Tiamatus and Snowpearl: Ties of Love

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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#1 of Snowpearl and Tiamatus

Tiamatus and Snowpearl: Ties of Love

This story is not suitable for anyone under 18-21. Snowpearl and Icer are copywritten to their players. Tiamatus and Aurthur are copywritten to me. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did writing it! The passion of the moment, the heat of her body so near to him. Gazing into her eyes as they circled higher and higher into the air. A magical dance of silver and white scales under the light of the full moon. Clasping their claws togeter, he felt the air begin to rush past them as they fell. Their chests touched, and their hearts began to beat as one. Two dragons, one heartbeat, and one life, connected by the deep and everlasting bond of love.

He felt it now, even as he awoke. That heat, that love. A scarce week had passed since their matesip flight, and their first mating. But something was amiss this morning. Tiamatus awoke in the fasion he always did, curled around his mate with his wing draped over her. When he opened his eyes, he found himself looking into her soft blue eyes, and there he saw that she had been crying. When he lifted his head, she smiled softly at him. "You sleep so beautifully and peacefully, Tiamatus. Sometimes I wonder what it is that you dream."

"You should never have to wonder, my heart. It is of you that I dream, always." He laid one of his paws softly over one of hers. "It doesn't take a mate to see that something is troubling you, and very deeply. No matter how hard you have tried to cover it up, I can easily tell that you've been crying. I can see it in your eyes, and I can feel it in my heart." She laid her head upon his chest, soothed by the strong beating of his heart.

"You are a true poet, Tiamatus Silverwing, whether you realize it or not. And it's

wonderful to know that you are MY poet. But your right, I have been crying. I have been crying for some time now. Tiamatus, there is something that has me deeply concerned........" She fell silent for a few moments, but he did not press her for information. He merely held her close, stroking her neck to soothe her. All of a sudden, she sat up and pushed away from him. "Tiamatus, you know that I was brought to this land by means of a magical accident. Through this same accident, I grew from a hatchling to my full adult size in the span of a weeks time. Though I have remained relatively stable, and I don't seem to be aging any faster, it still concerns me. What if......? What if something were to happen, and I would start aging too quickly again? I could lose you so very quickly...." She broke down into tears and collapsed into his arms. He held her tight and rocked her, whispering to her in soothing tones. He did know about the event that had brought her to this land. In her own land, she had been working on a magical portal that would allow their people to travel from place to place with but a thought. However, while experimenting with the spell, something had gone wrong, and her spell had been disrupted. She had then appeared in the land of Rhydin, a hatchling again. She had thankfully been rescued early by Icer, whom had seen the portal open close to the orphanage.

She had taken Snowpearl home, and she and Aurthur raised her as their own child. However, when they had awakened the next day, she had nearly tripled in size, as well as age. Over the course of a week, they had watched their daughter grow and age from a hatchling to a full grown dragon. That is why Tiamatus had never seen her before. He had arrived at the orphanage but a day later, and she was still with her parents in their chambers. Still, knowing all this, he had never thought of the possibility that something like that may happen, and he had been foolish to overlook it. It was something that concerned them both. He didn't want to lose her anymore than she wanted to lose him, not now. Not so soon after they had become mates......They had just found one another!

"I wish I could say that I have all of the answers, and that everything will be alright, but I don't know the answer, my love, and I'll not give you false hope." She nodded her head in understanding, but he could see the devastating effect his words had on her clearly in her eyes, and she laid her head back against his chest. He hooked his talon underneath her chin, and brought his lips to hers, kissing her softly. As she pulled back from him, he spoke softly, looking lovingly down at her. "Just because I don't know the answer, doesn't mean I won't fight to the death to find it, my love. We will find it together, and I think we both know where to start looking. Your mother and father are very adept in magic, and even if they don't know an answer, perhaps they can find someone who can. Everyone in this area knows your parents very well."

Snowpearl blinked her eyes and looked up at him, her eyes shining with hope. "We need to go see them, Tiamatus, please, right away!" She moved to get up, but he pulled her back down, this time atop of him, and held her close. "Tiamatus....." In spite of her hurry to get to her parents, she giggled. "We don't have time for this now, you know that. We need to get to....." Tiamatus cut her off in mid-sentance, pulling her down into a heated kiss. They embraced this way for several long, passionate moments before he broke the kiss at last, nipping at her neck and cheek before leaning to whisper in her ear.

"We can go straight to your parents as soon as we have finished.....I highly doubt that anything is going to happen in the next few hours......." His talons dug into her rump, and she hissed loudly, glaring down at him. But it was not a glare of anger or hatred......it was a deep glare of lust. She hissed down at him and bit his throat hard, causing him to groan and arch his back. She could feel the pulse of his hard member beneath her, and she knew that in this position, she was in complete control. She could tease him, she could hurt him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"You want to play games, Tiamatus Silverwing?" She hissed heatedly. "Then let's play....." Lifting her hips, she brought her glistening sex over his throbbing heat, grinding her hips up and down, yet not allowing his member to slip inside of her. His grip tightened on her flanks, and he growled loudly as he tried to pull her down onto him, his hips rising in instinct to bury himself between her folds. She bit his throat again and pinned him down upon the bed, not allowing him an inch of space to move, nor would she give him the opportunity to penetrate her. Not yet at any rate.....She was having far too much fun in their foreplay, and the rougher he got with her, the wetter she got. She wanted him to be rough, she wanted him to dominate her. She slid her tongue slowly over his throat, running along her teeth and tasting his blood in her mouth. The sharp bite of his talons embedded into her ass made her purr and grind her hips down against him.

He gave a sudden deft twist of his body which caused her to cry out in surprise as she was lifted and turned, and in the span of a heartbeat, she found herself pinned beneath him with his jaws latched around her throat, holding her head against the ground. She was dripping wet and writhing beneath him, and as soon as he shoved his throbbing cock into her cunt, she shrieked out in pleasure, arching her back to him. She had teased him well past ferality, and she was in bliss as he fucked her mercilessly, growling from his dominant position above her. She loved it when he was rough with her like this, and her body was limp in submission to her mighty lover, arching to his thrusts every time he pounded into her body. The sounds her wet pussy made as it sucked his cock inside of her was music to her ears, and the smell of their mating was more divine than any meal could ever smell. The pain from his bite and several scratches on her body only made her emotions peak that much higher.

"Yesssssssssssssss, thats it! Fuck me, my love!" She hissed at him, her eyes gleaming with lust. She tried to move her head, and she got just the reaction from him that she wanted, moaning out loudly. His talons dug further into her rump, causing her to arch her back higher and take more of his throbbing dick inside of her as he pounded into her. His teeth dug a little deeper into her throat so that her blood flowed, causing her to moan and her tongue to hang from her mouth. Her body could take no more, and she hit her climax, roaring out loudly and thrashing beneath him as she came hard, her juices lathering his cock and squirting out of her onto the silken pillows that were their bed.

Her sopping pussy gripped his cock like a vice, and Tiamatus growled loudly as he continued to pound into his love. He knew that she loved it rough like this, and he planned to fuck her right through her orgasm and into another before he gave her what she really wanted. But as her orgasm began to ebb, he pulled his cock from her, and she lifted her head to stare at him, getting to her feet and snorting indignantly that he had not cum inside her. He made as though to walk past her, and then snarled, turning he jumped on her back and pulled her back down, hoisting her tail out of the way and thrusting right back into her soaked cunt. She gave a yelp of surprise when he lifted her tail, but it quickly turned into a moan as he started to fuck her anew. He gripped the back of her neck in his powerful jaws, and she pushed her hips back into him so she got the full penetration, taking him as hard and deep as possible. She groaned loudly and her pussy tightened once more, and he felt her hot juices squirt against his balls as he thrusted. Tiamatus panted heavily against her throat before he released her and roared up at the cave ceiling as he came, shooting jet after jet of hot, thick dragon cum deep into his loves womb, filling her through with his warmth.

They rested that way for a short while before Tiamatus dismounted from her, giving a soft shiver as his cock met the cooler air of the cave. "You are naughty, Tiamatus." Snowpearl said softly. "I really thought you were going to leave at first......I was going to jump you and rape you until you came inside of me!" Tiamatus could only chuckle at that, because he knew full well that she would have done it. Once they both calmed themselves down and licked away the blood of their mating wounds, they left the cave and journeyed to her parents orphanage. Once there, they met with Aurthur and Icer in their private quarters, as they didn't want to speak of their concerns where any ears could hear them. The usual pleasantries were made, and there was even some ribbing and laughing about the fresh wounds on their hides before they reached the true reason for their visit.

"So you see, we have no idea what to do." Tiamatus said helplessly, hugging his mate close to him, his wing folded around her. She had tried to explain the situation to them, but she had become upset and burst into tears. Even now she was still sniffling softly, rubbing her cheek against his side. "We thought that perhaps you would know of something. You are both very adept with magic, and friends with everyone.....So we thought that if anyone would have a solution, or know someone who did, it would be you."

Aurthur looked thoughtful for a few moments, then turned to his mate Icer, and she gave a soft nod. "Why dont you take Snow down to the lake to get some air, Tiamatus." Icer said. It was not a question, more of an order. "Aurthur and I will discuss this for a few moments more, then we will join you and tell you what we know." When Aurthur nodded his head, it was as clear a dismissal as any, so he and Snowpearl got to their feet and left the room. Tiamatus remembered making this walk many a time as a guard, and he poked his head into several rooms. He was shocked to find that since they had moved, many of the rooms were now vacant, and there weren't that many children around.

"Every hatchling has to leave the nest sometime, I suppose." He mused, speaking more to himself to anyone around him. Snowpearl didn't say anything, just followed after him. Once they were outside and took the short flight to the lake though, she seemed as though she were doing better. "If anyone can find a solution, its my parents." She said, wholly confident in their abilities. They laid around and basked themselves in the sun for about ten minutes before Aurthur and Icer landed not too far away. Both Tiamatus and Snowpearl jumped to their feet and rushed to meet them.

"We believe that we know what's going on, and have a solution to the problem." Icer said softly, looking at each of them in turn. "However, its a lot more complicated than you might think it is, and the soloution might end up as badly as the problem."

"What's that mean?" Tiamatus asked, fear in his eyes.

"Think of her as a ship at sea for a moment, Tiamatus." Aurthur said, settling down comfortably on his haunches. "Because of the magical accident, this ship was set adrift. Now, when a ship becomes adrift, you can use an anchor to stop the ship and right it again. Snowpearl has no anchor. So she has drifted through time to advance her age, and it may yet happen again. so, to fix the problem, we have to give her an anchor, and that is where you come in. You are her mate, Tiamatus, and you have to be her anchor to hold her here and insure that she doesn't slip away in time."

"I'll do anything......"

"However," Icer interrupted. "It's not as simple as you might think, and it can end up just as badly with you as her anchor, Tiamatus. By so connecting, you are joining your lifeforce together......So if something were to happen to one of you and you died, the gods forbid it, then the other will perish as well. You could be on complete opposite ends of the earth and just drop dead, just like that. So, you know the risks, and you know what must be done......Tiamatus, are you willing to be her anchor?"

Tiamatus looked at Icer and Aurthur, then turned his head to his mate who had tears shining in her eyes, and laid one of his paws upon hers. "Snowpearl means more to me than anything else in this world. I dont want to see anything happen to her, and I dont want her to slip away in time. I am her mate, and now I shall be her anchor as well, and be damned proud of it." She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, her hot tears falling upon his wings.

At this time, Aurthur and Icer had joined their magical energies together, forming the spell that would be the bond between Tiamatus and Snowpearl. The magical aura enveloped them as they embraced. They felt naught but a tingling in their blood as the magic worked through them, binding them together as one. When the spell had run its course, both Icer and Aurthur looked fatigued, but happy.

"Mother.......Father......." Snowpearl whispered, letting Tiamatus go so she could place a kiss on her father's cheek and nuzzle her mother affectionately. "Thank you.......for

everything. First you bring Tiamatus and I together......and now this....."

"Think nothing of it, my daughter. What good parent would do the same for their child? Now go and get yourselves home. Your mother and I need to rest after such a spell, and you'll need to rest too. That spell can cause you fatigue, if it hasn't already." Aurthur said. As the pair of them flew away, Icer sat down next to her husband and nuzzled him affectionately.

"They remind me much of you and I." She said, watching until they disappeared in the distance. "She chose well in taking Tiamatus as her mate. They will be happy together for a long time." Aurthur nodded his agreement and kissed his mate softly, and then they took to the air to go back to the orphanage and rest away their fatigue.