Poem #86: The End of the World

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#87 of Poetry

This is a poem not necessarily about the world ending, but about the loss of hope. Please comment, it really helps! :3 Hope you enjoy.

The End of the World

Walking down the hard sidewalk While it's pouring down rain Holding the umbrella tight, holding it close Shivering because it's cold

You're waiting for the sun to come out You know it has to, it has to come out again Unless it's the end of the world

However, that's too unlikely That the lonely walk on cold concrete Wearing soggy tennis shoes Will be your last

Or will it?

What if today is the last day you take a walk? What if today is the last day you hold your loved one Or go for a drive, or do anything you want. You thought that the sun would come up again And now you're not so sure

The bright sun that shines it's light on all the buildings All the people, the entire city, the entire world What if it stays behind those dark grey clouds?

What if the sun just blinks out like a light And the world goes cold. We all know that everything has an end. Or so we think. Some say that the end of one thing Is the beginning of another.

Those people don't know the fear Of not seeing the sun Come out again from the dark gray clouds.

As hard as it is sometimes You have to believe That the sun will come out again For what else is there to believe?


Creative Commons License

"The End of the World" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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