A Dragonair Tail

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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This was originally written as a response to a challenge from my elder sister, we ended up talking one evening about exactly what a dragonair's tail could be used for, and well, the next day, she found this waiting for her. Pokemon doesn't belong to me, but I will use it frequently to give my fantasies wings.

Light filters through the trees of Viridian Forest as a solitary being walks purposefully towards Pallet Town. This being is none other than Aria Moonrose, and she's on her way o get her first Pokémon. With her long auburn hair tied back with a blue ribbon, and a blue trainer's cap on her head, the girl has set out from Cerulean City, intent on getting her choice starter. As she strides through the forest, she avoids the rustling grass, graceful as a dancer. Wild Pidgey and Spearow, normally aggressive birds, seem calmed by her presence as she walks by. When she finally reaches Pallet Town with her backpack full of supplies, she expects all the good Pokémon to be taken. As she steps into the lab, she's met by the ancient looking Professor Oak, smiling and talkative as always.

"Hello, you must be Aria from Lavender town. I heard you like Dragon Pokémon. Normally you'd be given a Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle, or be left with some rogue Eevee or Pikachu, but I also heard that you were the top of your class, and managed to charm a Fearow into eating out of your hand and allowing you to capture it without a fight, so I'm going to give you a very special Pokémon indeed. The ball I'm about to give you contains a Dragonair. I meant to keep it as a Dratini until I could give it away, but he evolved one night while I was sleeping. I hope you are as capable as your teachers say you are, this little guy is a real handful." Professor Oak rambles as he hands Aria the Safari Ball containing the Dragonair. Aria presses the button and enlarges the ball, then again, releasing the blue dragon. Dragonair stretches, and seeing his new master is a little girl, gives a snarl and tries to attack. Aria merely stands still and stares at the Pokémon, smiling at him before the Pokémon stops in his tracks.

"I know you can hear and understand me, Dragon. Since I'm the one holding your ball, you are to obey me. I can read your heart as easily as you can understand these words. If you want to be kept, you'll earn your place. I promise you I will never hurt you, so long as you remain obedient and respect me." A voice enters Dragonair's mind, and he looks at Aria. He shakes his head repeatedly before sighing and curling up at her feet. Professor Oak has no idea what's going on, but he can see the two are going to get along, so he hands Aria her Pokédex and Pokéballs and sends her on her way. As soon as she exits the lab, Aria runs towards the river leading to Cinnabar Island. Dragonair looks at her and growls.

"I know you don't have any badges, and I don't know surf. Cinnabar Island is far enough away that you'll never make it. You may be my Master, but until you grow flippers, we can't go that way." Dragonair replies, not noticing Aria smiling at him.

_" You know, there IS a reason I can communicate with you through telepathy. I'm amazed you haven't figured it out yet. Granted if you grew up with that stuffy old man I wouldn't be surprised if you never knew what a Hybrid was. We're the same species you idiot Dragon. I just happen to be partially human. I learned how to use SURF myself about three years ago. In addition I know Hyper Beam, Dive, and Hydro Pump. I don't expect you to understand, after all, I look human to you. But I need to be near water. Now we can either swim together, or you can remain in your ball, pick one." _ Aria snaps at her starter, already removing her clothes and putting them into her backpack, which she bought for its ability to remain waterproof. Dragonair looks at her like she's crazy before following her into the river. As the two swim to Cinnabar Island, Aria is distinctly aware of the horrible timing of her Journey when she feels a familiar heat flowing through her body. _Shit, I'm entering my heat cycle. Normal Dragonair go through this once a century, why the hell does this have to follow my human half and be every month!_Aria growls as she mentally comments, earning a questioning look from her starter as he swims through the water like a graceful serpent. Aria whimpers as she hits a rough patch of water, the cold churning from the depths of the river sending a shiver through her body, making her heat worse. As she exits the water behind the windowless back of the lab, she's distinctly aware of a musky scent circling her body, acting as a neon sign to any male Pokémon within scenting distance. At the moment, only her Dragonair is close enough to smell her, and with a delightful flick of his tongue, he realizes how beautiful his trainer suddenly is.

"Aria, I can smell you. Either put some clothes on, or lie down and allow me to ease your heat." Dragonair hisses as his tongue picks up her scent, sending blood flowing southward on his blue serpentine body. He can feel his cock hardening, but he realizes that with Aria's hybrid nature, she may not be able to take him. He releases a Sweet Scent towards her, and Aria no longer has the ability to fight him. She lies back and spreads her legs to the Dragon male. Dragonair lifts his tail, suddenly noticing the balls on the end and forms an idea. He calculates how much of him Aria would be able to take, and realizes he would be able to mate her even if he goes through with his plan. He slithers up to her and beckons her back into the water.

Aria slides half her body into the water, unsure of what she's doing, her Dragonair diving below the waves of the cool blue water and swimming towards his trainer's exposed cunt. Even through the water he can smell her heat, and he positions his tail at her opening. Aria yelps and her eyes flash bright blue as Dragonair enters her with his tail, only to the first bead so he doesn't take her virginity yet. Feeling him against her hymen, and needing to be relieved, Aria grabs Dragonair by his body and shoves him in, breaking her hymen with the tip of his tail and making the water dragon growl mentally at her. Dragonair feels himself growing harder and knows he cannot wait, he gently begins thrusting his body further into Aria's cunt, wiggling his tail around inside her and making the auburn hybrid's body writhe in an almost snakelike fashion.

Dragonair can feel his cock poking out from the slit in his body, and he knows nothing but the desire to get it within Aria's cunt as he explodes, so he growls and continues pushing more of himself within her folds. Aria's mind is a blur as her body writhes and twitches with the foreign feeling of her starter wiggling and writhing inside of her now gaping cunt. She moans as her eyes begin glowing, her hybrid nature taking over as blue scales begin forming at the place where her body joins with that of her mate. She can feel the smoothness of his cock searching for her entrance, but his tail is already at her womb. She growls and sends him a single telepathic message.

"Just stab through into my womb already and stop squirming so much, I do need air in my lungs to survive, you stupid snake." Her voice is cutting in his mind, like a blade, and he smiles internally as the tip of his tail finds the tiny indent that leads to her womb. He shoves his tail into the hole, forcing it open with his bulk, causing Aria to shriek before the first bead enters her womb. She can feel her Dragonair lover's tail flicking around inside her and it sends her over the edge. With a scream, she cums, her muscles clenching and gripping Dragonair's body like a vice, making him smirk more as he feels his cock being pressed up against his belly, a small amount of his own lubricating fluid leaking from the tip.

The Dragonair shoves more of himself within Aria, noticing her body feels more Dragonlike as he sees her skin turning blue and the beginnings of a tail forming at her back. He can see the twin beads forming at the base of her spine as she transforms, and the feeling of her body sprouting new appendages is too much for Aria, she screams as a second wave of pleasure hits her and makes her cum harder, her vision exploding into white light.

Dragonair is gripped harder by her inner walls, his body being compressed as his cock is rubbed on his own scales and her smooth walls, making the water dragon moan in ecstasy. His cock pulses and his cum floods over his body, coating it as it seeks her inner depths, the path opened by his tail. Aria howls in pleasure as the final stages of her hybrid transformation grip her, a third orgasm rushing over her before Dragonair jets out of her, trapping his seed within her womb as he wanted. The panting Dragon surfaces to see his mate, blue skinned and no longer human, her face and body that of a humanoid Dragonair, complete with wing like ears. Aria cuddles with her smaller mate, her body and tail wrapped protectively around him as the two doze off, her heat sated and eggs forming within her. This would truly be an amazing journey.


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