Bloody Knuckle [-Cr/ack/ed-]

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#6 of Bloody Knuckle

The newest chapter in the Bloody Knuckle series, Knuckle and Ronson get back on track and look for answers. It might actually be a let down...

Bloody Knuckle


-One Hand-

"Alright Knucky, come at me" Ronson ordered. I popped my neck left and right, and I rushed him. He braced for my attack, he knew by now what to expect from me. Heh, he thought he did...

I attacked left a few times. He stopped them all. I attacked right in a swift volley of punches. He parried them. Damn, Chicken-fried's gotten a bit of speed! I attacked faster, switchin' up my targets. Ronson had a rough time keepin up.

"Whoa, slow down man..." I smirked. I admit... My recent tragedy made me stronger. I was going to tear some unfortunate pieces of camel shit apart.

"Knu-KNUCKLE! FUCK, SLOW DOWN!!" Ronson shouted as I caught him a few times, but I wasn't havin it. I shifted to my left and right randomly in the next volley, trying to break through his guard, and tag that concrete wall of flesh.

"Fuckin.. BOTH OF YOU, SLOW DOWN!" I heard Ronson's words and stopped, only to get sandwiched between his fists on both sides of my head. The blows were solid enough to make his point. I slumped a bit.

"Wow man" he said as he looked me over.

"I don't believe what I just saw..." Ronson said as I shook the stars out of my eyes.

"What the hell DID you see??" I asked him, trying to get my vision back to center.

"Two of ya. Two brown blurs, all balls too." I nodded in surprise. Ronson stuck his hand out for me, and I grabbed it before he hoisted me to my feet. It had been about a two weeks since they buried Chief, and the police weren't having any luck in finding out who did the deed. Pepper roast and I decided to do some detective work. After we got in better shape of course.

But my mind was clear. This was my task, and I can't fight without a manager. Without Chief.

Things without him were pretty rough. He usually kept the place clean since I was the one chewin up carpets (a joke he used to tell), and especially after Ronson showed up to assist my roughhousing. Chief's cash was divided between the two of us. But we depended on him. He was our backbone; one with a slightly overdone belly. We were also running low on cash...*ahem..*

Normally we could just ask Chief nicely for a gig, and there were usually spots open for us to shove our badass into. All Chief had to do was make a couple of calls, and bam. Cash. But fighters couldn't represent themselves, and having two was a hassle. We had a few calls, but our auditions didn't go so well.

Ronson and I walked away a short distance, and I lowered my head to think, rememberin the last night I saw Chief. The ring, our challenge, and Beefy's disquali-

"Ronson, who gave you coke? I know you didn't have any while you were here. When was the last time?" He stopped in place.

"You ain't gotta worry. Where'd you get some?" I asked honestly, my curiosity making me think a bit deeply. Ronson kept his back to me.

"I don't want to talk about that man, bad memories I've been doin well to forget." I shook my head.

"Nah man, I just want to know who gave you coke. Its not as important as it sounds." He turned to look at me, and I saw his face. He was seriously trying not to go back, wherever that took him. But he shrugged and sighed.

"The last time I had some was the fight before we met. My bo- Chaz coked me up so I was a surefire." He lowered his head as he remembered that night, I guess. Then he looked at me, and our light bulbs flashed on simultaneously.

"Your fuckin manager gave you coke?! When was the last time you spoke to him?" I asked in disbelief. He shifted in his spot as he dug through some buried bad memories.

"The last I saw of him was...after we had our match and the fun stuff. I haven't heard from him since." Ronson sighed again as he told me this, and my mind took off. Or tried to.

"I say we find out who dropped the dime on ya." I said with a nod.


We spent a few minutes getting ready to go, putting a few things away and whatever. I was the last one out, and I stopped to look at the place. I could see the past here, with Chief giving me a curfew or a heads up on when dinner'd be ready.

"See ya in a bit Knuck" he always said, and I always came back. I gritted my teeth and closed the door.


Ronson chose to drive his truck, and huge red super duty pickup. It had four doors, a large golden ring in the grill, six wheels, a set of horns on the top of the cab, and a pair in the back that swung like they were real. Sometimes I thought they were. But the ride was nice. It was clear where his money went to, or at least part of it. Fully paid off, it showed the bull's pride.

Walking the short distance to his trank something caught my eye, and I stopped and stared, ears tall.

"Knuckle?" I turned back to look at Ronson who was waiting on me.

"Knuckle, what's up?" he asked. I turned to look back and looked for the car that caught my eye. It was across the street, empty. Whoever it belonged to must've been in the building. I sat there, staring at this car, because it was...familiar to me. Really familiar.

"Knuckle?" I turned back to face big veal. He was lookin at me with a confused look.

"Yea, I'm fine man. Let's go." I said, and we loaded up.

***** ***** *****

The Red Elk

Ronson and I walked through the parking lot of the hotel. It was dark, it was empty. According to him, his old boss wasn't good with money if he didn't have a whole lot of it. The place was goin under from what it looked like. The big, red holographic elk was flickerin in spots, and they can actually go bad if you didn't keep them up and running.

I guess it was open lobby night or something, because the doors were wide open. We walked inside, and it was fuckin bright in there. Off to the left was a very hospitable and bubbly vixen. Veronica, Vixiel, whatever. Ronson tried to hide a smirk as he walked over and started chattin her up. I sat down on one of the arranged chairs for the guests and watched. He motioned my way once, and they spoke more, punctuated by her energetic responses. Then he leaned in close and whispered somethin to her. She blushed through her red cheek fur, glanced my way, then nodded once. I knew what that was about. -Goddammit boy!-

He said his goodbyes and turned to walk away, and nodded my way. I got up and joined him in front of the elevator. I glanced his way, and the door opened.

We got in and took a corner each, more like I got a corner and he took up the center. He looked at me with a guilty grin.

"Hey uh... Knuckle. Whaddya say to a spit-roastin?" I shrugged, trying not to let the idea grab my dick too hard.

"I don't mind. Its been a while since I got some wet on me." I said, and he chuckled.

"All right! We just gotta let her know when, she works nights here." I nodded.

The ride up actually took a bit. Its a tall building. Ronson looked at me a few times, and glanced at my crotch every now and then.

"We don't have enough time for you to get your mouth fucked, or the space. You make me shoot like that one time, we might drown in here" I said with narrowed eyes, doin a great job of keepin my smile inside. -Hell yeah I'd let you blow me in an elevator man!-

The door slowed to the top of the building, and opened. Ronson stepped out first and I followed, looking around. It was messier here than Chief's place! Papers were scattered everywhere, there were tables and shelves knocked over, man... Ronson walked through the place like he wanted to burn the building down. He walked through one tore-up room, and took a left into another. He walked a short distance to a desk, and it looked like a drunk swan (or somethin) in a blue suit was passed out on it. Ronson stood there and snorted, and then the... (I guess its a heron?) woke up with a squak and a cloud of white dust. He looked terrified for a second, his eyes as big as tennis balls. Then he instantly calmed down when he saw Ronson. He clucked as he regained his composure. I recognized this guy! He smacked Ronson when I whooped'im!

"Ronson, what can I do for you?" he asked, with a flat voice. Ronson's head jerked back with a surprised look on his face.

"The hell do you mean, 'What can you do for me?' We came here lookin for some answers!" he snorted. He shifted in his spot, and the (Got it, Egret.) opened a drawer and fished out a small bag. He dumped some powder onto his desk. With a trembling set of feathers he dug out a card (A room key, I guess) and cut it up into lines. He plugged one nose hole with a fancy lookin stopper and quickly swept his head across the desk sideways. He actually looked kinda cool there, he had that part down. He cleared a line, then two more before he sat up and coughed out a small cloud. Pffft!

"What anwsers do you think I have for you?" he droled. Ass-ada (New nickname for the bull) was lookin more and more pissed off. The guy doesn't like to be confused. He narrowed his eyes and slammed both his heavy hands down and looked the egret in the eyes.

"The last time you made me snort was a while ago! Who told the booky? How'd they even accept it without testin me?" The whole time Ronson was yellin at him Chaz was slowly startin to bake, so I imagine he flat out lost one half of what he said and forgot the other. The weird bird sorta slumped in his chair and his face became more and more calm. Ronson turned red for a few seconds and tossed his desk to the side. Powder and paper went everywhere! Chaz was well within his imposing reach and looked up, and steak finger's hand snapped right around Chaz's neck! Chaz squaked, or tried to, and the cracked door rushed open. There was a sound, like hissing. Ronson turned around and put Chaz in a hold and straightened out his neck, and shouted.

"Aww fuck! Knuckle, around you!" Huh?

"Huh?" I asked plainly before A GODDAMN ANACONDA slithered into my field of vision! I fuckin panicked and kicked his head up with on foot, and gave it an aerial flying kick with the other. He flew back... wait. He straightened out his body to take the blow! His tail led down to.. Shit, around my ankle! The snake rolled belly down in midair and tugged at my leg, and I landed hard on my back as I lost my footing. This living snare trap dipped over me twice, tying me up and my arms were by my sides. The end of its tail snuck up my shorts leg, and had a solid but...awesome grip on my sac. I fought that feeling away and stood on my free foot, grabbing at the snake wildly before we collapsed to the floor again. He tried to bind me, but I slipped free and my fangs found a spot to bare onto. My jaws tightened, and we fell into a stalemate. But aside from trying to squeeze me until I popped sac first, the snake found no difficulty in speakin. He had an accent, but it was polished.

"Ronsson, drop him." it hissed. His body tightened around me a bit, but I fought back. Ronson squeezed Chaz tighter, but stayed quiet.

"Ronsson, I wil ssay once more, DROP HIM." Ronson forgot I was the one to save, and held the bird like he wanted to take him home and cook him.

"Fuckin Eduat! Let him go first! You kill Knuckle, you lose your paycheck!" The snake's body tried to constrict, but I bit down harder.

"YABEHUKINROOSONFIN, RONSHIN!" I growled with a mouthful. Ronson looked at me, or maybe us, and slowly put the bird down. He backed away, and the snake let me go in a flash. It slithered away in a streak and coiled up, a distance away from either of us. I rubbed my sore spots where it bound me, cuppin my balls for a second before I worked my jaw. The bird was catatonic. He sat there buzzin, slumped in his chair like nothin happened at all. Ronson caught his breath, and I was smashin his face with a sledgehammer in my head. The snake got our attention though.

"Sspeak quickly, before I change my mind and kill you both anyway." Ronson took a step forward, and that bull was brazen... (Hah, brazed beef...)

"Eduat, the last time I had coke was a bit ago. The ONLY people that knew was you two! Who told the booky, huh?" The coiled up ball of hell didn't move, but he spoke anyway, cool as a lukewarm shower.

"Chaz had a bit of a...problem with with the Pit Crew'ss Alpha dog. The prohduct wasn't meant to be uzed on YOU, but cut and ssold. He tried to compliment an extenssion with your earnings." he hissed. I heard enough of it though.

"Why'd Chief have to get shot then, huh? AH wanna know who fuckin pulled the trigger, so AH can pull his guts out through his NOSE!" The snake hissed, steady and still, but he did look to the floor.

"Knuckle, ssir, I'd heard about the death of your manager. It painss me to know that an innocent life wass losst, one who raized ssuch a sstrong fighter." He looked at the bird again.

"Chaz wass in need of money. The Alpha dog had heard of Ronsson's defeat by your hands, and must have told the record keeper about him to cradle hiss pride." I shook my head and voiced my concern.

"So Ah'm guessin here, that this guy just ran into Chief and SHOT him? Ah'm gonna... Ah'm gonna drown him in a bucket'o moose piss. It's the only way..." I grew hot, really I did. Ronson looked at me.

"Knuckle, chill. That can't be all of it." He said before he looked back at the snake.

"Eduat, where's some grass? I need Chaz to come down." Ronson looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Knucky, I got somethin you might like." he said.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Four joints later-

I took a slow hit and passed it back to Ronson. I was feelin better, at least I wasn't steamin over thinkin about my actions in the near future.

"How long is this supposed to take? Ah done come down twice..." I asked, glancing over at the stuffed bird who sat in a cloud of smoke. He blinked once.

"I dunno man.." Ronson sighed.

"Its supposed to make you come down, maybe he hit too many lines.." he muttered. I took another look, and he jerked a bit, then coughed. Twice. Three more times, then he squawked. Ronson and I looked at each other then back to Chaz, and he said something.

"Ronson, could I trouble you for a glass of water?" The bull stood up and looked at him for a second before he left and did it. He came back with a decent glass, an inch shy of overflowing. Chaz took it and tilted his head back, pouring it down his throat slowly. He clucked his beak.

"Now what can I do for you both?" I roared and stomped to him, cussin the whole way. The bird jumped back, and the snake bolted for me, from what I could hear. Ronson stopped him easily though, I hadn't touched him yet.

"Eduat, hold it! He's wasted enough of our time!" he said, and it was true. It took us four hours to go through this, and I'm not doing it again, godammit!

The bird buried his head in his palms and started to cry. I started to growl.

"Grinny G. .. Go see Grinny G. .."