finding where i belong

Story by kazykisu on SoFurry

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first in a short series i'm still working on. only story progression in this one folks

Finding where I belong

"Well that's the end of that I guess." I walk down the street towards my apartment a pinkslip held in my hand. "It figures that this happens now. Just when I had started to look for a car." I had a job in the ER at the hospital. The past week there were three car accidents, two cases of assault, and even food poisoning. I was run ragged and now I was jobless. The excuse they made? Not taking enough initiative.

You see I always did what I was told. They say I just stand there if no one tells me to do something. For the most part they are right. But I still don't think that is a good enough reason to fire someone. I still did what needed to be done and was good at what I did too

As I walk down the street I pass a shop. There are two furs coming out of it one has on a collar with a nametag and they both have huge smiles. I stop and watch them as they go and a third fur walks out and waves. This new fur, a timber wolf with pink around his muzzle and streaks in his tail, waves at me and beckons me to come over. Normally I'm wary of such things but today I really don't care. I walk over to him and he smiles at me.

"I saw you staring, is there anything I can help you with?"

"No not really. I can't afford to buy anything. I was just fired." I say while holding up the pinkslip in my hand.

"Oh you poor thing, how about you come inside and maybe we can talk?" he turns around and starts walking inside. I shrug and follow him. As we walk through the front I see many furs doing chores. they're stocking shelves, sweeping, and doing normal things that any shop would need to run normaly. What surprised me was that they were all naked.

"So do they all work here?" I asked the fur.

"Only until they are adopted. Then they go home with their new master. So do you want anything to drink?"

"Umm sure soda would be nice." He calls a pet over. "get a soda for him please" the dragon leaves, bringing back a glass with soda and handing it to me. i take it and sip as the pet leaves again.

"So tell me, you look really upset. Why did they fire you?" I hand him the pinkslip and show him the reason. "is this true?"

"Heck no! i did everything. they were just looking for a lame excuse to get rid of me. and now I'm jobless and I don't know how I'll get by."

Just then a husky walks in the room. He's wearing a stained work shirt and jeans. "Hey Hun there's a Mr. McCoy here to get a pet. He said he's talked to you before?"

The wolf looks at the husky and nods. "Okay, tell Littil to take care of it. He knows what to do."

The husky yells back at a squirrel saying, "Littil! rune says take care of the guy at the front!" he then walks around to the wolf kissing him. "Hun who's this?"

The wolf acts like he woke up from a daydream, shaking his head. "Oh well I guess introductions are in order. My name is Rune Warf. This is my mate Sajin Candour."

"My name is Kazaru Kisaragi. But you may call me Kaz, Kazy, or anything else." I hold out my paw and shake hands with both of them.

"Well what do you know how to do?"

"I studied for eight years to become an emergency medic. That's all I know how to do."

"Do you have any training in other feilds? medical or otherwise?"

"just a few minors in mathematics and a little in medical science and technology"

The wolf, rune, looks at me and a smile starts to form. "Well how about you come work here for us. Our last medic just walked out the door so we're in need of one. It won't be as high pay as your old job but it will pay the bills and I think you will even grow to like it."

My jaw dropped? These furs had known me for less than twenty minutes and I had just been offered a job. "y-you really mean it?"

"Of course dear, why would we kid about something like that?" the husky came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Rune turned to me. "We would have to do a preliminary background check on you but it only takes a minute."

My face clouds. "But my lease is out on my apartment and I was barely scraping by. My landlady is an old widow and she charges for every little thing. I needed that full salary just to have a little extra spending money."

Sajin looks at rune expectantly. Rune nods to him before speaking. "You could live here. There is plenty of space. Food, water, power, and board would be free. And you could leave any time you would like."

I look at their faces and see the hope in their eyes. How could I turn these two nice furs down? "If you are both sure then I would love to live and work here."

"Wonderful!" Rune hands me a piece of paper. looking at it i see It asks for all the basic information someone would need to perform a background check. "just fill this out and come to my office." I fill it out quickly, my paw trembling from excitement, and hand it back. "Okay just follow me."

Rune turns and leads me down the hall. We enter an office and rune sits at the desk, a computer on it. Sajin walks in last and gently shuts the door.

"Well you're almost all set. just write down your address on this paper and Sajin will take a couple of pets and start moving your stuff" I write down my address and Sajin calls two pets. "your house key please." i hand it and they all leave to my apartment.

i look up, jumping as i remember "Be careful with the box under the bed!" I call as they leave, looking worried

"it's ok. they'll be extra careful with your belongings. Now I expect you have some questions."

Of course I do. This doesn't make me a pet does it?"

Not unless you want it to."

When do I start?

Soon as you can

Okay umm ---"we are interrupted by my stomach gurgling.

"Oh you must be hungry."

"Yeah a little. I missed lunch today."

"Then follow me and I'll get you something." We walk down the hall and enter a kitchen, motioning me to sit at the table. "So what would you like?"

it's a normal enough looking kitchen, just larger so it can accomodate all the pets. there's no door leading in, just an open doorway. there are two large doors at the back, looking like walk in fridge and freezer doors.

"A burger with fries would be heaven right now." He walks over to a little black box standing on the counter, looks like a microwave, and repeats my order.

He walks back to me with a burger and a side of fries. "How did you do that?"

Just a little bit of magic and technology." as I eat, we hear a truck pull up and a door open. rune smiles and looks at the doorway "I think Sajin's back."

Sajin walks through the doors directing a few pets carrying stuff. "just hang on there a minute! What room will he be in Hun?" Sajin asks as he walks up to us.

"He'll be staying in room 307 by himself."

Sajin passes the word on and the pets start carrying my stuff past the door. i see a tiger carrying a medium size mahagony box and wave at him "Oh you can just leave that box with me." He brings it over and puts it on the table.

They both look at me as I run my hands over the box.

"Do you want to see what's inside?"

"That's your business Kaz." Rune says as he looks away and tells something to a pet nearby.

"It's okay I think you are... trustworthy enough to know." I take my locket from around my neck and open it letting a key fall out onto my paw. it's a normal enough silver heart locket, a little bigger than most though. I unlock the chest and lift the lid revealing...... foam. "Oops sorry, I forgot I put the cover back on." I lift the top layer of the foam and they both look closer. Inside there are several deep pockets cut into some more foam. "These are my most valuable possessions." I start to lift things out of it. The first is a small vase.

"This jar contains my grandfather's ashes." I put the vase back and pull out a glass sphere with a flower of colored glass in the middle.

"My brother is a glass worker and this was his first successful project." I put that back and start to lift out other items explaining them as I go, a few simple things that have no value other than sentimental and some quite expensive.

"Wow you sure have a lot of mementos." Sajin says as I pull out object after object.

"Yeah and every one has a back story."

You'll have to tell us some time." rune says.

I pull out the last thing. A deep blue felt bag that clicked as I moved it. I opened it and poured the contents over the foam lid. Inside where stones of many different shapes and types. "These are wiccan healing stones. My mother left them for me when she too passed away. I learned how to use them and I now only use them if I think the fur is truly worthy of them." A tear forms in the corner of my eye and drips down as I hold a rosy stone. "This rose quartz was her favorite. She said it was the one that led her to my father."

Rune and Sajin came over to me and put a paw on each of my shoulders. "It's okay Hun I'm sure your mother is happy wherever she is."

"Thanks rune, your right." i say, sniffing and wiping a paw across my eyes, hiding my tear. "So can I see the medical room now?" I say as I dry my eyes and put the stones away. A pet comes over and takes the box away.


"So what do the pets do?"

"Why these pets are for pleasure. Why did you think they were all naked?" rune states with a smile

I look down and blush. "ohh I see"

"you're submissive aren't you kazy?" sajin asks, smirking.

"sajin that is none of your business." Rune says, shooting a hard look at sajin.

i blush more, looking down. "no that's okay, yes I am a sub. Both in bed and in practice.... wh..what gave it away?"

rune smiles and pats my shoulder. "don't worry about it too much. it's just that we work with subs all day every day. we know all the signs.

"Okay, Hun I have to go fix the air conditioner in our room, so I'll have to see you later."

"Okay Sajin and thanks again." i say, smiling at him.

He turns and waves as he walks away.

Rune leads me to the medical exam/operating room and my jaw almost hits the floor. The equipment they have is all state of the art and looks brand new. "Wow this place is amazing. Half the hospitals I've worked at would kill to have this stock. You must really care for your pets here."

"Yeah we care very much and we spare no expense. That reminds me, you need an assistant. I think Kiwi will be good, he's a reliable pup."

"Okay. Do you have a record of the medicine you keep in stock?"

"Yes it's on the computer in your office. Here I'll log in for you." He shows me to my office right next door and logs in, showing me the pass codes and admin id and showing me how to change it. He then pulls up a file marked inventory and I sit down to look.

"Wow you're really stocked up. You have the best stock I've ever seen."

"Like I said we take care of our pets."

I try to stifle a yawn but can't stop it. "tired are we? you must have had a long day and now I'm keeping you up. Here let me show you to your room." He leads me out of the office and clinic, going only a few doors down the hall and stop in front of it.

"Well here it is. If you would like anything changed around in there, just tell me and I'll get some pets to help. By the way... you can bed any pet you'd like but only if they say it's okay." he says with a smirk. almost laughing at the shocked look on my face but then gets serious. "The first rule of the pets here is that they always have the right to say no. sleep well." With that he walked off and I turned to open my door.

Inside it looked exactly like my old apartment, down to every last detail. You walk in and see my bed. A nice twin size with a large comforter and several fluffy blankets. At the foot of the bed there is a table with a TV on it and a DVD player. There was even a wall jutting out from the other side and around it a computer desk and chair. I walked to the right wall and there was my dresser with all the same cloths hanging in it. It really was exactly like my old room.

I undressed and slipped into the covers of my bed. The last thought as I drifted off to sleep was this. Man I think I'm going to like it here.

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