Reunion- Part 4

Story by JinTheBunny on SoFurry

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#5 of Reunion

a change in age rating, sorry, this one got kinda... graphic, just read it and you'll see why, if blood disturbs you, or acts of violence, then this isn't for you


Part 4

It was finally fifth period, everyone was waiting for the bell to ring so they could have lunch together. The Bell went off and Brett met up in the cafeteria with Vi, the two waited outside the large building for the other three members of their newly formed group.

"So, how ya' likin' all the attention?" Vi asked

"Honestly Vi, it's great... I think I'm kinda... falling for Kurt." Brett blushed a bit

"Aw sweety that's great!"

"Really? Last I checked you didn't approve?"

"Yeah, changed my mind. he actually seems serious about fixing things, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt." The two ended their conversation as three large males walked up to join them. They were expecting Clay and Kurt, and Jackson was certainly a welcome addition.

"He guys, hope you don't mind having me tag along!" Jackson said apologetically.

"Not at all!" Brett chimed in cheerily, happy to have so many friends around for once in his life. "The more the merrier!" The group got their lunches and picked Vi and Brett's usual table, it was in the back of the room, nobody really bothered them there, but the constant glares from the football team did get a bit uncomfortable. The five friends still managed to enjoy themselves, getting to know each other a bit better, and bonding over jokes about Clay's appetite. As lunch grew to an end, the group went their separate ways to an uneventful day.


Clay was waiting in his car to give Brett a ride home. Clay had a free period at the end of the day, so normally he left early, but things were different now. Vi always went to the mall after school with her friend Juniper, an equally goth squirrel. The final bell rang and all the students piled out into their cars and buses, but Brett was nowhere to be seen, Clay decided to wait a few more minutes in case he was just talking to Kurt or something... But then Kurt showed up at Clay's car...

"Hey Clay, seen Brett, I was waiting outside his last class, teacher said he went to get something from his locker half way through and never showed back up!"

"No... that's REALLY not like him." Clay said, knowing Brett had never skipped class in his life. He began to get worried so he called Brett's cell. The voice on the other side was clearly not the human.

"Well well, big dragon calling to check on the little bitch eh?" Spoke a deep gruff voice. "No worries, he's in good hands for the time being... but I wouldn't exactly count on seeing him again... at least not in one piece!" The person on the other end was laughing, Clay was beyond pissed. "I'll tell ya what, I'll give you a hint, and if you can find us before 5 you can have him... if not... bring a mop!"


Brett woke up on the floor of a room he didn't know, cold concrete, it was to dark to see... but he smelled blood, he could tell it wasn't his own...

"finally awake eh?" Brett recognized the voice, but he couldn't tell from where "Doesn't really matter, either way, this is gonna play out, pretty much the same way..." a figure stepped into view and the human's heart nearly sank... it was Mark.

"What do you mean? Where am I?"

"Shut up ya' whiny little smoothskin!" Mark kicked him hard in the ribs, he was almost sure he heard a crack "You, are where I WANT you to be, that's all you need to know," the bear turned his back to the human, "Besides, you won't be leaving, so I wouldn't worry too much."

Brett backed into a corner and huddled into a ball "Why are yo doing this?!" he cried out, pain in his voice.

"Because, I'm bigger than you, I CAN, and you DESERVE this," The bears voice was full of hate "And once you're out of the way, I can save Kurt from letting himself fall so low again..."

"Please, just let me go, I swear, I'll never talk to Kurt again, I'll leave, you'll never see me again!" Brett was desperate.

"Well, that's a nice offer, but you forget a key factor in all this." the bear knelt down and lifted the human's chin to look him in the eye. "That, wouldn't be any FUN." the bear got up and turned to leave. "It's 3:30 right now, I gave your friends a hint to come find you, if they can't though, I'll be back at 5, if you're still here, let the fun begin!" the bear laughed evilly as he stepped out of the room, locking the door behind him. "See you at five!"

Brett couldn't take it, he couldn't move, his ribs were on fire, and even if he could he couldn't get out, he sat there, in the dark, and cried. He just hoped his friends could find him before it was too late.


Clay and Kurt were scared, the two sat in Clay's car driving all over town trying to figure it all out. "What did he mean?!" Clay yelled rage building in his voice

"He's where he belongs..." Kurt said monotonously "it would help if we knew who took him!" Kurt was ready to cry, he couldn't help but feel like Brett would be safe if not for him...

"Wait... who would want to hurt him? anyone you know?" Clay asked in a panic.

"Yeah... most of the football team... wait wait... you said it was a deep GROWLING voice? So like... a bear?" Kurt suddenly remembered a discussion he had had with his ex-friend Mark. "No... we'll never make it in time... but I know where he is..."

"WHERE?!" Clay could hardly contain his anger

"Mark's dad... owns a slaughterhouse... I'm sure Mark took him... and if I'm right that's where he'll be" Kurt was terrified about what they would find.

"Why would he take him there of all places?"

"Easier to cover up... and Mark once told me... he... he has always wanted to taste human..."


It was five... Kurt and Clay were still a good thirty minutes away when Mark came back. "Hey smoothskin, sorry your friends aren't here." Mark mocked a sad voice. "Don't worry, they may miss the barbecue, but I'll be sure to save them some leftovers!" Mark's words confused Brett, but the tone he used was chilling.

"Wha-What are you t-talking about?" the human asked feebly.

"I'm talking about what I'm gonna do to you silly!" the bear was calm and his voice sounded strangely soothing. "We're in a slaughterhouse ya'know! And I plan to put it to good use!" the bear walked up and ripped off Brett's shirt, pressing his broad nose against the little humans exposed chest, inhaling deeply, causing the big Ursine to shudder. "Gods you humans smell so delicious, I know most people consider it wrong... But I've spent my whole life waiting to get a taste..." The hulking bear licked up the humans chest and up his face. "Don't worry though... you're not going straight onto the line, it's too quick and painless... I bet you'll taste better after you've suffered a bit..." the bear walked over to pick up a small bag he had brought with him. "See, dad's run's a slaughter house..." he opened the bag to reveal a set of sharp looking scalpels and medical knives. "... but mom's a doctor..." The young bear grinned sadistically, his sharp teeth shining in what little light the room had. he walked over, picking out a small sharp blade with a long handle and something that looked like a long thin pair of pliers.

"Please, Mark, don't do this!" Mark walked up humming to himself as he made a shallow cut on the humans chest.

"Just calm down ok?" Mark's voice was soft "The less you struggle the less likely it is that you'll die before I'm ready." he said as he lapped away a bit of the blood trickling down the human's chest "and if you're good, and scream for me, I'll keep you alive even longer..." Brett didn't care anymore, all hope had left him, he cried out, but deep inside he was hoping this would just be over soon. His last chance being to appeal to the ursine, and hope he listened.

"Please, Mark, I'm begging you, stop... Just let me go," Brett whimpered out weakly.

"C'mon little guy, we both know I can't, besides, I know you've always had a crush on me right? Well now you get to serve me..." The human realized his pleas were all going to fall flat as the beast flipped him over and made a series of slow shallow cuts on his back, prompting the human to scream out in pain. A shrill blood-curdling scream, like out of a slasher film. The poor human never having known such pain in his life. "Now THAT'S what I love to hear!" the bear commented about the scream. The human breathing heavily, streams of tears running down his face. "And besides, your friends didn't come to save you, so what do you ever have to live for?" The bear's question left Brett shattered, he couldn't feel the cuts anymore, he couldn't feel anything, as the bear attached his feet to a chain and hung him from the ceiling hooks he stopped struggling, he was done for, he was going to die, and the bear was going to cut him up into steaks, by this time tomorrow he'd be nothing but a memory... "Aw c'mon, scream for me!" the human ignored his command as he felt a scalpel press to his throat. "I told you to scream you little bitch..." He remained silent, h expected to die now... but there were other plans to be had...

"Fine, if you won't scream for my knife," the bear lowered his prey onto the floor and lifted him up in front of him, "I have other ways to make you scream," the bear threw the human onto the ground and moved his hand down to his jeans, "You should be happy... I KNOW you wanted this!" the bear unzipped his fly.

"You monster..." Brett's voice was void of emotion, nearly mechanical, "I hope you choke on me..."

"What was that bitch?!" the bear paused.

"You're useless..."

"You annoying little fag..." The bear zipped his pants, ready to end this, "Fine then, I'm getting pretty hungry, I'll just load you onto the line and fire up my grill...

"FREEZE DIRTBAG! ON THE GROUND OR WE SHOOT!" A burly Doberman in a police uniform burst through the doors as Brett was being dragged to the machines. The bear dropped him and raised his hands over his head "Go, get your friend and get him outside!" Clay and Kurt ran in and grabbed Brett carrying him out to an awaiting ambulance. "Kurt, you ride with him, I'll fly, I'll meet you there" Clay flew off without awaiting a response, he needed to let out some anger, and flying always calmed him down.


Brett awoke hours later in a hospital bed, his cuts stitched and bandaged, a doctor came in, and eyed him awkwardly, she was a sun bear and Brett's heart sank.

"I'm... sorry... I know it can't make up for what my son did, but I'm sorry... I want you to know that I'm not paying for his lawyers, I love my son, but he needs to face the music for what he did, besides, you don't have insurance, so I'll be paying your bills, I'll send Doctor Saitou in now..." The large bear left quietly and Brett was greeted with three faces, Kurt and Clay he recognized, the third was new to him, Dr. Saitou he assumed, a smaller man, a human, Japanese according to his last name and appearance."

"Thank the Gods you're ok," Kurt said, the fur around his eyes wet from crying.

"Is he stable enough for me to hug?" asked Clay, Brett found it funny, the big dragon, as intimidating as he was, was so affectionate towards the people he cared about.

"I suppose, a small one, but be careful his stitches might break if you're not careful." Dr. Saitou said as he walked over to check Brett's charts. "So, Brett, we are going to release you today, your injuries were luckily minor, but there is an issue... I must warn you you will be requiring a good bit of help, the pain medication will make you quite tired at times... I see you live alone, so, either you can find a place to stay on your own, or I can suggest you be temporarily placed into a rehabilitation center, your choice."

"He can stay with me." Clay said while still standing next to his bed. "We're pretty much family, and I have... a spare bedroom..." there was still lingering pain in the dragon's voice as he thought of his biological brother. "And I'm strong enough to carry him if he needs it."

"Well then, I'll need you to fill out a few forms for me." Dr. Saitou led Clay to the nurses station to finish the arrangments, leaving Kurt and Brett to talk alone.

"There's not gonna be a trial, Mark confessed, he'll be going away for while..." Kurt said, a bittersweet tone in his voice

"There goes the season right?" Brett said, his voice raspy and quiet.

"I don't care about that..." Kurt leaned in close to the small human, his voice filled with grief over his friend "I'm sorry." A tear ran down Kurt's face and onto Brett's pillow, "I should have figured it out sooner... I should have stopped him before he hurt you... I should have known..."

"Kurt... it's ok... I'm ok, you saved me,"

Kurt looked deep into the human's eyes, always so full of love and compassion for the tiger, and everyone else. The human locked people out to protect himself, but deep down he loved every living thing, Kurt knew that fact all to well. Kurt couldn't hold himself back anymore, he leaned in closer, closed his eyes, and kissed Brett deeply, hoping the human wouldn't push him away.