An Impossible Soul

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#11 of Tales of Ethorian: Legends of Alchemy

With the fires of battle behind them, Vael and Alexander had escaped to the concealing trees of the Forest of Souls, the memory of their fallen friend fresh in their minds. Lyran had given everything for them, so that they could live on. The pain weighed heavily on them both, but far worse on Alexander. He had lost his oldest and dearest friend.

It seemed to Alexander that Sigfried - the vile mage who had so easily taken his place at the head of the Empire by killing his own brother and assuming his throne - had taken almost everything from him. Would he come for what the fallen king had left? Would Vael be the next person he'd be forced to watch fall? The thoughts haunted him through every step of their journey.

Vael as well morned for the lost of his dear friend, but his thoughts were ahead of them more than behind. He knew the path ahead would be hard, far harder than anything else they had already faced. Though he took solace in the fact that their journey would pass through Encarra, the town he'd so long called home, even this thought brought a new sense of fear to his heart. Would the Imperial Legion track them through the forest? What would become of Encarra if they did?

The hours passed slowly and even when their paths crossed with Mina and Dante again they continued on in silence. It wasn't until several hours later, when the group came across a familiar pond that someone finally spoke.

"Well," Mina started as she looked around the small clearing, taking in the beauty of so simple a place. "This looks like a good spot to rest for the night." She opened her mouth to say more, but a slight flicker caught her eye and drew her gaze to the air above the pond, to the glowing willow wisps beginning to gather.

Vael looked to Alexander, his lips thinning a little into a faint smile before his attention turned to the crystalline waters of the pond. "Beautiful, isn't it?" he asked simply, the question actually bringing a hint of a smile to Alex's lips. "We'll rest here until morning." Vael added with a smile, already starting to strip off his shirt.

Dark bruises and long, thin wounds covered his upper body, easily visible through his whit fur where it wasn't already matted by sweat and drying blood. The battle had taken it's tole on each of the four and each felt the dull ache it'd left in them. None had truly noticed how Vael had winced every few steps, nor the way he seemed to favor his right leg. As he walked towards the edge of the pond, Vael loosened his leggings, letting them fall free and stepped out of them and into the chill of the crystal clear waters.

Mina and Dante were stunned, Dante by how shameless Vael seemed at this moment. Not to obviously divert his eyes, he gave a sigh and went to searching for wood for a fire. Mina however, who had only known Vael for the better half of a week, stared openly. She'd only seen Vael at his worst, she'd only seen him truly in combat and assumed to know him from that.

"You're a woman?!" Mina shouted, her eyes drawn to the lack of a visible sheath. "Why the hell do you act like a man?!" The poor feline was truly confused at this point, almost unable to divert her gaze. Vael just shook his head and gave a soft sigh, wading into the water knee deep before simply saying, "I'm not a woman."

Mina opened her mouth to protest the statement but Dante stopped her, simply saying, "It's rare, but it's possible for some men to be born with the wrong genitalia." without looking to either the stunned Mina, or to Vael. "Though I am curious, Vael," he added at length as he crouched down to gather up a small bundle of twigs. "why did you disrobe like this? It's a little awkward to say the least."

"It makes it easier for the water to move." is all Vael offered in response as his eyes closed. Slowly he brought his arms up, paws out flat to the heavens and slowly, the water began trailing up his form, tendrils of the cold liquid cascading through his fur, seeping into each wound. Slowly the flesh began to knit back together and the bruises began to fade.

The others couldn't help but stare now, seeing the power Vael held at work. None of the three watching the spectacle truly understood the process by which Vael seemed to will the water to action, but none of them had to understand it to simply stare in awe at the beauty of it. Eventually, Vael lets his arms fall to his sides, leaving the water to slowly drip back down through his fur, his every wound vanished without a trace.

Vael looked over his shoulder to the others, explaining, "If you want, I can heal your wounds as well." with a smile, "Though you'd have to strip down. Like I said, it makes it easier for the water to move." Dante and Mina both looked at each other and before the squirrel could speak, Mina was up and had her shirt off as she approached the waters edge.

Dante stared now for a long few moments, then shook his head with a sigh. "I think I'd rather heal naturally." he said after a rather obvious gulp, then turned back to his work, gathering kindling around the clearing. Mina didn't seem to notice the stares as she stepped out of her leggings, squeaking slightly when she first stepped into the water.

"Is it going to be this cold everywhere?" she asked, looking to Vael before she took another hesitant step. Vael just snickered quietly and motioned her over. Once she reached Vael, standing only a foot from him the white fox gently grabbed her wrist, raising her arms up and to the sides.

"Keep your arms like this," Vael said with a smile, then stepped back, adding, "And try not to move too much, alright?"

With a motion of his paws, Vael sent the water slowly flowing up Mina's form, seeping into her wounds and mending the flesh. Mina did well to stand still, though the chill water got another quiet squeak out of her as it ran up over her abdomen. When her wounds were healed, Vael let the energy subside, leaving the water to drip back through the felines fur.

As Mina wiped some of the water away from her face she muttered about the waters temperature, barely noticing the fair sized orb of liquid which hovered above the surface of the pond. With fluid movements of his paws, Vael had willed the water to life again, though this time to a very different effect. A soft, crimson light began to bubble within the orb, sending shimmering lights across the clearing for a moment before mist began to flow in thick tendrils from within the slowly distorting orb.

Within moments the rolling mist had blanketed the pond, rolling over the grass of the clearing and beyond. It took only moments to bring the mist to it's thickest within the small clearing and still it continued until suddenly, the orb burst! Like a ripple in a pond the mist spread, falling over the whole of the forest like an ever-shifting blanket of white.

With a sigh, Dante shook his head again. "Well, there goes any chance of making a fire tonight." he muttered, tossing the bundle of kindling he'd been collecting aside with a shrug. Mina just laughed, trying her best to peer at Vael through the thick fog.

"It'll make it harder for anyone to find us." was all Vael said before wading from the water, easily maneuvering over to Alex to pull him down against a tree and curl up with him. "Trust me, it's better for us to rest without a fire than it would be to lose sleep keeping watch tonight."


As the night drew on and Dante and Mina fell asleep, Vael and Alexander lay at the base of a large oak, Vael curled up and Alexander snuggling up, holding him close. Both gazed into the others eyes in silence for what seemed like an eternity before Vael finally nuzzled up under his chin.

"I love you," he said softly, pausing only to take a breath in, savoring his lovers scent before adding. "No matter what happens from here, that will never change."

Alexander smiled and hugged Vael close, "I love you too," he said softly into Vael's ear, then rolled onto his back, never letting go of Vael as he pulled him on top of him. "And I always will."

Vael began to say something, began to protest when he felt Alex's sheath bulging between his legs but Alexander stopped him, brushing his lips against Vael's tenderly. "With everything thats happened, I just want to forget." Alex said softly, looking deep into those violet eyes as he continued, "I just want to lose myself in your eyes and in your warmth."

Vael thought a moment, though of what had happened that morning, how their kingdom - their world in a sense - was now lost to them. He understood Alexander's desire, he longed for the same but hadn't thought to say it. Were it not for the concealing mist that still hung thick in the air he'd not be able to hide the pink hue which crept into his cheeks as his paws trailed down Alex's chest, fingers gently hooking under the waistline of his leggings to pull them loose. Slowly he dragged them down, revealing his thick sheath, the tip of his member already poking out of the concealing flesh.

With gentle paws, Vael stroked his sheath, coaxing yet more of Alexander's length from where it hid. His velvet-soft pads stroked over Alexander's length a few times, caressing every inch as he leaned down, brushing a tender kiss over his lovers lips before raising himself up.

With gentle paws, Vael guided Alexander's member, letting it stroke between his thighs slowly before the tip finally found it's place. With a faint gasp Vael slid himself down around his lover, his inner walls pulsing slightly. The moist flesh welcomed every inch as Vael slowly lowered himself, the gentle tightening with each pulse drawing a quiet murr from Alexander.

Alexander gripped Vael's hips gently as he rose again, giving a little grin as he suddenly pulled him back down. His length slipped nearly from tip to hilt, bringing a sharp gasp from Vael who bit down on his lip.

"N-" Vael tried to speak but all that came out at first was a shaking sigh. "Not rough." he finally managed after a moment.

"Why not?" Alexander asked with a toothy grin. "Think you'd be embarrassed if they woke up?" he added, giving a slight motion with his eyes to Mina and Dante who lay sleeping several feet away.

If he'd been able to hide the blush in his cheeks before, Vael would find it impossible now, the hue creeping through his fur darkening. Vael opened his mouth to say something but Alexander sat up, slowly letting his arms slip around Vael as he pulled back against the tree for support. Whatever Vael had been trying to say fell to a distorted murr as he felt his lovers tongue caress his throat, felt his strong arms lift and slide him across every inch slowly before letting him back down.

"Don't worry," Alexander whispered into Vael's ear as he nuzzles him tenderly. "We'll go slow."

True to his word, he continued to guide Vael along every inch of his length, nibbling and licking gently at Vael's shoulders and neck when he was able. Vael simply relaxed in his lovers arms, losing himself in the building ripples of pleasure that ran through him. His body begged for more, his moist walls tightening and pulsing around the intruding shaft every time it began to pull out, the physical reaction only adding to both of their pleasure.

The cold air practically assaulted Alexander's knot as it began to swell, the chill mist in the night clawing at the warm flesh each time it slid free of Vael's warmth. The sensation pushed the swordsman to pull Vael down a bit faster each time, pulling a soft moan or loud murr from the slender fox.

A soft pop send a sudden wave of pleasure through Vael's body, coaxing a moan from him far louder than he'd have wanted. He felt the knot inside him, swelling the last little bit needed to ensure it's place. The silken flesh pulsed around every inch, the sensation quickly pulling Alexander over the edge into a wild orgasm. Vael bit down on his lovers shoulder to keep from moaning again as he felt the heat of the seed spilling into the deepest part of him, each sudden throb filling him more.

Tied to each other, the two lovers cuddled close, enjoying the warmth between them as the nights embrace slowly washed over them. Slowly the two fell asleep, holding each other close, comforted by the safety they felt in the others arms.


Beyond the forest the night crew chill and the winds grew slow, allowing the blanket over the forest to grow thick. What was simply mist became a thick fog, rolling over the forest floor. The milky veil shone like silver in the moonlight which filtered through the trees. Unseen by the sleeping friends, a massive form crept close, it's thick, muscled body gliding silent between the towering trees.

The glowing eyes of the massive wolf caught sight of the sleeping friends, those beautiful violet orbs focusing on Vael more intently than the others. Slowly her form faded away, vanishing into the fog to be replaced by the slender form of a young woman. White fur cascading down her naked figure, shielding her ample breasts and hour-glass waistline from the moist chill of the forest air.

"So beautiful," she whispered into the night, walking closer to Vael and Alexander, her footsteps utterly silent. She gave them a long look and a thin smile drew over her lips as she sighed. "If only you knew."

Delicately she set a paw against Alexander's chest, drawing a faintly glowing wisp of light from his heart with a smile.

"Alexander, such a brave soul," she admired, her voice only a whisper as she worked. "You have much to fight for."

She set her free paw to Vael's chest, pressing gently, enjoying the warmth of his soul for a moment before drawing a similar glowing wisp from him. With a sigh she stood, peering down at the two fragments in her paws and slowly began to mold them between her fingers, caressing each as if the light were a tangible thing.

Swirling in her paws, the lights began to grow, the once feint and flickering fragments taking on new life in her gentle grasp. Slowly she brought them together, watching with an ever-present smile as the two became one. Slowly the light grew dim again, withdrawing into itself to leave a glowing orb between her paws, the warmth already beginning to fade as she knelt beside the two.

"I can only do so much, sadly," she whispered, a look of sorrow shining with the slowly fading light reflected in those beautiful eyes of hers. "The rest I'll leave in your capable paws."

With a gentle touch she slipped her paw against Vael's abdomen, her fingertips resting low against her form as the glowing orb slipped through the flesh and into his waiting form. After a moment and a gentle stroke of Vael's belly, the wolven woman stood, giving her a warm smile, then turned and began to walk away.

She stopped only for a moment to glance over her shoulder, the smile still present as she mused, "You'll be a wonderful mother." before vanishing into the fog.