
Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#5 of Transformation Stories

The great hero Morpheus falls afoul of an ambush

Morpheus/Kaijou (c) Tsumi'13

Dominion/Forest (c) Forest'13

Story (c) Russet'13

Crouched atop the roof opposite the warehouse Morpheus continued to watch the armoured rabbit's standing discreetly about the building opposite. They were definitely Dominion's forces, the sleek, high tech armour, the faceless helmets with smoked visors identical in black and red except for the variation of upstanding ears or lop ears on each helmet. Morpheus had spotted them whilst patrolling the city on his nightly rounds and was no watching, trying to gather some clue as to what they might be guarding before he considered going down there.

Problem was, after an hour of watching them he'd seen nothing to give him a clue as to what they might be doing. Nothing had gone in or out of the building and there were no lights on. He was considering going down there and investigating when a sound behind him made him turn. A figure had just landed on the roof wearing the black and red armour of one of Dominion's people. Except he had hooved boots on and the faceless visor of his helmet was framed by curled horns that had been sheathed in a glimmering, black latex polymer so the helmet could be secure.

"Aesc!" Morpheus cried out, standing up to face the wolf's chief minion, "Whatever scheme you are planning quit now and I may be...." he never got any further, the device the suited ram was holding in one hand fired and a beam of orange light engulfed Morpheus. It itched and made his morphic suit tremble and flex and sag as something weird happened to his body. Kaijou could sense a weird vibration emanating from the light; it was doing something to him, causing his teeth and then his whole body to vibrate. He felt heavy, sluggish and his form was flowing against his will. The familiar sensation of shifting over-powering him, forcing him into a new shape as he lay on the floor, staring up at the silently gloating sheep. He tried to push himself up, to fight back but the ram aimed the device at his eyes and fired.... there was pain and then nothing......

Something prodding him in the ribs is what finally brought him round. The sharp, jabbing pain making the hyenolf groan and swat at whatever it was. It stopped and with a painful grumble Kai started to push himself up with one arm, opening his eyes and peering into the gloom. Something had happened, he felt weird, his body was heavier than it should of been and... naked! He could feel bare concrete against his fur and with a jerk the super-heroes head came up as memory came flooding back in. The room was big and dark and sat in a chair just a few inches away was Dominion.

The wolf was dressed in a black suit with a red waistcoat visible beneath his unbuttoned jacket. He had a walking stick held between his knees, his hands folded over the top of it and a smile on his masked face. He had light silver-grey fur with a hint of white at the throat that was carried on beneath his shirt and his thick canine tail was dancing back and forth slowly.

"Welcome Kaijou Laurent, so nice of you to drop in," the name made Kai's witty remark die on his tongue. He looked at his chest and stomach, he was naked, his identity had been exposed, and it was the worst possible outcome ever.

"You... you will not get away with this Dominion!" he said with false bravado, trying to get his legs under his body. It was hard to move, his body still felt really heavy and his feet were weird. He glanced down at the big, broad, bunny feet he was sporting and gaped at them.

"A second year chemistry Major at Harville College, your record and pictures are on file at the University Student page. I think you are in trouble young man, or should I still call you Morpheus?"

Click... went the wolf's walking cane on the bare floor and with a hum of electricity the warehouses lights came on. Mirrors set up in a circle around him and the wolf threw his image back. He was very naked and also a rabbit, his honey-tan fur and white underbelly looking quite naturally on the slightly dumpy. He had wide thighs and big feet that suited his lapine frame. His twitchy lil pink nose and short bunny muzzle turned to stare at the wolf, surprise and a hint of fear in his eyes as he reached up with one of his bunny hands to touch his long lop ears as if not quite believing they were there. They hung across his shoulders, two inches wide and a good seven long, fuzzy and tan on the outside with velvet soft interiors. His mohawk looked a bit out of place though, the shock of blue hair was still a good four inches tall and trailed down to the pony-tail that hung down between his shoulder blades.

"You, how..." he tried to shift again, to make his body morph and flow into another shape but he couldnt. That is what was terrifying him, he couldn't shift! His body just grew heavier and his arms fell down at his sides as he struggled to change form. "No!"

"Oh yes.... very much yes, you know my sheepy yes?" Dominion nodded at the ram who had just stepped into the space between two mirrors. Kai shot the sheep a glare and watched him as he walked across the floor, his hooves ringing firmly as he grinned at the bunny sat before his master.

"Yeah, we've met," Kai growled, the ram had taken off his armour and was wearing just a pair of silk shorts and a skimpy silken vest. He'd taken great care to shave his body, not a scrap or wisp of fleece remained just smooth, bare bronze skin except of course for his signature mohawk and braids. The thick spikes stood up and glistened with from the wax holding them up. It was a look Kai had only seen a few times when he had encountered the sheep whilst wearing a disguise at the Casino he was sure was run by Dominion. The ram paused next to the chair of his boss and grinned at the bunny.

"It took quite some work, getting the Bunnification ray to work on you. But I found the frequency eventually. After all those defeats, all those inconveniences were you disrupted the master's plans... we finally got you Morpheus," he said the hyenolf's aliases with a twist of scorn and a big grin. "I locked your molecular structure in place with a simple application of super-sonic vibrations and light."

"You... you will not get away with this!" Morpheus growled some of confidence coming back to him, this effect would wear off and he could... worry about securing his identity after he took Dominion into custody.

"Oh I think not," Dominion said softly, a nasty smile flickering over his muzzle, "Did we find out anything about his suit?" he asked Aesc.

"Yes, it's a Hunter Industries design, very sophisticated, they've clearly been keeping it off the market but there were enough hints to show me who had made it."

"Oooh Hunter, they are bunnies aren't they?" the ram nodded to the question from the wolf and the canine grinned wider. "Perfect, I've always wanted to make them mine. Have the car brought round, we'll go over and talk to Mr Hunter as soon as we are finished here."

"Of course, but did you still want that trophy?"

"Oh yes..." the wolf turned, his masked eyes gleaming cruelly as he looked at the hapless bunny before him. Kai," he whispered the name and the hero shivered lop ears twitching as that voice seemed to wrap about his thoughts and squeeze them. "Stand up and come here," his voice was smooth, soft, gentle and the bunny found himself standing up and walking over. His body was moving without consulting his brain and Kai soon found himself kneeling down before the wolf.

"How are you..." he started to talk but the wolf shushed him, placing a finger against his lips and once again Kai's brain listened to those alluring harmonics and shut down.

"Curious thing about my voice, it works best bunny's, did you never stop to wonder why my minions are rabbits? Why I have a bunnification ray? Oh it affects others but for some reason I always have the most luck with rabbits and you Morpheus... make a very fine bunny rabbit and your friends the Hunter's." he chuckled and motioned to Aesc, the ram clopped around to stand behind Kai and gripped his pony-tail. "Once you are gone they'll no longer have the great and powerful Morpheus to protect them."

He nodded at the ram and a deep buzzing noise echoed in the rabbit's ears before something warm was pressed against the base of his pony-tail and slid upwards. There was no resistance, his hair just parted easily and Kai cried out as he felt his pony-tail, his beautiful blue hair come away. The sheep wasn't done though, his clippers moved up and over the back of his head, eating through the base of his mohawk. Shards of blue hair drifted down to dust Kai's tan shoulders as the clippers sheared through his 'hawk, leaving his hair sheared down to the tan roots.

Once he was done the ram stepped out of the way, letting Kai see the clippers and the long locks of his blue pony-tail held in one hand. Morpheus felt like crying, raging, screaming but he still couldn't speak but the sense of outrage, the creeping feeling of being violated made his eyes flash as he glared as best he could at the ram. Kaijou would make him pay for this, he'd make him regret the day he'd ever touched the shifter's mohawk. Such defiant promises however were in vain he realised as Dominion tilted his head back to look into his eyes. He was trapped, just another rabbit subdued by the canines power.

"You were not a bad adversary Morpheus, quite fun to pit my wits against but you were starting to get annoyingly good at it." he paused and licked his lips, nose twitching as he inhaled the nervous rabbit's scent, "I'll remember you fondly, your mane will make such a lovely trophy and I will not forget your taste in a hurry."

Kai's eyes widened in shock at that last bit and he tried with all his will to fight back, to make his body move. It was futile, the wolf said a word, his body locked up obediently and then Dominion's jaws were opening wide right before his nose and sliding closer. There was no way out of this for Morpheus, not now.... many there had never been a way out for now he was just another bunny.

Sighing happily and relaxing back into the soft leather chairs of his personal, armoured limousine Forest placed his paws on his heavily distended gut and grinned over at his sheepy. "Good job with the ray Aesc, oooh," paused and squirmed as the rabbit inside struggled heavily, "What's next?"

"Hunter Industries, we can have them under your spell by the end of tonight, want a hand with that boss?" he placed a paw on Dominion's stomach and pushed down on it, rubbing lightly as the soon to be retired super hero struggled for release.

"Yes tummy rubs please," he smiled down at the sheep as he knelt on the floor of the moving vehicle and started to massage his churning gut. He then directed his voice at the bunny inside, speaking softly in the voice that made them his willing slaves.

"Struggle now Morpheus, oh yes... squirm and writhe, wriggle and yes... digest..." his voice was softly pitched so the bunny had no choice. He squirmed and wiggled, rolled about and moaned loudly as Aesc pushed and prodded, rubbed and massaged his churning gut as deep gurgling noises started to emanate from inside. Slowly but surely Kaijou Laurent, Chemistry major and secretly Morpheus, guardian of the city succumbed to the wolf's stomach, flattened, ground, melted, churned.... he was no more. Another young, aspiring rabbit to add to the list of Dominion's victims....



**Awakening** **Hanare/Alare & Story (c) Russet'13** **Alex/Kriner (c) Twinnburner** Sealed inside the large purple pod that had claimed and changed them the outside world passed Hanare and Alex by unheeded. After the initial orgasmic rush of being...

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A Chance at Christmas

**A Christmas Change** Story & Russet (c) Russet'13 Sefra (c) Sefra Moonblossom Damien (c) Damien Fox Surge (c) Surge Frosty (c) Frosty Snowcat Tsumi (c) Tsumi Jay (c) Freaky Whistler (c) Bungle Newidian (c) Nidonocu * * * The cabin was...

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Lurking in the Mud - A Trip to the Beach

Lurking in the Mud - No. 10 Peering out the window of the large truck Nidonocu watched the last of the houses fall behind as Garn turned off the main road and started down the smaller track that ran along the top of the cliffs. To their right he could...

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