A Steamy Fling

Story by Mnementh on SoFurry

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A Steamy Fling - ( Male wolf / Male wolf )

By Mnementh


This is my third commissioned story! I'm on a roll, hehehe ^_^

Anyways, the fur who commissioned me this time around goes by fursona of Frost, a grey wolf. Frost is copyrighted to his player. In this story, Frost meets up with another wolf down at a local gym. After Frost has a rather... embarrassing moment in the steam room, the other wolf finds him...


"Ahhhhh, thank god it's Friday!" Finished with his work for the day, the grey wolf jumped up out of his chair and quickly began to tidy up all of his things. Satisfied, he then turned and headed off towards the exit of the building, nodding his head politely to others he passed along the way, wishing them all to have a good weekend.

"You make sure to have a good weekend too, Frost!" one of his closer friends replied. A broad grin forced itself onto Frost's snout in response. He was very much looking forward to taking a break; this last week had been rather hectic. As he passed through the door and stepped outside, the wind seemed to kick up a bit, whipping against his body, making his grey fur ripple in a silky, wavelike motion. With it, the worries of the week were carried away and he walked down the sidewalk with a bit of a bounce in his step, his poofy, blue tipped tail swaying back and forth cheerfully.

Frost was a very handsome creature, to be sure. The majority of his fur was shaded a smooth grey. There were a couple places where color invaded, however. The tips of each of his canine ears as well as the tip of his tail were blue, the effect giving him quite a stunning appearance. He worked out occasionally as well, evident by his lightly muscled frame, though around his waist was a bit of a paunch.

Head held high, Frost continued on his way, turning corners here and there throughout the city as he was on his way to the health club now, as a matter of fact. Though his workout schedule was rather erratic, he always tried to make sure to stop by every Friday. It was his favorite place to relax after a long, grueling week.

After a few more minutes of walking, Frost arrived at his destination. He knew most of the workers there by name and they knew him as well. This club was rather small and in a somewhat remote location of the city. He greeted everyone he saw once he walked in, still smiling quite happily.

Just as he was about to disappear into the men's locker room to get changed, the owner of the club, of all furs, called out to him. "Hey Frost, hang on a minute!" Frost spun around and regarded the fur calling out to him with a gentle gaze.

"Hi, Singe!" he replied. "What's up?"

Singe, a strongly built lion, clearly the side effect of slow days at work here in the gym, caught up with Frost in a few more hurried steps. "I hired a new worker today. I thought I should introduce you to him."

"Oh really? I'd love to meet him." Frost stepped into stride next to Singe as the lion led the way. "Hmmm.... is he cute?"

Singe couldn't hold back a kind hearted chuckle at the question. Frost had never been shy about showing his sexual preference for other males and it seemed that those who knew him respected him all the more for that. "I'll leave the judging up to you, Frost," Singe laughed, clapping the wolf on the back with a friendly slap. "Though if I had to go out on a limb and guess, I'd think he would be right up your alley..."

They both laughed with each other as they made their way around another turn in the hallway. There, going about the duties assigned to him, was the new worker Singe had been talking about. Frost had trouble keeping his muzzle shut as he stared at him. A fellow wolf... and a stunning one at that! The worker acted like he didn't notice his admirer as he hailed Singe.

"Oh, hey boss," he greeted when the pair approached him. His beautiful, piercing eyes bored their way into Frost's. "Ahhhh, this must be the wolf you've told me so much about." He spun around in place to face Frost and stretched out a paw. "Hi there, you must be Frost." He tipped his head slightly in greeting. "My name is Vox."

Frost took a hold of Vox's offered paw, the latter gripping rather tight and shaking firmly. "It is... err.. nice to meet you, Vox," Frost replied, trying not to blush from his stammer. "My name is Frost." Vox was beyond cute in Frost's eyes, he couldn't believe how handsome this other wolf was. His fur was predominantly black... though whenever light gleamed off his fur Frost could swear he saw a tint of blue, almost like Vox's fur wasn't black at all but rather the darkest shade of navy. Stripes of white fur mingled within the blue, just a few here and there. And his eyes... Frost was spellbound by them the most... perfect, shining blue orbs, full of vigor.

After a few more moments of shaking paws, Vox had to all but pry his out of Frost's grip. He made nothing of it, though, smiling politely and going back to his work. "I'll let you go now, Frost. Perhaps we'll be seeing each other later?"

Frost perked his blue tipped ears up, startled a bit. Is he asking me out?! Before he could embarrass himself, though, the grey wolf replied, "Yeah, I imagine we'll be seeing each other around a lot in here. It's a nice, cozy little gym." And with that, Frost turned around and headed quickly towards the locker room, leaving Vox and Singe behind, hoping no one around would look at his cheeks which felt like they were burning the blood rushing into them.

He took a deep breath of air, trying to calm himself down a bit. Once inside the locker room, Frost began to get changed, taking off his shirt and pants, stretching out a bit. In the middle of his chest was a rather unique pattern of fur. A blue diamond within the grey fur, about as wide as the length between his pecs. Frost couldn't help but let his mind wander while he stretched, again thinking about Vox. Reaching his forepaws down to his feet, he noticed that his sheath was swelled up quite a bit, the red tip of his maleness peeking out of the opening. He shook his head, trying to shake out the images of Vox, already having daydreams of being held down and played with by the other wolf... even thoughts of being taken by that sexy fur...

Frost whimpered quietly, attempting to think of things which were anything other than sexy. Once he was finished stretching out, the grey wolf slipped his workout shorts on while remaining shirtless. He headed out of the locker room and into the main weight room, smiling a greeting to the few regular patrons there which he knew. He went about his regular routine of weightlifting, making sure to work out every muscle in his arms and upper chest.

Unbeknownst to Frost, Vox was keeping an eye on him almost the entire time...


After a couple hours of working out, Frost decided it was time to call it a night. The bench press had been the last exercise he was doing. He put everything back to the way it had been, chugged down some water, and then proceeded to his favorite area of the gym, the steam room. Not exactly the best place to tone muscles but he didn't care, he just enjoyed relaxing. Usually he would rest in there until the gym closed, daydreaming about various things, even napping on occasion. It was the perfect way to cool down his muscles, he felt, though his body did anything but cool down in that room.

Frost arrived at the entrance to the steam room after a quick stroll to the other end of the gym. Usually, at this time of night, the gym was mostly empty. And on a Friday even more so as most furs wanted to get out and enjoy the start of the weekend. So Frost adjusted the steam room's heat to the level he enjoyed, slightly above average, and stepped inside, making sure the door was closed behind him. Just as he assumed, the room inside was empty. He pulled off his gym shorts and didn't even bother wrapping a towel around his waist tonight. The steam would hide him well enough that he could quickly throw the towel on if he needed to.

The thick, moist air wasted little time in making Frost's fur clump together, made extra thick with all the water forming in it as the steam returned to its liquid state. Many furs disliked the feeling but not Frost. For some reason it helped him to relax, the weight of the water seeming to pull away his stress and worries... He heaved a deep, satisfied sigh, his tail swaying slowly from side to side in his content state. Frost walked slowly towards the far side of the room, a distance far enough from the door to hide most of his body in the steam. He plopped down on the bench and stretched both of his arms out over on top of the backrest while keeping his legs outstretched in front of him. Frost closed his eyes, resting his head upon the backrest as well. His mind began to drift, stopping at random thoughts here and there in his head, reliving the events of the day and making up events which never happened as the wolf began to daydream.

It didn't take long at all before his dreams began forming the shape of Vox. Frost growled quietly to himself as the image of Vox began doing various poses within his mind, most of them in a very suggestive manner. Unconsciously, one of Frost's paws slipped over his furry sheath and began rubbing it slowly, sending a tingling sensation through his loins, arousing himself. "Mmmm..... Vox..." he moaned out loud, most of his red member now swelling slowly outside of its sheath, the knot slowly becoming visible. As Vox's image in his mind began to suckle on his cock, Frost's paw started to tenderly stroke up and down, giving the pointed tip gentle squeezes to further coax his erection to grow full. Faster and faster his paw worked upon himself, the knot growing firmer with each passing moment. Once it slipped out of his sheath, he would be stuck with a boner for quite a while... but that was the least of his worries now. After a few more pumps of his paw, the thick, bulbous knot escaped and grew to its full size, Frost's length now fully erect. For all canines, the knot contained the most sensitive flesh on their cock. Now that it was out in the open, Frost gave it a firm squeeze in his paw, mimicking the tightness of being inside of another's tailhole. His hips twitched a bit, reflexively trying to grind his length into his own paw.

A squirt of pre shot out suddenly and hit Frost right on his nose. The musky scent snapped him out of his sultry daydream. He blinked and looked around, taking a few moments to remember that he was still alone in the steam room at the gym. He then felt something between his legs. Looking down at his crotch Frost gave out a startled gasp, surprised and embarrassed that he had grown to a full erection in a public place. There was no way he could hide it under the towel nor his rather tight fitting shorts. Oh man... this is so horribly embarrassing.. I just really hope no one decides to randomly come in here now. Frost continued sitting there, his cock throbbing unrelenting in his lap, the pressure really starting to get to him now. He squirmed around on the bench, trying to resist the urge to finish what he had started. Worried, Frost took a glance at his watch, making sure he still had some time before the gym closed. His eyes went wide and he yipped in surprise when he noticed what the time was. Only 5 minutes till closing?! Shit! He whimpered to himself, wanting nothing more than to just crawl into a hole and hide out for the night. Frost stood up and tried wrapping the towel around his waist and, as expected, his thick erection could clearly be seen outlined beneath. He took it back off and threw it in exasperation to the corner.

It was then that he heard someone knocking at the door.

Frost froze where he was. He thought quickly and shouted out loud, "I'm sorry, I must have dozed off! I'll be right out!" No one answered him so he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he dodged the first bullet. He ran over and grabbed the towel again, thinking if he could just hide himself until he got to the changing room, he'd be able to slip on his pants and escape the gym unseen.

Then he heard the door opening.

"I said I'll be right out!" Frost yelled again, his voice full of distress. He threw the towel around his waist and held it firmly with clenched paw, turning his back to the door to make it look like he was collecting his belongings.

"Frost, there is no need for you to rush." The sound of Vox's rich voice flooded Frost's senses like a siren's call. He turned around to face the black wolf, unable to keep his tail from swaying happily at the sight of him.

"I uh... I'm sorry, Vox... I didn't mean to hold you up... I'll umm... just... excuse me!" Frost tried to sidestep around Vox but the latter stopped him with a firm grip on the shoulder.

"Please Frost, like I said, there is no need to rush." Vox started scritching Frost on the shoulder where he had grabbed him. "Singe put me in charge of closing up for the night. Everyone else is gone now" He continued speaking as he stepped closer towards Frost's front side. "So please, I'm in no rush to leave."

Frost bowed his head and tried to look away politely. "Th... thanks, Vox."

Vox then poked his muzzle right in front of Frost's and gave him a wide, toothy grin. "In fact, I don't plan on leaving for quite some time Frost." He growled softly as he suddenly reached out with his other paw and took a firm grip on the grey wolf's cock beneath the towel.

Startled at first, Frost gave a yelp of surprise, his entire body going tense as the spark of pleasure coursed through his loins from the touch. "V... Vox! I..." He was silenced as the other wolf placed a single claw against his lips, gently squeezing and continuing to tease Frost's length through the towel.

"Since I am charge for the night, I'm making some new rules. I get to have some fun with whomever stays late in the gym." He stared unflinchingly into Frost's wavering gaze, a deep growl vibrating within his chest. Vox slowly made Frost backpedal back to the bench, groping and playing with the grey wolf the entire way. Frost couldn't help but let a moan escape from him, part of him still thinking that this was all just a dream. He relaxed the grip he had held on the towel, allowing Vox to finally pull it away and toss it to the side, exposing the rock hard wolf cock to him. Vox licked his chops noisily, giving the knot a rather tight squeeze, coaxing Frost to start reflexively twitching his hips against the paw.

"Mmmm..... I'm going to make sure I get all you have to offer me, Frost..." Vox pushed down on Frost's shoulder with his other paw, silently asking the grey wolf to sit down and get comfortable. Frost did so, keeping his legs spread wide, his boner pointing straight up into the air, the gentle throbbing trying to disguise the pressure that was building up within his body.

Frost whined up at Vox suddenly, drooping his ears a bit to let the black wolf know he would submit to whatever the alpha male would have of him. Vox gave the nape of his neck a gentle nip in response, testing to see how Frost would respond as his sharp teeth came perilously close the jugular. Frost didn't even flinch, he remained perfectly still, closing his eyes and continuing to whimper quietly. Vox released him then, growling his approval to the grey wolf, "Good boy, Frost... very good..." He then kneeled down before Frost, letting his wet, cool nose rub against the hard shaft in a teasing manner. "I think you deserve a treat, don't you?"

"If you think so... then I suppose..." Frost replied hesitantly, his hips quavering in his restraint to thrust upwards into the air. Vox simply smiled back at him and continued moving his head down until Frost could only see the pointed ears through the steam. He could feel Vox's paws pulling on his legs, trying to pull his rump so that it was on the very edge of the bench. Frost allowed himself to slide forward a bit, shifting around so that he was almost laying on his lower back upon the bench. Vox's motions were obscured by the steamy mists circling throughout the room, the anticipation of what the black wolf was up to turning Frost on more and more by the second. Suddenly he felt a pull on his tail as Vox pulled it out and downwards. Frost whined and gripped onto the edge of the bench firmly with his paws.

The next thing Vox did totally caught Frost off guard. He twitched and moaned loudly in delight, feeling the black wolf's tongue suddenly pushing firmly against his tailhole. Vox began licking at Frost's opening rather greedily, slobbering all over the tight ring of muscle. He held onto Frost's leg with one paw while he moved the other one slowly up and between the grey wolf's thighs, his claws unsheathed and scratching vigorously through the fur against the sensitive thigh muscles. Frost did his best not to back away, whimpering and moaning in lust from all the lovely sensations Vox was giving him. Then, again without any warning, Vox pushed his tongue partway inside of Frost's tailhole. The grey wolf howled softly in pleasure as Vox began to rim his entrance, his muscles clenching and squeezing at the intruding tongue. "Awwwrrrrrr! Oh god, Vox!" Frost shouted out, unable to hold back his excitement. Vox's tongue continued to wriggle around inside of Frost's opening, teasing the wolf to no end, making him want to beg for the main course which he sincerely hoped was to come. But he kept his muzzle shut except for the constant moaning, not wanting to make Vox privy to his desire, somehow knowing that the black wolf would simply continue to tease and play with him.

Vox was quite enjoying himself as well throughout all of this, the musky aroma wafting down from Frost's glistening penis more than enough to make his own sheath start to bulk up with his swelling maleness. The black wolf joined the other in moaning, his voice muffled as it vibrated inside of Frost's tailhole, the grey wolf squirming from the feel. Sliding his paw further and further up Frost's thighs, Vox finally felt his paw bump against the other's furry sack. While he thrust his tongue quickly in and out of Frost's tailhole Vox gave the gentle orbs a squeeze, fondling the sack, sending wave after wave of intense pleasure throughout Frost who had simply become a moaning mass of fur, twitching and shivering from Vox's foreplay. After a few more minutes, Vox removed his tongue from within Frost's body and licked a tantalizingly slow line up and over the other wolf's sack. Growling a bit, he began to suckle on one of the orbs, rubbing his fangs gently against the sack, his tongue flicking out against the organ while his paw twirled the second orb between two of his claws, providing the most pressure he could before it would become painful to Frost. Frost whimpered down at Vox, taking a firm hold of his shoulders but could not find the strength to push away... not that he wanted to anyway, he just felt like he would explode from all this pleasure Vox was sending throughout his body. The feeling was like nothing any other fur had ever done to him before. This black wolf was truly a master at pleasing others.

Letting his paw slip away from Frost's ball, Vox then proceeded to swallow the entire sack, his tongue taking turns flicking and licking over each of the orbs. He was growling in a quite satisfied tone, as if rather pleased with the taste of his prey this evening. His snout wavered back and forth, the sound of his sucking very loud in both of their ears. In place of where his tongue had been earlier, Vox pushed one of his claws slowly into Frost's tailhole, scratching delicately around as he penetrated the grey wolf's body deeper and deeper until his finger couldn't reach any further. Vox then tried to probe around for Frost's prostate, pushing here and there against the walls of his tailhole. Frost somehow remained almost motionless during Vox's search, knowing right away what it was the black wolf was trying to do. He wriggled his hips a bit, trying to help Vox find the correct point, his cock glistening from the all the pre-seed that had dribbled out, coaxed by the teasing thus far.

Frost howled lustfully when Vox finally found his male pleasure spot, wisps of steam swirling around the grey wolf's snout from his hurried breaths. Still suckling and nibbling gently on Frost's balls, Vox held his finger in place, gradually applying more and more pressure, massaging that little point against the prostate. Frost was twitching around like he was in agony when quite the opposite was the case. The pleasure was just... indescribable! Frost felt like he would cum just from the insistence pressure Vox was applying against his prostate, the buildup of pleasure in his loins familiar but somehow very different from this different kind of foreplay. His cock felt like it was going to burst, hard as a rock and throbbing wildly in the mists, just begging for someone or something to rub it the right way...

But Vox apparently had different ideas. He slowly withdrew his finger from Frost's tailhole, much to the grey wolf's dismay. And then he also let the furry balls out of his muzzle, the orbs dropping back down to their usual hanging position. Vox stood back up, growling down at the wolf laid out so willingly before him. "Mmmm.... you really want to get off, don't you, Frost?" Vox stepped a bit closer, the swelling of his own sheath apparent through the steam now to Frost.

"Y... Yes... please, Vox... whatever it takes..." Frost whimpered up at him, reaching out a paw to stroke his shaft which the black wolf quickly, but gently, grabbed away.

"Don't worry, Frost, I'll let you cum... if you continue being a good boy." Vox smiled and laughed down at Frost, still moving closer and closer to the grey wolf. "I want to fuck your body so hard and fast, Frost," he moved his paws behind Frost's head and gently guided the grey wolf's snout down to his sheath, very warm and moist. "And after I'm done spilling my seed into that tight ass of yours I will see to your needs." Vox pushed his hips closer to Frost's lowered muzzle, rubbing the tip of his exposed penis against the other wolf's nose and lips, making it clear what he wanted Frost to do...

Frost inhaled deeply, his finely tuned canine sense of smell sifting through all the musky flavors coming off of Vox's body, the aroma intoxicating his mind. He continued sniffing loudly, nostrils flaring, the scent just further driving him mad with a lustful fury. He buried his snout into Vox's crotch, slurping the base of the wolf's sheath where the knot was beginning to form. Vox took a firm grip upon Frost's shoulders at the sudden eagerness, lifting his muzzle up and moaning softly, thrusting his hips a bit. Frost moved one of his paws up to push the sheath back, trying to make Vox's knot pop out into the open. He moved his snout back a bit and began to vigorously pump his paw against the growing length of Vox's shaft until at last the thick knot slipped out of the sheath. Murrring happily, Frost engulfed the entire length inside his maw, flicking his tongue against the tip of the cock, his fangs ever so gently nibbling upon the sensitive flesh of Vox's knot. The black wolf shivered and scritched the back of Frost's head in approval, his erection just about full and ready to go after just a few more seconds. Frost bobbed his head back and forth as fast as he could, breathing his hot breath all over the tasty meat, the vibrations from his growls adding to the pleasure he was giving to Vox.

It was very difficult for him to pull away from such an eager blow job but Vox somehow found the willpower to do so. "Ohhh... Frost... e... enough... let me go now..." He took a firm hold on both sides of Frost's muzzle as he pulled his hips back, the grey wolf obligingly letting his throbbing shaft glide out of his mouth, licking his lips as a spurt of pre seed shot against his cheek. Vox then motioned for Frost to lay back down on the bench so that once again his tailhole would be positioned just off the end. "Gods Frost, I am going to really enjoy fucking that cute body of yours..." Vox grinned down at Frost who couldn't help but blush a bit in return. "Frost, lift you hind paws up over my shoulders," Vox ordered, stepping up right before the grey wolf. Frost did as he was told, this new position helping angle his tailhole up a bit. Vox took a hold of his own shaft and pointed the tip of it against Frost's opening, both of them moaning softly at the feel of each other. More than lubed up enough from the steam, Frost's saliva, and his own pre cum, Vox had no trouble at all pushing into the tight fit Frost offered for him. He placed his paws firmly down on top of Frost's shoulders, keeping him from sliding back while he penetrated deeper and deeper into the warm abyss of Frost's tailhole. Vox snarled a bit from the rippling of the muscles flexing and tightening to try to create the best fit for the intruding length, sending spikes of pleasure up the black wolf's shaft. His entire length, except for the knot, was now throbbing inside of Frost's tailhole. Vox paused for a moment, letting both of them adjust to the new pleasures flowing through their bodies. "So tight, Frost.... Just like I knew you would be..."

Frost lifted his head up a bit, grunting at the feel of being plugged. "I'm glad... it pleases you, Vox..." The black wolf slowly moved his paws back down and wrapped them each around one of Frost's upraised thighs. Vox then began withdrawing from Frost's tailhole, groaning as the very muscles which had been trying to push him out earlier were now gripping at his shaft, now trying to hold him in Frost. Pulling out almost to the tip, Vox then thrust himself back in, moving into a steady rhythm of thrusts now, still only penetrating up to his knot. Frost tried to stretch out his legs, trying to make himself feel more comfortable as the thick cock penetrated his tailhole over and over again. He moved his legs off of Vox's shoulders and wrapped them tightly around his waist instead, using them to try to force the black wolf's cock deeper and deeper with each thrust he made. Vox steadily increased the pace of his fucking, his lips pulled back in a snarl, his instincts telling him to take this bitch as hard and fast as possible. His hips became a flurry of motion, sweat rolling down strands of fur and dripping down onto Frost below as he pounded mercilessly into the grey wolf's body. Frost simply tilted his head back, groaning in a mix of pleasure and pain, his own cock pulsing a bit each time Vox's shaft happened to massage his prostate.

Frost clenched his tailhole randomly throughout Vox's eager yiffing, trying to give the other wolf as much pleasure as he could. He could feel each squirt of Vox's warm pre seed and knew that his orgasm must be quickly approaching just by the intensity of Vox's snarls and growls above his head. And indeed Vox's climax was quickly sneaking up on him. Before he lost control of his motion, Vox tightened his grip on Frost's legs and slammed his entire length into the gaping tailhole, half of his knot squeezing in. Frost howled out loud at the sudden ferocity of the thrust while Vox ground his hips against Frost's rear until at last he was able to slip his knot entirely inside of the grey wolf's body. Frost dug his claws into the bench beneath him at the feeling of the thick knob of flesh now sliding back and forth in his tailhole, whimpering vainly up at Vox. Unable to thrust with his full length now, Vox just simply continued to grind his body against Frost's, humping him wildly now, the tight, warm muscles squeezing his sensitive knot, quickly pulling him towards his orgasm now. He wrapped his forelegs beneath Frost's back and held him tight, humping into like a feral dog, panting loudly from the exhaustion. Vox was so close now, both wolves knew it. Frost howled in anguish as he squeezed his tailhole as tightly as he could against the large knot, massaging every bit of that sensitive area of flesh. Vox quickly joined Frost, howling in pleasure as the squeeze finally sent him over the edge. His paws gripping the grey wolf tightly, Vox pushed himself as deep as he could inside of Frost's tailhole, grinding his hips hard as his warm seed gushed out into the depths of Frost's body. Frost tensed up beneath Vox, his body feeling rather bloated from all the cum that Vox's cock was now pumping out into his tailhole. He tried to pull back a bit from Vox but the other wolf wouldn't let him move an inch. Vox held Frost tight as he emptied his load, growling deeply more in relief than anything else, the pent up pressure finally released from his loins.

Though the orgasm was over almost as quickly as it began, it felt like an eternity to the pair of wolves. Exhausted from all his eager thrusts, Vox collapsed down on top of Frost's chest, panting quickly and loudly. Frost simply laid there, unable to do much himself in this situation. His own cock still ached for release and he sure hoped that Vox wasn't going to forget about him now. Vox's cock remained fully hard inside of Frost thanks to the knot acting as a natural cock ring. But, after a few minutes of resting, Vox slowly forced himself out of Frost's tailhole. Both of them gasped as the knot popped back out, followed by a gush of Vox's cum spilling to the floor below.

The black wolf stood up shakily to his full height, stretching out his limbs, smiling down at Frost, licking his chops as he eyed the grey wolf's throbbing erection. "Don't worry, Frost... I haven't forgotten about you..." Frost had begun to massage his own shaft which had prompted Vox to reassure him. He gently pulled the paw away, causing Frost to whimper, pleading with Vox to let him cum soon. "Come now, stop crying. Sexy guys like you shouldn't be whining like that." Vox bent down and kissed the tip of the red member, causing Frost's whining to turn to deep moans. The black wolf smiled, giving Frost's belly a playful scritching. "Now that's what I like to hear guy like you do." Vox then stepped back a bit, apprasing Frost while continuing to speak. "Hmm.... Why don't you recline as much as you can for me on that bench..."

Frost did so, the bench more than wide enough to hold most of his back with his head propped up against the backrest. Vox leapt up gracefully onto the bench, straddling over Frost's prone body. Realizing finally what Vox wanted to do, Frost growled happily in anticipation, his aching cock more than ready to go. Vox smiled down at him, taking a hold of the cock beneath him while slowly lowering down his rear, directing the tip of it to the entrance of his own tailhole. Once he felt it slip inside of his body, Vox released Frost's cock and gripped firmly to the back of the bench, squeezing his eyes shut, grunting from the feel of his walls getting spread out by the surprisingly thick length. "Ugghhh... damn Frost... you're... thicker... than you.. look..." Vox moaned through clenched teeth, continuing to lower himself down further and further until all but the knot was inside of his body. Frost gave a few reflexive thrusts with his hips, wanting to bury the knot inside of Vox right away but the black wolf pulled up as soon as he noticed, growling softly. "Not yet... Frost..." As he lifted his rear back up, Vox's smooth, muscular walls gripping hard against the thick cock, making both of them moan each other's names in feral pleasure as Vox started to ride Frost as fast it could, bouncing up and down in the grey wolf's lap, his fluffy tail twitching around over Frost's knot and sack.

Ever so slowly the fire began to build in Frost's loins once again. He felt like he would burst from all the seed his body had been producing due to Vox's constant teasing. But now, at last, it seemed like he would be allowed to cum. And inside of Vox's tight tailhole, no less! Frost closed his eyes, moaning and howling, reaching forward to take a firm grip upon Vox's sides, not really doing anything other than holding onto him. Vox, still rather tired from before, was already panting again. How ironic that the worker rather the patron was the one getting the workout tonight at the gym.

Feeling like his energy was almost up, though, Vox decided it was time to coax Frost to spill his seed. Without any warning at all, the black wolf made his next downward thrust much more forceful, howling out in pain as the knot stretched his hole to the limits. Frost joined him in howling, however his was one of extreme pleasure. The tight grip of Vox's ass pulled at his flesh, sending an intense wave of pleasure throughout his length. Frost squeezed Vox's hips tightly and began twitching his hips, humping upwards, pushing his a bit deeper. Vox clawed at the back of the bench, leaving huge scratch marks which would remain as evidence to the intense yiffing the pair had done. Vox tried to relax himself, groaning as he tried to push the cock out of his body, the rippling of muscles only adding to the fuel of Frost's pleasure. He had released so much preseed into the black wolf's body that it was now leaking out, mixing in with the water clumping his fur. Harder and harder Frost tried to thrust upwards, his ballsack bouncing up against Vox's so eager was his grinding. Frost could feel his pleasure quickly reaching its limits at long last after a few more moments of wiggling his knot around a few inches deep inside Vox's tight tailhole. Vox simply let the grey wolf do what he wanted, too tired to continue riding him anymore... not that he could get away from the knot anyways. He simply moaned quietly in pleasure, squeezing his tailhole, forcing Frost to continue working hard for his release. And then, at long last for Frost, he finally climaxed. He threw his head back and unleashed a deafening howl, his seed gushing out forcefully into the depths of Vox's body. Spurt after spurt of hot, canine seed forced its way out of Frost's cock, each release sending another wave of pleasure through his loins. Vox remained mostly motionless, the throbbing of Frost's cock stretching his walls out even further. So thick was the cock that all of Frost's seed really was plugged inside of Vox's tailhole, making the black wolf feel very full. After a few more seconds of violent eruptions of seed, Frost's powerful orgasm suddenly came to an end, the grey wolf slumping back down on the bench, tongue hanging out the side of his muzzle, panting in exhaustion.

"Oh Vox... thank you... so much... for everything, tonight..."

Vox smiled down at the spent wolf, chuckling in a friendly manner. "Please Frost... I should be the one thanking you... I've never had so much fun with another wolf before..." He leaned his head down and gently nuzzled against the side of Frost's cheek, the latter affectionately returning the motion with a nuzzle of his own. "We should probably get out of here now.. this steam isn't fur friendly, I don't think," Vox laughed again, placing his paws down on top of Frost's legs. "But first we gotta get that thick knot of yours out of me..." Squeezing his eyes shut and grunting somewhat in pain but mostly in pleasure, Vox forced himself upwards, Frost's knot pulling against the outer rings of muscle which was the opening of Vox's tailhole, not wanting to come out of the warm entrance. Frost too winced a bit as his spent, sensitive cock was pulled on so forcefully. Finally, with a loud sloshing sound, the cock popped out of Vox's body followed closely by most of Frost's cum. It all splattered messily onto the grey wolf's belly and crotch, leaving both wolves laughing at the mess they had made.

"Heh... would you mind if I took a shower first before leaving the gym, Vox?"

Vox gave a playful bite against one of Frost's arms. "Of course! I wouldn't send you out into the streets like that... every fur in miles would be attracted by that scent." He hopped off of Frost then, stretching out once again before helping the grey wolf up to his feet. Together the two of them went towards the locker room, joining together in the shower to help clean each other up well.

And then at last it came time for the pair of wolves to leave for the night and get some well needed rest. "Well Frost, it was a pleasure meeting you. I do hope I didn't seem too.. forward." Vox chuckled, turning his head away in a rare showing of being embarrassed.

"It was great meeting you too, Vox!" Frost jumped forward and gave the other wolf a tight, affectionate squeeze. "And don't worry about it, I loved how you were tonight. Though I think I'm gonna have to yell at Singe though for giving away my... likes... heheh." The two then separated, regarding each other for a brief moment longer before heading out together into the night time streets, walking paw in paw until they got to the point where they would have to separate for the night. They were both looking forward to the next time they would see each other...


Hope you all enjoyed that story ^^

Any comments or questions, please post or email me at [email protected]

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