A Year to Remember (part 3)

Story by Panfoxeh2 on SoFurry

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#4 of A Year to Remember

Hehhehehehe a jerk-off and some exposition or whatever a dream world fighting the [x] of [x] and talking to being made by his subconscious and love and M/M stuff and shit that makes me drool and references. i don't own the things i reference only the reference. wait does that make sense whatever please rate and give comments of criticism if anything in here isn't yo cup o' tea then don't read please

-In Joel's Mind-

I ran... I ran from the monster... that monster that is built stronger than me shows no emotion and takes whatever it wants. There's a collar around it. The collar say's it's name is Beleth. This monster chases me and wishes to consume me. While running I saw two people that looked like me one was younger and wiser more innocent in a way. The other the a hot-headed bully-esque, pessimistic, hardly innocent older brother.

Beleth had stopped chasing me his master had called. He snarled at me and I whimpered in fear. The smaller of the two began to talk to me. 'Y'know that's just the embodiment of your fears right?' The key words of his sentence were bleeped out and his mouth turned like static to me. 'It can't hurt you it only wishes to scare you.' Again censorship of needed knowledge will I get no help?

'Sam shut it he won't be able to hear it anyway he'll be stuck in this routine for the rest of his life.' The older brother said.

'But Jack if we don't try he'll succumb to his fear and break permanently and we'll cease to be!' He countered.

'Sam stop we can't help him fight his fears. We can only watch and offer advice. That will only take him so far.'

'But...' Sam began to speak but fell back in defeat. 'Fine.' He turned to me. 'I'm Sam and this is my brother Jack. We're like your guides we were made by your mind see. We can't offer up useful things to help but we can give cryptic suggestions if that's okay.'

I nodded "That's okay but why can't I hear some of your words?"

'Because we can't give out information to your conscious mind. Your subconscious wants you to Beleth on your own.' Jack began talking.

"I don't understand I can't know things my subconscious knows?"

'Precisely, but we can't stay you spent too much time running by us instead of joining us now we have to go and you have to wake up.' As Sam said that the duo began to disappear like ghost. 'Good luck in the waking world.' I couldn't respond as I fell out of existence in this world.

-Back To The Waking World-

I gasped and sat up into a lurching position. "The hell just happened?" I sat up and walked to the window it looked frosted with ice. "Perfect an icy day to make my fur more useful." I'm glad I have a bathroom in my room so I can shower and get dressed in here. I lock my room door and strip down. I look into my mirror my frazzled bronze fur with a light dusting of black is sticking up everywhere. I look at my pierced flaccid cock still big and beautifully long and thick. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water letting a good steam build up. I like the feeling of light-headedness from the steam it makes me feel weightless. I smile inwardly as I picture Mr. Gnoll's face after he ate my pie. My face started to burn and my stomach fluttered. "Am I... am I in love with him... is that why I feel like this?" I mentally shut down to mull over this but that smile and beautifully round plush form of his pushed into my thoughts and my shaft hardens. "Shit... guess I should take care of you before I leave huh?" As if to answer my question it throbs and leaks a flood of pre. "Fine you win."

I grasp my shaft and begin to stroke it. The feeling electric I picture Mr.Gnoll stroking my cock and nipping at my neck. 'Joel you know I care for you and I'll protect you.' The stroking getting faster. 'I know what you want.' A finger probed at my hole. 'I can provide it and I'll be gentle you won't have to worry about bruises or being marked as territory.' The finger went in deeper making me moan.

"Please I need you in me." I gasped out in raspy moans. Soon a beer can thick cock pressed against my pucker it wasn't all that long but it was thick enough to make me moan. I pushed my ass back hoping to get more cock in there.

'Needy aren't we.' He was still nipping at my neck and began to thrust into me. Just when it got good I came. Thick bullets of cum bursting out my cock I was gasping as each volley shot out and as it slowed just small thick rivulets of cum came belching out. I licked up the cum wherever it landed and began to shower.

-20 Minutes Later-

"Ahhh nice, dry and fresh my hair is still frizzy but whatever." I put on a nerdy "Zelda" Tri-Force shirt and put on a purple pull-over hoodie and some baggy jeans and some combat boots that I was given by one of my few friends before it all went to shit. I went down the stairs and checked the fridge. Nothing just as I thought time to go shopping. I turned around and came face to scruffy and fluffy chest fur. HE came downstairs at the wrong time.

"Hi son just came to get a beer and here I see my beautiful pride and joy ready to leave." He grinned at me "I hope you weren't planning on staying out." He looked at me and grabbed something off the counter and stuck it in my pocket. "Don't forget your phone son."

I waited for him to back away and leave before I made for my stash of money. I grabbed as much as I would need and ran out the house. I hopped on my bike I bought the other day and rode to the Kroger nearby. As soon as I got there I took out the phone, set the bike on the sidewalk and opened up the phone. Did I forget to mention I had a Basic lock-picking and tool kit bag strapped on my ass like a pouch from that one anime "Naruto". I'm a bully, nerd, and gay video game loving kid. I took a screwdriver from it and began to open it up and see if he bugged it. "Aha!" and I found it plugged deep in it and so once it was removed I dropped it in someone's pocket and went in the store.

"Let's see I needed basil, parsley, lemons, bell peppers, cabbage, cubed steak, and two backs of beef pot roast." With my plans ready and my cart full of some sweets for later. Thank you fridge in my room complete with freezer now I can have ice cream and cream cheese frosting at the ready for my dessert.

I'm rounding the corner to go to the check out when my cart bumps into someone else's. I am about to berate them with insults when I notice it's Mr.Gnoll. I begin to stammer and fumble over my words. "Hi Joel funny seeing you here." His words came out smooth and silky like he practiced but it was all so natural. "What'cha cooking a stew and some small little sliders to go with it. Y'know you forgot some milk for milkshakes. I have an extra if you want it." How did he know exactly what i was going to make. Am I that open. Almost like reading my mind. "Yes you are you wear your heart on your sleeve but there's still things I can't figure out." I sigh inwardly at that. "Well let's go to the check out."

My brain starts to work again and I nod. After a few minutes we say our goodbyes and I set my groceries in the basket on my bike and I go home. Warm and fuzzy feeling like air now I definitely know I'm in love and I start giggling. GIGGLING... me giggle who knew I could do that.

-Back In The Dream World-

Beleth came again but I ducked into a building and laughed at what I saw. Sam and Jack were dressed in cosplay. Sam in a cloak from "Kingdom Hearts" holding the book that Zexion uses as a weapon. While Jack is dressed as Auron from "Final Fantasy X". "Why are you two dressed like that."

Sam closed his book and stood up. 'We always dress like this. Like the embodiment of our personalities. Me the cold, silent, genius and him the bossy, cool, beat em' up guy.'

Jack grinned at the compliments. 'I am pretty badass aren't I bro.'

'Not one bit.' Jack comically fell backward and whined at that.

'Why are you so mean.'

'I don't know why I'm not the older brother...it was just five minutes.'

"Five minutes you're twins!" I said in disbelief.

'Yeah sad isn't it I mean how is he pushing past 7'2" and i'm barely 5'12".'

"That's disturbing."

'Very.' After that it was just talking and cryptic suggestions.