Foxes and Plots 4: A Coons and Theft Tale

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#4 of Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale

Next chapter is here for people who like it. =) Once again, all the characters copyright to me, TiberiusRings. Clip and Jeff are copyright Clipfox and Jeffkun, used with their permission. Please enjoy!


The red fox grinned, apparently Rei had woken up. The rich devious red fox was not in the bedroom when his cousin and the raccoon woke up, nor was he in the living room, the den, and the various other rooms he could usually be found if he was relaxing. No, he had work to do and had, after a shower and a change of clothes, gone to his office to meet with someone important while his guests slept.

The huge double doors to his grand office were thrown open by none other than a furious looking raccoon. Rei was bathed and cleaned, his head fur slightly askew after his shower. Who wouldn't have needed a shower after the night before? The only difference between the Rei from last night and the Rei this morning was the choice of clothing.

Today Rei was dressed in a pair of baggy looking gym shorts and a tank top which looked two sizes too big for him. The hem of the shirt hung low to his hips and the straps sagged down over his pectorals. It was not something he would have normally worn. Mark smirked at Rei as the raccoon marched in, that huge tail striped furiously flicking about behind him.

"CLIP FOX!" the coon snarled in anger as he moved to the desk and slammed the flat of his hands down on the heavy wood. "Where the hell are my clothes?!"

"Ah," Mark said with a bit of a smug smile as he looked Rei over. The red fox leaned back in the plush chair and he smiled more innocently at the young man. "I thought you would like a reminder of last night, so I chose some of my own things for you to wear. Don't you just love how my scent permeates them, mixing with your own?"

"You even took my underwear and replaced it with your own!" the coon snarled, his pointy white teeth bared as he glared to the fox who looked far too amused for his own good.

"Yes, I did. Didn't I? You like the boxer briefs? They're one of my favorite pairs."

"Grrr." Rei was angry. He just huffed. "GIVE ME BACK MY CLOTHES!"

"I may, in good time. You are still my guests and I want you to relax. No sense in getting upset about something you have no control over. Besides, after last night, I would think you could use more relaxing clothes. All you packed were rather...stuffy things." Mark grinned. He was teasing Rei, a private man by nature.

"You went through my things?!" Rei rounded the desk, his hands grabbing the side of the fox's chair as he tried to hold it steady.

"Actually, I didn't. Technically, my personal assistant absconded somewhere with them. He apparently hid them someplace secret. Hmmm..." the red fox pondered, tapping his index finger on the tip of his chin. "I don't know where they could've been stashed away. Anyway, they were just your clothes, Rei-kun. The rest of your stuff you should've noticed is in your closet." Mark beamed widely at the raccoon, then unexpectedly the vulpine's deft hands moved quickly. They shot upwards and snapped something around Rei's neck, with a clinking sound as the titanium ends slipped together followed by the whining of some kind of computerized locking mechanism fastening the ends tight. Rei was wearing a metallic collar around his neck.

Rei yelped and leapt back, tugging futilely on the collar, trying to get a look at it. "What the hell is this?!"

"Come now, a raccoon of your intelligence should recognize that it's a collar, Rei-kun." Mark said with a soft smile, tilting his head to the side as he regarded his handiwork. "You will wear it while you're staying here and enjoying my personal company. I insist."

Rei moved his hands along the metal, finding the almost invisible seam in the metal where the ends met. He rubbed his fingers over them, feeling the way the metal connected with the shaft of the collar, and could not feel a lock or a key hole. His fingers glided along the smooth metal and brushed along the collar completely, his fingers finding a glossy piece of plastic embedded in the metal. He pressed down onto it and heard the high-pitched whining sound of a piece of electronics coming online. There was a vibrating sensation against his fingers, and then a loud beep.

Rei's eyes opened wide as he looked to the gloating, carefree fox sitting there in front of him. He fumed and looked at the man. "You had a collar made with a biometric sensor?!" Rei was angry. He felt more exposed than ever before in his life; he was wearing the clothes of a man he knew had been after him sexually for years, and now he wore a collar with a lock he couldn't pick. He could probably hack it but it would be hard, especially doing it backwards in the reflection of a mirror.

"Rei," Mark said, shaking his head and standing up from the chair. He seemed to ignore the question about the sensor-release collar and motioned to his side. "I want you to meet my mate."

Rei's eyes moved from the smug looking vulpine to the other person in the room he had not noticed when he'd initially barged in. Standing about ten feet from the desk, and playing with a computer that had been hidden within the wall was an otter. The otter stood tall and slender, his body compact in a form that was natural to their species and adept at swimming. The otter turned to face the two, and smiled.

Rei noticed the way the man was dressed; nice polished shoes with black dress slacks. His torso covered by a white dress shirt and a dark blue tie. Over the shirt was a long white lab coat. To top off the scientist look, the otter wore a pair of wire frame glasses on the bridge of his muzzle, showing off chocolate brown eyes that regarded Rei kindly, including a smile that made his gaze warm and comforting.

"Good morning, Mr. Conner," The otter said, moving over and shifting the clipboard to his left hand. "My name is Jeff. I am the head of Mark's electronic engineering department." The otter held his out right hand towards Rei, webbed fingers together as he offered the raccoon a handshake.

Rei, feeling like an idiot for yelling at Mark like that in front of the fox's beloved, smiled a little, his ears folding back a bit in a way that made him feel silly. He took the proffered hand and shook it firmly, thinking back to something Duncan had told him. "Always give a firm handshake, it's how they'll remember you."

"I'd introduce myself, but I'm sure Mark has told you everything about me," Rei smiled. This man was more calming to be around. For some reason, this otter had a gentle nature that relaxed the people around him.

"He has," Jeff said with a smile, looking to the fox at the desk. "I know he can be a pain in the ass." With that, the otter in a moment of playfulness stuck his petal pink tongue out at his mate and then turned back to Rei, smiling again. "And I know he is hardly perfect, but he likes you. He would never do anything to seriously hurt you."

Rei blinked. An advocate for Mark was not something he had been expecting when he came into the office angry, but he nodded some. "I will remember that."

Jeff smiled and walked over to Mark, moving his arm around his waist. The red fox did the same as they embraced for a moment and took a quick kiss. Rei looked away out of politeness, and listened to what they were saying. "I have to get these new designs to R&D, Mark. I'll call you in a few hours."

"I'll be waiting." The fox said with a soft smile and another sweet kiss before his otter slipped out of his arms. Jeff moved across the black granite floor and then left the office, leaving Rei and Mark alone.

"So," Mark said with a big grin which showed a little too much fang, crossing his arms over his chest. "Do you like the collar?"

Rei growled as the sweet sensation of being around someone who struck him as more normal than anyone in his life at the moment was shattered by the comment about the collar. "I find it offensive."

"Do you now?" Mark said, moving over toward Rei. The defiant little raccoon stood there, arms crossed over his chest as he glared at the fox with stern eyes. "I think you love it. You like it when someone tells you what to do, what to think, when and how to have sex."

Rei's cheeks and inner ears burned with surprise, but he shook his head. He did everything he could to keep his tail immobile so it would not betray what he was feeling at the moment, but the vulpine's sharp eyes noticed the slight telltale agitated twitches. "I want it off, now."

"Hmmm. How about 'No'?" the fox said with a playful grin, his hand coming up to touch Rei's bare chest. The muscle tank top was low to begin with, his shirt on Rei's smaller body had the collar of the shirt fall down to the raccoon's mid-pectorals. Mark rubbed the soft fur there and playfully grinned to the 'coon. "You will wear it for the next few days you're here."

"But I don't want to wear it!" Rei grimaced and stepped back. The urge to strike Mark crossed his mind, but knew it would lead to a big fight. The fox had proven to him yesterday he was not a pushover, and neither would leave that fight unscathed. The raccoon also didn't come with any of his tools to help him fight, and he did not want to risk losing nor did he care to find out how effective the fox's army of servants could be. He knew what the price would be if the fox beat him in a simple little fight.

"Yes, you do." Mark said with a smile, leaning his muzzle in and brushing his lips against Rei's. The coon's body tensed up as the the vulpine's baby soft fur brushed along his own more boxy muzzle, the fur on the back of his neck standing on end. He found his body jolt, as if attached to a battery. The next thing he knew, he was leaning into Mark, keeping their muzzles so close together he could almost taste the fox.

Rei's eyes couldn't help but close as he felt one of the vulpine's strong arms curl around his arm. Rei had a thing for buff men. Garrison worked out like Mark, but this fox was taller and his frame had more bulk. Being held, that was something he hadn't ever gotten used to since Duncan had done it so many years ago. He moved his muzzle upwards, tipping it back out and away from Mark in reaction to being held in such a way. He found some bit of self control still in him, and spoke up. "This is wrong..."

"This is wonderful." The tod said as he kissed Rei. It wasn't like the kiss before. The one yesterday had been forceful, cruel, and a display of dominance. This one was filled with a new kind of power that Rei had not been ready to feel. He felt their lips touch, and then, gently, Mark nudged his lips apart with his tongue. Rei felt the tongue slide into his muzzle and not seek out his own tongue like a missile, but like something romantic. Mark moved his wet muscle with practiced skill that showed he knew what he was doing. His tongue caressed and curled around Rei's tongue and holding it gently in its grip, making Rei whimper a bit into the kiss. The raccoon's mouth suckled along the hot muscle in his mouth. Mark's tongue did not stop, it explored the textured roof of Rei's mouth, his sharp teeth, the smoothness of his cheeks. Rei had to be held up slightly as they kissed.

The fox withdrew and smiled, giving Rei's muzzle and cheek a soft lick before he pulled his arms away from the raccoon. "You said you wanted to get down to business?"

Rei was dazed. A bit too dazed. He shook his head clear and just looked down at the floor and back to Mark. The fox had achieved his goal, reminded Rei that no matter what, Mark knew how to entice men and bring them willingly back to his bed. The cloudy haze of erotic bliss was leaving Rei's senses as he nodded, pacing the floor and rubbed his muzzle. "Yes. What exactly do you want me to do?"

The tod sat on the edge of his desk, his hands behind him as he idly watched Rei pace, seeing the raccoon move over to his model of his working underground city. "Have you ever heard of fusion?"

"Of course," Rei said as he stopped at the model, crouching a bit to look at its intricacies. He flicked his tail a bit as he resisted the urge to put his hand inside it. "It's the next step in power production for the planet. Fission is dangerous, Fusion is supposed to have infinite potential. The last I heard, we didn't have any reliable way to sustain, nor contain a fusion reaction."

"True," Mark said as he picked up a pen and began to examine it idly. "As you may or may not know, all research up until now has run into roadblocks. Unstable containment, fusion reaction unsustainable because it requires more energy to maintain the reaction than one can get out of it. Made the whole process rather costly and fairly useless. But, we needed some pieces of research that we were lacking." He grinned, he knew what Rei was going to say.

"...Those break-ins and data theft from laboratories around the planet. That was your doing, wasn't it? You were stealing research that the different labs have been working on for decades. You know how much science you've stolen?" Rei did not sound angry. Rei had done some bad things in his life in the name of theft. He had no right to stand on a moral high horse and point fingers.

"I've pushed us into the fusion era, Rei-kun. With the government's blessing too, I might add. We've analyzed the mish-mash of data we "acquired" and while my team of scientists worked on synthesizing the bits and pieces together, my material sciences research labs worked on some of the problems making a compound that allows a magnetic field to be created with a minimal amount of energy."

"Another problem that we ran into was making a casing that can contain the reaction should the magnetic bottle fail. We've finished fine-tuning all the parts to make it small and safe," Mark said and then turned his head to look at the coon who had his hand hovering over the model. "Please don't touch that... Anyway, I've not only managed to build a fusion reactor, but I've also been able to build several, compact reactors, a unit being about a meter high."

Rei's eyes went a wide, and then turned to look at the fox. He stood up and put a hand on his hip. "I don't understand where I come in. I can't really steal anymore research for you. It sounds like you've already got everything you need. And those labs are probably really pissed off with what you did and any of the others that are studying any similar technologies have probably beefed up security. I'm sure the government is still wary of me even if they owe me one."

"Ah," Mark said as he put the pen down on his wooden desk. "I don't want you to steal more data. I have everything I need already. We can produce as many of these reactors we need. In fact, they are the plants powering my underground projects. Someone, I don't know who, managed to steal my fusion reactor plans. The files are encrypted well, and I'm sure it will take a very long time to brute force the encryption. However, no encryption is perfect, and I can't afford the proprietary data to seen by those outside of the project."

The fox continued after a moment, "Luckily, our storage devices that house the plans are essentially uncopyable. Any attempts to disassemble or force the data out the data cube without having the proper keys to access it through its built-in interface will render the storage device useless, destroying the encrypted information in the process. That makes your job easier, I guess. What I need is you to get it back."

"Wouldn't sharing this technology improve life over all?"

"Rei," Mark said as he sighed, rubbing his eyes with an index and thumb. "We've been investigating other uses for the portable reactors; high energy pulse lasers will help with demolitions and can have uses manufacturing, plasma generators could help with smelting and has applications in other industries as well. A number of other uses have been identified as products that will fetch a hefty profit in the free market."

"However, the smaller reactors have a high potential to be misused. I won't deny it. As with any technology, it is a two edged sword; they can be used for peaceful purposes, but they can also be used as weapons. There are also prototype designs that were on the device for even smaller reactors about the size of a football standing on its side," the fox finished.

Rei huffed as he went back to looking to the model. He now knew what was going on. "So, you managed to build something the planet has been trying to do for decades and took it the next step further, you made them into weapons as well. I bet you've worked on plasma weaponry."

The fox grinned, standing up and looking to Rei, shrugged. "Perhaps. The critical issue is that the plans have slipped out of my fingers and they're not in the US. All my government contacts lead me to believe the US government doesn't have it." He turned around to look out of the window somewhat lost in his thoughts.

Rei nodded and moved his hand into the model when Mark's gaze was elsewhere, touching one of the smaller buildings. He was surprised that the plastic felt, he knew it wasn't. He nudged it gently with one of his fingers. "So, where do you think it is?"

"If I had to narrow it down, I can guess two countries. One is Japan; a lot of my enemies are based out of there, including the wolf clan that has been an enemy to my clan since antiquity. They seem bent on destroying my company," Mark chuckled at that, "Revenge for what I've been doing to all the wolves I've encountered, no doubt. Anyway. the other lead I have points to Great Britain."

"The British? Why are they dealing with you?" Rei had remembered doing some research into the dealings that the fox had, and there were hardly any links to anything within the western part of Europe. The British were so off base that it took Rei's focus off what he was thinking of doing, messing with Mark's model.

"We have some...under the carpet contracts. They had a lot of the initial fusion and physics research that we needed to kick-start the initial design for development of the very first prototypes. While it wasn't going through various official channels, we had some big universities in Europe working on the project, researching how to more efficiently create a fusion reaction. All that hype about cold fusion a while back...not all of it was hype."

"Okay," Rei began, putting his hands in front of him, crossing them at the front and thinking now, more like a detective. Rei had come to realize the task of being a thief was very similar to a private investigator; needing to draw in evidence and clues. The only difference was Rei worked on commission and hardly saw a positive outcome from doing his job. Besides being paid, that is. "You have the Japanese, too. How are you involved with wolves that would have access to your blueprints?"

Mark sighed, rubbing the side of his head and pacing, putting his hands behind his head, his elbows flared outward like wings. "Well, I know Ite talked to you about our Clan history, right? The feud between them was more racial; wolves and foxes. They slaughtered us because we wouldn't submit to them and stopped our clan's growth for generations. Well, now our clan is more prominent and I have a lot of disposable income." the vulpine smirked, turning to look at Rei. "You know me, I enjoy making people squirm out of either dominance or pleasure, and I guess I got carried away. A lot of my personal servants are in fact, wolves. Though I'm sure you've noticed that already."

Rei didn't really say anything. He was not the vengeful type and didn't really understand how Mark could be, but he supposed with a family history like that, taught to be angry with wolves, it may be easier than he expected. Rei just couldn't openly relate. He nodded, letting the fox continue.

"I obtained some from the Iruwada clan, the wolf clan. I enjoyed making them wait on me and my family hand and foot, keeping my home clean and doing my dirty laundry. When I was a younger man it was fun to tease the males into a sexual stupor and then leave them outside the door tied up with a hardon and no way for release. I didn't do that to every wolf, I took many to my bed and had them swear alligence to my clan...But," Mark sighed, shaking his head as he paced again as he looked to Rei. "There was a group of scientists in Japan who specialized in high plasma reactions and deployment. I didn't care who they were linked to, they were good. I had their backgrounds checked out intensely and found nearly half were from the Iruwada Clan. They had their hands in some of the actual research."

"Which groups, the British and the Japanese, had access to the blue prints directly and the ability to get their hands on your plans?" Rei knew Mark better than that; he knew Mark had those files under lock, key, and armed guard. He knew Mark had those files as secure as possible, but it took someone who needed access to the data cube to rip those plans asunder.

"Neither group had direct access to most of the plans, but they were all given parts and partial blueprints. The only full blueprints are at my disposal and my direct line of command, whom I know didn't do it." the fox said that very seriously, as if he would bet his life on that knowledge. Rei didn't question it.

"So, you have two groups on different sides of the world that both had partial access to the blueprints. Did they have different portions from one another?"

"Well," Mark began, and then his eyes widened in realization. "They did have different pieces, and if you combined them that might give them a headstart at attacking the encryption on the cube." the fox spun around, slamming his fists into the hard wood. "I suspected they were more interested in this project than they lead me to believe. I didn't think the two research groups knew the existence of each other however." Mark growled, looking to Rei. "I'll bet they're working together, don't you? They're the only ones other than the government and my staff who even know of this project."

"It would make sense," Rei said, tilting his head to the side. "If you gave them only partials and they want the whole then they could combine their resources to get access to the full details by stealing the rest of it from you. I don't know the specifics of the protections you've put on the data, but it's a strong possibility that there's a leak and the theft was from one of these two groups. I suppose you still have both working under you?"

"Of course," Mark said, leaning back against his desk as he saw the raccoon thinking. "I knew the plans had been stolen for a little while and I launched my own investigation into the matter, but I didn't want it getting out I lost something that was supposed to be top secret. So far, they're clean on the surface but I can't entirely trace some transactions, and they both claim innocence, every group I have working under me does, of course."

"They're the most likely suspects," Rei said, leaning against the wall near the model. He had wandered over to it while they talked. He scratched himself behind one of his rounded off ears and then just sighed. "I guess I'll have to have Drew and Garrison hack into some systems. I need what you can give me to go on. Mostly, what the hell a fusion reactor blue print would look like. At least the parts you've given out to each. You know I'm good at keeping a secret, too."

The fox pondered and looked to Rei. "Another pair of needless, though pretty eyes, seeing my pride and joy. If you don't come through for me Rei-kun, I'm going to keep you as a pet."

Rei rolled his eyes and just growled. "I'm not your pet, we had sex once and that's it. And we're still not done talking about this." Rei moved over and began to examine the miniature city more closely, more in depth and becoming more fascinated by what he saw. "Do you think I could have access to where the data cube was accessed, if you know where that was?"

"We know where that was, but I don't see what that would get you.," Mark said, moving behind Rei and touching the small of his back, sliding his hand up along the back. "You're just trying to steal a look inside my research complex."

"Well," Rei said with a happy little grin as his hand moved forward and ran one of his fingers caressingly down the side of one of the buildings inside the model, nudging it gently. "I won't lie to you, I'm curious to see this city; and if I was any kind of engineer I would be wondering how you managed to design such a thing, to see a fully self-contained, fully functional underground city, if it looks like this...well, that's something no one would pass up."

"So, that's what you want for payment, a look in my little hidey-hole? Do I get another peek at yours?" Mark said, his hand moving down and pinching Rei's rear end firmly. He grinned evilly then walked over to a closet towards the side of the room and began rummaging through a file cabinet.

Rei fidgeted around with the model some more while the fox was distracted, poking at the various model buildings. Like a little kid, he was enjoying the thrill of testing the limits of the model's strength by pushing and jiggling them with a small increase in force each time. It was like a game of chicken, which he lost when he heard a sharp cracking sound which echoed through the room as the model moved away from its foundation.

As the tower fell and he caught it but the back of his hand smashed into another building, making that one fall over too, coming to land right in the square of buildings and cars, seeing the little toys move. Rei spun around, his hand holding one of the replica buildings, his eyes wide with guilt and then shock as he realized he was holding part of a very expensive toy.

He quickly tossed it to the edge of the model, listening to the sound of scraping plastic as it slid towards the city, hearing another sickening snap of plastic and scattering small model cars and trees that clattered to the floor. Rei winced. The fox had an inscrutable express and moved back over to his desk.

Mark stood there and shot Rei one of those annoyed, condescending looks as his arms crossed over his chest. "Couldn't keep your hands to yourself, could you?"

Rei smiled abashedly, flicking his tail which settled into a sway afterwards. "You know me, I make my living in sticking my fingers into places they don't belong."

"Mmmm-hmm. I noticed," the fox said, moving behind his desk again and opening a drawer. He put his hands inside and pulled something out, but quickly held it behind his back before Rei's eyes could see what it was. The vulpine tail swung lazily behind him as the annoyed expression turned to a baleful smile. "Come here, my little raccoon."

Rei, hesitant to move near someone hiding something behind his back, shifted his weight and took a step back. He shook his head, still retreating. "I like it over here actually, thanks."

"Oh, but I insist." Mark said with a the smile painted across his muzzle becoming a little wider, a sinister aura surrounding the fox. He did not waste time in having the raccoon come over to him, he shot over to Rei.

The raccoon had been taken aback by how fast Mark could be, and how agile he was. The man, for all intents and purposes, seemed to be someone who worked out with just the idea of bulking up. The fox probably did that on purpose, to belie those who relied on speed and thought to outwit their opponents, Rei included. He had expected a sluggish fox in comparison to his own speed. When Mark was right in front of him, he had no time. He tried to leap back but the tod had managed to grab him by an arm and then snap something around the wrist. Rei squirmed, and then struggled to get free, but the strong vulpine had an iron grip on his arm. Mark slipped the other cuff on his wrist. Rei was now handcuffed.

"Hey!" Rei protested, his lips pulled back in a growl. "WHAT THE FUCK?! Let me go! Take these god damned things off!" He tugged at the cuffs, the heavy metal making a clinking sound as he tugged and twisted with them on his wrists, but he could not use outward strength to break them off. He did see a simple key lock, but without a pick it would be hard to get out of.

"Tsk tsk, language, young man. Don't make me wash your mouth out with soap. Think of it as a way to bolster your self-control. This way you won't be able touch things so easily." Mark smiled with a devious little smile crossing his face as he moved over, his hand caressing Rei's cheek. "Besides, I love seeing raccoons chained up and collared. It fits with the mask," Mark said as he trailed a claw up along Rei's cheek, following the black line to the black furred mask that was painted across his eyes. Rei had never felt that touch before and it sent a shiver down his spine, making his tail flick involuntarily.

"Raccoons are so sneaky." Mark began, his hand sliding down along the cheek again and down along the throat, passing the prominent collarbone and back to the partially visible pectoral muscles on Rei's chest. The fox smiled and said, "Your bandit's mask, your profession... You are a criminal, and I wanted to catch you."

For a moment Rei worried that Mark would drag him in to the police, but knew he wouldn't. The fox was not that mean, what Mark meant was he wanted to catch a thief, this thief, and have his way with him. Rei struggled vigorously in his bound state; the metal clinking around his wrists.

"Think of me, Rei, as a warden and you as the fresh prisoner. You broke something of mine, so I should only be compensated for what I lost, right?" The vulpine said as his hand slid down, brushing his fingertips against Rei's groin, feeling a pulsating sensation beneath his fingers. That got Mark grinning, finding out that Rei was actually being turned on by this was more than appealing and a big signal that he could continue to abuse Rei as much as he wanted.

His hand slid down to the hemline of that tank top and pushed his hands up under it. Instead of being slow and sensual he quickly tugged it upwards until it slid up and down Rei's arms, bunching up at his hands. Mark did not let Rei struggle as he tied the shirt around his hands, hiding away those claws and fingers, the makeshift mittens assuring that Rei couldn't sneak his way out of his restraints. The fox smiled wickedly.

"Hey!" Rei struggled and stepped backwards, growling as he flicked his tail rapidly back and forth. He was always handsome, and the tod could not ignore that fact. Rei had a scar here and there, over his pectorals and a nice little one right at the top of his abs. He was still handsome, cut nicely and lean, but not bulky like Mark was. The borrowed clothes also hung low on his body due to not being tight enough to hold on the raccoon's thin frame; the shorts were low on his hips, revealing the white waistband of the borrowed underwear he had to wear. Rei was not a fan of going commando. "Stop this, right now fox!"

"Why?" Mark said, smiling and moving over, touching Rei's neck and sliding his hand down along his shoulder, rubbing along the grey fur and tickling down along his arm, giving one of Rei's biceps a firm squeeze. "You like it. You like being collared. You like being bound. You like being at my whim. Your body betrays you, my little pet."

Rei growled and slipped out of Mark's grasp, marching toward the door. "I am no-one's pet."

The next thing that the 'coon would feel was hands on his hips, and then the sudden breeze. Mark had exposed Rei, tugging down the shorts and boxer briefs. Rei stumbled, tripped, but managed to regain his balance by doing a cartwheel that looked more like showing off than really being needed to regain his balance. There had been no sound, when Rei had flipped like that. Of course, this now left the raccoon naked, and turned around to face the fox. Rei's tail flicked about wildly in annoyance, his hands protectively down in front of his groin, as if Mark had never seen him naked, nor slept with him. "DAMMIT CLIP! GIVE ME BACK MY CLOTHES!"

"What?" Mark said with a sound of utter confusion and innocence, holding the pilfered shorts up. "All I see here are my clothes. Yours are hidden somewhere in the mansion, remember? You're more than welcome to go looking for them if you want. And I thought we agreed that you'd call me Mark."

Rei growled and blushed. He wished he wasn't turned on by the handsome fox and his antics, he wished to be with someone more vanilla right now like Garrison at the moment, whom he did miss. He planned to fly the husky out here right away so he could be in those arms instead of Mark's. But he was also extremely turned on by the whole chain of events; the loss of control, of choice, the peaking red tip of his erection cresting from the pearly white sheath. "You know what I meant!"

The fox smiled then and thought for a moment. He nodded and tossed the shorts onto his desk, and then began to undress removing his simple shirt and jeans he had been wearing, not wanting to be the only one clothed. Rei watched the shirt being lifted to reveal that body that had taken him to bed, the firm muscles, the iron hard legs.

Rei watched as the fox slid out of his jeans and his boxers, tossing them onto the pile already forming on the desk. He was not hiding his body like Rei was; standing there proudly as he wore only the amethyst pendant on a silver necklace around his neck. A smirk had formed on his muzzle as he watched Rei squirm. He flicked his tail and laughed.

"Just the sight of my naked body arouses you, Rei-kun. If you aren't my pet, and you don't want me, then why does your body betray you?"

Rei was blushing. He was as hard as a rock, throbbing from his sheath like he had been the night before, pulsing with a need and a desire he wanted to forget. Worst of all, with his hands bound and wrapped by the borrowed tank top he could not even masturbate; he was stuck fully aroused with no outlet.

" you want from me?" Rei asked gently, glaring at the vulpine whose manhood was peaking out of his sheath; the red head of his own erection glistening like any canine cock would; they tended to precum inside their sheaths so they could be ready to go at a moments notice. It made for a messy puberty but a lot of fun for anyone who ended up on the receiving end of one of those males.

"Well," Mark said, massaging his sheath with his hand, gently working to coax more of his length out of that white tube of flesh. Inches of the fox's shaft were sliding out rapidly. "I still haven't decided if I'm going to give you the job. You run screaming into my office, you broke my city model, and are lying to my face about what you want. How about you show me what you will do to make our friendship whole again and insure you get the job."

Rei knew what Mark wanted him to do, and right now he didn't care about his pride or anything else; he wanted to get these hormonal desires out of his system as quickly as possible so he could move beyond this distraction and get to work. Rei was also looking forward to it of course and licked his lips, nodding his head then as he approached the desk and stood in front of Mark for a few moments, before moving past him and standing in front of the desk.

With a deep breath he moved his arms forward and bent over. That perfect rear, which was the subject of a lot of affection recently, was even more rounded with Rei bending over. His ringed tail was not trying to hide it either as the plush appendage flicked upwards into the air and away from that pink star, slightly reddened from the workout Mark had given it. The raccoon was acting like a bitch in heat desiring to be rutted by the alpha male.. Rei made sure his chest was pressed only against the expensive wood, keeping his leaking erection off it, leaving it to drip down to the floor.

Mark grinned and moved behind him, touching the back of the bent over raccoon and brushing down along that nice, rounded rear end then, giving it a firm squeeze. He then reared his arm back a little and sharply slapped the grey furred rump. The fox did not waste any time. He moved over and pressed closely behind the handsome young raccoon, touching his hard fox cock against that tight little ring. Mark leaned forward, his hand moving and pushing against the raccoon's muzzle, keeping his muzzle closed as he pushed his length right into that tense little hole. The fox moaned loudly as those tight walls closed around the throbbing cock, penetrating the raccoon viciously.

The fox's large hand pressed down onto his muzzle, holding it closed and down as he felt the thick shaft sliding into him, spreading the raw muscles and sore ends. He closed his eyes and just bucked his hips forward as his muscles were being spread, waiting for the fleeting pain to subside and sensation of pleasure to begin. Mark's other hand was holding onto his slender waist, holding him still as he finished sliding in his cock.

Rei whined with pleasure as he felt the length stretching out his battered but healing muscles. He liked how big Mark was, being held by the fox even while being abused was comforting. He liked how far that length could delve into his body as well as its large girth; spreading his muscles in such a way that made his tail keep high and arched. He kept his eyes closed and just enjoyed feeling Mark inside his body; the thick length was just hard to resist, and he had to admit that the vulpine was very handsome.

Mark was not in the mood to give Rei good time; he had already got the raccoon addicted to his body and his behavior. Besides, Rei had been bad and needed to be punished. Rei shouldn't get the best experience he had to give. He grinned then and gripped that hip with his one powerful hand and pulled back, sliding out of that raccoon achingly slowly, making the muscles slowly close around his penis, and when he had only the first few inches of his throbbing shaft still buried within the young man, he plowed forward, slamming his erection deep inside the raccoon who yelped and attempted to grip the wood with his covered hands. All he managed to get was a friction burn on his chin and elbows as he was slammed up against the side of the desk.

Mark would do this for awhile; slide his length back as slowly as he could manage and then just ram it forward into the 'coon, his black furred ears twitching as he absorbed the impact; whimpering little moans and sounds coming from his young raccoon plaything right now, enjoying the sound of a struggling male, listening to the metal sound out and the sounds of gasps and moans from someone who had no control over what was happening to him. When he noticed Rei was getting used to that pattern, he changed.

Rei yelped as the fox, the evil, evil fox behind him changed his momentum, thrusting deeply into his body at the slow as a snail pace, making him squirm in desire as he waited for that cock head to bump against his prostate and tease his senses. His eyes closed and his body clenched as he waited for the ultimate pleasure; the moment the head of the fox's fat cock would hit that the button buried deep within his body. He moaned out loud each time he could feel it graze his gland, only to have it snatched back from him in the blink of an eye, making him whimper and squirm for more.

Mark growled in pleasure, enjoying the quiet sounds the young raccoon was making as he took different paces and different ways to enter and leave that handsome, lean body of his. He would switch back and forth, keeping Rei's senses on their toes as he never did the same thing for too long. However, his body was starting to tingle and he had a long day ahead of him.

He was going to give Rei no warning. He rarely did anyhow, and this was certainly not one of them. The hand pressing Rei's head down onto the wooden table by his muzzle moved back to curl its fingers into the metallic collar around his neck, holding onto it. It was low enough on Rei's throat that he wouldn't choke. He tugged hard, making Rei cry out and arch his back as he furiously began to thrust into that tight rear end, plowing into him with the reckless abandon of a drunken frat boy getting his groove on. He wanted his release, and wanted it now!

Mark leaned forward quickly as he felt his ecstasy rise deep within him and bit down on one of Rei's ears, hard enough to leave a hole and start a faint trickle of blood. When he tasted the coppery fluid against his tongue, he hit his peak, his erection throbbing. He shoved himself towards the raccoon and pressed inwards. In a surprise to both he and Rei, he popped his thick knot into the raccoon. Rei yelled out in surprise and intense pain as he felt the huge orb of flesh press into his body and held tight by his now spasming ring.

He gasped loudly as the fox claimed him fully, his back arching as the knot swelled and expanded. The striped thief's body registered the unending pleasure of someone throbbing inside his body and erupting. Hot ropes of Mark's cum shot into his body, filling him up in ways he had never really imagined, feeling semen warm him from the inside out. Rei counted at least seven spurts before Mark's shaft stopped jetting his seed into his passage. The fox's cock continued to twitch as he was tied to the raccoon, the fox's tail flagging slightly.

Rei felt the fox collapse onto his back, causing that knot to press even deeper into his body and send him up the wall. He moaned so loudly, his back arching and his thighs flexing in his rapture, loving how it felt as it just shoved him over his own threshold, feeling his body tremble in desire and lust as he cried out, having his own orgasm. The raccoon shuddered as his length shot copious amounts of his semen from his length, his cum firing down onto the black granite floor and the front of the desk. Rei trembled, and then finally just collapsed forward and onto the desk, head laying on the pile of clothes with Clip's muzzle in his ear.

"You got the job, my pet."

Thirty minutes later, Mark finally broke their union and Rei was left with his ass more sore than ever. The fox had been kind enough to unlock the handcuffs. Rei quickly used the chance to slide his tank top back over his body, hiding his sheath thankfully and giving him some semblance of being clothed. Rei rubbed his backside as it was sore. Mark was hardly gentle. The fox was sitting there, exposed and messy, with hardly any realization he was naked and showing off his hard body.

"So, was it good for you too, pet?"

"Stop calling me that!" Rei huffed, standing up and wincing. His lower body was going to be sore for days. He looked down to Mark who just seemed content to leaning there and looking relaxed. The raccoon mused, "While you were waiting to get soft, I was thinking about the job you wanted me to do."

"Oh? And?" Mark asked.

The raccoon continued, "Well, I need to see this facility. I want to see if there was any tampering your people noticed. This is also a job that requires keen computer skills, stuff I'm good but not great at. I want to bring in my friends to help me, and they need to be paid."

"Oh, can I pay them like I pay you?" Mark smirked, flicking his black ears along his red scalp with amusement twinkling in his eyes as he stretched his arms into the air. Was he showing off for Rei?

Rei growled, moving over to Mark and crouching down near him, nose to nose really. "Mark, I know you don't care about my life or my friends, but I don't need the bull crap. Yes, it's obvious I find you sexy and I am sleeping with you, but I love Garrison the same way you love your otter. Garrison and Drew are like family to me and I owe them big for helping me when no one else would. Don't mess with them. The same goes to Ite, you fuck with them in anyway, and you'll have me to deal with. I don't kill but I did take down Duncan; someone like you couldn't be that hard."

The way the raccoon reacted slightly startled Mark, but he didn't show it. The fox nodded, his smirk returning, "I wouldn't say I don't care. I like to protect my resources. Including you. And your friends by extension. ESPECIALLY Ite. You should know that. And you would do well to remember that I don't handle threats well, Rei-chan, and I doubt you'd find me THAT easy of a target." The fox stood up and moved toward his desk, pushing a button on it. Somewhere a clicking sound came over the intercom and then sounded out. "Addy, there's a mess in here that I need you to clean up, and bring in that initial data I prepared for Rei."

"Yes, sir." The voice sounded gentle, yet masculine.

Rei, who was in no hurry to be seen naked by Mark's help, moved over to the desk where the borrowed clothing was. He had used a few tissues he took from the holder on the desk to clean himself off as best he could, and tossed them into the trash can next to it. It would have to do until he managed to get in a shower. He tugged on the boxer briefs and then the shorts, flicking his tail a bit behind him as he looked over to the fox who stood there, watching Rei closely.

"You don't like games, do you Rei?" Mark asked as he unsheathed his claws, inspecting them as if there was some speck of dirt that only his eyes could detect. "I love games."

"I don't like games that involve the only family I really have, Mark. You and Ite have family, a clan apparently in Japan. All I got are Garrison, Drew, and now Ite. It's the most real thing I've ever had. I don't want you messing with their heads, especially Garrison."

"Oh, why not that little Fennec?" the fox was curious that Rei had not lumped the two friends together.

"Easy," Rei said with a smirk as he brushed the front of the tank top down along his body and just flicked that ringed tail behind him. "Ite will hurt you if you do anything to his boyfriend. We're very happy in New York."

"I see," Clip said, thinking about things. He had a lot of people in his life, but this raccoon was different. Rei wasn't like Jeff in that regard, no. He loved Jeff, was going to die with him, but Rei was so different. This man marched to his own drummer and didn't care what got in his way. He followed the path of his heart and didn't stop. People like that didn't come around often, and Clip figured that was one of the draws of the ringed tailed man. He was just so different that people liked being around him.

At that moment the doors opened and Rei saw a dog of a breed he'd never before seen enter the room. The dog was multi-colored, black being the most prominent color on his body; a rich mahogany decorating his back, stomach, and on closer inspection one could catch a glimpse of this color that seemed to shimmer throughout his body whenever his black guard hairs moved enough to see past them. A thick, long tail flowed from his spine covered with the same luxurious fur.

He was actually taller than Mark by almost a foot and a half and broad shouldered. Atop his neck sat a head with a thin foxlike muzzle, his face with black and mahogany mask that made him almost look like he stuck his face into a chimney flue. His face was framed by a collarette of lush fur finished off with two perky ears that almost touched at the tips.

Muscles adorned that near naked body from head to toe. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. Upon further inspection Rei saw a collar around the dog's neck, as well as a silver tag that read "Addison" Another line read, "If found, please return to Mark F." an address and phone number followed below.

Mark smiled, moving toward the desk and motioning to the puddle on the granite and the front of the desk. "Ahh, Addy! I missed you! Our little friend here made a mess. What do good doggies do when they find tasty messes?"

Addison grinned like he was a puppy, his tail wagging rapidly behind him as he looked at the mess. "Lick it up!" The dog was like a big puppy! Rei just stood there in surprise, flicking his tail.

"Good! Could you please clean it up, Addy?" Mark smiled and patted the dog's back, who went right to work. Rei's cheeks and inner ears reddened as he saw the huge monster of a dog lower onto all fours and then lean his head down to lick at the floor and the desk. Rei didn't miss the tongue gliding along the slick surface of the granite tile, licking up the puddle he saw and the semi-dried streaks of semen on the wood. Rei's semen. The raccoon had never seen anything like this before, nor had he seen anyone lick up his cum who hadn't been doing some kind of physical activity to get it out of his body.

The fox moved behind Addison, and after a tender little rubbing to that gorgeous rear end, pulled out the USB pen drive from the tight waistband of the shorts around Addison's waist. Mark leaned against the desk and patted his thigh. The dog raised his head and moved from cleaning the floor and wooden desk to cleaning the fox's sheath, then using his hands to expose Mark's spent member to lap the shaft clean as well. Once more Rei blushed and looked away, which made the fox chuckle.

"Aw, Rei, he's just a big softie who loves to clean up these kinds of messes. And he's quite thorough about it." Mark said as he shivered, his eyes closing and leaning his head back as he enjoyed the soft licking. Addison finished his job and let his master's foxhood slide back into its sheath. "You want him to clean you?"

Rei's eyes widened in surprise, but he shook his head. "No, thank you. What kind of dog is he anyway? He looks like a collie but...not quite. Is he a mutt...?"

Mark shook his head, making a clicking sound with his tongue against the roof of his mouth repeatedly, looking to the raccoon as if he had said a naughty word. "No, but most people assume he is. He's a Belgian Tervuren. A rare breed but he couldn't wait to come work for someone in the United States. I found him when he was a teenager working in some field out in the country. I offered him a wonderful job, didn't I, Addy?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Mark!" Addison said as he sat back on his knees, then licked his lips and rubbed his muzzle with the back of his hand. "All done, sir!"

"Good boy." The vulpine said and patted the dog's head. "Tell Jeff that we will be having guests in the lab at my request. I want you to look good tonight, too. Wear that thing I know you love wearing."

"Yes sir!" Addison stood up and tore out of the room, running with excitement almost like a kid who can't wait to rip into his birthday presents. Rei blinked and looked back to Mark as if he'd seen a UFO.

"You kept him very innocent but obviously sexually active." Rei couldn't help but comment on that.

"He's a good man, and was a good boy when he was growing up. When he's in the house he wears that or sometimes nothing except his collar, but when we leave he wears regular clothes and suits. Legally, he's my personal assistant here and when I travel but also doubles as a bodyguard. He's sweet but good with weapons and hand-to-hand combat. I had him trained in several things so I could have a fully functional assistant. Jeff was going to fill that role, but I like his brain here and doing research for me more. And while Jeff's here, he's safe. One less thing to worry me."

Rei was surprised, but he nodded some. "Ite and Drew are breaking down a wolf like that. They're trying to make him into a willing pet like Addison there."

Mark shrugged. "Perhaps I can help, I'm wonderful at making people crack and then remolding them into something more...pleasant. But anyway, I think you have a phone call to make?"

"Right," Rei said, moving to Mark's desk and picking up the phone there, holding it to his ear. "I'm bringing in the rest of my team."

"Mmm, I can't wait to get to know them."

To be continued...