
Story by Shinji_Hiroku on SoFurry

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You might recognize that thumbnail as the icon from my commission account. Well that's because she's the feature today. Congratulations, you win a cookie. You may also notice that this is the second of my stories (which are in totally different universes) that have prostitutes as the main character. Purely coincidental. I actually made this character before I even conceived Woe.

(M) Human x (F) Cow/Tauren

May contain prostitution and titfucking. Enjoy the fairly vanilla fap fodder if you're into that sort of thing.

Another day another dollar. Lord only knows who my client is this time. Guess I'll know soon enough. Better to relax and enjoy the walk than waste brainpower stressing over it.

It was pretty late, some time past two in the morning. Provided I'm smart about it, that's usually the safest time for me to operate. Quiet streets, dark alleys, plenty of places to hide, and a minimal amount of people to come in contact with. It was my favorite time to unwind, but more often than not, I just use it for mental preparation. My job can be quite...taxing sometimes.

My phone's GPS led me to the address without much trouble. Wanting to get things over with, I didn't hesitate to knock on the door of the, I will admit, fairly nice-looking house. An attractive coat of blue paint, white Pickett fence, somewhat kempt grass. My clientele usually had something a bit more ritzy, but I offer my services to the average Joe as well. That is if he can pay.

I heard some laughs and unintelligible conversation before the door was opened a crack. A long, exaggerated, "Damn," was all the young man said before opening the door all the way. Almost immediately his several friends, or whoever they were, all peeked their heads into the doorway and had similar reactions. I pride myself on my clean looks, so I was used to that sort of thing.

"Wait, guys is he into this kind of kind of...girl?" One of the men asked.

The man in the doorway smiled. "Trust me. He's gonna love it."

"I'm gonna have to charge extra if it's all of you," I calmly told them.

"U-uh, no," the man in the doorway finally managed to say. "Just one. You see, our friend-"

"Which one of you is it?" I came off a bit rude, but they were big boys, they could handle it.

"Not any of these guys. He's waiting in the bedroom back there. Be gentle with him, alright? It's his first time." he simultaneously chuckled as he whispered.

One of 'these,' then. At least I knew what I was dealing with.

Gently I pushed the man to the side and made my way forward. Down the brightly lit hallway and around the corner there was an open door. It was dimly lit. There was only an orange glow that shone from the corner of the room. I walked in and locked the door behind me. The man inside, even younger-looking than the others, jumped at the sound. He was sitting on the side of the bed and facing the wall as I entered. He looked particularly fidgety.

"G-guys, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. I mean it's a lot money, but I can pay you back. We should call her and tell her-" He froze as he turned around. It was like something out of a bad sitcom, only a little more sad and pathetic.

"You're eighteen, right?" The kid looked so young, I had to ask. What I was doing may have been illegal, but I still have my morals, damn it.

He attempted to talk, but all I could hear were throaty, unintelligible sounds. It was probably because his jaw had dropped and he hadn't bothered to pick it up, but I'm just speculating of course.

I took the opportunity to stuff the keyhole with a napkin from my pocket. I knew these types of guys. This was a pretty textbook occurrence. Guy comes of age. Friends buy him a little 'fun' to commemorate. I'll give him this: He has generous friends. I'm not exactly cheap after all.

"Kid, I asked you a question. Are you eighteen or not?"

After eyeing my body for another few seconds, he finally managed to answer. "J-just turned today."

What did I tell you? That was pretty much all I needed to know. I removed my overcoat and threw it to the side. The kid's jaw dropped even more when he got an unhindered look at my body. I could easily follow his eyes as they traced my curves. He seemed very fixated on my somewhat bulky thighs. I have to say I like his taste.

"Alright, kid, off with the clothes."

He immediately jumped to his feet, his hands outstretched. "Hold on a minute...I think this was a mistake. Okay I-I kind of agreed to it, but it's illegal and...this is just wrong."

"Really," I chuckled as I began to touch my body. I turned and he couldn't help but watch as I ran my hands up and down my hips and over my sizable ass. "Because you seem pretty interested in me." He tried to force himself to look away as I wiggled my little cow tail in his face.

I turned to face him again. This time I bent forward, letting him stare into the crevice my two gigantic breasts formed. My black corset hugged my body tightly, and only served to cover the bare minimum amount of my torso. It covered my breasts as well, but only up to the nipples. It's pretty imperative in my line of work to show some skin. Though that is only metaphorical in my case, because, you know, fur.

His entire face turned beet-red as teased him. His friends sure knew who to pick for this job. I hadn't seen someone so infatuated since high school. I couldn't help but smile. It was kind of cute.

I took the opportunity to close the gap between us while he was stunned. I finally got a good look at him. Pasty complexion, unkempt blonde hair. Human kid, short little thing. Then again, I border on seven feet tall. I put a lot of men to shame.

He was pinned between me and the bed, so there was nowhere to run.

"So what'll be? Titfuck? BJ? Your friends covered you for anything." He looked away in very obvious embarrassment. "What's the matter? Scared? Don't be. I'm not gonna make fun of you. This is my job, you know."

He bit his lip. Still he wouldn't look at me.

I sighed. "Can't make this easy, can you?"

"I'm sorry..."

Clearly this was going to take some work. Nothing I wasn't used to. I've been in this business for a long time.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and sat him down on bed. He had to shift a bit to make room for his raging erection.

"You do find me attractive, don't you?" I calmly, but bluntly asked him. "Be honest now. Brutally honest."

"You're the hottest woman I've ever met. Those huge hips and...the lips long don't think it's weird or anything? I mean you have the cow face and the fur and the tail and everything, and...I don't."

"Kid, I had a client last week who wanted me to fuck him in the ass with a twelve inch dildo. I don't mind that you like furry ladies. In fact, I think you got pretty good taste in women."

He let out a nervous chuckle. "But aren't you a...a...whore?" He whispered the word 'whore.' It was so cute it's painful. "I thought they were supposed to be dirty and disease-ridden."

"I prefer the term 'call girl.' Cleaner and much more professional, but a lot more expensive. But enough about that. You mentioned something about lips?" I smiled as I wrapped my hand around his waist. "You like my lips? Remember, be honest." My lips were always adorned with a vibrant color, red being my favorite. It's no surprise that he noticed them.

His face immediately turned red again. "Yeah, k-kind of..."

"Then you'd enjoy it if I did this:" I once again brought my hand up to his shoulder. It made sure he couldn't move away as I tenderly pressed my lips against the nape of his neck. His muscles tensed, but ultimately he did nothing to stop me.

I worked my way upwards, using my tongue to tickle him as I went. He shuddered in response to my every touch. I continued until I hit his cheek. Abruptly I turned his face toward mine and locked my lips with his.

This isn't something I'd normally do, but this kid also wasn't one of my normal clients. The rules were a bit different.

His body tensed again. His reflex was to pull away, but with my hand firmly placed on the back of his head, he wasn't going anywhere. It took a bit, but soon enough I felt him begin to relax in my arms. This was totally backwards, but kind of fun.

Once he accepted the fact that he wasn't going anywhere, he actually attempted to return the kiss. It was adorable the way he clenched his eyes as he pushed towards me. His lips puckered, he did his best to mimic my mouth's movements with varying results. It was like trying to dance with a man who has two left feet: awkward, and in much need of correction.

"Hold it," I told him as I pulled away. "You're trying too hard." I shifted positions so that I was sitting on his lap, a much more comfortable 'teaching' position. "It's easy. Just relax your lips. It'll come to you."

Once again I inched closer and pressed my mouth to his. I gently sucked at his lips and in return he did the same. I stared into his eyes the entire time. I would never get over the infatuated look on his face. He was mesmerized from the time our lips touched until the time I pulled away. He thankfully hadn't noticed that I was pushing him backwards. I was soon straddling his hips, probably for the best. I had the most control from this position.

"So how was that?" I asked innocently. "Not as scary as you thought?" I took his incoherent mumbling and heavy blushing as a, 'no, not really.'

"Good, because it gets much better from here." I assumed I had gotten him over his fears, but that was some wishful thinking right there. I went to lift his shirt only to have him resist yet again. Needless to say, I was a little frustrated. The temptation to just rip his clothes off and get it over with were great, but I didn't want to traumatize the kid, not yet anyway. After a sharp exhale, I sucked it up and decided to try again.

"So tell me, kid, what do you like best on a woman?" As I expected, he was hesitant to answer. "Come on. You can tell me. I know how to keep a secret." I realize now that pinning him underneath me while asking wasn't the smartest way to get my answer, but damn it, I'm impatient.

"I kind of maybe do like um..." Still as hesitant as ever, it took him some time to muster up the courage. "You know...big breasts..."

He trailed off as much as he could, but being so close to his face I still heard it pretty clearly.

"Well why didn't you say so?" I teased. "You never told me you were such a perv."

"Hey, I'm not-" He was forced to cut himself off as I grabbed his hand and forced it upon my breast. Whether mortified or just stunned, the almost terrified look on his face was priceless. Though judging by the bulge butting against my stomach, he would get over it fairly soon.

"What's the matter?" I sheepishly asked him. "You _do_like my breasts, don't you?" As if to force an answer, I began moving his hand up and down. If he liked big tits, he'd love mine. They were bigger than the kid's head.

There was a look of childlike amazement in his eyes as I dragged his palm against the soft fur on top of my breasts. I don't even think he noticed when I loosened my grip and he began moving his hand on his own.

"There you go. They're all yours."

He let out an audible gulp as he worked up enough courage to bring his other hand to the party. He pushed and pulled them, dug his fingers into the soft fat, and mashed them together, blushing as he watched them bounce and jiggle. He'd probably never been so close to a pair in real life. I let him have his fun. The slower the better.

As if asking for permission, he looked up at me when he came to the part of my corset that covered my nipples. My comforting smile was all the answer he needed. With a bit of reluctance, he hooked his finger around the edges and slowly pulled them down, revealing the large, grey areolae beneath.

This time, he didn't look for permission. He once again pressed his hands to my breasts. This time, his fingers found their way around my nipples. Ever-so-gently, he rolled them back and forth and even tugged at them, eliciting an unexpected, "Ooh," from me. He picked up on this and was bold enough to continue.

He pressed his thumbs to the tips and lightly gyrated his fingers. From the ways he moved, I get the distinct impression he'd learned from watching something dirty. I knew this kid was perv, but I wanted to see just how far I could push him.

His fun came to unexpected stop when I suddenly pulled away. "Let's move somewhere a little more comfortable."

I crawled toward the back of the bed and rested myself against the headboard. My arms and legs spread wide open, I invited him to come play. There was, as usual, reluctance in his step, but he was either growing accustomed to me, or he was too horny to be scared anymore. I was fine either way.

He crawled in between my legs and I wrapped my arms around him. I pulled him close, closer than he might normally be comfortable with, but he definitely seemed to enjoy being squeezed in between my massive breasts. He was ready.

I ran my hand up and down his back, and my other found its way down his pants. Being of the stretchy variety, they went down quite easily. The kid didn't help, but he didn't resist either. Only when I hit a bit of a snag, did I notice why they wouldn't go all the way down.

"Holy shit!" I covered my mouth after the accidental blurt. For lack of a better word, the kid was hung. Not that I hadn't seen bigger, but on a kid this size, it was off-putting as hell. The tip, along with a good two and a half inches of it were peeking out of the top of his underwear. It seemed so much smaller underneath his pants. My God, the things I could do with that little monster.

"I-it's not that big, is it?"

"No it's..." I couldn't help but chuckle. "You're gonna make some woman very happy someday. In the meantime though..." I removed his underwear quicker than I probably should have. I'll admit, the size of that thing had me a little excited. "You like my tits, right? Hows about you have a little fun with them?"

To point him in the right direction I tugged his cock a little. I think that, combined with the not-so-subtle sway of my chest made it a bit obvious.

It looked like he tried to hide it, but I think the idea made him a little excited as well. Progress.

Standing on his knees, his crotch was more than high enough to reach where it needed to. He took a deep breath and looked at me one last time to make sure it was okay. After a happy nod, he pressed his thick dick against my tits, which I was more than happy to hold steady for him.

Slowly he pushed forward, bits and pieces of a stifled moan escaping his throat as he did. For a moment, I felt kind of bad for corrupting someone so innocent, but that thought flew out of the window when I saw that throbbing head of his jutting from in between my cleavage.

For a split second, I could see an awkward smile flash across his face. It was soon replaced by a precious little 'O' face as he pulled out. I held my breasts nice and tight, giving him a taut hole to plug. He very much seemed to be enjoying it. He stared down the entire time, almost hypnotized by the sight of my breasts squeezing down on his cock.

His thrusts were long and slow. I could tell he was trying to hold back, as evidenced by the already intense throbbing and occasional jerk of his hips. He grabbed the bed post above my head as he slowly but surely started to speed up. At the end of each thrust, a small amount of pre escaped his tip and slid down between the crack of my breasts.

This might be my favorite part of the job. Watching as his muscles tense, his thrusts become more frantic, his mouth hanging wide open as he reaches his breaking point. His shuddering breath and the sounds of a barely suppressed moan, the obvious signs of an impending orgasm. I only wish I had a free hand to be able to enjoy it more.

He was desperate to hold himself together, but it was clearly a losing battle, something I was grateful for. He slowed down several times in futile attempts to stop the inevitable, but no one could hold it forever, especially not a first-timer like this.

It was amusing watching as he discovered that. He quickly went from slow and steady to vigorous and wild. He thrust his little hips as fast as he could, rushing himself to the big finish. I could only imagine how big his load would be. He had a pair big enough to match that third leg of his. I opened my mouth wide in anticipation, my tongue outstretched and ready for the white gold. My eyes were closed, but I could hear his shuddering moans. God, I'm such a whore, but you know what? I'm okay with that.

Within seconds his cum was showering my face. I winced as a strand splashed my eye, followed by another landing atop my nose. The rest were right on the mark, splattering across my tongue and coating my the insides of my mouth. Not as big as I'd hoped, but the kid wasn't a horse so it was to be expected. That didn't stop me from trying though.

When I felt his flow might be slowing I grabbed him by the base and stroked him for more. It may have been a little excessive, but also reached around and grabbed hold of those tender orbs of his. His knees buckled under the strain of all the physical stimuli, but like the little trooper he was, he stood tall as I gave him the best handjob he'd probably ever have. I managed to squeeze another squirt or two from him.

Once he was done, he collapsed into pile onto my chest. I've been told my breasts make great pillows.

The kid panted as if he had just run a marathon. From the looks of things, he was done for awhile, which was a shame. I could have gone for another or six. Damn was I horny after that. Well, every job has its ups and down.

I let the kid rest for awhile, at least until the panting stopped. Then I was forced to push him to the side and take my leave. His dejected expression almost tugged at my heart strings, almost.

"You're leaving already?"

"Sorry, kid. I can't wait the hour or two it might take you to bounce back," I noted staring at his now flaccid dick. "I got other customers, you know. Feel free to give me a call though. For what your friends paid, I at least owe you one more get-together."

I dawned my overcoat and straightened my hair as he continued to look on in disappointment. "Now don't give me that look. No relationships in this business."

Yeah you feel kind of bad at first, but hearts will be broken. Sometimes it happens. Still, I couldn't help but sigh. I patted him on the back, planted a smooch on his cheek, and left him my number on a slip of paper. By the way he stared at it, he'd call again. I knew I could count on it.