Foxes and Plots 5: A Coons and Theft Tale

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#5 of Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale

The next chapter is here; I hope everyone enjoys it. =) Once again, Clipfox and Jeff are copyright to their creators. Every other character is copyright to me, TiberiusRings. Any questions or comments feel free to ask. Oh yes, and a thanks to my editor for helping me clear some inconsistant issues up.

"That's it, c'mon punk. You know you gotta clean this place up in ten minutes or we fuckin' leave the zap-collar on for an hour this time!" Garrison sighed, standing in the living room next to Drew with arms crossed across his chest.

"Yes sir, right away sir, please don't zap me, sir!" The sound from a wolf once known as Captain Harding was busy trying to scrub the floors with a mop. After Ite and Drew had "trained" Harding enough, had crushed his will, it had been very easy to manipulate the poor wolf. He was eager to avoid the pain of the collar, but his confused nervous system left his with an erection on both settings whether it be pleasure and pain. They often left him on the floor, his erection painfully throbbing while the heater's thermostat turned all the way up. Ite had made the wolf admit he was homosexual. From there, the wolf had been all too eager to get more, which Garrison had hardly been in the mood to deliver.

"Don't forget the cupboards; they haven't been cleaned out since we moved in." Drew said, a smile on his face. He had been a bit worried what it would be like to really have a slave having no prior experience, but with Ite's guidance Harding, no longer a dominant wolf, was being very well behaved now that he was addicted to sex and pleasing his new masters.

Garrison and Drew had been busy the few days their boyfriends had been gone. They had initially had sex with Harding in various poses, and on the second day they denied him the reward of sex without even a single touch from either of them. They had not allowed him sexual release during the whole experience, too. The wolf looked rather uncomfortable as time went by, his testicles having developed pressure from the constant stimulation without any release. Garrison was flying into this blindly, but he had remembered more than one occasion of Harding taking him on a bunk and being told not to cum. He had his first homosexual experience with this wolf, and now it was only fitting he make the wolf just as uncomfortable.

Drew had dressed the wolf up oddly; but then the little Fennec seemed to like playing dress up with people. Harding was in military combat boots and shorts which looked to be made of some kind of spandex material. They were black with a neon green racing stripes along the legs from the end of the shorts to the waist band. The wolf was naked from the chest up, and it showcased the wolf's nipples that Drew had pierced with a silver ring. Drew found the control he had over this huge brute of a man exhilarating and quite sexy. The collar around the wolf's neck never left him, even when he bathed.

"Fuckin' asshole never did a shift in KP his whole fuckin' life, Drew-boy. He'll fuck it up and get zapped."

"That's not true!" Harding protested, spinning around, after which Drew pushed a button. The wolf fell to the floor and yelped in pain as he was mildly shocked by the collar; and then it stopped in an instant. The wolf rose to all fours, panting and shaking his head as he rubbed his throat. The shock itself was a mild zap, but it was enough to throw the wolf's nervous system off balance and send him crashing to the ground with a thump. If the intensity was turned up to maximum he would be in writhing pain, but nothing that was extensive as long as the collar was turned off. He grumbled.

"Were we talkin' to you? Didn't fuckin' tell ya you could move, mutt. Keep cleanin' the floor so I can see my beautiful face in it, bitch." Garrison had no love for the wolf and knew in a pinch that Harding might be stupid and try to do something like tackle and strangle Drew. Drew was smart and quick as a whip but had Harding tried to attack the fox, he could be overpowered in the blink of an eye. He liked the little guy and was here more to protect Drew than really play with the slave, at least that was how he initially saw it. He had become very involved with the wolf's training and found the wolf to be fun to poke around. He would leave the intense bondage and torture to Ite and Drew; that wasn't his thing. Sure he put Rei in restraints once in a while but nothing like the intricate contraptions they had scattered about that training room. Drew said he was sometimes put into various bondage rigs like that, which made him blink. The fennec had a side to him that few people seemed to know about.

Just then, a cell phone began to go off in the kitchen. The song "What is Love?" from "Night at the Roxbury" began to play loudly from the iPhone. Drew knew it was Rei calling from the ringtone Garrison's phone played and smirked. The husky stepped in, knocking Harding back down to all fours with a playful shove, sending him down to all fours. Garrison planted one of his feet onto the small of Harding's back, pushing him down onto his chest as he picked up his phone and held it up to his ear. "Joe's Bar 'n Grill. You catch 'em we fry 'em."

"Shut up, dog." Rei said gently, playfully. Garrison couldn't help but smile.

"Aw, my boyfriend sounds agitated. Everything okay, ring-butt?"

"Yeah. Mark is just more intensely hard to handle when left to his own devices and allowed to fully express his sexuality than I had expected. And I need your help. And Drew's."

"Oh? Fuckin' mission must be one hell of a doozy." Garrison clicked his tongue, feeling Harding wiggling under the flat of his foot. Garrison stopped the wolf's squirming by applying more of his weight to the back and grinned when he heard a submissive little whine from the wolf under him.

"Yeah. Bigger than Ite and I can handle on our own, we need your genius minds to fly out to Washington. Mark has his personal plane idling at the airport for you. You'll fly right to his landing strip. Harding has to come too; there's a playmate waiting for him here."

"Oh? So wait, Ite and Mark, who're like...fucking related, both keep wolves as pet slaves?" Garrison grinned to Drew, winking to him. Harding growled, but Garrison just moved his foot to press the wolf's face down against the tiled kitchen floor.

"Pretty much. He keeps wolves as his servants but the playmate in question is a rare dog breed from Belgium. he's really cute." Rei sounded a bit tired to Garrison, but if he had only known what had transpired a few moments ago then he would have understood.

"Well then, looks like we'll be outta here in like... 30 god damn minutes. We gotta make sure Wolfy is ready to go out in public and gotta pack. I assume you want some of our special tech, yeah man?" Garrison wagged his tail. He was eager to start working again.

"All Right. Be at JFK whenever; say you're going to be taking the Fox 1 to Washington and they'll show you where to go. Security won't even bother you."

"Right-o Ring-o. Anythin' else?"

"I love you." The voice was full of emotion, and a longing.

"Aw, I love you too Rei-Rei. I'll be holdin' ya against my strong manly chest in a few hours, I promise."

"Good! I'll see you when you land then. Be safe."

When the husky hung up, he looked to Drew. The Fennec was holding the remote. Garrison stepped off the wolf who groaned and laid there, shaking his head.

"What's going on, Garr?" Drew asked curiously, smiling hopefully. He had a good feeling he would be seeing Ite in a few hours.

"Rei-Rei asked for our help. Pack up some of your equipment. I'll get Wolfy here ready to go. We're joinin' our boyfriends for some work."

Drew smiled and nodded eagerly, excitedly zipping down the hallway in a flash. That left Garrison and Harding alone. The husky crouched in front of the big wolf, staring into his eyes then as he grabbed Harding's muzzle tightly. "You're going into public but the collar will be on and set to high. If you try to run you will fuckin' regret it, man. I am serious here; you cause me any kind of headache and I will throw you outta that flyin' plane. You may be Ite's and Drew's new pet but you're fuckin' with my boyfriend's job here. I won't let you dick with him more than you already have."

Harding's eyes widened, and then nodded his head rapidly, looking to the husky then with those strong amber eyes. He knew better than to disagree with Garrison. The husky had been discharged since his psych profiles labeled him as a risk in combat in a unit situation; he enjoyed explosions and guns far too much. He could snap at any moment and be prone to any kind of violence. It didn't help that he'd dicked with the husky during his time in the Marines. "I won't fuck up, sir." Harding said with a quiet voice.

"Good boy. Now go to your room; and put on something normal; you have my permission. Look nice; we're meetin' someone powerful. Don't forget to pack some of your play toys."

As Harding got up and headed to his room, Garrison grinned. This would either play out to be one of the more interesting missions he'd ever been on while working with his boyfriend, or one of the worst. He wasn't sure which yet.

As the airplane taxied to a stop, Rei smiled. He had been waiting all afternoon for his boyfriend to travel here and give him a hug. Rei had asked politely, then begged Mark to give him something far more appropriate than a pair of gym shorts and a tank top to wear to see his boyfriend. The fox hadn't understood at first why he was so insistent, but when Rei acted like he hadn't seen his husky in years, Mark agreed and had Addison find some of his older clothing. Rei had ended up wearing a pair of jeans too big for him but thankfully he and Mark had the same length of leg, so a belt fixed that droopy situation. His torso had been covered by an orange tank top and a sleeveless grey hoodie. Rei liked the outfit and thought Addison had good taste in picking out clothes. Besides the feeling of excess material, he liked it a lot.

Ite was there dressed in a pair of cargo pants and a polo shirt that showed off the nice biceps the fox had. Mark was there, dressed in his spiffy expensive jeans and a black t-shirt with some emblem over the left pectoral Rei didn't know. Jeff was there, curled up against his mate; dressed in his suit and lab coat. Of course, Addison was there in just his shorts and a pair of sneakers, watching as the plane pulled up. When the plane's engines shut off and the all clear had been given, the hatch had been opened up and Addison moved over to help with the excessive luggage. Drew was out first, looking a little woozy, but when he saw Ite he smiled and ran to him, his small frame leaping into Ite's arms, wrapping his around the fox's neck and embracing someone he hadn't seen in days.

Garrison came out next, tugging on a leather leash that wasn't budging. Harding was being a nuisance and the husky growled in annoyance. Turning and pushing a button on a remote hidden in one of his pockets, a yelp and loud whine emanated from inside the plane, before a large wolf meekly exited the plane. Addison was standing there, wagging his tail happily as he saw the husky descend, holding the leash of a very big and disgruntled wolf.

"Hey there, chum. Hold this for me." Garrison said and handed Addison the leash, a bit of a playful smirk on the dog's face. The husky headed over to the small group of people, Rei smiling with his hands shoved in his pockets. He looked at Rei and noticed the silvery metallic collar around his throat but said nothing. He flicked his tail some and just smiled. Rei always made him smile. "Hey Ring-butt."

"Hello Garrison." Rei said with a soft smile and then launched forward, curling his arms around the husky's neck and held onto him tightly, pressing a sweet kiss to Garrison's muzzle tip, enjoying the taste of Garrison against his lips. Mark and Ite were wonderful but this was someone he loved in a different way. Garrison had helped him when he had no one to turn to. The raccoon found those warm and comforting arms closing around his middle again. He held onto the husky as he kissed him, not caring if people saw their deeply romantic, tongue brushing kiss. Rei just curled his hands into the husky's shirt and did not want to be let go again. He knew now what being away from someone you loved felt like; this was not like when Duncan vanished, this hurt much more. Garrison made his world complete and he wanted his husky there, forever.

Eventually, the husky pulled his lips back and smiled down into those beautiful green eyes, leaning his muzzle down to rub the raccoon's cheek, giving that coonish mask a soft lick along the jawline. He just held his boyfriend close and enjoyed Rei's scent, though he did smell a fox on his clothing and fur he didn't care. He had told Rei he didn't mind if the raccoon slept with more than the two people in his life, and figured this Mark guy sunk his fangs into his boyfriend's body. That must have explained the collar.

Jeff's dulcet laugh carried softly through the air as he looked up to Clip who had put an arm around his shoulders. His fox had brought all these people here and made this small, tender reunion possible. Hell, even Addison was hugging the grumpy looking wolf who didn't appear to be enjoying the attention but submitted to it with a resigned look on his face. The kind you see a child make when being hugged by an oppressive aunt. Jeff nuzzled into his mate's neck and spoke up. "Ah, young love. Isn't it precious?"

"Young love?" Mark said, smiling down to Jeff, leaning his muzzle affectionately against the otter's rounded ears. "You make us sound like an old married couple!"

"Compared to them we are. They're just getting to that point in their lives where they know they've probably found the one they want to spend the rest of their lives with." Jeff was smiling lovingly as he held onto his own fox as tightly as he could without being painful.

The fox smiled a bit as he looked up from Jeff to the crowd of people on his property. He had a lot of people coming and going in his life, working like busy little ants as he expanded his empire, but these four--no, five felt different. Was he actually growing sentimental? Would he miss Rei and his friends when they had to leave?

"Okay," Mark said as he uncurled his arm from around his lover's waist and stood closer to the group of still hugging couples. Addison had finally let Harding go; the wolf looked down at the ground sullenly. "I don't mean to be a kill-joy but we DO have work to do. Garrison, Drew, if you would follow my assistant he will show to your rooms and where you can set up your equipment. My network, computers and I.T. staff are at your disposal. Also, if you need anything, please feel free to ask me. Rei-kun, would you please go with Jeff and examine our servers to see how the data could have been accessed and stolen? Ite, if you would be so kind and help Addison with all those bags, I would sincerely appreciate it."

The men nodded to their individual tasks, extricating themselves from their partners. Addison moved to the side where all the luggage had been unloaded and picked up a few of the heavier bags. Harding, not in a mood to be outdone by some punk dog, picked up a heavier load of bags. By the time Ite got to the luggage, there was only a small travel bag to carry.

Garrison, Drew, Ite, Harding and Addison began to walk away from the runway, Mark beckoned to Garrison who paused and joined the fox. "Mister Garrison. There is something I would like to talk to you about..."

Clank. The metallic gates slid open, and Rei could see now that there were armed guards hidden inside the mountain, standing there in military fatigues. Jeff flashed an ID and slipped it into a reader, his image displaying on a screen and then a green light flashed. The otter went ahead for a moment to speak with a guard through a window in the wall further down the hall as he briefly left the raccoon at the checkpoint. Rei had no clearance card and as a result was inspected for contraband. The burly wolf pat down and frisked the raccoon. He had to turn over his wallet and keys and even his wrist watch.

The guard noticed the collar around the raccoon's neck, "I'm sorry, since you are a guest of Jeff you can enter under his supervision and a guest pass that you will wear at all times. But you cannot enter this facility with anything other than your clothes, jewelry will not be allowed. Electronics and any other devices are also prohibited. No exceptions."

Rei sighed and explained, "I can't remove the collar. Mark put this thing on me and I can't seem to take it off."

The guard shook his head and repeated, "No jewelry. Now take it off."

The raccoon growled in frustration, "The collar isn't coming off. What part of 'I can't remove the collar' was confusing? It's not like I don't WANT to remove it, but it's locked and only Mark has the means to unlock it!"

As they stood there arguing, Jeff made his way back with a guest pass in hand which had a cute picture of the raccoon printed on it. The otter handed the badge to Rei and then spoke to the guard, having overheard their conversation. He addressed the two, "I'm really sorry about that, Rei. Lance, let him through. Mark did put the collar on Rei and he's right that it can't be removed without him. Lance's new. He doesn't know about the collars, yet."

As the guard let Rei pass and they began to walk down the corridor, Jeff turned to look at the raccoon and stated with a little pride, "You know, my mate had me design those things. Very hard to defeat the locking mechanism, and if you tamper with it too much, it destroys the lock so that it fuses together and stays in the locked position. The collar will give a few warning shocks when it detects tampering after which it will trigger the filament to melt the lock shut."

"Mark can send a remote command to have the collar issue a shock, and our facility is set up such that if someone wanders where they shouldn't be it will also administer a warning. We even made it with a high tensile metal alloy of our own creation that can't be cut by the normal bolt cutters you can get at the hardware store and it isn't brittle so it doesn't shatter either."

Jeff continued, "We also built in a tracking device so he can keep tabs on where these collars go. Normally he just uses the collars on his wolves to track them as they go about their daily business to make sure they aren't going places they shouldn't. Or to catch strays, though we don't have many of those. Even though the wolves are his pets, Mark treats them well, so they seem content to stick around. In any case, these things can be quite a pain to remove."

Jeff smiled and led Rei on through the paved cave and heading over to a metallic gate.

"Lots of weapons." Rei had observed vocally, looking around at the automated gun turrets lining the walls here and there. He watched Jeff walk over to a small panel and slide that ID in again, typing in a few commands.

"Mark likes to be careful; and I don't blame him. He's been the target of assassination attempts and theft in the past. A lot of the security was my idea." Jeff stepped back as the metallic gates slid into the walls, revealing a large cargo elevator. It was wide and had a metallic floor. There was a small computer panel on the far hand rail, but other than that there was nothing but empty space. Jeff stepped in. Rei followed.

The gates slid closed behind him and he just flicked his tail in a slow pattern, looking around as Jeff typed some commands into another control panel. With the whine of machinery and engines, the elevator began to descend.

Jeff stretched and then looked to Rei. He smiled and moved over to the raccoon. "So how are you enjoying Mark?"

Rei quirked a brow and uncrossed the arms that had been crossed over his chest. "You make him sound more like a tourist destination than a person."

"Well," Jeff said with a smile, shrugging his shoulders. "He is a handful to people who aren't used to his colorful personality. But, he really is sweet."

"He seems to enjoy controlling me." Rei said, motioning to the biometric collar on his neck that he still couldn't get off. He had tried picking it, but working from a reflection was hard, and getting a zap as a reward was rather annoying. He had given up. He was going to try later with Garrison's help, or perhaps Mark's.

"Mark likes to control all the variables in his life but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. He told me he already considered you an asset."

"So I'm some kind of commodity in his eyes." Rei said as he rolled his eyes and sighed, shaking his head a bit as they were still descending into blackness, the panel read "Sub-level" with an ever increasing number count.

"Mark doesn't use the word 'friend' often, but it's his way of saying it." Jeff smiled, coming over and touching Rei's shoulder, looking at him with a warm, peaceful smile. "He really likes you, you know. You shouldn't be fighting so hard and just go with it. He's really kindhearted in his own ways."

Rei sighed. It was hard to remain angry when he was talking to someone sensitive, and relaxing, and kind. Jeff put him at ease and stopped him from feeling so defensive. He put a hand on his hip as he looked to the handsome otter and nodded. "Okay, I'll stop thinking of ways to shave him."

Jeff laughed and looked to the controls that were blinking once before he looked back at Rei. "Don't do that, he'll go on a rampage!" Jeff was smiling as the elevator finally settled into its resting place at the ground level. The metallic gate opened up again, revealing something Rei had never seen in his whole life.

The two of them were standing on the base level of the facility in a subterranean half-dome. There were a few tall buildings that spanned the entire distance from the dome's base to the ceiling. From what Rei could see there were no support pillars anywhere. The ceiling of the dome had thin strips of metal supports which followed the curve of the dome. Rei didn't miss the mansion like house, the abundance of trees dotting the roads and what appeared to be a large park, paved roads and sidewalks. Hell, there was even a small shopping center. Rei saw a couple; a leopard male and a cheetah female walking what looked to be their hybrid child. Rei was stunned.

"People live down here?"

"Of course, they live and work down here." Jeff said as he stepped off the raised platform and onto the sidewalk, heading down the road. He expected Rei to follow. "The people in this dome are some of Mark's most trusted scientists and inventors. My own offices are located here, including various labs. The house we just passed is where I stay when I'm not topside with Mark. The employees don't tend to leave the dome much so we try to make them comfortable. They have housing on the other side of the dome. There're facilities to meet their everyday needs from food and other necessities to amusement and recreation. This dome pales in comparison to the primary installation though."

Rei nodded, putting his hands into his pockets as he followed the otter, looking to the few people on the sides of the road, some looking at Rei. He figured they didn't see strangers all that often. "How do they cope with the lack of vitamin D?"

"Ah," Jeff said with a smile as he looked to Rei at his side. "I didn't think someone else would think of that. It's hard to see from here, but built along the inner surface of those support strips you can see along the dome is a complex network of lights. They generate artificial sunlight to help the people avoid depression and reduce vitamin D deficiency and also maintain plant growth in the park and trees, as well as some small experimental farms. Right now the dome is in "night mode." There are also rooms with strong artificial sunlight which some furs tend to visit now and then."

"I didn't realize how much revolutionary technology Mark has." Rei was looking up, staring at the ceiling of the dome with a circular object at the very top. Rei thought he could see windows, probably a command center of some kind. He looked back to Jeff as he caught up. He'd been lagging behind.

"We've pushed the envelope in a lot of areas; but you know what would happen if we shared this with the general public?"

Rei quirked a brow and smiled slightly. Jeff was approaching the doors to a building and Rei, being the gentleman that he was, moved forward and opened the door for the otter. This man was Mark's mate, and a nice guy. Being mannered wouldn't be so bad. "I doubt you'll say the people will join hands and sing in harmony, eh?"

"Thank you," Jeff said as he entered the room, heading past a desk manned by a beefy looking wolf who nodded to Jeff with a smile. When he saw Rei passing the lupine gave him a stern, firm eye and picked up the phone at his desk to make a call. Jeff hit a button to an elevator with wood carvings on the twin doors. "The government would seize the technology and put it towards military use first; reverse engineer it and redesign it for combat practicality. They would tell the public it was being safety tested and the government would slow down the release of beneficial technologies to the general public for decades. We do plan to release these inventions, but only when scientists outside of our corporation have done some of the busy work."

"Busy work?" Rei asked as he saw the elevator open up. Jeff stepped in and Rei followed.

"The general populace tends to be afraid of dramatic changes. Oxygen recyclers, improved desalination plants, fusion reactors, the ability to carve deep into the mantle of the planet and build a fully functional, hermetically sealed city which would be safe from the outside world in only a few short years, just to name a few... Our group of visionaries is always coming up with new applications for our current or developing technologies and have been giving direction to a lot of the research that goes on here. The people outside would look at all the minutia of the results of our work, line by line and nitpick for years."

"Ah," Rei said as they were riding upwards, the 'coon leaning his back against the wall of the elevator as he looked to Jeff. "So you wait for people outside of Mark's company to start moving the line of thought toward these inventions."

Jeff nodded as he put his hands in his lab coat pockets. "Generally, yes. When we notice the flow of thought more accepting to our developed inventions we will show off some of our early prototypes and so forth until we get to the final product. And if the flow never started, we plant a seed. If the flow stagnates, we give it a helping nudge. Mark's company has its fingers in many pies."

Rei nodded as he watched the numbers change. They were in the teens when he realized something. "Wait, I thought the science community and public at large were ready to accept fusion technology?"

"They are," Jeff began as he sighed, shaking his head with a frown. "But our methods were somewhat dubious. We didn't do a good deal of the research; we stole or bought a lot of it, then did some of our own work and synthesized all the pieces together. We would have a lot of questions to answer for."

Rei nodded again as he saw the otter frowning. The man was a scientist and loved his work and his mate, but he seemed to have more moral scruples when it came to science, engineering and business ethics than Mark did. The idea they did something no one else on the entire planet had done by acts of theft and bribery seemed to bother him. Rei was only looking to the frowning otter for a moment before he turned it into a smile and flicked that thick, rudder like tail behind him.

"Oh well, nothing we can do about that now. We're here." The elevator dinged and stopped in a mainframe room that was uncomfortably chilly. There were towers upon towers of servers, of a technology and design that Rei had never seen before. There were a few technicians moving about but they paid the two of them no attention. Rei followed Jeff out as he looked to the towers.

"I've never seen computers like this before." Rei said, not touching them since he knew better. He did want to dissect it. He knew if Drew had been here he'd have been salivating.

Jeff laughed and nodded some. "You wouldn't. These are of a proprietary technology developed for our private use with my own chip designs. We even run a homebrewed OS that we developed here that's far more stable than anything the public or even the government has access to. Our coding team is one of the best and quite thorough with their bug testing. The fox doesn't accept less than perfection, especially after his experiences using Windows."

Rei nodded as he crouched in front of one of the servers, looking inside at the way it was setup. He had never seen anything like it before; it had a matrix of modular cubes inside. The most modern server he'd seen was a blade system and far less complex then this thing. Jeff stepped to a table then and cleared his throat. "Rei, I want you to see a copy of what was stolen."

Rei stood up and followed Jeff to a table. The only thing on the table was a small cube. It was the color of graphite and seemed to be six inches on each side. Rei picked it up and looked at it. Jeff smiled. "This is one of my own designs. Each cube can hold about 100 terabytes of data with four custom designed processors per cube. Each of these cubes has an interconnect that can interface it with six or more other cube nodes. We can fit over a hundred of these cubes in one of the matrices; the towers you were looking at."

The otter tapped at the cube in Rei's hand gently with a clawed fingertip, "It's got its own redundant power systems including a built in U.P.S. and it backs up its own software and data. In the event of a part failing, the workload is seamlessly shifted to the other nodes, and the computer can run indefinitely although with less computing power and more overhead. It allows us to replace the failed or failing unit without interrupting anything the machine is doing. Also, each unit encrypts its own data for added security."

Rei nodded, rolling the cube in his hand as he found he could pull it apart with general ease and not a breaking motion. The smaller cubes slid out from one another, revealing the small power source on the interior. It consisted of a small cylinder where the four smaller cubes plugged into. It seemed to also serve as a central hub for this cube.

"So this was stolen. At least something like it. The interface must also be proprietary." Rei said as he put the cubes back where they belonged, listening to the comforting sound of them snapping into place.

"Indeed," Jeff said as he looked to the cube with a sigh. "But the interface wasn't as tightly guarded as it should've been. That was a mistake on our part. The engineering crew will never hear the end of that one! That technology wasn't very restricted at least internally within the research groups. Anyway, the computing power in each of these individual cubes is greater than most modern consumer computers available on the market today, and when you have more than one working together..." Jeff seemed to beam when he talked about his invention. He had not only created an amazing storage device, but the world's most ultimate server system.

"Do you mind if I give this cube to Drew and Garrison with an external communications interface?" Rei asked. He wondered if he would be shot for asking such a thing.

Jeff merely shook his head and smiled. "I figured you would ask for something like that, so I had an interface unit sent up to the house and this cube is a sample unit I selected for you to look at. They can examine it to their heart's content. But I don't see what they can get from it."

"Oh, you'd be surprised what those two can do. Garrison has so many underground connections it's scary and Drew is a genius in every kind of technology I know exists. He can find things out."

"But what can they do with this cube and interface that will lead you to the culprits? If you don't mind, I might want to talk with your Garrison and Drew while they work sometime." Jeff was curious. He was hardly a thief, and to learn how someone thought and did their business in that regard was quite fascinating. Who knows, he could learn some new tricks for the future.

"I'm sure they'd love that. Anyway, from what I know, they can look for the specific power signal, the type of technology someone would be looking for to read such a thing, track data-flow, etc. It's not easy work but they're the best in the underworld at what they do."

Jeff smiled and touched Rei's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "If you can get Mark's blueprints back, we'll all be in your debt. Thank you. He's been worried about this for awhile now. He wouldn't show it of course."

"Of course," Rei said with a grin, leaning onto the side of the table as he held the cube. "So, show me where they're housed. The servers I mean. I also need images of the facility where they were taken and layout. Personnel too. Everything. I know you keep psych records and all that. I need every iota of data."

"Of course." Jeff said, heading off with Rei in tow toward the server towers. Rei grinned. For the first time since coming to Mark's mansion he felt like he could actually do this.

Hours had past and the sun had set. People were coming and going from Mark's estate; the day crew was going to their quarters and the night crew was coming on. Rei had spent hours in the labs with Jeff, talking about various techno-geekery and getting the information needed for his job. When Rei saw the hour he had decided to show Garrison and Drew what he had.

The two computer geeks had an entire room of servers and computers at their direct disposal including their own rigs. There were more CAT5 cables and fiber optics than in an aircraft carrier. Rei had given them the cube and what he had learned from Jeff; mostly about the interface and the models and so forth. They were only minor clues; but enough data that the two of them could go to work once they had their systems set up. They were taking their time in getting everything synched up and tested, servers and satellites brought online. They were not going to be using many of Mark's systems as they might be compromised; whomever had stolen the blueprints would be expecting the fox to be looking with a computer under Mark's control; but not ones that Garrison or Drew controlled.

Rei bummed around the room some and helped where he could, but it was obvious the two techno friends would be up doing this for many more hours and Rei was tired. He gave Garrison a long kiss goodnight, a nuzzle and told him to find him in Mark's room if he wasn't in their bedroom. Rei left after giving his husky a good squeeze to his toosh.

Rei had wandered around the huge mansion and eventually found Mark's master bedroom. He knew Jeff was still in the underground facility, busy working on some new design for his fox's systems. Ite was also training with Harding in one of his cousin's training rooms, so everyone was busy but Rei. He knocked on the two wooden doors and waited until he heard a familiar vulpine voice call out and tell him to enter.

Rei pushed the two double doors open and almost hit the floor in surprise. Mark was not alone, he was with Addison, and both men were very much naked. The room smelled of steam and musk; as if they had been doing something hot and sticky. Addison was sitting on the floor at the foot of the huge bed, a smile on his face as his master rubbed a towel onto his head and dried him off. Rei saw Addison's collar on the shelf. A stone around the dog's neck caught his eye, a tiger eye pendant glinted in the light, nestled in Addison's chest fur. The gold chain it was attached to sparkled against the dog's semi damp fur.

"Oh," Rei said and shook his head, his cheeks blushing. "I didn't mean to...interrupt. I can come back."

"No, no" the fox said and gently patted Addison's head. "Addy and I just took a bath and I was drying him off. He was about to go help Ite-kun train his Wolfy some. He sure does like Ite's pet. Don't you, Addy?"

"Yes sir! I like him a lot. He's fun to play with." Addison said with a dopey grin and flicked his ears to show he was eager to go back to his new "friend."

"Play with?" Rei asked, surprised. He leaned against the door frame as he saw Addison get up and shake his fur out a bit to make it fluff out like it usually did.

"Yes sir Rei!" Addison began, but Mark gently poked the dog on the side. The dog looked to his master and nodded a bit and back to Rei. "I mean yes 'coon. He's like me but...only not as good. He's fun to play with and show what to do when his owners ask him to do stuff. He's really good at running!" Addison smiled, wagging his tail.

"Go play with him if Ite lets you, Addy. If he says stop you can watch if he says it's alright, but don't bother them if they're busy, you understand?" the fox said as he laid on his front on the bed, grinning as his chin rested on his black forearms, tail in the air and swaying in the breeze of the air conditioner.

"Yes sir!" Addison said and walked past Rei, out into the hallway stark naked, without a second thought.

Rei just shook his head and smiled, moving away from the door and closing it slowly. He turned to look at Mark then and smiled at him. "You seem relaxed. Do you mind if I enjoy your company a bit? Everyone's busy and the stuff Garr is working on is beyond my knowledge."

"Ah," the vulpine said with a smile and nodding. "Sure. Come into bed, but only if you're naked. That's the rule about my bed. Everyone's naked."

Rei sighed and looked to the fox who looked quite serious as he lounged on the bed. The raccoon flicked his tail a bit and just nodded his head then, reaching down then and removing his clothes, gently putting the clothes onto the floor. They belonged to Mark anyway. He moved to the bed now completely naked, save for the collar at least, and crawled onto the huge bed, laying there on his back with an arm behind his head.

Mark smiled and moved up along the bed, moving to Rei and laying on top of him. He half expected Rei to push him off or try to squirm away, but that didn't happen. Instead, the raccoon smiled and moved his hand from behind his head and reached up, grabbing the fox's paws in his own and linking their fingers together with both hands, laying there with their fingers woven together. Rei smiled and licked Mark's nose.

"Well now," Mark said with a grin. "This is a change. You usually hate being naked and me touching you, but you're laying there like you enjoy it."

"I never denied I liked what we did," Rei sighed, flicking his tail tip. "I just felt weird, but I talked to Garrison and he said he was still cool with it. I just... I didn't want to lose him."

"Ah," the fox said, nodding as he moved his muzzle down and brushed his against Rei's. "You know I wouldn't do anything to come between you and the man you love, right?"

"I know that now," Rei began, murring sweetly at the soft touch of their muzzles touching. "But, when I got here I assumed you just wanted in my pants and were a horn dog. I've been talking to Jeff and all, and I've spent time with you now."

"And what's your new conclusion about me?" Mark had to ask; he brought his lips to the corner of Rei's mouth and placed a soft kiss there, tasting the saliva gracing the 'coonish lips.

"That you're a control freak, but you're a sweet guy underneath." Rei smirked, then he kissed those lips back softly, moving his lips to the side gently as their lips touched gently, sensuously together as he stole a simple kiss.

"Be quiet," Mark said with a grin. "You'll ruin my reputation."

Rei grinned and curled up, nuzzling against the fox's neck and just breathed softly. "It's funny."

"What is?"

"Well, you knew me since before I had so many people in my life. I was alone and happy; I didn't have a sex drive and I just did my work. But all sort of turned upside down and people found their way into my heart. I have a boyfriend, friends, you." Rei said with a smirk. "I didn't think I would be able to let people get close to me like I have now."

Mark smiled and closed his eyes as he flipped him over, laying on top of Rei then as he kneeled over his waist and shook his head. "No matter how much you can deny it, Rei-kun no one is ever happy being alone. Don't think I won't miss you patrolling my home when this mission is over."

That surprised Rei. He didn't expect comments like that from Mark but then again the fox was always full of surprises. His hands moved up and stroked along the vulpine's muscular torso, brushing his fingers along those wonderful pectorals and finding Mark's nipples hidden under the frosty colored chest fur. "Remind me never to just assume things with you, Mark."

The fox was just about to lean down and stop Rei from talking with a kiss when he heard the door unlocking from the other side. The door opened and revealed a husky standing there in the doorway, dressed in the wrinkled clothes of someone who had been sitting and crawling around for hours. The husky looked pretty handsome to Mark, more muscular than Rei but not as muscular as he was. The husky was just as tall and thick. He grinned and rolled off Rei, leaning back on his elbows as he looked out to Garrison. "Welcome to the master bedroom."

Garrison looked angry, at least to Rei he did. But then his frown and scowl turned to a knowing smirk as he entered and closed the door behind him with his foot, looking to the fox. "I believe that's mine." He said this while motioning to the raccoon curled up in the bed.

"Oh, is it?" Mark said with a grin as he flicked his ears back, showing that charming smile on his face. "I really like your plaything. Do you mind sharing."

"Sure," Garrison said with a smirk as he began to tug off his shirt. "But I always fuckin' get tails." The husky watched the fox frown.

"Aw," Mark said with a mock expression of sadness. "Can't we flip on it?"

"Nope." Garrison was wiggling out of his pants and underwear at that point, standing there naked for a moment to Rei's pleasure. "My things, my rules. Ya can fuckin' beat it though if ya wanna." Garrison smirked and tackled the smaller male on the bed, pinning his mate to the bed and growling playfully.

Rei yelped in surprise and bounced a little on the soft bedding, feeling Garrison grab his wrists and hold him down then with a gentle push. "Ah! I missed you too, Garr."

"Mmm." Garrison said with a soft smile, growling playfully as he leaned his head down and licked along Rei's shorter, boxier muzzle and looked into his boyfriend's green eyes, gazing into those emerald pools for the longest time. "Bet not. You had a fox to play with."

"What?" Rei asked in surprise, but grinned. "He's good, but not as good as you."

That got a huff from the fox, who leaned over and pressed his muzzle as well against Rei's, flicking his ears gently. "Now you should know it's not nice to lie, Rei-kun."

"Whose lying?" Rei smirked, looking up to Garrison who was grinning from ear to ear. Rei looked over to the fox slightly and sighed gently. "You know you'll always lose to the man of my dreams, Marky."

"Hmph." Mark looked mildly annoyed, but it soon turned into an expression of playfulness as he nuzzled Rei's cheek softly, flicking his soft pink tongue along those black tiers the exact same moment Garrison did. For a moment Rei's mouth opened, allowing those two sleek muscles to slip past his lips and teeth barely. Having three tongues combined in one mouth made Rei's toes curl and moan out. The other two quickly pulled back. The fox grinned. "Looks like he likes it!"

"I think he fuckin' does. Ain't that somethin'." Garrison smiled, rolling off Rei. The 'coon could see his mate was aroused, and pulsing. Had Garrison gone all this time without having sex? Maybe. He didn't know what his lover did with Harding while he and Ite were away.

The raccoon felt himself being pulled up by his wrists, hauled from the nice, relaxing position on the left side of the bed to the middle. He found Garrison moving between his legs and picking them up, and then wrap his coonish legs around his canine waist. He looked Rei over and then grinned to Mark. "I like the collar. It do anythin'?"

"It can do some things, yes." Mark said as he crawled over and kneeled in front of Rei's head, looking down at the raccoon. "I had him in cuffs earlier."

"Really...?" Garrison said as he licked his palm with that wet, long tongue flicking over the large palm. That made Rei gulp. When Garrison didn't go for the bottled lube he usually intended for a bit of rough play. "I never thought to put him in cuffs before, the little bandit!"

Mark smirked, flicking his long, red tail lazily behind him. "I was going to have him walk around the mansion all day in just his collar and maybe a light ball and chain, but I knew you were coming and he's not my adorable 'coon to abuse."

"Hmmm. I might just like to see that." Garrison said as he thought, tilting his head to the side as his hands gripped Rei's hips. He pressed forward then, the fat husky cock-head rising against that tight little rose of a ring and then being pushed forward. Rei moaned loudly as the sensation of tight muscles were being forced to spread open was always a tad painful, no matter how much he had sex. Rei's hands tried to grip the sheets but he felt the fox's black furred paws hold him by the wrists. Garrison slid inwards, still looking to be deep in thought but moaning softly. When he pressed his whole canine phallus into his coon, he nodded. "Go for it...Mark. Make him look cute."

Rei moaned, his back wanted to arch but Mark held him still and unmoving from his current position. His mouth opened and the fox plunged in. Both dominant men in the room knew that if Rei got a chance he'd run his mouth, so Mark decided to silence the conversation from the submissive angle and pushed his thickened vulpine erection right past Rei's lips, sliding into his mouth past the teeth and lips and gums, pushing until six generous inches of his length was buried deep inside. The coon gagged slightly, but sealed his lips around the length, suckling on it upside down from his vantage point.

"Can I dress him up like a thief? Striped hat?" Mark said through a moan, holding Rei still with one hand and the other holding onto Rei tightly from one end and Garrison from the other. He moved the hand holding Rei's wrists above his head to make the coon hold his hands around the inches of his erection he couldn't burry inside the man's muzzle, making one hand curl over his thickened knot.

"Sure. Jus' no scarrin' with whatever you do to him. Maybe an earrin' or somethin' like that." Garrison's probable fake slur of poor speech always insenstified during sex, except for a few times. Rei knew he could speak very well if he tried hard enough, and even go a whole paragraph without a single curse word. Garrison did what he wanted, and Rei knew not to try and stop it. Garrison pulled his length back and began to thrust inwardly, feeling those silky walls spread for his canine erection. He felt Rei's leg tighten around his waist more and thus held even more firmly onto his boyfriend's waist.

Rei gurgled something around Mark's cock, but he couldn't say anything as the two men in his life he was the most sexually active with planned humiliating things for him! If he wasn't so turned on by it all, he would have protested.

Mark moaned again, looking to Garrison with a lazy grin. "Lucky man you are, Garrison. This guy knows what he's doing." He alluded to the fact he'd been fucking Rei, and now enjoying the sweet muzzle while the husky enjoyed his sweet back door.

Garrison grinned and pulled back nearly all the way, the barest of tip still left within the handsome little raccoon before he plunged himself deeply into the handsome coon. Rei gasped and arched his back, his ringed tail flicking out from under him and bopping the husky on the arm. This got the husky to chuckle as he began more vigorously thrusting his cock into the younger male.

Mark felt Rei accommodate more inches of his vulpine shaft into his throat when Garrison plunged deep past those tight walls. He felt, for a few moments, the sensation of Rei's throat muscles close around the head of his erection and that turned the fox on like there was no tomorrow. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head and shook it, just trying to remain focused. "I see... I see he uses his tail to let you know he didn't like that."

"Oh fuck," Garrison said as he pulled back and gave another powerful plunge that rewarded Mark with another intense sensation of being deep throated as the husky shoved Rei onto the fox's shaft with the force of his thrusts. "He loves it, can't get enough of it, but if I do it too fuckin' much he'll get used to it...and he ends up so sore he can't siddown for a day or so."

Rei was beat red, his ears a tinge of crimson and his eyes closed as he rapidly thumped his tail against Garrison to get him to stop telling the manipulative fox all his sexual turn-ons! At least with big cocks. Rei was a bad 'coon in that he liked the men who topped him to be fairly well endowed. Garrison had called him a size queen. That earned the husky a good beat down in the gym.

Garrison, who had been holding back for days from plowing Harding at home, was finding his control waning. He just shuddered and slid more of his length back and forth in and out of his boyfriend, prying apart those muscles while he watched Mark fuck the raccoon's mouth; watching saliva trickle down from the corner of Rei's lips and down to the bedding as the thick, long fox cock disappeared inside of his boyfriend's muzzle...that turned Garrison on. A three-way with his boy in the middle and so willing, who could resist that?

With a few more well timed thrusts amid the rapid delving into that handsome coon's rear end, Garrison hit his peak relatively early than what he wanted, but knew there would be a whole lot more fun later. He shuddered and plowed his meat as deep as he could into Rei, slipping his knot past the barrier of flesh and felt it close around the back of his knot, tying them together as his orgasm rocked him hard, his testicles clenching upwards against his belly and then throbbing as the sensation of semen rushing upwards along his body and then erupting from the thickened shaft. He moaned so loudly as he felt the cum rush up his penis and out, firing into Rei. He listened to his boyfriend make a whimpering moaning sound around Mark's member as he filled his boyfriend up, more and more of his seed just pouring out until he felt it gush backwards against his knotted penis. He knew, when he relaxed, there would be a mess and he would owe the fox some sheets.

Mark, meanwhile, had been given quite a treat. The young male felt the raw muzzle push upwards and deep-throat him once more as Garrison orgasmed. Mark moaned as the walls closed around his penis in ways he loved and then roared in pleasure as he too hit his peak. He pulled his length back just enough so that Rei could get a taste. He shuddered and flicked his tail as seed poured from the head of his length and against the coon's tongue, filling Rei's muzzle up with seed, overloading his taste buds as he tried to swallow it all. Rei moaned around the length and panted as generous amounts of fox jizz seeped out along the corners of his mouth matting his fur in a sticky whiteness. The fox held his length in that mouth as he trembled in pleasure as his orgasm wound down.

For a moment the three breathed deeply, and then Garrison lifted his head and grinned at the fox. "Ready to go again?"

To be continued...