A Day in the Life

Story by Horakh on SoFurry

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#1 of Tanya and Garyl

A Day in the Life of Tanya and Garyl Tanya swayed her hips and breathed hard, her crimson scaly breasts rocking sensually, their nipples erect and leaking cream over the wide expanse of her mounds. Garyl's cock was deep inside her, spreading her vaginal lips as wide as a bowling ball, the black flesh pulsing and throbbing with pressure and delight. His muscular frame was all around her, bulging on all sides, chest heaving with pleasure, slowly sliding in and out of his girlfriends snatch, the white hair round his glossy horns falling around her drenched in sweat. She lifted her head and kissed his green scaly chin lovingly, running her claws down the front of his broad bulging pectorals and down his eight tightly packed abs. Their hips worked in unison, driving his swollen phallus deeper and deeper with each calm, controlled thrust. She whispered nearly inaudible words of love and devotion to him, running her paws through the great locks of his white hair and over the baseball cap he wore confining them. He silently held Tanya's hips firmly, his breaths coming out his nose in great gales that blew her blond silky hair in her face. She moaned in ecstasy, attempting to speed up the thrusts and hold him tighter and closer, pressing her huge draconic tits against his abs and below his smiling face. This continued in the room where Tanya's parents slept, right on their cushy bedspread, their juices mixing on the blankets and soaking them, filling the room with their collected musk. Tanya sat back and smiled widely, looking at her boyfriend with her eyes wide and full of adoration. He thrusted into her still smiling, his eyes meeting hers. "So..." she gasped, after he hit a particularly good nerve. "Looking forward to the party tomorrow?" "Definitely..." he replied, breathless, "Hey, when do your parents get home?" "Not for another..." she looked at the clock and her smile disappeared, "oh shit, they'll be back any minute." "Have we really been fucking slowly like this for an hour?" "Apparently we have." "Wow." "C'mon! Hurry up and fill me before they get here." "Hold on then," he started humping into her faster, getting his full length into her vagina, spreading her and pummeling her g-spot energetically. She held close and focused on his fine abs against her firm drooling breasts, the movement stimulating her nipples and sending waves of pleasure through her body. He squeezed her waist, moving his thumbs around her slender belly and naval, holding her firmly as he thrusted in and out of her. He started leaking pre all over her innards, the pent-up tidal wave of cum alone enough to bloat her uterus. Dragon seed spilt out of her vagina in huge amounts, almost staining her parents' bedspread, and driving faster toward her orgasm. She bowed her head and breathed hard, chest heaving, milk spilling from her nipples in pints. Garyl held her close and they both clenched their teeth and eyes shut, just as their orgasms peaked. She snarled as her walls tightened round her lover's shaft, and he reamed her ferociously, growling in rapture, turning into roaring in euphoria as he let loose his load. It erupted into her with amazing force, stretching her insides and gushing out her entrance all over his watermelon-sized balls, mixed with the juices of her own empowered ejaculation. They sat there, embraced, for nearly three minutes with their genitals spilling their sex all over the bed beneath them, their hearts flaring for the one in their arms, both noisily announcing their shared love. Eventually they calmed down and the flow ceased. She looked up at him and smiled, sweating, and said, "We ought to clean up now..." "I agree." He panted. She nuzzled his chest and then stood up, pulling the enormous shaft from out of her insides, revealing its unnatural three-foot length and one-and-a-half-foot girth. She sighed and lowered herself again, in front of it, wrapping her arms around its slick frame and surrounding it in her huge bust, licking it with her pointed tongue affectionately. Garyl sprayed a few spurts of aftercum, and laughed softly in pleasure. "Don't... don't we have to clean up?" "I'm sorry, it's just so big and beautiful and irresistible..." she licked it again, giggling sweetly, before nuzzling his chest one more time and sliding off of the bedspread. "Now you go get back in your clothes while I change the top sheet. I think they're all still in my room where we started." "Okay," Garyl panted, standing up. His green, seven-foot tall, sixteen-year-old frame almost brushed the ceiling as he walked carefully out and down the hall, following the trail of mixed male and female juices to his girlfriend's bedroom, which was left in an even greater mess than her parents room. When they usually begin having sex, in his memory, it starts out as a ferocious pairing, kissing and laughing and moaning and yelling and fluids pouring everywhere. This one time alone, he and his love matched their amount of orgasms at about nine apiece. He smiled, trying to suppress the thoughts, knowing that it won't help with confining his erection when he puts his clothes back on. He knows they could go on for many, many hours if they weren't so limited. Tanya removed the drenched, dripping bedsheet and carried it downstairs to the laundry room, still naked, and stuffed it into the washing machine, quickly turning it up to full. Then she climbed up to where the other bedsheets were kept and withdrew a fresh one to act as replacement. Her insides were still convulsing with lust, drooling for more satisfaction from her over-hung boyfriend, spilling the leftover juices he fired into her swollen uterus all over the washing machine. Frustrated but only turned on even more, she wiped it up with a spare towel and then wrapped another one around her crimson waist and torso to stem the flow from her breasts as well. She'd never given birth, but a genetic disorder made her produce milk as a young fifteen-year-old. It wasn't much of a nuisance. It felt really good, and it drove Garyl wild. Just as she opened the door to her ransacked room, Garyl was picking up his shirt to slip on. "Oh you don't have to dress yourself completely sweetie." She said smiling, eyeing his packed abs, bulging chest and tree-trunk arms. He was a green sea-dragon, and was part of the high school swim team. This, coupled with being naturally big and burly, and a healthy diet, made him into a chorded colossus. His dick was more of a mystery that Tanya didn't care to find out about�so long as it stayed as huge, or, she shuddered, got even bigger. To Garyl, Tanya's endowments were also a mystery, but he wasn't as easy to suspend disbelief as her. He actually looked into her medical status and found that the same disorder that gave her premature lactation also caused much of the nutrients gathered by her body to focus on her milk glands, making her breasts unique insofar as they weren't made of fatty tissue, but were actually enormous milk factories. It was interesting because it was so incredibly rare, like his gigantic phallus. That was less ambiguous to him though�it was simply a trait that ran in the family. All his fathers and uncles were tall, naturally big, and well endowed with a large dick. It was part of being a straying branch of a long line of very noble dragons from long, long ago, as far as his relatives were concerned. He let that one be. But beyond her unbelievably flexible insides and her perfect, perky, round dragon-tits, Garyl's heart gave another ferocious few beats every time he saw her smile. She wasn't like other girls. She was an early bloomer�a really early bloomer. She spent almost her whole childhood in seclusion, being singled out at an early age for having breasts and growing them to the absurd proportions that they reached today. Like her family though, she was strong, and didn't let the loneliness get to her. She spent her time in the library, learning, and now was up near the top of the list of the smartest girls Garyl knew. She was intelligent, and sexy enough to blow the mind away. Tanya adored him just as much. She loved having a man as huge as he was, in whatever ways it could be interpreted, because when you're seen everywhere holding hands with a seven-foot tall, six-hundred-pound draconic bodybuilder, no one will say a word. He was the gentlest, kindest and most innocent man she knew, but she still saw him as being her precious protector. "Flex for me sweetie." She demanded, slipping on her panties. She knew this was only going to spell more trouble for her gushing cooze, so instead she lowered the panties and slipped on her broad brassiere first. Garyl smiled and raised his arms in a double-flex, showing off glistening green scales stretched over bulging, chorded soccer ball-sized biceps, throbbing pecs and a ripped back. She giggled and sure enough, felt her vagina convulse again with love and lust, seeing his mass presented so beautifully at her window. She slipped on her panties again, once she felt it was safe, and then applied the rest of her clothing. Then there was the issue of her trashed and gooey room. They both decided it better to just buckle down and wash it all before it dries�a problem they've had in the past, and not a pleasant one. Plus, it would be a good thing to tell Tanya's parents that they spent their day together cleaning her bedroom carpet and scrubbing the grime off the walls. Garyl alone hoisted the furniture out and down the hall into the garage, where it'd be easier to scrub clean. As they did this on the posts of her strained bed, they talked about tomorrow. "So where are you gonna be precious?" Garyl began, using his favorite pet-name for her. She sighed. "Working again. And I'm not off till four." "Crap." He snarled. "My parents are gone till four. I was hoping we could get together again." "Aw, that does suck." She agreed, "But hey, there's still my mom and dad's anniversary vacation in July. We'll have all the time in the world then." "Oh god, I can't wait. It's going to be so awesome having your house all to ourselves!" "What are you going to tell your parents about when they find you gone for several nights?" she asked, sidling up to him and wiping the damp wood down. "I can't be here every night, but for three days they think I'm going to be at Ed's house, and I got him to back everything up. Trust me; I've been anticipating this too much not to be already completely prepared." She laughed. "I trust you love. But hey, we'll see each other at the party right?" "I can't be in until seven. Grandparents are coming over for dinner." "Oh yeah, you mentioned that." She slowed down her efforts a bit. (She knew pretty well that she had the most able-bodied and eager worker here to do everything for her, but she liked to participate in whatever he did.) "Well, what am I going to do for the hour that I'm there?" "Come on precious," he snorted, "it's a party! You'll have hundreds of things to do. Catch up with your friends, play some games, dance..." They moved to another piece of furniture. "But I like doing all that stuff with you." "You'll get to, don't worry," he smirked, "and of course, a little more once things have died down a bit and we can get some time to ourselves." She paused again. "You're gonna give me an Australian Kiss, right?" He nodded. "I promised." "Yes!" she hissed pleasantly. "I can't wait! Oh, it's gonna feel so good!" Many guys loved to hear that things they did turned their girls on. Garyl got hazy every time it crossed his mind. "Y'know..." he mumbled, "I can do that... right now if you want." She gave him an inquiring look. "I mean, we can hear your parents' car when it drives up, and it doesn't involve much cleaning up..." he trailed off and shrugged, looking at her imploringly. Then she smiled. "We might as well." She said, "I've already eaten my panties anyway." She set down her scrubber and spread her legs wide, unzipped her jeans and revealed her sweet chasm, clenching around her straining underwear, sucking it into her depths with the sheer force of need. Servicing a dick like his for the two intimate years of their three years as a couple had strained the muscles in her vagina and beat her clit swollen. Now with the power behind both of them contracting whenever she thought of him tended to absorb the fabric beneath her jeans frequently. It made the world of tampons really difficult. Garyl gulped and felt his own just-having-gone-flaccid dick suddenly begin to throb with desire. Neither of them had even heard of a refractory period. To insure the safety of his pants, he unbuckled and unzipped them to let his monster slither out of its sheath unimpeded, then knelt down low, ridged his back and crawled up to her waiting vent. He snapped the broad straps holding her panties on her waist�he'd done this a million times already, and she LOVED when he ripped her clothes off forcefully in any way�and then shoved his muzzle in. She gasped in the sudden pang of ecstasy, felt his muzzle dip into her depths with lust and adoration. He forced himself in further, eyes wide, staring at her large and sensitive clit, feeling her innards clenching round his snout. She breathed hard, already wrapped in pleasure, watching, up beyond his crouched ass, his tail wind around his huge cock slowly, squeezing it, servicing himself with his fifth limb. She smiled widely and threw her head back, shuddering in euphoria, dropping her paws to the back of his head, in his silky white hair, to shove his face deeper into her cooze. Garyl fired his long serpentine tongue out of his muzzle and gave his girlfriend's clitoris a good long lick. Tanya cried out in pleasure and he licked it again, drove his lower jaw into her vagina and then bit down softly on her clit, totally enveloping it in his tongue. She moaned passionately and her legs shifted, her chest heaved, her breasts rolled, pouring milk all over the inside of her shirt and down his head and back. He warmly slid his muzzle into her and began licking at her insides now, careful to let each small horn on his snout brush up against her clit, which drove her wild. She writhed and yelled in pure ecstasy, stomped her footpaws on the ground and squeezed his black horns in her forepaws. He felt her walls tense up around his face and couldn't help but laugh a little. She watched his cock more, face full of awe as it poured gallons of precum onto the garage floor, being pawed-off by his huge strong tail. Her orgasm came as a tidal wave of vaginal juices, splashing his face with her spunk and creating a broad puddle on the concrete floor. He chomped and ate at the wave, drank as much of it as he could, not quite liking the flavor but loving it nonetheless, and carefully, he ate her cooze all through the orgasm. He was careful not to let himself orgasm because he wanted to keep the mess to a minimum, keeping his immensity in check with his thick tail. He ejaculated tons of seed nonetheless, being who he was, but intended to not coat the room like he did upstairs where Tanya slept. The dragoness continued to hump her boyfriend's face until she was catapulted into heaven a second time, when he made her orgasm again, merely minutes after her first. He was so enamored this time with making her scream in tearful delight, that he lost track of his own cock, and was surprised when he suddenly felt himself crack over the point of no return. Garyl kegaled hard, but even he wasn't powerful enough to stop the deluge from his shaft. His testicles roared and his urethra ballooned, carrying more semen than some men ever produced in their whole lives, launched from his cock with the force of a fire hose. He dug his face into Tanya's scaly pussy, briefly hearing her shout in shock and amazement. She had seen him erupt so many times she couldn't remember, but it was still always a humbling sight for her to see. His tail twitched and convulsed unnaturally, and his penis quaked with sheer power. She felt, amid the heightening pleasure, some fearful doubt as to if the garage door which he was pummeling with the waves of his cum, could survive the pressure and impact. Her mind was again taken over by the pleasure though, and she immediately forgot. About another twenty minutes later they were both completely clothed again, Garyl's face was washed, and they were just finishing up their cleaning of the flooded garage floor. "We are so lucky to have these extra vacuum bags." Tanya mentioned as she heaved the last cum-bloated bag into the trash cans out back. "Otherwise I don't know what we'd do." "Yeah," Garyl laughed, "sorry �bout that sweetie. I tried to keep myself from cumming that time." "Think nothing of it beautiful." She smiled, "Now let's get back to my room." "Didn't you say your parents could be here any minute?" "Yes, why?" "Well, you said that an hour ago." "Really?" she briefly looked across the room to the clock on the garage workbench. "Oh my. You're right. I wonder what happened." She furrowed her brow and walked back into the house, her expression thoughtful. Garyl followed behind, eyes glued to her swaying hips, slender tail and perfect ass. He adored everything about her. * * *

As it turned out, there was a message on the answering machine up in the kitchen detailing that Tanya's parents had gotten caught up on something and said that they'd be an hour late. Deciding that since that meant they would be home at any time now, the couple instead finished up with Tanya's room before they conducted some simple fondling and making out, before Garyl was expected back home. He left with a nice comfortable boob-squeeze and a kiss in her mouth, and she waved at him with a giggle and a heart full of love. Her parents returned home not long after that, said hello and went to bed, clearly exhausted with whatever they were doing. That night the two dragons dreamed about each other and had another mess to clean up in the morning.