What Was Broken [3]

Story by Destroyed on SoFurry

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#15 of Sean & Taws

Sean has to come to grips with the Demon, before he finds himself facing both of them - the one in his head, and the one in the court - at the same time. How much rum does it take to silence the memory?

Section Length: 11700 words

What Was Broken -

Chapter 3

Oda, like any good government employee, drove the fleet sedan like he stole it, both on the highway and the barely-a-road dirt track leading down the canyon. They left a towering plume of dry Nevada dust in the air behind them before slewing sideways to stop ten feet from the bottom of the safe house stairs, at a perfect ninety degree angle.

"Show off." Sean muttered, unfastening his hand from the center console and grab bar above the door with some effort. Oda merely snorted a laugh and shut the car off. The wolf's insane driving did nothing for the tension left behind after a day under the harsh scrutiny of his own legal team. He futilely attempted to wave the settling dust away as he trooped up the stairs ahead of the wolf and waited for him to unlock the door.

He made his way immediately to the room he had been given, shucking his clothes and leaving them in a heap on the floor. The only thing he kept hold of was his phone. It was ringing Taws' number as he flopped down on the too-thin mattress. That didn't last long before she picked up.

"You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice," Sean said with an exhausted sigh as he laid back and tried to let the tension drain out of him. Taws' natural curiosity about what happened with him in the court room didn't help matters too much, but he could forgive that and did his best to get past it quickly. In the end he felt it drag out and weigh at him afresh. Her own day was more mundane and he gave her some pointers about dealing with her new team and where she should focus her efforts this early in a project. In the end it was a good call but he was still wound up about the whole ordeal and feeling stifled by the stale heat of the safe-house which the air conditioning tried valiantly to subdue, with only limited success.

After the long day of hard sweating Sean could only hope that a shower would help cure his ills. At the very least he would feel clean and stink less. He emerged some time later, washed if nothing more. He donned a pair of briefs and the pale-red terry cloth robe again and wandered out, cinching it loosely about his waist.

"The shower here sucks." He groused at the wolf he found in the kitchen. Oda was dressed down as well, wearing a thin robe of garish Hawaiian print and, Sean suspected, nothing else. "And whoever left clothes here had horrid taste."

"'Garage sale special', I believe is how they call it. Safe houses just get oddments tossed at them without any real regard as to whom might end up using them." Oda shrugged. Sean saw that he was making nothing more complex than cold-cut sandwiches on rye bread. He was glad of that, he doubted his stomach could keep down anything heavy. He ran both hands over his wet hair while he padded barefoot into the kitchen, passing the wolf and snagging the dusty old bottle of rum down from atop the refrigerator. The wolf's tail rucked up the back of his own robe exposing the back of white furred legs to the knees.

"I feel like a Salvation Army reject." Sean commented, pouring four fingers into one of the glasses from the drying rack. Thinking about it a moment he grabbed another glass and poured two fingers into that.

"At least you didn't get stuck wearing the negligee." The wolf quipped with a sly grin, "On one of my ops they did that to the witness, a right piece of shit who was all about the bling and the GQ lifestyle. They made sure that there was nothing to wear in the house but frilly." The slow sway of the wolf's tail brushed Sean's knee in the confined space of the kitchen.

"I bet that went over with a bang."

"Explosion." Oda finished placing several thick-cut tomatoes on the sandwiches and flipping them closed. "He was fit to have a stroke, and we all just stood there, stony faced, and suggested he wear something. We had a full crew, so could go home and dress in our normal clothes while he was stuck there, for a month, wearing the most garish drag we could secure from storage."

Sean found himself grinning at the image that brought to mind. "That was just cruel," he commented before holding up the smaller of the glasses to Oda, his mood having slipped to something more dour. "I'm tired of drinking alone." The wolf glanced down at the glass with a slight uplift of one brow while he spun the top back onto the jar of mayonnaise. After wiping his hands on a towel he raised his gaze and accepted the offering. "May all our worst days be thus," intoned Sean before giving the glasses a clink and slamming most of his back. He couldn't quite suppress the cough at the end. The mystery rum was not nearly as smooth as his usual whisky.

"To our troubles and to our inevitable victory," Oda replied before quaffing his share. He was little more dignified in covering after the drink, though not much, squinting and laying his ears back as he let out a muted whuff. The rum indeed had a hell of a burn going down. Recovering quickly, he grabbed the plate of sandwiches and shoved it into Sean's hand before pushing him aside and opening the fridge. Into it he put the condiments and left over cheese and retrieved a six pack of Tecate beer.

Sean followed him through the squeaky back door and onto the porch where the only table worthy of the name resided. They could have eaten at the combination countertop and bar in the kitchen, in the air conditioning, but the stools were not padded and they all had at least one short leg. The deck chairs were a hell of a lot more comfortable, and allowed reclining, which was all Sean had any desire to do.

He was exhausted, but he was not sleepy in the least. If anything, the grilling had left his mind in turmoil, his body charged with directionless energy, and aching with tense muscles.

Oda sat across from him, equally silent for the moment and more focused on his dinner. The wolf's broad, strong muzzle took almost half the sandwich, which was not small, in one mighty chomp. Like Taws he had no qualms about eating veggies with his meat.

Seam washed his down with a dash of rum, frowning at the rather unpleasant flavor it made of the mayonnaise on the sandwich. He contemplated going back in for a glass of juice, but that would take more effort than he felt willing to put forth, so he suffered the taste. In an effort to take his mind off things, he tried to engage Oda once more. "Ahh, the war stories you could tell. My life is laughably boring, by comparison."

"Oh, I'm sure some parts are lively enough," Oda muttered around a muzzle full of his own food, shooting Sean a wink. "And having seen some outtakes from movies, and commercials, I would beg to differ. Some of your flubs are downright gut crampers."

"And those are the ones fit to release." Sean nodded slowly, beginning to feel the relaxation imparted by a good three or more shots of straight rum. "And then there are internals - memos - that are often intended to be funny, most in supremely bad taste."

"Such as?"

For the next half hour, while they slowly whittled their way through the plate of sandwiches, a few beers, and more rum, Sean regaled the wolf with some of the more flabbergasting failures, some by mere happenstance in front of the camera, but some genuinely thought through the marketing process and brought to print before someone realized how it could be terribly misconstrued.

"I'll take that inside," Sean offered as he started to stand and reach for the recently cleaned plate. Half way through the motion he realized that getting up would be a rather unwise choice as the rum, a heretofore quiescent heat in his belly, made the world tilt precipitously. He was prevented from exacerbating his foolishness, and revealing just how unsteady he was, when Oda waved a dismissive hand.

"No, no, you sit," Oda countered, almost hopping out of his chair. "You are a guest in my house, humble be that it is." He quickly swept up all the dishes from the table and headed inside, his tail bobbing about him as he almost sashayed through the door. Where Oda had sat a quartet of empty Tecate bottles stood in a neat row on the deck, neglected.

"If you insist," Sean replied toward the departing wolf as he settled back heavily in his seat. The stoutness of the mystery rum left him light headed after only that small movement. He forgot how many fingers he had gone through during their meal, but from the swimming of his head it was no inconsiderable amount.

Warm, furry paws slipped over his shoulders and against his neck. "You look entirely too tense," Oda softly chided into his ear, then chuffed. "You are tense, damn. Very tense." Sean could smell the beer on his breath. The wolf began working his fingers into Sean's tense muscles. "You need to relax, Sean. Unwind a bit and take it easy, let these old paws work some of the steel out of you."

Sean was about to protest when Oda began his massage but found himself stopping short. The wolf's paws were strong and grasping and seemed to know just where to go. Taws had given him massages in the past, as recompense for the loving grooming that he gave her long pelt, but she wasn't quite this good. He found himself pleasantly surprised at the wolf's unexpected skill. Slowly the knots in his shoulders began to unwind. He didn't object when Oda pulled down the collar of his robe a bit to work across his neck and shoulders more directly. The sheer light-red fabric fell down his arms and he didn't bother fixing that, eyes lidding at the easing pressure working against his shoulders. The fur on the wolf's paws was different than Taws' he absently noted. It was denser but not quite as soft though not unpleasantly coarse. The pads on Oda's paws were different as well; rougher than Taws'. Considering their different professions, that again wasn't too surprising.

"This is getting a little awkward," said Oda. As the massage had gone on, the more relaxed Sean had become, the more he slumped forward. His head was resting on his chest, his arms loose in his lap. The wolf's magic touch had worked its way down to Sean's upper back but with the chair's upright back in his gut he could not reach any further. He was close enough for Sean to feel his warm breath when Oda talked. "Sitting on those hard chairs in the witness stand couldn't have been good for your lower back, but I can't get at it like this." Sean could feel him turn, a shiver racing through him as Oda's claws ran lightly up his back. "Grab the cushion off your chair and lie down on it, here." He stood beside the back of Sean's chair and pointed at the deck.

"Yeah," Sean muttered, blinking rapidly and trying to wake up from that pleasant state half way between total slumber and wakefulness. Between the rum and the massage he had almost been completely out of things. Rubbing his face he managed to stand up without incident this time and successfully spread out the chair cushion on the worn wood of the deck. His robe, dropped from his shoulders to pile about his waist, fell away entirely as he stood up. He ignored it, despite the fact that its absence left him in naught but his briefs. It was really too hot for it out here anyway and, besides, the wolf had already seen him in a similar state of undress before, in the hotel room they had shared during Sean's previous Vegas trip.

The scent of desert dust was strong in his nostrils as Sean laid down on the cushion, his arms folded under his head. While his legs were on warm wood the rest of his body was resting on the padded cushion. He heard Oda settle beside him and then felt warm, furry fingers return to his back. "Yeah, that is quite the knot here," the wolf observed to himself as he began to work over Sean's back once more. Large hands splayed across Sean's mid back and started working slowly downward, pressing up and outward with firm but deceptively gentle pressure. While the wolf worked he hummed, in his deep lupine growl, a wandering tune that Sean could not recognize or follow in his fogged, half somnolent state of mind.

The only thing Sean cared about was laying there and duly unwinding. It was coming on dusk now, the desert around them was cooling. His belly was full, and the day's troubles behind him. Eyes closed, he tried to clear his mind and hopefully not fall asleep. The only interruption to that was when he stifled a groan as Oda reached a particularly tense spot up around his shoulders.

Oda made a low, rumbling growl as he pressed and pulled the muscles around Sean's shoulder blades. "This is going to require some more persuasion, I think," he muttered. Sean felt Oda's paws leave his back then heard a grunt as the wolf got to his feet, followed by scuffing as Oda made his way behind him. Suddenly there was a weight on his legs as Oda settled himself and the wolf's paws returned to his back.

"There we go, that's better," he rumbled softly, almost to himself, barely interrupting his own low, rumbling serenade as he resumed the massage. As Oda worked to loosen the muscles in the middle of his back, Sean began to realize the true nature of his position. He was lying, face down, with a large wolf now straddling his legs and effectively pinning him to the deck. Suddenly Oda pressed him down harder, and used the leverage to scoot forward. Strong hands pressed down against his back, thumps driving down and inward along his spine, sending a sudden jolt of unexpected release racing up the back of his neck. After repositioning himself to his satisfaction the wolf began to work on his shoulders once more. Sean could feel the ridge of the wolf's sheath rubbing against the back of his briefs.

Against his ass.

Sean twitched, realizing that his earlier assumption had been correct; Oda really hadn't been wearing anything under that robe! And, now, he was all but naked and straddling Sean's back.

The wolf did not seem to notice his self-conscious twitch or the sudden tension racing up his spine. "Hrmm... I thought I finished with these," Oda rumbled as he slid his palms up over Sean's back to his shoulders. In spite of the desert heat a cold sweat had broken out on Sean's brow. He was trapped by the wolf's hips, pinned in place, the weight of the powerful male holding him down while the solidity of the beast's ridge shifted and pressed against the thin material covering his exposed ass. Sean blinked and tried to force his rising panic down, but there was no getting out from under the massive wolf on his back!

"I'm gonna fuck you," a voice hissed somewhere between Sean's ears. It was different than Oda's; deeper, sharper, angrier. Sean could feel the short, stiff brush of feline fur against his shoulders and the impending sharpness of that spine-wreathed cock pressing against the briefs which were a sorely ineffective defense. His body froze beneath the wolf, caught between panic and rage as he felt himself exposed and vulnerable to that feline predator all over again.

There was suddenly hot breath against his ear, the smell of a predator flooding his nostrils. "You're so tense," Oda whispered to him. "You need to relax." The wolf then slowly ran his broad, wet tongue down the back of Sean's neck. The firm, weighty presence of the beast's sheath was warm and solid and thick against Sean's thinly clad backside.

"Fuck you but good!"

With a panicked, inarticulate cry, Sean shoved his knees down and bucked upward, bracing his arms as he shoved the surprised wolf upright. "Sean?" Oda whuffed as he was rocked back on his knees. Throwing a frightened glance back over his shoulder, seeing only fierce bronze eyes atop a predator muzzle, Sean scrambled from beneath the wolf. "Sean?" As he retreated he caught a momentary glisten of a darker hue against the pale fur of the wolf's belly; vibrant pink laid upon a nest of argent white.

Sean grasped at his head with both hands as he staggered away from the surprised wolf, ignoring his expression of hurt. "Um, no, no, no worries Oda. I'll - I'll be fine," he rambled as he quickly made his way around the table, needing to have something between him and the predator. His heart was racing and his eyes felt like they were going to pop out of his head from how wide with fear they had become. "I'll - just - just, fine. I'll be - fine."

He staggered unsteadily into the house, casting about in panic for a place to escape. The bedroom was no good; too small, no lock. The bunk room no good; no lock, barred windows offered no escape. Bathroom! Yes, that had a lock, and no window for the predator to sneak in through. Bumping along the wall Sean spun ungainly into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. With shaking fingers he locked it, having to set the bottle of rum aside to use both hands, and check twice to make sure that it wasn't going to turn. Snatching up the bottle as if to use it as a weapon he blinked at it. In his flight from the deck he had not thought to recover the silly pink robe, instead grabbing the damn bottle? Without considering that it was a far better bludgeon than a robe he tipped it to his lips with a slosh and quaffed two full swallows in hasty gulps.

He practically dropped it when the first knock came at the door. It was followed by a series of other rapid knocks. "Sean? Sean are you there? I'm... I'm sorry, Sean!" The hurt in the big wolf's voice failed to register. A last thump trailed away with the hiss of a hand being dragged down the thin barrier of wood that stood between Sean and eminent ravishing. "FUCK. Sean - I'm sorry..."

The rum bottle clutched tightly in his hand, Sean didn't dare move a muscle. He had to fight to breathe. A few moments after the first knock he heard the dangerous growls of the upset wolf withdraw, slow but heavy steps retreating as Oda muttered something he could not understand through the barricade. "Oh yes, I'm going to make you scream!" the demon told him with sinister glee. The hinges of the back door squealed twice, followed by the rattling slap of wood against wood.

"Shut up!" Sean hissed, running his fingers through his hair and took another desperate gulp of the coarse rum. "Just shut the fuck up!"

He wasn't aware how long he sat there, trying to calm himself. His stomach was a solid knot and he couldn't help sweating. How could he have a cold sweat in a place like Vegas he absently thought. The rum helped with that, though; it warmed him though yet cast him adrift at the same time. Surprisingly, it didn't try to climb back up his throat.

This time, though, it did not help with the demon. The damned cat appeared to have learned how to swim.

"You'll never get away!" it chortled with sinister, purring glee despite the alcoholic fog stealing into his thoughts. "You'll always feel me! Rage and pain, that is my legacy to you!"

"Shut up!" Sean lurched to his feet and staggered about the confines of the bathroom, seeking escape from the inescapable memory that poisoned his thoughts, swaying and bounding drunkenly from sink to wall to toilet until he almost fell into the shower. Catching the edge of the sink and placing a hand against the wall he arrested his dizzying spin and simply stood there, gasping raggedly for breath. Looking up he found himself staring at a crazed man, wild eyed, only feet away. The man's sallow face was drawn in a rictus of fear and fury, sweat beading upon his brow and dripping from his chin. His hair was an unkempt, sweaty mop and his breaths heaved through a mouth open and drooling.

The man's eyes were the angry bronze of a hunting cat spying its prey.

"Yes, boy, here I am!" the puma's remembered voice growled though the lunatic's mouth did not move. "I know just what you'll feel - me!" Sean blinked stupidly at the manic visage regarding him and the man blinked back at him.

"No." Sean heard himself gasp through the maniac's twitching lips. "No." Raising the bottle he brought it to his lips. His doppelganger did the same; both found it empty. Dropping his gaze from the arresting bronze glare of the lunatic he regarded the bottle and, unsteadily, reached out to set it in the sink with awkward gentleness. "No - you are nothing. I will kill you!"

"Hah!" The voice laughed back at him from the manic visage of the lunatic. "You couldn't do it before, and you can't do it now!"

But Sean was no longer looking. Fumbling with the doorknob he managed to unlock it. Drawing it open almost proved too much for his alcohol overwhelmed body to manage and he staggered back a pace before throwing himself through the open portal. Leaning against the counter he cast about the room which swam before him like seaweed under a stormy sea. Everything tilted first one way and then the other as he pushed off from the counter and staggered to the door, pushing it open with a shrill cry of untended hinges.

Sprawled in a chair beyond, one bottle dangling from his fingers, the wolf looked away from his contemplation of the night dark hillside beyond the porch. His legs were splayed, a paw on the deck to either side of the chair, and his arms rested limp on his thighs, an almost empty beer bottle dangling from his fingers. Sean lurched over to the chair he had earlier occupied and grasped it with both hands, turning his sight toward the blurry white form nearby.

"Let's do this." He managed to cough without slurring too much.

"Look, Sean, I want to apologize --"

Sean jerked a hand and waved him to silence and back into his seat before slumping heavily down onto the chair closest to the wolf. It was either sit down, or fall down. The world was spinning like a carousel run by the Mad Hatter. He leaned forward, elbows braced upon knees, one hand holding his brow as the other drunkenly waved and pointed in Oda's direction. He glared deeply into the wolf's bright yellow eyes, ignoring the face and brows around them set with regret. "No... just... no." He shook his head and waved his hand in a cutting motion, "You said it, wolf." His voice was slurred so badly he had to slow down and work through each word laboriously.

Reaching back and making a gun with two fingers, Sean pressed it against his temple. "I have this fucking demon up here. He's ruining my fucking life. And now I'll have to see him again. In court. In public." He shook his head slowly still holding Oda's gaze. "I will not deal with that sick fuck in two places! I want him out of here!" He paused to marshal his scattered, foggy thoughts. The nail on his middle finger was biting into his temple, the pain lending focus. "If I have to have the memory of being under another male running around in my head, I will not have it be him," Sean finished, his lip curling up in snarl. Only Oda's golden eyes seemed steady and focused while the alcohol left everything else in a wavering, unfocused fog. They were the only thing he could hold onto. "And you said it, wolf. You told me yourself. Back home, on the porch. You are... the only person I could ask this of." He straightened, dropping his fingers from his head, both hands landing in his lap. "You're the only one I trust. And if you don't, I fear that this will completely ruin me. I will lose Her... and I can't face that. Because of that gods be damned mother fucking cat."

Having said his piece, Sean sat in stony silence, staring at the wolf and awaiting an answer.

Oda was the first to look away, taking in the weed choked hillside as through its chaparral chaos offered some escape. Finding none he covered by finishing off his beer. "'One experience does not a lifetime make,' I said." He rumbled with slow care, setting the empty bottle alongside the others lined up beside his chair. He looked from the darkness back to Sean. "If we do this, you have to be an active part of it." Oda shook his shaggy head keeping his gaze level on Sean who had not budged an inch. "If you don't, then anything we do will be just as bad as that cat. I won't do that to a friend. Agreed?"


Bracing himself on the chair, Oda rose to his feet, his robe slipping from about his waist to spill into the seat. "I won't be the cause of more pain, Sean. I am not that way, even if I am a wolf. If - If this becomes too much, I'll stop, whether you tell me to or not. Understood?"

Sean grumbled as he drunkenly pushed himself out of his chair, holding Oda's gaze as he got up once more on his wobbly legs. "Understood." Stepping closer Oda reached out and slipped a steady hand under Sean's elbow as the human swayed in place. He continued to close, until his whiskers touched Sean's cheek.

The cold touch of the wolf's nose was a shock to Sean's sweaty skin and he reeled a little. Only the gentle grasp at his arms kept him from stumbling backwards. Once his sway steadied the wolf's paws dropped to slip around Sean's waist. His breath was warm on Sean's ear as he whispered, "Put your hands on me."

Sean found himself suddenly trembling but forced his arms to respond. His fingers seemed almost numb as he slid them through the fur on Oda's waist. He absently noted how the fur was shorter, coarser than Taws', yet rich and thick. He was close enough that his scent filled Sean's nostrils. It was subtle, dry like the desert around them. There was a faint animal musk to it as well, something reminiscent of the wild from which wolves sprang. It was the same scent from the bed in Sean's room.

"That's good," Oda whispered reassuringly. Sean closed his eyes and jumped at the feeling of the wolf's tongue on his cheek as Oda gave him a slow, leisurely lick. Unhurriedly, Oda worked down Sean's neck to near the hollow at his collarbone. Even though he was practically panting with fear, Sean forced himself to stand firm and not to bolt once more. His eyes snapped open as he felt Oda's fingers running along the band of his shorts. "Are you sure you--?"

"Just do it," Sean croaked, cutting him off.

"Oh, yes, fuck you until you scream." Hissed a feline growl behind Sean's eyes, making him twitch. Oda's hands tightened about his waist slightly and a curious rumble whispered close beneath his chin. "All you'll know is pain -"

"Shut up." Sean hissed, closing his eyes and bowing his head. Oda's brow met his own, the wolf's muzzle tucked, his ears pricked and eyes seeking his own in concern. "Just shut the fuck up and die, god damn it."

"Sean?" the wolf's gentle growl was very different from the cat's; warm and curious in its concerned baritone rumble. "The cat?" Sean could only nod his head with a jerk and maintain his grasp upon the wolf's fur just to keep himself upright. He shivered at the feel of the large white furred paws working around to the small of his back and then sliding downward, under the elastic waist of his briefs.

Broad and warm, with coarse pads and soft fur, they covered the flesh of his ass beneath the material of his shorts as the wolf merely held him close, brow to brow. They stood there several long moments, man and wolf waiting. One for the other to continue, and the other for the first to relax even the slightest. Only once the desperate grasp of Sean's fingers eased a little did Oda's hands move again, wrists lifting and fingerpads pressing against yielding, naked human flesh.

Pulled outward by the lift of the wolf's wrists Sean's briefs slipped downward a few inches, enough for Oda's thumbs to lift and hook over the elastic and draw downward a little further. Without drawing his brow away from Sean's, holding the shivering man's gaze, he slowly inched the shorts downward until they fell free and slithered down his legs.

Sean was as naked as the wolf.

And far less confident.

Swaying, drunk out of his mind and terrified in equal measure, Sean did not try to move to protect his modesty. It was dark beyond the porch light, the desert silent and comfortably warm with the heat of the day left in naught but the rocks of the canyon and the walls of the house behind them. Sean stood there, unable to move, holding and being held in turn by an equally naked male arctic wolf. No, he thought; he was even more naked for he lacked the wolf's fur, or the protective white ridge of the beast's sheath to hide his naked maleness. It hung limp and inert between them occasionally brushing the fur of the wolf's sheath between breaths. Sean shivered at the furry caress; a feeling at once familiar due to his canine girlfriend yet alien at the same time. He slowly closed his eyes.

He was still shivering as Oda pulled back his head and raised his muzzle to brush the cool pad of his nose at Sean's brow. Sean leaned in slightly, flattening his hands upon Oda's hips and running them through the fur slightly; he wasn't going to run. He was going to see this through. Oda gave him the slightest of nods. "Let's move this inside before you fall down." Sean drew a slow breath and raised his head to look down the length of Oda's muzzle more squarely. He found himself drawn to the steady golden gaze that did not waver in his drunken vision and, blinking, found himself staring until he felt a brush against his lips.

Fur, short and stiff yet soft, followed by an equally light touch of naked warmth as Oda's tongue brushed across his lips. "Come, you lush. Let's do this." He gave Sean's naked backside a final light tap with his fingertips and turned away while Sean stood in place, trying to come to grips with that brief, feather light kiss.

It was not the kiss itself that left him frozen in confusion, for he was not confused at all. He was shocked into immobility by the fact that he just got a kiss, if just the barest suggestion of one, by a male. Not even the fact that it was a wolf that had given it to him, considering Taws was a rather effusive kisser, but that the wolf in question was male.

Unbidden the lyrics, changed by his alcohol fogged brain jokingly into a marketing jingle, sprang into his head, "I just kissed a guy... and I -" it was unfinished as Sean gave his head a jerky shake and blinked, swayed by a sudden light-headed spinning of the entire world. He staggered only to have his elbow caught by a strong steady hand. Another slipped about his waist.

"Yeah," Oda commented in a chuckle, "You're wasted. You really sure you want to-"

"Yes." Sean muttered, leaning against the wolf's shoulder as they navigated their way across the heaving deck toward the door, "I - I need to, I must." The hinges shrieked petulantly when Oda drew the door open and guided Sean through. To his dismay the floor within the house was no steadier than the deck outside had been. He staggered hastily to the edge of the counter and leaned on it. The door squealed shut, closing out the fading heat of the desert night. Only with the coming of darkness had the air conditioning caught up and the chill slapped Sean's sweaty skin with a refreshing tingle.

"You need, but do you want?" Oda reiterated gently, one hand held up until Sean leaned out and made a grasp for it. His aim would have missed had Oda not caught his swing lightly.

"No." Sean tried to shake his head, slowly, but that resulted only in a directionless bobble. "I don't want, Oda. I must, and you - I don't know you, not really, but you are - honest, it seems. The only one like you I know. I - have to trust you, or I'll never escape."

Oda drew Sean away from his mooring and helped him toward the open bedroom door, toward a bed that smelled like the wolf, Sean recalled. "Like me?"

"A gay non-human." Sean tried to mull over in his mind the names of the other gay men he knew worked at the Firm. Some of them he knew well and closely enough to call friends on occasion, but none of them sprang forward in his mind as viable prospects for what he was asking the wolf, a relative stranger, to do. Perhaps it was because the wolf was such an unknown quantity that he was willing to even extend the request.

Or he was just so drunk his barriers were down entirely. But, Sean thought, that was not really it. He'd been drunk before, though not really quite so stupendously ripped as he was at the moment, and he had never dreamed of propositioning any guy whether he knew them to be gay or not. Hell, even that first night he spent with Taws he had been rather beyond his normal range of drunk and her advances had taken him by surprise; and Taws was female.

His female, yes, that sprang to mind. His woman, despite the fur and sharp teeth and alien shaped sex, she was all his. And to keep her he would have to cheat on her - with a guy.

At least the guy he was making the proposal with was pretty damn good looking, and not human. That seemed to be a rather important distinction. Oda was not human, so Sean's brain was not freaking out at the consideration of a blunt, thick, naked, dry object the size and length of his own cock trying to wedge itself into a hole going the wrong direction. That image left him ill, and the rum did not help the feeling whatsoever, so he quickly shoved it aside. Beyond photographs, Sean didn't know what Oda looked like at all; down there. In photographs they looked as distinctly alien, as males, as Taws was when compared to a human female, but not frightful. Not like cats.

No, cats were a nightmare with balls, and Sean had to kill the one that had taken up residence in his skull.

Sean found himself gazing at the bed, not even aware that he had made the journey to the bedroom, with a fatalistic apprehension as if it were some sort of opulently padded medieval torture device. Oda led him over to it until his knees touched the foot. "Lie down, Sean. We're going to have to start this all over again, you're wound up tighter than an over tuned violin." With one hand on his elbow Oda put a hand between his shoulders and pushed gently. Leaning forward at the push Sean crawled up onto the bed and stretched out with a breathy huff. Snatching a pillow from the head of the bed he shoved it under his chin and crossed his hands under it. His feet hung off the foot of the bed and he felt the fur of the wolf's hips brush the inside of both ankles. The bed shifted under the added weight and two strong hands once more stroked against his upper back.

Moving further up onto the bed, bit by bit, Oda's knees pushed Sean's legs further apart, until both of them rested between his knees. Powerful but gentle hands worked up Sean's back, the coarse but oddly smooth heels of both palms firmly grinding out the twitching knots of tension that, had he not been almost blind drunk, likely would have ached profoundly. Sean let his eyes drift shut, having nothing more to look at than the scored and faded wood of the headboard. "I'm sorry, I meant to say earlier." The wolf's voice was surprisingly close to his ear and Sean tried not to flinch at the warm whisper of breath across the skin of his neck.


Those magical hands skillfully chased away the knotted tension in his back as they worked up to his shoulders, "For earlier." Whiskers brushed lightly at Sean's ear and then the cool touch of the wolf's broad black nose. "For frightening you. I didn't mean to. I was ... ehh, I was a bit drunk and forgot my place." The warm voice chuckled a soft animal growl that, incongruously, eased some of Sean's fear. He was used to hearing growls in bed. Even barks and howls, among other bestial canine sounds of pleasure. "I - get friendly when I'm drunk."

Relaxing slowly, despite his body's earnest desire to lurch up and bolt again, Sean could only grunt lightly as a particularly tight muscle let loose with a sharp, almost electric zing along his nerves. "I remember. You said, you and Lazy..." He commented blandly, turning his head slightly to cast a look from the corner of one cracked eye. Oda's muzzle was close; far too close for his foggy vision to even begin to focus on, tipped with a black that in the darkness looked like a glistening abyss surrounded by white. Atop that muzzle Oda's nearest eye glimmered, colorless in the dark as he slowly shifted, his hips lowering until Sean felt a warm brush of fur upon a firm and narrow ridge brush across the curves of his ass. "It wasn't that which frightened me, Oda." He paused in contemplation, "Well, yes, it was - a little. It's your weight, your proximity, and that gods be damned cat cackling in my thoughts that did it. You were nothing more than a catalyst." He turned his head forward again when the wolf's strong hands worked along the back of his neck, fear welling up again at having the powerful male holding his neck and pressing down upon him.

He fought it down with a shudder, his hands fisting under the pillow as he closed his eyes and let out a slow, deliberate breath. "Just - predator/prey response, Oda, coupled with the trauma of being held down and - taken."

Oda's muzzle brushed lightly against Sean's cheek as his hands magicked away the tightness in his neck with skillfully deft pressure. "I won't take, Sean. Just try to relax, completely. I will give, not take. Only what you can accept." That warm brush against Sean's rump shifted slightly with each motion of the beast's powerful hands at the vulnerability of his neck, the relaxation they instilled crashing against the hard knot of fear clutching at his breast like waves battering rock. Sean stifled an instinctive tensing when it settled into the unexplored cleft of his backside, gently pressing deep into that valley with a warm, soft caress. Enwrapped by that soft, warm fur was a hardness that left Sean positively vibrating with conflicting emotions.

Fear, foremost and paramount, but no little excitement engendered by the fear; a purely adrenal response that, he knew, would leave him frightfully exhausted when it passed. Oda's hands slid away from his neck, down to either side of his ribs, fingers massaging lightly as the wolf sat up, drawing away the touch of that slender, furry warmth. "I know." Sean murmured as he reigned in his racing breath and tried to quell the rabbit-swift racing of his heart. "That's why I'm trusting you, wolf, to do this. I - I hope it works."

"So do I, my friend, so do I." Sean could feel his legs moving again, shifting back downward from between his knees while the wolf's hands worked their way down either side of his ribcage to his waist. His touch was light and gentle, but firm enough not to tickle. Not that Sean was particularly ticklish, but Taws had found a few places that made him positively squirm. She had no ticklish places that Sean had found, save the ones he might have expected of a dog; notably by caressing the short fur between her foot pads and just beneath the root of her tail perhaps a half an inch from the warm, naked flesh she enjoyed Sean burying himself within.

When he had been able to.

The wolf's warm hands moved upward from his hips and across his ass, fingers splaying across each curve until his thumbs slid down the center cleavage. Each drew soft, short fur across his vulnerable once-virgin, cat deflowered entry and, gently, eased the cleft a little wider. Sean's body twitched and his back bowed, a hiss of breath escaping his nose in a hiss when he felt a warm caress of air pass between those thumbs and warm the back of his balls and the tight clenched muscles of his ring. "Relax, Sean." The warm air puffed and whispered with the wolf's gentle admonishment, the warmth then becoming cool as the wolf inhaled.

"I'm - I'm trying." Sean complained petulantly with a grumble, clutching the bed sheets under that pillow. He knew that the wolf's senses were far more acute, and far different, from his own but the idea of having his asshole sniffed was a complete affront to his human sensibilities. That area was taboo, he had never been taught that so much by direct instruction; it as instinctive. But, he also knew, the wolf's instincts were as different from his as his sense of smell was.

Or taste, Sean had to add a moment later when a slow, warm stroke brushed against the back of his balls and drew with excruciating slowness up the cleft of his ass, pressing firmly as it crossed his tight exit. "Christ." He hissed, "Oda..."

"Shhhh, Sean, it's okay." A cold touch, sliding downward; the tip of the wolf's black nose exploring him, followed by another slow upward stroke of his tongue. "Be at ease, you're safe. I'll stop -"

"No," Sean grunted, forcing the tight muscles of his thighs to relax a little. The muscles of his ass refused any such command and his ring spasmed muscularly at the warm caress of the lupine's long tongue. "No, just - ignore my human foibles, Oda... it's just -"

Another cold caress followed by a warm stroke that curled under his balls, lifting them slightly before passing upward, "Uncouth? Dirty? Taboo?" He felt the wolf's muzzle press into the cleft of his exposed ass, lips twitching against his begrudging flesh with each word.


"Human." Oda rumbled gently, his nose dipping and brushing the back of Sean's balls and cooling them with a long inhalation. The wolf rumbled approbation at whatever it was his acute senses gathered from that sniff and Sean could not help but writhe a little in atavistic fear. So, too, did he writhe in some discomfort as his body responded to the stimulation quite out of keeping with the fear racing through his veins. Much to his considerable surprise he found himself becoming erect against the bed. That sniff was followed by another excruciatingly slow stroke of heat.

"Very." He huffed, shifting his hips so that his tumescent length was not bent so uncomfortably to one side.

Oda chuckled into the opened cleavage of his ass and drew his head up, eliciting a body-length shiver in the prone human as he stroked the coldness of his nose up Sean's spine. Once more the bed shifted as his weight rose back up onto it. He did not bring his knees so far up as he stretched out above his fearful charge. He nuzzled gently at the nape of Sean's neck. "It's okay, though." Sean stilled and tensed, though not so much, when he felt the warm fur of the firm ridge brush across his salvia dampened cleft once more. It brushed lightly side to side before settling into the warm cleavage, then pressed down with a bit of weight, forcing Sean's yielding backside to conform to the dramatically alien contours of his hidden length.

For a time he merely leaned there, shifting his hips only slightly to draw that fur softened ridge downward, then glide it back up as he nuzzled gently at Sean's nape. Sean, tense at first, relaxed bit by bit as he forced back the fear and settled his ragged panting. "Y- yeah, it's okay. Better." Experimentally Sean flexed the muscles of his rump against the slow drag and push of that firm ridge. "You're - hard?"

Oda's breath whuffled at the back of Sean's hair, "No, not yet. I'm trying not to."

"Feels like it."

"It's nature. Canines have a bit of cartilage to keep us straight." As he explained Oda increased the range of his hip's motion, gliding down until the tip of his sheath brushed the back of Sean's balls and slowly drew upward along the valley of his ass. "We don't get... well, go from limp to hard. We go from thin to thick."

"Mmh, okay." Sean continued to let his body relax under the strange weighty massage against his ass. Oda's arms were folded just to either side of his shoulders, the fur of his chest brushing his upper back as the wolf moved. "I've only seen a few photos of canines. Taws showed them to me. They were always - thick, I guess." He chuffed a dry breath of humor, "And so strange!"

Oda whuffed a soft laugh in return and pressed a lick upward along the back of Sean's neck, "To us wolves it's you humans who are strange, in more ways than just anatomic." Then Sean felt it; a warm smooth slickness that preceded the stroke of that sheath upward along the crack of his ass. It was not an unpleasant feeling, no more so than the weight of the wolf's sheath had been, but very bizarre. Other than the occasional playful lick he had gotten from Taws in the past, and more recently from Oda, he had never felt its like before. He blinked and hissed an indrawn breath through his teeth, his ass reflexively clenching against either side of the furry ridge and slick, fleshy stroke.

"Uhm, yeah." He muttered, trying to distract himself.

"Ahh hah, yes!" Not Oda's voice, and not heard with his ears; a feline growl of triumph within his own mind. "Here I come, boy!" Sean's body jerked tense and his indrawn breath exploded out with a sharp hiss. His arms pushed down as the visage of the cat's lust-twisted face exploded behind his eyelids like a movie screen going live in the darkness of a cave. "Here comes the pain you little fuck!"

The warm, gentle stroke arrested abruptly, pressing weightily into the crack of Sean's ass somewhere just above his suddenly tight clenched entry. "Sean?" Oda rumbled querrelously, his nose brushing just below the back of his head as Sean pushed his face into the pillow. "I'm here, Sean. _He_is not. It's me." He growled reassuringly.

But Sean heard an altogether different growl as he pressed his face into the pillow from fear; a higher note that was somehow more powerful, more vital, and far, far more terrifying. "I'm going to split your ass open like a whore's used cunt, boy! Can you feel me? You will soon!"

"Sean." Oda's body pressed down upon him, the weight pinning him in place as his arms tensed to push up and his legs shifted for leverage. "Sean, can you hear me? Listen." His whiskers brushed Sean's ear as he dropped his head close to whisper into that ear with a low, diesel-locomotive rumble. "Let me kill him, Sean."

"Yes, gods!" Sean huffed, his body ready to flee but only stopped by sheer force of will. "Kill him, Oda, please - gods, kill him!"

"Let me kill him." Oda whispered again, gently, slowly shifting his body until the slim, slick tip nested at the puckered center of Sean's vice-tight entry. "Relax, Sean. I'm here, I will protect you. He can't get to you, he can't touch you."

"I'm here already, boy! I'm going to fuck you!" The puma's visage was so real Sean felt as if he could reach out and touch it. He tried. He strove for those eyes to gouge them out, that throat to crush it, but an immovable weight held him down, kept him in place. He fought against it, but the weight did not move. Something - something hot, and slick, and solid was poking at his back door.

"Yes, you feel that, don't you?" the puma snarled, arms reaching out to seize Sean's shoulders, slamming him back until his head smashed the computer monitor against the wall with a sharp flash of pain. "I'm gonna fuck you but good!" Abruptly that hot slick poke withdrew but the weight did not lift.

"Sean!" Oda grunted into his ear, "Sean, I'm right here. I'll stop -"

"NO!" Sean snarled, pushing up against the weight against his upper back. "Die, motherfucker, just - die!" His body tensed for a moment, then went completely lax and dropped back down. "Oda... No, don't stop."

"You're fighting me." The wolf admonished gently, keeping Sean held in place by nothing more than sheer weight.

"I - I can't help it. He's in my head." Sean's yell was muffled by the pillow, "He's in my head!"

"I'm gonna be in your ass, soon!" The puma yelled, his body pressing between Sean's calves, knees, thighs. His naked waist strove toward Sean's crotch, the shaft of his spine wreathed cock impossibly large, glistening with the wetness of his sheath and eager to shove that broken-glass spear into his bowels. "Yeah, that's it, boy! Fight! I like me fucktoys to fight!"

"I can't, Sean." Oda murmured, not moving, his voice warring with the cat's within Sean's alcohol fevered brain.

Forcing his eyes open Sean turned his head, suppressing a yelp of fear when he saw the feline bronze of the wolf's eyes glaring victoriously down at him. "You must, Oda! Please!"

"You have to relax, hon." Oda dipped his head to nuzzle at his cheek with a cool touch of his nose. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm gonna make you scream!"

Sean seized at the muscles of his body, willing them to relax, willing the fight out of his limbs. "Okay, you motherfucker, if you think you can make me scream... bring it on!" he hissed furiously. Oda lifted his head in surprise and blinked down at him, but in the darkness Sean's eyes were not focused upon him; he was looking inward, challenging the demon that tormented him.

Dipping his hips, Oda shifted himself, moving slowly, watching the furious rictus of Sean's face as he worked by feel alone in the darkness. He dared not use a hand to guide himself, lest Sean throw him off and bolt to god only knew where. His sensitive tip slipped and slithered with the natural lubrication of his sheath into the cleft of Sean's ass, soon settling against the vice tight resistance of his anal ring. "Sean, you have to relax."

Spastically that muscular ring twitched and clenched, then relaxed for a moment, and Oda dropped his weight down and forward. Sean's eyes rolled up and his hands jerked out from under the pillow. For a moment his hands pressed against the bed, his arms pushing upward, his back pressing solidly against Oda's chest as he tried to shove himself upward. Oda strove on, the first inch becoming two before Sean's muscles clenched down so mightily that he was almost forced out, but he held his weight down, keeping himself seated. Sean's arms folded and he dropped forward, clutching both hands behind his head as he screamed shrilly into the pillow.

"It hurts!" he screamed, "God, it burns!"

"I know!" the puma roared victoriously as the impossible lance of his cock found the heat it was striving for. The sensation of broken glass raked against Sean's ass, sending fire burning through him in an explosive wave of pain. "That's it, you shit, scream! Louder!"

Sean's body went rigid, his muscles clenching and pushing against the slender invasion of Oda's rigid but slender length, but the wolf maintained. Despite the hammering of his own heart and the pain of knowing that he was hurting the tormented man below him, Oda maintained himself there. Sean's scream trailed off and his fingers clutched desperately at the back of his own head as if to suffocate himself with that pillow. "No." Sean growled, the muscles of his ask quivering and then abruptly relaxing. "You will not make me scream."

"I'll make you bleed, you weak little bitch!"


Releasing one hand from his head Sean reached down and back with one hand, seizing a fist full of Oda's fur, and pulled. "No, you can't... This is mine, god damn it, I asked for it." He dragged firmly at the hank of fur and Oda winced, but pressed on. Slowly he pushed more of himself into the tight furnace grasping and shoving at him in a desperate bid to force out the slick, smooth invasion of his nearly virgin ass. "I - asked."

"I'm gonna - "

"You're gonna nothing!" Sean snarled at the fire burning upward from his violated ass. "You're gonna _shut - the - fuck - up _!"

And, surprisingly, the demon did. Sean huffed desperately for breath, turning his head to one side to gulp for air while his ass burned. But the sensation of rasping, raking, shattered glass simply was not there. It was the unwilling intruder pressing ever deeper into him that was the cause of that burn, but Sean did not strive to escape from it.

"Damn, that hurts." He croaked breathlessly. Oda stopped the slow thrust, nearly pressed fully into the almost painfully tight heat clenching about his slender length. Despite the fact that he was buried deep, his fear and torment at causing Sean pain utterly dashed any arousal that may have come from the hot tightness.

"Sean, are you -"

"No! D- damn, Oda - that fucking hurts."

"I know, I'll stop," Oda pulled back a little, but the sudden spastic grasp of Sean's fingers in the fur of his hip halted him.

"NO!" Sean hissed, afraid that if he stopped now the cat would come back louder than before. "N- no, please. J- just be gentle."

"I'll try." He leaned down and nuzzled lightly at Sean's cheek, neither moving forward nor back, and waited for the spastic clenching to subside. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

Sean turned his head a little further, pulling his hand away from the back of his head and relaxing the desperate grasp on Oda's hip fur. "No, this... this isn't your--" Sean winced, his focus shifting to that - presence - pulsing deep within him and the fire that seared the entry through which it speared him. "You are, but it's not that. It's in here." He tapped his temple with his fingers. "I can't hear him, but he's in there, somewhere."

Oda shifted his position slightly to adjust. Sean's writhing had thrown him off balance and the act of keeping himself in place was becoming uncomfortable. Sean hissed and clenched his eyes shut as the motion caused the slender shaft of slick wolf cock to move about, if only a little, against the painful heat of his ring. "I wish I could get in there and kill him for you, hon."

Sean let his eyelids relax, but did not open them, and sighed. Willfully he focused upon just those muscles that burned, trying to focus on outward pressure - nature's path, to push outward. Slowly, grudgingly, they obeyed. Oda's eyes widened a moment and he shuddered, feeling the muscles about his seated length slowly still, then begin rhythmically ripple and push. The tight ring, slick even as it was with his natural canine lubrication, fluttered and relaxed further, then shifted with an outward pressure that slid downward upon him before the uncomfortable tightness melted away. "You can." Sean grunted through his focus. It was not too terribly unlike trying to take a shit that wouldn't move along, he considered. He found that if he focused on trying to do that the pain faded swiftly. He just hoped he didn't actually do that - the results would be mortifying. "You can get in there," he clenched, opening an eye to look up at the wolf looming above him.

Dangerously close; a domineering, predatory presence.

No; a protective presence, close and warm and solid.

"In there, deeper," Sean repeated.

"Does it still hurt?"

"Not so much. A little. Aches, but it doesn't burn quite so much." Trying to force more than his violated anal muscles to relax Sean stretched a little, flattening his body out on the bed once again and resting his chin on one hand. The other still held the wolf's hip but without pulling quite so hard at the wolf's thick pelt. "Is that - are you all the way -"

"No, not yet." Oda had not moved any deeper nor withdrawn any further while Sean came to grips with his presence. Nor had his length thickened; the whole situation was stimulating but about as far from arousing as Oda had ever experienced. "Would you like me -"

"Yes," Sean nodded slowly, "All the way."

Oda huffed a snort through his nose and brushed his lips across Sean's cheek, "I won't go that far. That would hurt. Probably a lot."


"I've got a knot, Sean. All the way would be way too far. I would hurt you then, if not injure you." Lifting his head, half closing his eyes, Oda caught his lower lip between his teeth and looked down at Sean as he let the weight of his hips settle forward slightly. He found himself sliding into the warm tightness of the man's ass much more easily. Sean's eyes widened as he felt that slick, gliding stroke slip past his abused ring smoothly, without any of the earlier searing pain. He could also feel how it pulsed within him; mostly through the sensitive nerves of his anal ring but also as a different sensation somewhere a couple of inches above his own, now flaccid, cock. "But I can go... just short of that."

"Yeah," Sean nodded, closing his eyes again and resting his chin back on his hand. He let his senses focus southward, at the sensation of the wolf's slender length slipping deeper and deeper into him. The wolf was smooth where the cat was anything but, and he was gentle and slow about his approach. He could feel the wolf's breath quickening above him and, before long, a subtle thickening of the shaft press against him.

"That's it -- all but the knot." Oda muttered, letting his weight rest down. Something was changing about the wolf within him, Sean could feel. It was - growing; thickening, pressing a little deeper though the wolf was not moving. With each slow, throbbing pulse Sean could viscerally feel the rush of blood surging into the shaft nested - almost wholly - in his ass. Within a few moments he felt a stretching warmth pressing at his ring, but it was not an uncomfortable heat.

Alien, yes, it was that and then some. He had never felt anything, other than a good solid dump, transition from one state to another in that particular spot.

"How do you feel?" Oda asked quietly near his ear.

"Full." Sean observed, then chuckled a breathy laugh, "But - not like I expected."

"What did you expect?"

"More pain." Sean admitted, "Like I'd have to take one hell of a shit. But I don't. It's - hell, me an advertising designer and I can't even find the right damn words - it's just - very, very strange." The girth was still spreading him, and it was actually becoming somewhat uncomfortable as it filled out within the smooth muscles of his ass. But it was no longer painful. If anything it only ached a little, like a fading bruise.

"And the demon?"

"He's vanished. God, I hope for good."

Oda's arms drew inward slightly, sliding along the side of Sean's ribs and under his shoulders as the wolf stretched out atop him. His hips rose, slightly, and descended again. The minor movement of the wolf's swiftly growing erection sent a brief twinge of hot discomfort racing through Sean's ass but, with equal swiftness, it passed. "Good. No more broken glass? No more fury?"



"Now what?"


"Is that... it?"

"For now, yes." Oda's cool nose brushed at the back of Sean's head, his breath stirring through his sweat damp hair. "Now, we just - relax. I doubt I'll stay up very long, as I'm not tied, but for now - you just get used to what you've got. Maybe later we can see if the cat's gone away for good, if you want." He moved his head to lower his muzzle down near Sean's cheek, one night-dark eye gazing into the human's. "Might you? Want to do this again?"

Sean shifted a little, his muscles tightening around the massive girth that stretched his inner walls and untested anal ring. "I don't know. I guess we'll just wait, and see."

Oda shifted again, slowly, drawing back an inch until he felt Sean clench again. Sean turned his head slightly with a curious mutter at the feel of the wolf's smooth, thick flesh sliding against the taut stretched skin of his ring. "Shhh, Sean, hon. I'll move a little, let you feel what was nothing but pain, before." The wolf brushed the side of his muzzle against Sean's lips and nose, whiskers tickling. "Any pain?"

Sean shook his head, the short fur and whiskers of the wolf's muzzle brushing his lips, "N- no. A little achy, but no real pain, now." The wolf smiled, a drawing back of the corners of his muzzle, and his tongue lightly caressed Sean's lips. Sean pulled back slightly with a self-conscious wince. Considering where that tongue had been not so many minutes before the thought of it near his mouth left him queasy. Oda blinked and, with a chuckle, eased his hips back down. The slick motion was not unpleasant, Sean thought, the sensation dashing his contemplation of Oda's lick, and the downward pressure did - something - strange, and oddly pleasant, in his gut that made his own cock twitch.

"Wolf muzzles are cleaner than human ones." The wolf intoned with another slow lift of his hips, the warm fur drawing away from the curve of Sean's ass while the slow withdrawal slid against Sean's clenching muscles. He drew out a little further, his cock ever so slightly thicker, the subtle stretching sending a muted pang through Sean's loins. A strange warmth seeped through Sean's bowels; its liquid shifting distinctly alien and no little confusing, heralded by a momentary pulse that thickened the wolf's cock slightly before subsiding.

"Humans don't have muzzles, wolf." Sean huffed as the wolf drew ever further from him, the girth of his shaft thickening toward the tip though only slightly so.

"Feeling okay?" Oda paused at the apex of his motion, his shaft twitching and continuing to throb with the palpable pulse of his heart. The liquid presence within Sean's ass continued to seep ever further into him but it was not terribly off putting, considering what else was there. "Good?"

"I'm - not sure." Sean mumbled, hissing softly when the wolf's motion reversed, slowly pressing back down into him, the thickness gliding through his stretched ring slimming perceptibly. "Not - not unpleasant, no." The hard contours of a large mass pressed lightly against Sean's ass and the wolf stopped for a moment before drawing back again.

"Good. I would like for you to get something from this - some pleasure, if small." Oda rumbled, dipping his muzzle to press into the hollow between his neck and shoulder. His breathing was deeper, more labored and his body more tense.

"You're not small, big guy." Sean observed, deliberately tightening himself against the slow, smooth stroke slipping back out of him again. He tightened the muscles that felt the pressure of the wolf's presence just above his own cock. Its tumescent awakening was once more pressing down against the sheets. Oda shuddered against the inner shift of Sean's walls, his body pressing heavily down. Seen found that the weight did not distress him at all.

"You don't know." He rumbled a little breathlessly, his muzzle pressing into the hollow of Sean's neck, rubbing slowly as his hips settled slowly, bringing once more the hard girth still trapped within his sheath against Sean's backside. "I'm - actually rather small, we wolves are. You should see Lazy." His words were given with a breathless strain.

Sean huffed a laugh, surprising himself considering the situation, "I don't want to see Lazy!" He turned his head slightly to look at the striving wolf's wrinkled brow and back turned ears. "Close?"

"Mmh - beyond." The wolf rumbled with a rakish draw of his muzzle to reveal a gleam of teeth in the darkness. "Dogs - reach early, and then sustain far after."

"You already -"

"Mmhmm." Oda nodded against Sean's neck shifting his hips upward fully, almost completely withdrawing with a slithering slick stretch and subsidence of his long, thick contours. At the apex of his hip's rise he shivered and his length twitched, sending a liquid rush of warmth deep into the darkness of Sean's bowels, before his weight slowly descended once more. Sean bit his lip as the smooth pressure drove deep into him, pushing his hips down, grinding his erection against the sheets, and struck something deep within him that sent a surprising rush of strange sensation, not unpleasant, exploding through his loins. "But - even that - cannot last." Oda did not move again after that, his length moving within the tight embrace of Sean's ass with small twitches, swiftly losing its girth.

The dwindling was so swift that it left Sean somewhat surprised, and - strangely - a little disappointed, like he was expecting something - more profound. "Hnnh, wow... that was quick."

The panting wolf remained on his back for a minute or two more, his arms shuddering a little from his exertion, before he drew his hips up. With a single smooth stroke his suddenly slim length slipped free of Sean's anal grasp. "That's the way of it, for us canids." Shakily Oda levered himself up and stepped back off the bed. "Give me a few... nature calls." With a slight sway he turned and disappeared into the main house, around the corner to the bathroom. Sean lay there, still on his stomach, and mulled over what had just happened, what he did.

The experience left him more confused than relieved, his ass aching from the unfamiliar abuse he had subject himself to. He could still feel the liquid reminder of the wolf's presence within him but could not bring himself to get up and make use of the bathroom. He was still lying there when the wolf padded back in a few minutes later. Oda didn't bother to turn on the lights; their eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness so that, from the wan moonlight outside, they could see well enough. Oda sat on the edge of the bed and held something out to him.

Sean rolled onto his side and reached out to take it, a large glass heavy with something wet. "What's this?" He asked, propping himself up on one elbow and bringing the glass close enough to sniff. It was nothing more than the grapefruit juice he had purchased the day before.

"Your hangover cure. After that much rum, you'll probably need it."

Sean chuckled ruefully and nodded, carefully bringing the glass to his lips to drink. Oda sat and watched quietly while he drank the whole thing down, accepting the glass when it was handed back. "Yeah, that will help a little, I hope."

"Good. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Sean nodded slowly, licking the last of the juice from his lips, "I'm good. Sore, a little, but - yeah, I'm good." He leaned back on the pillow, repositioning it back toward the head of the bed. "You?"

Oda snorted and bobbed his head, "Thighs burn like I've run a couple miles, but I'm - well, damn spent." He leaned forward to stand but Sean reached out to rest a hand on his forearm.

"Where you going?"

"To bed? We don't have to be there early, but we still need sleep." Oda relaxed back down to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, I'm flat burned out." Sean dropped his hand and patted the open space on the bed next to him. Oda looked down at his hand and then raised his gaze. "Plenty of room, yeah?"


Chapter 2 < > Chapter 4