Please stay with me

Story by AppleMaster on SoFurry

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Umbreon was walking down a path. The path was dark. He walked down the path. He was enjoying the walk. He looked at the dark sky and saw it was dark. The dark frequently makes young pokemon scared. This is not unusual or anything. The umbreon was walking down the path for hours. It was a particularly long path. The path was curved. This meant the path was not straight.

Suddenly, a beedrill appeared out of the grass and attacked the umbreon. The umbreon ran fast for his life. He ran down the dark path in the dark. It as dark but he liked the dark. A dark type liking the dark is not uncommon. He was running very quickly as he was a horrible fighter. He was running fast. He was running so fast he ran straight into an apple tree.

Many, many apples fell off the tree and knocked him out. He was knocked out from the falling apples and as a result was unconscious. The apples were a variety of colors. The apples were colored in yellow. Some of the apples were red. Some of the apples were green.

An espeon came to help him. She owned a house and many apple trees. She owned the apple trees that he ran into. She saw the umbreon. She ate an apple. The apple was a yellow apple. It was a large yellow apple that was colored banana yellow. It was not a lemony yellow tint. She helped the umbreon. The umbreon was carried by espeon into her house. She put the umbreon onto the floor. She did not have a better place to put him. She noticed the umbreon had a massive sheath and testes the size soft balls.

The umbreon woke up. Since he woke up, he noticed he was in a house. He looked around the house. The room was a room made out of drywall. The room had a floor and ceiling. In the center of the room was a table. He was sitting on the floor. He got up and walked to the table. He ate an apple. The apple was large and red. Many people and pokemon like red apples. He liked red apples. Red apples were his favorites.

After he finished the red apple, the espeon noticed he was awake. She walked to the table. They shared an apple. The two ate a huge red together. The red apple was a large red apple that was color red. It was a crimson red. It was not a blood red. The two enjoyed the apple very much. They still wanted more.

The umbreon looked at the espeon. The espeon was colored purple. She was the color purple. She was a larger than normal one. Her size was about 10 percent larger than the average espeon.

The umbreon had a massive erection now. It measured 25 inches and was 6 inches think. The espeon looked at him and said "wow". The erection was very large and he was not even fully erect. The knot was still not out of its covering.

She bent over and he started to pound here. He was moving his penis in and out of her vagina. It was going in and out. He could feel it go in and out. He was hungry. He grabbed an apple while he was pounding the espeon. It was a large red apple.

He was feeling good from the pounding. His erection was nearing 30 inches. The knot was a foot wide. It was his first time he had ever done this.

The espeon said "OH MY GOD ITS NOT LARGE ENOUGH!" She desired more. She wanted more. She needed more. She wanted relief from her need. She has a burning need and she wanted it fulfilled with more. He was not concerned. He continued to pound away. He just wanted to climax

He screamed as he climaxed. His juices poured out of him. He must have leaked out a few gallons of juice. He dipped the remainder of the apple into his juice. They ate the white apple together. He loved the taste of his semen but he decided it needed more. He stuck the apple into her pussy and ate it. It was very tasteful. He wanted more white apples. He noted to make white apples when they had sex again. He wished apples were naturally flavored so well.

The espeon was still not satisfied. So she told said "I need more". He grabbed a broom handle that was 3 feet long and stuffed it in her wet hole. She was screaming and moaning. Her juice was leaking out by the gallon. Her voice was high. He pounded in his nearly three foot penis. He and she came hard. They leaked another 10 gallons of juice or so. She looked at him. They were exhausted. They feel asleep near each other for about 2 straight days. This was a pleasant sleep. They each had dreams. The dreams were dreams that they enjoyed. They enjoyed the dream.

The male dreamed of screwing espeon. He had several orgasms during his dream. He did not wake up during his dreams. She dreamed of being filled by the male. She climaxed many times during the dreams. The two awoke soaked in their own juices. The espeon wanted to try a white apple. She noticed that the time was right. There were juices everywhere. She grabbed a large yellow apple and stuck it in her juices and in his white cream. She then ate the entire white apple and enjoyed it very much. She was pleasantly shocked by how much she enjoyed the white apple. She was very hungry so she grabbed a dozen apples and made them into white apples. She then cooked the apples while he slept. She even saved an apple for him. She enjoyed the 11 cooked white apples very much.

The umbreon said "I love you". She said "I love you too". The two were in love. They lived happily ever after this. Their life was long. Their life was good. They have 23 children over their life. The children had good lives.