The legend of a warrior; chapter 12 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - Old wounds

Story by Killer Tiger on SoFurry

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#12 of The legend of a warrior

EXTREME RAPE CONTENT: if you don't like the idea of a giant cock destroying a life, better don't read. Don't blame me afterwards, i'm warning you. Otherwise, enjoy.

The calm between the gunfires... the moment when the world seems suddenly strangely silent and dead after the battle. The moment when, often, soldiers fall into the memory of ancient wounds...

Chapter 12: The darkest hour of Kesteven â€" Old wounds

Killer walked rapidly along Boulton Street, his eyes travelling along the road with fast, accurate movements, searching for every little glimpse of a danger as Alexis elegantly made her way at his side with her submachine gun ready, the huge sniper rifle shouldered and her own blue eyes glinting in the darkness. The huge male was leading a long queue of Predators and soldiers, all proceeding with their rifles not shouldered but ready in their hands as they leaved behind their backs the shattered airport, the IFVs and tanks of Kendrew and Kesteven still fighting to allow the soldiers to retreat. They were walking rapidly, brushing the walls of the buildings on their side as another long queue of soldiers followed a bit behind, on the other side of the street, doing the same. They were walking in an effective formation known as "tactical column", proceeding each behind the other, well spaced between themselves for major security and in the maximum silence possible, talking only with precise, fast and silent gestures and using every attention to avoid any noise.

Killer watched a bit over the luminous frame placed precisely in front of his left eye in his own visor, examining the map of the town as a GPS signaled regularly his own position, perfectly supplementing his accurate memories. He could hear occasionally the low sound of a heavier step behind him... but they were incredibly silent. Alexis, especially, was a real shadow that he couldn't even suspect, even if she was at his side, brushing gently his arm every so often. The more frequent sound was the low ‘click' of safeties that the men were used to check with their thumbs almost every minute... the very last thing they wanted to do was shooting for error in the night and reveal their position to the world. Everyone, in fact, had his own rifle ready in his hands, finger on the trigger and stock leaning ready against the shoulder... a swift gesture to rise the weapon, and they were ready to fight in any moment. An old habit that Killer had introduced to increase the rapidity of answer of his men on the ground. What's the sense of having a rifle if you can't answer immediately to the enemy fire? To force them to get used to the procedure, he was used to remove the shoulder straps from their weapons during the training... and now he was pleased to see that with time and practice it had become almost a sacred rule for everyone.

Alexis was irritated with herself, he could feel it as easily as if it was a physic thing... her visor had been shattered when she had jumped down from the tall tower of the airport a moment before the disaster and she was furious at having lost it. It was, and even Killer had to admit that, a very nice, very useful object to wear in battle. Furthermore, he had received a map of all the mines and the traps and explosive devices spread so largely in the roads of Kesteven... also the other soldiers had received it, obviously, but to see it they had to open the file on their handhelds with their passwords every time, and then try to memorize the successive part of the travel. He, instead, could visualize in every moment the position of the devices on the map in front of his eye only whispering his password in the microphone boom, "Spiteful". But more than that, he knew that the irritation of Alexis came from two things: the fact she hated to commit an error, even an insignificant one like that... And that she was hating herself because she feared to have disappointed him. And no matter how many times he said she could never disappoint her in any way... She still was a bit sulky about the event.

When they reached the big crossroad between Boulton Street and the lateral, Phoenix road, the map on the visor signaled that they had entered the Green Zone and Killer immediately raised his closed left fist as he slowly went down on his knee on the cold sidewalk, stopping immediately the other as the first men of the column on the other side did the same, before everyone copied him and knelled down. Then Killer smiled at Alexis on his side, playfully pulling a bit her leg with the fact that she had to use the handheld like a normal soldier and whispered gently in her ear.

"Green zone reached. From here, every soldier can choose his own point of resistance." He said gently as he gestured for the first soldier of the other column, who nodded back with a gesture of ‘affirmative' before him and Alexis turned back to refer to the successive men in the queue the orders, everyone so proceeding until all the soldiers, to the very back of the formation, had been informed.

Then the two columns marched again forwards, small teams of two, three of four soldiers entering in the buildings along the road to prepare their own positions of resistance or to reinforce bulwarks already existing. Killer and Alexis only rapidly went across the crossroad, pointing decidedly towards the imposing side of a five-floor tall elegant building with white walls and nice cornices of marble, placed precisely on the corner between Boulton Street, and that proceeded straight towards Soldiers's Square and the smaller road that cut rightly across it. The building alone made up a block, and it was a perfect fortification from which control the crossroads at the four corners. They entered in the opened doors of crystal and went decidedly towards the staircases, trading a quick, pleased glance at seeing that the elevator had already been eliminated by their well trained soldiers. Then they quickly, easily moved to overcome safely the fine, invisible string pulled over the third step and tied at the small metallic ring of a well hidden grenade ready to explode at chest height as they climbed the stairs. The enemy would have had many nasty surprises in Kesteven, that was sure...

One hour later found Killer sat down on the floor, his back relying comfortably against the wall and his muscular legs a bit flexed up. The silence after the chaotic ruckus of a battle, the calm before a new gunfire, is a thing that words can't explain and that's always a hard moment for the young soldiers... during the battle, the adrenaline and the hurry keeps your mind and body both busy. You feel fear, sure... But it's during the silence that the nerves melt away more easily in who is not used. The adrenaline leaves you alone. Your mind is tortured by the images of the battle that you have just lived. Of your friends dead or wounded. And the silence seems suddenly to you more threatening than a shot; every shadow seems to hide an enemy ready to kill you. He had seen recruits almost go mad on the battlefields during the pauses more than during the fights... but he was too used to care of that silence anymore. It always amazed, after the chaos of the battle, sure... but for him it was only a welcomed pause to exploit to prepare himself for the new challenges.

He smiled a bit as he easily placed again on the rack the tactical aiming sight of the Cobra and corrected every minimum change that the battle, the bumps and whatever had caused into the perfect regulation of the 4x tactical scope. He easily inserted again his perfect "resetting" in the small computerized sight... The resetting is different for everyone, because it depends from a lot of factors like posture, eyes, sheer body sizes and style of moving and hundreds of other possible reasons. You use your rifle against targets at different distances for a while and set properly the aiming sight until you put every round into the center with regularity. Then you have found your own resetting. And since it is different for everyone, it's easy to commit errors when using the rifle of someone else... and increasing the distance from the target, the error will increase as well and soon you could completely miss your objective. He had calculated his own resetting a lot of times during years on the battlefields of all the world... and when he had designed personally the Cobra, had exploited the fact that weight wasn't a problem for him to put in the assault rifle every little and big useful trick, like the digital system of aiming. Now he could simply insert every time his values of resetting, that he had memorized.

He smiled slightly, a glance somehow affective at the assault rifle as he put it down on the floor at his side with a low sigh of quiet satisfaction. Now that he had done all the maintenance and cleaned every single part of the weapon, he was calmer and trusting... it had also helped him to tame his emotions and confine the still fresh, painful memories of his friends lost in a well supervised corner of his mind. Who, and how many friend he had lose this time, he still couldn't say, even if he had requested the list of the loses of the night at the headquarter... but he could surely remember the poor Ken, his arm shattered and a few well known faces without life on the floor in the hall of the airport and that was already even too much.

He watched slowly around as he leaned a moment his muscular arms over his legs, fingers tapping slowly and silently on his raised knees, near the huge, frightening and bloodstained bone-spikes. The room was square, rather short and mostly empty, but it had to have been a living room. On his left there was a huge sliding door of fine wood and glass, opened on the main corridor of the apartment. The wall in front of him had still some crappy-looking paintings of vague sceneries... but that was probably him. The paintings were too near to concepts of modern art... something that he had always hated and called "junk" or "scribbles". He had some tastes for art and literature, after all, even without being a critic or a particular freak. Hell, he even loved to draw and write a bit every now and then when he could... and he thought that with a bit of care even he could likely do better than the unknown artists of these pictures.

There was also a nice looking, elegant dresser with opened doors of glass. Inside there was nothing left, apart from a few scattered bottles of booze of doubtful value and some other little paraphernalia that the owners of the home had evidently believed superfluous. The dresser, instead, was probably still there only because they hadn't had time or way to bring it away. It was quite a bit of a piece of furniture of heavy, dark wood, after all... And there was also a huge, slightly cracked mirror on the wall, precisely in front of him.

At his right there was the wall over Boulton Street, with the window opened but obscured with a black curtain that Alexis had derived from an old blanket found in a drawer. And the rest of the white painted walls were completely bare, as much the floor. They had brought away even the table and the chairs, leaving actually only a pair of them; two old chairs of wood that he knew couldn't bear the weight neither of Alexis, and surely not his own. The house wasn't surely property of a tiger, he thought...

Killer stood up on his feet, his mane brushing dangerously and a bit irritatingly the ceiling as he faced the well known sensation of living in the wrong world. But he grinned as he remembered the years spent in the rest of the world, far from the Northlands, far from the tiger's lands... Gods, there he had really been a giant. Most of the other there were always loitering ridiculously around half his height. He controlled again with his glance that the Javelin missile launcher was ready near the window, the tubes with the missiles lined up on the floor in two groups, anti-tank and anti-air... then he stretched outwards his powerful, muscled arms before reaching up with his hands and grasping the fast-overture system on both the shoulders of his armor, opening two both with a fast, decided gesture.

The huge steely armor landed heavily on the ground with a gloomy, noisily thud as the tiles cracked and shattered under its huge weight and the huge male released an irritated grunt, closing his eyes for a moment as he remembered that he was in a home... and neither his own. Ridiculous enough be worried for that damage, because the entire building had good chances to be destroyed during the next battles... but he hated to cause troubles of any sort to the others.

He rolled his muscular shoulders calmly, cracking his neck on both sides as he enjoyed the fresh air over his broad, muscular chest covered now only by a fine black sleeveless shirt tight on his muscular form and wet with the sweat of the battle. Then he bent down and easily lifted the black armor before sat down again and place it on his lap with an irritated snort as his eyes traveled over it.

His old, precious armor had been reduced to a wreck during the last battle... he could see the two crushed bullets still tightly forced into the black alloy of ballistic steel and titanium of the external layer, that had been buckled several times on almost the entire surface by the inert rounds of hard rubber of the cannons of the tanks. He ridiculously hated them for that. His own armor had been chiseled directly on the profile of his body, reproducing perfectly the profile of his heavily trained, powerful muscles. One of his little vanities, sure... and he hated to be vain, even if for some things he simply couldn't help but be. He had worked hard all his life to build his envied body and was proud and happy of it. And besides, on a more useful side, the perfect shape of the armor was one of the tricks that helped to not reduce his mobility.

He cursed several times under his breath, sometimes even with loud voice as he worked with his strong hands to return to the armor its form as best as he could, remembering with a bit of a smile how many times he had done that... and remembering instead with regret the small kit of tools for the maintenance of his armor that he had stupidly leaved in his loved Aston Martin, up in the park of the castle. He snorted quietly, but he knew it was useless... and so he worked and removed with his claws the two bullets, putting them in a pocket of his pants with a slight grin. He had an entire collection of bullets that should have killed him... someone was still red with his own blood, even. But he was hard to kill. Really hard at that... and despite how it still was painful and bothering being hit, he knew that he could even challenge a lot of weapons without any fear. He remembered the last time that someone had tried to kill him with pistols and submachine guns with classical 9x19 mm bullets with a wicked grin of merciless satisfaction. His unnaturally powerful and incredibly developed muscles were practically invulnerable tot the minor calibers, and still able to oppose an incredible resistance even to the big ones... and he had proved that 9 mm rounds were absolutely useless against him before enslave and destroy the careless assassins that had tried that brave raid against him. Another time, which he remembered with less pride but with a dark amusement that he was still incapable to tame or deny despite how he hated himself for it, had been in Newbury, the first town that he had erased from the map in his fury.

It was only several minutes later, when Killer was slowly watching over the result of his work slowly turning over and over the black combat vest in front of his muzzle, that Alexis walked inside from the corridor, light as a gentle whisper of the wind, elegant as always. Her combat boots slid over the floor like light ballet shoes, without a sound, her long white tail dancing slowly and quietly behind her as she watched down at him with an amused, affective glance. She smiled at him, her eyes tracing along his powerful body once more despite herself, causing her to almost lick slightly her muzzle in appreciation and growing desire... he had always that effect on her. He was her love, sure, and she adored trade little affections whit him and act like two sweethearts, but she couldn't deny that it was their furious laid down that she loved and wanted all the more. And he was able to make her hungry for sex even without doing anything in particular...

"Never thought to simply buff up that big muscular chest of yours to set it back in its perfect shape again...?" She asked sweetly, almost caressing him with her warm voice loaded of sensuality as she leaned easily with her side against the open sliding door, crossing her arms under her full, wonderful bosom and tapping with the fingers of her right hand on the side of her muzzle as if she was thinking intensely.

The male looked up at her with a smile of adoration, his eyes wondering immediately on her cleavage, noticing how her arms were easily lifting it a bit, causing her firm, huge breasts to swollen even more under the Predators Tactical Combat Vest, heaving gently with her calm breath... it was always a sight more than able to cheer him up, even now that he could only see the profile of her beauty, covered and wrapped in a thick dress of Kevlar, Teflon and ballistic plates of armor. He shook slowly his head with a snort-laughter, his blue eyes fixed on her beauty still so evident and undeniable, feeling the usual desire rise in him like a spire that finds an arid, inflammable environment around itself and that arises into burning, untamable flames. And they hadn't had sex in the last days, from the morning before leaving Kendrew... a time largely superior to the usual and that had left them both hungry and him full and asking for a release... "You know... as mad as it can seem, I suppose it could even work."

She grinned wider, walking forwards with her impressive grace as she let her arms rest at her sides, her right hand brushing gently the submachine gun SMG9 that she had attached at her belt, her two huge, twin handguns resting in the holsters of leather tied on her firm thighs, just under the two side-plates of the tactical vest, that had over them the sheathed sword and some green pockets for ammo. "I'm sure it would, big boy." She said with a teasing, sensually hoarse voice as she slowly went down on her knees at his side, tracing gently a hand along his muzzle and placing the other on his chest, rubbing at his powerful, tensing muscles that she could feel so clearly even across the fabric of his shirt.

He smiled at her, then reached up to trade a slow, passionate kiss with her, pushing aside on the floor both the black armor and the assault rifle to pull her closer as their tongues battled slowly but firmly... Before the two broke their kiss and he licked slowly his lips with a soft murr, enjoying her taste as he watched into her amused, adoring eyes until she did the same with a soft purr, her tongue hesitating for long moments all over his lips.

"I've inspected the entire building, Wyvern... the first floor is desert and full of explosives traps. The second is ours, here. The third is currently occupied by three of our soldiers, two with the assault rifles MASR8 and one with a support machine gun MSFW8. They have their own Javelin and a good supply of missiles. Besides, near their landing they have another explosive trap and they have also prepared a barricade in the corridor, just past the entrance, to resist to an eventual assault. On the fourth and fifth floor there's a complete section of six men. The gunner with the FSW8 and the sniper are on the fifth floor, the men with the assault rifles and the Javelin are on the fourth. Our little fortress is well supplied, general..." She said clearly, once again serious and professional, even if she laced her arms gently around his neck, her hands toying gently with the golden bullet hanging from his neck.

"We can't do much more than this... we should exploit this pause for rest. And, colonel... I suggest to think also to what the army walks on." He answered gently, placing his hands on her hips and squeezing them softly before he stood slowly and walked towards the dresser.

"Stomach." She whispered with a rapid nod, a slight smile on her muzzle as her glance followed him. She loved be called even bitch or whore as long as he was the one to talk... but she had to admit that she still liked really so much be called with her rank.

"We should eat something, darling... we don't know when we could have another chance to." He opened the door of the dresser and examined the few scattered bottles of booze that he had seen inside, grasping the better-looking one; a large bottle of red wine. Then he turned back towards her with a smile, holding the bottle in his hand. "I can't offer you nothing of what we are used to have at home... but we are both used to the food rations of the army as well, so I guess we are just very lucky with this little addition."

Alexis smiled at him as he slowly returned to her and sat down again as she immediately crawled to him and gently climbed on his body, sitting comfortably in his lap and leaning with her back against his muscled, thick chest, resting her head against his neck with a murr... and Killer couldn't restrain a little shiver of pleasure as she gently patted her hand over the massive bulge in his pants, the blond femme fatale releasing a hot breath of desire and amazement at his sizes that she knew so well, but still were so impressive every time. "I don't need anything but you to be happy." She breathed sensually, biting playfully at his neck and ruffling his thick mane as she ground a bit her body over his with torturing slowness and a seducing quality that made even the experienced male shiver in delight.

Killer kissed her, touched by her words, without managing to find the words for a worth answer to give, his breath hot with desire and passion as he tried to resist and reached for one of the pockets of his combat belt, extracting his own MRE, the Meal Ready for Eat that's the standard ration for the soldiers, easily cutting the plastic wrappings with a sharp claw.

They stayed that way for a few long, wonderful minutes as he feed her gently with his own meal and she reciprocated with hers, drinking from the bottle that he had recovered before simply rest there, Alexis seating in his lap and him lacing his huge, muscled arms around her, exchanging little affections that brought two both far away from the town upset by the war, in a Kesteven calm and peaceful, in a wonderful day of sun. It did not matter anymore that they could hear shooting in the distance, that the dawn of the new day was gloomy and the sky covered by threatening black clouds full of rain... they were together, and everything was good so long as they could enjoy each other's presence.

She turned back towards him, forcing almost violently her muzzle on his own, working hard her jaws against his own as he forced back, the both of them soon breathing harder in desire, sending hot air washing on their closed eyes as they embraced each the other, almost fighting, such was the strength they put into it, before she pulled slowly back with a hungry murr full of deep desire... and as she tried to move again, she was restrained and two both laughed at the sight of their two necklaces, fitted each into the other as their twin golden rounds giggled together.

They worked slowly and gently to separate the two jewels, their eyes locked as she pushed more and more insistently her body against his own, using her crotch to rub sensually on his own and excite him...

"We shouldn't do this, darling... we are trying to fight a war... and a rather large one, too..." He said with a smile contorted by the effort of resisting to his own desire and to her skilled seduction. Gods, she was so hot and so wonderful... and resist to the unbelievable sensations that their joined crotches were giving him was getting harder and harder with every movement of her body, with every boiling breath of hers on his neck and muscular chest as she laced her fingers in his mane and caressed his scalp, beginning to rub those huge breasts that he had always loved on his own breast... to the right, then to the left... and little importance had her uniform and even the armor. He could feel her body, her warmth, her willingness...

"I think instead that you should fight naked." She said with a grin before kissing him again, forcing him back against the wall with her always surprising strength until he answered with his own huge power and repealed her with a low growl of pleasure and entertainment. They worked their joined muzzles hungrily for a few more long moments, moaning a bit in pleasure and lust, before she finally found the strength to break the kiss, her muzzle coming free with an hard breath and a moan, her grin spreading wider as she licked her lips a bit. "So the other males would see how ridiculous they are in front of you and just run crying for their mommy as the females, their females, would cry and beg to be fucked by you and your enormous scepter, you super-stud."

Killer grinned amusedly, giving a slight nod... and she knew she had touched a good string in him. He was always modest on his own capacities, but if he had a vanity, that was his body. And if he was happy with the other parts of his powerful body, then he was very proud about what he had been blessed with in the crotch department. And gods, he loved being reminded of that... but really she had no problem with that vanity. He had every right to be proud of his body; he had powerful, chiseled muscles so massive and developed that he could put any bodybuilder to shame with the easiest of flexes... and every pound of his weight was sheer power without a match, she knew that well. And she was the first one to love his body and worship it without any shame, in first place. She was even of the idea that her lover was too modest even there, just because he wasn't used to show off uselessly or remind the others of his obvious superiority... she admittedly loved when he did. See the other males pale and shrink and the females drool in front of her godlike lover was something that always made her hot. And he had every reason to be ecstatic about his cock, too. His black fleshed penis was long enough to put to shame every major porn star fully erected when still flaccid... when aroused he could scare the crap out of anyone with a cock that was easily six times as big as the one of a well endowed guy. He was also thick as a tree, through and through, as she remembered with so much desire and he had massive balls as well... but what was more amazing of him, apart from the sizes, was the power. He was harder than steel and could last hours if he wanted to and pound her until she begged him to come and make her his own, thing he had always done perfectly... otherwise, he could just let himself go and pummel her senseless for hours, coming every time he wanted to. His orgasms were so powerful and generous to leave her crammed inside and completely drenched outside in his potent seed with no problems, ridiculing even the roughest gang-facials of the porn movies. And thanks also the leonine genes into him, he could do it literally tens of times every day without a single twitch, remaining always hard and stiff as titanium. Hell, she had seen him make pregnant real packs of females without breaking a sweat... and he had in the past raped amounts of females simply fabulous. He was a legend for some serious reasons, after all... what she and him could ask more than that?

She released a strong, loud purr as she saw images, memories and fantasies of what he could do, remembering how he was always able to surprise her and satisfy her until she couldn't find the strength to do it anymore... every time, every single time seeming better, bigger, stronger. She leaned with a soft murr over his huge body, turning completely towards him and placing her knees on the floor on either side of his waist, riding him with her crotch like if she was really riding a wild stallion, forcing him to give in with his worries and brakes... And he closed his eyes and growled lightly in pleasure as she forced her hands under his shirt and began to explore his chiseled muscles, teasing his nipples and squeezing in vain on his abdominals that seemed sculptured into the best steel, strengthening and speeding up her movement over his crotch and beginning to lick at his broad, muscular chest with her eyes fixed in his own with a mix of challenge, tease and submission. He released a hot breath before grinning himself down at her and putting a hand on her head, patting away the red beret of the Predators and lacing his fingers in her hair as she released a pleased moan.

"How can I try to win a war if I can't neither resist to your stubborn attempts to get into sex with me...? Answer." He said with a wide grin, pushing her head against his own powerful form and flexing every muscle against her, slamming domineering upwards his own crotch against hers as his blue eyes glinted with complete domination.

"You could... give me what I need and then win the war." She answered meekly, but grinning inside herself, glad knowing that she was going to receive the treatment that she wanted so badly...

"And what do you need, little beautiful slut...?" He asked easily, his warm voice sly and teasing as he leaned down a bit over her and grasped her beautiful buttocks with his hands, tasting them and forcing her all the more over his body. She released another adoring murr at the sound of his voice, that as always seemed to rumble the ground around her for how deep and powerful it was, even when gentle. His voice was so low, it echoed in his massive chest, surged up from his gorgeous abs and yet clearly had its source from somewhere beneath even that... and she thought with a grin that even his voice seemed to born directly from his enormous balls for how manly it was... and excited as she was, as his voice vibrated into her very soul, and shook her with such great force, she nearly found herself at orgasms doorstep, teased and enticed, but unable to cross the threshold.

"I need you, lover... I need you so badly." She answered with a pettishly, completely submitted glance up at him as she had another glorious glimpse of him dealing with the enemies and the tanks during the battle and other images and memories of his wonderful fucks that were always in her dreams, kissing his swollen, broad pecs through the black shirt, his musk overwhelming.

Killer grinned with a low growl of feral lust and satisfaction as he grasped his shirt and begun to remove it, uncovering his sculptured body covered of short, soft white fur glistening with sweat under the light. She helped him to exit from the black fabric, enchanted by the explosive bulging of his muscles even with the smallest movements, her breath hard before he watched down at her dominatingly from the height of his broad naked chest, returning his hands on her buttocks. "And why, bitch...?"

Alexis looked up at him with a rapid lick over her lips... gods, for a lot of reasons. The reasons because she, the cold and dominative princess of Glacial that no one had ever touched with a finger without being allowed, requested by her, had gladly given him all her virginities and all herself at their very first meeting. The reasons because she loved to be his bitch and be submitted to him. He had earned her submission, after all... and in any case, he was always respectful, attentive and sweet with her. Even when playing his perfect role of master, he had never forgotten how much he loved her and how she loved him. He, only one in the world, could make her his bitch, his slave. He could fuck her so hard to kill her, just as he had killed countless others females that he had raped, whereas the other males could barely manage to make her moan... But yet, he wasn't a cruel master, neither when he was dominant and owner: he loved her, as deeply and sincerely as she loved him. He made her his queen, he made her mistress of everything and everyone else... And he even let her have the top position at times, accepting to submit to her... Their love was so deep... so perfect and sincere. As he loved to say every now and then in their most romantic moments together, they were the two halves of a same being... And now she knew she had only to be sincere for answer. Dirtily sincere, to make him happy all the more... And so she let her horniest, lustiest desires speak for her... "Because I want your cock. Because I want it so badly. Because you are hung like no one else will ever be. Your tremendous horse-cock is the only thing big and powerful enough to make me cum like a horny slut who only wants more. Because I love how you can put even the best endowed males to shame with your cock... and because your enormous, heavy and hard balls produce the delicious nectar that keeps me alive and that could feed me for weeks for how much you can produce and knock me down for how strong you are, even simply cumming, you ultimate stud."

Alexis smiled teasingly up at him as he looked a bit surprised and incredibly pleased for a moment... and then he laughed sincerely, the femme feeling a shiver of deep pleasure down her spine as her eyes took again into the huge, broad sculptured chest of the male moved by his laughter. "It was a good while that I hadn't hear a description so... detailed." He said softly as he caressed her head with gentleness with one hand, reaching with the other for the massive bulge in his pants, where he was still trying to contain the power of a shattering erection that he felt closer and closer. He traced a finger along the tremendous bulge of his massive flaccid cock that was barely folded in his boxer and pants, sneaking his way up to his hip under her attentive, hungry glance, then he grasped his penis across the fabric, underlining the massive sizes... and pressed the head of Alexis between his broad pecs, flexing his muscles against her. "Lick." He said simply, a grin cresting his muzzle.

Alexis closed her eyes with a moan both of adoration, submission and impatience as she tried at least to place a hand over his bulge, hungry for more of him already... fortunately, he let her do as she slurped down his corded neck to his tri-cleft shoulder, licking between the hard valleys there. She continued down his arm, devouring his hulking bicep like a succulent fruit. She continued shimmying down his body and she sent her tongue over all bulges and into all the valleys of his abdominals. The salt of his post-battle sweat was an intoxicating drink, and it was some time before she understood that her fingers were tracing over scars that the wonderful fur of her husband covered perfectly... she had already found that, living with him, sure... but now she thought she had traced something new as she felt her fingers sink sometimes into small depressions... like little, superficial holes. Scars of old bullets that his wonderful muscles had stopped like game-pellets but still retained a sign of.


"Huh...?" He murmured softly, opening one of his eyes that he had closed to enjoy her work fully, resting his hands domineering over her head. Then he understood as she felt her hands hesitate over some of his hidden scars.

"Oh, old wounds... Most projectiles aren't big and strong enough to really hurt me, I've found. I could likely have avoided that small scars and signs, too, with the rapid and healing work of a doctor... but I've never had a great sympathy for them." He laughed quietly. "The small calibers simply aren't capable to pierce across these muscles that you like so much... or if they are shot from really near, or if I'm hit by larger bullets, they hurt superficially and I usually can manage to reject them with nothing more than a flex of the hit zone. And when they are sunk too deeply to work like that, I try to remove them with my hands, or better, with my claws instead of searching a doctor because I'm too stubborn and I have too repulsion of white coats." He paused, trading a fast, playful smile with her, shaking his head a bit. "Nothing to be scared about, darling... they are only old wounds." He ended ruffling affectively her hair... but then his smile died as he added in low, sad voice: "Even if someone still stings."

She looked up at him with surprise and sorrow and he rapidly shook his head in front of her soft, worried glance. "No... not in that sense. Physically, those are healed and forgot from years and years." He traced his own hand on his chest, rapidly pointing at some of the once-a-time bullet holes on his chest. "But these ones are here to remind me of my sins. I collected most of these in Newbury, when I charged gangster and cops like an elated, deliberately letting them hit me for..." He paused with a grimace of disgust. "Showing off and terrify them before slaughter them, mostly. I really gave the worst of me that day..."

Alexis hugged him tightly, well knowing how those memories still hurt him and he smiled affectively at her from his darkened face, answering with his own huge muscled arms, which were capable of such surprising, loving softness. "You know that we have all forgiven you, Killer... you should forgive yourself." She said gently before kissing softly his lips and give a lick at his muzzle.

"The people of Newbury and all the other populations that I've killed, raped and enslaved would never forgive me. The road for my redemption is still long, darling... admittedly, likely it'll never reach an end, with how much I've done. But I like to think that this town, my own town, will be a first, good step. A life for a life. A town for a town. If I can save this town and its people, I will feel a bit more at ease with myself, paying a first, little fraction of my debt. But having you on my side is a blessing of the sky, Alexis." He said before kiss her back warmly, his mask of master abandoned to show the true love that he felt for her and only her. As he slowly broke the kiss, hesitating with his tongue stretched out a bit and still laced with hers, she smiled and tilted her head a bit to the side. "Our new life is begun together. We will end together, male... and if I'll have to come to the lowest and darkest ring of Hell to follow you, then I'll do it with a smile, because the only thing that matters, is that we stay together." She said gently and resolutely.

She took gently his head in her hold, her hands softly touching his cheeks, watching him in his wonderful blue eyes with her own sapphire ones with a smile that she hoped could be of comfort for me. "I know it's asking a lot to you, lion... but I think that it could help you... Do you mind to tell me exactly what happened that day in Newbury?"

Killer blinked, sincerely surprised... but it wasn't a bad idea at that. His heart asked for a relief from long time... and after all, in the past he had only told her the outline of the days that had stained for ever his soul and opened a period of seven years of darkness and violence. She deserved to know more. "I don't mind anything you ask me, darling... I will give you my same life when you'll ask. I'll tell you..."

Killer let her set her wonderful body comfortably over his one before hugging her gently in his arms and leaning softly his head over hers as she placed it against his thick neck. "I had leaved Kesteven only a few days before... after years of battles, the kingdom was finally in peace and I felt myself useless and bored, training recruits and living my usual life of general and prince in peace-time. I wanted to see new worlds, to find new experiences... and my last thought, more of a blur of idea for my far future, was to find a kingdom all for me, to build it up by myself, even... but surely, of all what I had thought, I had never imagined to see and do something like what I ended up doing..."

It was a different Killer. Younger of several years, a bit smaller in every compartment even if already huge in comparison with everyone else, standing at full fourteen feet. He was muscular, toned and in perfect shape as always... but also much more impulsive and easy to the rage and clean of any of his two current scars. Both his left eye and his right bicep were still untouched. He hadn't his golden round at the neck yet, as well... He wasn't king, but he was already a legend, the general that had won every battle for his people and homeland. For Kesteven.

It was his own first time out of the different universe of the Northlands, just days after he had leaved the finally peaceful Kesteven for experiencing something new in his life. New... he was looking more for new battles than anything else, so not much of a change. But in a bar of Newbury he had faced the reality of one of the towns with the highest crime rates of the entire continent, where rival gangs of assholes were constantly at war each against the other for the control of the huge takings coming from prostitution and drug traffics or for the complete control of entire zones of the city. For the tiger, used to the world of discipline and the rules of honor of the north, that looked like a lost Hell where chaos was the supreme power. A vision disconcerting... made worse by the obvious impotence and incompetence of the police, of the state itself... and made horrible to his eyes by the apparent cowardly and resignation with which the rest of the population took the cruel and reckless dominance of the criminals. So different, so impossible to understand for him, for someone coming from Kesteven. The rest of the world, the "civilized" world, was used to speak of the Northlands like a land of barbarians, where the muscular strength, the power and the prowess in battle were the only sources of laws, rules and rights. Most of the world watched to the Northlands like to a land populated by lesser beings, not civilized...

But now that Killer was seeing what the civilization of the outside world, of the rich and pudgy, fat asses that used to look down with contempt at the Northlands, looked like, he was glad like never before to be who he was. It was not just the obvious difference in the strength, in the physic: here he was even more of a giant than in the Northlands, and everything and everyone there looked powerless when he passed by. Hell, the tallest people around was perhaps half as tall as him, and even the bulkiest ones looked skimpy compared to his enormous musculature... and a lot of adults passing by, he noticed, were barely as big as his enormous cock was, and many even smaller. But more than the obvious difference in the bodies, more than the fact that the "civilized" people was often fat and lazy and weak, he was disturbed by their behavior.

Powerless as they were, these persons dared to consider the others scum... And as if that wasn't enough, they even treated each other with coldness and disrespect, with no regard to the true merit of the persons: all what mattered, in this new and sick world, was the money. Money was their god, their religion, their only objective in life, the excuse for even the most horrible actions. As it was, it was a sight disconcerting and horrible more than enough to infuriate him more and more with every step he took in the roads full of junkies and domineering assholes loaded of guns, knives and chains and scattered hardware. And that was the second, and perhaps graver cause of his rage and distaste: as much as the people acted strong and domineering with the money in their hands, the sight of an arrogant bully with a chain or a knife was enough to make all of them shiver and cry in terror. He had always hated arrogance, even if sometimes he could really reprimand himself for that same defect... and he hated to his very core to see morons that he could beat down to pulps with his hands tied at his tail act like the owners of the town. And perhaps even more than that, he hated to see the cowardly and the fear and the resignation of the people along the street. No one that tried to fight, no one that tried to stop that chaos, that insensate order of things... In the Northlands, such degradation was absolutely unthinkable.

He bottled up his rage and every wish to crush them all, anyway... This wasn't his land, nor his battle. And he don't wanted to bring slaughter into the town after being there from merely minutes. And he managed to stay calm enough to control himself, mostly because everyone, even the most reckless of gangsters, were wise enough to not bother the muscular newcomer giant that was freezing them with his icy blue eyes from his towering height of fourteen feet. No one had had the bravery to even just walk close to him, everyone quickly stepping out of his way and leaving a whole road only for him... And obviously, no one had ever dreamed to try and threaten him or steal him money like they did with all the others along the lawless streets. Most of them weren't tall enough to face his crotch and no one was taller than half his eight and the more muscular of them wasn't anywhere near to his behemoth, tank-like built body... and they all exited rapidly from his path with ears flat and tails curled between their legs even before seeing that he had his usual three swords at the belt, as well as the huge guns that his muscles were...

He remembered how he had thought that he could perhaps join the police to help with that scum... Hell, he liked the idea and the police seemed to really need assistance, judging from the chaos that he could take in his eyes everywhere he looked. But he had to find out that most of the police itself was corrupted. To learn that politics were behind the whole chaotic, sick system, too weak and too powerfully in love with their easy, dirty money jobs with the gangs to even think to do anything. After all, the politics in the area were the true leads of the gangsters... and the more the gangs raged on the town, the more the politics could gain easy money. He had to find out that democracy, there, was only a rapid, easy way to make possible all that mess. And he was about to find how these fancy laws of protection of life and rights were only bullshit made to protect the gangsters, more than everyone else.

He could still easily remember when he had entered a calm looking bar for a quick drink and a moment of rest to overcome the rage in his body, well knowing the danger hidden in the strangely-hot blood that he felt running in his veins. He could still remember the cute fox girl at the table in front of him seating with her family; her red fur well cared, her young and nice body dressed simply and modestly. He could still remember how she had watched him with glances so full of desire and attentive that he thought she was undressing him with her eyes and he could still feel clearly the same warm satisfaction coming from seeing her so interested, reminding the same wish to smile back to her...

And of course he could still remember the assholes that had suddenly assaulted the bar... the grey, dirt and clearly drug addicted wolf that had aimed a shotgun at the face of the bartender, asking loudly for money whit his muzzle drooling and his face horribly twitching in a crisis. Several more criminals, mostly wolves and badgers, had assaulted every table with weapons of every sort, without any hesitation putting pistols against the noses of elderly, child and kids, men and women alike as two more gangsters approached his table, not really trying to reach his massive, dangerous figure but only aiming their handguns over him to force him to stay motionless as he looked at them with the coldest, deepest disgust, but otherwise ignoring them as they stood several feet away from him, actually looking scared and trembling themselves, despite the fact they were the ones with the guns. Killer quietly drunk his beer, anyway, looking with cold indifference to the robbery going on, as he tried to wait, to see how things would have evolved... If someone showed at least hint of a courage capable to rehabilitate that people a bit to his eyes...

The head of the pack was, strangely, a cold, merciless-looking grey wolf, a female standing probably almost seven feet and half tall, towering a few inches over practically all the others in the gang with her toned, muscular body. She was dressed with a long, worn black raincoat opened over a simple, dirty and torn white shirt tightly molded over sizeable breasts and a muscular but somehow seeming suffering-frequently-for-hunger belly, with legs tightly wrapped into tattered blue jeans and large bare paws, and she was armed with two black 9 mm pistols and a small arsenal of chains and iron-punches. She was even nice, all in all, he remembered... despite the mess of her uncared fur and the ruffled tail.

He remembered her glance of surprise and then of something that was probably deep sexual hunger and wish of possession in her silver eyes when she had towards watched him from over her black sunglasses... How her eyes had devoured his powerful body with her irises, as she licked hungrily and without any shame her muzzle with a teasing, long deep murr.

At her side, there was the one that probably was her mate, a seven feet tall badger as much ruffled and uncared, covered of scars and really angry-looking as he flexed threateningly his well developed muscles under the left open black motorcycle jacket of leather that he was wearing together with black jeans worn like very few and boots with reinforces of steel that instead looked new. And there were very little doubts that they had been stolen somewhere recently. He was armed with a shotgun that was new as well, a model that Killer knew being in the close-combat arsenal of most armed forces, and he was also loaded with so much metallic paraphernalia that he looked really like a hardware store on legs. He had noticed the warrior tiger with the same interest of the female... but his interest came from different reasons. He had understood that Killer was a mortal threat, a force to reckon with... and he was also extremely pissed off for the interest and real hunger that her mate was shamelessly showing for the stranger that was seated with absolutely no worry, his arms leaning over the top of the sofa where he was, stretched to the sides; his head raised defiantly, now with a challenging, extremely self-confident grin as his huge muscled pressed against his black shirt threatening to tear it apart at the first movement, seeming to hypnotize everyone.

Killer remembered how he had stupidly grinned, decided to impress the lupine as she walked resolutely along the scattered tables until reach his own, the badger guy following with a growl that the white tiger judged with a rapid, arrogant and heedless snort of derision. Killer and the male gangster both already knew that the tiger could crush the badger like a chip on a sidewalk, so it was more the game of the parts than anything else... also because the badger, differently from his mate wolf, had been figuring that such colossal giant of muscles would have been hard to counter even with the use of fire arms. And Killer remembered the scared glance of the young fox as the two gangsters loitered nearby with their weapons in open sight... but especially he reminded with sorrow the disappointed and somehow offended glance that she had reserved to him, too, seeing him now almost too eager to please a criminal... That was a memory still so burning and painful...

And while all around the thieves did they dirty job, sacking everything had at least some value into the bar, he stayed calmly seated, facing with the extremer arrogance the two leader, without a word, waiting for a move from them... and then the female lupine walked forwards, sliding around the table and gently placing a hand on the corner of the sofa that Killer alone had practically completely occupied.

"Can I sit down here, awesome...?" She had asked with a hoarse but still sensual voice... there was a far underline of irony in her tone, as if she was still trying to act as head of the pack, trying to scare the giant... But the desire was much easier to catch in the tone of her voice.

"If you can't avoid it, of course... bitch." He had answered with irritating arrogance, grinning teasingly. But the lupine looked only more and more enticed by that as she slid in the small space available and let her eyes fall down wandering over the muscular, chiseled thighs of the male, eyeing with a moan the huge bulge between the legs that he was purposefully keeping arrogantly spread wide.

The badger, that had stayed standing on his feet in front of them, looked upset and furious until the warrior tiger moved on him his cold and emotionless gaze. And as the icy blue eyes of the giant seemed to pierce with distaste across his body, he staggered rapidly backwards together with the two assholes with the pistols, ears going flat and tails curling between their legs even if they tried to avoid it, their faces going pale with utter terror... and then Killer leaned forwards threateningly, faking to leap forwards to attack and gnashed his fangs in front of them with a half snarl, half laughter and the three retreated so rapidly that one of the two lupine hit a table with his back and landed awkwardly over it as the badger simply fell heavily backwards on his ass before three distasting, stinking stains begun to make their way down on their pants towards their feet.

Killer leaned back onto the sofa with a loud laughter, his deep, manly voice seeming to shake alone the entire place as the femme at his side looked completely adoring... before she turned as well towards her three mates with an evil grin herself. "Three of you... three and with guns. Aren't able of watch him in his eyes without piss your pants...?" She asked with a grimace of... both disgust and amazement over the badger before return her eyes on the muscular blue-eyed god of war at her side, gazing over his mighty form with adoration. And she still missed the shadow of threat and murderous danger well hidden behind the amusement gleaming in his icy sapphire eyes.

"No, it seems they cannot, sugar..." Killer said amusedly as his laughter come to an end, his eyes glinting with cruel entertainment as she dared to run a hand over his huge, bemuscled arm. "But it was expected." He added sharply, his eyes piercing cruelly the brown ones of the badger on the floor as he stared upwards in shock, trembling meekly in fear and shame.

"Please, let me do..." She said meekly up at him before turning with her more successful harpy expression on her once mate and on the two bullies. "Pathetic! You are not men. Drop your trousers now! Shame yourselves before this superior specimen!"

Killer leaned back comfortably, deeply surprised of her move but also really amused as he crossed his huge arms over his broad chest with a wide grin... He was admittedly slightly curious to see how small they had to be, compared to his enormous member that used to make the much bigger males back up in the Northlands pale... the three unfortunates on the floor looked much more surprised than him, in any case, and even upset as the badger went pale even more than the wolfs at his sides as he slowly got up to his feet and looked at her with terror. "You are fucking crazy! What the fuck is this? A fucking joke?" He babbled disbelieving.

But the female wolf amused even more the huge white tiger when she suddenly rose her hand and aimed the pistol at the face of the badger as answer, shaking slowly her own head, her other gun placed casually on the table and her free hand now rubbing bravely on the massive thigh of Killer. "I'm more than serious, motherfuckers. Drop your pants. Now!"

The three males rapidly did what was ordered them, trousers and underwear making rapidly the short travel towards their feet... and suddenly three shriveled, tiny members were exposed to the sight. But Killer had to admit that the badger was probably rather bigger than the usual and likely rather impressive for his kind... But also his impressive, and yet so much inferior penis seemed to be trying to shrivel up back on itself in the warm air of the bar, shirking before such an obvious Alpha male. It was perhaps seven inches, while in the northlands inches were counted in tens... And when it come to Killer, the count was made directly in feet.

"Amusing... shall I show them how a real male is built?" Killer said amusedly, his eyebrow arched in that way all characteristic of him as he gave a casual glance to the side over the femme, who was now gaping without shame as she stared expectantly to his enormous bulge with a hand sunk deeply inside her loose jeans.

"I think you should, awesome..." She purred with obvious interest as she herself daringly advanced her hand on his black jeans until grasping the zip, waiting for a signal of him... and she released an excited low murr as he simply nodded with a wide and somehow cruel grin, placing immodestly his hand on her firm and a bit too thin buttocks, pulling her all over his massive body, making her his bitch.

Again, she missed the predatory look in his eyes and the merciless murdering glint in the deep of his glance, not understanding that it wasn't a game... or at least, not in her terms, but in his own. And as she madly worked her way towards her disaster, everyone in the room stared at them, every junkie bully and every thief forgetting his job as their leader slowly pulled down the zip of the giant in the corner...

Gods, but she had hit the jackpot there... she had assaulted the bar with the objective of a good amount of easy money. She hadn't really any idea of her incoming luck! But now, as she slowly and teasingly lowered the zip and rubbed her other hand on the immense, threatening bulge, she grinned. She had the money. And she had her hands over a very precious prey... in more than a sense.

He wasn't precious only because of how handsome and obscenely hung he was... She had obviously recognized him... it wasn't surely hard deal. The kingdoms of the north were always at war between them or against someone else and the news of the fights up there were practically daily on every newspaper of the goddamn world, on every TV, on every radio frequency. And no one had gained greater reputation, legendary fame and advantages from those wars than the powerful general known as "Wyvern", the supreme leader of the better army of the north and probably of the world, the so-called "pearl of the north": Kesteven's army.

And damn, she couldn't be wrong. The incredible victory of Wyvern at Wycherley, the defeat of the world-feared Dark and the destruction of the New World Order Army were still recent, burning news... she had seen some stolen exposure of the battlefield, of the fights and of the same general on the newspaper even that same morning. And Wyvern was also a very chatted, famous playboy as well... she would never admit that, but as a lot of other girls, she was used to peer over the tabloids, the girly magazines with their morbid, ridiculous hunting over the facts of the famous peoples and the gossip pages. And gods, even there, the name Wyvern was always present... he was suspected to have fucked even the young ambassadors that were arrived in Kesteven and a good number of other very nice looking, famous girls. And now she could say that if not all the rest, the rumors over his massive sizes and power were justified.

And now she was there, cradled in the arms of the most powerful and richest prince of the northern realms, the legendary Killer Huxley, first legitimate son and heir of the Huxley Dynasty of Kesteven. She was about to fuck him and perhaps bring him and all his power and influence on her side... or in the worst case she was going to force him to join the gang to or imprison him as a precious hostage. He was a giant that alone would have made of their gang an invincible war machine, and in any case every pound of his weight was at the very least triple that weight in gold... If he was ready to cooperate, perfect. Otherwise, he was alone, without even a gun and without any escort or protection... he had on himself only three old swords. Legend or not, she alone carried two pistols and in the bar she had fifteen men well equipped with weapons. He was hers in any case... and she really couldn't believe to her luck.

Killer hadn't all this thoughts. He had always hated the press and in his mind the fact that the world had such knowledge of him and even of his habits in bed â€" yes, he had really fucked the ambassador, too, and she had all but pleaded him to keep her as a slave into his harem, to use her as a bitch, however he wanted, on condition that he kept her... â€" wasn't of any importance to him, if not almost irritating. And the fifteen men and the horny lupine weren't anywhere near to his conception of threat, either. They were only assholes and criminals... maybe the only one thing that he hated more than reporters. And he was going to fuck them good. He grinned wider down at the lupine with a soft murr of entertainment as she begun now to lower his black, strained boxer with a veneration almost religious as all the public in the bar fell silent, seeming to even hold their breaths as they stared.

Then there was a collective, loud moan as a thick snake of black flesh come free from the boxer and almost smacked the face of the lupine as it descended from where it had sneaked up his hip to hung obscenely between his thick legs, reaching easily his knees.

The lupine released a scream, going pale... and then she breathed hard a few loud groans as she stared agape at it, letting her so-wide opened eyes crawl over every inch of his omnipotent organ. And gods, there were a lot of inches to explore.

He was supremely unaroused, but his sizes were already monstrous. She had never seen something like that, it far dwarfed the so called "kings of porn" of the rougher "big-cock against tiny vagina" movies... She had never even imagined that a male could be so huge and powerful, not even in her wildest dreams and fantasies.... Especially because he was still flaccid, despite being several times as big as the other fully erected males. Veins as thick as her fingers if not something more made an intricate map of the enormous cock for her eyes to travel over, each bulging and pulsating to feed the colossal, thick penis even now that it was relaxed. And beneath this black, threatening divinity, was a pair of testicles much bigger than her breasts hanging obscenely between his legs, weighty at their impressive size and heavy in his big, white furred scrotum.

She felt her mouth drool and fought with herself to try and maintain the control on her body as she stared at such virility with rapture, slavering at the sight... She soon found her hunger too strong, and a commanding, dominant glare from him put her on an invisible but unbreakable leash. She couldn't help but bend down over his lap, inhaling his strong, attractive scent and filling her eyes with the glory of his impressive malehood as he placed his hands on her head with aggressive dominance, a low but powerful growl of entertainment leaving his throat. "That's it, bitch... Drool like the slut you are, and worship it, bitch."

She traced a hand down on his rock hard abdominals, then hesitated into the thick white fur on his groin, ruffling the thick stripe of long coat that reached his navel, her breath hard as she never leaved his glance fall away from his powerful cock and slowly and meekly stretched out her other hand... then she looked up at him with a shocked and still almost incredulous, submitted and meek gaze. It was a needy look, the pleading look of a pet... the roles had already been cleared: he was the almighty master, she was the bitch in heat tasked to please his cock. His cock! So immense... She could barely believe that a cock that massive could exist..."Can... can I touch it?" She asked with a whisper, praying sluttishly to his superiority.

"Actually you must touch it, bitch. I'm not used to show off pointlessly to the bitches like you. My cock owns you, little whore." He answered with a predatory grin down at her as he pushed roughly the gangster down towards his cock, squeezing his thick fingers on her head. She nodded with a hungry groan and seized one of his pendulous, massive testicles in both hands, releasing an amazed grunt at the way both her arms flexed just to lift one of his gargantuan balls. There must have been more than enough seed in one of these mega-orbs to drown a pack of females! Drown literally... but she once again missed the deadly danger he represented...

He pulled her face against his enormous ballsack and crushed easily her face between his immense cumpods as she struggled helplessly against him for a moment before giving an enthralled moan and beginning to worship his balls with gentle strokes and caresses of her hands, rolling her muzzle over them as she rolled one immense testicle in her palms. Each of his two twin giants could have contained her whole head no problem... and each testicle felt crammed full, incandescent with humongous loads of seed that she could almost smell across his sac, his scent overwhelming and delicious, tantalizing and hypnotic: she noisily, greedily inhaled it, drinking of the musk of male, of virility, of the smell and taste of sheer power that was his essence.

"Rougher! I'm more male than the bitches you are used to, slut! Squeeze those all-male balls hard, bitch... as hard as you can... and it'll be barely enough for me to enjoy it." He growled as he challenged the badger on the floor with a glare of arrogant, supreme self-confidence and entertainment. Killer had always loved to fuck girls in front of their boyfriends or fathers, admittedly... the pain, the helplessness, the shame and even the hate for him that the males had to bear and hide to not be crushed like bugs by him was a wonderful addition to him to make it sweeter all the more. He made them suck and drink the juices of the orgasms he drilled out from their girls, he made them taste the blood of their ripping vaginas as he tore his cock back and forth into the tight passages, stretching them into wide tunnels that no other male would have been able to enjoy... He made them clean his cock with their tongues and mouths, he made them worship his cock and thank it from pleasing their girls like they could have never done... And now he watched the impotent badger on the floor with an amused, pleasured murr as drool from the lupine begun to ooze literally down his massive balls, accompanied by loud, obscene sounds of hungry sucking and slurping intercalated by only two reverently whispered words. "Yes, master."

Slowly, she let her tongue snake all over the powerful, proud, enormous nut, her lips kissing it hungrily as she worked furiously her hands over his balls. She had never tasted such good ball meat, and from the exquisite, powerful flavor she could tell he had marinated each opulent testicle in rivers of flowing cunt's sweet juices. She was sure she was tasting not only his manliness, but the juices of gods-knew-how-many girls as the huge sack containing his potent seed tanks covered easily all her face, from chin to top of the forehead. Her nostrils were opened wide, inhaling hungrily air full of his overpowering scent; she could swear she was smelling the gallons of cum right through his sanity-crushing balls.

He glared down at the badger, drinking of his terror and of his tears as one of his hands continued to guide the femme in her worshipping and the other grasped his still mostly-flaccid but already enormous cock, even his own fingers failing miserably to wrap around it, staying separated by several inches. Killer stroked leisurely his enormous length a few times to show completely the monstrous sizes before placing the heavy black anaconda of meat over the head of the lupine as it sneaked down from over her to almost half of her back with its huge length, twitching a few times as the huge male begun to stiffen and harden up with his powerful, growing erection.

The public was astonished. Males were shifting uncomfortably on their spots in front of that ultimate alpha, incredibly aroused but also so embarrassed and scared to try to vanish, to wish they could just hide in a little hole out of sight, the robbery for now forgotten as every men felt suddenly the wish to become transparent and avoid entering in the sight of the females... but it was useless, because the girls were really too busy in taking care of their own desire, eyes fixed on the strange couple in the corner as they stared to the giant male in amazement, hands disappearing under the tables and legs spreading a bit wider as several long, dreaming moans filled the air.

She gave him a formidable, rough worship, working his balls with such determination and strength that she would have crushed and melted the testicles of another male, but the huge tiger was liking her treatment just fine, murring lightly in appreciation. After a few long moments of this, she let herself slide down his muscular legs and stood up on her own feet, bended forwards to keep up her work over his massive testicles with a hand as her other wrapped around his huge cock and began to stroke it decidedly as it grew and grew, rising towards its full, blazing glory under her astonished eyes.

Killer stepped easily out from the jeans and boxers than where puddling around his feet and he rapidly dropped also the black shirt that the female had rolled up on his broad, powerful chest, remaining naked without any sign of shame or hesitation as she looked up at him with awe, marveling at his powerful, imposing physique, a deep murr leaving her throat as she stroked his gargantuan penis with more and more strength, amazed at seeing it grow as a huge tower of black flesh that towered over her like a monumental obelisk, throbbing with power.

Killer simply grinned, his hold over her head so strong to be almost violent, as she suddenly stared with utter awe at his weapon's full length, panicking, raising her hand reflexively, almost as if trying a defense. His massive cock stood proudly out from his rippling-with-muscles body, bulging and pulsating with power as it towered with its head at the same height of his chin, so thick that she could swear that the huge cum conduct itself was much thicker than any cock she had ever seen in her life. Now the lupine placed her hands over the colossal shaft, releasing an exasperate and in the same time adoring groan as she realized that the fingers of her two hands were still a few inches spread apart each from the other... she couldn't wrap his mighty cock neither with both her hands.

"You are all so awesome and enormous up in the north...?" She asked as she opened her jaws as wide as she could and begun to lick her way up and down along the thick shaft, working her tongue and lips where her hands couldn't arrive, drool starting to make his organ glisten as her fluids mixed with the thick, dense pre he was starting to gift her.

"No." Killer laughed, his voice seeming to shake the entire room before he turned grinning cruelly over the three males on the floor in front of him, his head raised in a clear challenge. "Sure, most of my sons at kindergarten have bigger cocks than the three dipshits on the floor... but no, I don't know anyone anywhere near to my size. It's really your lucky day, slut."

"Oh, I'm sure of that... prince." She grinned now, her cheek leaned on the steel hard, enormous cock as she watched up at him from the side of the throbbing, hot organ that she was still working with both hands. Killer looked surprised for a rapid moment, and then he grinned once more.

"My reputation comes before me." He observed with an amused voice, giving a slight nod as he smirked a bit.

"You are world-famous, Wyvern... and for more than the simple military and dynastic reasons, even." She exclaimed after a long lick over his black meat. "You can't think you can come here and go along unnoticed."

"I suppose I should have known, yes..." He said with husky, manly voice as his amused grin spread wider, knowing what was going to happen as she climbed again on the couch, and sat at his side... but, he noticed with satisfaction, without removing her hands from his throbbing, glorious shaft neither for a moment.

"Fuck yeah, I believe that..." She answered with a grimace, for her a truth too simple to have any doubts as she raised her right hand in the air and made an easy gesture of command with a wave of her index. Immediately, the robbery begun again, even the two wolves that had been trembling on the floor scrambling immediately on their feet, working up their pants and then surrounding the nearby table where the young fox was still looking at Killer dreamingly, their pistols ready as only the badger remained stupidly seated on his ass, looking at his once girlfriend that was so happily licking and stroking a cock that was so enormous to be almost as big as she was tall... and that definitely wasn't his own.

"This is what I can give you, prince. Absolute, sheer power. We are one of the strongest gangs here in town... this is ours quarter, ours fortress. I've tens of other men along the streets... and we are taking the upper side over the other groups, putting our hands over prostitution and drugs traffics. With you on my side, me and you together, we could take the entire town in less than 24 hours and I bet that we could spread our power over all the state in record time. You will be the all powerful king here... and I will be the queen." She said decidedly, tickling under his chin and stroking furiously his cock with the other hand, trying to use all of her charm with how she looked at him and leaned her body over his own... "You just have to say ‘yes', Huxley." She added with husky voice.

"If becoming king was my interest, I would have never leaved my home. I had an entire kingdom ready for me. A harem so big and wonderful that those males can't neither dream... that you can't even dream, bitch." He answered idly as his eyes studied the situation. The badger on the floor looked so utterly demolished by the show, so humiliated and also so intent in keeping his eyes over the colossal black cock and the hand of the lupine that he could bet he wasn't going to be a problem in the slightest. Two wolves, each with a black 9 mm, were stealing everything from the family of foxes at the nearby table... another, the more junkie-looking, was still working his way at the bench to steal all the money and valuables, his shotgun aimed at the terrified bartenders... four more, plus two smaller badgers, were blocking the exit, standing before the doors in a semicircle, armed with revolvers, different pistols and another big shotgun in the hand of the tallest wolf. The five remaining lupines were wandering from table to table, beating without a reason but savagely the poor people there and stealing watches, jewels and money. He gnashed his deadly fangs in a principle of snarl, but he tried to contain his own rage...

"Sure. But we can have even more than that, Wyvern. We can conquer more... come with me and I'll give you everything, me myself included. Come with me the easy way, prince of the north... there will be no other proposals." She leaned towards him seductively, her hand working noisily and wetly his cock that was now oozing pre at a steady rhythm, but her other hand hidden behind her hip, fingers squeezing to the point to become white around the handle of one of her two 9 mm caliber pistols, the other leaved on the table...

"You really think there's something you can give me... that I can't take on my own alone?" He laughed of a laughter that was almost a roar as she snarled with fury and then drew out her Beretta and aimed it directly at the muzzle of the huge prince. He looked at this with a grin, then shook his head slightly. "Starting from you yourself... You are dripping for me. You're drooling for my cock. You are just another toy for my lust, that is what you are... How you think you are going to ever make me interested in your puny proposals, when my power is so much greater than anything you can offer... than anything you can dream to obtain?"

"I don't mind at this point! You are mine in any case... your choice if as king or as slave!" She growled angrily in front of his muzzle, almost forcing her pistol between the eyes of the huge male, who only looked back coldly and grasped the other weapon from the table, ejecting the still full clip, pulling back the castle with his thumb until the bullet in the barrel jumped out free and then shattering the gun in his hand like it was made of chocolate. "And tell me, how you think to force me to do what you want...? With 9 mm bullets...? They wouldn't even bruise me. And your fifteen guys all together wouldn't last more than a minute if I was feeling lazy and playful." He stated with a wide grin, letting the small, warped pieces of the shattered pistol fall away to the floor. "I'm not interested in this business, bitch, nor in the puny "power" that you dream. I'm just gonna amuse myself a bit with you... and it will likely kill you, tiny cunt that you are."

She couldn't help but tremble at such display of strength, forced back by her fear... he can't be that strong! He just... closed his fucking fingers over the motherfucking gun and... shattered it into places without even a single twitch of his muscles. Gods. Can we stop him? She looked up in his eyes with fear... but she saw the black, reassuring figure of her black pistol that was trembling in her hold but was still aimed between those threatening sapphire eyes made of ice... her pistol. Sure that we can. He can't do anything. I have him. We are sixteen â€" Hell, sixteen! â€" and he's alone and without a gun. And I keep him under aim... he's just trying a bluff... like, he can't be invulnerable to bullets as he says...

She grinned now, still trembling, but a little bit more confident in herself and her forces... but then she released a shriek of agony as he slammed a hand lightning fast into her stomach, sending her heavily on the floor and in the same time reaching for her hand, snagging the black pistol with such strength and violence that her arm's bones noisily shattered, every single bone from wrist to the shoulder. She hit the floor at his feet with a meaty thud and a groan, spitting blood as a pain unbearable and never before tried exploded into her, terror invading her as she again, and this time definitively, seemed to realize that he was famous not for games, not crimes, but for war. True war. True, ruthless and ferocious war. True power.

"I don't like your methods, little bitch. You all are nothing more than common assholes." He growled with fury now as a black wolf slammed his pistol with useless, disgusting violence into the muzzle of the young, nice fox that he had watched for so long time at the table nearby... and he brought easily up the Beretta and fired a single round that shattered the head of the wolf like a rotten apple before aiming coldly at the other, who was gaping with terror at the corpse that once was his friend, and Killer fired again, with the same deadly result. The two wolves fell on the ground with two meaty, gloomy thuds covered by the screams of utter terror and angry yells of order of the other gangsters...

And Killer let his eyes wonder for a moment over the terrified fox girl sprawled on the floor between the two corpses, on her shattered nose and on the blood that she was losing as her eyes looked with horror to what remained of her aggressor's head before he snorted angrily as the badger tried to scramble on his feet and in the same time rise his shotgun.

The warrior tiger kicked forwards the table with his left feet and then caught it with another fast blow of the right one, sending the heavy circular piece of furniture of wood and metal right over the badger, knocking him down on the floor with a howl of agony. Immediately, the warrior tiger let himself fall to the side to lean on his shoulder for a side roll, and then sprinted away from the sofa as a few bullets shattered the glass just behind him, where he had been seconds before as he answered with two quick, well aimed bullets into the dirty lupine at the door with the shotgun, knocking him down dead across the glass.

Bullets screamed inside the crowded place, over yells of terror and angry calls between the criminals as Killer sneaked rapidly his way from the corner towards the center of the place, running towards the junkie lupine with the shotgun, who turned immediately towards him with a stupid sneer of fear and threat together distorting his face. Wyvern grasped the barrel of the shotgun and easily pushed it violently hard and upside as the criminal fired, the blast digging a large hole in the ceiling before the warrior white tiger pushed the barrel hard downwards and forwards, the stock of the rifle slamming into the lupine's lower jaw, cracking it to shreds with a dark gout of blood as the hard pull shattered the shoulder of the wolf and forced him down on his knees. He fell with loud cries of agony as the rifle came free from his hands... and then the tiger smashed the weapon down on the head of the sobbing gangster in a vicious swing, giving only an irritated grunt as the terrible blow smashed the skull of the wolf and sent the corpse rolling on the floor across the entire bar before slam into a wall and lay still with his head reduced to a pulp. In the same time, Killer had already jumped behind the thick, solid wooden bench of the bar, knelling down behind it for a moment as bullets sunk into it on the other side as all the others crazily bombarded the bench with automatic fire.

A note for your future ‘Art of the War', genius. Said an irritate voice in his mind. Before you do the braw , then fuck the girl, you horny teen. I swear you are nothing more than that sometimes... and it's uncomfortable as hell fight with a hard on. Embarrassing, too.

Killer snorted amusedly as he rapidly checked the pistol to verify the clip... embarrassing? Not at all for me... I'm not the small and weak one. But yes, it's uncomfortable. But hey, everything has its defects. Even being so big down there has a couple downsides. We all have to pay something for every little luck of life...

The white tiger cursed as another bully fired stupidly with his own shotgun from the other side of the bench. The blast of the weapon killed an innocent deer that fell face first into the plate of salad on his table with his back shattered, blood oozing down generously on the white tablecloth as the rest of the pellets, expanding their range, hurt a few more people before shattering numerous bottles of booze on the shelves behind the bench, sending over the tiger only a few slivers of wood and drops of different alcohols.

Killer peered over the edge of the damaged bench and fired rapidly three bullets into the nearer criminal before vanish again behind the solid shelter and grasp the base of the heavy wooden furniture with his hands. He pulled with his brutal strength, muscles bulging as he released a low, amused growl at the sound of the floor cracking and tubes inside being torn apart as the huge piece of furniture of massive dark wood come free from where it had been solidly connected to the floor, coming up in his hold along with its sinks. The warrior rapidly stood tall on his feet, the entire bench lifted easily in his hands as the criminals gathered at the doors watched at him again with utter terror, disbelieving as he powerfully threw forwards the piece of furniture, aiming precisely to them.

The surprise and the fear at seeing him handle with such frightening ease such monolithic block of wood, marble and metal made them miss two vital moments. The chance to shoot to Killer when he was so exposed and immediately after the last occasion to flee in front of the massive, heavy piece of wood that flied across the room over the terrified customers and then smashed into all six of them, shattering across the glasses with a musical, loud noise and then crushing them down on the sidewalk and then onto the asphalt of the street before coming to a stop when it crashed into the side of a blue car parked on the other side of the road, threatening to turn upside down even the vehicle as all six bullies ended horribly crushed and destroyed between dented metal and wood.

Killer snorted amusedly, a fierce sneer cresting his muzzle as he admired his launch for a fleeting moment before rapidly turn towards the remaining of the gang, rolling slowly his shoulders as he tilted his head to the side with an amused, challenging glance over them as he rolled his shoulders a bit.

"Don't shoot, you motherfucking idiots! I want the fucker alive, dead is useless...!" Yelled an angry, broken voice from the corner, were the female lupine was slowly scrambling to her feet, arms hugging tightly her waist and hands over her damaged stomach as she breathed hard with some more coughs of blood. The six gangsters looked somehow surprised, looking with deep fear at the huge male who now was grinning widely at them, cracking his knuckles, but nonetheless they dropped or sheathed their guns to point their chances over their heavy chains, iron punches and a pair of metallic baseball bats that gave them the advantage in each close combat fight.

"I'll beat you down to a pulp, kitten!" Shouted angrily the biggest one of the group, advancing boldly with his heavy baseball bat ready in his hands.

"The last one who said that was almost two times your sizes, was smarter and had a big sword. I've seen these diamonds cut through much harder men than you..." Killer answered, pointing rapidly to the spikes on his knees, elbows and shoulders with a tilt of his head as he smirked. "... so excuse me if I don't look so entertained."

The bully stopped for a second, unsure of himself and looking a bit... surprised? terrified? Killer couldn't make out that much from the stupid face of the scum in front of him, but a moment later, two of them turned with the speed of lightings and fled, jumping with a scream across a window and landing on the sidewalk outside covered in tiny cuts with winces of pain as the falling shards of glass tingled all around them on the ground and they took their way towards the road to escape as fast as they could.

Killer grinned, rising again the stolen Beretta and firing two single, precise shots. The first bully fell on his belly on the road, his nape of the neck shattered by a single round, the other instead fell a meter further ahead, the bullet placed precisely in his leg, just over the feet, followed by another round placed exactly into his spine, paralyzing him forever and blocking him in the middle of the street to die by slowly bleeding his life out, under the eyes of people too scared and egoist to do anything. The tiger had cruelly decided to grant him a long sufferance, with the vision of the dead comrade as addiction, instead of a rapid and all in all painless death.

Immediately, the last four remaining were charging at him with a chorus of wild yells and with the shinning of chains and metallic, improper weapons as the bigger wolf tried to slam the iron bat towards his abdominals... towards his still gloriously erected cock that stood in front of them, moreover. Killer snarled, reaching down with a hand and grasping easily the bat that the wolf was forcing against him with two hands and all of his strength, and the liger spun rapidly on his feet, throwing outside the weapon and the bully that stupidly didn't leave it free soon enough.

The wolf flied like a doll across all the bar before slamming with his back against the wall with a scream of agony, body arching in the air in pain a last time while, where the spine used to be, remained little more than bone's dust, and he died immediately, the corpse slowly sliding down the wall to fall on the floor face first and lay there, broken. The tiger was already dealing effectively with another, slashing viciously his hand towards his muzzle and hitting with the cut in his favorite lethal move, not simply breaking the nose and sending the bone in the brain, but shattering the entire skull with his blow as if it was a 3D puzzle, such was his enormous strength.

The last two sneaked their way behind him and tried to jump up at his neck, throwing a thick, heavy chain of steel around his throat and trying to pull it enough to suffocate the giant. Killer anyway snapped his powerful, thick tail upwards and threw easily on the ground one of the two, sidestepping immediately to smash his heel into the chest of the unfortunate, shattering every limbs and the organs inside as he reached up with a hand for the chain in the same fluid move.

His fingers wrapped easily around it and he pulled a bit, the links of steel shattering like a fine string of cotton in his hand as he turned back lightning fast with a roar, slamming a giant fist into the terrorized, disbelieving and overbalanced wolf. The punch caught the enemy in the chest and sunk easily into the body, threatening to tear a hole on the other side of the bully as he spat a dark wad of blood and his eyes rolled up in his head, blood exploding from his eyes, nostrils and ears alike as he died immediately... And the corpse slammed heavily onto the floor with a rumble worth of an explosion, leaving a crater and opening long cracks into several tiles before ricocheting up into the air and flying across the room from the might of the punch, overturning several tables before come finally to a stop against a wall with a thud still strong enough to rattle every window.

Killer snorted, his glance traveling over the entire room... and finding that the gang was destroyed, apart from the badger, who was looking up at him with terror, still immobilized under the table by his fear and cowardly. The lupine was scrambling awkwardly to her feet in the corner... but otherwise, the civilians into the bar were safe and sound, even if all scared stiff and motionless, even the one knocked down on the floor by the rolling gangsters had remained on the tiles, covering their heads with their hands and not even daring a glance upwards. Bravery is not the best point in this town...

Killer then grasped his still fully erected cock and stroked leisurely the gargantuan length of black flesh as he slowly walked towards the female, ready for his prize now that he was the solo winner on the field... "Kind of you giving me some playing to get into the mood... But you should have given me more and better playmates." He smirked cruelly. "But now foreplay is over. Where we were, sugar...?" He asked softly in a whisper as he reached down for her head with one hand, lifting her like a doll and then rapidly walking towards the badger, kicking simply away the table with a snort as he towered in his magnificent power over the slumping, much smaller, helpless male.

Killer grinned cruelly as he stepped over the chest of the male and pinned him to the floor keeping a large bare clawed paw on his chest... he could kill him only shifting his weight over there. "You, knight, you are going to watch from a privileged position..." He said with a voice ironically soft and gentle as he set her in front of himself. She stood on her feet... enough to have her mouth barely at the height of the base of his colossal black shaft as he continued to idly stroke it, precum making it and his fingers glisten into the light, and he grasped her shoulder with the other hand, not brutally... but strong more than enough to keep her easily steady on the spot as she whimpered, her bone creaking.

He stroked his shaft stronger, taking strokes of easily three feet every time as precum literally oozed down from his huge cockhead and heavy drops flied over both the lupine and the terrified, horrified badger. Then Killer grasped the clothes of the female and easily torn them apart, leaving her with only a black bra as he grasped also her jeans and with the same ease tore them in two useless parts before remove the bra and the panties with his free hand until she stood naked in front of him, legs spread wide, right over the face of her boyfriend on the floor.

He grinned as his eyes traveled all over her body and stopped for a long moment on her dripping vagina, looking down to see drops of her desire and lust fall on the face of her boyfriend on the floor, making the badger shock his head in denial as he cried hard... and then he grasped his enormous shaft and angled it down towards her face, punctuating his next words with powerful, punishing cock-slaps to her muzzle, each easy blow strong enough to send her on the floor if he weren't keeping her steady with one hand on her shoulder.

"If you know me so well..." His humongous length struck her face, forcing her head to turn as she cried a loud whimper, blood exploding from a shattered lip as she spat a tooth. "You should have known that I've lived in war for years..." The new terrible slap forced her face to the opposite side like it was the ball in a tennis match. "That I've defeated every rival." SPLAT! "Won every battle." SMACK! "Destroyed a regiment and forced other two to flee, alone." He looked down at her with an amused glance... "And always fucked my girls so hard that they are always nothing but a pile of hot meat, limbs and seed, praying to getting fucked by me again and again, over and over when I'm done with them. You really thought you could take me with the help of just 15 morons and bend me?" The last cock-slap easily cracked her sunglasses and sent them flying across the room as he pointed again his immense black fleshed monster to the sky and stroked it decidedly, showing her how it towered above her head, shiny with pre, colossal and throbbing with hot power. She was quivering in his shadow, jaw dropped open as she was left so terrified that she was frozen, incapable to even try struggling... Which, anyway, she knew was entirely pointless against such monster of muscles and might.

Killer leveled his endless shaft to her mouth and placed his massive cockhead on her lips, pushing immediately forwards as she reluctantly opened her jaws with groans of both desire and desperation. He grunted, showing forwards his black penis and invading her helpless mouth as she cried, loud whimpers muffled by the huge amount of meat in her lips. The male forced forwards into the small, tight mouth as she struggled uselessly, eyes going wide and leaking tears as she tried to open more her maws to welcome his huge malehood, drool and his pre and soon blood oozing down from her lips, down on her breasts and over the face of the horrified, helpless badger pinned to the floor, who could only stare to the show as his almost twelve inches of pinkish penis throbbed painfully erected into the air despite the situation, looking tiny compared with the monstrous black cock of the liger, perhaps five times greater and obscenely thick.

Killer wrapped a hand in her hair, guiding her head into the rhythm as his colossal cock made its own way into her mouth and invaded her throat, his other hand stroking furiously the long shaft still free and punching her savagely in the muzzle at the end of every long, powerful stroke. Soon he was pushing like a bull with his hips, forcing forwards her head easily as she breathed with difficulty, throat crammed of black meat and thick, dense pre... and her lips soon were torn apart around his impossibly-thick shaft, blood only adding at his pleasure as it reddened his shaft and dripped down on the shaking, horrified male below. And Killer growled in pleasure, on the edge of his orgasm, flexing his almighty muscles powerfully as her maw noisily cracked under his savage thrusts and she screamed with all of her voice as her lower jaw was shattered to dust, cartilage, blood and fragments of bone and teeth spilling out of her mouth as he grinned and pounded into her even harder, forcing another few inches of his obscenely thick and huge member into the ruins of her mouth. "Oh, yes, bitch!" Killer growled, feeling the bones breaking like biscuits against his steel-harder member, blood gurgling out and streaking with hot red fluid the black mass of his gigantic cock. "Yes!" Killer grinned again, his muscles flexing as he arched his back in delight and thrust forwards hard, her muzzle exploding in a splatter of gore and fragments of bone as his invincible cock devastated her face. "So tight and fragile... I love it, slut... I'll break you down piece by piece!"

The female whimpered miserably around his colossal penis as his steel-hard pillar of flesh ravaged her throat and completely obliterated her muzzle, her neck bulging obscenely with the outrageous immensity of the cock lodged in her bleeding, torn gullet as his cock literally reshaped her body, making her bulge like a balloon as her air supply was completely cut, panicked hisses exiting her nostrils along with thick strings of his pre as he filled her up like she was a condom. A waterfall of blood and gore was the result of his pounding and the destruction of her muzzle when he finally pulled backwards, coming free of the smashed hole in her face and easily keeping her steady with a hand as he tilted his head upwards, her sobs and whimpers and her chocking music to his ears.

He began to stroke furiously his cock in front of her face as she weakly looked up at him, tears rolling down her bloody cheeks and blood oozing down from her shattered mouth and down towards the trembling boyfriend on the floor. Her muzzle was gone, her face now had a large, gaping hole that bleed steadily, the blood mixing with the thick pre of the male and her drool, his pre-cum gushing out from even her nostrils with how much of the fluid he had released. Killer grinned wider at her, feeling his orgasm rise inside his body, enormous, powerful, filling him with ecstasy and dark lust as he powerfully pumped his cock in front of her eyes, which despite all still couldn't avoid to stare at the unbelievable sight of his member, that now looked even more monstrous, reddened with her blood and stiffening and bulging even greater with his rising waves of seed... "Oh, bitch... tiny bitch... It's huge, and it's coming for you..."

And then he exploded. A white, viscous comet arched its way from his raging cock and splattered easily on the ceiling before make its way down to an amazing distance across the room and leaving a thick white line on all her face and on the floor behind her until it noisily splattered against the wall on the opposite side of the bar with a loud, obscene splat. Then another dense, thick rope of cum spurted out, not aimed ceiling-high this time, despite being much stronger and much bigger than the first, and seed splattered over her face, tits, on the badger below, and again landed to impressive distance in the bar. Cum already covered her whole body, dripping down to pool on the floor, and a thick layer of white, magma-hot sperm had wrapped the badger on the floor as well, and Killer was just getting started. A third blast flew wild, skipping just off the corner of her forehead, pasting a large line through her hair, and splashing a table, entirely covering it with seed that dripped from the edge. And again another powerful blast flew high, landing on her to completely obscure her shoulders and chest in white, potent semen that splashed up past her shoulders and washed down her back, covering her entirely in yet one more dripping layer of seed.

And then he continued, again and again, aiming directly at her body and easily covering her in his seed as he blasted thick load after thick load out of his gargantuan cock, seeming to last for hours as wad after wad coated her in always thicker layers of hot, dripping cum. Every single, enormous volley of his essence seemed to carry gallons of semen, and he fired tens of them, until his climax slowly reached a end after many minutes; smaller blasts, easily the size of an ordinary male's whole week's load closed the tempest as he released a murr of satisfaction and continued to stroke his gigantic, drenched in blood, saliva and sperm penis, drinking of the sight of her, covered from head to toe in his seed, of the badger, who looked a shapeless mass of cum on the floor as well, and over most of the bar, that was coated with his powerful essence.

Killer now grabbed the female and pushed her down, setting her weakened body in a doggy style position, her dripping vagina precisely over the astonished, drenched in juices and blood face of the badger. Her juices were flowing generously... and this seemed to shock the badger, who felt betrayed, between all the other feelings, at the obvious way the wolf lusted for the giant liger, despite the violence, despite it was a rape... despite he was playfully shattering her a piece at a time.

The tiger got down to his knees as well and tangled a hand in her hair, wrapping the other huge arm around her body to keep her steady as he began to force his impossibly huge member inside her: the force of his thrusts, even as he kept it to a minimum not to kill her too soon, threatened to knock the smaller lupine down out of his reach with every piston forwards.

Wyvern used his brutal strength to sink into her, pushing her into an agony of pleasure and unbearable pain mixed together, his fucking powerful, devastating for the female gangster under him as he literally crushed her down, taking out from her orgasms after orgasms of amazing force and ripping her vagina so tremendously to completely annihilate her passage, tearing her horribly wide as he slammed just a fraction of his gigantic cock in and out of her, drilling out rivers of blood in the process as he pounded her savagely, grinning as he looked forwards to force all of his malehood inside her for the main and final act.

He fucked her for long time, sending onto the male beneath the juices and the blood of the femme as the floor around them literally trembled for the power of his furious thrusts. At another moment, her whole body was twisted in the long satin curtain of a window, Killer sustaining her high up with only his powerful, monstrous cock as he forced into her madly with a threatening growl of pleasure, winding and unwinding her, taking out incredible orgasms from deep inside her even if his cock was shattering organs and bones inside her with each tremendous shove forwards, ripping her passage wide, tearing her flesh with every drawback and sinking new inches of steely hard black shaft into her slender and growing-weaker body with every hard piston forwards, her belly bulging out with the shape of his cock as he literally destroyed her, making her whole body bulge with his immense member. Blood and gore spurted out of her destroyed passage with every thrust, blood painting his gigantic cock of crimson as life fluids rolled down his immense balls to drip down to the floor as spurts of the warm liquid tinged of red his thighs and his rippling, powerful abdominals.

The wolf female was helpless. She screamed and shrieked, her throat hurting for the deafening, powerless howls she let out and for the groans that, despite all, were drawn out of her as her destroyed vagina clenched in orgasm continuously, even if his cock shattered her insides, squished her bones and organs into mush. She couldn't believe to it, she couldn't bear the humiliation of it... But even as he worked his hips to kill her with his diamond-hard cock, he drew out of her an orgasm. A bloody, painful, agonizing orgasm that tasted only of agony and powerless submission... but her ruined womanhood couldn't avoid to come and come and come as his cock conquered her.

Then he was fucking her over a table, under the terrified eyes of the people seated around it, everyone motionless with terror and trembling in their seats as the miserable lupine clawed at the table, trying to crawl away with her last strengths from his pummeling, gargantuan member, the huge male easily restraining her with a hand on her ass even as his other comfortably rested on his hip. Blood, life fluids, juices and more blood flew wildly out of her obliterated passage, splattering on the terrified faces around the table as he easily devastated her sex, perhaps half of his cock buried into her now as his hand moved to furiously stroke the feet of bloodstained shaft that hadn't still been pierced in her destroyed body... And the wolf screamed in unbelievable agony, howling, shrieking, as bone after bone gave in into her, sickening cracks and shattering sounds echoing in the room as gore was drawn out of her by each backstroke as he literally fucked her insides to a pulp.

The table could not take such mighty pounding, and it shattered in two while she was bent over it, his cock slaughtering her terribly as a river of blood gushed out of her passage... and immediately after, several meters of her intestines were dragged forcefully out of her pulverized sex, making her scream in an agony that cannot even being imagined, as his cock shattered her inside-out, and she felt her body being ripped apart, crushed, destroyed, split in two as he laughed and flexed in dark pleasure, seeing her intestines hang down to the floor and twirl around his immense, pistoning shaft. "Yes! Yeah little bitch, this is what I mean for fucking the guts out of a bitch! And think of what I mean for fucking the brains out of one slut, then!"

He stood up, effortlessly lifting her up with his pummeling cock alone as he literally masturbated himself with her ripping body, a waterfall of blood washing his massive, destructive shaft and reddening his enormous balls as he walked leisurely along the place, letting everyone stare and tremble at the frightening sight of a female becoming a far-too-tight condom pulled on a cock of magnitude ten times greater and ripping open.

The wolf agonized and screamed and shrieked, kicking her legs out in agony while he held her whole body high up into the air and blasted thick gouts of sauce from her with every savage thrust, sinking more and more into her as her pelvis noisily shattered, something of mysterious still keeping her alive even if she hadn't anymore even the force to cry as her legs, dead and not anymore a part of her broken being slumped weakly against the sides of his tremendous, pummeling member. He had shattered her bones, pulverized her pelvis, and now her legs hang attached to her only by parts of skin that were rapidly tearing apart as his merciless pistoning continued. He did not care, even if the useless limbs danced a scary, sinister crazy dance as he slammed himself into her violently, as they slapped against his tree-trunk cock over and over...

And soon his monstrous shaft ripped a frightening hole into her abdomen, emerging with a tremendous splatter of blood from her chest, like a mighty monster being born from her... But he just grinned a snarling roar of ecstasy as he continued to pummel her dying body as her intestines and other parts of her insides and terrible amounts of gore were forced out of the new, rapidly widening hole he had pierced in her...

And when, back to towering over her once-lover, he had finally come with another shattering orgasm of his own, the lupine was long dead, and so she likely cared relatively little for his gargantuan cockhead coming free from her shattered, bleeding mouth, most of her face crumbled like it was a mask as her muzzle was entirely obliterated as everyone stared in shock, almost everyone vomiting, many fainting in terror and horror as brain matter and gore was literally fucked out of her, nearly two feet of diamond-hard, tree-trunk thick, once-black cock emerging from her ruins, dripping blood. He roared in dark, cruel delight, laughing ferociously as another piston of his member made the top of her skull explode, brain gore splattering against the ceiling above, feeling omnipotent, cock huger, harder, mightier than ever as his muscles bulged enormously, dark, black lust and bliss rolling into his form as he grasped her little arms and pulled backwards. There was another sickening, wet sound, and a splatter of blood that reached meters away at her head being snapped, torn away from her neck as Killer pulled her backwards along his enormous shaft, growling as his brutal strength easily won, and his colossal cock pushed her head away like a cap, emerging from her throat now as blood splattered all around, the badger on the floor staring with horror to the last, agonizing expression of her eyes as the crumbled heap left of her head landed with a splat near his own... And he couldn't bear that gaze of death and agony, and he turned, only to stare like hypnotized to the giant liger as the enormous black cock pushed out of her stretched, headless, deformed body. His hands were holding her arms, snapped away from her form like she was a doll... and her torso was horribly deformed, bulging unnaturally to host his thick shaft, feet of which were dripping blood from where they towered over him, coming out of her neck. Her obliterated crotch was finally touching his, and he was arching his back with a murr of dark pleasure. "Yeah, bitch... You have it all the way, now, you worthless tiny whore..."

The badger went literally mad with the sight, trembling deliriously as his eyes bulged desperately while staring to the liger, who mercilessly kept pounding the corpse ferociously, using what was left to pump up another of his tremendous orgasms. Enormous, wrecking-ball testicles slammed into the lower part of her corpse over and over again, mashing her flesh to a reddened, bloody pulp... And soon, the skin that had been left keeping her legs hanging from her torso was shattered as well, and the legs fell with a dull thud onto the floor, joining her arms in the middle of a lake of blood as he continued to pound violently, moving her torso, what was left of her, up and down his gigantic cock like it was a simple sheath. Then, finally, he started to stiffen up and grew even bigger in the imminence of his climax... and the liger cruelly grinned as the already insanely stretched torso started to rip like it was made of paper... And even before he had fully stiffened, reaching impossible hardness as tidal waves of cum flowed up inside his cock, she had neatly snapped in half, his hands squeezing her parts still together to provide additional pleasure as he exploded, blasting huge, long ropes of white, dense cum across the whole place. Gallons of cum flew loose from his gigantic shaft, slamming into the walls strong enough to make them tremble, leaving rivers of white seed on the floor and painting the walls, the tables, the people as a meteor of white semen blasted right across one of the windows, breaking the glass to shreds as his potent orgasm seemed to last forever, the liger grinning in ecstasy, turning and pointing his thick shaft downwards to pummel the crying, destroyed badger with thick load after thick load of his semen.

When it finally slowed down to an alt, Killer finally released the destroyed body of the lupine, slowly removing his mighty penis from the boiling, pleasurable embrace of the female's rests, panting of pleasure and dark satisfaction as he admired what he had done with eyes burning of dark flames. He slowly stood fully, leisurely stroking his immense shaft, which was completely coated by juices, blood and gore, looking down with a grin at the still alive badger, covered in his cum from head to toe, and as much abundantly coated in the blood and juices of the female, his tears impossible to see in the middle of all that mess. He trembled no more, delirious and weak, but despite all he almost tried to crawl away when the giant liger walked closer, stomping on the heap that was the wolf's head in the process and reducing it to a pulp, the poor badger probably fearing he was going to be raped as well as he saw the tiger's shaft still diamond-hard and so obviously ready for more... But the white tiger simply kicked his face, pulverizing the spine of his neck and his skull, killing him immediately with nothing more than a grunt of savage amusement.

The liger then walked towards a table and took the tablecloth without too many ceremonies, sending everything there was over on the ground as he used it for clean his groin covered of mixed juices, his cock still domineering but finally decreasing towards its awe-inspiring soft size. And then he raised his glance over the terrified people still motionless in the bar.

Gods, they are stupid apart from coward... "Well? Why you are still here...? Get the hell out of here, you‘ll spare yourself the bother of the questioning of the police. Show's over."

He watched them leave in a hurry with a disgusted look as he slowly and laboriously climbed into his boxer and black pants. Neither a thank you, even... in Kesteven people would have helped me with the scum. Or at least said thank you to someone that saves their life and properties. Then he slowly walked towards the young fox, still on the floor with her family gathered around her, her muzzle shattered and bleeding, tears leaking down her cheeks as mother and father looked at her stupidly, full of fear and without ideas about what they should do to help their sobbing daughter.

The huge tiger calmly grasped a large napkin and soaked it with cold water, then reached the trio and got down to his knees, ignoring the two adult foxes who scrambled away with terror... and fought against his rage at the sight of the terror and horror in her eyes as he slowly and gently cleaned the wound with the serviette and wrapped her muzzle in a first medication. I'm helping her. I saved her life... and she still looks at me as to a monster. She didn't look so badly neither to the asshole who smashed a pistol on her nose. Christ, I really don't understand this people...

"Go to the nearest hospital and they will set you fine again. This is not the right place for you." He said gently as he softly caressed her shoulder with a reassuring nod... and finally, even if her glance did not change, she stammered a weak thank you with a nice, melodic voice. As the foxes leaved the place, he threw a big roll of bills towards the bartender, walking towards the door. "They should be more than enough for fixing up all the mess." He looked around, to see the mostly destroyed restaurant flooded with gallons of his cum and with blood pooling everywhere... and he made a bit of a face, tilting his head to the side with amusement. "I guess I got a bit carried away. Excuse me."

Somewhere, from inside the kitchen of the place, a trembling voice stammered. "Excuse us, sir..." And Killer left with a roll upwards of his eyes, halfway between amused and frustrated. The lack of courage of this people was astonishing, for a proud warrior of the north...

Some minutes later found Killer waiting calmly, most of the blood that had reddened his fur drained away with the use of several tablecloths from the bar, his back leaned against a column just out of the place, his arms crossed on his broad and now again clothed chest and his eyes closed in relax and patient waiting. On the other side of the road, a medical team with an ambulance had recovered the six bullies crushed... but they were all already more than died, and in order to identify them, probably neither dental x-rays would have been of help with how mushed they were. Now there was a breakdown van that was recovering the damaged car and lifting the heavy bench with its crane under the amazed eyes of a little crowd... and no one had dared to walk towards the giant on the other side of the street, almost like the asphalt separating them was boiling magma. All around him, for several tens of meters, the road and the large sidewalk were completely desert, everyone changing his road rapidly at his sight.

And finally, with incredible delay, an armored van of the police with a machine gun on top, accompanied by three cars and several bikes reached the place, a large group of cops in complete riot equipment with shields, bullet proof vests and helmets dismounting from the vehicle and running immediately inside the bar as several more took position behind the cars with pistols and shotguns aimed at the place, eyes nervously staring to the giant.

Finally, three cops with big revolvers guided by a tall, nice-looking mare in full riot uniform and with her long black mane gathered under the helmet approached cautiously the tiger.

"Hi, guys." Killer said simply with a wave of greeting of his large hand, his eyes sliding calmly open to gaze at her with a grin, icy sapphire irises drinking of her appealing body. The cops looked surprised, but someone smiled and greeted back at the kind and friendly salute, that probably was the last thing they were expecting from the deadly-looking tower of muscles.

"What happened here...? We had a call for a robbery and a brawl with gunfire..." Asked the mare as she raised the visor of her helmet, looking up at him with her nice green eyes betraying an interest that went far past any professional matter. She wasn't a wonder, but her body was in perfect shape and she had her own beauty with her cared, almost golden fur. And Killer had always had a soft spot for uniforms and babes with guns.

"Right, right. But I took care of things back there by myself. It's all ok, now... It wasn't big deal." Killer answered calmly as if it was the more normal thing of the world, nodding slightly. The cops looked up at him with grimaces of surprise and disbelief, some probably wondering if he was putting up a nice little story or if he really had defeated a whole gang all by himself...

And then someone shouted something that he did not pick up... and a truncheon struck over his nape of the neck, slamming violently into him but breaking in two places as a few more slashed savagely on his back, in vain, the thick weapons breaking in two against the hardness of his powerful muscles. Killer growled lightly, turning slowly back towards the riot cops that were returned and were standing now in front of him with terror but with frightened decision an the same time, their shields of bullet-proof ceramics raised in front of them as they slowly backstepped away from him, eyes bulging with terror at the way he hadn't even twitched under the blows, and at the way he was looking down at them like they were insolent kids bothering him.

"Grab him! He's an assassin and a rapist!" Shouted someone from inside the bar.

"Gods, I've never seen something like this...! Stevenson vomited... there are... corpses and blood and... spunk... everywhere!" Someone else added.

"Ok, handsome. Pull up your hands and no jokes." The mare cop from earlier muttered as she rose her heavy revolver, aiming at his chest and the other two cops nearby advancing with the largest and strongest pair of handcuffs available at the ready.

Killer laughed uncertainly... and stupidly, as he was about to understand. "Come on guys... you must be joking. I just put out a dangerous gang for you..." He said as he straightened slowly, uncaring of the magnum aimed at his massive, muscular chest. Piece of moron. It's obvious that there's no joke here. You stupid. You have never thought, not even for a moment at least, that their culture and laws are different here from Kesteven, isn't so? Worst, you neither thought that nowhere can exist so much criminality if the gangsters haven't high support and good contacts in the government sphere. This people is corrupt... All the police must be, or most of it at least... Don't you see what a mess this town is...? The delay is the proof. It was to permit to the lupine and his pack to do as they pleased, you idiot.

Killer cursed as they tried to catch his swords from his belt, several riot cops trying to grasp his wrists and keep him steady as two policemen tried stupidly to put on him handcuffs that were far too small for him, that could at the most wrap some of his fingers. Not that handcuffs could have restrained him anyway. And then he roared with untamed fury and threw away all the cops like ragdolls with a savage move of his muscular arms, sprinting forwards with astonishing speed to hit the two of the handcuffs with his deadly knee's spikes, shattering their abdomens like sheets of paper, sending them both down in crumpled heaps in a lake of blood.

The mare immediately fired a round into his chest... but the bullet pierced across the black shirt of the giant and crushed against the barrier of incredible muscles of the warrior, crushing helplessly on itself against his powerful body, and bending on itself like it was made of paper, immediately rejected by the simple flexing of his pecs as he advanced rapidly towards her, grinning in dark, vicious amusement.

She screamed in terror and disbelief as several more cops began to shoot... but the giant seemed almost invulnerable to the pistols and even to the shotgun blasts, walking into the gunfire with a vicious grin, unfazed by the rounds slamming into him as the bullets bounced off harmlessly. In a second, he was over the mare, rapidly and brutally disarmed her, crushing her gun in the terrible, deadly vice of his fingers, and knocking her on the asphalt before charging against the cars and slaughtering the cops there, shattering bodies and vehicles like fragile toys, followed by the fire of the other cops, in difficulty against his impressive speed, and sweating and grimacing in terror as the bullets all but ricocheted uselessly against him.

Soon, after have easily crushed a car and its crew to a shattered mess on flame and turned upside down another one by easily lifting it with a hand and throwing it down the street, he jumped over the armored van and killed the gunner with a simple punch that neatly decapitated the unfortunate, before take in his hands the machine gun and end the work with that, firing an endless rain of fire and metal into the last car, the still alive cops and the people on the sidewalks. The days of the slaughter of Newbury were begun...

"Immediately after that, I grabbed that mare and raped her too over the wreck of the armored van. Raped her until she was destroyed as well, raped her even harder than I did with the wolf gangster... then I was completely out of control. I begun to travel along the streets killing every person I meet and preferably raping every female. I raze to the ground several palaces... badly damaged several more. I'm entered into flat after flat to search for my victims... raped wives in front of husbands. Mother in front of sons. Only a miracle restrained me from kill also the kids and the babies in cold blood... but even if I stopped always myself in front of a cradle, giving maybe even a smile to the cub, where's the sense? I erased their families from earth... shattered their entire town to dust... I can only hope that affective relatives have recovered them from the ruins in the next days. I destroyed the police stations... found in there weapons and explosives... and with that, I continued my opera with even greater violence. The people of Newbury were fleeing on the highway by now... but I destroyed a flyover and stopped them, creating one of the major traffic jams of history. And then hit the queues of cars and trucks with rocket launcher until there were rockets available. The rest I killed by myself. I raped every single female I found, all to death... And slaughtered everyone. When I finally leaved, Newbury was a Hell of fire and corpses and ruins, only orphan babies left to be testimonies of my wrath... And so I was the monster that the fox had seen into me... the horrible being of fury and cruelty she had seen into me like a prophetess... I... I just thank the sky, because I never met her again. She had probably leaved the town immediately after the events of the place, fortunately. But those memories will torture me forever... and please, don't ask me more details of that. Not... not today. I can't continue on this path anymore..." Killer ended, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks... but he felt better nonetheless, somehow. And the tight hug that Alexis reserved to him brought him to paradise for a moment, despite everything.

"I'll not. What did you do after that?" Alexis asked gently. "Can you talk of it...? If you don't feel about talking of it, you don't have to, love. But I think it would help you if you do."

Killer nodded slowly with a bit of a smile as she slowly drained his two tears and nuzzled him at his throat. The first tears in years... and his eyes seemed always of the same expression of pride, even now, as if they were a mask of invulnerability that he couldn't drop neither when he wanted to... she knew the sadness behind, but his eyes were clean of it, surprisingly... And she repressed a shiver at the thought of the destructive force he had to be when he became bloodthirsty as that...

"I traveled for seven years, all around the world. Often I destroyed teams of cops and of the International Security Force that were searching me for the crimes of Newbury. I often destroyed other villages and towns, the monster in me still strong, pushing me to the darkest pits of Hell every now and then... I also killed a lot of careless "hunters" that were trying to capture me. Dead or alive. The prize was... is, better still, a fabulous amount of money. But I especially served into most armies and especially Special Forces around the world, with the only restriction that I always avoided something that could be of danger for my homeland. I was into teams of Combat Search and Rescue in the desert during the battles in Almahara. There I saved lives... and I was again proud of myself, at peace with my soul and conscience. But when the war ended, I fell immediately again in the trap of my own cruel, dark lust, and I was back to my dark life of carnage and destruction, which lead me to erase a region, pretty much... Now, it is only a wasteland of abandoned ruins at the margin of the eastern deserts... But finally, I took the chance to join the Special Reconnaissance Squadron for the Search and Destroy missions against the mobile ballistic missile launcher that were continuously firing missiles against the small Republic of Are... but after that I was once again a terrorist, assassin and rapist out of control. Then I was into the Parachutist Regiment, then again into the Special Boat Service where I learned how to do underwater demolition, infiltration and how to properly mine the hull of a warship until I was ordered to sink a destroyer with a raid in a heavily supervised port and I did it. And for all the time, I continued my private war against the remaining of the New World Order Army as well. I was the one who killed those three suspected terrorists of the NWOA with a pistol in the middle of the main street of Ankara, for example. It's famous... despite all the people who assisted, no one has ever been able to say nothing... Neither to just remember that the assassin was a tiger. Strange, because I had on only a pair of sunglasses with no claims of secret... I really am scary, evidently." He smiled slightly as she nodded with a grin, keeping caressing his body soothingly, lovingly. Each touch of her hands was a glimpse of Heaven for him, even as his soul was torn by the memories of his darkest days.

"Last, I was into the Special Assault Service... terrorists had captured an airport in the jungle with more than 130 hostages and we were brought in the zone with helicopters. A team of 64 men in teams of eight, all heavily armed. We marched for three days, then assaulted the airport on multiple directions... a classic attack "silent, then noisy"... and we saved all the hostages. I was... so proud of myself. So happy. I brought out from the airport a lot of cubs, bringing them to the helicopters on my shoulders... I don't remember another time when my mane has been pulled so much and so painfully..." He laughed softly a bit, passing a hand into his long mane absently, almost feeling back on his shoulder the warmth of the cheerful cubs... "But I had a smile from an ear to the other. And then, finally, after another short period of darkness, I met Athena and Joy and assaulted Kendrew and begun my walk to redemption thank to those two angels." He watched down at her with a smile, kissing her cheek gently. "And especially thank to you, my glimpse of Heaven here on Earth." He paused and sighed, closing his eyes. "Seven years... seven years that caused more deaths than the ancient global wars. Entire towns that exist no more because of me..." He made a face, pained and disgusted of himself at one time. "Rapidly reassuming, this is what I did in those years that the world knows as the ‘Seven Years of the Fury'. The crimes that stain my soul... The blood that I will never manage to wash away from myself..."

Alexis kissed him for a long moment, working and biting with her maws as she groaned with passion and love, hugging him with surprising strength. "I'm proud of you..." She shifted again all over his lap, feeling his mighty cock again against her centre with a hungry groan, feeling easily that he too was still ready... He blinked, looking at her strangely, and she smiled, rubbing a hand in her own golden hair as she coughed a bit. "Well, try to understand my words, don't you look at me like that." She said gently. "I'm proud for the power you have... I'm proud for the good you did... And I'm proud for the fact that you managed to share these memories with me, despite how hard they have to hurt..." She kissed his throat as he squeezed her closer, and the blond femme fatale lovingly pecked all the way up to his muzzle, until her lips met his own for a hungry, passionate kiss...

And long after that, after long battling and wrestling their tongues inside each other's mouth, she pulled back from the kiss to stare at his eyes, who were grinning with a bit of dark amusement. "You are horrible, love..." She playfully stated, pushing a bit against his powerful chest, reading in his mind the suspect. "Don't I know it...?" Killer countered amusedly, nuzzling her teasingly... and she finally had to nod and admit his suspect was correct. "Yeah, yeah. You got me damn hot with all those rapes." She grinned, darkness burning in her eyes as well... "I'm not much of an angel myself, my love... And I cannot stay indifferent when I figure in my head you going so forcefully over a poor pussy. I'm not better than you... There's so much darkness inside me as well. We are both definitely destined to Hell, lover." She paused, then her grin grew wider as he shook his head softly, grinning despite himself. "But that's another day's problem... Can we have our little fun, now, awesome...?" She finally asked with throaty, seductive voice.

"Gods... I was afraid you were going to never ask for it again." He answered with a wide grin. She turned towards him with a hungry murr, reaching immediately for his belt and undoing his fly rapidly, lowering his pants and his strained black boxer as her eyes caught in the glorious sight of his enormous scepter, irises burning with flames of passion, lust and desire. She couldn't help but admit that hear of his past rapes had turned her on all the more... and she couldn't wait to see his powerful black scepter and have it in her hands.

As she undressed him and his cock come free, she immediately grasped it, bending down with a purr to kiss the rounded head as it begun immediately to rise to its full glory of six feet, big veins evidently pumping blood and blood into it as she stroked it with both hands, lovingly teasing it as it grew to his full potential.

"Just a quickie, darling... I'm sure the enemy stopped his advanced just to have some time to reorganize its armored forces and create a perimeter of defense around the airport. They will charge forwards again at any moment..." He said before release a hot breath as she increased the rhythm of her pumping from the glistening, massive head to its thick base, slamming her fist against his balls almost with violence, exciting him all the more as he begun to thrust lightly with his hips, pushing back and forth into her hands.

The feeling was strong after all the desire contained with difficulties during the last hours, for both the two lovers. He felt dizzy and light headed as she continued to stroke his powerful cock harder, faster, more furiously. She was panting heavily with lust, licking her lips as she stared with rapture to his member as it towered in front of her, enormous and throbbing with power, some pearl of sweat glinting on her forehead.

"Gods, Killer, it is huge, fucking huge... I will never get used to this glorious sight. " panted Alexis before kiss lightly again on his cockhead, her tongue exploring hungrily his cum slit to taste his thick, dense pre with a murr of delight. "It had to be so... I can't neither find the world, for that lupine. Apart from the entire question of sins, lover, I'm dying to see you do again something like that. Not to kill, maybe... but I'd love to see you fuck such a small, tiny pussy that hard."

Killer laughed, even if the reawakened memory once again stung him a bit... "I will fuck Serene in front of you when we return home, ok? She is taller and bigger and stronger than the lupine... but I'm also bigger and taller and stronger myself, now. It will work fine enough."

She purred with pleasure, eyes closed for a moment in anticipation as she began to stroke it, her hands making long and slow, loving caressed on his gigantic shaft, focusing on taking full strokes from his cock's impossibly thick base to its bulging, pulsating head, liking her way up his domineering cum channel towards his enormous tip.

Alexis reached the top of the huge spear of black flesh and traveled with her tongue over it in slow, long circles as she looked at it with deep desire. Then he growled in lust as she finally opened her jaws wide and took the head of his big cock in her mouth and began to suck it really hard as she knew how to. As he looked down with hard breaths of pleasure, she moved the head from one side of her mouth to the other, each time causing her cheek to bulge obscenely from the side of her already swollen, crammed face. He thought for a moment with a grin of satisfaction that it was really so big even for her as she appeared to be struggling with its immense size.

She looked up at the giant male with puppy eyes, happy and gleaming with lust, her passionate, wanting gaze telling that she loved suck his cock, that she wanted to be his cocksucking slut forever, that he had the strongest and biggest cock of all as her hand underlined her statement by slowly, firmly stroking his immense pillar of flesh. Her beautiful sapphire eyes were slightly glazed over and her cheeks bulged obscenely as she slurped on his meat, but she continued to suck the black fleshed scepter as hard and skillfully she could as Killer shivered in burning hot pleasure.

She drove him further forwards on the road of ecstasy before slowly and noisily, wetly withdrawing the two feet or so of his enormous spear of meat that she had slurped down into her throat out of her mouth... She greedily suckled for the whole long, slow time of the backstroke, making him hold his breath in delight, releasing a hot pant only when his goliath penis come free out of her sealed lips, pulling them open with a loud, noisy pop, her hands never leaving their work on his shaft even as it bounced back to a stiff, towering position from when it had been bent downwards a bit to be sucked. More than two feet of shaft were now shiny with mixed pre and drool, and several thick ropes of the moisture still connected the gargantuan shaft to the depths of Alexis's throat she looked up at him with a grin, eyes gleaming in delight and teasing desire as she hungrily licked her lips and slurped into her mouth as much of the mix of juices as possible.

"Please, stand up and turn around, lover... I want to try a little game with your ultimate cock, Master..." She meowed meekly as she trailed his massive penis all over her face, spreading her own drool and his potent pre all over her features as she grinned in anticipation. He released an amused snort and then stood up in all his imposing height as she suddenly stood behind him and reached around his thick waist to again grab immediately his mighty black tower of flesh. Hugging him tightly, she pushed her thighs against his legs, around his own, pushing into him eagerly, pressing into him so tight, almost as they were one only reality, and soon she began to jerk him off furiously from behind, pressing her wonderful body into his broad, muscular back and leaning her muzzle on his shoulder, kissing and liking at his cheek.

"I want to try out for a time how it is being the one with the scepter, here..." Alexis whispered teasingly and sensually into his ear, grinding her hips into his back like she was fucking him as she continued to stroke the enormous cock furiously. Killer grunted amusedly... the feeling was sensational, he had to admit that.

He could feel Alexis's hot breath on his cool back as her long fingers were dragged along his sensitive, oversized shaft. Then he groaned with lust as he felt Alexis's tongue run up from the small of his back, up and up along his spine, sending shivers of lust through all of his powerful body until she was on her tip toes, biting and sucking playfully the back of his wide, muscular neck, turning slowly to lick his muzzle and share another long kiss as he turned backwards a bit, placing a hand on her head and the other resting on his hip. Alexis stroked his powerful cock even stronger, breathing hard and moaning passionate obscenities as she experienced the feeling of a shaft so thick that you cannot wrap around it neither using both hands and so long that your eyes are just above the level of the bulging tip as her other hand reached between his legs and grabbed his huge balls and squeezed hard, beginning to work and worship those incredible cum-makers, experiencing the amazing sizes and the weight from another point of view.

"Hey, big stud... I've got an idea. How about do it in front of that mirror so you can see yourself doing this, huh...?" She asked playfully, grinning with a hungry lick of her lips. "So I can have a better sight of that weapon of yours, too..."

"Oh, Alexis... I like so much the way you think..." He murred back, making her grin as she whispered in his ear. "And don't I know it...?" She guided him decidedly a few feet on their side until they faced the mirror on the wall... and then both looked to the show, excited and amazed. There he was, standing feet spread wide to keep his balance, his colossal black cock throbbing long and hard, extended to its full 6 feet plus length, throwing a threatening, scary shadow over his muscular abdomen. Alexis was hugging him tightly from behind, her feet outside his own and her hot sex gyrating and pumping into his back with amazing effects despite the full combat vest she had on. Both her hands were rapidly and furiously pounding his humongous length of steely hard meat, thick ropes and drops of pre flying everywhere around them as she moaned loudly with lust, their tails dancing in the background.

"Hey, Alexis... you are not pretending that this cock is yours, are you...?" He asked with amusement, his voice teasing as he leaned his hands down over his hips and squeezed her arms lovingly as she embraced his thick waist to reach forwards for his gigantic shaft.

"Fuck yeah! I've always wondered what it must be like to have a cock and especially a nice big, huge one like yours. God, it feels sooooo powerful, soooo hard... it is so huge... Ooooh, look at me with this enormous fucking scepter of sex! Isn't it sexy...?" Panted Alexis with another little, loud groan of lust, grinning in amusement and pleasure alike.

Killer growled in deep pleasure and lust... that was something new. His beautiful wife using his potent penis as if it was her own. He brought back his hands and worked her beautiful buttocks hungrily, pulling her even closer into his back as he arched his spine against her, grinning at the feeling of her huge, wonderful breasts scratching into his back lightly.

"Tell me, darling... how does it feel, how does it feel to have a massive, powerful cock this huge?" He asked teasingly.

"Ohhh Killer, it feels so good, so fucking good!" She replied with hoarse, sensual voice as her eyes transfixed remained always on the mirror.

"So darling... what would you do with a cock like this, if it was yours?" He teased her again as his hands caressed and squeezed all over her perfect buttock and thighs, easily lifting her a bit from the ground.

"Lover. Listen to me, now. I would fuck hot babes so hard. I'd be the biggest fucking stud alive. I'd make girls beg to be fucked by it and then I would fuck them sooo good, sooo hard...!" She replied as her hands worked even faster.

"What I do usually whit it, in a few words." He answered with an amused laugh. "Hey Alexis, do you want to cum? Do you want your big bulging cock to explode and blow a massive load of hot cum? How bad do you want to cum, darling?" He asked.

" I want to cum, I want to cum now, I need to cum so hard... to shoot one of those huge cannon's blasts of yours and paint of white this room, you enormous stud." She growled with deep sexual lust.

"Well then... you'll need something more than this, baby. You got stronger and faster strokes... stroke it faster than that, darling. Give it some really hard strokes, powerful strokes." He directed Alexis as his hands immediately went to his shaft as well, feeling his orgasm rise... a giant one, hot and powerful.

She responded by going into overdrive, pushing all her strength into the work. Not only did she stroke faster, but she undid her pants and lowered her panties. Then she bucked her hips and drove her dripping pussy into his back, letting him feel how wet she was. How she was cumming herself in orgasm even if he hadn't touched her... their four hands worked easily on the endless shaft together, at the bottom of each stroke her fist smashed into his enormous balls, forcing even more cum up his huge cock as he begun to growl with his big-balled, manly voice, seeming to shake all the building with it alone.

And then finally they growled in stereo as he come, thick ropes of dense, sticky cum flying easily across all the room and arching their way up to the ceiling, huge wads of seed splattering over the mirror with enough force to crack it, painting of white nectar the paintings and the dresser as enormous load followed enormous load in a seeming endless climax.

It was only a few minutes later that his orgasm slowly calmed down, heavy and even huger blasts smashing into the wall and covering it in gallons upon gallons of his potent seed as he and Alexis joined forces to take foot-long strokes with all four their hands over his gigantic, throbbing shaft. He fired thick load after thick load, his orgasm seeming to last forever as he painted the room with his seed, Alexis imagining in her mind some of the rapes the huge male had accomplished... And her pleasure doubled, even if turning in part to a dark, cruel lust at the thought of the females that had been drown in his cum, the ones inflated like balloons until their stomachs were busted open by the sheer amount of load... and she saw his cock pierce across a lupine female all the way from her pussy up to literally shatter her head... "My god... you are so powerful..."

After a few long minutes of tempest, his gigantic orgasm slowed down towards an end, the last huge but weak spurts arching their way into the air and then falling down to splatter over his groin, chest and over their four hands, covering their fingers with dense sperm until it finally ended and they both were left panting in the aftermath, looking with love and amusement one in the eyes of the other.

They looked around slowly... and there was literally cum everywhere, puddling in amazing amounts on the floor, slowly leaking down the walls and the mirror, white seed even raining down from the ceiling, and cum covering even the horrible paintings. Slowly also Alexis recovered from the experience, blinking a few times and then looking up to the male with a wide, amused grin, her hands still working reverently to please the mighty cock that was still full erected in all its glory like a tower of flesh, like a divinity hungry for her devotion and her submission.

"Wow, it was amazing, lover... You know... I really felt like that monster cock of yours belonged to me for a while, there. It really worked." She gasped, still disbelieving. Then she slowly reached for his muzzle and softly kissed him. "Thank you, lion... you are so powerful, that every time you look and feel even stronger than the last..."

"Thank you, darling... it was all your merit." He said gently before kissing her back, and then he released a murr of pleasure as she hungrily licked and slurped away from his cock and powerful abs his cum, loud sounds of delight escaping from her working muzzle... and then she slowly and eagerly licked her hands and sucked the cum from every finger with a teasing look over him all the time... and he only laughed, stretching out his hands for her. Alexis wanted nothing else than that... and gladly licked clean his large hands, slurping greedily on the ambrosia that was offered her.

"I have to pay my debt of an orgasm there, darling... you want a rapid sixty-nine right here and right now to end in draw?" He asked teasingly as he stroked powerfully his mighty cock in front of her, powerful, throbbing, full of enough semen to drown a leviathan and ready to go again, and again, and again....

"You owe nothing to me... instead, you are the one that has the advantage in the list of orgasms given..." She laughed softly, tracing her hand from his waist to his shoulders, her fingers caressing once more his powerful body before pushing him gently down on the floor. "But I was dying for the wish to hear that proposal from you..."