Joel and the Muscle Beast - 5

Story by SuperWaffle on SoFurry

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#5 of Joel and the Muscle Beast

Byron could feel every pair of eyes boring into every inch of his muscular body. It was such a pity Joel wanted him to behave, one hulk-out was all that stood between him and the biggest mass orgasm his little master had yet to see. Byron was still waiting for the day he could go green on Joel in public, but until then, the demon supposed he could first have some fun.

Joel had given him permission, and while unexpected, Byron was quick to recover, his mind suddenly ablaze with a myriad of delicious ideas. Buck had turned exceptionally white under his fur and, while he hadn't attempted to flee, the other stallion had surrounded himself with his cronies, desperate to formulate some plan or other that Byron couldn't care less about. He was here to satisfy his master's needs and wants now, and Byron knew exactly how to do that.

"Aren't you going to come in, Buck?" Byron taunted, articulating with his long tongue as Buck trembled at the sound of his name. "Or am I going to have to come down and get you?"

Byron swore he could hear Joel's muffled moans as he played with the monstrous cock throbbing within his singlet. The hushed crowd had begun screaming again, ecstatic as Byron revealed his true intentions. His muscular penis was swelling up the length of his uniform, thickening and lengthening until the swollen head was poking out of singlet, pressed against his bulging pectoral muscles by the overstretched fabric. Byron chuckled, huge paws fondling his exposed nipples as his penis continued to swell, until two feet of throbbing muscle cock was bulging against his orange suit. Byron's towering monster was so massive it was two inches away from punching him in the chin.

"What's the matter cupcake, this big, brawny muscle-beast too much for little Buck to take?"

Amazingly, Buck turned even whiter in response, his (by mortal standards) ample cock swelling mightily within his own uniform. Ten inches of stallion-meat spewing pre-cum into the fabric as oxygen-rich blood began flooding his engorged member.

"Why don't you come up here, little man? Big, buff Byron just wants to wrestle with you."

"Ooh... oh god!"

Byron let himself smirk wickedly as he stepped off the mat. The other wrestlers knew better than to defend their former leader, clambering over the low wall and into the seating galley as Byron neared the trembling Buck. It was clear the wrestler had spent loads of time being one of the biggest, strongest studs the school had to offer, and suddenly Byron was glad for the two hours he spent tying away his violent tendencies. This little punk probably abused Joel on an hourly basis, if the intensity of his little master's gaze was any indication. There was a possibly Joel was just ogling at the hulking erection bulging out of his suit, but Byron was going to keep an open mind.

Seizing a handful of Buck's wrestling outfit, Byron effortlessly hefted the other stallion off his chair to the screams and cheers of Buck's former fans. Buck was kicking and flailing madly by this point, his wimpy blows harmless against the monstrous Byron. It must have been hard being in this position, but if Joel thought Buck deserving of what was coming for him, Byron was all too happy to oblige. His muscles flexing powerful, Byron swung Buck clean over his shoulder, sending the stallion hurtling onto the wrestling mat with a resounding thud.

"Oh god..." Buck whimpered, pushing himself onto his feet and taking a step back, "Byron... p-please no... oh god!"

"Please no what, Bucky-boy?" Byron sneered, keeping his gaze menacing as he advanced onto the trembling Buck. "Are you afraid of the huge, muscular sex-god that you'll never be?"

"Please just let me win, Byron!" cried Buck desperately, "Please! I'm the school's star wrestler! I can't lose to you! I just can't!"

A bell rang out from somewhere before Byron could respond. Buck actually squealed, turning around and bolting in the other direction as the crowd roared and booed. Byron snorted, suppressing a laugh at the futility of Buck's efforts. His enormous leg muscles flexing powerfully, the hellish stallion launched himself onto Buck's fleeing back, smashing into him and forcing the squirming stallion onto the ground.

"Where do you think_you're_ going little man?" Byron growled, pressing Buck against the mat with just one hand. "We haven't even started yet."

"Please let me win Byron! Please I'm begging you!"

"Joel begged you plenty of times, Bucky-boy." Byron snarled, pressing his massive weight onto Buck's back and forcing the stallion to face him, "What did you do then?"

Buck was paler than snow by this point, his lips trembling as he struggled with a reply. Byron wasn't in any mood to hear it though, his free hand pressing Buck's face back onto the mat, effectively silencing him.

"I think we both know what you did, you little shit. Too bad Joel has a new man in his life, me."

Careful to keep Buck trapped on the floor between his knees, Byron reared up and began pounding his bulging pectoral muscles, roaring like an animal and causing several weaker-willed mortals to erupt in their pants in response. Byron simply laughed, flexing his muscles for their benefit as he dug his fingers into the fabric of his singlet, growling monstrously as his huge paws tore the uniform apart, tatters of fabric fluttering everywhere.

The crowd, which had been screaming madly, suddenly exploded!

People were howling, screaming, and wailing as they dumped their loads into their trousers. Their cocks unable to resist the sheer masculine power emanating from Byron's hulking muscles. Standing up in all his naked glory, Byron dragged Buck off the floor, forcing the other stallion to kneel before the superior muscle man. Buck's eyes were glazed over from the sexual energy saturating the air around them, his glassy stare affixed on the monstrous muscle-cock bobbing erotically before him.

"What's the matter, Bucky-boy? Not used to seeing a cock huger and thicker than anything you can ever hope to have? Well I've got some bad news for you, my fucking log is two feet long and harder than fucking steel. You're practically begging to feel this monster throbbing down your throat, aren't you?"

"I...I... y-yes... please!"

"Well you're going to have to work for it, Bucky-boy." Byron growled, flexing his muscle-cock away from Buck's needy face, "Why don't you cum for me first, then maybe I'll let you have a little taste."

Byron smirked, turning away as the other stallion crumpled onto the floor, the biggest orgasm in his pathetic little life erupting from his cock at Byron's command. Returning his attention to his little master, Byron threw Joel a sly wink, causing the tiger to squirm as he fought to control the raging erection no doubt throbbing within his trousers. For some reason Joel was making conscious efforts to control his arousal, and it was clear to Byron that his little master was going to need some help with that really soon.

"Am I... worthy now?" interjected Buck's pleading voice, the smaller horse dragging himself to Byron's feet as he spoke, "I've already creamed myself for you... please... I need it!"

"Oh I've reconsidered, Bucky-boy. No."

"W-wha? N-No?"

"I've decided that I wouldn't let a piece of trash like you even touch me, not after all the shit you gave to my Joel." Byron growled, delighting in the anguish that overcame the pathetic little Buck, "Now why don't you run off little man, this match is over."


"Joel your boyfriend is amazing! I must have him!"

Joel almost sprung off his chair yet again as Robert slithered up to him. The goat's pants were still down, the immediate area around his crotch stained with patches of cum. Robert's glassy eyes were glazed and drool was dripping from his mouth. Joel was consciously reminding himself to be nice by this point, never mind the fact everyone on this floor was staring at them.

"Byron's not yours to have, Robert!" Joel cried, careful to keep his bag over his lap as he pushed Robert away. "Now god damnit please get back into your chair!"

"But Byron is just so_big_, Joel! I can't believe you're getting access to all that beef! Won't you just let me have him for a while, Joel? I would give anything to have a cock that huge, anything!"

"Well get off me and maybe you will!"

"No I won't!" Robert wailed, literally crawling onto Joel for reasons the tiger couldn't come close to fathoming, "Please Joel! I'm not going to get off until you agree!"

"Am I interrupting something?"

Robert actually flinched at the sound of that deep, reverberating baritone. The goat began to gasp and wheeze, his entire body trembling as he rolled off Joel and onto the floor. His flaccid cock was suddenly rock hard and throbbing again, desperately trying to create more cum at the sight of the glorious muscle-beast standing before him.

Byron had miraculously managed to squeeze his huge body into a pair of posers on his way here. The material didn't even come close to covering his throbbing-yet-flaccid cock. In fact, Byron was so huge he was literally pushing the fabric away from his muscled body, his half-exposed member causing the pouch to bounce with each sensual throb.

Ignoring the strange goat grovelling on the ground beside him, Byron reached for his little master, his powerful muscles flexing massively as he picked Joel off his chair. Their lips came within kissing distance, and before Joel knew what was happening Byron had crushed their mouths together, the stallions unnaturally long tongue coiling around his own to the anguished screams and excited cheers from the crowd below them. Joel felt his entire world melting into a puddle of pure, erotic love, his brain barely registering Robert wailing as he jerked himself in a desperate bid to cum one more time.

Byron's victory had been sexualised beyond Joel's expectations, even if the monster hadn't raped Buck into submission as he had hoped. The demon would have probably torn Buck a new one if he did anyway, and Joel felt himself growing secretly appreciative of Byron's decision to behave. A good minute passed before, Joel finally broke the kiss, his brain forcing him to do so in a bid to get him breathing again. Byron simply giggled at him, nuzzling him affectionately as he sought to put distance between them and Robert.

"I take it Master Joel enjoyed the show?" whispered the brawny Byron, "Or am I going to have to take on the entire wrestling team to satisfy you?"

"Master Joel _loved_the show, Byron." Joel replied, lowering his voice to a hushed whisper as Robert ran up to them, "I think you've earned yourself a reward."

"A reward?" Byron quipped excitedly, "I love rewards!"

"Yeah, you deserve one. I think we should go somewhere private though, I'm feeling a little selfish right now."

"Ooh, I think I know exactly where Master Joel has in mind."

Before Joel could say anything, Byron had thrown him over his shoulder, deliberately pressing Joel's raging erection against his orgasmic pectoral muscles and causing Joel to squirm with arousal. Taking his bag with his free hand, Byron began to move, his brisk strides quickly evolving into a wild charge through the university corridors, powerful muscles never missing a step until he had skidded to a halt before Joel's magically enlarged locker.

"That was fast!"

"I'm just too excited over what you have in mind," Byron whispered, running a finger along Joel's locker door until it clicked open in welcome.

Joel did not make two steps in when Byron shut the door behind them, the monstrous stallion barrelling into him and sweeping him off his feet, plopping him onto one of his workout benches before the tiger could protest. Despite Joel's struggles, Byron wasted no time in ripping off his master's clothes, gleefully pressing his muzzle against Joel's throbbing trouser-snake when it bobbed to freedom.

"Ooh! F-Fuck! Byron that feels so good!" Joel wailed, twitching with arousal as Byron's long tongue coiled around his foot long erection. The stallion's manly lips were dancing across his swollen cockhead, teasing out an endless stream of pre-cum which he eagerly lapped up. Joel wrapped his legs around Byron's thick neck, struggling to keep his balance as Byron devoured the length of his cock, all the way down to the base. The inside of his servant's mouth was hotter than could be possible, the heat radiating around his shaft was driving him nuts, Joel quickly found himself craving so much more from this muscular man.

And he knew just how he was going to get it.

"You might want to be careful with that, Master Joel." Byron moaned, his manly strength rumbling within his chest as Joel fished his phone from the remains of his clothes, "I can't have you passing out from the lack of blood in your brain, now can I?"

"Oh I'll manage." Joel purred, pushing his body upright and waving a finger over the 'HULK OUT' button on Byron's magical phone app.

"Here goes nothing!"


Robert's eyes were wide, his breathing in rapid gasps, the mousey goat almost trembling as he pasted his eyes to the amulet in his hand. The glowing gem encrusted into the amulet's core was burning hotly from overuse, but Robert was past the point of caring. All this time, his entire existence, had been for this moment. To think he would make such a discovery at such a young age! How many of his ancestors had lived and died without even the slightest glimpse of what he now witnessed?!

Byron had reared away from Joel, stepping several paces back as if to give him a better view. The look on his face was raw, rugged and more erotic than anything Robert could dream. The goat knew that if not for the need to maintain the spell with both of his hands, he could be doing as Joel was, reclined on an elbow and jerking his cock furiously. Robert spared a moment glaring jealously at the immense penis throbbing between Joel's legs, no doubt the work of his new pet, before returning to the great demon itself.

Byron was growling, snarling and flexing as his entire body seemed to throb, his brawny muscles rumbling audibly as Robert zoomed in. The swollen bulge bouncing inside Byron's posing trunks was visibly growing, turning Robert on to no end as Byron suddenly roared.

Without warning, the stallion's pectoral muscles exploded with terrifying power, swelling upward and outward as more muscle than Robert had in his entire body bulged against his paper thin skin. Byron's shoulders were quick to follow, thickening and broadening before packing on so much muscle Robert knew three grown men could easily fit onto either side of his head. Byron snarled, his nostrils flaring as what looked like steam came billowing out.

His arms and legs were swelling, hardening and riddled with thick, pulsating veins. Robert could make out the individual muscle fibres and every muscle group bulging off the horse's body as Byron's arms and legs hulked out before his very eyes. His forearms were bulging with coils of cable-like muscle fibres, his quads swelling with freaky, teardrop-shaped muscle-mountains. His freak-show abdominal wall was bulging out of his narrow gut like eight overdeveloped, overpowered, titanium brick muscles that could probably crush diamonds without even trying!

Byron bellowed again, visibly shaking the chains draped across much of the workout equipment inside Joel's locker. The monster was massive now, ridiculously muscled and more powerful than any mortal could hope to ever be. Bestial fangs were growing from his parted lips, monstrous claws thrusting from his fingers and toes. The demon's brown fur was fading, taking on an unholy grass-green hue as hellish fire consumed his false irises.

And then it happened, Robert's mouth seemed to dry up the instant he returned his gaze to Byron's gargantuan package. The flimsy garment had survived the demon's hulkout so far, and now Byron's throbbing penis was finally catching up to it. Robert's eyes were bulging out of their sockets as the stallion's cock began trembling, inflating within his posers like some monstrous balloon. The entire fucking thing was still flaccid, growing so massive it was pulling the material away from the stallion's body, his coconut sized testicles spilling out from either side of the garment as Byron's flaccid cock swelled off the demon's muscled crotch, propped out by its own heaving mass.

There was a snap, and at last Byron's posing strap gave way, the fabric splitting away to reveal Byron in all his hulking glory. Byron was speaking now, his deep, ridiculously seductive voice sending shivers down to Robert's loins. He wasn't done yet, oh dear god he wasn't done! Robert had to make conscious decisions to breathe by this point, his body shaking with arousal as thick pubic fur began bristling from beneath Byron's green fur.

Maddeningly loud throbs were filling the air, blood surging to Byron's swelling love muscle and engorging it with his manly power. Robert's eyes were frantically trying to take everything in, from the dense, jet-black man forest growing off and around the base of his crotch to the freakily magnified erection taking place before his every eyes!

Oh god it was almost too much!

Robert decided to follow the erection, the growth of Byron's throbbing love log coinciding with the growth of his pubic fur. As the massive mushroom head rose past the demon's abs and pecs, so did the trail of pubic fur growing up his chiselled body. The sweaty mass of dense black hairs had sprouted within the canyon that divided his mountainous chest muscles. Every second that passed only caused the black forest to spread sideways, coating his chiselled green chest with a delicious layer of pubic fuzz.

Robert was licking his lips, his eyes unblinking as he watched the pubic fur swarming around Byron's nipples, never invading the areolas as the demon's erect teats began swelling before his hungry gaze. They were thickest, juiciest, most muscular nipples Robert had ever seen, no doubt perfect for suckling and licking and all that kind of thing.

Zooming out for a better view, Robert watched, enraptured by the magnificent creature as its true form was finally revealed. Byron was smiling now, his hairy testicles crashing mightily against his freaky quads as he advanced upon the gasping, panting Joel, his hulking body so fucking muscled his back had taken on a distinct Y-shape.

Wild ideas and plans were ablaze in his mind now. Robert knew this chance was not likely to come ever again. He had to act, he simply had to!

Before Robert knew it, he was running, almost sprinting as he rushed to close the distance between him and his prize.


The feeling came suddenly, foreign but strangely familiar, stirring Byron from the throes of his post-orgasm bliss. For several critical seconds Byron paid it no mind, surely the sensations prickling at the back of his neck couldn't be the nagging sense of dread he thought it to be. It had been centuries since he felt something similar, times were different now and surely a demon of his calibre had nothing to fear...

Byron's eyes snapped open, mortal terror searing through his heightened senses as he finally linked two and two together. There was no immediate threat to him obviously, but his mortal master was dozing peacefully between his enormous chest muscles, vulnerable and bereft of the demonic strength coursing through every inch of his being. Byron threw himself upward without warning, wrapping himself around the startled Joel and turning his back to the locker's door.

There was a flash that bathed the entire room in a crimson hue, and suddenly Joel's door was blasted off its hinges by a terrifying explosion, the force of the blast so powerful Byron's immense weights and equipment were ripped clean off the floor, sent hurtling against the mirror so hard most of them remained embedded into the wall as the glass shattered into a trillion little pieces.

"Yes YES!" screamed a familiar voice, shrill and high and slightly mad, "I knew it! Oh yes I knew it!"

Joel's annoying little goat friend stood at the doorway, his eyes gleefully wide as he admired the monstrous stallion before him. The amulet in his hand was glowing brightly now, Byron finally recognising the stone that had been embedded into the ugly metal frame. It had been more than a millennium since he last saw something like that, and Byron did not like what he saw.

"Oh yes you know what this is now, don't you?" Robert sneered, daring to step into the room with his arm outstretched, "I was surprised you didn't tear it off my neck the first time we met, but now... oh I'm going to remember this day forever!"

Byron threw himself to his feet, shoving Joel as far away as he could with one hand and hurling a chaotic mass of hellish magic in Robert's direction with the other. As expected, the goat easily deflected his attack with the amulet's magic, but Byron knew he could not miss this chance. One mistake was more than enough to cost him-

A fiery tendril snaked around his left wrist, and before Byron knew what had happened he was screaming in agony. Pain beyond his understanding tearing through every inch of his body as more tendrils bound his remaining limbs, covered his eyes and bound his muzzle shut, dragging him across the locker and forcing him to kneel before the mousey little Robert. Vaguely the demon registered Joel's voice, choking with concern and worry before a crimson-hued flash seared through his blindfold. Byron heard Joel gasp, anger crashing through his system as Joel was blown off his feet, but no matter how violently Byron struggled, his bonds only seemed to grow even tighter...


Robert had pinched himself several times to ensure he wasn't hallucinating. This entire day had been perfect, the kind of day he dreamed since he was small. Both Joel _and_the demonic Byron were bound, gagged and kneeling at his feet like how his future servants would, though Robert did feel they would look better with their hands and faces on the ground. Either way, he had other issues to settle first before he could start taking over the world.

Raising his amulet to eyelevel, Robert directed his will into the stone, causing it to glow as dribbles of Byron's cum began rising from their puddles, swirling through the air until every last drop had been absorbed into the amulet, renewing its nearly depleted power. Unable to keep the cheeky smirk off his face, Robert squeezed the amulet tightly, directing the bulk of its energy inward. Almost immediately his fist responded in kind, swelling to twice its normal size as thick, sinewy cables of muscle twisted across his fingers and raced down the length of his arm.

"Ooh yes!" Robert swooned, his body tingling as his forearm suddenly bulged, swelling monstrously, splitting into all the individual muscle groups and riddled with so many veins Robert thought he was going to cum right there and then. There was a loud rip as his upper arms erupted with mass, biceps and triceps surging out in every direction and obliterating the fabric of his shirtsleeves. His new mega-muscled arm was extremely heavy, so heavy Robert knew it would have unbalanced him if not for the magical amulet clenched in his fist.

Focusing intently, Robert accelerated the inflow of power, flooding his body with molten steel and causing his torso to grow. It was as though enormous muscle bombs were growing off under his thin skin. His right pec suddenly swelled, filling out with so much muscle his nipples pointed down, his right lats flared out so quickly they pushed his arms out at an angle, his right trap exploded so suddenly the insane mass was pushing his head to the side.

Chuckling madly, Robert immersed himself in the ecstasy of his growth, delighting as his torso erupted with such incredible mass, evening out as his new muscles destroying the remnants of his clothes, his torso hulking out beyond reason. Robert could even feel himself growing taller as his back lengthened and thickened, his growth shooting down his left arm and surging through his elongating legs. It was amazing beyond his wildest dreams, no wonder his predecessors had placed so much emphasis on hunting demons for their power, Robert could already feel so much raw energy coalescing around his crotch he wanted to scream.


Robert was wailing now, aroused beyond anything he had ever experienced as his cock surged out of his underwear, enormous coconut-sized testicles shredding apart the flimsy fabric as a two foot long prick bobbed to freedom, throbbing erotically and riddled with a vast network of thick, pulsating veins. Within moments Robert found himself arching his muscular new back, screaming in orgasmic delight as cum erupted from his powerful new penis.


Joel could feel the terrifyingly powerful emotions emanating from Byron's huge body. The demon was furious, mostly for failing to prevent Joel's capture and for being so helpless in a situation like this. Robert's enormous body was easily six foot three by this point and bulging in every direction with so much muscle it was clear nobody was going to recognise him. The amulet was still feeding him with power, and Joel could only watch as the network of veins crept up the length of Robert's thickly-muscled bull-neck and up to his face, where his features were morphing, reshaping into something a thousand times more masculine, more chiselled than Robert had ever been. His once short brown hair had fallen down to his shoulders, his black eyes turning a startling yellow as his body absorbed the last of the amulet's (stolen) demonic energy.

Robert slumped forward slightly, finally lowering his muscled right arm. The goat was as big as Byron had been in his mortal disguise, even sporting a cock that was two feet long and throbbing with his heartbeat. His growth finally done, the new Robert turned to face Joel, a broad smirk twisted across his handsome new face.

"That was fantastic, Joel," He boomed in a voice deeper and richer than what Joel had grown used to, "I really must thank you properly for bringing me this monster, and so I think a few explanations are in order."

A simple, almost casual gesture was all it took to force Byron's enormous body even closer to the ground. Joel could see the stallion's hulking mass flexing monstrously in a bid to resist, a bid that was failing badly.

"This stone belonged to a secretive clan of demon hunters from a time long ago," Robert said with a sly smirk, "back when the summoning of demons was more common. The stone exists to absorb the power of demons so we might use their energy as our own, as you can see."

Robert brought up one meaty bicep, flexing it so hard before Joel's face the tiger could hear the muscular fibres rumbling with barely contained power. Cold sweat was running down the sides of his head by the time his former friend pulled back, still flexing his new muscles for his own benefit. Robert had been talking about such situations for ages, and now Joel still found it difficult to believe it was happening. He was bound and Byron had been incapacitated, and Robert had an amulet that would let him siphon power from a seemingly infinite source for his own use!

"That's right Joel," Robert sneered, leaning close and widening his yellow eyes, "I'm afraid Byron is mine now, and once I burn off that silly apple-shaped seal you put on him... well things are going to be a little different from now on. Unlike you I actually have greater plans in mind, definitely not something as worthless as disguising a full-fledged demon as some teenage heartthrob!

"Oh no, Joel, no no! Once I'm through with this wretched planet, I'll finally be in a position to lay siege to Hell itself! There are so many demons there, Joel, more demons than you can count! I'm going to be a god Joel! My muscles now will be nothing compared to when I begin making myself even more powerful! The power in hell is endless! And I will not rest until all that power belongs to_ME_!"

Robert chuckled manically, leaving Joel as the tiger struggled to speak. The once-skinny goat waved his amulet over Byron's enormous body, imprisoning the hellish monster in a large sphere and shackling his limbs to the glowing red walls. Robert threw Joel one last, mocking look before raising the amulet above his newly-horned head.

There was a brilliant flash, and then Robert and Byron were gone.