Solipsism XI - Explicit

Story by SeraphXIII on SoFurry

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#11 of Solipsism (Old, see Certainty for update)

A story that follows the rough storyline of the Tamers series of the Digimon franchise, with a couple OCs mixed in.

Tagline of sorts: Break ups happen, life goes on. You get teleported to a fictional universe, life goes on. Life seems to be getting pretty interesting, or maybe I'm just losing my mind again.

Rated to adult for consistency due to language in later chapters. Explicit Chapters will be flagged in the title.

Will be updated on Wednesdays and Saturdays

A ring sounded from next to the bed. My eyes fluttered, but I didn't move an inch. It kept ringing, and before long I decided to reach to grab it, but my eyes never opened.

"Hello?" I said, stroking one of the furry forms lying next to me who was starting to get irritated by the interruption.

"How about a patrol?" I heard Takato say from the other end. Ugh, should've never given him my number.

"Ugh..." I cracked an eye to look at the clock and tried very hard not to curse a blue streak. "It's six thirty. No."

"Oh, come on." He said, energetic as hell somehow. "How are we gonna stay on top of the digimon if we don't patrol?"

"Digimon don't get up this early." I said, half-jokingly.

"It's not like you have anything to do, right?" He said, his voice still hopeful. Just then, a rough tongue slid up the side of my face.

"Actually, something just came up. Bye." I said, hanging up quickly. I dropped the phone off the side of the bed and slid down into the sheets' warm embrace.


I woke up an hour or so later to an empty bed. Huh, I thought. Where'd they both go? I shook myself loose from the sheets and wandered out into the living room. Renamon and Raia were sharing the couch and looked as if they'd been talking.

"Oh God." I said, loud enough for them to hear. "They're conspiring." They looked to me and I walked to them.

"Just talking." Raia said.

"Nothing to worry about." Renamon reassured.

"That worries me even more." I said sitting down between them. "So, what are you talking about?"

"Just getting to know each other better." Renamon said.

"We never had much one-on-one time, what with you constantly assaulting either her or Rika." Raia quipped.

"Mhm. Well, I need to get a shower. You two keep talking." I got up and started to walk off, but I stopped briefly to say something. "Oh, and no peeking, ok?" I saw Renamon shoot a questioning look to Raia, who was snickering.

I turned the shower on as hot as I could get it, and steam poured out into the bathroom. I got in, washed my hair, and was halfway done washing the rest of me when I heard the door open. A paw poked into the shower, but whose I couldn't tell.

I sighed. "What the hell?" I asked, seemingly to the steamy air.

"Where is it?" Raia asked.


"The digimon! There's a field in here!" Renamon said.

I stood there, dumbfounded as the water continued to roll over me. "Steam." I said.

"Steam?" They said simultaneously.

"Steam. From the shower." I said. "Tell me Raia tricked you into this, Renamon." I heard snickering that confirmed my suspicion. I groaned and finished my shower, knowing the two of them hadn't left. I pulled the towel into the shower and covered myself before walking out. Renamon was embarrassed as all hell, and Raia whistled.

"Quite the view we have here." Raia said. She was puuuushing those boundaries again.

"Quite the horny one we have here." I retorted, walking to the sink, acting as if oblivious to their presence.

"One way to solve that quickly..." I would bet that Renamon's face broke out into a dark crimson blush under all that fur, but I neither looked, nor would have been able to see.

"Calm down, Raia." I said through a mouthful of toothpaste. I spat, rinsed, and continued. "You're going to scar Renamon." I risked a glance over my shoulder to find Renamon _very_interested in the floor and Raia taking a step to be right behind me.

I felt paws graze over me in a familiar way, but those same paws were dancing along the border to unknown territory. I felt my breath start to hitch and summoned all of the self-control I had.

"You "developed", didn't you?" I said, stuttering minorly. Hot breath hit my neck and I heard my digivices go off. Oh, thank God.

"We'll finish this later." Raia whispered. "You." Inhale. "Me." Exhale. "And her." She purred gently in my ear, leaving me pretty rattled. Why can't I be good at dealing with this shit?


We entered the subway and got on one of the trains. The girls were phased out, but Raia found it necessary to phase in at every chance to breathe on my neck. Can you please restrain yourself?

You're going to get us noticed. Renamon joined in.

I heard Raia sigh over the mental link. Fine. I let out a sigh of relief and saw Henry was on the train. I started to make my way to him, but the train stopped and he began to disembark.Wait... that means...

I pushed myself out of the train as quick as I could and I hoped Raia and Renamon were ready for a fight. Sure enough, when I looked down the tunnel, I saw the misty, steam-like fog that accompanied a digital field.

"Henry!" I called, catching his attention. "Digivolve!" He nodded and scanned a card, and I digivolved Raia and Renamon over my mental link. I looked around, finding them behind me. They rushed past me to the massive snake as he emerged from the wreckage.

Kyubimon dragon wheeled at Sandiramon and Raia followed. It's strange, after Raia hit him, I swear the bastard cracked a grin. Gargomon began shooting at his head though, and I couldn't tell from the split second I had. What was strange was that Gargomon shoot a look back toward Raia, and he grinned as well. I looked back to Raia and Kyubimon as well, and saw Kyubimon had reared her nose away from Raia, as if there was some foul smell. That's about when it hit me.

"Shit." I said. Henry heard me and shot me a questioning look. "Raia's in... well, I guess you'd call it heat. She's pouring out pheromones like a hose right now." Henry looked like he was torn between breaking out laughing and concern for the situation.

"So..." He looked over to Gargomon, who was carrying on with his attack, though he wasn't doing much other than distracting Sandiramon.

"He's useless." I said plainly. "If he gets near Raia, he'll probably just stop dead in his tracks. Actually..." I would have continued, but Takato decided that was the time to make his entrance.

"Sorry we're late." He said somewhat sheepishly.

"At least, you're here." I replied.

"We don't have much time Guilmon, we need you to digivolve." Kyubimon said from behind me.

Takato nodded and digivolved Guilmon, and pulled out the card Kazu had given him.

"Raia, run over and distract him!" I said, gesturing to Sandiramon. She rushed at him and circled around him, her tails swaying in a sultry fashion that she was getting _way_too used to. It worked though, because Sandiramon was too busy trying to chase down her scent as Takato used the modify card.

"Here's our chance!" I yelled as the digimon went in and attacked. Sandiramon essentially took it on the nose, because he was too distracted to defend at all. He went down like a sack of rocks, but he still had the energy to chuckle.

Kyubimon noticed first, though. "Wait a minute, he's still laughing at us. Who are you?"

"I am one of the twelve Devas sent by the Sovereign one," he said. "You may have defeated me, but my brethren will avenge me."

"Huh?" Gargomon said in confusion. "Are you telling me that there are ten more of you ugly whackos coming our way?"

Sandiramon grinned once more. "Prepare yourselves to be conquered. We are the digimon who refuse to be tamed by mere humans. We will rule your realm and there's nothing you can do to stop us. The twelve Devas will destroy you all." And with that, he broke into data.

"Well, I hope we get a little bit more organized, or the Devas will be kicking our asses." I said as the digimon de-digivolved.

"What are Devas?" Henry asked.

"Twelve very powerful Ultimates. They're in the forms of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac." I said. "As you can see, tiger, snake, etc."

"Why don't we talk about this later. What do you say we take the elevator out of here?" He pointed to the hole in the ceiling.

"I really have to wonder who the hell pays for all the crap we break." I said, taking the hands of the two Renamon who just barely managed to get me up through the hole.


When we got to the surface, all of Takato's friends were awestruck by the digimon, although I had to keep an eye on Raia. Sure enough, I saw Guilmon wander over, his nostrils flaring from tracking Raia's scent. I walked over to him and gently smacked him on the snout.

"No." I said, looking him in the eye.

"What's that smell?" He said, about as innocent as I'd seen him.

"Something you should stay away from." I looked over to where Takato was and walked to him. "Hate to cut this short, but I have... something to deal with, so I gotta get going."

"Aww." Came the collective sigh from the kids. "Alright, see ya later." Takato said, before he led everyone's attention back to Guilmon.

"Raia, Renamon, let's go home." They nodded and we dashed home quickly. The instant the door was closed, I found myself on the couch with Raia on top of me.

"Well damn." I said. "Someone's getting quick. Renamon, mind giving me a hand here?" Renamon walked over, kneeled beside me and grinned. Then she kissed me full on the mouth.

Raia grinned like a lion looking at a piece of meat. "I told you, did I not?"

"Renamon, Rai, I need to say something." I paused for a moment and they didn't do anything. "This is my first time, I'm just very nervous."

Raia sighed and climbed off of me. She pulled me to my feet and nodded. "We'll do this right." She led myself and Renamon to the bedroom, crawled onto the bed, and sat, giving me that "come hither" look. I took off my hoodie, shoes, and socks and slid onto the bed, gently pulling Renamon down with me. I pulled them both close to me, each allowing their paws to roam as they wished. The soft fur glided across my skin, creating sensations no human could with just touch. I came to acknowledge that I wouldn't be able to trace who touched where, and decided to roll with it.

Raia kissed me on the mouth, her furry maw tickling my lips and her tongue breaking between them as she sought entrance, while Renamon sucked a spot on my neck, just where it meets the shoulder, and grazed her teeth across the skin like razors, but never cutting. All the while, my hands slid across Raia's slender frame; down her sides, across her back, and all around her hips, the curves gentle and smooth. Paws were all over me, one on my right shoulder, one behind my head, one around my stomach, and one drifting below my waistline. My jeans were loosened and pulled down, and the paw slid down, slipping beneath my underwear. I have to say, until you've have fur touching you down there, you haven't truly lived.

I smiled, loving the feeling and getting fully hard, and Raia took advantage, darting her tongue between my teeth, engaging me in an open mouth kiss. I have to admit, I'd never done it before, but I sure as hell want to again. As our tongues danced in our now communal maw, Renamon shifted her other paw to cup my balls while she slowly stroked me, up and down, up and down. I felt my precum begin to leak onto her paw, slicking the side of her digit as it continued to slide. I let fly a gasp of pleasure into Raia's mouth as we kissed and squeezed her ass gently, eliciting on of her in return. I grinned inwardly, letting my tongue drag across her sharp teeth, swirling the points on the elongated fangs.

Renamon released me and slid her paws up my chest, while Raia, reached down and took a hold of me and slowly guided me into her heat. I could feel the tight, wet pressure enveloping my dick as I gently pushed in, slowly separating the flesh until I pressed my crotch to hers. She broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, softly saying she loved me. I replied in kind, and slid my hips back, pulling out and then pushing back in. Her eyes radiated a warmth and love I'd only heard about, while Renamon gently nibbled the side of my neck. Between the two of them, I seriously thought I'd lose touch with reality, but I managed to stay grounded enough to keep going. Raia began to cling tight to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Faster." She whispered at the top of a stroke. I complied, moving my hips in to her at a more brisk pace, eliciting more soft moans from her as I tickled her core. I picked up the pace slowly, causing her moans at the crest of the stroke to shorten, almost to a yip, but not quite. She started to clench her muscles with every stroke, bringing me close to the edge.

"I'm close." I whispered, hot breath hitting the bare skin in her ear. She nodded gently, still letting out a quick moan at the crest of the stroke. My pace picked up even more as I got close, and she began to clench involuntarily, evidenced by the erratic pace at which she did it.

"Just -uh- keep -uh- going." She said between moans, and so I did, my pace never breaking until I finally broke and came. I shot I'm not sure how many times, but the feeling pushed her over the edge as well; she moaned loudly, clung to me tighter than before, and clenched on me, hard. As her climax hit her in waves, she clenched and squeezed me harder. Renamon took the moment to gently sink her teeth in, though not deep, and it felt surprisingly good. After a minute or so to recover, Raia let me go and slid off of me, and I was flipped over to face Renamon.

"Hmm." She moaned, smiling. "I didn't do all that working getting you hard just for her to take it. I_want a turn." She gave me a pouty look and pulled herself to me, taking my length in one of her paws, gently stroking it, as she had before, until I got hard again. Raia wasn't about to just sit this out though, and she clung to me from behind, sucking and licking on the spot Renamon had bit, and it felt _damn good.

Renamon grinned and kissed me, forcing her tongue into my mouth and reforming the communal maw I'd shared with Raia. Raia kept on that spot and let her paws roam around my chest. I felt as if I was high, euphoric overload taking control of my senses. Renamon must have seen the look in my eyes.

"Mmm, you like this?" She asked. She pointed me into her and I pushed slowly, a moan escaped her and she clung to me just as Raia had. I was less bashful this time around though, and began with a quicker pace, earning moans from Renamon as I crested. This time, I kissed her and forced my tongue into her maw, allowing it to roam to all the untouched, unexplored regions. Hot breath shot from her mouth to mine as she moaned; the feeling was phenomenal.

I kept on, my pace quickening even more, until I was going as fast as I could. I knew I couldn't last too long like this, but judging by Renamon's responses, I wouldn't have to. She broke the kiss, clinging tight to me. The once-dominant vixen quietly moaned for me not to stop, and I grinned wildly. I came for the second time quickly after, the sensation earning me a long, loud moan from her as well, with her clenching down on me as she proceeded to climax. She clung tight to me and after a while, I slid out of her. Raia, who'd tired of licking the wound, wrapped her arms around me as well, and I turned to face her.

"I love you." I said, touching my nose to hers, peering into her eyes.

"I love you too." She replied as I drifted away. I fell away from the world to the vision of her icy blue eyes being taken by a dark crimson.

Solipsism X

**Sorry for late upload, slipped my mind.** **This ain't gonna be a happy chapter. Watch your step, there's some _mildly_ disturbing shit after the first break.** I turned my head to find Raia in the door of the bedroom. I turned back to Renamon who...

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Solipsism IX

My eyes drifted open and I embraced a form next to me; my vision slowly coming into focus, giving a steadily clearer picture. I smiled, seeing the familiar curves and fluff, but I didn't think of Raia immediately. I smiled wider, hoping this is what...

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Solipsism VIII

My mind felt numb, unthinking, but my body was quite the contrast. Somehow, despite a severe lack of experience, I began to react to Renamon autonomously. She lay on top of me and pressed her muzzle to my face and I pressed back. My arms came around...

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