The Royal Gryphon's Feast

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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The gryphon King attends a feast, and brings along a new human for his pleasure.

This was an RP between myself and my fellow RP'er avatar?user=70674&character=0&clevel=2 Atlas86

It contains rough, messy sex between a gryphon and a human. That's pretty much the entire content of the story :)


"Now remember, you only have one job to do in there," the gryphon's low voice muttered into the young man's ear, "and that is to make me look good, no matter what I ask you to do." A silent nod was given in reply, the human man a picture of anxiousness and nerves against the bold, fearless nature of the powerful avian standing beside him. Facing the giant wooden doors that signified the entrance to the feast hall, Jeremy wouldn't have found himself so nervous entering a room full of noblemen if it weren't for the leather collar clipped around his neck.

Having only been brought to the castle three days prior, the 19-year-old teenager had gone from being a simple cleaner to the personal servant of the King himself. It was a terrifying prospect; he knew the rumors, knew what his owner was like, and had no illusions that this would be the feast where his initiation would take place. His eyes wandered down to the avian's paw, where the other end to the leash that connected that thick limb to his collar lay loosely in the older male's grip.

"I have brought you here to serve," the gryphon added in a neutral voice, "and you will do just that. I paid a good sum of money for such a healthy specimen, and I expect you to show the nobles exactly why I chose you." Another nod met his words, although this time a response was uttered.

"Yes, Master," Jeremy replied respectfully, bowing his head. Reaching forward with a large claw, the gryphon pushed firmly, watching as the large doors swung open before them. Curling his digits around the leash, the gryphon lifted it back up and gestured towards the hall.

Jeremy crossed the threshold slowly, one step tentatively falling after the other, with his eyes cast up at the chamber's high ceiling. A chandelier of brilliant gold drew his eyes above the stained oak table and well-dressed nobles that ran in a long line down the chamber. His mouth fell agape as he began to count the dozens of tiny candles that ringed the crafted marvel. One, two, three...he lost count so quickly, with all the tiny lights flickering at random. He cleared the fixture from his gaze with a shake of his head, and was suddenly tugged to the side as the surefooted gryphon strode past him.

The gryphon wasted no time in reaching his throne and planting himself upon its cushioned seat, propped high above the crowded hall like a hawk over so many swarming mice. Jeremy, meanwhile, tried to slink along behind him as quietly as he could, preferring not to be seen by anyone. While the gryphon was perched upon his throne, the human found a small cushion left on the hard stone floor, only a little larger than himself. If he really wanted to, he could curl up tight and maybe hide himself in its rolling fabric, but his lord had given him a command. If he was going to keep his King happy, than he had to be ready to do anything and everything he demanded. He'd seen the portions of meat the gryphon dined on, and knew that he wasn't much smaller than those morsels, should the king grow tired of him. With the King and pet settled upon their seats, the crowd grew silent and rose from their seats, their bodies at strict attention for their lord.

"Welcome," Talos announced in a loud, commanding voice, "please, be seated." The gryphons assembled collectively bowed in unison, before sitting back down on their respective seats. Every pair of eyes was turned in his direction; the King was not one to disobey. Jeremy could feel himself shrinking under their combined gaze, even if he was not the primary focus of it.

"I have gathered you here today to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Battle of Holstworth, in which our soldiers were victorious against the determined foe of the allied human forces." A loud cheer went up around the table, many of the gryphons raising their glasses. A moment of silence passed, before the King looked down beside him.

"Many of you are likely wondering why I have brought one of them before us here this evening," the avian continued, waving his claw in a dismissive motion. He turned back to them, a smile on his curved beak.

"This here is Jeremy, as he is called by his human counterparts. To me, he is simply... Pet." A collective rumble ran around the table as each of the avian nobles present leaned in just a little closer. Jeremy could feel each and every one of those piercing eyes fixed onto him now.

"This one is to be our entertainment for the night," Talos added with a flourish of his wings, "along with the wonderful food provided by our expert chefs. For now, I encourage you all to enjoy the food." With that, a dozen gryphons appeared from the outer doors, each bearing trays of freshly-cooked food, walking in with professionalism and steadiness.

"And you," the King purred down to his pet, "are to wait right there."

Jeremy nodded quickly at his directive, and let his eyes drifting lazily across the chamber. Hogs, roasts of beef, and rolls of freshly-baked bread steamed and glistened in the firelight. Jeremy could already smell the succulent feast wafting towards him, the spices just tickling his nose, and the flavours like a dream on his tongue. While his mouth watered at the thought, his master was brought personal platters for his choosing. Of course, there was no choice in the matter, as the King knew his chefs were of the highest skill in the land. Everything that came to him was placed inside his beak, from bacon-wrapped steak cutlets to the largest butter-soaked prawn that Jeremy had ever laid eyes on. He stared up at the gryphon, his size even more intimidating as he sat on the floor next to the raised throne, watching as rib after baby-back rib disappeared into his polished beak with barely a sound.

Talos tongue danced with the flavours of his meal. Sweet, salty, savoury, and sour, all mixing together against his sensitive taste buds. Glancing down at his pet, he noticed the pathetic little thing looking up at him, a little trail of saliva running down the side of his mouth. A smirk crossing his beak, the King hoisted the next shining silver platter he received straight above his head. A honey-glazed ham was perched upon it, hogtied, trimmed with a lettuce garnish, the apple wedged between it's lips. With his eyes never leaving his pet's he opened his beak and tilted the platter back, letting the whole roast fall into his mouth. With a swallow that could be heard across the chamber, the single piece of pork slid down the gryphon's throat, and Jeremy could see the slight bulge moving as he did. The little human shivered in dismay, and wiped his cheek.

Midway into the feast, the King gestured for the chefs to stop bringing out any more of the food. The table was laden with various items now; plenty for the rest of the evening. Nobles hungrily dined on the various items; even given their status, nobody could produce such a magnificent feast as the King himself. With the assembled gryphons somewhat occupied for now, it gave Talos time to turn his attentions to the man beside him.

"Delicious food, is it not?" the muscled avian purred in a low voice, "but unfortunately for you, it is for gryphons only. Pets like yourself... well, you have to earn your place at the table, so to speak." He smiled a little, picking up one of the most juicy apples Jeremy had ever seen from the table, dropping it down into his little human hands.

"Do you want to eat that apple, my pet?" the King asked softly, eyes fixed on the man's shivering fingertips. He could see how much his new pet wanted to eat it, but he rested one of his claws on the top.

"You can have that apple and more, little human," Talos offered with a light smile, "everything you see before you here is what good pets are allowed to dine upon." He could see those green human eyes light up with eagerness; the amount of temptation before him was almost too much to resist. Taking the apple back, the gryphon opened his beak and let it drop down into his throat.

"As for bad pets..." he whispered, letting his claw gently press against his belly, "well... they tend to leave the feast early."

Jeremy understood the gryphon's threat perfectly, but he didn't have room in his brain to fear it. Since he'd arrived at the castle, he'd been given bread and hard cheese; more food in three days than he'd eaten in his entire life. However, staring out across the field of dining nobles, he realized that there was so much he'd never tasted. Never even dreamed of tasting. It was all right there, waiting for him. He wanted it, needed it more than anything in his life. His eyes turned back up to the gryphon, and he rolled himself over onto his hands and knees, with his head hung to the floor.

"Please, Master. Please tell me what I can do," he begged. "Anything you ask."

Talos watched for a few moments, pondering exactly what he should do to have this human prove his worth. A smile tugged at his beak, his claw wandering down to lift the man's head up.

"I have many ways in which you can prove your usefulness to me," the gryphon informed him with a focused gaze, "but in order for you to do them, you must first acknowledge your place. You are not a noble, or a gryphon, but a pet, a human pet. A King is often judged by those that he keeps in his servitude, and you will be a prime example of my prowess as King." Jeremy swallowed nervously and nodded his head, knowing somewhat what would happen to him. Everyone knew exactly what the King expected from his subordinates.

"Now stand," Talos ordered firmly, "stand and step towards this table. I want you to address the nobles yourself, introduce yourself to them, and tell them how much you appreciate me taking you under my wing. Do not be embarrassed or show your nervousness; I have no time for pets who do not appreciate their place."

Jeremy's eyes widened with terror at the request, and his head whipped around to where the nobles were gathered. The command from the King had been loud enough to reach the head of the table, it seemed, and slowly but surely the room's din dulled into silence, and all of those hard, predatory eyes locked on him. He looked back up at his owner, but the gaze did not soften. If he did not do this, he would fail. With an audible gulp, he rose to his trembling feet. His legs felt like iron noodles as he walked, the limbs heavy, but he felt unsteady using them. He quickly came to the end of his leash, which tugged back against his throat, and stared out over the silent crowd. His lungs filled with air, but even then they felt like they were filled with ice water. Another gulp, and a cold sweat broke down his forehead and began to show in the thin cloth of his shirt. His eyes wavered back and forth, trying to find something, anything to fixate on that might calm him down. Finally, he found the glow of the chandelier, its indiscriminate, non-judgemental flames melting away the ice in his throat. His eyes returned to the table, looking straight down the middle at all the coloured food and shining platters, and opened his mouth.

"Uhh...uhh...h...hi." Was what came out of his mouth. He cringed and paused while the crowd chuckled at him, clearly reveling in his discomfort. He cleared his throat again, suddenly wishing dearly for a glass of water, and tried again. "Hello...ladies and gentlemen...My name is Jeremy, and I am the King's I used to be a stable-boy, the second son of Rolund, until my parents...gave me away for gold...I cleaned the floors of this hall for you, before the King took me to be his personal servant. It was a...a great honour to be chosen. He has fed me, clothed me, and bedded me-" he was met by quite a few snickers from that poor choice of phrasing. His head lowered slightly, and he felt his cheeks ripen into a crimson blush as bright as the roasted pigs before him. "I...I mean he gave me a own bed..." he corrected. "I am so grateful for His Majesty's kindness, and the way he cares for all his subjects...equally. I would like to be the first thank our King for his hospitality."

"Here here!" a few voices called from the crowd, although most of them were more drunk than roused by Jeremy's speech. Out of words, and with no other reaction from the audience, Jeremy just stood there rather stupidly, waiting for something to happen that he knew would never come. Finally coming up with a punctuation for his speech, he bowed low to the assembly, and then turned to bow at his King, his leash rubbing uncomfortably against his face as he hung against it.

The gryphon smiled to himself; this human was already proving to be more entertaining than he had first thought. As Jeremy rose from his bow, Talos gently tugged on the leash and brought him back to his side. Although the nobles were still feasting, their attentions were now - for the most part - hovering around the King and his pet.

"You did well," the big bird encouraged, ruffling those luxuriously soft feathers in a wide stretch, "but that is only the beginning." Tucking his wings back into his sides, the brown-colored male leaned back in his throne and made a grand gesture to the man beside him.

"Nobles of the court," Talos announced, putting that powerful voice back on display, "you have heard the words of my pet. Now you shall bear witness as he comes to understand his new role." Jeremy swallowed nervously; this was the part he had been fearing since the beginning. He knew the King was prone to doing things... intimate things... lewd things... and he had no idea how he could satisfy such needs from the bulky hybrid. He looked up to see those striking blue eyes staring into his own, his Master's strong gaze fixed once more upon him. His knees still felt weak; he hadn't known the gryphon intended to make such an encounter a public affair.

"For a long time, this proud Kingdom has lived in peace and harmony," the gryphon continued, "thanks to the very foundations and laws upon which it was built. As you are well aware, a King's worth is in his ability to lead, and only a true leader can be judged by his physical prowess and mental fortitude. However, as the spilling of avian blood is forbidden in these lands, our means of determining worth have adjusted to accommodate those rules." Many of the gathered avians smiled, evidently knowing where their Lord's speech was going.

"Tonight my pet will help demonstrate to you why I am the King once more, as I conquer his body and mind just as did this Kingdom ten years ago."

Jeremy found himself sweating again, although this time, there was nothing he could do to calm himself. He couldn't simply look up at the fire and push through a phrase like he did before. He was expected to do things he'd never done before to the ruler of this kingdom and all of his court. He didn't even know where to begin. He felt all eyes on him once again, and he wished he'd decided to hide in the curves of the cushion in the first place. He rose to his feet once more, shaking harder than he had the first time, and came around to the front of the throne. He didn't know what the gryphon wanted. How was he supposed to do anything if he didn't know what to do? He briefly remembered hearing something about this, though, from a long time before. He remembered hear about knights, and knighthood, and how they pledge fealty to their lords. Was that how he was supposed to start this? Regardless, he had to do something, so he knelt down before the throne, and bowed his head. "I...I pledge my fealty to you, my lord...That I may serve you in your all of your wishes...and protect the peace of the realm..."

A raucous laughter rose from the crowd, and he clenched up. He was screwing up, looking like a complete fool, and the King would look the fool, too. He was dead, finished. He collapsed from his kneeling position onto his hands and knees, burying his head beneath his body as he waited. Meanwhile, the laughter only continued, some of the nobles loudly mocking him from the table. Jeremy pressed his arms tight to his ears, but the cacophony broke right through. He couldn't even see his Master right now, but he was sure he didn't want to.

After a minute, the young man began to realize that nothing was happening to him. He had been sure failing would mean a one-way trip down his owner's gullet, but instead as he looked up all he could see was the laughter of the mighty gryphon. He was chuckling as well, just like all the others around him, and Jeremy was highly confused.

"Stand," the King ordered, taking the leash in his claw and pulling his pet upright with it. Slowly the man got to his feet, keeping his eyes on his owner as he tried not to think too much about the grouped laughter behind.

"Silence, the lot of you," the King growled, looking at the nobles with a stern gaze. Almost instantly the laughter stopped, and a strong silence penetrated the feast hall. Reaching down the King took his pet's cheek into his claw, rubbing it gently.

"You gave us all a pretty good laugh for a human," the imposing male noted with a smirk, "we haven't done fealty pledges for over seven years. Everyone already obeys without question, what need do I have for oaths?" Jeremy blinked; that was the reason? He felt foolish now, having let their laughter get the best of him over such a simple mistake. Talos sat back in his throne, eyeing the human with a critical gaze.

"Come now, little one, kneel before me," the avian gestured, tapping the throne just down where his hindquarters sat. Without hesitation Jeremy complied, dropping to his knees and gazing up at his Master with a look of desperation. He knew he had to please his King, and his earlier slip-up had been a lucky escape. He could feel all of those eyes on his back, and he could only watch as the gryphon's claw trailed down his own fluffy underbelly, travelling down and down until it came to a rest between his hind legs.

"This is how we serve in the Kingdom of Holstworth, my pet."

Jeremy could only stare. He'd heard the stories, he knew this was coming, and yet he couldn't believe it. His eyes were glued straight ahead, to where the gryphon's claws briefly tousled his own privates. Jeremy was no fool, he'd seen the King's privates from a distance, but never took a second glance at them. He was not a member of the team assigned to bathe his Master, and therefore had never had the chance to see it up close. That being said, he could always smell it. Just below the fancy soaps and perfumes, there was always a rich, spicy undertone. It never went away, no matter how fresh the King was from his bath, and Jeremy knew it could have only come from this place. This place that was now mere inches from his face.

He wasn't really sure how to proceed. He'd never even touched his own penis, let alone someone else's. He decided to start by just taking it all in. The shaft was currently soft, but that didn't stop it from filling a thick, six inch sheath. It was furred, and the same colour as the gryphon's underbelly. Sprouting from below it, two heavy orbs hung against the Master's chiseled thighs, rich and warm with the beast's virility. They stretched the thick extension of skin that made up his scrotum, and only the shortest, softest coat of fur to grow on their surface. Whatever he had smelled from him before was magnified by ten at this proximity, the thick, heady odour burning in his nostrils as he breathed. This was it. His Master's cock.

The room was silent as the human inhaled his owner's thick scent, the gryphon's dominant smirk evident as he introduced his human to the intimidating size of his genitalia. Jeremy had no idea what to think; he had somewhat known this would be what would happen, as much as he'd tried to convince himself otherwise.

"I am King for good reason," Talos purred, rubbing his claw over the man's head, patting him like a human would a dog, "and it's time for you to show me how dedicated you truly are." His beak was curled back in a broad grin, enjoying that overwhelmed look written all over his pet's face. Releasing the man's head he leaned back, pushing out his hips a little to present himself better to the young man.

"Take off your clothes," commanded the King, gesturing to the few garments that covered his body, "from this point onwards you will never wear them again. Once you have done that, you will drop back down to your knees and take each of my testicles in your hands. I wish for you to feel their weight, and get a good idea of what it is that you will be spending the rest of your life coaxing from my body."

Once again Jeremy stood on unsteady legs, terrified of the prospect of baring himself to the entire assembly and, most importantly, his king. Nevertheless, his fingers fumbled with the buttons down his front. The rough cloth slid uncomfortably across his collar as its front opened up, and in one fluid motion, the ruffling garment slid off his back, revealing his lean, chiseled biceps and abdominal muscles to his keen-eyed Master. Next, the buttons at his waist slid free of their binds and his pants dropped of their own accord, leaving him standing in only a pair of baggy underwear. His King's gaze was unwavering, unblinking, as he watched the little human strip for him, and as he turned his head back, so too were the watching nobles, all eager to see the new pet break before their very eyes.

"Do not be afraid of disappointing us. Your body could never compare to ours in any aspect." Talos said quietly, although Jeremy was sure the head of the table would still be able to hear it.

With one final, reluctant motion, Jeremy removed his underwear as well, feeling those collective eyes burning into him as his firm human ass came into view. Of course, Talos had a different view, the King's eyes fixed on the soft, uncut cock that hung between his pet's legs.

"Much better," the gryphon cooed, "this is how it shall be from now on." Heat flushed the man's cheeks, burning with embarrassment as he exposed himself to all gathered. The silence around him weighed heavily on the young man, dozens of nobles watching his every move. After a few more moments the King nodded at him, and Jeremy swallowed nervously. Dropping back down onto his knees, he wriggled forwards until he was facing his owner's impressive package once again.

"You have your orders, little one," the King reminded him, making sure all the nobles could hear his words as well, "leave not one little fraction of my balls un-massaged, not an inch un-licked, not a portion un-kissed." He leaned in even closer and whispered so only the human could hear.

"This is how we separate the good pets from the bad... will you live beneath me in luxury and comfort for the rest of your life, or disappoint me in front of my subjects?

Jeremy gulped nervously as his Master's threat tickled over his ear. After the gryphon stretched himself to his full sitting height, he was left alone with the massive pair. This was his life now, or he would be dead. It was a heavy decision to make. His breathing was deep and wavering, but each gasp of air was rich in the gryphon's rich musk. It clung in his nostrils and to the back of his tongue, filling his mouth with an earthy taste of raw spice. His hands were just as shaky as his breath, and he almost jerked away when his fingertips brushed against the skin. It was hotter than he expected. After another quaking, musk-laden breath, his hands curled and pressed flat to the sac, a large testicle right below his palm. The thing was almost bigger than his whole hand, and when he stroked along its surface to curl and take its weight, he could not believe it. It was as heavy as a hammer, and as big around as his shin. It was truly a testament to the King's power, inside the bedroom and out. He found his other hand reaching for the second orb in his Master's pair, and soon the intense heat of the sac was draped over his forearms as he hefted the two virile organs, and left the soft, warm skin to dangle and rub against him.

The human was slow, hesitant, but his face moved towards it regardless of his apprehension. The crowd was still a hush, waiting for his first move. He could imagine them all leaning forward, poised to watch his face inch towards the soft, musky flesh, despite having the worst view in the room. His face came within an inch of the supple flesh, radiating heat across him and filling his lungs with the musk of an unrivaled male. It made Jeremy feel emasculated, weak. It made him feel like serving. He pressed his head in slowly, his nose touching the warm fuzz of his Master's fur before the rest of his face was encased in flesh. It was like being blindfolded in a small room. He could see nothing else, hear nothing else. His world was reduced to that holster of flesh and meat. Its silky skins were his walls, the pockets of musk were his air, and the gryphon's heartbeat was the wind billowing against his walls. He turned his head to the side, and pressed his ear flat to one of the testicles that he rubbed against so affectionately. He could swear he heard them churning inside, filling the gryphon with even more warm, potent seed, ready to be sprayed into his queen, or his pet.

Jeremy straightened his face, leaving the testicles to hang heavily against his cheeks, and opened his mouth. The taut flesh hung tight against his lips, waiting for him. His tongue extended slowly, like his fingers had before, only he did not halt when he brushed against the flesh this time. When his tonguetip brushed the flesh in front of him, and its encompassing flavour exploded over his taste buds, he wasted no time in flattening his tongue against its surface and digging in, placing a single, long stroke against his Master's sack. It was intoxicating, the rich spice blown beyond the proportions of what a scent could carry. The oils of his Master's skin was like the ingredient of a master chef. It was a delicacy, and yet he would have it all the time. He wasn't sure whether to feel lucky or not. Regardless of the war in his brain, his mouth continued to rove around the sac, wetting the flesh as he went. He would stop to kiss it occasionally, using his lips to scoop at the loose-fitting skin and suck on it, rub it, and otherwise fill his eager jaw with warm, succulent flesh. When he reached the very bottom of the sac, Jeremy used his short, blunt teeth to tease the tips of the testicles, putting a soft pressure on them and raking down to create a feeling his hands or tongue could not match.

All the while, the King looked down upon him from above, his piercing eyes studying his pet as he bestowed pleasure upon his most intimate of places. All around him the nobles were silent, somewhat in awe of how swiftly the human had gone from looking reluctant to eagerly savouring their leader's hefty breeding orbs. A smile tugged at the powerful male's beak; this one would be good, he could feel it. Looking around at the others, he opened his beak in a wide grin.

"You see," he announced, gesturing between his legs, "my allure is unmatched. Moments ago you bore witness to this virgin human's uncertain nature, and as you can see, a mere whiff of my potency and he is suckling on my body like a hen in heat." The nobles couldn't help but agree; they hadn't seen anything quite like it before. Aware of his owner's words, Jeremy felt his entire face flush red with the humiliation. He'd gotten so carried away with himself that he'd forgotten all about the group assembled behind him. At this point it barely mattered; he didn't dare glance back, instead pushing his questing tongue right up into that fold of flesh where the King's sac drooped over his taint. Inside that tight pocket the smell was almost enough to make the human dizzy, hot with rich musk and a salty sweat that was the product of the majestic male's heated body.

"Watch carefully," the gryphon added with a smile, "as my new pet demonstrates exactly how to satisfy a King." Jeremy knew his abilities were on display, and with no prior experience he could only make up for it in enthusiasm. His orders were being followed to the letter; not one inch of that imposing avian sac would remain free of his saliva. He knew this treatment should be degrading, embarrassing and inhumane, but all he could feel was a need... a deep need, to hide his shame in the one outlet available to him; his Master. But even then, the cunning gryphon would not even allow him that.

"Keep going, my little pet, and when you have licked every last bit that you have been ordered to taste, I want you to turn once more and tell everyone watching what you have learned from your actions."

Jeremy was mortified. He had to speak to the nobles again, and about his Master's balls, no less. He wanted to escape from there, to crawl up behind the warmth of the gryphon's sac and hide, where he knew he was safe. The musk against his nose and tongue helped to soothe him, but the apprehension still knotted his gut. He wasn't finished with his current task yet, but there wasn't all that much left to do. His nose continued upwards, ploughing a trench in the skin for his tongue to follow. He went up until the soft, yielding flesh of the sac met the hard, reinforced meat of taint, and licked a long swath across that tight crease. It was a place where the flavour was strongest, and where the fragrant oils spilled from flesh made warm with friction. Back and forth his tongue sawed, gathering as much of the spice onto his taste buds as he could, until the space was wetter with saliva than with sweat. From there, he began to go in long circles, tonguing at the sides and edges that he missed in his first pass.

He was starting to find it difficult to find fresh ground to lick, until he travelled to the top of the front side, where his master's imposing sheath dangled over the final swath of untouch flesh on his Master's sac. He used his face to nudge under the filled flesh, afraid to explicitly touch it before the gryphon had consented. Soon he was wedged up beneath it, warm flesh pressing against both sides of his head, as he began to suck at the flesh that connected the sac to its sheath. The weighty, hidden shaft hugged against the back of his head, but barely stirred despite his ministrations. His tongue spread flat across the space and stroked, picking up an range of electrifying tastes from his Master's production, and then he was done. Every following stroke was met by the washed-out flavour of his own saliva. Jeremy took a final breath from the sac's confined space before pulling himself away and standing. His brown hair was visibly ruffled by the thick sheath as he approached the nobles, and he found the air to be uncomfortably sweet from the remains of a glazed hog that sat nearby.

" again." Jeremy began, no less afraid of the nobles than the first time he'd spoken. "That was the, uh, the first time my Master has shared himself with that...I was afraid, at first. Afraid that I would do something he didn't like, or do something too hard. I didn't even know what that something was, really. It just sort of...came to me. pleasure to someone who's bigger than you...who's a different species...who's a male...maybe it's more natural than I thought it would be. I am...I'm...glad, to have been given this experience." Jeremy bowed to the court once more, and returned to his Master. Instead of sitting down on his cushion like he had before, he instead chose to sit at the foot of the throne, propping his back up against his owner's thick, furred leg and resting his head against his muscular thigh.

Seeing his pet return to the space between his legs was a good start for the young human male in the eyes of his Master. It certainly showed the nobles how alluring he was, and what an effect he could have on those who came into contact with his raw masculinity. He reached down and patted the man's head, smiling to the nobles with the confidence and power of a true King.

"Now that you've seen my pet here enjoying the potency of my body, now you shall witness his submission to it completely." Jeremy looked up, somewhat confused; hadn't he proved his loyalty already? The King leaned forward, his muscles tensing as he stood up from his throne. As it was quite a large seat, there was plenty of room for the muscular avian to maneuver.

"Come," the King commanded, "sit up here on my throne." The nobles collectively widened their eyes; they had never seen their leader allow anyone to even touch his seat of power, let alone sit up there with him. Jeremy blinked, somewhat surprised; what on earth was his owner doing, letting a commoner like him rest in such a prestigious place.

"Y... yes Master," replied the human nervously, getting up from his sitting position and climbing up onto the golden throne.

Once up, the man followed the gryphon's gestures, sitting back against the back of the chair, his spine pressed up against the velvety material. It was such a luxurious feeling, one he had never had the pleasure of experiencing before. He opened his mouth to say thank you to his owner, to show his appreciation, when his eyes widened suddenly. Sitting right in front of him on the spacious throne, the King leaned forward onto his forelegs, placing his weight on the front as he lifted up his hind legs.

The big bird's flexible tail looped up and over his feathery body, moving out of the way to reveal what lay beneath. Jeremy could only stare as the gryphon raised up his rear, exposing his tight, quivering tailhole to the unsuspecting human.

"Now," the King purred softly, ruffling his wings a little as he tucked them in tighter, "you have proven your skills with your mouth. I expect there will be no problems continuing to demonstrate then?" The firm expression on his curved beak left the man with no doubt what the mighty avian expected him to do.

"Unlike humans, we gryphons are exceptionally clean in all areas," Talos added in a low whisper, "so I expect there will be no complaints." The nobles were leaning forward now, wondering if the human would really go through with what he was being ordered to do. Thankfully for Jeremy, they could no longer see his face, the King's sizeable body obscuring him mostly from view. Only Talos could prove the acts to occur behind him.

Flabbergasted, Jeremy could only stare at the anal star that was propped before him. It was easily the size of his fist, slightly wrinkled around the rim, and smooth all the way down from the end of his tail to the flap of his balls. It was hot, humid as well, and even with a foot of open space separating them there wasn't enough room to ventilate. A pure, concentrated musk attacked his nose ravenously, making his lungs feel heavy with the fumes. He blinked at the tailhole, and the tailhole blinked back, yawning wide to show its flexing pink depths in the flickering candlelight. Not a speck of dirt, dust, or debris could be seen amongst the skin and fur, making it just as pristine as the King had claimed. Was it really such a stretch to move from his Master's balls to his tailhole? He was told to experience all that his body had to offer, and this part was no exception. His face slid forward until his nose brushed just above the hole, the skin shifting and giving under his pressure, and he took a deep breath of this new source of musk. It filled him with submissive confidence, eager to please whatever part of his Master would supply more of that encompassing scent. His chin tilted down to slip between the spread gluteus, with his lips lined up with the hole.

His tongue slipped out tentatively, afraid of what he might taste across the gryphon's tailhole. It was not normal a place to share, after all, but if his balls had a taste to match their scent, so too must this. He didn't waste time prodding this time, and pressed the flat of tongue to the gryphon's pulsing flesh. He was immediately greeted with an electrifying burst of heat and flavour that rushed along his tongue and made a jumbled mess of his brain. He effectively fell forward into the embrace of the gryphon's ample hindquarters, using it for support more than his own body. He wasn't sure which was softer, the velvet cushions beneath him, or the smooth flesh that wrapped his face in a warm caress. His lips met the puckered flesh and set upon them like a lover's mouth, latching over their ruffled edges and matching them flex for flex as he suckled against them. Meanwhile, his nose dug into the supple flesh above, using it to push the lips below down against his upper lip. He found his hands moving to the side of the massive rump, clutching the firm muscles of the gryphon's backside and pushing them together, burying his face between his mounds of cushioned flesh. His tongue danced in slow circles against the pulsing anus, working slowly towards the center as he went. When the tip of his tongue finally prodded against the center, the tailhole would open wide as if to devour his appendage whole, but he would pull away and tease along its edges until it closed up again.

On the third round of this game of cat and mouse, he allowed the grasping anus to contract itself around the tip of his tongue, sucking in an attempt to draw him deeper into his Master's bowels. Jeremy happily complied, letting the rest of his tongue slowly slip into the greedy depths. He used his lips to massage around the entrance, coaxing it open with deft, fluid movement and allowing him better access to the passage beyond. Despite his anus remaining open for him, the tunnel itself was clenching tight around his tongue, massaging its musky flavour directly into his taste buds. Pulling his tongue free, he allowed the muscular hole to reach out and grab him again, repeating their little game several times while using his lips to kiss and suck at the edges while they stretched.

The King could feel every little action his pet lavished upon his rear, that delicate human tongue working it way first around, then inside, his royal tailhole. It was a routine he was quite used to; so many gryphons had been down between his legs he'd lost count, but this was the first time he'd properly indulged in the sexual pleasures of a human under his tail. The nobles were looking on, seeing the man's lower body shifting and twisting as his upper body worked to satisfy the needs of the older gryphon. Talos' proud smile said it all; they all knew the man's face was buried right up his rear end.

"As you can see," the royal hybrid purred, "anyone who comes into contact with my body for more than a few minutes will do anything they can to remain there. The human is no exception; he will do whatever I please." A look of awe came from those assembled; even being the richest and proudest of gryphons, they could not match their King for his sexual prowess. Even the most renowned breeders and strongest studs looked on in awe at how natural and easily such things came to their great leader.

Meanwhile, Jeremy was lost in a haze of lust. His own cock had long since been erect, his comparably smaller human member standing up unashamedly as the musk from his owner drove his hormones wild. His mouth kissed and suckled on the outside of his King's supple pucker, welcoming that hot flesh into his mouth to taint his tongue with that rich taste. As he began to venture deeper, spreading open that velvety ring with his ever-questing tongue, the tastes only intensified. Spurred on by the desire to taste the very richest flavors the powerful bird could offer, he forced his face right up against that external skin, grinding his forehead into Talos' rump. He pushed his tongue out further, moaning softly into the rippling folds of the gryphon's anus. The powerful avian's bulky muscles were just as powerful inside as they were on the outside, the shifting flesh gripping his welcome tongue, trying to coax it deeper and deeper into the dominant male. Without any more reservations, Jeremy began to get to work with the same goal in mind as those majestic balls; replace every reachable inch of the beast's natural flavor with that of his saliva.

He easily lost himself in the rolling flesh that mashed around his face, leaving him no room to shift as he was entirely dominated by the warmth and scent of his Master's backside. It was true what the gryphon said. He would do anything and everything for his King, and burying his face against his forbidden entrance was no evidence against. There was no room to breathe here, the flesh pressed too tightly around his face for air pockets to form. He found his lungs burning with the desire for musk just as much as for oxygen. There was only one opening for him to use now, and he had no qualms with using it to its fullest. His lips flexed and matched with the squeezing sphincter once again, and he sucked in a breath of air straight from his Master's body. It was hot and humid, laden with scents that would drive females to heat at the slightest hint of contact. He didn't want to let it out, he wanted to keep that musky air in his lungs forever, but they began to scream with need again and the cycle continued.

Jeremy soon found his hands incapable of pressing the gryphon's rump any tighter around his head. The muscular body ahead was doing a good enough job on its own. He found them reaching forward, to grip the sides of the thick thighs as best he could, and try to pull the beast back against him. He was envious of the velvet cushion that supported the gryphon's rump all day long. He wanted to be held beneath it, be as close to it as he physically could. He jammed his face against it as hard as he could, scrunching his face tight to form a better point of his blunt skull. Only his nose and lips managed to fit in, but it only enhanced the experience as musk could roll straight into his lungs as it pleased, and his tongue could draw more of it out. He cursed his stubby human tongue, unable to reach more than a few inches into the deep passageway, and not having nearly enough room on the soft interior walls to please before he could feel his cold saliva washing back against him, causing his skin to tingle as it mixed with the hot contact against the gryphon's flesh.

The smug gryphon enjoyed seeing all those around him jealous what what was going on behind, the human's clutching hands visibly trying to drag himself deeper into the gryphon's rear. As the young man continued his work, he began to realize once more that he was running out of space to bathe in his inferior saliva. He gave a few more firm licks across that rippling inner surface before withdrawing his tongue, the King smiling a little as he moved forward and took the man's arm in his claw. Before Jeremy could ask what was happening, the King lifted him up and place him once more in front of the throne, standing up in front of all the nobles as he was met with their combined, focused stares. Immediately he flushed once more; it had been so easy to eat out his Master's hole when he had been able to block out the crowd from his mind, but now he was facing them once more. He felt even more humiliated when he thought about the fact that each and every one knew exactly where he'd been putting his mouth just moments before.

"You did a good job, my pet," the King praised, finally showing some appreciation to the dedicated little human. He stretched out his wings luxuriously, sliding back in his great throne until he was back in the same sitting position he had been in when Jeremy had tended to his balls.

"Now you have learned the value of submission," the King told him with a firm gaze, "it takes a real submissive to bury their mouth in the rear of another. As such, I am confident you will continue to impress as the night continues. We have many hours ahead, and those gathered here with us tonight will certainly be expecting a good show." At his owner's words, Jeremy didn't know whether to feel pleased that he would be treated to more of that unbearably handsome avian body, or that he was going to be paraded in front of the noble gryphons with no privacy to speak of.

"Come between my legs once more," the powerful beast demanded, "your role now is to make your Master nice and hard."

Now placed in front of the King, with nothing to hide his body or actions from the onlooking nobles, Jeremy was once again gripped in the flushing hand of embarrassment. He could see them all, watching him, smelling him. He was not so far from the head of the table to see the noble's nostrils flare, and knew that its was the King's musk exuding from his body that drew their attention. He could even see distant pillars of red from some of the nobles who did not hide themselves under the cover of the tabletop, some not afraid to fondle themselves as they watched the human whore himself at his Master's every whim. He looked up at the gryphon's hanging sheath, having barely lifted at all since starting his ministrations. He reached up and brushed its side, the skin bunching against his fingers as it slid along the shaft inside. He was already familiar with the heat and musk, and did not hesitate as he did before, wrapping his fingers delicately under the middle to heft it upwards. He could even come close to wrapping his fingers all the way around it, so he brought his other hand up to complete the ring, and drew it down to his Master's base and back up again. When he finished his lap, he held the thick sheath horizontal as he brought his face to the head of the furred covering.

The scent there was just as powerful as from his Master's rear, only here it had more room to diffuse and encompass his head. He leaned forward and kissed the tip, tasting his Master's salty fluid on its edge. He clenched his dull teeth against the upper lip and tugged against it, drawing it back and forth to massage the shaft that filled its interior. Then he switched the the bottom, letting the tip of his nose dip into the steaming interior while his mouth played with the supple flesh. The elasticity surprised him, providing ample resistance to his tugs, and threatening to slip away. When he was finished with that activity, he pulled the bottom lip of the sheath down as far as he dared take it, and let it spring back up against the shaft within. A wet slap echoed around the silent chamber, and Jeremy smiled as the sheath bobbed against the force, at least filling with blood at the slowest rate.

He still needed to hold it up while he brought his lips to sheath's. He wiggled his lips against them in a subtle kiss, before slowly inserting his tongue into the folds. It was hot and wet inside, just like his Master's rump, but this one was filled with a more viscous, tangible fluid. It was hot, sticky, with an overbearing saltiness clung to his tongue as he gathered it. He drew deeper and deeper, until he brushed against something firm and narrow. He whipped his tongue against it, feeling along its firm but yielding surface until he could stretch his tongue no further. He'd found the end of his Master's cock, hidden away in the dark, sticky depths. It was tapered to a point, although still an imposing girth even narrowed to half-size, and gradually widened as it went. Jeremy could not feel further than the first inch, but was eagerly awaiting the sensuous organ's arrival.

As the warm tongue came into contact with the very tip of his pride, Talos couldn't help but shudder; there was no comparable sensation to having one's cock sampled. He looked down at the man, seeing his two hands wrapped firmly around his bulky sheath, slowly sliding the skin up and down over his flaccid length. Even soft, the gryphon's cock was easily larger than Jeremy's fully-erect one, the size difference made all the more apparent by the stature of the avian King. As his pet's familiarity with his sheath grew, he could feel that soft tongue leaving his member alone, instead choosing to circle around the inner lips of his plump cock-holder. Jeremy almost had to stifle a moan as he swiped his tongue around the inside of his Master's sheath, savoring that warm, rich pre-seed and sheathslime that had accumulated since whenever the proud male had last mated. The nobles were mostly semi-hard themselves, lacking the restraint of their Lord.

"Very good, my pet," the King cooed softly, showing his appreciation for the smaller male's work, "but this is the easy part, do not forget that." Jeremy nodded obediently, working his palms into that silky-soft sheathfur, indulging in the sensation of indirectly stroking his Master's cock through the loose skin. Soon, however, he would be accessing it directly. He could already feel it growing; what started as folded flesh soon began to fill out, the organ within swelling up slowly with blood. The sheath only grew heavier as more and more of its free space was taken up, the King rewarding the actions of his pet with his body reacting to every loyal stroke of those dedicated hands.

"Oh yes," he purred in a lust-filled tone, smiling as the red tip of his royal spear emerged into the warm feast-hall air, "get me nice and stiff, human. Remind everyone here how large their King really is." He then leaned in and whispered in a voice only his pet could hear.

"I want you to leave them with no doubt in their minds that my cock is the single most important thing in your entire life," Talos commanded under his breath, "as it will be, for as long as you remain in my possession."

Jeremy nodded quickly, his face shifting against the now solid sheath as he absorbed his Master's orders. Only an inch of the crimson shaft had emerged, but he wanted so much more of it. He brought his mouth up to the front and engulfed the tip, wrapping the slick member inside his lips and flicking at it with his tongue. With the aching flesh readily available and eager for service, he had so much more room to work. The flat of his tongue worked itself eagerly across the curved surface of his Master's cock, cleaning away the fluid contents of his sheath and leaving only bare flesh coated in eager saliva. He fit his lips into the ridge a little further down the shaft and made a tight seal, using his eager mouth to create a perfect unpracticed suction against the shaft. Using the tip of his tongue, he teased at the wide slit that crowned the spear of flesh, wedging it open and licking across the folds that lay just inside.

As he worked, his eyes closing slowly, he could feel the gryphon's reactions to his ministrations. Royal blood pulsed between his lips, moving faster and faster as the King's powerful heart beat harder in excitement and lust. It had to keep readjusting his grip with his lips and tongue, as more and more of the flesh slipped out and into his mouth. Soon, he felt his lips stretched too wide to take any more of the shaft's girth, despite only have the first five inches extended. More than half of the turgid spear lay under the cover of his sheath, and Jeremy had to coax it free. He brought his head around to the side of his Master's cock, running his tongue along its velvet surface, until he met where the flesh rolled under furry skin. He wedged his tongue underneath the taut cover, a challenge in itself with the gryphon's shaft already stretching it to its limits, and tried to work it down the shaft himself. He turned his head sideways, his mouth wrapping up along the side of the shaft and slipping backwards, tongue extended, and for the first time allowed the crowd to see his face as he worked.

He heard a few moans rise from the noble beaks before him, and opened his eyes slowly, seeing all the rich gryphon lords scrunched up in vicarious pleasure as their own scaly claws stroked at their erections. Even from so far away, Jeremy could tell that they all paled in comparison to the size of the cock he was working on, playing with, and worshipping. He returned his mouth to the head of the shaft and rubbed it across the front of his face, smearing the first dribbling of pre-seed into the space between his nose and his cheek. He licked along its underside as he went, curling his tongue to cradle the rigid passage that would carry his Master's liquid favor to him. All the while, his delicate fingers danced along the edge of the sheath, massaging and stroking the newly emerged flesh as it slowly opened up for him. As the shaft slowly revealed itself, it amused him to think that their roles had been reversed, and now Jeremy was working to coax the gryphon's shy shaft into its role.

As that wonderful mouth worked up and down his firm length, the King couldn't help but smile broadly with pride. Seeing the nobles surrounding him unable to restrain themselves from stroking themselves to the sight of his raw dominance was amusing indeed. His aura of power exuded from his body in unrivalled waves, leaving all the highborn nobles jealous of Jeremy's place between his legs.

"That's all of it," Talos rumbled, feeling his sheath slip down past the area where his knot would swell during climax. With all of his Master's pride out on display, the small human moved back a little admiring the size. Here was everything that was going to be important to him during his time under his Lord's control. Well over a foot of thick, rigid avian breeding flesh stood proudly before everyone in the room, a dollop of pre-seed leaking from the tip and splattering against the enraptured human's face. Jeremy was caught off guard by his owner's powerful claw curling around his head, turning the human slowly around until he was facing the nobles once again.

He barely had time to gaze at their slowly masturbating forms when suddenly he felt a heavy weight on his head. Moment later the big bird's supple scrotum was encasing the back of his head, and he blushed as that thick cock hung down in front of his nose, resting its weight too on his hair. He was beginning to wonder what was going on, when he heard his King's words.

"Now you have seen what I have to offer," Talos said to him with a loud tone, "you will have to convince me to give it to you." Jeremy blinked; what hadn't he done for the King yet that would prove his worthiness?

"I want to hear you beg for it," the mighty gryphon demanded, his tone lowering to a lustful growl, "I want you to beg for my cock, beg like my body's personal little human slut that I know you are. And when I am satisfied, then you will take me in your mouth and pleasure me until I deem you worthy enough to receive my seed."

It seemed his Master always wanted more out of his mouth than just an eager lick. Jeremy's eyes crossed a bit as he focussed on the tip hanging above his head, standing out above his forehead. It was heavier than it looked, and it looked quite heavy as it stood so close, fully erect and as eager as he was, regardless of how the gryphon acted. That being said, he didn't feel afraid of the King's command this time. He was already begging for the slab of meat inside his head, and he only had to open his mouth for those words to burst out.

"Master, I have given myself to you completely. There is no part of your body I would not go to give you pleasure, but there is one place where you will not let me go. Please, please Master. I want to know how your mighty cock feels against my skin, and inside me. I want it more than anything in the world. My mind will rot with madness if I don't have it. Please, let me worship you like a good pet would. I want to be your pet, and stay by your side forever. Please, Master?" he pleaded, looking up at his Master's face with wide eyes from beneath the girthy spear of flesh that hung between them. A few droplets of pre dripped onto his face and oozed down his cheek like milky tears. He turned his body and pressed his chest tight to the gryphon's sac, wrapping his arms around to embrace it like a long-lost loved one, all the while never losing eye contact with his King. He didn't care if the nobles, or the castle, or the whole world knew. He only cared that the gryphon knew how much he loved serving him, and how he wanted it to stay that way.

Satisfied with the words he had heard, the King reached down and rubbed his pet around the ears, showing his appreciation for such a dedicated servant of his body. The male knew of his own power and the effect he had upon those who breathed his musk, and he rewarded all those who surrendered to his whims.

"Very well," the King stated, "you may proceed." He sat back in his throne, spreading his hind legs open wide to show off his massive length. He could see those eager human eyes staring at it with adoration, and he wondered if the man had enough endurance in him to make the majestic beast climax. The nobles were evidently impressed, many of them had slowed their stroking of their own insistent arousals to drink in every word that had been spoken from the eager pet's throat. Jeremy propped himself up on his knees; the perfect position for a pet like himself, right down between the legs of a superior male. There wasn't really anything he could do better than the god-like gryphon, and he knew it and respected the gap between them. He knew what his role was; to lick clean the musky scents and otherwise bring pleasure to the gryphon who had claimed dominion over him.

Jeremy's smile grew wide with a heartwarming joy. He was free, free in the only way that mattered to him. Nowhere on the gryphon's body could he not touch, stroke, kiss, or lick to bring his Master pleasure. All of that room to love and care for, and it would care for him in return. He pledged to experience it all, to one day roam across every feather and strand of fur on the gryphon's massive form, but for now, he only wanted one and a half feet of it. His arms left the sac he clung to and instead wrapped around the shaft above him, holding it in the crooks of his elbows. From there he pulled himself up, and began to grind his face against its underside. It pushed back against him just as hard as he pushed against it, never giving him even the slightest inkling of control. The gryphon's cock wasn't some toy or tool he could use to show his affection, it was just as demanding of his obedience as the rest of his Master.

He slid his face up along the gurgling urethral tube, listening all the while as it bubbled up the pre-seed that dripped down onto his head and shoulders. When his tongue rolled over the bottom edge of the head and over the tip, he picked up all of that fresh ooze as he did, bringing it up to cling inside his mouth. The tip of his tongue was joined to the tip of the shaft by spicy strands of milky white, that tingled along his taste buds until he severed the connection with his lips and slurped the fluids away, getting his first chance to swallow the productions of his Master. The pre-seed slid slowly down his throat, warming him and bringing a tingle to his neck as it squirmed down into his empty belly. It gurgled in reply, eager for some food or drink to fill it. Jeremy hoped he would not have to wait long.

Using his tongue, he began to flick along faces of the shaft, dragging along in quick circles that grew wider as the head's taper expanded. As his saliva began to coat the widest parts available to him, he worked on relaxing his jaw, allowing the long shaft to slide further into his mouth at a painstakingly slow speed. If he went too fast, his mouth would split in two, and he'd be useless to his Master. Despite the risk, he wanted to take more of it, and though he knew he'd never be able to take all of it, or even half of it for that matter, it would be his pleasure to wrap his mouth around every cell he could stuff inside. Meanwhile, his hands were a flurry of motion, stroking back and forth along the majority of the gryphon's member, in order to provide full coverage for his Master's pleasure. He moved them in opposite directions, dragging his left back while his right came forward, and causing the skin beneath his tightened fingers to bunch and stretch against each other. His thumbs rested against the sides of the shaft, pressing in and downwards to indirectly massage the urethra that he could not reach from there.

Now that his sizeable maleness was receiving the full treatment from the human's mouth, the King could barely contain his excitement. There was no more indulgent feeling than seeing another male down sucking on one's cock. He allowed his wings to ripple in a luxurious stretch, showing off to the nobles how casually he could enjoy the pleasures of another between his legs. He made the act of complete and utter domination look like a walk in the park.

"You suck cock quite well for a virgin," the King noted with a smirk, his claw reaching down to play with the man's hair softly. Jeremy flushed with pride at the acknowledgement, and redoubled his efforts it fitting another half an inch of that unbelievably delicious slab of bird meat into his open lips. it was hard to ignore the constant drooling of hot pre-cum that was being ever-so-slowly emitted from the tip of that juicy shaft, the syrupy liquid barely meeting any resistance as it journeyed down his throat and into his awaiting belly. He never wanted it to end, and found himself even believing that he was in a better place now than all those unfortunate nobles who didn't have the honor of being between this male's legs.

Leaning over him with a smirk, the gryphon King opened his beak, words dancing on the tip of his imposing tongue.

"You will see soon, my little pet, that my claim over your body isn't merely symbolic. No, soon you will belong to me in ways that are undeniable to any who would question it." He grinned with his curved beak, evidently pleased with himself.

"There is no escaping it," the avian continued, "it's only a matter of time before I ejaculate all over that little body of yours. There won't be an inch of you visible once I'm finished painting you with my essence, but that it not all it will do. No, you see now, my sperm are different. While you remain coated in my fluids, they will seep into your every pore. My scent will bury into your skin and mark you with the scent of my balls for the rest of your life. No amount of washing will ever remove it from you, and everyone you meet will be able to tell immediately exactly whose cock you belong to. I want you to think about that while I cum on you, my dirty little slut. My claim over you will be absolute."

Jeremy blushed hotly while his King spoke, sending shivers down his spine as he couldn't help but imagine his body drenched in warm, gooey semen. The gryphon's heirs would be inside him, millions of would-be gryphons just as big, strong and virile as their father. He would smell that musk on him every day and night, be it from a fresh fresh coat or from his own perspiration, and he would never forget. He was the King's pet, his hen, his bitch, and he wanted it. His tongue worked furiously, molding across the hills and valleys of the gryphon's mighty shaft while it dug deeper into his mouth. His mouth began to twinge and ache, but it was nothing in comparison to the electric pleasure that coursed through his body from his tongue and throat. He felt nearly plugged up inside with all the sticky pre-seed spilling straight down his throat, the front and back slow to part when they pressed together in a swallow.

He could feel a change in the King's cock now, beginning to pulse just a little faster and a little harder than before. Against his hands, the flesh near the gryphon's base began to curve just the slightest bit, and his balls began to clench up a little higher. He looked up at his Master, and could see the gryphon already fixing him with a predatory stare. Once locked with the hard eyes, he could not pull away, shrinking under their piercing glare and trying to slip further under the shaft to hide himself. The mighty beak was pulled up in an avian smirk, never once displaying anything besides a complete love of dominating his pet. Jeremy could tell he wanted the human to submit completely and willingly, just as much as the human himself wanted to do just that.

Jeremy changed the pattern at which he squeezed against the shaft with his hands, and added the gentle pressure of his lips to the dance his body moved against the fleshy stage. He curled up and used his blunt teeth to play against the velvet skin, teasing his Master with whatever fresh sensations his body could divine for him. All the while, the shaft grew more erratic in its response, and the flood of pre-seed only grew. He had no idea how much longer his Master would hold back, but he knew that there would be no question about how large it would be when it happened. He had experienced a few baths over his lifetime, as a poor rancher's boy and as a member of the castle staff, but he knew that none of them would compare to the bath that was waiting for him.

Every time that warm mouth slid down over the surface of his shaft, Talos could feel himself getting just that little bit closer to the peak. He wasn't even getting that much pleasure from the human; compared to a tight gryphoness Jeremy was hardly providing as much simulation to his hefty length. No, it was the mere idea of possessing this human, of making him his own, claiming him as his property, that made the alpha male's balls gurgle with the anticipation of their release. The smell in the feast hall was growing with the arousal of dozens of male gryphons, many of them rubbing and fondling their own erections at the sight of their King's handiwork. None of them would shoot their load, however; not one would dare deny their King the first orgasm of the evening.

"Ah... yes..." Talos purred, his breathing picking up a little in pace, "that's that stuff... yes indeed..." Hearing his owner's pleasured words only made Jeremy more enthusiastic, his lips stretched open as wide as possible to admit as much of that steaming length as he could. The tip of it tickled the back of his mouth, and the leak of pre-seed was increasing, each milky spill of his Master's arousal slipping into his empty belly. He knew now that the only thing his belly would be digesting at this feast was the contents of his Master's handsome balls.

"I'm close," the King growled finally, making his pet's eyes open wide. Jeremy didn't relent, continuing to suck on the royal gryphon's cock with enthusiasm, knowing that he had to make the better male look good in front of his subjects.

The first sign came as a deep, bass growl that began to resonate through the gryphon's mighty body. It rumbled like distant thunder, and Jeremy could feel it rumbling across the twitching length he suckled with gusto. He felt the muscles in the gryphon's pelvis tightening, and he could tell that his Master was showing quite a bit of restraint not spear through his neck in a single thrust. Rhythmic clenching of the sinew could be felt across the shaft in his mouth as well, pulsing wider and causing the edged of his jaw to twinge in noticeable pain. His hands moved at doubletime, the friction against his palms hotter than the heat exuding from the shaft itself. His pace was broken as one hand slammed to a stop against the base of the turgid member, where a great mound of flesh and blood was expanding to an enormous size before his very eyes. He'd seen the stray dogs in his village sport such inflatable knots while breeding, but never expected the King to have a similar feature, especially one so pronounced. He moved his right hand back to massage that new mountain of flesh, while his left began to roll over the top, switching from left side to right, in order to make up for the loss. As his fingers worked into the backside of the knotted flesh, the King's deep growl began to grow in pitch and volume, just as his testicles began to rise and cradle the base of his shaft. Suddenly, the great beak opened wide, and an avian cry more piercing and pitch-perfect than the most majestic eagle broke the silence of the chamber.

Jeremy was startled by the call ringing through his ears, and his eyes shut up just in time to miss the shaft jump visibly, pushing at his upper jaw, and the first shot of cum blasting against the back of his throat with such force that he was blasted from the shaft's crown and splayed across the floor a foot away. He groans and coughed, his head spinning from the sudden impact while his lungs tried to clear the viscous juices that had splattered into them. The first airbourne volley of seed arced majestically through the air before the stunned spectators, and crashed down with a marvelous splash over Jeremy's head. More fluids spilled into his mouth and nose, drenching his tongue and every other surface in a hot, creamy coating that burned with spice. His eyes shut tight to protect them, he could not see the spectacle above him until it crashed down upon his body. It was like having full buckets of bathwater dumped all over him, except it stuck to his every surface and dripped off only when there was no skin to cling to. The King's scaled hand had replaced his pet's body, controlling the angle and direction of his orgasms as he painted the floor white before him. A master tactician in both war and sex, not a single drop missed its mark, quickly reducing Jeremy's body to an elevated lake of semen. It began to slip off his sides and pool beneath him, slipping into every nook and cranny. When another load splashed down against his own erect member, it seeped in and around his shaft and balls, forever replacing whatever masculine odour he would ever produce. It slipped between his legs and into his exposed anus as well, marking the hole as one almost exclusively for breeding. Jeremy moaned out, feeling a tingling all over his body. It was surely as his Master had described; his sperm was entering his very skin and embedding themselves. It was now complete and official. He would be around his Master's cock for the rest of his life.

With his strong claw squeezing out the last few creamy splatters of hot avian spunk onto his pet's body, the King looked around with a proud smirk. There was no disputing his claim now; nothing could change what had happened here. The hefty cock continued to leak milky cream from its tip as it softened a little; with nothing holding his knot in place the big avian shaft would lose blood rather quickly. Knotted, however, he would not pull free for more than half an hour of whatever hole he happened to be balls-deep within. Satisfied with himself and his pet, Talos leaned back in his throne once more, cool blue eyes surveying the pool of hot semen that lines the floor of his hall. It didn't matter one bit; there was a dedicated cleaning crew for this kind of thing that worked after-hours.

"You've done well," he praised, staring down at the cum-coated human that sat in the middle of that impressive ejaculation. He could see Jeremy raising his head, lifting his hands to his face as he wiped a little of the creamy essence out of the way of his eyes. Opening them, he could see his Master's proud face, and wanted nothing more than to see that look of happiness for the rest of his life.

"I hereby strip you of your name," the King announced with a wave of his claw, speaking in an official voice, "as you have no need of it any longer. You shall now be known as my pet, and any variation henceforth. If anyone is to address you, it will be as 'the King's pet'. You shall be reminded of your place everyday, in every way, through the smell that will follow you through your life, and all the other reminders I provide." He looked up, seeing the nobles nodding in agreement. They had never seen anything like it, and loved this kind of treatment towards the drenched human.

"You will live in the luxury of my chambers, free to do whatever you please within its walls. My servants will bring you anything you desire to eat, wear, or otherwise enjoy. But as soon as I am in there with you, your entire attention and being will be directed back to where it belongs. You will be my own personal fuck-toy, free to use at my leisure, at any time, anywhere, in front of anyone." Jeremy could only nod as his life was explained to him, with no room for negotiation or argument; not that he wanted to. Losing his name was hard, but he knew that he had no need for it; he only existed to serve the gryphon's needs.

"Now then," Talos added with a broad smile, "climb up out of that puddle and onto the table, pet. I'm sure my guests want a better look at what I've done to you. Don't be afraid to show off; I'm sure you'll be eager to impress."

Jeremy didn't react to the order, he simply followed it. Gone were his inhibitions, leaving him along with his old identity. He was the King's pet, his Master's pet, and this was something normal for a pet to do. He rolled onto his stomach in the pile, wet slapping noises echoing through the hall as his soaked skin impacted on soaked stone. When his hands and knees were somewhat well-spaced below him, he rose onto them and began to crawl, dragging himself slowly towards the head of the table and leaving a sticky trail of slime in his wake. When the slab of wood that composed the table's top loomed over him, Jeremy found himself within five feet of four different erect gryphon cocks, all well-stroked and much more impressive than his own, and yet despite the, he could smell none of them over the overwhelming scent that wafted off his own body. He quickly realized that a table built for such a massive people as the gryphons would not be so easy to climb from the floor, hanging just above his chin when he stood at full height. The benches would be easier to manage, though, and made his way towards the long seat that lined the left side table.

The noble gryphon that resided in that seat seemed surprised by Jeremy's sluggish advance, and quickly stepped from his seat and away from the table to let the human by. With laboured grunts he hauled himself onto the seat of the bench, well-slickening its surface before pulling himself up onto his hands and knees on the long feasting table. The gryphon he'd unseated moments before looked hesitantly down at his cum-soaked seat, and then sat back down at the risk of offending his King. The lesser gryphon's rump squelched against the pooling seed, and he cringed a bit as the warm fluid gathered against his hole. Meanwhile, the human pet was making his way down the table, climbing over dishes of food and saucing them with his Master's semen. All eyes were locked on him, and cocks visible to him were bobbing with stunned excitement. He stopped a few yards down the table, rolled himself onto his back and laying there for a moment, just letting the soft sounds of semen pattering between the table slats and to the floor resonant around the feast chamber.

When he was ready to proceed, he began to rub his hands along his sides and across his waist, spreading the sticky fluids around his soaked body. His mouth opened to show those nearby the strands of white that connected his upper and lower jaws more completely than his own saliva. His fingers, wet and dripping with semen, moved down to his aching erection, suddenly able to provide some stimulation to himself. He'd show his Master, and everyone there, how much he really loved being a pet. He spun his body on the tabletop until he could frame his Master's regal visage between his spread thighs, and slipped his hands down to rub along the inside of his legs. Starting from his knees, he teased himself lower and lower, until his cum-soaked hands finally brushed against the clean-shaven base of his own member. It was almost disappointing to him now, so inferior to the shaft of the gryphon. If he could have that magnificent cock whenever he wanted, why settle for his own? However, the jolts of pleasure that jumped through his body as he stroked himself were made greater by his Master's generous cum and watchful eye. As his hands roamed around his own privates, the only goal in his mind was not pleasuring himself, but giving the best show possible.

Ensuring that the King's gaze was upon him before continuing, the young man worked the thick spooge deep into every nook and cranny he could massage with his hand. Under his balls, between his thighs, deep into that supple foreskin; every inch of his groin was being bathed in his owner's essence. Those millions of live, wriggling avian sperm burrowing into his very flesh, ensuring that he would forever remain tainted with the King's personal, unique scent.

"Thank you Master," he moaned, masturbating himself eagerly on the strong wooden table, "I do not deserve one as gracious as you, and I will work to keep you pleased with me no matter what." His words were honest ones; time spent breathing the dominant male's musk and submitting to his will had left the publically nameless man with nothing less than a complete and utter desire to serve, to satisfy. Talos nodded, accepting his pet's words, enjoying those looks of jealously from the lower-class gryphons surrounding him. Not one would dare lay a single claw on that human without permission, and even the noble sitting in that small patch of his sperm knew that he was lucky just to be that close to anything his King produced.

"Witness my pet," Talos smirked, "see how quickly he has turned from a virgin to a willing breeding partner. But fear not; the entertainment is only just beginning." The nobles tilted their heads at that; what else would their glorious leader gift them with the enjoyment of observing? Jeremy hardly cared; the promise that his Master wasn't finished with him yet was more than enough to have him trying even harder. Wanting to show off even more, he ran his hand along his belly, scooping up a large, gloopy handful of steaming hot bird cum. He had to show them all... prove to each and every one including his owner exactly where he wanted the powerful male to bury his load next.

Carefully cradling the wad of semen in his palm, he slid his hand down in between his legs and let it drop. It collided with a splat against his taint, and began to drip down into the cleft of his ass, dripping around his bared anus. He just let it drip for a moment, letting the wide-eyed nobles gawk at his body before he continued. After a moment of dramatic pause, he pressed his fingers together into a thick wedge and danced it around the puckered rim of his anus, teasing a moan from himself. He wanted his Master inside him, but he had to prove he could handle it first. Lining up the tip of his middle finger with his apprehensive hole, he pushed his wedged hand with all his might, until his pucker's seal broke and his slippery hand drove inside. He clenched up and cried out with pain, his anus never having spread that wide before, but when he was finished, his hand had sunk into his own ass to the wrist, forcing out a steady stream of lubricating semen with it. He knew that the anal training was on the extreme side, but for his Master, it was worth it. He would hate to be torn apart on their first time, after all.

With the initial pain of penetration fading away, Jeremy began to push deeper, sinking his arm into his own slick depths until the position was too uncomfortable to maintain. From there he began to retract, showing off his matted white arm to the noble gryphons as it appeared from his spread anus. When only his fingers remained inside, he thrust back in again, pushing back to his limit and letting out a long moan of pleasure. He had never felt such sparks of pleasure before, surely caused by his Master's semen slipping around inside him. Surely if the old seed felt so good, new seed would feel even better. Just another reason to convince his Master that he was ready. He reached down with his left hand and grasped at his cheek, desperately tried to pull his hole even wider to get more of his arm inside. He picked up a breakneck rhythm into himself, bringing charges of pure pleasure crashing around his body. He kicked his legs up and hoisted his ass high into the air, presenting his slickened ass to his Master while his hand was busy scooping the gryphon's cum from his deep inside his hole. He had put it there himself, and now he wanted to have the King do it for him. He felt a strong twinge in his groin, something that almost felt foreign to him now, as his own balls tightened and blew. His back arched, and it seemed as if nothing had emerged from his cock at all. The gryphon's thick fluids still clung around his head, and immediately absorbed any of the human's pathetic seed.

Out of semen and energy, Jeremy flopped back against the tabletop, panting and moaning in post-orgasmic euphoria. His arm slowly retreated from his anus, slipping out with a sloppy bubbling sound until it burst from his hole. He gave his Master the best view of his spread anus, as the show was meant for him, after all. He could even make out the gryphon's pleased smirk from the table, and he couldn't help but smile himself. For his grand finale, he rolled himself back onto his hands and knees, with his rump held high. Reaching over, he found the honeyed ham that lay next to him on the table, and removed the apple from its mouth. The red fruit was still crisp as he fit it into his own teeth, and looked back at his Master with soft, pleading eyes.

The regal gryphon watched for a few moments, his sharp eyes admiring that flexing, needy hole spread out on the table before him. He possessed no fine gryphon rump, but that mattered little to the majestic bird; he merely needed a place to bury his cock. With a slow motion he slid forward on that throne, stepping down off it with his usual smirk curled across that sharp beak. He walked a few steps forward and then placed his claws on the table, climbing up on top of it with ease. He glanced at the nobles closest to him, giving them each a firm gaze.

"I could have each and any of you as easily as I could have this human," he purred with a fierce expression, watching them all flush red at his words.

"I could have any of you screaming my name and moaning like little whores before I'd even started fucking you," the King added, enjoying the look on the nobles' features.

"I expect you to all continue your good work," he finished, "or I shall drag you to my chambers and breed you so hard that your tailholes will gape for a week." Talos knew that each and every one of these nobles would be delighted to have him mount them, but they also knew there was a big difference between being mounted for pleasure and being mounted to be punished.

"Now then," the gryphon chuckled, turning his attention back to the human lying with his ass in the air and an apple in his mouth. He reached over and plucked it from the man's mouth, swallowing the juicy red fruit with a pleased smile.

"No muffling your voice, my pet," he warned, "if you're going to scream, I want it to be my name you call to the heavens." Stepping forward the King straddled the young man's body, placing a thick, muscled hind leg either side of the human's skinnier ones and crouching down low so his groin was pressing down against the man's comparably smaller one.

"I'm going to take you eye-to-eye," Talos informed him with a smirk, "I want to see your face as I fuck my pet. You will learn your role in life as I take you like a bitch in heat. I don't want to hear any complaints; you are a mere human to be used for my pleasure."

"Master, please," Jeremy whispered, almost whining. "Please fill me, Master. Stuff me with your cock and fill me with your seed. I don't want to be yours on just the outside, I want to be yours on the inside, too. I want to feel the food inside me slickened by your seed, and my bile to be milky white for months at a time. I want to bleed your creamy essence from my every vein. Please fuck me, Master. I feel so empty inside. I need it..."

"I know, pet. I know," the gryphon replied softly, wrapping one of his great scaled hands around his diminutive shoulder. He leaned in close, dropping his head to lock eyes with the pleading human. His nostrils flared softly, reveling in his own scent drowning out any trace of the little man's, or the crowds. If a blind and deaf man were to enter his hall, he would only know the gryphon King was there. If a blind man walked into the hall, he would know the gryphon king was there, and dozens of squabbling hens, waiting their turn to be mounted. However, Talos knew that, for now, only one would be getting his seed tonight. A little human male, probably not even attractive to females of his own species. Here, it didn't matter how he looked. If the King didn't like how his pet looked, he'd spray his face with seed until it looked better to him. His pet was a hen's snatch with arms and legs, and eager to use those to pleasure as well. He didn't need to break the human anymore; he had broken a long time before this. That being said, he liked doing it, and liked it more than the males he broke throwing themselves at him every chance they could.

Dragging his hips back over the human's he brought the head of his cock down to rest against the hole that was still stretched wide beneath him. The soft flesh kissed at his tip gently, begging him to slide inside.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me..." his pet repeated, over and over again.

"Okay, pet. I will."

With a broad smile on his face, the gryphon King lowered himself and pushed forward with his hips. He could see every little line on his pet's features, every breath and expression of lust as the tip of his mighty breeding organ slipped inside of his submissive human toy. The nobles had an amazingly close-up view of the action as their leader took the virginity of his delectable little bitch. Talos could feel his spent cum lubricating his entry, the slimy liquid surrounding his pulsing cocktip and caressing its previous owner as the steamy flesh slid inside. Another inch followed, and then another, until just under half of the King's thick length was nuzzled into his 'female's anal passage.

"Oh Master," Jeremy grunted, feeling his body finally stretching to accommodate such a sizeable log of flesh. It wasn't even half and already he felt fuller than ever; stuffed with a ripe, fertile shaft fit for breeding. He could see his owner's beak, staring into those eyes adoringly, knowing that the King's affections were not for his personality or his looks, but his use as a living sex toy with which to relieve himself with. Lying there as the King gave him a few moments to adjust to the feeling of being penetrated, the young man knew exactly what his place in life was. He was no longer an individual of importance in any way; he was merely an extension of his King's will, a place for his majestic Master to come and dump load after load of his lust whenever he so wished. He was pleased with that; honored to have such a place, to be gifted with that unmatched body day and night. He smiled, his skin still slick and slimy with the pungent cream that had been pumped on him earlier.

"Are you ready?" Talos whispered softly, giving him one last chance to confirm.

"Yes Master," the now nameless man replied, "use me as you will."

Jeremy was trembling. Not with fear or pain, but with excitement. It was finally going to happen. He was finally going to fulfil his duty. He wanted it so bad, and there was nothing stopping him now. His Master began to draw out slowly, a searing emptiness in his bowels as the shaft pulled back until only the head remained inside. He felt a whispering breath against his ear once more, and felt his Master's beak by his side.

"I will have the servants help you back to my room when I am finished with you tonight," he said. "I suspect you will be unable to walk there yourself."

"Thank you," he replied, not for the promise of assistance, but for the promise of a firm and rigorous breeding. He waited in eager anticipation, until he felt his Master's hand wrap around his other shoulder. Now pinned completely beneath the gryphon's weight, there was nowhere for him to slide, not even with the slick layer of seed against his back. Another silent moment, waiting patiently for his Master to move, until it struck. Like a hammer between his legs, the enormous gryphon plowed straight into him, driving another inch of thick cock into his stretched ass and causing his body to arch with the explosive pleasure and pain of such a mighty thrust. He knew his Master was still restraining himself, with not even half the shaft inside him, but he was grateful for the consideration. Even though he wanted to have the gryphon fuck him like a needy hen, it would turn him to mush. It was so kind of his Master to work him up, with each thrust being a little bit stronger, a little bit faster, and a little bit deeper than the last. He was already finding it difficult to think, and his breathing was interrupted by gasps and moans as his insides were ground and soiled. He reached up and ran his hands through the gryphon's brilliantly preened feathers, eager to feel his Master all around him. His cock jumped to full height again, slapping against his stomach with the force of the gryphon's thrusts. He threw his head back and moaned, staring up into the soft eyes of his Master, and saw a brief affection there. He didn't want affection now. He wanted his Master's eyes to be hard and piercing, locking a predatory stare with his eager prey. While he was panting and moaning with glee, his Master was breathing no harder than he had sitting in his throne. He wanted the gryphon panting ragged gasps, putting all of his energy into each and every thrust into his slutty pet.

"Master," Jeremy groaned. "Harder, Master. I can do it."

Talos picked up his speed a little, working that glistening shaft deeper and deeper into his cum-covered pet. Despite only being able to fit two-thirds of it inside at this point, the feeling of that tight human hole gripping and tugging on his length with each thrust and withdrawal was more than enough to please him. Jeremy's moans came loud and clear; being fucked in this rough, dominant way was leaving him breathless with the effort and strain. Even still, he knew his King was barely raising a sweat, his inferior human body incomparable to the majesty of a gryphon.

"You were born for this," the big bird growled in a lust-filled tone, "your entire life from now on revolves around what hangs between these legs of mine." The man nodded, his tongue hanging out from the blissful exertion that was a result of that thick crimson spire ploughing into his anal passage again and again. The breeding was made to feel even better by the warmth that coated his body; he'd never felt as comfortable in his life as he did wearing the creamy blanked of his Master's ejaculate.

"I... was made... for your... pleasure," he managed to gasp out between those hard thrusts, his whole body tense from the rigorous pounding it was receiving. Talos smirked and curled his claws inward, scratching the strong wooden table as he added a little more pace to his movements. His low-hanging balls were able to hit the man's rear now; those swaying testicles colliding against bare human ass-skin with audible slaps. Jeremy had no doubts his owner had already filled up another load inside, their weight was just as great now as it had been in his mouth and hands. Would this be his life from now on: constantly full of semen, his body being flushed thoroughly inside and out with load after load of the contents of those beautiful balls?

"Master...I..." Jeremy gasped, the heat, weight and force against his body all working to further his own pleasure. His shaft was solid and upright once more, grinding against the low-hanging belly of the gryphon as it rutted him. He could already feel another load being squeeze from his balls, an almost painful tightness clenching around them as his body spasmed with jolts of ecstasy. Every time the thick shaft of his Master's mighty cock plunged into him and spread him wide, his whole body seized and trembled with bliss. Every time the massive pair of orbs clubbed against his backside, covering it entirely with warm, fuzzy skin, he was reminded about how small he was, and how much he was at his Master's mercy. The loss of control only served to heighten his arousal, and the rhythmic clenching of his ass around the leviathan grew stronger and more rapid.

He began to try forcing himself back against the gryphon's powerful thrusts, wiggling his hips and lunging with his back every time the cock jammed forward to meet him. Unfortunately, the gryphon's massive weight across his shoulders prevented that moment, but he was sure his Master knew of his efforts. The gryphon's sharp beak nudged against his ear before parting, and a quiet, almost ragged whisper escaped. "This isn't enough for you, is it? You want it all, don't you?"

Jeremy mumbled meekly, unable to form the words. His head bobbed rapidly to wordlessly voice his reply, but he knew that wordlessness was not good enough for his Master.

"Say what it is you want," Talos whispered.

"I...I want..." Jeremy began, his voice weak and barely audible, even to the gryphon.

"No, pet, louder," the gryphon growled. "I want everyone at this table to hear it."

"F...fill me!" Jeremy cried, his voice cracked and pitchy as the pointed cock jammed and ground inside him. "I want it all!"

Talos chuckled deeply, and he took a moment to preen his beak through the tossled hair of his young pet. "You've been a very good boy today. I think you deserve a treat. Are you ready?"

"Y...yes, Master!" the human cried out once more.

"Ssh, ssh. Save your breath. You're going to need it." the gryphon pulled himself back and shuffled his hindquarters, working to achieve the best possible footing. When he felt good and solid in his oaken table, his dug his arsenal of claws into the hardwood, rooting himself and his pet in place. With every bristling fibre of muscle below his waist, he pistoned himself back into the young boy, his passage spreading like flesh under claw tip. With a vibration that rattled the platters across the tabletop, the gryphon hilted inside the human, filling the room with his echoing, pained howl. Bunched sheathskin rubbed against the worn anus that now sheathed him; warmer, wetter, and more pleasurable than his own housing. He gave a few gentle grinds inward, making sure he was good and buried into him, the boy breathlessly chanting "yes, yes" all the while.

"You have taken my cock entire cock like a true hen," the King murmured into Jeremy's ear. "Now its time to be fucked like one."

The surrounding nobles could only watch in wide-eyed amazement as their King spread the human open wider than he could have even thought was physically possibly. The huge bulge in the middle of the man's belly as he was taken properly was indication enough of the majestic male's size. Jeremy's tongue was hanging from his mouth, panting heavily from the effort of being filled so strenuously.

"Oh yes... now that's more like it," the gryphon purred, letting his achingly hard shaft lounge in the hot depths of his new hen. He hadn't been quite sure if the little human could take him completely, and was satisfied to know that he could. He looked around at the nobles, each of which was stroking themselves at the sight, each knowing their own virility could never match what they were seeing here.

"Now, we mate," Talos growled flatly, lunging back and pulling that log of steaming flesh free from the man's abused innards. Jeremy barely had time to think before it was rammed right back in, the sheath kissing his stretched pucker once more. Those heavy balls slapped even harder against his rump, bringing with them the promise of another fresh filling. Out and in, the glossy crimson spear worked its way around that deliciously sloppy tunnel, the smell of their intercourse enough to have the closest nobles feeling lightheaded. Talos was using his strength now, his powerful hips thrusting forward and spearing the man repeatedly upon his royal pride, showing his dominance and control to everyone present. His pet's face contained a look which mixed the strain of what he was being made to endure with the pleasure that came from doing so. He could feel that insignificant human cock rubbing against his bellyfur and it made him smirk to know he could even get this little human to orgasm without even touching it. He could feel himself getting closer to another climax with every thrust, and he stopped pulling all the way out as he felt the tingling in his knot. He wouldn't tie with his pet, not yet; being forced to hold that much semen would be fatal if it had nowhere to go. Instead he worked short, firm thrusts with the back half of his member, ready to pull back once his bulge swelled. It didn't take much longer, his knot engorging as he continued to fuck the human without mercy, and as he pulled back Jeremy could feel that intimidating lump of flesh pounding his pucker just as hard as those testicles were pounding his ass.

"Get ready pet," he growled lustily, "I'm going to finish in you." Jeremy nodded breathlessly; he would love nothing more. With a few more short thrusts, Talos buried himself up to the knot inside of his submissive hen and tensed his whole body as the first hot rope of sticky white birdcum wriggled up through his balls and splattered forcibly against the depths of his pet's bowels.

"Oh, Master!" Jeremy squawked, his senses overloading as the shaft of the gryphon's great cock bulged and pulsed within him. As the first flood of blazing hot semen roared into him, his own cock jumped and splattered his meager load into his Master's feathers. The gryphon's body bore down on him, trapping him beneath his warm, hardened body and the tabletop as his cremy fluids filled his insides. It was finally just the way he wanted it. Every time he moved, flexed or reached, his Master's feathers or furry hide was there. Every breath he took was saturated with the gryphon's masculine scent, acting as a constant reminder of how little he was and exactly where he belonged. His mouth burned with the embodiment of that scent, having already been filled with his Master's cum moments before. Loud, ragged panting was finally blowing over his ears from the great gryphon's throat, letting him know that the effort put into him had not been wasted. Finally, whenever he looked way up, past the shoulders and down the long, tensing neck of his owner, he saw the mighty King's eyes, hardened up like arrows as he claimed him as sexual prey, and Jeremy was happy. He would gladly be stalked and pounced on whenever his Master pleased. Everything he felt at this moment, through every sense of his being, was straight from his Master's body. He was his forever.

"I think you look better this way, pet," the gryphon said with a smirk, snapping Jeremy from his reverent thought. He pulled his eyes from the gryphon's gaze to see his own stomach, now bloating and full of sloshing gryphon seed. He couldn't define the massive rod inside him anymore, with the rest of his belly blown out to cover it. Placing his hands against it's slick surface, he rubbed down his abdomen until he felt the rigid cock against the inside of his stomach, and gave it a gentle squeeze. While he had once wanted to eat everything on this table, he now felt too full of cream to enjoy any of it. Perhaps it would be an unexpected side-effect of his time with the gryphon from now on.

"I like it too, Master," Jeremy replied quietly. He felt especially weak now, with the exertion and heat starting to slowly lull him to sleep. He rubbed his eyes slowly, trying his best not to mix any of the nearby semen into them, before reaching up to stroke along the gryphon's chest once more. "Thank you, for picking me. I think I'm really going to like it here."

Talos purred softly, rocking his hips gently into the well-bred human below. The nobles around him were unable to contain themselves, and many of them came as well, spraying their loads under the table as their claws worked upon their own insistent arousals. Talos smirked; he didn't blame them for being unable to contain their lusts at the sight of his dominance. He was King for a reason after all. Jeremy seemed content to simply lie there under his owner and indulge in the afterglow of his rutting, unable to do much else while the bulk of the gryphon loomed over him.

"Easy there," Talos warned with a nod, pulling back slowly as he slipped that oversized breeding tool from the depths of his pet. The man groaned loudly as his body felt every last inch of that massive organ retreating from his intestines, doing his best to relax while it was tugged free. After what felt like a minute, the hot, glossy shaft spilled free of his stretched ass, followed by a veritable torrent of fresh bird spunk. He groaned as the weight left his belly; copious amounts of the King's freshly-churned cream pouring from his abused hole. All the nobles watched with smiles as more cum coated the table, leaking profusely from the human male that lay upon its surface.

"When you're ready you may sit up," Talos graciously told him, a smile on his beak, "you have no need to say anything further. Everyone here has already witnessed your dedication... first hand." With barely any energy left to reply, Jeremy resorted to a simple nod, his chest rising and falling with the exertion of drawing deep breaths. In a single, graceful motion the King leapt from the table, landing lightly on his claws and turning back to face the wooden surface. He did not sit back on his throne just yet; it wasn't quite ready for his return. Instead the King simply watched and waited for a few minutes patiently, along with the nobles who had turned the floor under the table into a steaming concoction of mixed avian ejaculations. None dared stain the top of the table; that was for the King's pleasure alone. Eventually, Jeremy could feel his rear returned mostly to its original level of stretchiness, most of the sensations having dulled for the time being. It didn't stop the constant, squelching feeling, but he could roll over onto his hands and knees, before finally standing on his feet in the middle of the table. He looked around at the nobles and smiled; he'd taken the King, and none of them could claim to have done the same to a creature with the size difference Talos possessed.

"What would you have me do now, Master?" he asked with a bit more confidence, looking back at the gryphon King with a respectful bow of his head.

"Come sit on my throne once more," the brown-feathered royal commanded, "we shall discuss things from there."

Jeremy stepped lightly down the table towards the throne, retracing the trail of semen he'd left upon the tabletop during his first tour of its surface. Cum leaked profusely from his anus as he walked, aided by gravity and the occasional flex that his muscles twitched out of him. He could hear it pattering against the table like rain, refilling the air with his Master's encompassing scent and bringing whatever nobles were left to a whimpering orgasm. When he reached the edge of the tabletop, he was forced to sit on the edge and roll himself over, afraid of what might happen to his sloshing insides if he simply jumped. With a groan he slipped over the side and landed on the cold stone floor with a soft thud, his Master watching him with an amused grin from a few feet away. After taking a moment to steady his freestanding contents, he began towards the waiting gryphon once again. Once he was within a foot of the looming creature, the King turned and led the way to his throne, giving Jeremy another excellent view of his tailhole and empty, swinging orbs in the firelight. When his Master stepped to the side to give him clear passage to the stunning throne, Jeremy took a moment to awe at it once more, before stepping up to the raised seat and attempting to haul himself up. However, with the added weight of his Master's seed inside him, along with the exercises of the day, he found himself unable to muster the strength to mount the chair. After a hearty chuckle from the gryphon, he felt a scaled palm cup against his rear, and hoist him upwards. Now kneeling on the comfy seat of the throne, he took a moment to turn and sit at its edge, the velvety cushion soft and becoming progressively wetter against his sensitive hole.

"You have proven yourself a capable and worthy of the title of 'pet'," Talos said, smiling proudly upon him. "I would like to cordially invite you into my castles, into my halls, and into my beds. Will you, while these noble turkeys deal in politics and backstabbings, work only for the pleasures of me? Will you act as my sheath when I grow weary of my own, and play my hen at any time of the day until a princess comes of heat? Will you place your tender life in my talons, and in exchange be mine until your pitifully short candle burns out?"

"I will, Master," Jeremy said with a grin as wide as the gryphon's.

"Then I hereby crown you," the gryphon announced, turning around and hiking his tail. His enormous tailhole winked at Jeremy softly, before sliding back to meet his face. It flexed and planted a kiss directly on his mouth, all while carrying him down until his back smushed into the velvet cushion and the gryphon's enormous weight spread around him. The majority of his weight was distributed across his toned glutes, spread around his head to spare him from being crushed beneath his Master's rump. "the royal pet." he concluded, he concluded.

As the gryphon sat back slowly, finally resting against the backrest of the chair, the excess air was squeezed out from beneath the hefty orbs that now sagged across his chest and stomach. His Master's thick legs moved to cover his own, as they hung over the edge of the chair, and left only his limp shaft and ravaged hole visible from outside. With his Master's weight compressing him, the cum left inside him was slowly forced out of him until his body returned to normal girth, leaving a new puddle of semen at the foot of his throne. When he had finally settled into place, Jeremy was left to his own devices. With such a tantalizing hole pressing against his lips so eagerly, it seemed unfair to deny it. His moved his lips to match it's flexing pace, and buried his tongue into the musky hole, still fresh, playful and lacking such problems as endurance. He could lick this hole as long as he or his Master wanted. Needless to say, he would wear his new crown proudly.