A Change of Circumstance

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#1 of A Change of Circumstance

This story and all characters within are the property of the user Ghosty on SoFurry (Ghostwolf36 on Furaffinity)

Do not copy or redistribute this work in any way!

This story involves a suggestive sexual theme of incest, if you are not comfortable with this theme in your reading please leave this page now. Further themes will be explored in later chapters.

Enjoy your reading and please leave comments.

A Change of Circumstance

The lake was still; stiller that he could remember at any time in his life. It was as if it were holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. The mirror like reflection of forest and mountains making it difficult to determine which way was truly up. Truly up; this was a thought that had entered his mind before, six years ago when his world turned upside down. His wife Lillian, had divorced him and taken all that mattered to him; his life, his home, his savings, but by for the most precious thing he had was the hardest to lose. His daughter - Verity.

Stuart shook his head and pulled himself to his feet; the white, grey, and black tiger sighing as he considered what might have been if he had the energy and money to fight the custody battle for his daughter. As his thoughts dwelt on the past he dusted down his jeans and red flannel shirt then turned and headed back to his cabin along the sturdy wooden jetty that he had build years ago. Feeling the years on his shoulders like a great weight, Stuart found himself wandering into his cabin through his kitchen with no idea of what to do. The sound of a car crunching gravel outside caught the strong bulky tiger's attention and he quickly snapped out of his day dreaming to investigate the new arrival at the front of his home.

Opening the front door Stuart's face came to life with a large smile and wide eyes; he knew the car that approached and he knew its occupant. Verity had come to see him. Beside himself with joy the forty year old tiger jumped down the small set of stairs that led to the door and ran to the car to meet his daughter.

Verity had barely stepped out of her car before she was wrapped up in the loving embrace of her Father. "Hi Daddy." She said with a chuckle. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Kitten." Stuart sighed contentedly as he called his daughter by the nickname he had given her when she was just a cub. "What are you doing here? You know your mother doesn't like you coming out here."

The older tiger felt his daughters grip tighten around him. "She thinks I'm away for a shopping weekend with Tina and Rachel. Thankfully the girls are covering for me." Verity gave a soft giggle at how simple her plan to get away from her mother had been. "Anyway; it's my eighteenth birthday next weekend and I wanted to talk to you about it."

Stuart smiled and let his daughter out of his arms and stepped back to look at her. She was a picture of grace; slender but healthy with soft golden yellow eyes and luscious long silver grey hair and wearing a yellow halter top with jeans and sneakers. It had always been a source of great pride to Stuart that his daughter had his fur colouring rather that her mother's or that of any other normal tiger. On occasion people had often asked if they had any snow leopard in their blood line; Stuart had always held that it was a unique trait in his side of the family and he was proud his daughter would carry those genes for another generation. They had often been dubbed by friends as being silver or snow tigers, their soft grey and white fur with black stripes being a good source of conversation among their friends.

Smiling excitedly at Verity's return, he ushered her inside and retrieved her bags from her car. Hours passed in conversation as father and daughter caught up on nearly a full year of events and goings on in each other's lives. Verity had told how she graduated high school with strong grades and had selected a college nearby to study for degrees in both computer science and business operations. Stuart had spoken of how he kept his small computer repair shop open in the small town he moved to and was doing well in business but had been lonely and wanting for company. Feeling a pull in the conversation Stuart finally decided to discuss why she had come to see him. "So you said you wanted to talk about your birthday?"

Verity nodded. "Yes I did; I'll be eighteen soon and Mom won't have any control over my actions."

"Seems like she doesn't have control of you now." The older tiger chuckled.

The young tigress gave an innocent smile and batted her eyelids. "True, but seeing as I'm going to be studying in the area, I was wondering if you'd mind taking in a lodger?"

Stuart reached across and gently held his daughters paw. "You're not a lodger in my eyes Kitten. You're family and you're welcome to stay as long as you like; so long as you chip in for food and bills."

Verity laughed and gently squeezed her father's paw in return. "Thanks Dad." She purred gratefully. "I'll keep you covered." The two tigers sat in silence for a moment, happy with their new arrangement and overjoyed to be in each other's presence. Breaking the silence, Verity spoke softly as she approached a difficult subject. "So did you ever try dating after the divorce?"

Stuart sighed heavily and sat back in his chair. "No I didn't. I only had two great loves in my life; one was your mother, you are the other. I just never had the drive or energy after the divorce."

"Don't you have any regrets?"

Stuart shook his head and gave a weak smile. "I loved your mother, and in spite of everything that happened with her I'm still grateful for the time we had together. I don't think I could have had such a wonderful daughter with anyone else."

Verity looked like she was close to tears. "Daddy..."

"Now, now; no crying Kitten. There's been enough of that in the past, let's just look forward to the future."

The evening had passed quickly and fruitfully. Father and daughter forging plans together, knowing that soon the courts would have no say in Verity's choices. Verity had unpacked her belongings for the weekend and had decided to have and early night to sleep away her fatigue from driving for so long. Stuart had followed suit, the surprise visit of his daughter leaving him exhausted.

* * *

Verity woke suddenly; she wasn't sure why but she felt strangely alert. A sound from outside had startled her and as she settled herself she heard the noise again. It was most likely a small squirrel throwing nuts or acorns down from a nearby tree onto the cabin's roof. She sighed and pulled herself out of bed, stretching slowly and taking a few steps on her tip-toes to ease some tense muscles in her back. As she realized how awake she was she decided to take a walk through the cabin. Stealthily stepping out of her room and through to the living room; she smiled to see how everything looked as moonlight beamed through the window.

Quietly and cautiously stepping around her rustic surroundings she found herself gazing at old photos of herself and her father. The sheer quantity of pictures on the walls and on shelves made her realize how much she meant to her father; she sighed knowing how much joy she had brought to him in spite of being separated for six years with only the occasional weekend for visits.

Continuing her silent walk around the cabin she stopped by her father's desk and saw a picture of her that she remembered had been taken on her last birthday which she had given to him as a present. Beneath it was a small journal with her name embossed on the cover; Verity couldn't remember owning it in her past and decided to see what it was.

As she opened the book and skimmed through the pages, she learned exactly what the journal was. I contained her father's thoughts and hopes for her, some of the written statements were clearly written in anger, railing against her mother for taking his daughter from him; others were sincere hopes that she would find love and a happier life with someone some day.

Verity read on paying more attention with each page, while she still heard the occasional 'thunk' of a nut or acorn on the roof. The more she read the more it made her heart swell at how much love her father had for her and just how much he wanted her company again. As she reached close to half way through the journal, she paused as she read one particular statement. 'I can never love her more than I do now; if I did I would lose all that I have with her, but if she asked I would give her my body and soul.' Verity stopped and considered the statement. Did he really love her that much? Was he just so lonely that she had become the one thing he truly loved? Did he really mean what he wrote? Just how far would he have taken it? Many more questions raced through her mind as she turned the next page and continued reading.

Her father's writing changed from thoughts for her wellbeing and future hopes, to simple fantasies and dreams. Her father described walks by the lake with simple kisses and affectionate hugs as they told each other they loved on another. Others told of getting lost in the forest for days and how their dependence on each other grew into a deep love. Last of all was a fantasy of coming home to find her waiting for him; and the love making that would follow. Verity was shocked to her core that her father thought of her in such a way, but she turned the page one more time. It was the last page that had been written on and it was dated only four months ago; its tone was that of a man who had woken from a dream and seen the cold reality of the world. It read: 'No more! It's only a day dream; I would never be forgiven by anyone. It's time I moved on with my life and left these darkest desires behind me.'

Verity sat in absolute silence; the sounds from the roof had stopped and she thought heavily on what she had read. Her father had possessed a strong desire for her, but never in her life had he hurt her. The thought of being with him as he described rang alarm bells of disgust in her mind, but at the same time there was an intense curiosity that sparked at the back of her thoughts. Closing the book and placing it back where she found it she stood up and padded quietly over to her father's bedroom door. The door was half open, and the young tigress could hear the sounds of heavy breathing from within. She smiled; her father had always been a heavy sleeper. Holding her breath she peered into the room; stray moonlight illuminated the edges of objects in the room but her father form was cast in a half light. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight; her father was naked. She remembered him being bulky all her life but she had known him to carry extra weight around his gut and arms. It seemed life alone at the cabin had worked a small miracle on him. Even though he was a little over twice her age, the older tiger was strong, well toned, and of a more powerful build than she ever remembered.

Catching her attention more than anything else was his paw wrapped sleepily around his erection. Verity had seen penises before but never her father's and never one with such girth. The young tigress wondered if her father had been jerking off to thoughts of her, or if it had just happened in his sleep. Stepping closer she reached out and lightly let her fingers run over her father's body; she smiled as he let out a soft sigh and rolled onto his side. With a whisper she leaned in close and kissed her father's shoulder. "I love you Daddy." Quietly she retreated from his side and returned to her room; her thoughts swirling around her mind about what to do.

To be continued...