, Troy."

He reached his paws up around my neck and pulled me down to kiss me. I resumed pumping his silky, warm sphincter and started stroking his chest, working his hard penis with my other hand. It felt divine to love him, to caress him, to enjoy his skinny and sexy body.

I pulled out of his ass and watched it stay wide open, his pink bowels shiny and visible down inside him. "God, your ass is so wide open! I can see down into your guts, baby! That is so erotic!"

"You can?" He squeaked. "Am I injured? Is that bad?"

"No, no, no, that isn't bad. My cock just has your muscles stretched out and relaxed is all. They'll tighten back up."

He looked frightened. "When!? Am I not gonna be able to hold it if I have to go to the bathroom?"

I chuckled softly and gently massaged his rectal muscles. "Troy, you goofy little sweet-heart. This is perfectly normal. Just flex your ass a bit. There, see? All nice and tightened back up. You're very stretchy back there, doll. Making love to me isn't going to harm you in any way, I promise. I would never hurt my boyfriend like that, you know."

He looked relieved and relaxed back into the chair. "Sorry. Now I feel silly."

"You aren't, you're a dear." I said and eased back into him. His slippery flesh felt incredibly warm after being out in the relative cold of the bathroom. I grabbed his lovely round cheeks and worked them firmly in my hands as I began to fuck in-between them. I smacked his butt lightly, enjoying the jiggle of that full, round flesh.

"Ahh. What an ass." I moaned and grabbed the cheeks again, this time squishing them hard against the cock stuffed between them. I began to fuck him hard and fast, grinding deep into his body. He panted and groaned, putting his paws behind his head and relaxing back. I fucked him long and hard, reaching down and playing with his dick as I used his body to pleasure mine.

We stayed there, grunting and laughing and panting and fucking, working up a sweat as we fornicated eagerly. We kept pausing to meter it out, neither of us wanting it to be over too soon. I could tell he was more comfortable with me inside him all the time, as he relaxed and became more aroused and eager for deeper and harder penetration.

I had ahold of his hips and he was playing with his cock. Suddenly he squeeked, "Oh! Here it comes again! Oh my God, this feels so incredible! Mmmm! Oooo!"

"Let me finish you, love." I groaned thickly. He immediately relinquished hold of his meat, and I grabbed him in both hands and worked his cock and balls quickly and smoothly while I pounded into his ass as hard as I could. His moan became a cry, his cry became a wail, and his little body tensed as he curled into a ball.

I felt his ass flex insanely hard on my dick, and then he was shooting cum all over his chest and my hand. I madly pounded his jiggling ass with all my strength, and the flexing of his rectal muscles during orgasm didn't just tip me over the edge, it tossed me over like a cannonball.

I blew deep into his ass, harder than I ever had before in my life. I could hardly move through the pleasure, but I forced myself to continue fucking him, and to continue madly working his spurting shaft. "Ah, fuck, Troy! Oaghh!" I howled as I dumped a fountain of cum into his lovely asshole. Spurt after spurt filled his ass, warm and slick, until he was a creamy mess. The silky feel of cum lubricating us relaxed me as I came down off the most wonderful orgasm of my life.

"Ahhhhhhhh... haha! Wow, Oh man baby, I love it! That felt so good!" I fell forward and kissed him on the lips, hugging him and laughing in delight. We were both panting and grinning from ear to ear. In between kisses, I purred "Man, I thought the sex was great before... but holding you and hugging you and caressing you while we make love? This was unbelievable! Did you like it?"

He laughed happily. "Oh Willy, I loved it so much! It felt so good to cum while you were inside of me! I love you!" We kissed, and I ran a hand down his chest, suddenly coming in contact with his cum-smeared fur. I pulled back and looked at the matted mess of his once clean, fuzzy fur.

We both looked at it in delight for a second. "Wow, you came a ton, Troy!" I exulted happily.

As he took a breath to respond, the bell rang, indicating five minutes until lunch was over. We looked up at each other in shock. "Oh no!" He cried, laughing. "We gotta get cleaned up!"

"I'll help with your fur." I said and we dove over to the sink. I cleaned his fur up, then made sure his ass wasn't leaking my jizz and cleaned any lube off his sexy crack. I washed myself and we threw on our clothes, pelting through the halls to again dive into our seats just as the bell finished ringing. We laughed and shared knowing grins at each other as we tried to calm down and return to the boring trials of school.

* * *

The second half of the day passed pretty much like the first, only more so. The official new school pastime was making fun of me, and I was truly shocked at what Troy had to live with every day. I became even more protective of him, glad to take the abuse onto myself so long as none was directed at him, which for now at least was the case.

He, however, seemed to feel that he should be the one taking abuse and was horrified at the treatment I was receiving. I had to calm him down more than once to keep him from bursting into tears over it. We were both relieved when the day ended, although we were not going to be able to spend the evening together.

Before he left, I asked his grandma if it would be OK to have a sleepover Wednesday night at my place, which she agreed to. Wishing it could be tonight instead, I bid him a wistful goodbye and watched her drive him away.

* * *

Wednesday was an improvement. My boyfriend was waiting there at the front door for me, and I could tell he was overjoyed to see me. I grinned and gave him a half hug. "Hey, nobody gave you trouble today?"

"Nope! Nobody's said a word to me! Think they'll stop today?" He looked hopeful.

I smiled wistfully. "I really doubt it, though it might not be as bad for us today."

It wasn't. We were teased somewhat, but I wasn't afraid and would gladly issue comebacks. Jackson tapped me on the shoulder as I was sitting in class just before the bell and said, "Hey Bill, how's your new girlfriend?" He said it mockingly while laughing, making his meaning obvious.

"Hey Jackson, how's your pet dog?" I replied in a close approximation of his voice and tone. He didn't get it at first, but some of the other guys sitting around did and there was a low murmur of catcalls and mocking laughter.

Suddenly his eyes widened and his face turned red as he understood my meaning. "You fuckin'..." He jumped up, fists clenched, and I was right up with him ready to go.

I knew I could take him, but the situation was diffused as the teacher walked in and shouted "Hey! You boys sit down right now! First one to throw a punch gets expelled!"

I grinned at him and laughed derisively, and I thought he would fly at me for a moment, but he sank back down and muttered to himself, looking away. I snorted dismissively and turned away. I glanced down and saw Troy was staring at me admiringly with wide eyes.

I slouched down in my chair, and he copied me, leaning over and whispering "You're so brave!"

I winked at him. "Oh, it's not hard to one-up a buffoon like him."

Things like that were popular, and I was soon reversing our fortunes by turning the laughter back outward towards those mocking us. Troy cowered beside me, terrified but determined to stand firm at my side through it all. Gradually, I thought he was standing taller.

* * *

After a long afternoon of classes, we were finally free to be ourselves. I took him to the mall and began shopping for some clothes for him to wear that didn't look like rejects from a dime store. "I don't have any money, Willy!" He said as I sent him into the dressing room area with an armful of clothes to try on.

I smiled and stepped forward, hugging him and kissing his silky black lips. "I do, sweetness. Let your boyfriend dote upon you, OK?"

He swallowed and looked up into my eyes gravely. "I don't know what my grandparents will say..."

I sighed. "You think they won't accept them?"

"I... I dunno. Nobody's ever gotten me any presents before in my life." He said, looking choked up.

I decided not to question what he meant by that, it was too chilling. Instead, I stepped forward and led him to the changing room. I drew up at the door and looked into his eyes. "If they give you trouble and don't like it, send your grandparents to me. I'll convince them to accept it."

"OK!" He chirped, apparently feeling that would take care of the matter one way or the other. He excitedly hopped into the dressing room and I left him to change.

I bought him a complete new wardrobe, from socks and boxers to dress shirts and t-shirts, to new shoes and even some jewelry. He let me primp him up completely, and I had a nail salon shape and paint his claws shiny black, convinced him to get his ears pierced, telling him I thought rabbits looked incredibly sexy with pierced ears. He yelped a bit at the sting as he got them, but I showed him a mirror and I could tell he thought they were very cool.

"There's no way my Gramma is gonna let me have earrings though, Willy. She'll hit the roof." He said as he admired himself and I paid for them.

I nodded. "Weellll, we'll see, baby. If not... well, you can have 'em for tonight and tomorrow anyway." I hugged him.

The clerk looked up at me, then at him. "You two lovers?" She asked.

I gauged her, deciding she would probably be OK with the truth. "Yep." I said, smiling.

She grinned back. "Aww, that's sweet. You make a totally cute couple. Earrings are no big deal anymore, ya know? Just tell 'em everyone wears them nowadays, right?"

Troy looked up at her sadly. "You try telling that to my grandma. I'm afraid she'll kick me out."

I hugged him comfortingly. "She's not going to kick you out, I'll make sure of that. If she's that unreasonable and just won't listen, we'll blame it on me and say that I made you do it. Besides, if you get kicked out, you'd just have to come and live at my house, which'd be the best day of my life."

He laughed at that, and I could tell he was feeling incredibly cool and attractive. I did have to admit, wearing some decent clothes that weren't brown plaid and threadbare, some good shoes, some nice jeans... He looked smoking hot. We were strolling towards the food court for dinner, and I leaned over to him and muttered into his ear, "Check it, baby. All the girls are ogling you with wide eyes. Just watch 'em a bit."

He looked around as we walked, catching the eye of some of the pretty girls. They all grinned at him and winked, or even gave him a little wave. He blushed, and I could tell he was monumentally pleased. "Why are they noticing me now?" He whispered to me.

"No offense love, but your clothes were not flattering. You are an _extra_cute, sexy little male of a species _known_for being cute and sexy. You've always looked fantastic, you've just never had the opportunity and the means to show it." I said.

"It makes that much difference?"

"Clothes make the man."

* * *

We dined in the food court, and I got him to try Japanese cuisine for the first time in his life. He was impressed and enjoyed it very much, especially the veggie sushi. He kept looking around, still incredibly pleased with all the looks he was getting from various species of females while munching on the food. He was practically bouncing in his chair he was so happy.

Done with our dinner and shopping, I took him home to my place and introduced him to my parents and younger sister. We conversed for a little while, and my parents liked him immediately, I could tell. He was friendly and polite, and was acting more outgoing and confident than I'd ever seen him, being that he was usually very shy.

Unfortunately, my sister was staring at him as if he was the most beautiful thing on the planet. I could tell she instantly got a crush on him and for the rest of the night was tagging along annoyingly close. Nothing is quite like the buzz kill of a ninth-grader following you everywhere, especially because Troy either didn't seem to understand why she was paying him so much attention, or perhaps he liked it. Either way, I didn't.

"Missy, C'mon! Can't you watch TV upstairs?" I at last cried in exasperation. She was sitting on the other side of Troy, cuddling against him and hugging his arm while flirting like crazy. I could tell he was a little terrified of her, but at the same time incredibly flattered and trying to converse and be friendly, which was annoying to me as his boyfriend.

"She can stay, Will! She's nice!" He enthused, blushing.

"You're so cute, Troy!" She laughed, which made him giggle.

"So are you, Missy!" He said, blushing a bit more.

At last, when she left to go to the bathroom, I growled at him "You're supposed to be my boyfriend, you know. I'm very possessive of you."

He blinked at me. "What? You mean Missy? She... Wait, are you saying she..."


He was quiet for a moment. "Really? I never ever had a girl..."

"Well, now you have. She's nuts for you." I grumbled crossly.

He sat back and thought about it. "I'm sorry, Willy-Will." He whispered. "I didn't think about that, I thought she was just being friendly. I sure didn't mean to do it back. I've never in my whole life had someone like me like that. I only want that kind of relationship with you, I promise."

That made me feel worlds better, and he yawned. "Well, why don't we end off this situation by going to bed? I didn't sleep well the last couple nights, and I'm looking forward to sleeping together with my human mate for the first time."

I cooed happily at that. "Ohhh man. I'm dying to do that, too! Sleeping naked with your soft, silky fur pressed to my body is going to be sheer heaven!"

We stood up and headed for bed, intercepting my sister on the stairs. "Where ya goin'?" She asked, falling into step behind us.

"Goin' to bed, g'night Missy." I said, sounding a little self-satisfied.

"What? Already? It's only nine PM!" She whined.

"It's a school night and we're both tired. Seeya tomorrow, sis."

* * *

Naked and panting, laying on my bed, our bodies writhing together in erotic passion, we deeply kissed. We rolled continually back and forth, vying for the dominant upper position over each other and drowning in the sensation of rough physical contact. My delicious little lover was far more aggressive than he'd ever been before, something which I was enjoying very much. He was also panting and trembling, swirling with rivers of eagerness.

I could tell his newfound outgoing temperament was largely because of how good the clothes and jewelry made him feel. All the female attention had him feeling sexy and desirable. Our cocks were both rock hard, with silky soft skin stretched tight over veins and shaft. The purple heads of both sexy penises were swollen so much they were actually shiny. They were a gorgeous pair; one cut and one uncut, a beautiful complement of male sex when held close to each-other.

I rolled over on top of him, dropping to all fours over him and grinding my penis into his, eagerly, with thrusts of my hips. He let himself be held there, prone, for perhaps a minute before pushing me off and rolling over on top. I let him take the dominant position each time he tried, and he would grab my wrists and pin my arms back over my head and slide his whole furry body over mine. The feeling of my dick sliding through silky-warm fur felt nearly as good as sliding it firmly against another male's cock.

I was laying on my back limply, my eyes closed, enjoying the incredible sensation of his fur stroking all over every inch of me, totally relaxed and comfortable. He was on top, pinning my wrists and wetly licking my face and into my mouth. "Ahhh... Yes, this feels so good, baby." I whispered.

He hesitated. "Willy, may I..."

"Yes." I interrupted.

He paused and stared down at me until I opened my eyes to look at him. "How did you know what I was going to ask?" He said, looking at me admiringly.

He'd released my wrists, so I hugged him to me. "I didn't. I have no idea what you were going to ask for, I just know that whatever it is, I give it to you, lover."

He blinked, then looked cross. "You can't know that for sure before I've even asked it! I mean, what if I ask for something really horrible? You need to at least let me finish."

I kissed his black nose. "I know this; I love you and trust you with my life. I know you wouldn't ask me for something horrible, and I trust that whatever it happens to be, it is something you desire, so I say 'yes' it is yours. Still, if you feel better asking first, go ahead."

He stared at me, obviously working that all out in his mind. Then he flicked his long, lovely ears and shook his head. "I was going to ask if I could top."

Immediately, before he'd even finished speaking, I again said "Yes."

He shook his head. "I mean, can I try being on top and taking you?"

I smiled calmly. "I already said 'yes' twice, my dear. Just please go slow at first for me, because I've never done this before. How would you like me positioned?"

His lower lip quivered, and he hoarsely whispered "Lie on your side so I can spoon you? Please?"

I rolled over on my side, placing him there, then rolled over and faced my back to him. I felt the bed move as he scrambled closer, then felt his body press up against mine. I shivered as I felt the head of his cock pushing at my sphincter. "Wait, babe! Lube?"

"Ohhhh..." He moaned, sounding frustrated. He rolled off the bed and dove at his backpack, pulling out the bottle and diving back onto the bed as fast as he could. He scrabbled and skittered up close and again poked me in the rectum with his cock. I heard him unscrew the cap, heard him squeeze a bunch into his paw, then heard wet squelching noises as he slicked up.

"Now? Now can I?" He asked breathlessly. I felt him wrap his slender arms around my chest and stomach, and I glanced at him over my shoulder, smiling.

"Yes of course you may. Go slow, though..."

I immediately felt his glans, still pressed up against my pink pucker, begin to push in harder. I groaned, the feeling was sexy. "Oh yeah... OhhhhhhmiGod that is intense." I moaned softly, trying not to alert the household that we were fornicating.

He pushed more, and I felt my muscles open and begin to swallow him up. I felt sharp cramping pains unfamiliar to me, and gave a little gasp. "Oh God, something broke or something! I felt it give!"

He stopped immediately and pulled out, and the pain was instantly gone. He moved down and looked at me. "I don't see anything. I felt your anus start to give is all. It's painful at first, darling. You just have to let the muscles relax. They've never been forced to open this much before."

"Oh. I... I'm sorry. Keep going, then."

Again I felt gentle pressure, building up more and more. I heard him whimper as my body began to allow him entrance. "Ah! Troy! Fuck, this is intense! I'm being sodomized! This is so kinky!" I cried as he pushed a little ways into me.

I pushed at his hips, stopping his advance, and pulled carefully away. I felt his cock get squirted out by the firmness of my virgin ass flesh. "Wow. This is great! Put it back in there..." I faltered and he obliged gently, stuffing hard, throbbing meat into my steaming-hot asshole.

I cooed and tried to relax as he pushed what felt like miles and miles of throbbing cock into my bowels. Suddenly I felt him clear my rectum, and his penis was sliding in like it was gliding on ice; smooth and effortless.

I buried my face in my pillow and bellowed at the top of my lungs. He held still for a moment while I writhed, then slid carefully back out. "You like it? Want more?" He asked, his voice shuddering unsteadily.

"God yes!" I gasped loudly.

He leaned over me and whispered softly, "Shhhhhhhhh..." and slid into my guts with his pulsing shaft. I felt it slide in deep, the flesh on flesh contact made silky with lube. I was in pure sexual ecstasy and wanted to howl about it, but he kept gently shushing me, reminding me that I couldn't get too noisy. I bit my pillow and felt my ears burn with the illicit pleasure of the union.

"Willy, I can't believe how much you must really love me to let me do this to you. You're actually being the girl while I get to be the boy! And this feels sooooo good."

I panted and snorted. "Girl? Boy? We're both boys, love-bunny."

"Oh, you know what I mean."

"Yes, I am letting you fuck me and letting you take complete control, and it feels wonderful to couple like this. I love making you happy, Troy. I love it more than anything else in the world. I just want to make you smile, to make you feel good. To give you pleasure and release from your lust."

I turned my lips to him, and he licked at me over my shoulder as he began to fuck. "You are giving me incredible pleasure." He moaned, pressing his body close to mine and beginning to use his hips for quick, sharp thrusts that made my guts tingle.

I reached down to my own dick, slightly softened, and began to stroke it, causing it to swell back up to a full erection. I couldn't believe how sexy this felt, how different and alien, yet totally familiar and comfortable it all was. "Ah! Fuck me, baby! Hell yeah, this feels great! Deep and hard, Troy... my ass was made for this!"

He mumbled something that sounded like "Harder" and bit his lip as he tried to drive into me with more force. He was panting and rigid, still with one arm wrapped under my side and belly, while the other gripped my hip to steady my body as he used me. He was getting more comfortable all the time with the act of fucking, and was moving harder and faster with each passing moment.

"Turn your lips to mine." He ordered, and I obliged him, exchanging a messy tonguing with him that left my face wet with saliva. I felt his paw underneath me move to my hip, so he was now gripping me with both paws on my hips. He began to pack it in even harder, using his arms for extra leverage and force, and I felt him bite my shoulder like a mating predator.

I wailed in delight again, pressing my face to my pillow in order to absorb the racket I was making. I worked my cock furiously hard, listening to the squishing and squirting sounds coming delectably loud from my used ass. "Ah! Oh Troy, I love you! You're making me feel so good!" I squeaked softly, arching my back to push my ass out for easier access for my eager, fucking mate.

He was panting heavily, not being in particularly good shape, this was a lot of hard work for him. He paused. "Up on all fours now, my pretty." He ordered in-between gasps for air.

I grinned seductively at him and luxuriously rolled to my knees, pulling him out of my ass with a 'shhhhlirkkttt' sound. I arched my back and protruded my ass, then slowly lowered myself onto my hands and knees, shaking my butt to make it jiggle before reaching back with a hand to pull it open. I heard him gasp with delighted lust, and glancing back could see wild need in his eyes.

He skittered forward again, taking just long enough to try and line up before slamming it back into my body. I stood enough taller than him that my ass was too high for him to reach. He whimpered in frustration and pushed all his weight on my lower back in a silent request that I lower myself for him. I understood what he wanted right away and spread my legs wide, lowering myself down for him slowly.

As soon as I reached the proper height, he let me know that was enough by slamming back inside my bowels with all his strength. I huffed and groaned at it, then began to learn what it meant to bend over for another male. The pummeling he gave me was both awesome and frightening. It was my first anal experience, and he was humping me like I was a seasoned veteran.

"AhhHhhH! T... TroY taKe iT eaSy oN a fIrsT tiMer!" I squeaked and bit my knuckle hard. It wasn't painful, but it felt like he was turning my guts inside out with his mad fucking. He was going so damn fast it felt overwhelming.

He laughed and bit my shoulder again. "You're mine, Willy-Will-Will. All mine forever. Nobody else gets you, just me."

"Just you..." I weakly seconded.

He leaned over to glance at me. My penis was swinging free and bouncing with his thrusts, but I was so focused on trying not to turn inside out from the rough, manly sex I'd forgotten all about my own pleasure. He tried to reach down and grab my swinging shaft, but he was too small to reach it. He straightened back up and addressed me instead. "Play with your cock, Will. I promise you, you absolutely need to cum while I'm doing this to your bottom. You just aren't gonna believe it, it feels so good."

Anticipating even more intensity, I lowered myself off my hands, letting my face get buried in my pillow as I began to frantically work my penis with both hands. The smooth skin slipping over it, the balls tightening in my hand, the pressure he was applying to my prostate; I felt fucked, a sensation altogether unfamiliar, but sooo sexy.

I was sweating hard with so much warm fur enveloping me. He was panting, his hot breath flowing across my sweaty back as he fucked me with all his strength. I drank up the pleasure of it, moaning in delight as he pummeled me.

For several long, wonderful minutes more we drowned in liquid pleasure, engaging in mad, sweaty coupling unlike anything either of us had felt before. He had wonderful stamina despite his slender, small size, and as we groaned and worked our bodies together, I realized he was going to outlast me. I was frantically working my cock and could feel an incredible wave of pleasure, building from my prostate and working its way outward.

I worked my cock frantically, trying desperately to allay the impending orgasm for as long as I could. I heard Troy give a shocked yelp as I flexed my sphincter on his dick just as he thrust in, and my own orgasm exploded, a thick squirt of semen splashing on my blankets. He thrust several more times and I felt a hot spraying sensation in my rear, and knew he was cumming too. I couldn't even believe how good it felt.

He cried out, his little muzzle thrown wide open and his eyes squeezed shut. He clung tightly to my hips and continued to hump into me through his orgasm, giving me intense pleasure of my own as he wildly fucked me. Our cum flowed seemingly in unison as we orgasmed together, trying to muffle our cries of ecstasy.

I sprayed down my blankets with gooey streamers of pearlescent cum, my spurts growing gradually weaker each time. I could feel every single spurt of seed he was depositing into me, I could feel his hard, pulsing cock lurch as it slid smoothly in and out through my bowels. I could feel every single vein and curve of his glossy, silky penis as it smoothly slid through my rectum and deep into my body, churning the cum I was filling up with.

Slowly, the pleasure abated and I relaxed, shaking rather impressively hard. I felt worn out, as if I'd just run a marathon, and I was coming off a huge adrenalin rush that made my limbs feel like jelly. He was panting and grinning, and as I looked into his pretty green eyes, I could tell he was ecstatic at what had just happened. I felt proud to have given him such lusty pleasure.

He grabbed my hips and firmly held his body against mine, and pulled me sideways, keeping his softening dick inside my ass. We flopped over on our sides and he spooned against me with a little happy coo. I looked down at the globby, soaking mess I'd made of my bed and blushed a little. "Oops. I shoulda had a condom on or somethin'. Lookit that mess." I mumbled, half to myself.

He'd been nuzzling into my neck, but at that he popped up to see what I was talking about. He gave a happy exclamation and pulled gently out of me. "I'll clean that up! Here, flex your ass a bit to close it or you'll pour more cum all over the place when I pull out."

I felt him slide free, and it felt as if he'd taken half of my guts with him, but it wasn't the least bit painful. Instead, it was delightfully comfortable and relaxing, like I'd just given my ass a wonderful workout. I tried to keep my muscles tensed as I relaxed back.

He crawled over me and immediately began to lick up as much of my mess as he could. He sucked it eagerly out of the blanket, licking up any globs and sighing happily. I stroked his velveteen ears and softly whispered, "How was it? Did you like it?"

He paused and nodded emphatically, and I was struck by how sexy he looked with earrings. "Oh wow, yes Willy! Th... thank you so much for giving yourself to me! It felt so wonderful and fulfilling. I can't even express how much you mean to me..."

"Aww!" I purred, smiling. I pulled him close and hugged him tightly to myself, and he nuzzled and licked my face.

"Did you like it, Wills?" He said, sounding supremely hopeful.

I grinned and beeped his nose gently. "Absolutely. Wow, I loved it. It felt so good, and the act was so taboo and erotic... that was the best yet with you, lover." He grinned and went back to cleaning up, while I continued to stroke his silken ears.

It was without question the most wonderful night of my life. Naked, curled up in the warm covers, with his soft furry body snuggled up close to me, feeling the warm puffs of his breath as he fell asleep; It was all sheer heaven. I loved him so much, and he was so very sweet to me. I wrapped an arm around him, down his back to take a handful of his soft, sexy round ass and play with his tail puff.

He smiled at me, stroking my hair. His lips were touching mine, so all we had to do was move them a bit to kiss. The deep, beautiful green eyes and long dark eyelashes of my sweet little boyfriend were worth more to me than all the fine-cut emeralds in the world. He looked so sexy and felt so warm and gentle and kind. I sighed happily.

* * *

The next day at school, Troy was in for another round of self-discovery. Looking totally cute and sexy with his new look had half the girls in the school flirting with him, and suddenly the boys were all changing their behavior towards him for the better. The few that still tried to mock him found suddenly no support amongst their peers, and quickly stopped even trying.

I could tell he was just about ready to burst with excitement, grinning and delighted to suddenly be accepted by nearly everyone around him. I was, frankly, shocked that a change in clothes could make such a marked difference in how someone was treated, but there it was. He was so much more confident in himself, his behavior garnered respect. I think deep down he'd known how odd he looked; he'd been the laughing stock largely because of his goofy brown tweed and plaid clothes and ratty shoes. Now that he looked so cute and sexy, it was all changing.

That fact actually made me feel another round of guilt. Had I been this shallow too? Had I been cruel and mocking simply because of his clothes? It was pathetic, yet it seemed that must be the case. And it seemed apropos that suddenly Troy didn't need me. He was being welcomed into the group by his peers, and I was left with the feeling that I'd accomplished my mission; I'd rescued him from his horrible life. Unfortunately, that didn't make me feel very good, as he suddenly now had very little time for me.

It was driven home when they convinced him to have lunch with them, and I found myself alone in my sanctum again, dejectedly eating my lunch for the first time in a while. Really, his life seemed suddenly set, and there was only one thing left I could do to help him; I needed to convince his grandparents to accept his new look.

I drove him home and laid out my plan to him. He agreed to it, and when we got to his little farm, I got out and went up to the front door. It was cold today, cold enough that it felt like snow would be coming soon. When I knocked, his grandmother answered, and I could see his grandfather sitting at the kitchen table with a paper, looking at me over his glasses.

"William, dear. What's the matter? Where's Troy?" She immediately asked.

I smiled. "Nothing's the matter, he's waiting in the car. I wanted to come and talk to you both first, if I could."

She stared at me with a steely glare, but stood aside. "Come in then, and let's talk."

We sat down at the kitchen table and I took a deep breath and launched into my explanation. "Sir, ma'am, when I had my eyes opened to what a nice kid Troy is, I vowed I was going to help him at school, help him to not be the kid everyone picks on and singles out. Well, yesterday I addressed something that I think was a large piece of the problem." I paused, trying to figure out how to be delicate about this and not insult them. "I bought him a new wardrobe." I settled on just letting it out.

His grandmother stared at me. "What's wrong with his clothes?" She said gruffly.

I searched for a tactful way to say they sucked. "They aren't in style." I managed.

"They may not be the newest thing, but they're the clothes his grandfather wore as a youngster, and they were just fine for him. We can't afford to buy new clothes every time some Hollywood magnate says there's a new style. We just don't have the money for that." She said firmly.

Inside, I groaned. Those ridiculous brown, threadbare clothes were his grandfathers' as a boy. That explained a lot. "Ma'am, I didn't ask you to pay for them, I bought them all for him as a gift. The fact is, he really needed some new clothes."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't like it. It sends a young boy the wrong message about the importance of outer appearance over the heart within. It teaches him to be as shallow as everyone else in this country, to value looks above all else. I won't have that for him."

I eyed her closely. "Sounds like something of a crusade for you." I noted.

The old rabbit harrumphed. "I suppose you could look at it that way." She said grimly.

"Is it Troy's, too?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Is it a crusade that Troy chooses to take on, too? Or does he have to live with the fallout of your crusade every miserable day of his life? You sit at home here, above everything, but he's the one at school that gets beat up on constantly, humiliated continually, mocked, slandered, pushed, kicked and everything else he endures, all for a crusade that isn't even his." We were to the heart of the matter now.

His grandmother looked angry. "Are you trying to blame all his problems on the clothes he wears? That's hogwash. Nobody is that shallow."

Levelly, I replied, "You just got done telling me that everyone else in the country is shallow and only looks at outward appearance, and now you are telling me nobody is that shallow? Which is it?" I waited for a moment, but when she didn't reply, I continued. "The fact is, yesterday I would have agreed with you, but today I learned otherwise. When Troy walked into school today, wearing the latest fashions he was reevaluated by everyone, from teachers to students, and even himself."

"Suddenly, half the girls in the school are flirting with him, and that results in many of the boys wanting to be his friend, too. He's gone from being a pariah to being popular in the space of one day, simply because he changed his wardrobe. Not only that, looking good gave him a huge boost in confidence and self-esteem. He was relaxed and sure and very handsome. I have a little trouble believing it myself, but there it is, he's suddenly accepted just like that."

She took a breath and looked like she was about to say something, but I forged ahead, continuing. "Now listen, you can lecture all you want about how shallow that is, and that none of them are really his friends, and you'd be right in everything you say. You can question my motivations too, I suppose, though I'll remind you that I only want to help him. But what you can't deny, is that Troy's life has been miserable for many, many years. If he's told you half the things that I and others like me have done to him, it couldn't fail to bring tears to your eyes. And I'm telling you straight out, today was night and day difference."

"He was actually accepted today! Everyone was better to him, everyone! It is shallow, but that doesn't mean it's fair for you to demand he dress like a fool just to protest the shallowness!" I took a deep breath and let her speak.

Her jaw worked, but no sounds came out for a moment. Then at last she softly said "I'm not trying to dress him like a fool. Those clothes were the popular styles back in their time."

"Ma'am, they couldn't be farther from popular nowadays. Look at my clothes, this is what's in style now."

Sneering a bit, she poked a finger at me. "Yeah, and you look like a disrespectful punk in them, too! Just like all the kids nowadays!"

I shook my head. "It's just the style of the day. To say the clothes you wore growing up were fine and everything today is disrespectful is a patently ridiculous argument. Tell me, did your grandparents ever complain about your clothes when you grew up?"

She fumed at me but didn't respond. Her husband spoke up then, sounding bemused. "Yes, they did. She still talks about it."

I raised an eyebrow and smiled. "That sounds somewhat hypocritical, don't you think? I would argue that styles simply change, and they do not grow evil from one generation to the next. It's more a matter of selfishness and refusal to change and accept the new normal."

She stood up. "Are you calling me selfish, you disrespectful little snot nosed..." She started to yell.

Her husband grabbed her paw and firmly cut her off. "Dear, stop it. He's right and you know it. It isn't fair to Troy, and he's the one who has to suffer. Let him be a boy, let him fit in with the crowd, let him have shallow friends, but friends nevertheless... And I hope William will remain his friend through thick and thin, as he has proven to be anything but shallow thus far."

Bowing my head, I grinned at him gravely. "Thank you so much, sir. I intend to be unfailing."

He slapped the table. "Alright, he can have a new wardrobe, so long as none of it is indecent, and by that I mean too revealing or somesuch, probably not a problem for a boy." He winked at me.

"Awesome. Thank you a thousand times, thank you! Now, there's one other thing that I need to add on to that, then. I also got his ears pierced and got him some earrings." I hoped I could ride on my success with the clothes into another victory here.

They both stared at me. "Only girls do that. Girls and gay men!" His grandmother cried, sounding upset all over again.

I shook my head. "No ma'am. Males have been wearing earrings since the seventies and even before, and it has nothing to do with sexual orientation. It's just a style, like anything else."

"Only heathen wear earrings! Sticking chunks of metal and bone through their skin like a bunch of..." His grandmother snarled.

Interrupting her with more than a little incredulity, I said "What??? What are you talking about? You have pierced ears!"

Her boney paw flew up to her earrings and she touched them. Trying not to laugh with incredulity, I continued. "So it's fine for women to wear them, but if men do then it's suddenly a heathen practice? That's ludicrous!"

Again Troy's grandfather spoke. "Is this really that important to him?"

I nodded and swallowed. "Incredibly important. You can't even believe the difference it made today. I was shocked by it. He was popular all of a sudden! I could see it in his eyes how incredibly much it all meant to him. He needs this more than anything else in the world. Please allow it for his sake."

He turned to his wife. "Marge, you once cried and told me you'd do absolutely anything in the world to help Troy become accepted, and if William is telling us the truth, it sounds like this is it. Will you please be true to your word and allow him to wear earrings, and be silent about it despite what you may think of them?"

The two old rabbits stared at each other, and she made little squeaking protest sounds, but at last turned to me and nodded her head in defeat. "I don't like it, but if it truly has made that much difference, then OK."

To their surprise, I jumped up and rounded the table, hugging them both. "Thank you. This will mean worlds to him." I said, my voice suddenly trembling.

I went to the door and stepped outside, grinning and giving Troy the thumbs up. He jumped out of the car and dove on me, hugging me fiercely and kissing my cheek. "They said it's OK???" He squealed.


"Even the earrings???" He squeaked, his voice even higher.


"Oh, you're my best friend in the universe! Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, Willy-Wills!"

I laughed. "C'mon, it's cold out here, let's get your new things out of the trunk and inside before I freeze. I don't have your nice warm fur, hon'."

* * *

I could see their skepticism, but I could also see how surprised and impressed they were at how he looked. They may not have liked modern styles, but even to their eyes they could see he was the modern definition of cool. He ran and hugged them furiously tight, which made them both smile in spite of themselves.

"Oh thank you, Gamma! Thank you Gampa! Everyone was talking to me today! They wanted to hang out with me! I was talking and laughing and actually part of the group! It was the best day of my life! I feel so good!" Those words made me feel a little ill... Yesterday had been my best day, making love to him and sleeping with him. It illustrated how I was losing him.

Despite her misgivings, I could see his grandmother was pleasantly surprised to see him this happy. She smiled and got tears in her eyes as she said "Oh, that's alright, dear. I didn't think about these things properly, I can tell already."

Troy turned to me and looked at me with awe in his eyes. "An' if it weren't for you, none of this would have happened. I love you, Will." He threw himself on me again, and I hugged him back.

"I'm so happy I could help. You're the best in the world, Troy." I murmured, blushing a little at his words.

He hugged me for a long time, then kissed my cheek as we stood back. I blushed purple, worried in his present mood he was going to reveal the nature of our relationship. "Well, I'm gonna take off, I just wanted to stop over to talk about this stuff with you all, I didn't mean to invite myself over. Seeya tomorrow, pal."

"Wait, wait, wait!" His grandmother barked. "We would love to have you stay for dinner again tonight, William.

Troy made a little exclamation, then whispered something into his grandma's large ear. She looked at him, then nodded. "And would you be willing to stay for a sleepover?"

I grinned. "Well, I don't want to be a pest. You sure this is OK?"

She nodded. "We will never be able to thank you enough for all your help, dear. You're so needed... You are always welcome, day or night. Our house is your house."

"Aww, thank you ma'am. I didn't really pack any overnight stuff, but... I think I got enough clean clothes in my trunk to make it for a night. Lemme just check and call my Mom and make sure it's OK." I said, heading for the door.

"What's for dinner, Gamma?" I heard Troy ask.

"Carrot casserole."

"Yes! My favorite! Grandma's carrot casserole is the best, Willy!" He exclaimed, scampering out the door with me.

I smiled. "I thought her vegetable soup was delicious, I'm looking forward to it."

He sat on the bumper of my car while I called and made sure it was OK, then rooted through my trunk to find my duffel bag, still with some clean clothes in it. That done, we started to stroll around the farm. We'd been silent for a few minutes, and now suddenly Troy spoke up. "I'm sorry I got caught up in all the attention I was getting today, Wills. I practically ignored you, didn't I? I sure didn't mean to, I was just so overwhelmed by all of it, I was agreeing to anything. I missed our lunchtime together. It's my favorite time of the day..."

I was relieved to hear that. "I did really miss you, pal. I'm happy for you that you've got new friends, it makes me so glad to see you treated right, but... I was worried I might lose you."

"Nooooooo never! As soon as lunch started, I realized I'd have to miss our special time, and I felt so bad I nearly cried! It won't ever happen again, I promise. I just wasn't thinking." He sounded embarrassed and ashamed. We had walked behind the barn and were strolling towards the wooded portion of their property.

"It's OK, lover." I whispered and took his paw in my hand. "Believe me, more than anything else, I think you are finally getting what you deserve. You are the sweetest guy I've ever met, and you deserved to have lots of friends."

We crunched through the late fall leaves in silence for a bit, then I drew up and took his shoulders and gently hugged him close. "I... I can't believe how blinded I was to what was right there in front of me. I can't believe that a change of clothes has made that much of a difference in the way you are treated. People are so sickeningly shallow... I was so sickeningly shallow... I... I have to ask Troy, because... because it is important to me for you to be happy. You've changed, you've got friends now, and I know how poorly I treated you for years. You don't need me anymore, and if you don't want me hanging around you, I'll understand and I'll never bother you again."

"Willy, are you joking? I told you how much I love you! I never want to be apart from you! You cared for me before I changed my clothes, before I looked cool. Your friendship and love means more to me than all the others combined. I'd much rather go back to being hated by everyone else than lose you! Don't say such stupid things!"

Relieved, I hugged him. "Awesome. I just... I wanted you to know..."

"OK, but drop it. I don't even want to think about it. I love you, William, I love everything about you."

Closing my eyes, I hugged him and nuzzled his brown hair. "OK. I love you, Troy."

"I love you, William." He repeated emphatically.

"Here's to the rest of our lives together."

"Here's to it!" He pressed himself to me.

We stood there for a long time, hugging and touching each other. We only went in when his Grandma called us for food, but a piece of our hearts stayed out there, embracing. In fact, I think it is there still.


Alley Cat Blues

**Alley Cat Blues** **© 2013 Twisted\_Trisk, Benjamin J Johnson** **Contents: Sex (m/f) human male/furry female** May, 2010: I graduate from high school. I am already a competent programmer. September 2010: I begin college at the U of Miami to get...

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The Spirit of the Forest

**The Spirit of the Forest** ** **** ** **© 2011- 2013 Twisted\_Trisk, Benjamin J Johnson**** ** **Contents: Interspecies sex (human/equine,) watersports, violence** ** ** **1) ** **The Forest** **2) ** **Everflow** **3) ** **Confusion** **4)...

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A Deep Family Tradition

**A Deep Family Tradition** **© 2010-2012 Twisted\_Trisk, Benjamin J Johnson** ** ** ** Contents: Gay Sex (m/m) Crossdressing (m)** **1) ** **Family Ties** **2) ** **Flashback** **3) ** **The Maid** **4) ** **A Frightening Revelation** **5)...

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