Lion Tamer... not so much

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Hooves like to play with his Predators

Lion Tamer

The rangy young Tiger chuckled lewdly, as he moved up behind the sleek striped Zebracorn. "What?" Hooves inquired, looking back over his shoulder at the tall proud Apex predator; who was looking him over with lustfully hungry eyes.

"Oh nothing... I was just thinking of something funny." The sleek sexy predator assured, licking his lip's as he reached out to squeeze one of those plump ass cheeks.

"Ohoooo I'm sure." Hooves snorted, as he decided to play a game with this sexy overconfident beast.

"What... you don't trust me? The smiling Tiger asked, squeezing and fondling both those ass-cheeks now as he pressed closer. "I'm hurt."

"Does that turn you on?" The innocent appearing Zebracorn asked, even as his tail flickered up displaying that shiny black tail hole.

"Oh yes." The young Tiger purrs, as the magical Zebracorn plucks a whip out of thin air and smacks the feline hard with it. "RRREEOW... what the hell was that?" The young Tiger yowls jumping backwards as he watches the Zebracorn pop the whip.

"I thought you said you liked being hurt..." The grinning Zebracorn answered as the young predator edged closer again.

"No I meant it turns me on!" The Tiger clarified pointing to the Zebracorns rump, even as he watched Hooves ready that whip.

"Soooooooo you do like it then?" Hooves smirks flicking the whip again, but to slow this time as the young Tiger leaps out and yanks it away. Hooves jumps as the Predator takes the whip away from him and glares.

"What?" The Zebracorn asks in wide eyed innocents as he skips away looking back over his shoulder as the trembling Tiger.

"I'm going take this whip... gonna whip that ass of your and then fuck it." The young feline snarls trembling in surpressed rage as he stalks the giggling equine.

"Fuck a whip! My... my you are a perv..." Hooves teases as he skips along staying just out of the angry young predators reach.

"That's not what I said." The sleek sexy striped feline growls in anger and desire as he watched that bouncing ass.

"Sounded like it to me..." The Zebracorn smirked, sticking out his tongue tauntingly at the stalking Tiger.

"I'm going ride that ass of yours and rip..."

"Have you got tokens?" Hooves asked cutting off the Tigers anger tirade, and leaving the young predator looking confused.

"Huh... Tokens?"

"All rides cost tokens sweety, everyone knows that..." Hooves teases rolling his eyes and doing little skip kicks at the stalking felines crotch.

"I've not got any Tokens... and it won't be that I'm shoving up your ass!" The sexy predator growls, even as Hooves giggles and points at him. "What's so damn funny?"

"Noooooooooooooooooooothin'." Hooves giggles as he watches the young Tiger look uncertain for the first time.

"Tell me." The Tiger demand harshly as he lunges at the smirking myth who swift dodges rolling eyes and looking cute. "Tell me!"

"You..." Hooves taunts watching the feline closely now expecting another lunge.

"What about me?" The young Tiger demands crouching slightly as he judges the distance he'd need to cover.

"Not having tokens." The sleek Zebracorn smirks running around horse laughing, and throwing handfuls of tokens into the air. Even as the Tiger growls and chases after him as swiftly as possible. "Hahaha..." Hooves laughs, as the Tiger pounces at him, getting ready to fuck him in that shiny hindie. The Zebracorn quickly dodging once again and then turns around tp nip the felines striped buttocks. "Pony games..."

"RRROAR!" The young Tiger roars out as he leaps up and chases after the myth again. "Your going pay for that."

Hooves throws more tokens at the racing Tiger, even as he giggles merrily. "No... I'll take that cock of yours as payment instead." The Tiger growls as Hooves lets that sleek black hose drop flapping it at his pursuer.

"Take it where? It's always wanted to go to Uranus." Getting the pun the young Tiger growls showing his sharp claws and gleaming fangs. Even as Hooves picks up the whip where the feline had dropped it, spunning to crack it loudly.

"Up Simba... Up." He called teasingly as the Tiger jumped back to avoid the whips tip.

"My name is not Simba... and I'm not Lion!" The proud young Tiger yowled, as he circled around and around the Zebracorn looking for an opening to get past the whip. Hooves cracked the whip over his head once again, as he smiled at the angry predator.

"I'm playing Lion tamer tho'." The smirking Zebracorn explained, as he forced the Tiger to take a step back. Even as the angry Predator roars again clawing at the air between them. "Ohooo very good..." The Zebracorn squeals jumping back and cracking the whip again, grabbing up a chair and poking at the Tiger. "Woah Simba... baaaad kitty."

"You have no idea how bad, but you will find out soon enough." The sexy predator roars and leaping at the Zebracorn, claws and fangs bared in a deadly snarl. But Hooves blocks him off with the chair and spanks him hard on the ass with the whip. "Yes... yes that's it gotta put on a good show for the people." The young Tiger paused, looking at the Zebracorn as if he were mad.

"Huh? People... no one here but you and me meat." Just then Hooves gestures and the lights come up, so the Tiger can see that he is in the center ring at a three ring circus.

"Hoooo Simba... you naughty kitty." Hooves taunts flicking that whip over his head once again, making the big predator flinch involuntarily.

"What the hell..." The Predator grunts looking around at the suddenly jeering laughing crowds shocked. Hooves cracks that whip at his foot paws, ordering him to get up on the brightly painted barrel. "Hell no... I'm not doing this."

"Come on Simba the kiddies want a show..." Hooves teases popping the whip and urging the big feline up onto the barrel. The Tiger growls but is forced to jump up to avoid the cracking whip, and so stands blushing on the barrel.

"Ahaha that's it... good boy." The Zebracorn called, making the humiliated feline walk on the barrel; rolling it around the ring. And then makes him climb a ramp and walk a tight rope, before lastly jumping through a flaming hoop. The crowd going wild, as the Zebracorn turns his back on the ferocious predator bowing deeply to the crowd. Those big floppy equine goodies jutting back at towards the Tiger, from between those tightly clenched equine legs.

The sleek sexy feline sneaks quickly but quietly up behind the oblivious myth, smiling darkly to himself. Hooves smiles totally ignoring the Tiger as he basks in the crowds cheering, bowing deeply. Even as the crowd Oooooo's and giggles as they see the Tiger sneaking up behind the proud Zebracorn. The young Tiger noticing for the first time that there are no kids in the crowd... only big horny leering predators. He chuckles soft and darkly under his breath, even as he pounce's on those big black goodies.

Hooves looks up at the crowd with a comically look of surprise on his muzzle, as he feels sharp claws and long fangs close over his hidden junk. "Eeeeep!" The Zebracorn screams, as he looks back to see the young Tiger cradling his huge male organs.

"I told you I'd get them..." The sleek sexy Tiger smirks as he starts to pull at those fat orbs. The crowd laughs loudly and points as the Zebtacorn's surprised look melted into shock as the Tiger pulls and bites.

"Errr Off... Simba OFF..." He cry's weakly, as those sharp claws dig into his delicate male flesh spearing the fat stud nuggets within.

"I told you my name is not Simba." The Tiger snarls lifting his blood jaws off that thick cock meat for a moment. "But I'll damn sure to get these off!" He laughed before forcing more of that thick black cock meat into his maws chewing and sucking eagerly.

"WWWEEEHEHEEE!!!" Hooves squealed bucking and struggling desperate now to get away, even as the shouting crowd cheers the young predator on. The Zebracorn falling onto all fours, and then his trembling arms gave way. Leaving only that shiny black and white striped hindie, now sploshed with red sticking up in the air. The Young Tiger sat up, gulping down the last of his goodies and licking his lip's as he looked up at the crowd who was holding it's breath. The young Tiger stroked his long barbed organ proudly as the crowd watched, and then yanking that short striped tail aside. Sank it into the whimpering Zebracorn's shiny black tail hole, making the big equine squeal against as the young Tiger barbed him savagely...


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