finding where i belong chapter two

Finding where I belong Chapter two I woke up and opened my eyes on... my room. "I guess it was just a dream" I sighed. I got up from the bed and went to the dresser. Just as I pulled out a shirt, a knock sounded at the door. I pulled out my bathrobe...

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finding where i belong

Finding where I belong "Well that's the end of that I guess." I walk down the street towards my apartment a pinkslip held in my hand. "It figures that this happens now. Just when I had started to look for a car." I had a job in the ER at the hospital....

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the prison

The prison It is early, the sun is just rising in the sky, when a riolu opens his eyes. The pokemon is scared and surprised to find himself alone in his bed. This is Nathan. He is confused because there are two pokemon missing from his bed. Quill and...

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the tale of three lovers

The tale of three lovers When I awoke the first thing I noticed was that I felt lighter than normal, well that and the splitting headache that surged whenever I moved. "Oh god, what hit me?" I wondered aloud as I tried not to move too much. "I don't...

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lion fun

Matt sighed as he saw the house that he would spend the weekend in. The place was practically a mansion, it had a huge yard, both front and back as he could see, and at least three floors. He walked up to the front door and lifted the heavy knocker....

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the hard night

"Hey dude" Rio said as he walked into the dorm taking off his shirt. Rio is a furdragon. His fur is indigo with lighter markings on his shoulders and stomach. As he entered the room he looked to the comfy leather chair where I could usually be seen...

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