The Elusium

Story by devsnake78 on SoFurry

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I know I shouldn't be posting a new story yet.... But I had to get this off my mind. Now so here it is. In multiple chapters though.

When the Elusium was first publicly announced, the world announced it as a hoax. Until they saw it. The Elusium was a floating ring around earth. And steadily, people were being brought up to it. Only select personnel though. The weak, sickly, elderly, young and anyone else they didn't wan't was left on earth. Only the strong and survivors were allowed. Fathers and mothers being torn away from their children. Couples being ripped apart. The Elusium didn't care what it had to destroy to get what it wanted. Once the Elusium had required all the people it needed, everyone thought things would go back to normal. They couldn't have been more wrong. The Elusium had released bombs containing a virus known as Stayroculitis (stay-rock-you-light-isss). The disease spread like a wildfire. At first, it seemed the disease did nothing. Then the deaths started. Terrible gristly deaths. It differed per person as well. One woman looked like her skin had been melted off, leaving only bones and organs. A man was walking down the street when his head literally exploded spraying blood everywhere. A boy's blood had solidified inside of him. A girls organs had been cooked inside of her. It was a gristly time. Eventually, there was nobody on earth. Or so the Elusium thought...

We are known as the living. A group of 5 survivors who managed to live past Stayroculitis. In the beginning, there was only me. Daemon Fylin. (Day-mon) (file-in). A 16-year-old smallerish otter. I had deep brown fur on my back and tail. My belly was a light cream colour. I had bright green eyes as well. The only thing that made me different from others was a pitch black star on the front of my right paw. The only thing I had to wear that wasn't ripped to shreds or stolen was a dark red t-shirt and some jeans. I was leaving my home with as much food as possible so that I could find a better place to live. I kinda just walked around the bloodstained streets. A dead body here. A corpse there. Really, it didn't phase me as much as it used to though. When I headed into a small suburban area, I found Lyra Wytershy (why-ter-shy). A 17-year-old vixen who was quite nice. She had rusty red fur all down her back, arms and tail, except her tail and paws had white tips. Her belly was white and she had a black and red muzzle. She had dark brown eyes and wore a light grey tank top and a pair of black jeans. In other words she looked like a regular fox. Aside from the fact she had a black star marking on her right paw. After eating lunch together, she decided to come with me. I was glad for the company. After heading out of the city we stumbled upon a house in the middle of the woods. A tiger lived in the house with a wolf. The tiger was named Felix Garrison. A 17-year-old who was coloured exactly like a tiger is coloured except for the black star on his right paw. Felix had dark grey eyes and wore a plain green t-shirt with some tan cargo shorts. The wolf's name was Camdrin Arisdar. Or Cam for short. He was a 16-year-old who had grey fur all down his back and on the top side of his tail. His belly is white along with his arms and legs. Cam had bright blue eyes and his right paw also has a black star on it. He wore a plain blue t-shirt and jeans. They both were in the house looking for food when we showed up. Since traveling by them selfs didn't appeal to them, they both decided to come with us. After wandering for a while, our group came upon a small trailer in an abandoned trailer park, with only one beat up trailer left. As we headed up to it Lyra spotted Mia Tylian (Me-uh) (Tie-lee-Ann). A 15-year-old, absolutely terrified rabbit. She had bright amber eyes and light pink fur all down her back and on the top of her arms and tail. The rest of her body was white aside from the bright pink ears on her head. She wore a hot pink t-shit and a pair of dark purple pants. She immediately came over to us begging for our group to take her with us immediately Lyra, Cam, and I said yes. Felix was a little hesitant at first, but then he gave in and let her come. That was it. Our group. The living.

And that was it! For now at least. Comment what you think!

Odd Friends PT 2

"So, honestly, you don't care that I'm gay?" I asked Regan. My face easily portrayed shock. "Not used to that, huh?" Regan asked me after glancing in my direction, "I used to be like that, too. Then I just stopped caring what other furs thought of...

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Odd Friends PT 1

I kept my head down as I walked through the halls of Reghart highschool. My deep blue eyes stared blankly at the white tiled floor of the school. I was wearing a loose black tee-shit and a pair of blue/green cargo shorts. On my feet I had a pair of...

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