Foxes and Plots 2: A Coons and Theft Tale.

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#2 of Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale

Here is part two of the new branch of story. Once again, Clipfox has been a wonderful help on editing and getting in the mind of Ite, whom he helped inspire. All characters are copyright to me, TiberiusRings.

"Drew, are ya sure about doin' this shit?"

"Of course," Drew said as he was moving one of the computer towers into its home in his new office. Ite had a unique idea of how to get back at Harding, who had messed with not only Drew's life, but Rei's. Ite had asked Rei for a lot; but Rei always felt a tad in debt to Ite's little fennec boyfriend and was more than happy to agree.

The first thing they wanted was to move into Rei's building. This was no problem since over the months that had passed since Duncan's death; Rei had bought out the rest of the building he now lived in. The top three floors were a huge mansion-like home that Rei and Garrison now lived in and worked from. Rei was back into the hired sticky-fingers business and Garrison was using the computers to publish web blogs about the end of the US Government and various other conspiracy theories. Rei had gone so far as to even convert a generous portion of the second highest level to a shooting range for Garrison. His husky was an avid gun lover after all.

Ite and Drew would be living a few floors below Rei and Garrison with three floors all to themselves. There had been many modifications to the building, making it a honey comb of secret passageways and inter-connecting corridors and lifts that made travelling the skyscraper building in the middle of Manhattan much easier and easier to escape. Drew had ordered various kinds of new furniture and movers had been bringing everything in for the last week. Rei and Ite had hit it off, especially on the subject of interior decorating. Ite had asked for a bit of an Asian feel to their new home, so ancient Japanese artwork and figures were dotting their home in every way, shape, and form. Rei had also bought some antique jade lions from China, and while it wasn't Japanese it was the thought that counted. Rei wanted to give his new friends a wonderful house warming present, and with the new decor Rei had felt it fit. Ite was still browsing websites like eBay for other types of artwork and figures that would flesh out their huge home but it would take time.

Ite and Rei were out getting the "item" which left Garrison and Drew alone in the building. Drew was setting up his new office and trying to get the computers linked into Rei's satellite dishes. Garrison was helping where he could; bringing servers up, activating firewalls, and making sure the city didn't question the massive power consumption from their building. They were in the dark office, Drew having nearly 20 computers in it with a large Sony flat-panel TV monitor on the far wall showing various graphs and charts. There were two other flat-panel screens but those were dark.

"I mean, it just ain't like you, Drewy." Garrison was leaning back in a chair, hands crossed on his stomach.

"It was more Ite's idea than mine, but it makes sense. He made Rei's life and mine a slice of hell. I want him to be punished. There's no murder involved, Garr." Drew did feel slightly guilty but then Ite was right; had Harding not involved them all then none of this would have happened.

"He dicked with me too," Garrison said, turning in his swivel chair to face the fennec. "Used to be an old CO of mine 'fore the war."

"You were in the military?" Drew asked softly, glancing to the husky on the other side of the room. Drew and Garrison were friends, but not as close as they were to their respective boyfriends.

"Right outta high school. I had no where to go. I signed up for the marines and they put me in infantry at first. Kinda how I got so fuckin' interested in guns, I was also an ace shot, too. But then they put me in Hardass' company and shit hit the fan. He wanted me to work on computers, and I ain't one to like computers back then. He got me the trainin' though but rode my ass like no tomorrow. Also fucked me more than once, literally." Garrison shook his head and strummed his fingers on the desk. "He said if I didn' he'd get me transferred to some company where I'd see a lot of combat and probably die, or go nuts. I was 19 too, had no choice really. My mind said something, body 'nother."

Drew nodded his head and shook it, grunting as he stood up. "Well, it seems like Harding has dicked with us all, so if you want in on the fun, you're welcome."

Garrison just thought for a moment, leaning back into his chair as he just weighed his options and then shrugged. "I'll see how Rei-Rei feels 'bout it. Rei takes up most of my energy anyway."

Drew blushed and nodded, not having known from personal experience but Garrison was one to share intimate details to random people sometimes. It seemed that Garrison was bragging but he was actually just very happy with Rei. Drew knew Garrison had found the love of his life and expressed it in unique ways.

There was a blinking blue light on the large screen at the back of the room, the video image of a car pulling into the secure underground parking garage displayed. Garrison turned to the screen then and smirked. "Looks like yer gift is here."

"We should wait in the living room. The computer you setup out in there, is it online?" Drew asked as he stood up and fixed the shirt he wore, getting the creases out of it. He looked at the husky who was nodding and standing up, putting his .38 back into the waistband of his jeans. Garrison, Drew learned, never left his house without some kind of firearm and a knife.

"Yeah, up 'n ready for you to mess with him. You're all clear." Garrison smiled and laughed softly, leaving the office and walking down the hallway toward the main living room where the elevator tower was housed. This was going to be quite a show. Drew quickly followed.

They didn't have to wait very long. The doors to the elevator slid open seamlessly into the expansive living room with black furniture and white carpet. The décor was still spartan as Ite had been waiting for more deliveries. There was a computer setup on a desk, which Drew quickly slipped down into the chair in front of it, booting up that specific program he would need to start this all off.

The elevator doors opened up, revealing three people. One was Ite, dressed in black leather armor and a bodysuit that resembled something Rei had once worn. He almost looked like a ninja, but not quite. He wore one of his traditional Japanese swords on his back, the dark red strap crossing over his chest and the red woven hilt showing off the katana. Rei was also there, dressed more traditionally in a pair of dark jeans, black t-shirt and his favorite trench coat. Between the fox and the raccoon was a slumping hulk of a man. Captain Harding was hanging between their arms as the two men held the military man up. Harding had been plucked right off the side of the street still in his fatigues. Rei must've used some kind of drug to knock him out since Harding was being held like dead weight. The two men moved the big wolf inside and let the elevator doors seal behind them.

Harding was tossed onto the ground then, Rei grunting. "When you're done with him, let me take a crack at him. I owe him something." When Rei had found out that Drew and Ite were going to take out some of their frustration out on Harding he had been totally onboard. Rei still hated Harding even if he had come through recently by keeping his record clean. Not to mention the wolf had reneged on his promise to resign his commission. Rei was just going to look away and enjoy the fruits of his friends' labor.

Garrison smirked and walked next to Rei, curling an arm around his waist and hugging close to him. "C'mon, the foxes have things to do now and we gotta get to our"

"Right, right!" Rei said with a smirk and hitting the button to the elevator. When the cab opened up he slipped in with Garrison still on his waist. "Have fun you two. If you need any help just call." A moment later the silvery doors slid closed. Drew could have sworn he saw Garrison move in to give Rei a kiss but he could have been mistaken.

Ite smiled and then moved Harding over to a chair, flopping the lump of a man into it. The chair was brought down from Rei's workshop a few levels up; it had restraints on it at the ankles, neck and wrists. It had been an interrogation chair, but they weren't going to abuse the poor wolf too badly. Ite moved Harding into position and locked the metallic cuffs into place on the various parts of his body. The fox stood back then and crossed his arms over his chest. He was still wearing the white Noh mask he'd bought from Japan. The mask depicted a snarling fox with fangs and big, soul piercing eyes. He figured it would be great to wear for this. Ite moved and put some smelling salts right under the wolf's nose, watching Harding cough his way to consciousness.

"W...Wha?" The wolf said, shaking his head and looking around.

"Welcome home," Ite laughed. The fox moved around behind the wolf and touched his shoulders, massaging them gently. He brought his muzzle next to the wolf's right ear and said, "I hope you like this place, because it's going to be the only home you know of for a long, long time."

"What are you talking about? What's the meaning of this?!" Harding tried to stand but found himself securely restrained. "Why the fuck am I strapped to this chair? Who the hell are you two?!" The wolf growled, trying to look at Ite. The red fox moved around and stood in front of Harding, hands on his hips.

"Now, now...That's no way to talk to your masters. Drew, show him what you've been working on."

The wolf blinked but saw a computer monitor turned toward him and being flicked on. The monitor showed various windows, his military ID on one of them, as well as his passport. There were other various forms of I.D. for him. What the hell was going on? "What's this all about?"

Drew pushed a button and the monitor began to show, almost cinematically, the deletion of those various forms of identification. The screen behind the many windows rolled downwards with text and various other blocks of information. Soon all the windows were gone and just the scrolling text was left until that too ended. The fox with the mask laughed.

"You are now erased from every known computer we could locate. You have no credit cards, no social security number, not even a birth certificate. Your home is being seized as we speak and your car is towed. Your military career is vanishing too; burying it in the red tape and making it look like you're deceased. Unfortunate victim of drunk driving. You are no longer alive, according to the system." This from Drew, who turned to face the wolf.

Harding struggled in his bindings as he growled, his muzzle open and fangs bared, trying to get up. "You can't do this! This is illegal; I'm going to have you arrested!" Harding struggled until he ended up slumped against the chair, breathing harder and huffing.

"We can, and we have. You are now given two choices. One, we can do this the easy way and you might even enjoy the trip, or we can do this the hard way. Either way you become our pet. I'm sure you'll see the light in time. The only people who know of your existence are the jarheads you associate with so you'll understand that we can't let you return to them. Other than them, you have no ties to the U.S. We know you have no family or known living relatives. Makes our job much easier."

Harding growled, trying to pry an arm free. He would not give in to these pussy foxes! He spat in the general direction of the fox with the mask and shook his head. "I won't do either, give me a phone right now and I will fix this! You two are so fuckin' dead. I have SO MUCH POWER IN THE MARINES. I will shoot you and throw your body out into the water under the nearest bridge!"

Ite laughed and shook his head, "And this is supposed to make us want to let you go? I think not," hitting a button on a remote control that had been snapped onto his belt. The restraints unlocked from Harding's body. For a moment the wolf sat there, surprised for a moment and then moved to get up. Ite reached behind him and drew his katana with a smooth motion, the long curved blade sliding free with a hum of deadly steel ringing through the air. He held it at the ready as Harding got to his feet.

"We're going to a new room and you shouldn't be a naughty pup. If you are, I'm afraid I'll have to kill you. So, follow directions and you'll be fine."

"Fuck you." The wolf growled, getting ready to grab the chair he'd been sitting on to throw it. He only stopped when the sound of a gun's hammer being cocked back echoed within the large room. Amber eyes shifted to the left to see that small fucking little fox holding a gun. It looked like a .38 Ruger.

"Ah aah...I do believe he said to behave. If Ite doesn't kill you with his blade, I sure will. Follow instructions." Drew spoke with a calm, dangerous demeanor that was not usually part of Drew's character.

The wolf stood still and growled, looking between the casually dressed fox and the ninja-clad one with the creepy mask. Harding knew if he tried anything, he would not only be stabbed but also shot. It was best to bide his time, until at least one of those weapons were put away. He nodded his head and lowered one of his hands and growled deeply, staring mostly at the fox with the mask in front of him.

"Good boy," Ite said as he motioned for Harding to move. "Now, walk." As Harding moved with Ite behind him, feeling a strong grip on the back of the collar of his jacket. The fox had his sword down but turned so the sharp edge was angled toward Harding.

Ite and Drew lead the wolf down unlit hallways. Now and then they would pass windows that overlooked the impressive skyline that was New York City, but he had no clue where he was. He'd been knocked out and woke up in that damned chair. Once in awhile he would see artwork on the white barren walls, usually what looked like an old Asian painting, or a vase, or even a sword. The hallways and twisting corridors, and even the stairs they went up just seemed to be barely touched, as if they were in a huge office complex that had been converted into a livable structure. Still, he took note of the way he'd come; left, right, down a hallway, stairs. etc. If he had to run back to that elevator he did not want to get lost.

Finally, they came to a huge silvery door. Drew moved over to the computer touch pad and pressed his palm against it, watching as the pad illuminated and scanned his pads. The door clicked and then finally opened up, revealing to Harding's disgust, his new "home". The room was entirely stainless steel and windowless. There was what looked like to be a plasma TV on the side of the room built right into the wall. There was a metallic chair in front of the screen with shackles on it. To the side of the room was a long silvery table with restraints on it. There was a wall with a harness and shackles, and various hooks and pulleys on the ceiling. What the hell kind of room was this?

Ite moved inside closely trailing Harding, Drew moved followed as well and sealed the door. The wolf turned to look back, but Ite just gave him a fierce punch to the face. The wolf staggered backwards into the room and spun on his heels, his back to the foxes. "Ugh!" He grunted and just ended up leaning forward as he rubbed his nose. The next thing he felt was something cold slicing down his back. There was a stinging sensation and he jumped, feeling his flesh give way to a light cut. He spun around and felt his back cold to the air, and found his shirts hanging open from the wrong direction. The fox with the mask was holding his sword with a tiny bit of crimson blood hanging from the tip of it.

"YOU FUCKER!" Harding yelled as he tried to hold onto his shirt, but Ite grabbed it, tugging harshly and delivering a swift kick against the wolf, sending him onto his ass while the fox still held onto tattered remains of the shirts, leaving Harding bare from the waist up. The wolf found his back hot in a thin line going from his neck to his spine, and when he moved a hand to touch that line he found it was crimson blood. He moved his hand to glance at the blood and gasped. "I'm gonna bleed to death you fucker!" He got up from where he had been and got ready to charge.

"Hardly," Drew said as he looked to Harding. "The sword was dipped into a coagulant agent, so if my friend decides to cut you, your cuts will close quicker than normal. So stop being a baby."

"Besides," Ite said as he pointed the sword to the wolf, "we don't want to hurt our new pet too much." Ite wiped the sword off on the clothing near his feet and then sheathed it. The red fox could tell Harding was thinking of charging, and the moment the wolf nearly did, the lights darkened completely, plunging the room into darkness.

Harding panicked for a moment, figuring they were going to shoot him in the dark, but eventually an overhead spot light illuminated over his body. It made him visible but kept the room in total blackness. When he tried to leave the ring of light he heard a hammer of a gun being pulled back. Better stay put.

"Now then," Ite said as he hit a button on a small remote. Four lights appeared hanging from the ceiling, blindingly hot and bright in their intensity. Harding tried hard to look away with his hand up to block out the light. "We're taking a page out of an old TV show; how many lights do you see, Captain?"

"Four." The wolf growled. He looked around into the darkness, but the newly active lights were not illuminating the room in any extra light. They were a lower wattage and too high to be of any use to him visually.

"Strange...I see five. Are you quite sure? Can't you count?" Ite asked.

"I only count four, fucker." Harding said and growled lowly, but he was not left growling too long. Something shot out of the darkness and tackled him hard to the floor. His now healing back slammed onto the cold steel and he gasped for breath as the wind was knocked from him. He could feel two sets of hands on him, struggling to do something to him. He attempted to fight them off, but he was still stunned. He felt something cold snapped around his neck, and then hands on his waist. He kicked and brought his hands up, knocking off whoever had put something around his neck, but the fox on his waist had managed to tug off his pants and underwear, leaving him naked. Harding blushed and tried to punch at the man on his legs, but the fox leapt away with the wolf's clothing back into the darkness.

Harding's hand went up to his neck, touching the cold metal firm against his throat. He could feel curved metal and raised bumps, figuring they were either diodes or raised jewels. He needed to see his reflection, now! The urge to see what he was wearing now only rose when his hand found a hanging tag from the collar. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?! This is so fucking illegal; give me back my god damn clothes RIGHT NOW!"

"Wolf, you are no longer worthy of your name, you have lost all rights. You will be naked as long as we want and wear our collar. Now, since you are being a fool and can't see five lights, I will have to punish you."

Harding looked nervous and a moment later his body lanced in agony. Hot, white pain shot through his gut as his collar buzzed to life, making his body feel as if someone had stabbed him and began to twist the knife. His hands went to where the fictional blade was plunged into his gut but could not move it. He groaned and fell onto his knees, holding his stomach as he was curled up in the fetal position, pinching his flesh on his tight stomach as hard as he could without causing true bodily injury. The pain lasted for what felt like a lifetime before it relaxed and faded, leaving him with the faint memory of what had happened.

"That was punishment. One of various ways we can administer it, wolf. Do you want to know how we reward good behavior?" Ite snickered, and hit another button on his remote.

Harding was blasted with the other side of the coin, his body jumping and flipping in the air as he slammed onto his back, like someone had hit him. The collar buzzed but his senses were warm and relaxing, working through his senses and burrowing into what he knew as pleasure. He moaned longingly as he felt his sheath rapidly swell with new blood flow and then the hidden penis inside. Harding lay sprawled out on the cold steel as his ebony colored erection pressed out from his body and laid against his stomach. He couldn't remember the last time he got a hard on so quickly, not since he was in his 20's at least! He laid there breathing in shallow breath as it ended, but it left him very, VERY aroused, including his knot. Panic filled his senses as he realized his body was not in his control anymore.

Ite stepped into the light, sword still drawn. He held it toward the wolf's neck and smirked behind his mask. Harding was going to be easier to control than he originally thought. "You no longer have the right to your body, your arousal is now mine; I, and my boyfriend control it. Any attempt to pleasure yourself will result in punishment. Now, answer my question: How many lights do you see?"

"Four!" Harding growled, sitting up and moving to try and grab his erection, making the lazy attempt to try and hide himself, but of course Ite stopped him. The fox grabbed him by his metallic collar and dragged him up onto his feet, moving him to a wall, lights activating as they moved. He was pressed against the cold wall, shivering as he felt the metal bite into his wound on his back. The smaller fox, the fennec whom he'd interrogated a year and a half ago, began to snap restraints onto his legs. The bigger red fox moved and locked his hands at the wrist above his head, leaving him very exposed.

"Wrong answer, wolf." Ite said with a sigh, shaking his head. He grabbed the wolf by his muzzle, holding it firmly closed then as he glared into the man's eyes through the small holes in his mask. "I want to know why you think you're heterosexual but will rape someone."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harding growled through clenched teeth. He was growing worried at what would happen to him now.

"You raped a good friend of ours, Rei." Drew said, moving toward the wall with the screen in it. He hit a button and the screen flashed blue, and then black. The video began to load.

"How would the military feel if they found out you were gay, wolf?" Ite was grinning behind that mask. He was going to enjoy this.

"I'm not gay so it wouldn't matter!"

"Oh, really?" The movie began to play. The video had been selected for the only homosexual moment they knew Harding had with any of them; it was of some random wolf and a random raccoon. Both were male, which was obvious by the erections. Unlike what happened to Rei, these two seemed perfectly willing to do something. The wolf was laying on top of the raccoon, lips touching softly as their bodies began to grind against one another.

Harding looked away from the screen in disgust, but the fox with the mask grabbed his head and made him look at the sexual display on the screen. He watched as the wolf began to lift the raccoon's legs, angling them around his waist...

"Stop this! I don't want to watch this!" Harding snarled in rage as his head was being held. He knew he could have closed his eyes but he was afraid of what the red fox would do if he shut them.

"This is far nicer than what you did to our friend," Drew said, moving over and seizing the powerful erection that shot from the wolf's hard body. He slid his slender little fingers up and down along the exposed length that made Harding whine. "You raped a raccoon. A MALE raccoon."

"I...I don't know what you're talking about, I don't rape people!" Harding snarled as he tried to pull away, but with one fox holding his head and another his erection he couldn't really do much; he was forced to endure as he saw the huge wolf actually mount the raccoon, seeing the young face contort in pain and pleasure, body rolling up and against the big lupine. He could hear both their moans.

"You like the video, don't you, Wolf?" The voice from the smaller raccoon again, looking briefly down at him. That tan hand moving up and down along his length, shuddering as he felt precum bead at the head of his length and then threaten to fall. The fennec caught it at the last moment, smearing it down along his firm shaft. The added and very natural lubrication made him moan, his head reeling back in pleasure but quickly grabbed, making sure his eyes stayed glued on the screen.

The pair in the video were furiously going at it. He could see the wolf, who looked something like himself, pounding away at the smaller male, the raccoon's amazingly beautiful ringed tail swaying lazily as legs curled around the tree trunk waist that belonged to the wolf porn actor. He listened to the raccoon's cry of pleasure. Thoughts flashed back to that night with the raccoon, taking something he could not have got on his own. He moaned and just rolled his head back.

"You like raccoons, don't you? You like them so much that you only sleep with them when you go out to get laid; you don't get males anymore because you're afraid, but you love them. That night with our friend changed you, made you want something you could never get again. You know men are tighter than women, right?" Ite spoke right into Harding's ear, wishing his mask was off now but knew the role had to be kept for now.

"N...NO!" Harding roared out, but his body betrayed him; his climax hit him hard and Drew knew what to look for; he moved out of the way at the last moment and watched as the wolf came; the white ropes that sprayed out his length splashing onto the steel floor and then, began to trickle down his length and testicles. They let go of Harding, who hung there, panting by his restraints.

"So," Ite said, giving Harding a firm slap to his cheek that made the wolf's head reel to the side. "How many lights do you see?"

Harding defiantly shouted, "I see four lights!" And so his conditioning went on for hours, the foxes taking turns alternating pleasure and pain. The wolf's testicles long since drained dry so that the pleasure of his orgasms mingled with the agony of overstimulation. The exhausted wolf's brain could no longer tell the two apart. Harding reeked of sweat and his dried cum which matted his fur in a streak down the center of his belly and along the insides of his legs.

When the all too familiar question came again, Harding hung his head breathing hard and shivered. He swallowed to try and make his parched throat feel better. His response was somewhat slurred as his dry tongue struggled to form the words, "I...I don't know."

"I'm surprised at you, pet. This may be easier than I thought." Ite mused, "In any case, not the best answer, but it's a start. We'll start again first thing tomorrow."

To be continued...