A Brood Dragoness and Her Mate [Part 2]

Story by TimidTabby on SoFurry

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#2 of Brood Dragoness Story

Continuing from the last part, we get a glimpse of the past events that led Trevor to his predicament transforming into a dragon. While some questions are left unanswered, the outcome becomes more welcoming to the confused Trevor as bizarre temptation sets in and plans to corrupt his body and mind.

INTERSPECIES SEX!!! << I came out and said it. That's what I feel most of this chapter is...though the actual sex doesn't come until Trevor starts to get scaly.

Part 3 will be coming soon, and will most likely be the last. Focusing on a brief moment of Trevor's attempt to escape again, and then the eventual submission of accepting his new place and role. As for getting more illustrations up??? ...one can only hope >>

Hope you enjoy so far (and this is technically still a rough draft until I really proofread the hell out of this, so I'm aware of possible mistakes)

Delightful curiosity stirred Trevor out of his mid-slumber, his lips curled into a grin letting out a soft moan as he melted in bliss under the strange but welcoming caress of something warm and moist wrapping around his limp loins, gradually standing on end as the mysterious wet groping form massaged his erection. Lingering memories of an intoxicating carnal dream attached to his conscious, believing he was still being pampered and pleasured by the harem of exotic women tending to his sexual tension, imagining in his mind one such beauty taking it upon her to satisfy her master's needs orally.

"Mmmm...don't be shy, baby. Take as much as you like," Trevor moaned, reaching out with one hand and gently hugging the back of the beauty's head pulling her closer. His offer was answered in kind as he felt the lips and teeth of the woman kissing his woken phallus, the wetness of her tongue having engaged in this oral act tenderly exploring the girth and length of his shaft before he felt his member become enclosed in the beauty's mouth.

"Oh, yes," Trevor gasped, licking his dry lips as he stretched back and gave a soft thrust into the beauty's mouth, his pelvis instinctively rocking in turn to help increase the stimulation. Both hands now held the back of the woman's head making sure she didn't try to remove herself too soon and stop, rubbing her skin adoringly to ease any possible hesitation.

"Damn," Trevor groaned, sensing a slight ting of discomfort from the beauty's oral play, "You're so wild, baby. Be careful; I think you're biting into my skin." The pleasure of the moment dulled the discomfort, but Trevor began to notice how sharp his concubine's teeth appeared to be as she grew ravenous and rough. Her tongue, which he realized felt longer and thin at the tip, lashed and tangled within her mouth as it pressed and squeezed tightly like a coiling snake.

Despite the coming rapture approaching, Trevor's mind began to take more notice at the unusual texture of his beauty's skin, the pale silky body he imagined feeling much more rough and scaly to his touch, almost as if he was caressing a giant lizard. But it was the additional features sprouted from her head that finally broke the spell of his erotic dream, his groping hands reaching around his beauty's face and ears to find the hard protrusions of horns and rigid hide.

_What the..._Trevor thought as his eyes sought the outside world, discovering he was not under the protection of his tent as he remembered turning in for the night. A ceiling of hard rock illuminated by a faint glow from an unknown orange light source replaced his nylon and woodland shelter, bedrock of this mysterious cave dwelling his bed and pillow.

Where the heck am...

Trevor's thoughts subsided as he let out spurts of pleasurable moans, feeling his orgasm surfacing as the wild caress of his unknown lover suckled and milked harder and harder. He grasped at anything he could hold onto digging his nails into soft dirt as his loins pulsated with the release of his potency, rope after rope gushing from his sensitive member. The unknown lover continued to milk his seed as it swallowed and licked his cock clean, letting out an elated monstrous purr.

Trevor froze, eyes widened in panic as the reality of his predicament became more frightening as he peered over his chest and discovered what 'beauty' had tended to his sexual needs. It was hard to believe what he was seeing, hoping that he was still trapped in his dream having turned into a nightmare. His oral pleasing beauty had shifted into a terrifying reptilian creature, its long beak-like lizard muzzle licking what cum drooled from its maw appearing to be smiling jubilantly. The monsters massive forepaws hugged Trevor's thighs, Ebony talons from its digits tapping and raking his fragile skin intimately leaving scratch marks from its grip. Its scaly hide glistened in dark purple tones, rigid and prickly providing toughness that could easily defend against a sword or a gun; its underbelly much more tender and soft coated in a yellowish tint. Its wings fluttered as it stretched its massive body cackling joyfully; its long lizard tail curling and flailing behind expressing its delight.

You've got to be kidding me...a Dragon? A real Dragon?

Trevor was astounded at what he was seeing, in disbelief that he was face to face with a real mythical creature of legend. He couldn't help but admire it's appearance as he watched the creature rise up on its reptilian paws and stretch one more, extending its neck and unfurling its majestic bat-like wings roaring softly in satisfaction. It was, unmistakably, quite beautiful. But as it continue to tend to itself, intense fear returned to Trevor as he frantically tried to understand why he had been brought here to this monster's den, and if the dragon had any plans to satisfy another appetite.

Oh god; it's going to eat me. Why is this happening? How...wait. What did just happen?

A new bother fueled new questions as Trevor looked over himself and to his exhausted loins. Less pressing was the fact that his clothes had been undone and removed for whatever reason leaving him naked; Trevor was rather confused to the dragon's intentions. Why had it stolen him away to its den to sex him up? What was the point?

Is this...is it a girl dragon?

Though the question felt it should be moot to his situation, Trevor had become fixated on the creature's gender scanning the mythical beauty with his curious eyes. There appeared to be trademarks of a feminine quality to this dragon; its body mass slightly smaller and slender than what he believed a male's would be. Its draconic face bared little masculinity, and even its coos and growls had in feminine tone. Trevor was stunned by his observations, marveling at the true beauty of such an elegant feminine draconic creature. It...she was beautiful.

Such a lovely mate. Trevor's eyes widened in a double-take as he shook his head and rubbed his forehead. What was that? Did I say mate? What's wrong with me?

In the midst of his confused contemplation, Trevor was startled finding that the purple hide dragoness had returned to his side, gazing over him with curious amour. He pressed back against the hard boulder the dragoness had provided for him to rest upon, quivering nervously as he waited for the next move to come from the beast. There was still a hint of fear that his usefulness had been up, the dragoness considering the timid human as her next meal.

Shit; I am gonna die. This can't end like this.

Sweat formed over his skin, thicker droplets trailing down the side of his temple and cheeks. The dragoness leaned closer with its snout hovering merely an inch from his skin, feeling its hot breath matte his face as it sniffed his scent. Trevor prepared for the rest as the dragoness tongue carefully lapped up the droplets, his tension decreased as she rubbed the side of its beak-like muzzle against his neck, purring like a cat.

"You...you like me?" Trevor muttered sheepishly, uncertain if anything he says would promote a violent life-ending action from the reptilian monster. But the dragoness only answered his question with a alluring gaze and a human-like intimate smile, somehow her expression assure Trevor that she had no intention of doing him any harm.

I don't believe it Trevor thought astonishingly as he summoned the courage to wrap his hands around the length of the dragoness's long neck. The creature moved its head pressing against his chest as it crept closer, laying her forearms over Trevor's lap as it lay down comfortably next to him, its slithering tail coiling over his ankles. Trevor began to realize his earlier observation of its size was somewhat obscured, the dragoness only being as large as a horse instead of the towering behemoth he once imagined.

"I must be dreaming," Trevor spoke more confidently as his hands delightfully stroke the dragoness's scaly hide, getting use to the reptilian skin rather quickly. Having the creature resting against his body began to increase a strange desire to explore more of her, mystified by his willingness for his hands to travel down around her petite yet muscular forearms and the base of her tail.

Such an impressive form Trevor's thoughts idly admitted, pulling the dragoness closer to him as the two shared in an awkward yet intimate exchange of cuddling. Such a luscious body...

A thick haze began to cloud Trevor's mind as a familiar arousal began to return to him, stiff with a craving to be touched once more. He felt incapacitated as his body moved and acted on its own; fondling more of the dragoness's scaly flesh as he instinctively began to grind his erection against her chest. The need had become so demanding, and couldn't stop thrusting until something helped relieved the new tension growing in his loins.

Trevor's eyes darted and danced unable to focus on anything but his need until something heavy began to move in front of him. He watched as the dragoness crawled over his stifling form, grasping the boulder with her forepaws while balancing her repositioned body on the haunches of her hind legs, her soft yellowish chest rubbing against his face as her head stretched above purring in content. Her wings fluttered and tail curled back as Trevor felt her body lie back down against his lap, feeling an intense heat searing his trembling cock as the indistinguishable sensation shocked him out of his lethargic demeanor.

Holy...Holy Crap!

Trevor began to understand what the dragoness's true intentions must be as he found himself suddenly linked between him and the creature, his loins sharing the space within the female monster's temple. The dragoness wasted no time in prolonging the session as it rocked its body thrusting herself into his erection, riding steadily as it began to pick up speed.

It wants to have sex! This is...this just...too much!

"Wait, stop!" Trevor groaned, removing his hands from behind the dragon's body attempting to shove the beast off him pushing at her chest. The dragoness sensed the panic occurring with its playmate halting its actions watching Trevor continue to force her off though with little success. She gazed upon her human lover curiously questioning his hesitation to copulate.

Trevor was, at the moment, lost for words as he coward under the concern piercing gaze of the dragoness, its amber pupil-slit eyes spreading goosebumps over this strangely burning skin. Swallowing saliva and his panic he let out a nervous chuckle smiling.

"Don't...don't you think it's too soon?" Trevor asked, straddling the dragoness as a show of intimacy not wanting to anger the perplexed beast. "I mean...I don't know about male dragon's, but male humans take a while for their...you know; their stuff to work again. If we were to mate now I wouldn't be able to give you much more, let alone having the moment last. Plus...it kind of hurts trying to jump back into it again in the same hour."

Trevor's body shook in terror fearing his gambit would not be taken into consideration. But the dragoness seemed to understand his views and carefully removed herself from his loins and lap, dropping back onto all fours next to his legs. Trevor sighed in relief...shortly after making a bold and rash decision to leap to his feet and jump around the boulder making a dash towards the other end of the cave.

I got to get out of here before that thing makes me try to mate again. Dear god; why is this happening to me? Why couldn't I be captured by some insane horny human nymph?

A cool breeze and silver moonlight cascaded at the entrance of the cave, Trevor's salvation in sight. But just as he could see the vestige of trees and grass at the mouth he was knocked down flat upon the cavern's earthly floor, spitting out dusty dirt and pebbles as he staggered back onto his hands and knees. A massive shadow soon whisked past him blocking the solace vision of the woods beyond the cave, fierce amber eyes glaring down upon the meek human as purple hide dragoness gnashed its sharp fangs sounding a soft yet deep and irritable growl.

Dammit; so close Trevor mentally cursed as he coward at the intimidating presence of the draconic beast, the lack of light and his fallen posture rekindling his once frightening assumption of the dragon's massive size towering over him. Infatuated admiration briefly aroused the disturbing attraction Trevor actually felt for the horny monster before coming to his senses, realizing if he was to survive the night he may had to string along the beast as long as he could until a new opportunity to escape her clutches presented itself again. One major problem in delaying the creature's whim was the lack of knowledge or confidence in staling the reprieve; any ploy he could attempt to prevent having to slate her needs could wind Trevor up dead as a door knob, the fear of becoming dinner once more holding weight the longer the dragoness remained ill-tempered.

A weary smile stretched over Trevor's face as he cautiously stood back onto his feet, dusting off the sandy dirt matting his skin chuckling nervously as random excuses and staling-tactics filtered through his muddled mind, keeping a firm unflinching gaze with the dragoness to hide his terror.

"Yo-you're pretty fast for a large lizard, aren't you?" Trevor said, imagining a crowd of booing audience members in an uproar over a bad show. The dragoness herself seemed to take offense to his comment, her maw open wide showcasing her carnivorous teeth as she bellowed a triumphant roar stumbling Trevor back a few paces towards the den of the cave. "I...I mean that as a compliment. It's just so rare to meet a...a stunning and...and elegant...and lithe dragon. And a gorgeous one at that."

The dragoness simply stared at Trevor snorting as its nostrils exhaled a thick puff of hot air, forcing him back into the light of the dragon's den as it started to make its approach. Trevor stammered backward until he came in contact with a familiar boulder, reaching around the massive rock with his trembling hands as if it could offer protection. The dragoness stopped inches in front of him, scanning top to bottom with an impassive glare as Trevor feared he would be getting a close encounter view of the beast's stomach.

That's it; I'm dead.

His eyes had been shut as the dragoness snout grazed over his face, but when the fangs never clamped down on any part of his being he forced his eyes to open, just in time to catch the dragoness muzzle rubbing affectionately under his cheeks and shoulders, hearing a pleasant coo following a curl to its draconic lips; smiling.

Trevor's life was apparently spared, chuckling in relief as he ran a shaky hand over the scaly neck of the dragoness. "Guess you still like me then, huh?" he sheepishly muttered, getting a bit too cozy with caressing the beast's reptilian body as the strange infatuation from earlier reared its ugly head once more. "But; seriously, why do you like me so much? Don't you want to mate with another dra..augh.."

Heated pressure and discomfort mixed between the odd sensual euphoria Trevor experienced rubbing up against the dragoness, grunting and groaning as he broke away from the intimate creature stumbling back into the center stage of the dragoness's den underneath the unidentified glowing orb stationed above. His skin was suddenly on fire as well as his insides twisting and pulling involuntarily by some mysterious force. Everything hurt, yet astonishingly Trevor felt as if he was getting a rush from the sensation, almost secretly craving more.

What is this? Why do I hurt so much...and why is this turning me on? It's like...it's like I want what's happening to happen. But why?

_ _ Struggling to keep his composure; Trevor eventually tumbled to his knees falling forward onto his hands, breathing heavily as the fire burned brighter within making him feel nauseas yet exhilarated at the same time. Trying to speak, even scream, became muffled by gasps and grunts, sounding off deep beastly tones as bone popped, snapped, and lengthened; muscles and mass gaining a unnatural tone from his once frail and less athletic figure.

"What's...happening..." Trevor bellowed in a deeper voice not his own, slipping into aggressive growls as he left his mouth open wide, feeling his teeth becoming loose and popping out of his gums like popcorn. He covered his mouth with one hand as his blood dribbled from the vacated molars, dropping his hand back down on the ground trembling too violently like his body. His eyes stung unable to keep them open as he suddenly let out a sharp and triumphant roar, sounding much more like the dragoness keeping him captive.

My voice! What's wrong with me? Why is my body...

His thoughts collapsed as Trevor was bombarded with nothing but adrenaline and pain, feeling his bones cracking much more violently from within. His spine was the first to lengthen, feeling the vertebra pushing up against his skin as the end, his coccyx pushed out stretching new skin as it grew slowly behind thrashing about almost coming to life. His hands and feet pulsated and throbbed madly as his human digits became warped and lanky, short thick ebony claws jutting from his fingernails; talon like claws from his toes, shaping into similar extremities like the dragoness with a brownish hue of rough spiny scales enveloping the skin.

No...this can't be...I'm...

Another urge to roar fiercely bellowed from his open maw, feeling his face explode from a buildup of unbearable pressure, feeling a strange sense of relief as his nose and mouth meshed and squirmed to protrude outward forming a small inhuman muzzle; new sharper carnivorous teeth and fangs settling in. The reprieve extended to the rest of his being as the fiery heat and the contortion of his body began to ebb leaving Trevor almost exhausted.

"Shit," Trevor exclaimed deeply, his voice still altered in a beastly tone. He took this moment to stretch out his weary sore body, remaining on all fours flexing his legs one by one, stretching out his neck last. Leftover cracks and pops of bone sounded scaring Trevor that the frightening transformation was about to start up again, relaxing as nothing more changed. However; as he looked back over himself, Trevor began to realize how far the changes had gone.

Half of his body; his skin, had become scaly and rigid like the dragoness hide, only his scales took a chocolate brown tone compared the dark purple hide. The reptilian tail he had felt growing behind him had lengthen much longer than he expected, nearly a full size and girth coiling and curling behind having trouble expressing the multitude of emotions Trevor was feeling. His shoulder blades felt very raw finding two large mounds formed behind his back, getting a good visual idea of what was going to grow from there when the changes continued.

Holy... Trevor nervously thought, bringing one of his draconic changed hands (or forepaws) over his face feeling the impression of his short fleshy muzzle and beastly nostrils; combing back his hair to feel the points formed over scaly ears, and points of curved bones protruding from top of his forehead aligned with his brow.

"Oh my ga..." Trevor cried, leaping back against the familiar boulder back on the tips of his draconic toes, panic raising as he darted his eyes over and over again over the bodily changes he had underwent. His examining eyes finally locked on another part of his anatomy that had changed incredibly, astounded at what he was seeing.

Amidst the monstrous changes; Trevor's manhood was no longer his own. A larger phallus had replaced his timid average size; his sac existed but only felt inside his lower region as his loins now was concealed between a slit-like sheath when not erect. Aroused; however, Trevor marveled in mixed emotions over the rigid blackened form of his member, indeed a more proud shape for what a male dragon would be born with. Stroking the rigid shaft with one claw hand Trevor felt an odd satisfaction, accepting the new shape and generously rubbing more and more rekindling his arousal.

This isn't quite so bad. It actually feels...good. This pleasure...it feels right.

Trevor's mind slowly reverted back into the thick fog of lust that had claimed him earlier, letting out animalistic coos and grunts as his reptilian hand began to pump faster and harder, working to increase the plateau of his arousal as soon as possible. His grunts shifted to agitated snarls and cackles, feeling his climax approaching; the intensity of his growing sexual gratification stifling.

His busy hand was halted as the purple dragoness gently enclosed her maw over his arm, prying it away as she stepped back into his full view. Trevor's thoughts had grown primal, mildly annoyed that someone had stopped him amid his personal needs for gratification; snarling at the dragoness. His frustration faded as he seemed more aware of what was standing in front of him, and what the dragoness sultry smile offered.


Glimmering bright eyes shined intensely between the two, Trevor slowly beginning to feel the intimate attraction he once had before and slowly embracing the dragoness's amorous offers. The dragoness leaned forward and again nuzzled affectionately against Trevor's chest, cooing and purring as Trevor himself began to willingly return her gestures. Without warning, he began to kiss the dragoness's neck; licking between her ears and horns, caressing as much as his hands could grope.

Can't...can't stand it. Need to...need to...

Concentrating his loving shower of affection over the back of her long neck, Trevor was caught off guard as he felt the dragoness forked tongue and fangs suckling his draconic erection, screeching in his inhuman voice in ecstasy. Before Trevor had not been aware of what creature orally pleased him, taken back to discover this reptilian beast slating his slumbering arousal. But now, even with Trevor fully aware of his actions and of the scene taking place; he was not terrified or disgusted. Instead; his clawed hands groped the back of the dragoness's head, thrusting his pelvis so his manhood could be devoured more within her maw helping his concubine increase his carnal experience.

Yes Trevor hissed in his mind, licking dry lips and biting down on his fangs as he began to feel the pleasure surpassing the plateau.

A purr-like cackle began to bellow from his maw before the dragoness pulled away from his loins and looked up to her excited mate. Trevor, annoyed, looked at her in confusion as she backed away carefully. She then began to lie on the sandy floor, wings spread out behind and resting upon her back. Her forepaws tucked in against her chest as she looked back to the curious human-dragon hybrid watching. She smiled and cooed, spreading her thighs as best as she could; her tail curled between them as the tip coiled and waved, gesturing the gawking male to come to her.

She...she wants to mate.

Every fiber in Trevor's being was ready to succumb to the beast's desires, his draconic loins aching to spill his molten seed into the dragoness's womb and extend their species. He wanted to mate many times so his dragoness could bare many eggs, so dragons could have a chance at life once more. When Trevor began to realize what he was thinking a part of him froze, in turn his sanity was reviving.

Wait...what am I doing? I'm not a dragon...at least I don't want to be one. And this is still...right...WRONG! I need to try and get out of here again. But how to slip past this thing again. She's pretty fast and...

Trevor's thoughts slipped as he suddenly felt the earth below him vanish for a moment, meeting it again with a thud. Shaking off the mild pain in his chest and lower jaw he soon felt his ankles being pulled by the forepaws of the dragoness, tossed into the air as if a mixture in a salad, caught in midair by the beast's tail. He hung like this as he looked over the exposed underbelly of the dragoness, seeing the undying passion in her glowing eyes and smile before he was brought down gently between her legs. Trevor trembled as he stood over the creature's lap and belly, trembling both because there seemed to be no way around doing the nasty deed without possibly dying...and from the morbid realization that he was embracing the temptation.

"This really isn't the first thing I wanted to cross off my 'bizarre and odd sexual partners'" Trevor attempted to joke, smiling nervously. The dragoness seemed to like the joke this time, her smile wider as she glared lovingly at him, feeling her hips press against his draconic phallus. Trevor wanted so much to wake up from this nightmare, if not to escape and leave these woods and hoped his deformed appearance would wear off the farther he was away from this monster.

I guess I really have no choice. Jesus; what are my parent's going to think if they ever...found...out...

A powerful intoxicating smell stole Trevor's thoughts as his immature muzzle flared and snorted, sniffing out the source of the scent that brought back his animal desires. He didn't have to search far as his snout wafted over the swollen glistening lips of the dragoness's sex, it's alluring smell and throbbing heat screaming for attention as much as her coos and soft screeches did. The smell of her sex was so inviting; Trevor couldn't ignore his beastly desires much longer as his tongue grazed the sensitive smooth and scaly slit of her sex. The dragoness purred like a cat as her body squirmed and stretched, letting out a cackling wail as her mate let loose his primal side bathing her outer lips without missing a beat, changing up to exploring the walls leading to her temple shortly after.

Delicious Trevor growled in mind, lost within the sea of animal lust drowning his sensibility and fears. His arousing distraction lasted long enough before the dragoness cried once more demanding Trevor to ride her to his content, confident that his loins regained some time before his well would burst. He wanted their mating to last for a while, eager than he was before as he crawled further up the dragoness belly making his claim, inserting his throbbing phallus deep with a heavy thrust.

Oh god...this is great! Trevor exclaimed once more in thought; roaring triumphantly with the dragoness as they both cried out in bliss. What hesitation lingered before burned away from the lustful flames strengthening in his heart and soul, the aversion and shame of fornicating with the dragoness replaced with confidence and pride, thrusting deeper and harder as the minute passed.

The fire...so hot...want to burn brightly.

_ _ Trevor's claws raked at the soft chest of the purple dragoness, feeling the contours of what might have been human breasts for a female beast as his reptilian fingers grasped tight, helping steady his rocking posture as he rode his mate. The forepaws of the slender creature rested gently along Trevor's side expressing a tender personality he would have once thought impractical for an animal (or monster). Yet mixed with the sheer euphoria glowing from the dragoness's smiling maw and awestruck eyes, Trevor welcomed the beautiful creature's longing touch eagerly, overjoyed that his mate mimicked the same emotions of mutual pleasure as he did.

Yes! Trevor's mind hissed; his wide smile devious and inhuman. Make dragoness roar. Share pleasure. Pass my seed to her and bare many hatchlings. Make her happy and proud!

Trevor's began to arch back, his head lifted high snarling as several sensations coursed throughout his body as he neared the climax. Pleasure, pain, panic, pride; all these emotions wrapped into one making it difficult for him to concentrate on just one thing. He was losing control over his body contorting and trembling as the fire raged on burning at his skin and back. The flames felt as it began to expand away from his back and shoulders, sensing the fire burn over phantom limbs that were once invisible. These limbs began to move on its own, responding to the medley of sensations Trevor was feeling, bone and flesh stretching; membrane connected in the center of these growths spreading.

_The fire...too much..._Trevor's panicked, a fragment of his rational consciousness surfacing as the pain exceeded the pleasure of his copulation, struggling to remain conscious fearing passing out would mean death. Perhaps sensing this; the dragoness tail began to coil and reach around Trevor's, sensually rubbing against the sensitive tenderness underneath. This unique caressing of their tails added to his already enhanced arousal, the dragoness's method of refocusing their carnal pleasure succeeding.

My mate.

Trevor's chaotic conflictions within his mind once more were clouded by nothing but his need to satisfy himself and the dragoness, regaining his strength and stamina as his thrusts became wild and savage, seeking to slate his tension now and fill his mate. The phantom growths unfurled in response, fully grown (if not slightly smaller) draconic wings displayed for the dragoness to see. His skin boiled over unaffected human flesh slowly becoming as scaly and rigid as the rest of his brown hide, but the pain and discomfort were fleeting next to his surpassed climax.

My love...

The cave erupted with roars of ecstasy as the mating couple cried in bliss, achieving a rare accomplishment of synced orgasm. Their bodies locked in tension, molten cum seeped between their joined sexes spilling between the dragoness's thighs. Trevor's eyes remained shut as he gave several more thrusts, milking every last rope of his seed into the beast's womb for any last rapturous sensation.

"So...good..." Trevor spoke over the heated grunts and coos, purring in his deep animalistic voice as he slumped over the dragoness's belly, unwilling to part. His wings fluttered and tail curled with a twitch as effects from the afterglow of their copulation began to take hold, his clawed hands hugging the dragoness's sides as he nuzzled against her chest cooing. He was elated to feel his mate return his affection, her beak-like maw reaching forward to nuzzle Trevor's scaly cheeks and lick his short snout.

_Why was I afraid..._he thought, undeniably happy in his current position as the exhaustion from mating started to take hold, his eyes drooping to a close as he rested comfortably on top the intimate dragoness, seemingly unaware of the progression of his transformation and the fate that had been sealed.