Spitecaller Ch. 4

Story by Gentry on SoFurry

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Chapter 4

I sat across the desk from a very brawny, very irritated looking doberman. His desk seemed irritated too, if that were possible. It was cluttered with papers, empty Styrofoam cups, and file holders as if their mere presence would cause some semblance of order. Maybe it was not irritated, perhaps just overworked. Poor desk.

"So, what do you want me to do about it?" The officer said dryly and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. The chair creaked slightly.

I blinked a couple of times as the statement settled in.

"You're an officer of the Defensive Magical Police Force!" I responded indignantly. "I want you to do your job."

See, this is why I hate working with the police here. I am not sure about other cities. But here in New Avalon, the good ol' boys are somewhat lax. It is usually the best thing ever. It allows me to work without too much fear of an officer snooping through the mana usage records. However, now I actually need their help with something. What was that old saying about cake?

"I am doing my job." He growled, anger now present with his cropped ears flicking. He stood up from his desk as if to press the point home, or to intimidate me. I am used to not being the biggest kit on the playground, so I just looked up at him, unimpressed. Also, I was not quite sure if he received the urgency in my tones earlier. There was a big, nasty spirit in a residential neighborhood.

"There's a lot more to being an officer than just answering calls and exorcisms." He continued. You know? I should probably get the guy's name since I have been in his office for a while now. I glance at the desk for a nameplate. Messy mistake. I dart my eyes to his chest for a name tag. His pectorals swelled against the tight uniform and dipped into a slim waistline tucked into his pants.

Really, Ian?

"What is your name, officer?" I ask abruptly.

The doberman stops before the tirade and exhales, wind from the sails, so to speak.

"Robert Klein." Robby the dobie? Oh, this is perfect.

"Pleased to meet you, Robert. I'm Ian Saxton." With demons, use their weakness. With corporeal foes, use martial arts. Some things can not be kicked in the muzzle though. So, for everything else, there are manners.

He offers a paw and we shake.

"I understand that you have a lot on your plate, Robert." This will be an attempt to reason with the wily police dog. "However, this is a particularly powerful spirit residing in a neighborhood where someone's cubs might wander in. It's not even sectioned off!" I neglected to mention the fact that someone's cubs already had wandered in.

Robert seems to consider then before padding over to a file cabinet against the wall and opens the middle drawer. He rifles through some of the contents. Then, he pulls out a form and carries it over to me.

"This should help bump your case to the top of the line." He smiles and hands me the paper. "Yes, it is paperwork, but that's just how things are done around here. Besides..." he indicates a small red ribbon in the top right-hand corner. "...this means it's a dire case."

I sigh, relieved. Success. "Thank you." I find a pen in the maelstrom and begin to fill out the form. It was fairly simple. Name, address, and reason for inquiry. Is fur-tearing horror applicable? I am almost finished when the officer leans against the wall out of my peripheral vision.

"There is one more thing we need to talk about."

I mumble an unintelligible form of assent and put my signature on the form.

"What are you carrying in your backpack?"

My eyes flash up from the paper as I am struck with a realization. I had brought a powerful fetish containing a spirit with an unregulated binding ritual into a police station.

This is not a good day for this fox.

"Oh, that? It's just a protection spell." I spin the lie quickly. "I felt a little unsafe after my encounter and I decided to grab one just in case something happened."

Robert's face did not betray his feelings one way or the other.

"You know we have truth enchantments laid into the walls, correct? And even if we didn't, that is a very potent spirit you have in that bag. I would be impressed," he smirked. "...if you weren't breaking the law."

I pinch the bridge of my muzzle right between my eyes and grimace. Honesty? Me?

"It's a fetish I was going to use for one spell when I returned home. One. Then, I wouldn't need it or anymore." I was not lying. I was not telling the complete truth either and that was about as much as he could get from me.

"Why do you need this much magic?" he inquired, crossing his arms over his chest again. Was that a practiced move? Or did all police officers feel comfortable standing like that?

I gave him my best glare. Fine, complete truth. "I was going to cast a beauty spell, okay? Laugh away." I turn my head away in disgust and snort a puff of air out of my muzzle.

He tilted his head to the side and chewed on his lip. "It doesn't sound that dangerous I suppose. Perhaps we can come to an...agreement."

I was not sure if I liked where this was going. "What kind of agreement?" I monotone.

The doberman rested his paws on his thighs and smiled seductively.

"Really?!" I could not keep the surprise out of my tone. "You're going to blackmail me for sex? You're an attractive police officer. This is against the aforementioned law that you supposedly uphold. Also, did I mention that you're attractive? Why do you need to blackmail anyone?!"

Robert's voice dropped an octave, like a predator nearing a kill. "Because you can't do a damn thing about it."

My body reacts to his voice before I can say otherwise. The green jogging shorts start to rise and tighten against my already overexposed thighs.

"I can ask someone like you out on a date. Have a nice dinner for under thirty bucks. Then, if I play my cards right, I can get a little tail before passing out." The doberman grinned, a sparkle in his eye that males get when they know they are about to get off. "But that's a lot of work."

He unbuttons his uniform top and I catch glimpses of hardened muscle. Crazy enough, I am reminded of Jace, who I was with not five hours prior to this encounter. The whole ordeal had left me with an already aching backside. As far as forced sex goes, this could be a lot worse. I am just praying that he is not the same size or bigger than Jace in the downstairs department.

Anger bubbles under the surface, a dull red emotion. This is so not fair. I stand up to face the canine and pray that the semi erection that is making my shorts tighter goes away.

"Fine," I mutter and grab my shorts, pulling them down in one swift motion. Everything swung out exposed. I was wearing a jock strap that matches quite nicely with the whole outfit, but I will be damned if he gets any more enjoyment from me than I feel like giving him. Just for good measure, and because I am not sure how rough he is gonna be, I remove my tank top with as little seduction as possible. All business, that is I. Plus, this is my only clean outfit for now. I should start carrying more clothing with me for all these damned horny males I run into.

Robert is leering at my naked form as he finishes unbuttoning his shirt. The dog nods at my firm cock and reaches for his belt.

"Your voice says one thing, but your dick says something completely different." He moves to stand in front of me. Gods, is he tall. I barely come up to his chest. He had been sitting for most of the time, or I had. So, his height had never been apparent. He closes his eyes and leans down to kiss me.

I turn around quickly and bend over his desk, swiping my fluffy tail at his face in irritation.

"Look, just fuck me and be done with it."

The air is forced out of my lungs as the full weight of the bigger male is pressed into me. My paws are caught in his and I am flattened onto the desk. Papers slip off the sides and a hidden stapler is now uncomfortably poking into my stomach. I brace my legs and try to calm myself as my heart leaps into my throat.

"That's not how it works, fox." Robert whispers into my ear. Somehow, the lower volume makes it worse. "I'm in control and you know what? You're going to enjoy this."

I can hear the clinking of metal as both of my paws are brought behind my back. The officer cuffs me. Great. I guess this means I do not get to top at this point either.

I have never felt such an odd mixture of anger and arousal before. As I set a glare at the opposite wall adorned with certificates and newspaper cut outs, I relax my arms as they continue to be pinned behind me. A paw grasps my hips and angles my backside higher. Oh. Right, tall doberman. Well, hell if he thinks that I will do any work on my side.

"I doubt that. Whatever you need to say to sleep at night."

A low, throaty growl comes from behind me and my body tightens with instinct. I feel a nose press against the base of my spine. Cheekiness, Ian. Take it down a couple of notches.

The officer inhales my scent deeply and draws his muzzle slowly up my back. He gets to my shoulder blades and the suspense is starting to make my knees weak. I swallow my anticipation and shiver against the light touch.

Lightning arcs of pain shoot up my spine as Robert slams his full length into me. I clench my eyes shut against the feeling and bite down hard to stifle a scream. Damn him, that hurt. Thank the Gods he is not the male Jace is, but still.

"Fuck..." I exhale quietly as the officer slides his cock out of me.

The reprieve did not last long. My tailhole was rammed full over and over. The sounds of harsh breathing and furred flesh pounding against furred flesh filled the small office.

I resented it deeply, but Robert seemed to really know what he was doing. The tip of his cock slid over my sweet spot deep inside with each thrust. Pulses of pleasure brushed in my mind and I closed my eyes, a low moan escaping my throat.

I expected a "Yeah, you like that don't you?" or a "Moan, you slut." Neither came. However, if he kept this up, I was going to soon.

My wrists start to ache a little as his paw grips them tighter. Both his breaths and thrusting become more desperate. I can feel his knot swelling and the primal areas in my brain scream at me to spread my legs wider and accept it.

Robert used my bonded wrists as leverage, pulling me up from the desk. A soft, wet noise sounded behind me as he slid out of my body. The sudden stop jarred me and I lost the buildup. I was propelled across the room against the nearby wall. It was a lot more comfortable than the desk. His firm length pressed against the small of my back where his nose trailed a few minutes earlier. I felt him undo the cuffs and I was freed.

"...do you want to continue?" he asked. The tip eased back to rest between my cheeks, teasing at the entrance.

No. Just say no and you get to keep whatever dignity you had walking in.


Gods dammit all, Ian.

As he entered me once more, I exhale, shuddering and my eyes roll back into my head. The rhythmic thrusting begins again. This time, the doberman has a better angle. My mouth lolls open and I roll my hips to show my enthusiasm. He growls and rolls his entire body against mine in tempo. Hard, flat muscles and smooth fur caressed my back.

I can feel the zipper on his uniform, the soft fabric, and his hot breath on my neck. We both swallow hard as he wraps his thick arms around my torso and squeezes my chest. The grip almost hurts and cuts off my breathing. He is so strong. I try to draw in more air to say something but I can not quite get enough. My eyes flutter. Panic. Then, as I start to see colors, he spasms behind me and whines. I did not notice him working the knot in. Did he already climax?

I draw in a deep breath as he removes himself, splattering wetness on the floor. With an appreciative pat, Robert takes a step back from me, then stuffs his spent doghood back into his pants. He must have cupped himself with a paw to prevent us being tied. Thoughtful.

Hesitating for a moment, I reach for my clothing and dress myself. It did not take long with what little clothes I have. They were not ruined, though, so points for me.

"I hope this means you'll make sure my case gets sent to the right places?"

The officer grins lazily at me.

"Yeah, here..." He scrawls his name and number on a piece of paper before handing it to me. "If you need more help, with...whatever." The jerk has the nerve to smirk at me.

I snatch the piece of paper and glare icily. "I'll use this if I have too." Asshole did not even have the common courtesy to finish me off, too. "And it will only be for the case." He probably has to do this to everyone since he is so rude and he can not get a proper date. "And I won't be careless again."

I reach the door and turn the knob.

"Ian..." he ventures.


"You don't need a beauty spell."

I exit quickly to hide the blush.
