a wonderful dream
#1 of my stories
i'm not used to stories, didn't write one since ages and now i wrote this for a person who asked me, and thought "why not putting that on SF?" so here i am :)
hope that would not bore you but you enjoy it instead!
that was inspired by a dream i really had and which make me awake really, really wet in my blankets X°D
it envolves sex and love between a trainer and a charizard, both male, so if you dislike or hate interspecies sex, human with pokemon and gay stuff, please get away!
if you love those topics instead, you're welcome =3
that becomes from a dream i had (very nice dream indeed x3)
i see myself as a boy, around 16 yo... i was walking in a forest, on a path, going past some trees and i see the path become a road... i still know i didn't recognize that place, and don't know what the hell i was doing there, but then i decided to go ahead and see, better go to a town than rest in middle of nowhere!
suddenly i heard some noises, then some voices... i speeded up and in a while i began to see some strange critters far away
omg, i was not believing in what my eyes were seeing! that were surely pokemons!!!
i neither knew if i was more happy or shocked from this! but i quickly chose the first!
i see pokemons of every species, from butterfrees to eevees... and finally i heard a lovable sound i was searching for: charizard's roar!!! i heard it near there and ran to see it
but... the bitter surprise: i saw a beautiful, magnificent charizard... and its trainer: a despicable, hateful, little blond kid, maybe 10 yo, who was hitting charizard's muzzle with his hand, the poor little dragon was trying to defend itself with his left wing from kid's blows when i was almost there i was able to hear what the kid was yelling to the pokemon
the most polite and cute thing he spoke was "you useless asshole"
i enraged quickly and moved to the kid
"what the hell are you doing???"
"who the hell are you!?" replied the kid
"why are you bashing that charizard? what did it do to deserve this??"
"that are not your business! turn away and leave if you don't want some too!"
i didn't believe myself, he was threatening me!!! a little, anonimous ugly child was menacing me??? and he was also hurting the most beautiful critter i had ever known in front of me, only because it wasn't strong enough for his standards... what a moron!!!
i see red for a while and picked up a big stone from the ground, then, when nobody saw me, primarily the kid, i approached him and let the stone fall on his neck, the kid fallen on the ground seemling dead, but i knew he was still alive...
charizard and others kid's pokemons were looking at me almost shocked, thank god there wasn't anyone else... so i moved to the charizard which istinctively curled up to protect itself from me (i suppose i looked brute to him) then i caressed him on the head, talking gently to him
"hey, cutie, don't worry i'm not dangerous"
the charizard looked at me with a glare i couldn't describe, as it never received caresses since now
my hand was on its cheek then, that moment seemed last hours... then i looked back to the kid and saw his belt
"wait a second" i told to the dragon
he looked me with a puzzled face
i reached the belt and started looking at his pokeballs... until i find the one with the charizard mark... charizard looked me with sorta disappointed glare... until i suddenly take the stone and dropped it right over the pokeball, smashing it to pieces
charizard's face was speachless
"now you're free, you don't have to follow that bullshit anymore!" and i hugged him...
he didn't know what to do, was paralyzed by the shock... but i just felt some purrrs coming from his chest
then i broke the hug, looked at him and petted his snout
"i have to go now or it would not be a nice day if i still be here when the moron awake...! love you cutie! be happy somewere else and find someone who cares about you!"
i then moved away, i really didn't want, but i have no claims on him of any sort, it wouldn't have been fair if i did bring him
but... i did just some steps before a light wind blew me and a little cute dragon landed right above my feet
"charizard?" i almost said
"mrewr!" he replied, and then stroked my face with his snout, i almost heard his purrr when near
"oh my... did you... did you really choose to stay with me?"
he just looked back at me and licked my nose, i took that as a "yes"
i figured out that charizard never known what affection was, what "care about" means, and either didn't know where to go being free... so he decided to stay with the only person who showed him affection and respect
i could had never been so happy in my entire life
the kid was nearly awakening, so charizard shows me his back and offered me to mount on him
i did it and him quickly lifted off
that was amazing, he was carrying me in the high of the sky! clouds were around us and the ground remembered me a diorama from the miniature it was! besides the cold of the air and the wind, his body was so warm and soft, i would never left that by my will!
after a while, sun was fading down and night was approaching, so i told charizard to land on and search some cover for the night
he landed and near us was a big rock with a large place in it, we could easily fit in it and sleep
so we laid on the ground and fix ourselves
the cold air was coming and i was shivering a little.... charizard saw that and quickly moved to coil around me and cover me with one of his wings... i feel his body's warmth again... that was amazing... now i was between a large rock wall and a large warm dragon body!
then we almost fallen asleep...
when, suddenly, i caught myself having a boner... i felt my cheeks blushing for that
i was there, with a dragon hugging me, one of the most beautyful and cute dragon, the one i loved the most from the fantasy scenario i had ever known
his chest was there, few inches from mine... my hands on his sides, my face just placed on his neck, i feel his cheek against my hairs
and... well... my legs were embracing his big, soft, warm tail... i almost felt his soft and warm scales under my sack... and that was sure giving me the most uncontrollable hardon i had ever had
i was trying to cool down my heats when charizard woke up and moves his head to face me, puzzling if something was wrong, his eyes just spoke for him
"n...nothing, i just.... just never slept with a dragon before now... i'm just so happy to have you with me!"
"mrrrr" he -said- and licked my cheekbone
"oh you... never thought a dragon could be so cuddly!!!" and laughed
he smiled...
that caused me another twitch of my boner
and now he felt that
he looked down, and my face blushed again
when i tried to move my waist to hide my boner, he just slided his tail away, STROKING MY BONER ALREADY... he surely felt something strange against his tail when he moved it, and he wanted to investigate!
he moved his head to my groin, starting sniffing around... don't need to say how much arousing that was!
even "redder" than blood i stopped charizard's muzzle with my hand, and he puzzled again at me
"better not charizard... that's not something you should handle!"
he pushed his snout against my hand
"no... that's a private spot, a place where you shouldn't put your muzzle in!" i said (what da hell am i saying????? damn i badly want this!!!) i thought a moment later
oh man... should have i to teach a pokemon what sex is?? and what "private" means?
"char... i don't say it for something... that was my private spot, my dick, it's hardening because the contact with your body and the fact i like you, but it should be used only to mate, and either you are a male or a female it's not right for a pokemon to have sex with a human"
charizard snorted, the fierce he was i assumed he was a male!
but his curiosity was bigger than my arguments, so he pushed again, stronger, and broken my guard... his snout was now right over my crotch and he took a large sniff of the area
maybe he liked the scent, because he started purrring again, then nuzzled my crotch and made a louder purrr
"charizard... ehm...."
he nuzzled again, and nibbled the zip of my pants
"ok... ok... i'll let you see... but please don't bite, you would harm me seriously and that could be very unpleasant!!"
he then did a really cute glare and stroke his head under my left hand like i was caressing him
i sighed, and then pulled down my pant's zip, i just had the time to unbotton them when he moved his muzzle right over my undies, sniffing the now stronger scent of my manhood... i literrly had a shock on my spine when he suddenly slid the tongue out of his muzzle and licked my crotch from above my undies, leaving a little wet spot on the fabric
"charizard! what you doing???" i said, with a voice between shock and excitement
"mrrrrrawr!" he said in response, and nuzzled my undies, licking now the inner of my legs
"w...well... ok... just pls remember, don't bite or nibble!" an advice i absolutely HAD to do because of those nice but razor-sharp fangs that poke out of his snout!
with a little of hesitation, i slid down my underpant and let him easy access to my privates
he moved his muzzle quickly on my balls and then over my semi-hard dick, which was still infolded in my foreskin he took some deep sniffs of my foreskin right before let his tongue out again and giving me one or two sampling licks
the sensation simply driven me crazy... his tongue was something moist and warm that i cannot describe with any word...
he saw my bliss and did a puzzled face again... then licked me more without moving his glare away from me, as to see which reactions would i have
i relaxed my back and spread my legs more at his licks, moving my right hand over his neck until his head, caressing him
he closed his eyes in delight, hinting a slight smile and purring loud, then continues licking my hardening maleness... his tongue tasting every inch of my soft skin, massaging and squeezing it over and over... moving my still flaccid dick here and there with his tongue movements
his tongue was so smooth and flat, and long... he literally could lick from my balls to the tip of my dick with a single swing and the most exciting thing was that he was enjoying that... i could feel his hunger and pleasure of tasting my cock, i had a large, even deadly, predator that was pleasuring me with his muzzle, while he could literally snap it off in a single bite and have a quick snack on me!
but, when i was thinking i could not feel a greater pleasure, that cute dragon just gave me heaven in a single move: he opened his maw and ate my dick whole in one shot! i felt his baking hot mouth sorrounding my entire penis, his sharp teeth just closed all around my dick base and his tongue squeezing my cock against his mouth roof....
oh man... this dragon was just giving me a blowjob!! a wonderful one!
he closed his eyes and began suction... that was simply amazing... he sure was enjoying that at least half as i was...! he was so focussed in what he was tasting, that he neither noticed i closed my legs over his cheeks and grabbed his horns with my hands... i was pratically curled over his head while he was eating me.... and thrust myself in his muzzle... slight moviments in his mouth, also because despite the pleasure, i was still feared of his fangs!
his suction and purrs which vibrate in my hips through his muzzle, combined with my thrusts and excitement, didn't let me to last long... in that were seconds, minutes or what, i grab his horns tighter, gave one stronger thrust in his muzzle and then release all my climax in his willing, steamy hot muzzle
that was strange but funny to see his purrrs stop from the coming of my seed in his throat, i felt him swallow all my thick goo, craving it eagerly from the tip of my cock with his quick and serpentine tongue... he sure enjoyed the taste of my cum, because i felt him suck harder and stronger until my last drop, for a moment i feared he would eat my cock due his eagerness!!! but he pleased me gently and sweet until the end, and then, when he felt no more cum from my cock, he slipped my now limp meat out of his maw, caring of his teeth and licking it in the cold of the night more and more... until i stopped him with a tight hug over his head.... he purrred louder and closed his eyes in happines, i saw him smile again! i was so happy and still unbelieving that a single creature could be that cute, affectionate and sexual all together
i just had sex with a pokemon... a dragon gave me a blowjob but neither me or him saw that as a perverted or bad thing... that was a love act! a sign of trust in me as a thanks for letting him free from his torturer trainer...
he was happy to be my pokemon now, and i could never be less happy to be his trainer and lifemate!
end of that wonderful dream =3