Darling Daughter, Desired Father

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Darling Daughter's Desires

Darling Daughter, Desired Father

Zerrex Narrius

Tegra Shoras opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling of the one-bedroom apartment he owned, the room still dark around him as he rested on his side of the double bed. His lustrous, crimson scales seemed to almost glow slightly in the blackness of the room, lit as it was only by the muffled light that tried to shine in from behind the closed curtains of the small, barred windows, as if desperate to bring some form of brightness to the lives of the two occupants of the room.

The dragon gave a bit of a sigh as he sat up, reaching up to rub sleep from an eye with the back of one hand and the blankets falling from around his body, revealing his well-built, masculine form: he had a naturally-athletic body, which was complimented and enhanced by the occasional workout he did when he had the time and desire. His scales were stretched taunt over a toned, defined chest and firm abdominals, and his arms had not bulging but still apparent muscle. He was fairly proud of himself for managing to stay in good shape despite the fact that his job had him spending a lot of time at a desk... many of his days spent on his laptop at home or going out to work at a small, crowded office on a computer there.

He yawned silently, mouth opening wide and hazel eyes closing, then they opened again slowly as he idly rubbed a hand over his strong chest, where his scales turned from ruby to a lighter, crimson shade. Then he drew a hand back up over his head, trailing his fingers along one of his long, black horns in a nervous gesture before he quietly swung his legs out from under the blankets and stepped off the bed, standing in a pair of plain, baggy boxers as he stretched again, wincing at the crack his back made and letting his wings quietly stretch a bit before furling them tight once more against his back.

The reptile stepped quietly over to his nearby dresser, carefully opening the drawers and tossing a single glance back over at the form huddled on the other side of the bed, still sleeping. His features softened a bit as he pulled out his usual plain clothes and stripped his boxers before beginning to carefully dress in the dark, not needing to check: he'd done this many a time, since he tended to wake up many a time earlier than his bedmate.

It wasn't his wife he had slept with... she had long since departed from his life, about fourteen years back. It was his daughter... Selindrilis Shoras, or just Selin as he and most others called her. They shared this bed, this too-small apartment, and their entire lives... and he couldn't help but give a faint smile as he looked at her, his eyes softening as he gazed at his daughter, the most treasured being in his entire life.

Right now, he didn't have the words to describe how cute and innocent she looked, quiet snores rising up as she rested with one head on her pillow and her arms clutching the blanket up to her little, developing breasts, the plain nightshirt he'd given her to wear to bed rumpled up and giving him a view of her boxer-wearing lower half. But his interest in her was purely as his daughter, nothing sexual, as he looked at her with a quiet smile and let his eyes take in her lithe body and black scales: scales that turned to an off-grey on her chest, from her neck to the inside of her tail. Her horns were a bit more curvy than his, smaller but thicker at the base, and a tan color as her mother's had been... and her eyes were the same too, a brilliant bright green that lit up like lanterns when she smiled and turned to beryl coals when she was upset.

The male looked over his daughter again as he pulled on his loose shirt, then he blushed a bit as he watched his daughter shift, her long tail twisting slightly and boxers pulling up to bare a bit more of her inner thigh, and he felt a strange roll in his body and a bit of a constriction at his crotch. He glanced down at this, then realized he was becoming excited from a flash of leg from his unconscious daughter before his blush deepened and he quickly headed out to the plain combination living room-slash-kitchen, walking into the latter and quickly opening the fridge to see what was available for breakfast. I don't think about her like that at all... what are you doing, Tegra? You're going to get yourself into trouble if you keep this up.

He shook his head as he pulled out a carton of milk and a half-gone bag of bacon, placing them on the counter as he decided to dismiss it as morning wood and nothing more. Just... he probably just didn't notice it when he put his pants on, that was all. You're just getting worked up about nothing, that's all... of course that's it.

The dragon nodded to himself as he crouched to reach into a cabinet beneath the counter, then he pulled out a battered metal pan and set it on the old stove, clicking it on and then glancing around the cramped apartment behind him as he turned around and leaned against the counter, waiting for the pan to heat up a bit before he dropped the bacon in. The living room was clustered with furniture, a television, a couch, lamps, and dominated by the ancient oaken table that had all variety of magazines and odds and ends along it... and was lit by the soft light shining in through the musty, barred windows. Despite being near the top floor, the windows still had a set of safety bars across them so no intrepid burglar could smash his way in... and he thought that was understandable, especially in a big city like New Tears was. Even the door had three locks on it and the one in the handle... and then he turned his gaze quietly towards the open bedroom door for a moment. He worried about his daughter, wanted better for her, knew that the city wasn't a good place to raise his child - especially one like this - but she didn't seem to mind... and they were happy, despite the cramped apartment. They weren't poor, and it wasn't like he had any problem providing for food and such... but getting a proper house and moving out would be far too costly in this day and age.

Tegra smiled a bit, then he glanced at the pan before grabbing a spatula from one of the small hooks hanging on the wall nearby as he dumped the bag of bacon into the pan, using the plastic flipper in his other hand to separate the strips of meat from one-another so they'd cook evenly, then he placed the spatula down and turned away, scratching idly at his lower back as he headed to the bathroom, his bladder grumbling at him now. As he passed his bedroom door, he paused to peer in and see his daughter was still asleep, then he smiled a bit as his eyes roved to the glowing numbers on the digital clock, nodding to himself. 6:47. She can sleep for ten more minutes, then I'll wake her up. Much as I know she's not looking forwards to school.

The dragon smiled to himself as he resumed his walk to the bathroom, pushing in and idly kicking the door gently closed behind him with one foot, pushing his pants down as he approached the toilet and looked musingly down into the water as he emptied his bladder. I remember my first year of high school, too. Probably wasn't as bad for me, though, since I grew up in a good ol' foresting town, but I hadda go where I could get a job... and not much work available for programmers all those years ago in Haddock Mills. Probably could have moved back there when you were born, if your mother hadn't-

Then Tegra shook his head and laughed a bit as he tucked himself back into his pants and reached out to flush the toilet, heading back to the kitchen and glancing over at the now-sizzling bacon. That was a pointless path to go down... what mattered now was him and his daughter, and that they were together, and happy. Still, he had his regrets, but most of them were for Selin and the experiences she'd not get to have, and not for himself.

He went back to tending the bacon, musing quietly to himself as he tilted his muzzle down and flipped the sizzling pieces of meat in the pan, one hand idly rubbing at his side before he went about pouring glasses of milk for himself and his daughter, then digging out bread to place in the toaster.

A few minutes later, he had breakfast laid out on the small table in the den, and then he was stepping back into the bedroom to awake his daughter. He paused in the doorway, smiling softly at her as he gazed at her with quiet warmth in his eyes, at her huddled-up form laying so peacefully on the bed. He felt like he could stand here forever, gazing at her and just... feeling this love and serenity... but instead of doing so, he quietly walked forwards and reached down to squeeze her shoulder gently, shaking her lightly as he said softly: "Selin, darling, it's time to get up. Time for school."

Selin stirred, then her emerald eyes opened and she yawned quietly, sitting up and stretching her arms out as she gazed up at her father with a bit of a smile and a tired: "Morning, Daddy..."

"Breakfast is on the table, when you're ready for it." Tegra said softly, reaching down to pat her cheek gently, then he turned and smiled to himself as he walked out of the room, gently closing the door to give her some privacy as he heard her click on the lamp and yawn again. Then he sat at the table, picking up the remote to turn the television to the news and watching idly as he munched on his bacon and toast.

A few moments later, Selin emerged, stretching but already looking much more awake and revivified, smiling warmly to her father as she sat beside him on the couch and picked up a morsel of bacon from her plate to toss into her muzzle, leaning lightly against his side and saying warmly: "Thanks for breakfast, Dad."

Tegra smiled back, leaning down to lightly kiss her temple, making her giggle and slide back a bit from him as she looked up at him warmly. He let his eyes gaze over her - clad as usual in her plain black halter top, dark, tight-fitting black pants, silver-claps belt and the usual studded wristband and variety of other bracelets she wore - then he nudged her lightly. "You know, it's going to be a pretty warm day outside, I hear."

"That's why no bra." Selin responded teasingly, earning an eye-roll from her father. Then she laughed a bit and hugged him gently around the waist, pushing her body against him as she gazed up at him cheerfully. "I like my clothes, Dad. You can't change that about me."

"And nor would I... you look perfectly good in my eyes." Tegra responded, faint entertainment dancing in his eyes as he hugged her gently in return. And that's true... probably a bit more than I like to admit... "I'm just saying..." He paused, looking down at his daughter softly, then he hugged her tightly to his body again, feeling a sudden burst of warmth and affection for his beloved child. "That I love you more than anything else in the whole wide world."

Selin looked back up at her father with warmth and surprise, then she returned the tight embrace and snuggled her body closer to his, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek. "I love you too Daddy, lots and lots..." A slight, playful grin. "Maybe almost as much as my spoon."

"You still carrying that around?" Tegra looked down at his daughter with faint entertainment, then he shook his head and laughed a bit. "I'll never really be able to understand your sense of humor, kiddo... but hey, you better get eating. Food's gonna get cold soon, and you gotta get moving."

The dragoness nodded in return, still smiling but sitting back and placidly starting to eat as Tegra finished his own breakfast and glass of milk, heading over to the sink to rinse the dishes off, then clean the grease out of the pan as he waited for his daughter to complete her own meal. A few minutes later, she approached with her dishes in hand, and he gave them a quick rinse before drying his hands off and looking down at her warmly. "You all ready for school?"

"Just gotta grab my bag and stuff." Selin responded in an equally compassionate voice, then she paused before suddenly hugging him tight again around the waist: Tegra blinked a bit, then he returned the tight hug with a smile, closing his eyes as she snuggled in close.

Selin herself didn't understand exactly why she was being so... clingy today, or why she felt a strange warmth and almost enjoyable anxiety rolling through her body as she pressed tight to her father... but he definitely didn't seem to mind, as he said softly: "Well, aren't you affectionate today?"

"Just feel that way, Daddy." Selin smiled warmly up at him, reaching up to stroke his cheek gently. Tegra looked back down with affection, then he blinked a bit as he thought he caught... something... else. But then he shook his head a bit and nudged his daughter lightly, winking down at her as she tilted her head curiously.

"I think that's a good thing... but I also think you're gonna end up being late if you don't get heading off soon." The older male smiled down at his daughter, squeezing her gently against his body as she looked up at him warmly, then she laughed a bit and nodded before pulling free from his arms and quickly trotting back to their shared room to gather up her things for the day. Tegra watched her disappear in the room, tail flicking around the corner, then he blinked and flushed as he felt a strange tightening at his pants again. Urgh. That's not good.

Quickly, the dragon turned back to the counter, opening one of the shelves and busying himself by rearranging the contents inside as he heard Selin emerge and head over to the couch. A glance over his shoulder confirmed where she was going, and that she had a binder in hand and her backpack slung over her shoulder: probably to check for some project or another. Inwardly, he sighed with relief, then turned his attention to a different task that would hopefully keep him occupied long enough to at least deal with the not-so-little issue in his pants.

Butter the bread. Spread it slowly... Tegra mumbled in his mind, keeping his focus on making Selin a sandwich for lunch instead of anything else. He was slow and methodical, thinking out each step as he completed it: ridiculous thing to do with a so-simple task as the creation of a sandwich, but it definitely got rid of the draconic erection that had been throbbing in his pants in a few minutes. He sighed with relief as he placed the peanut butter and jelly sandwich into a plastic baggie, then he placed that in turn into his daughter's lunchbox with a cola from the fridge and one of those quick-made snack things, with the cheese and crackers and such.

He smiled as he walked over to her, holding out the plain purple-metal lunchbox, and Selin took it with a smile in return and a bit of a laugh. "I could always buy lunch, Daddy. You don't have to go makin' it for me."

"But I wanted to." Tegra responded softly, tilting his head and winking as the dragoness took the container and shoved it into her backpack. "'Sides. I thought you wanted to save up your money for that show or something."

"It's a lecture." Selin replied in a dignified voice, tilting her muzzle upwards with a slight smile and her eyes gleaming, and her father forced himself to repress a smile at her noble, intellectual expression. "One of my favorite actors is giving it... the school is selling tickets to it, but they're really expensive... it's at the Mulroney Theatre Hall for three days, and then he's going up to the university for a week or something, for a different set of more interactive ones or something."

At this, the dragoness laughed a bit. "I wanna go to the public lecture... it'd be really great to see him in person, you know. And the private one is just too expensive..." Selin nodded, looking up at her father with those bright, innocent green eyes, and Tegra met her gaze with his own soft and compassionate one. You really are such a wonderful kid, Selin. Thoughtful and thankful... rare qualities these days.

"Well, if you don't have enough money by the time you need it, I can give you a bit of a loan." Tegra responded gently, then rose a hand as Selin began to shake her head. "Don't worry about it, really. We'll just call it an early birthday gift for you." He smiled, tilting his head. "Would that be alright with my girl?"

Selin gazed back up at her father, then she smiled a bit in return herself and nodded, then she suddenly lunged upwards and embraced him firmly around the neck, making the older dragon laugh a bit, his eyes widening with surprise and arms raising a bit... then he wrapped them firmly around his daughter and hugged her tight as she whispered: "Thank you, Daddy" against his neck, her body pressed as close to him as she could.

"No problem, Selin." Tegra responded gently, then he laughed a bit as the embrace broke and she sat back down, smiling up at him with shining eyes. "But you really better get going, or you're gonna end up late again."

"Oh damn! Okay Daddy." Selin blinked, looking at the time, then she quickly gathered up her papers and binder, throwing them into her bag before she jumped up, pausing only a moment to lean up and kiss her father firmly on the cheek. "Take care, huh, big guy? I'm looking forwards to seeing you after school and stuff..."

Tegra smiled after his daughter as she darted towards the door, quickly slipping her shoes on before she paused and glanced over her shoulder with a grin, sinuous tail flicking as she winked at her father. "You should come walk me home. All the girls are jealous that I've got the sexiest daddy in the world, after all."

"Selin!" Tegra half-groaned and rolled his eyes, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks... but it was a gratified blush, all the same, as his daughter gave a bit of a giggle, one hand over the end of her muzzle as she straightened. Then she gave a final smile and wink before leaving, unlocking the door and slipping quickly through; he heard her feet pattering down the hall as he stood there by the table and couch, a soft smile on his features... then he blinked and looked down to see his pants tented, recognizing again that definite tightness in the crotch area. Dammit!

"Hey, Selin! You're gonna be late!" called a familiar voice, and the dragoness couldn't help but roll her eyes with a slight, ironic smile as she strode quickly towards her homeroom, backpack thrown over her shoulder as she wound her way through the crowded halls. Thanks Maxy. I noticed.

The dragoness slipped between two clusters of people as her canine friend waved at her from where she leaned in the classroom door, her eyes round and, as usual, childishly-melodramatic. She made another waving, beckoning motion, and the dragoness gave an inward sigh as she stepped up the pace and swerved to avoid another small knot of people, her eyes travelling over Maxy lightly.

The collie was tall and thick-bodied: not fat, just large. Her eyes were wide, blue marbles and her fur was sleek but somewhat scruffy, giving her an unkempt, perhaps dazed look. In no way could she be called ugly, but it was just as difficult to call her beautiful, from her slightly-wrinkly, conservative dresses and blouses to her lack of neatness. Perhaps at times she could be a bit easily ruffled and emotional, but all in all she was a good girl; not the kind who was fun at parties but who'd take a bit of a fun risk in private.

Maxy sighed with relief as her friend stepped into the classroom, then she winced as Selin's tail slapped her leg lightly as she passed, the collie rubbing at it reflexively as she pouted and followed the dragoness over to their seats. Then she straightened as Selin sat down, crossing her arms and looking at her with the same sulky expression. "What was that for?"

"The usual." Selin responded, as she dropped her backpack to the floor beside her and dug out her binder and pencil case, throwing it down on the desk as she looked up at Maxy with a slight smile. "You know, it's still like, fifteen minutes until class starts. I haven't been late all week."

"The week just started." Maxy responded moodily, tilting her head and half-glaring as she sat at the desk in front of the dragoness, then she turned around so she straddled the chair backwards, hands grasping the top of the backrest. "And if you get one more late, then you're gonna get a detention."

"It's not my fault the bus was late all those times." Selin replied defensively, crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair, head rearing back a bit.

"But you came in after all the other bus students!"

"Well, I figured late was late. I might as well stop at my locker and stuff instead of running to class and dragging this with me." The dragoness responded reasonably, kicking her bag lightly and making Maxy roll her eyes. "And we do gotta stop at my locker after class, too. I wanna show you something I found."

Maxy tilted her head, losing her pettishness as instead a curious gleam shone in her eyes, leaning towards the dragoness and feeling her interest rise at the slight grin on her fellow's features as she leaned forwards as well. "What?"

But then Selin shrugged and straightened with a slight smile, winking as she straightened and waved a hand, saying cheerfully: "You'll see after class. It'll be much more fun as a surprise."

The collie rolled her eyes at this, then she huffed and crossed her arms as Selin giggled a bit and smiled again. Then the dog turned around and began to shuffle through the stuff on her own desk as Selin leaned back with a contented sigh, putting her hands behind her hand and glancing around the classroom. Of course, if Daddy knew what I managed to pick up on my way to school, I dunno if he'd be all that pleased with me... I'll definitely have to leave it here or get Maxy to take it home for me.

A few minutes later, a scruffy equine entered the room: the tall, brown-haired stallion was dressed in plain black dress pants and a white, button up dress shirt that had the buttons on the cuffs of the long sleeves undone. His black mane was tied back in a long, braided ponytail that reached all the way down to his waist, and hooves tapped lightly against the floor as he walked over to lean against his desk, glancing over a few papers he held in one hand. Sharp eyes glanced out over the class as the bell rang for class, and then the usual morning announcements came on as he rested against the desk.

For whatever reason, Selin found her eyes tracing over him, licking her lips a bit as she found a strange attraction in her... then she shook her head a bit and made a face. Ew. What am I thinking? Mr. Martin isn't even that hot... not like... Rick over there...

Now Selin found her eyes wandering from the stallion to a strong-built, attractive dragon with blue scales and long, slightly-curling horns that were his most distinguishing feature. His eyes were azure, his body already with a good bit of shape and muscle to it, and he usually wore tight t-shirts and jeans that were almost the same color as his scales... yes, Rick was definitely more attractive, now that she was looking at him.

Then the dragoness blinked and shook her head as the announcements stopped and Mr. Martin called for attention, frowning a bit as she leaned back in her chair. She liked to ogle the guys as much as any girl, sure, but that wasn't usually something she did so blatantly... and she'd been feeling weird all day, ever since she got up. Being in the bus had made it worse, and now here she was thinking about how attractive all the guys in the classroom suddenly appeared to her... What's going on?

Ironically, Mr. Martin at this point had the answer to the question that was currently plaguing not only her, but several other females in the room at this point. "Everyone seems to be here... well. Since most of you are maturing now - in body, if not in mind..." A glance here at one of the back corners, where several of the less-academically-focused students sat... "Today we have a special presentation on sexual education, mostly because over the next month, many of the females here will go through their heat cycles... which could last anywhere from a day to a week. Needless to say, any sexual activity on school grounds is strictly prohibited."

The stallion paused at this point, then he sighed and gave a rueful smile. "At your ages, you probably shouldn't be thinking so much of sexual contact at all and be doing your best to resist your urges. But at least ninety percent of you are probably going to give in to them instead... so at least take this advice and do it with someone you trust, and don't just randomly go out to some bar somewhere or anything ridiculous like that."

With that, Mr. Martin nodded and turned to the board to begin writing out the day's basic lesson, and Selin felt herself flushing slightly as she added one plus one and found herself fearing that she knew what exactly she was going through. In less than half an hour later, she was sure of it: the informative little presentation that the sexual education staff had presented had definitely confirmed that for her.

After class, she waited out in the hall for Maxy: the collie wanted to ask Mr. Martin for something, and Selin wanted to avoid getting close to any males for as long as possible. Still, as she stood just outside, she found herself smiling dreamily at the males that walked by, clutching her binder against her chest and feeling an odd warmth flowing through her and now recognizing that strange need between her legs. But she kept herself as calm as she could, stopped herself from pouncing on every male that so much as looked at her - although it was hard when Rick eyed her and grinned - and waited patiently for her canine friend until she finally came out of the class and gave the dragoness an odd look. "You okay, Selin? You look a bit flushed."

"I'm fine!" Selin snapped, then she glanced back and forth before giving a giddy giggle, as she realized exactly what she wanted to show the collie. "Come on, I wanna show you the thing I found, you'll love it."

"Okay..." Maxy made a bit of a face, eyeing her friend uncomfortably but following behind her and rubbing the back of her head as she walked quickly after the dragoness. "You know, you're acting kinda weird... I mean..." A pause, and the lights went on in Maxy's head as she blinked. "Oh hey, you aren't in-"

"Shush!" Selin stopped and rounded on her friend, eyes wide as she glanced back and forth before she leaned in close, half-glaring at her as she hissed under her breath: "It's not like I want anyone to know, Maxy! Yes, but don't tell anyone!"

"Oh wow." Maxy blinked slowly, then she actually grinned a bit, reaching up to poke the dragoness's nose. "You're a bad girl, Selin Shoras."

The female snorted at this, then she turned on her heel before heading quickly for her locker again, making the collie blink and then rush to catch up, slipping quickly around a knot of people in the hall before she joined Selin by her locker, tilting her head as the dragoness entered the combination with one hand quickly. "So what do you have to show me?"

"Just look down at the floor." The dragoness replied mysteriously, stepping back from her locker and glancing around as she fidgeted a bit on the spot. Maxy gave her an odd look at this, then she shrugged before opening it and glancing down... and then she gave a bit of a squeal and quickly closed the door as Selin grinned at her. "Isn't it awesome?"

For a few moments, the collie only stood, mouth working and glaring, then she threw her arms out and half-yelled: "Selin! You can't go picking up things like that! You don't know where they've been or anything!"

"Aww, I cleaned it off and stuff." Selin responded comfortably, then she opened her locker to toss her books and bag inside: she wouldn't need them for gym, glancing down at the rather large, studded dildo on the floor of her locker. And thank God it's an all-female class. "It's fine. I mean, it's not like you can get herpes from it or anything, right?"

"Do you like, know anything about STDs? 'Cause yeah, you can." Maxy fumed, crossing her arms and continuing to glare at her friend.

But Selin only grinned in return, shrugging as she rifled through her bag for her gym uniform. "Aww, come on, lighten up Maxy! And I know they're called STIs now, not STDs."

At that, the collie huffed, threw her arms up, and then stomped off as Selin laughed and watched her with a grin, shaking her head before she found her eyes following a large dragon that wandered down the hall - the quarterback of the senior football team, a handsome, hulking... Oh God. Just... just get through the day, Selin. I'm sure Daddy'll know exactly what to do.

Unfortuantely, that was far easier said than done: as the day progressed, Selin found herself more and more fidgety, wincing as she looked for some outlet, for some place to save herself from the terrible neediness that was growing in her, and all the sexual frustration she was feeling from her heat. Gym, at least, was a short rest... but it had the downside of making her hot and sweaty, and she picked up on a distinct, sweet scent in the locker room that seemed to make her own heat go into overdrive. Now she was all but drooling over all the males that came her way, almost wanting to jump them right there and then... and by her second-last period, she realized that she definitely needed to just go home. This is crazy. I just can't function like this. I gotta go home. I wanna see Daddy.

And so, Selin decided to skip her last class, making a dash for her locker on break and stuffing everything into her bag before she left the building, glancing back and forth and doing all she could to avoid the eye of every male on the street, knowing that by now she was probably giving her own scent off and just hoping that for once, the people in New Tears would behave decently.

Tegra Shoras, on the other hand, had been suffering his own sexual frustrations over the last few hours. After Selin had gone, he'd forced away his erection again, half-inclined to masturbate but sighing when he'd gotten a phone call asking for server help, and forced to put business before pleasure.

After spending about an hour on the phone with someone who didn't know a wireless router from a wireless bra, the dragon had lost his erection, and most of his patience as well. Thus, the next twenty minutes of futilely attempting to log on to the office network remotely through the crappy satellite connection he had left him frustrated and irritable, and so he decided to cool off by sitting back from the computer for a few minutes and instead reading through an old book he'd found in the trunk of stuff he kept in the storage lockup of the apartment complex.

The reptile mumbled a bit to himself as he scanned the pages, a pair of reading glasses balanced on the end of his muzzle: he'd found that his eyes were still as good as ever when it came to everything else, but reading the small, fine print that many of his old books had gave him a bit of a headache unless he wore his glasses. But as he read, he found himself gradually relaxing, smiling a bit at the old story as he remembered the first time he'd read through the romance, back when he'd been dating Selin's mother. It seemed that it had been ages ago now... and then he laughed a bit as he turned a page, mumbling the next steps of the plot aloud to himself: "Then the fair lady takes the guy to her apartment... and shows she can be just as bad and dirty as the rest... I think a lot of porn movies do that same thing, just in a less-fancy and more nasty way."

The red dragon stirred a bit, rolling his shoulders slowly as he straightened and glanced back and forth, putting the book down and fidgeting slightly as he felt his erection returning, mildly naughty thoughts coming to mind now... and soon bridging into extremely naughty. He bit his cheek lightly, wincing a bit as he looked around the room and felt his penis stirring, glancing down at his pants and saying firmly: "No. Stay down."

But as usual, the downstairs brain refused to listen... and Tegra soon found himself anxious and in need of release. Finally, he sighed and glanced up at the clock, expecting to see that it was three thirty, fourish and that his daughter would be home any minute... but then blinking and instead smiling a bit as he saw it was only two. "Well... I guess I still got some time..."

He nodded to himself, idly rubbing at his crotch, feeling his penis already erect in his pants and rubbing insistently against the fabric of his underwear, and then he glanced at the computer before deciding that his thoughts would be more than enough to keep him entertained... besides, he'd have to delete all the files and such afterwards, and he'd prefer to not go through that hassle just for a bit of relief. So instead he paused, then shifted as he pushed down his pants, his boxers visibly bulging as he reached down and slowly rubbed his palm against the fabric, the red-flesh color of his shaft visible through the light material.

Tegra smiled slightly as he rocked his hips lightly, rubbing himself against the inside of his boxers and causing them to stretch a bit more before he reached down and grasped the edge of his shirt, slowly drawing that off his body and idly tossing it aside as he closed his eyes and gave a soft murr to himself in his throat: it had been quite a long time since he'd been able to do anything but a quick stroke by himself, but he had at least an hour and a half before he had to get his pants back on... so he planned to draw this out and enjoy himself.

He let his head fall back, drawing his hands over his masculine form, tickling gently against his muscles and pretending it was someone else's claws and fingers, imagining a female with burning green eyes standing there, leaning over him... moving her hands against his body, along his firm abdominals, rubbing at his waist as he slowly kicked his pants off and away. A smile spread over his muzzle as he breathed softly, then the image in his mind became clearer and he straightened quickly, blinking and making a face. "What the hell!" Why am I picturing my daughter, of all people, doing this? Ugh. Pull yourself together, Tegra. That's nothing you should be thinking of.

He paused, then glanced back and forth, one hand absently rubbing at his crotch and pushing against the draconic shaft still partially hidden in his boxers before he sighed and glanced down, biting the inside of his muzzle as he frowned a bit at the ground. Was it really so wrong? After all... no one ever had to know he'd... well, masturbated to thoughts of his daughter. And it seemed... so appealing at this moment...

The dragon blushed a bit, his eyes searching around himself as if expecting someone to suddenly appear there: perhaps child services or maybe even the long-gone mother of Selin, there to take her back. Then he relaxed a bit as he let the thoughts flow a bit more into his mind, cautiously, as if tasting them. And the flavor he felt they had was certainly new and exotic... forbidden as the apples of Eden, but so delicious nonetheless. He closed his eyes, breathing a bit harder now as he let his arms drop against the sides of the chair, feeling his erection throbbing all the harder in his boxers as the images became clearer in his mind.

He pictured Selin nude before him, and what a glorious image it was... her developing body, her small but growing breasts, her smooth figure kept fit from the exercise she did. She was excited, and in this picture he could smell it as much as see it, in her glowing, half-lidded eyes and the movement of her body, seductive sway of her hips as she walked towards him...

A quiet murr escaped his muzzle as he shifted a bit against the chair, his hands moving to rub gently against his own firm abdominals as he felt his breath almost catching in his throat at this forbidden but delicious imagining. She stopped in front of him, bending forwards in this dream to share a gentle kiss with him before she turned around and bent at the waist as she spread her legs a bit, revealing her virginal but excited folds, whispering over her shoulder some half-formed, imagined words about wanting her father to be her first... and Tegra let out another deep murr of bliss before he opened his eyes with a smile, licking slowly at his muzzle. Definitely, definitely the fantasy I wanna go with to add to my little fun here...

The dragon looked down as he slowly pulled his boxers free, letting his thick, draconic shaft spring up with what was almost a life of its own. The flesh-colored, throbbing shaft was just over seven inches in length, pushing forth from his genital slit with a pair of hanging, scaled testicles below and ending in a pointed, engorged head. He murred a bit as he wrapped a hand around the hot shaft, squeezing it gently to test his own hardness and then flexing his penis against his hand.

Then he closed his eyes, and it was no longer his hand around his hot shaft, but instead it was his daughter's, testing him, readying him... and the dragon let out another hungry murr as he tilted his head upwards, beginning to slowly and lazily stroke his hand up and down his shaft as he whispered incoherently to himself, phrases of pleasure mixed with his daughter's name.

His hand moved gently up and down his firm penis, gripping it lightly as he stroked the firm seven inches of flesh, resting back against the chair as he breathed softly, eyes closed and a smile on his muzzle as he let himself wander through his various imaginings. His other hand moved up, tips of his claws delicately brushing over his chest as he murred gently, hand stroking gently up and down his hard, throbbing penis as the other tickled and moved along the shape of his body and ridges of his muscle.

His breathing picked up a bit as he began to stroke his hard shaft faster, feeling hot arousal and deep excitement flowing through his body, the pleasure already building with enough force to cause him to feel both surprise and greater passion. His hand moved firmly up and down his hard, fleshy cock as he began to rock his hips a bit, feeling his body flexing in rhythm with the firm movements of his hand.

Tegra groaned a bit in pleasure, his eyes closing, images of his daughter floating through his head... real ones, of her naked while in the shower, changing, all the other times he'd seen her nude or nearly bare of clothes... and imagined ones, her posing, standing before him, and touching him, kissing him, and passionately loving him. He imagined what it would feel like to slide his thick penis into her, imagined the sounds she would make as his hand squeezed his fleshy shaft and his thumb moved to rub lightly against the pointed tip of his firm cock, causing a thrill of pleasure to roll through his body with each brush of his thumb against the sensitive head.

His hips began to rock a bit harder now with each stroke of his hand along his firm meat, his breaths coming a bit faster, and he struggled with the urge to simply stroke as hard and fast as he could before forcing himself to all but stop, biting his tongue a bit as he opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling, amazed at how quickly and deeply aroused he'd become with thoughts of his daughter in mind. He moved his hand back from his shaft, looking down for a moment at his throbbing, firm member, and relaxed a bit against the chair for a few seconds with a quiet murr escalating from his throat.

Then he brought his other hand down, beginning to stroke gently with his left as he shifted his right to lightly play with a testicle, his body once more calm but flowing with arousal as he closed his eyes again, once more letting Selin slip into his mind as he gently moved his hand up and down his shaft, a bit of pre leaking forth from his excited member as he gently rolled one large orb in his good hand, licking his muzzle a bit: using the off hand gave a different feeling than usual, made it easier to imagine Selin touching him, stroking him, taking him into her virginal sex as he murred softly in his throat.

He moved his hand up and down his shaft, penis slick now with his pre, as his other hand moved back and forth between his testicles, fondling and rolling them as he let out a soft breath of pleasure. Already he was growing towards the edge of sexual excitement again, becoming more and more aroused and all but floating with the ecstasy as his hand worked up and down his cock, the other toying gently at his testicles as he once more began to rock his hips gently.

The dragon continued like this for a short while, then he slipped his left hand up to the pointed head of his penis, squeezing it gently as he moved his other hand from playing with his large balls to moving up and down his hot, throbbing shaft, grunting quietly at the thrills and shivers the movements of his hands sent through his body, hips bucking lightly upwards as his legs spread a bit, thoughts of his daughter filling his mind with lust and love.

He let his left hand drop back from toying against his head to rub along his masculine form gently, playing along his abdominals and chest as the other continued stroking up and down his throbbing penis, feeling his desire welling up in his body as he began to near climax once more, and this time knowing he wouldn't be able to hold back. His eyes remained closed as he began to pant quietly, the picture of his daughter clear in his head, hearing her moan as he took her, made her his in more ways than simply blood and family... and he arched his back a bit, head raising as he let out a soft groan, hand continuing to stroke up and down his seven and some inches of malehood.

The sound of his groan covered the click of the lock, but not the sound of the door opening and familiar footsteps as Selin stepped into the apartment and threw it shut behind her, her eyes gazing at the floor before she blinked at the heavy scent in the air, the musk of a male, but stronger somehow... and then her eyes widened as she caught sight of her father, sitting in the chair, his thick draconic penis shining with pre and gripped firmly in one hand. Her backpack slid from where it was thrown over her shoulder and hit the ground with a loud thud as she blinked slowly and felt her mouth go dry.

Her father, in return, felt the arousal leave his body and shock take its place... and then arousal came back as he caught the heavy, hot scent of a female in heat suddenly filling the air. His hands fell away from his body to grab the arms of the chair as he stared at his daughter stupidly for a few moments, then he flushed furiously as he realized her scent was causing all his thoughts to return in full force... and his erection to throb all the harder as he twitched a bit in the chair, feeling a bit of drool forming at the corner of his jaws as he looked at Selin with desire and passion and what felt like complete humiliation. "Uh... you're... home early."

"Yeah. I... was having trouble at school." Selin responded faintly, swallowing a bit as she looked at her father. Without realizing it, she rose a hand to lightly touch one of her own breasts, almost playing at it absently as her eyes roved over her father's naked and obviously-excited body, and then without thinking - perhaps driven by her heat, the smell in the air, the sight before her and her own love, perhaps this had been part of her need to get home all along, not because of the need to throw herself at everyone but the need to have her first time be special, be with the one male who had always been there for her - she suddenly walked forwards, half-stumbling in what was almost a dazed hurry.

Tegra reared back in the chair, his eyes widening as he opened his muzzle to protest, the scent of his daughter's heat-struck body becoming thicker in the air and making it harder for him to think... when she dropped towards him, hands reaching out to push against his sweaty chest, her muzzle descending down to push against his in a firm and sudden kiss.

He felt her mouth push against hers with what was desperate desire, almost need, and in his aroused, hot state he couldn't help himself, instinctively meeting her jaws with his own as his hands moved to grasp her hips. They worked together, kissing hungrily, and then Tegra felt his fantasies becoming reality as Selin drew back and looked down at him with deep want, her eyes alight as she moved her hands up from his chest to grasp his cheeks gently, looking down into his hazel eyes as her own emerald burned brilliantly.

Then she paused for a moment, trembling slightly before leaning down closer, their noses almost touching and her breaths washing gently over his now-wet lips as she whispered quietly: "Will you take me, Daddy? Please... I want it... and you're the only male who I trust enough, who can make me happy, make this special..."

Perhaps if Tegra had been more himself, hadn't just spent the last half hour or so masturbating, and hadn't been envisioning his daughter all that time, he would have still been able to resist the power of her heat and the deep, sensual aura emanating from her daughter, had thought logically and denied her request... or at least said to wait until later, once she got control over the urges she was having that were partly the fault of her heat.

But instead, he only managed to nod and swallow thickly before pulling his daughter towards him, wrapping his arms around her waist as she dropped her muzzle down and pushed her body closer, one of her arms wrapping around his neck and the other hand dropping to hesitantly touch her fingers against his cock, her jaws once more meeting his in a deep, passionate kiss. Their mouths worked together hungrily, tongues dancing and intertwining as Selin's hand became braver, wrapping around the thick draconian shaft and squeezing it lightly, giving a single stroke that caused her father to groan hungrily into her jaws and pulled her tighter down as he spread his legs, letting her half-fall against him as they continued to lovingly but passionately work mouth against mouth.

Then she drew back as her father's hands moved up to grasp her shirt, giving his shaft another firm squeeze that made him twitch a bit and rock his hips a bit in her grip, the dragon grunting quietly in pleasure before pulling up as Selin moved to allow him to remove her shirt, the male tossing it aside as he gazed upon her breasts with adoration that was no longer fatherly love at the development of his daughter, but with a lover's drinking gaze upon his beloved's secret, intimate regions.

He moved his hands up to gently settle on her breasts, squeezing them slowly and pushing his palms forwards so her hard nipples gently brushed against them, meeting her gaze with his own as she reached down and slowly pushed down her boxers and jeans, sliding her legs and tail free before kicking them off as she licked her muzzle apprehensively, feeling hesitance now: not because of what she was doing with who, but because now his approval of her body seemed all important. Light pleasure flowed from his hands as they slowly fondled her breasts, his fingertips gently massaging against the swells as his gaze roved down between them, smiling softly as he drew his eyes over her form before looking back into her eyes again. "My beautiful daughter..."

And with that, all of Selin's worries vanished and she smiled in return, slowly moving forwards, reaching a hand up to press gently against the back of her father's and holding it against her breast as his other experienced hand slipped down, trailing over her stomach and waist before slipping between her legs, thumb gently tracing around her clitoris in slow circles as two fingers rolled lightly along her virginal entrance, making her shudder and release a soft breath of pleasure. She automatically bucked her hips gently against the roving fingers as her father drew them back along her lips, and then she gave a quiet murr as she gently reached her hands out to grasp Tegra's shoulders as he moved both hands to her hips, guiding her gently forwards as he closed his legs a bit so she could straddle him.

Selin slipped carefully forwards, her hands sliding down to press lightly against his firm chest, eyes locked with her father's as she let out a gentle sigh of pleasure. His hands rolled lightly against her hips, holding onto her firmly as he let his legs fall back open, heavy, seed-laden testicles dangling and cock throbbing and erect with desire, then he leaned up and his daughter moved her head down.

They kissed: hungry, passionately, lovingly. Their jaws worked gently together, tongues sliding and invading each other's muzzles before clashing, dancing, wrestling, eyes closed in luxurious bliss. They breathed each other's breath, pushed their bodies closer and felt each other's heat as the musky scent of her father flooded through Selin; in return, her father could all but taste his daughter's heat as it sent a storm of pleasure through his body and set loose the inhibitions in his mind.

Selin lowered herself a bit, her body trembling, releasing a sigh as their kiss broke and her hands moved to squeeze his shoulders, leaning against him as her virginal passage was lightly stroked by the throbbing head of her father's firm shaft. She let out a soft sigh as Tegra squeezed her hips gently, then he moved one hand to grasp the base of his fleshy penis as he gazed up at his daughter, kissing her cheek gently before whispering in her ear: "Just lower yourself down, and I'll do the rest..."

The dragoness nodded, swallowing a bit, then she did as her father had asked, moving slowly down and feeling the tip of the dragon's shaft grazing her entrance again, letting out another quiet sound of pleasure and anticipation as the already-wet lips of her sex gently kissed the top of Tegra's firm draconic member... and then she closed her eyes as she felt him slipping forwards, gently pushing a bit into her before the head of his penis touched the wall of her hymen.

She hesitated for a moment, biting her muzzle, and then her eyes flashed wide and she released a surprised, short cry of pain as her father suddenly jerked down on her hips and thrusted upwards at the same time, all seven inches of reptilian shaft suddenly plunging up into his daughter as she sat down hard, a bit of blood dribbling out from the lips of her sex as she fell forwards against her father, breathing quietly as she curled her head under his muzzle, face contorted for a moment with pain as her fingers bore down into his shoulder. She could feel his cock throbbing in her, and it was almost uncomfortable at first... but then, as her father rested in her, shifting only so his arms wrapped around her waist as he murred quietly, she felt that ache turning to a strange new pleasure she had never felt before.

"Is it good?" Tegra asked, looking down at her softly, and Selin nodded against him before glancing back up at her father with equal passion and love. The male smiled, then he drew his body down a bit before thrusting up, rocking Selin on his lap and thrusting a bit in and out of her, making her moan quietly for a moment as her eyes slid closed and she dropped back against his chest.

She shifted to move her legs up, now kneeling over him on the chair as he continued to slowly thrust in and out of her, his arms staying around her waist as he tilted his head, breathing quietly and studying his daughter's features, watching her react to his movements, her first sexual encounter with a male. At first, he managed to control himself, keeping his thrusts steady and gentle, moving himself in a slow rhythm in and out of his daughter... and then he let out a bit of a surprised groan as Selin rocked herself back against him, letting out her own sound of light pleasure, panting against his chest as her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, then she looked up and whispered: "Harder, Daddy..."

Tegra could only nod in reply, then his hands slipped out, one grasping her hip and the other sliding down to squeeze a buttock gently as he leaned down to kiss her again. Their muzzles worked together passionately as their bodies did the same, Tegra thrusting with greater power now, taking longer, faster pistons in and out of his daughter's body as Selin rocked her hips against him in rhythm with his thrusts, feeling his hand sliding up under the base of her tail, then gently up along her spine before moving to squeeze her bust gently, but with the passion of a lover.

She moaned in pleasure at the feeling of her father roughly fondling and groping a breast, her breath washing into his maw before the kiss broke and she once more pushed herself back against her father's chest, feeling a strange, hot sensation rising in her loins as she moved up and down the fleshy, thick shaft buried inside of her, feeling her father's body thrumming with power and passion as she squeezed him tight around the neck, moving up and down the stiff seven inches of penis with another quiet sound of pleasure.

Tegra grunted quietly as his fingertips dug a bit into the scales of his daughter's hip, feeling her virginal passage already tightening around his shaft as he thrusted up into her and she rocked back against him again and again. He knew himself he wouldn't last much longer, not with this deep passion flowing through him, the pleasure he felt, and the arousing, maddening scent of their combined smells floating in the air around them. He was unable to think, unable to do anything but desire and do all he could to fulfill those physical lusts, as he pistoned his shaft into his daughter's sex again and again, hearing her moans turning to soft, short cries of pleasure.

Selin couldn't stop the rise of ecstasy she felt, and was powerless to control the feelings flowing through her body... especially the strange tightening she felt in her lower regions. And then suddenly it was as if the pleasure was exploding, turning into some even more exotic, erotic bliss as her back suddenly arched, pulling herself close against her father's masculine form as she ground her hips down, swallowing his firm cock with her passage, her lips kissing his waist as she bucked firmly down against him, releasing a cry of pleasure as she hit her first orgasm: her fluids poured forth down the draconic cock buried inside her, the walls of her vagina squeezing it tight, gripping the firm flesh as she bore down against her father, rocking hard against him again and again.

Tegra groaned in pleasure, head falling back as he felt his daughter's passage contracting rhythmically against him with surprising strength, his eyes sliding closed as one hand firmly squeezed one of his daughter's breasts and the other arm slid around her waist, squeezing her against his body as she bucked against him again and again, the dragon unable to keep up with his daughter's powerful movements but still thrusting firmly up into her again and again. Then she once more began to move in time with him, panting against his chest and moaning softly into the nape of his neck as he looked down at her lovingly, Tegra now able to move with much greater ease in and out of his daughter's sex with his firm shaft coated in her lubricating juices.

But then he paused and moved his hands down, sliding them lightly under her thighs and halting his thrusts, causing Selin to stop and look up at him dreamy surprise. He could understand the not-thereness, however... he himself felt like he was floating through some fantasy, could feel his body thrumming like he was in a race, could feel his heart pounding in his chest as if he was fleeing for his life from some titan but his mind ethereal, as if he was high on some powerful drug.

He answered the question his daughter asked with her eyes by leaning down to kiss her, making her melt against him, squeezing him tight around the neck as their jaws worked together firmly, tongues intertwining, dancing, wrestling. Then he slowly flexed his toeclaws against the floor before standing, his legs trembling a bit as he hefted his daughter into the air, his firm draconic member hilting into her and making her moan as it bore deep into her sex, her breasts pushing against his chest and exciting him even further. For a moment they stood like that, the dragon holding his daughter up, her clinging against him and the two continuing to kiss hungrily, before their mouths broke apart and Selin nuzzled and kissed at his throat as Tegra tilted his head up and walked quickly towards the couch, all but staggering around the table before he slid one knee onto the cushions and then lowered his daughter down onto her back, her legs moving to cradle his waist and her arms sliding free from his neck, but fingers remaining locked behind it as she looked up at him softly, whispering: "Oh Daddy... I love you, Dad..."

"I love you too, Selin..." Tegra replied quietly, leaning down and gently - almost chastely - kissing her lips before he straightened, his hands sliding from her buttocks and one gently rubbing her side as he leaned over her, the other moving to rest on the cushions by his daughter's head for balance. Then he drew his hips back before thrusting gently forwards into her, rocking her body lightly and making her groan quietly as she gazed hungrily, passionately up into her father's eyes.

The male pulled back once more, then buried himself again to the hilt as Selin rocked back against him, grunting quietly, but the pleasure at this angle somehow greater... not to mention the fact she was still reeling in the ecstasy of her first orgasm. She began to pant quietly as she rocked her hips eagerly against the thrusting of her father's firm penis, feeling her body already going once more into the unfamiliar readying stages of orgasm.

Tegra felt the pleasure once more rising in his form as he pistoned in and out of his daughter, working his penis firmly back and forth between the lips of her sex and letting his body drop a bit more over hers, covering her with his form as he felt her legs squeeze his waist tightly, her hips bucking up to swallow his entire shaft at the end of every firm thrust into her body. He groaned quietly at the rising pleasure, marveling at the tightness of his daughter's passage and the ecstasy that was flowing through his body as he pistoned firmly into Selin again and again.

The dragoness felt her own bliss rising and rising in her body, as she bucked back against the draconic shaft that was currently giving her so much pleasure. The female moaned softly as she felt herself tightening once more around her father's slick penis, eager to achieve this next orgasm and not even trying to restrain herself as she arched her back, breasts bouncing with every thrust of her father's cock into her form as she closed her eyes, heat, ecstasy, and eroticism all swirling into a delicious mix in her body.

Tegra felt his daughter's passage clenching around him, and he began to thrust faster in response, his breathing harder as he worked himself powerfully in and out of his daughter's form, eyes half-closed in bliss as he gazed hungrily over her body. His own orgasm wouldn't be long now, as he felt his testicles slapping firmly against her anus with every thrust into his daughter... even that was enough now to send amazing trills of pleasure through his form.

His fleshy cock slid into her again and again, faster and faster, with rising power as Tegra leaned down over Selin, and Selin arched her back and rocked her hips firmly against her father's thrusts, both anticipating the coming orgasm, both racing to reach their own and enjoy the burst of pleasure, to fulfill the desire to mate in total. Then Tegra dropped his body a bit more, resting his weight on his daughter and groaning hungrily as he pushed down on her form lightly with his own masculine body, his hands moving to grip his daughter's sides firmly as one leg slid up a bit and the other firmed its stance against the floor.

The male's thrusts quickened, testicles slapping harder against her rear as Selin only moaned and arched her back against her father, feeling his cock becoming even stiffer inside of her, like hot steel that was ramming in and out between her tight lips. It incited her own orgasm, feeling her passage tightening, grasping the hot, thick, hard shaft inside of her, the female crying out even as she felt her father groaning and clutching her against his body, her own arms wrapping tight around him as he began to pound her harder with his pistoning thrusts, burying to the hilt in her again and again before he arched his back down against his daughter and began to release burst after burst of draconic load into her even as her own juices once more poured down the dragon's shaft.

He thrusted powerfully, rapidly, again and again to the hilt, making Selin's entire body rock and her breasts bounce, her legs clutching him around the waist as she let out a short, sharp moan with each bury of her father's cock into her form, feeling the fleshy shaft pushing deep into her over and over. Tegra too was groaning hungrily, amazed at the ecstasy, at the tightness and firm grasp of his daughter's passage around his hard penis as he worked in and out of her rapidly, continuing to pour his seed forth into her body as his crimson balls smacked wetly against her anus again and again.

Finally, after what seemed like almost a minute, the dragon began to slow his thrusts, and his daughter relaxed beneath him, almost slumping back against the cushions of the couch as she panted hard, still gripping him around the body but her legs falling to the sides as she closed her eyes and released a quiet, amazed groan. Slowly, so slowly, Tegra pulled out, a short rush of their mixed fluids dribbling free with his slowly-softening penis as he lifted himself a bit off his daughter's body, gazing down at her softly as she quietly opened one eye and smiled faintly back up at him.

For a few moments, they stayed like that, Selin's emerald irises both opening to look into her father's hazel, and then they simply shared a quiet, chaste kiss. Then Tegra laughed a bit as Selin tilted her head, before they both smiled as he said softly: "Looks like we don't have to sleep on separate halves of the bed anymore, I guess."

"Together, in the middle?" The dragoness smiled a bit again, then she curled a bit against her father as he rolled off her, the two snuggling tightly on the couch as she tilted her head up at him with a quiet laugh, kissing gently at his throat. "I suppose that wouldn't be so bad... but... can we just... stay here for now?"

"Sure." Tegra said softly, gazing down at his daughter lovingly, his mind still floating and the scent of their mating heavy in the air, but no longer affecting either of them quite so much as Selin curled against her father's form, and the male held her tight against his chest. And for a little while at least, the questions could be put aside and the eventual consequences dealt with later, as they simply lay together on the couch, loving each other, accepting what had taken place, and glorifying in the wonder of their first - and most likely not last - mating and lovemaking.