Chapter 6 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#17 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Chapter 6

Bianca turned a few more pages in the book and more images formed for the fox before she began to give some history about the wolf and his family. "During the Culling, the Onyxclaw family name was one of the most well known bloodlines here in the west. The Matriarch of the family had been sent east to assist the Kokori continent with the war against the threat of Necromancy. Ceberune is a direct descendant of the Onyxclaw bloodline Born twenty two years ago, the male was treated as well as any other male within the matriarchy." Said the bunny becoming very serious. "To give you a good idea of how he was treated as a child, I want you to imagine the most embarrassing thing you have been ordered to do Nadia. Then imaging having to do it every day, possibly multiple times a day." Bianca said.

The fox gasped and blushed at the thought. "To say the Matriarchy does not treat males well would be a woeful understatement of the highest degree. Slaves would be a kind thing to call them, and the wolf we travel with had no easy ride to his twelfth birthday." She said, a young version of the wolf materializing on the pages before her.

Nadia let out a typical squeal of female adoration at the strapping young wolf. "I see he would have caught your eye even back then." She teased as the fox. Nadia blushed even deeper as the rabbit continued. "At the age of twelve, he was allowed to be sent east to go to school in the Eastern universities. A quick study in both his book studies and physical education, he was a quiet individual. He was very shy, socially withdrawn, and a lone wolf in every definition of the term. As time marched on, and through the constant urgings of our not so subtle shoves, the Wolf fell for the young and curious Helenka Vulpacha. Those two became inseparable, and may well have become a mated pair if the wolf had not been chosen to be a student of the Grand Dragon."

"My mas..." the fox began and quickly corrected herself. "Ceberune is taking a life mate?" The fox asked, saddened inexplicably. The rabbit turned very sullen for a moment and quickly shushed the fox.

"No, sadly. For reasons I cannot rightly state, the wolf will not be claiming a life mate." Bianca said. "But for now let me continue this background. Five years of training under the wing of Suzujomei and the wolf, now 22, is a Grand Master. He stands at 7 feet tall, well above the average male of his race, and weighs two hundred and ten pounds. As you have witnessed, he can be very attractive to the typical female." She said, licking her lips in anticipation of pouncing the wolf.

The fox also licked her chops at the though of being taken by such a physical specimen. The bunny shook off the lusty haze to continue. "He is, and will be sexually neutral, trained to bury and repress his arousal as best he can until it is time for his awakening. His fighting style is one of the best known on our world. Iajutsu or the quick draw, Kenjutsu or swordplay, Bojutsu, or the staff, and jujutsu, or hand to hand are his recognized specialties. From tournament recordings, he has surpassed all the expectations of his sensei, his marks in battle strategy in regards to large armies are frighteningly high. Students of the Grand dragon have made some of the best and most feared generals the world over. The wolf has out scored them by leaps and bounds in his exams, and practical application tests. With the added power of the Grand Dragon's elemental magics, the wolf could be a single wolf army on his own, or lead the entire armies to victory under nearly any circumstance." Said the rabbit with a blatant tone of pride.

The fox shuddered that she was graced by the presence of such a powerful individual. The rabbit smirked and continued. "Through it all though, the wolf remains humble, despite his natural talent. And even more infuriating, he never pounces a female, unless she is so blatantly obvious in her intentions that both get embarrassed and usually leave well enough alone." She says with a huff. This elicited a chuckle from the fox, which got a smile from her. "It sounds like you may be thinking to pierce this wall he has erected. Though I would welcome a more aggressive wolf in my midst, you should have guessed by now that mating him is out of the question for the time being." She said.

The fox nodded licking her lips thoughtfully. "And yet you seem to have already thought of ways to please him. Good. The wolf was always hard to get off, even when he was hard as a rock. Just to warn you the wolf is like most of the other males of his race." She said.

Nadia then recited her lessons on the pleasuring of male amaroks. "The Amarokine male can be one of the most difficult challenges to the pleasure servant. Though a free male that is willing to own a slave is extremely rare, it will do no harm to know what to expect should you have to please one. The most important detail about the wolf male is their 'twitching'. A typical male has between one and five warning ejaculations of precum before having a final peak of pleasure. Once discovered, the number of twitches remains constant on each individual male, so for example, a male having four twitches before giving up his seed, will always have four twitches before an orgasm." She said dutifully.

Bianca blinked and giggled. "It seems rumors of the training of your school are true." She said. "To inform you, the wolf has two warning twitches before giving up his treat." She said, smiling in memory of the number of times she had him in her muzzle.

The fox noted the number, already planing out how to best please her new master. "But for now, the wolf is free to enjoy a bit of fun I think. Though I would love to get a good cum out of him myself after so long, I think you need to learn more about your new master through experience." She said.

The fox blinked. "But...if he is displeased with my performance..." she said, fearful of the wolf and the power she had just discovered him having.

Bianca smiled. "Then you will have no fear of anything worse than rejection of your advances Nadia. The wolf has been taught that the use of any form of violence is limited to those who deserve such treatment: his enemies. You are not a threat Nadia; you are not an enemy that he is fighting against for his survival. He may be a distrustful little ball of fur, and his respect can be damned hard to earn, but once you have both, the wolf would move heaven and earth to protect and please you." She said, remembering some of the things the wolf did to get a smile out of Helenka in school. "The fact that you are still alive, means the wolf considers you worth protecting at the least, and now that your safety is his responsibility, true or not, he will go to great lengths to keep you healthy and happy." She said with a smile.

The fox quirked her head. "But a slave deserves no such respect." The rabbit held up a finger to correct her.

"Remember Nadia, the wolf you now serve does not, and will never see you as a slave. Having lived a childhood of servitude, he will never suffer another to do so for his sake. However, he is no idealistic fool either. I expect he may treat you as a servant at the lowest as he takes the time to teach you to live and think on your own."

The fox looked up, fear and panic beginning to register in her features. The bunny smiled disarmingly. "Do not worry Nadia. You will remain with him until he deems you ready enough to leave on your own. The wolf will not sell you to another under any circumstance. Nor will he visit any bodily harm upon you. As long as you do not anger, or attempt to harm him, he will lay his life on the line to protect you, as he would do for me, or any of those he calls friend." She said, the relief in the fox's features palpable.

Bianca chuckled. "Now stop worrying and go do your duty to your master, and no mating." She said teasingly. The fox touched her nose to the ground, getting the hackles on the Usagi's neck to rise at the show of her royal heritage before the fox rose and sneaked off toward the wolf's tent.

Chapter 7 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

For an hour the fox had sat silently in the wolf's tent. Her training had taught her a great deal about what to expect from a male while observing him while he slept. The scents he gave off, his subconscious movements, and his facial expressions all...

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Chapter 5 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

After an hour of questions and answers by the ever-curious Usagi, Bianca was finally coming to the end of the list of curiosities about the young female Kitsune. Nadia however, was quickly filling with questions to fire back at the bunny and once...

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Chapter 4 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Chapter 4 After traveling for a couple of more hours after the fight with the patrol, the wolf finally stopped the carriage. He got out of the driver's seat and began setting camp. Much to the ongoing annoyance of the nosy Usagi sitting in the...

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