High School Herms: Chapter 1: Nexus Case

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of High School Herms

High School Herms

Chapter 1: Nexus Case

by Von Krieger

Shawna sighed softly as shi hangs up hir gym shirt in hir locker. Hir maleness throbbing painfully between hir legs, hir balls ached with need. Hir body wanted to cum so badly, but the bolts through hir cock wouldn't let hir. Hir mistress had hir pierced, several times, on hir member to prevent hir from cumming without permission.

Sure, shi could finger hirself and make hirself climax from hir femsex, but it wouldn't dull the need to let loose hir seed. Hir mistress had made it so that Shawna's piercings collect hir 'male energy,' keeping hir small, cute, and very female in appearance. The wolf stood barely over five feet tall and had a very curvaceous frame.

Hir tits looked almost ridiculously big on hir, it was almost comical to watch hir run. No matter how shi restrained them they bounced around obnoxiously. The side effect of hir maleness being restrained like this, never climaxing without hir mistress' touch, was that she was horny nearly all the time. Hir mistress loved that.

As a result Shawna was pretty docile, submissive, and easily forced into a sexual situation. Shi had to beg and plead for someone to stroke hir maleness, to make hir cum. It was the only way, someone else had to be involved, they had to stroke or suck hir, or let hir mate them. Hir mistress had done it as an experiment, to see what the result of stored up male energy in a herm would cause.

She had found that her little wolf's cock was slowly growing, gaining about an inch a year in length. Shawna's member was a massive fifteen inches in length. Shi leaned into hir locker as someone passed by, heading for the shower. Shawna blushed, hiding hir raging erection.

"Hey Shawna!" came the girl's greeting. It was Spira, Shawna's best friend. It was basically by default since Spira was the wolf's only friend. The gold and turquoise collar around hir neck marked hir as property of one of the school's teachers, no one wanted to associate with hir for fear that they would find themselves locked up, tortured, and placed in a color of their own.

The wolf-herm quickly tucked hirself into hir shorts, pulling down hir shirt. "Hello Spira." shi said softly. The skunk put a paw on hir shoulder. "Think you could help me again?" the skunk asked. She was referring to Shawna helping to wash her tail and back, it was hard for Spira to reach. Usually her twin sister Winter helped her, but since they had gone to different schools, Spira had a little bit of trouble.

"S-s-sure." the herm stutters. "Just let me change shirts." hir gym shirt was of a polyester weave, and dried off quickly. "Oh c'mon, you can shower naked, you don't have anything I haven't seen before." says the skunk, rolling her eyes. Spira didn't know that the wolf was a hermaphrodite. Shawna kept hir manhood hidden.

Shi pulls off hir top, Spira grabs hir by the paw and drags hir into the shower room. The skunk was well built, solid muscle beneath tri-colored fur. Where there was black on a normal skunk, Spira was a nice evergreen shade. Her white areas were outlined with thin strips of red. Green, then an inch of white, then an inch of red, then the rest white. Hir long hair was a mix of the three colors.

Shawna felt shi looked rather plain next to the skunk. Spira was nearly six feet tall, colored so exotically. Shawna on the other hand was a rather dingy brown-gray wolf with dirty blond hair. Hir only assets were hir tits. Spira's were just about the same size, but they looked right on her, while they looked obscene on the little wolf.

The herm ached with desire, just looking at her. It was torture to help her wash, to be able to touch her, but not the way Shawna wanted to. Even if shi asked, it wouldn't relieve hir aching need to fuck. It was an experiment, hir mistress wanted to see how long it took before hir pet snapped and forced hirself on someone.

It was the only way that Shawna could make the constant pain inside hir sex go away, at someone else's expense. Shi was shaken out of hir trance by a blast of warm water pouring over hir. "Here ya go!" said Spira, pressing a bottle of orange scented shampoo into hir paws. "Rub it into my back first, deep and hard, I've got such sore muscles back there from working out."

Nodding Shawna pours some of the orange goo onto hir paws and begins rubbing it lovingly into the skunk's fur, pressing hir fingertips into the muscles, trying to loosen them up. "Oh! Shawna, that's good! Keep doing that! Aaaaah." Spira moans. Shawna gulps, hir maleness throbbing harder then ever.

Spira backs up, pressing against the wolf's massaging, and rubbing her bottom up against Shawna's rock hard erection. Her cunt was tantalizingly close, there was a load of lubricant in Shawna's paws. The was no one in the gym at this hour to hear Spira's howling or begging. If shi slipped hir knot into the skunk, there would be no way for her to pull away. Besides, Spira would probably understand if shi explained afterward. Maybe she'd like it, want to mate voluntarily with Shawna. The skunkie would understand, Shawna was sure of it.

Drooling with anticipation, shi reached down, yanking of hir confining shorts and panties, covering hir cock with a pawful of the sweet orange scented shampoo. Placing hir paws on Spira's hips shi began to guide hir maleness into the skunk's snatch. "What are you doing?" giggled the skunk. "I... AAAAARGH!" she howls, as Shawna enters her.

"Stop it, that's not funny!" she growls. With a soft wet pop, Shawna's canine knot slips into the skunk, tying the two together. "Pull it out! What're you doing with a strap on anyway?!" Spira demands, wriggling and trying to pull away from Shawna.

The wolf meanwhile has other ideas, wrapping hir paws tightly around Spira's middle, cupping her plentiful breasts, delighting in the feeling of sqiushy flesh covered by soap sud laden fur. "I don't, aah, like this joke, Shawna! Take that silly dildo out of my right now!" the skunk demands. The herm nibble the nape of her neck gently. "It's.. it's not a dildo, Spira... it's... me. I'm a herm."

"A HERM?! GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF!" Spira shouts. "I... I can't, we're joined together until I'm not so aroused anymore." the wolf explains. "I thought you were my friend! Why are you doing this?" "Being so close, rubbing your beautiful body, you've been teasing me so much with it. You're so sexy, I... I need to cum, Spira, I need to cum so bad, and only you can help me."

Shawna licks the skunk behind the ears. "Oooh, Spira, you're my first female, you feel so much better then my mistress' paw." the herm whispers. "Glad you like it, slut, the moment you pull out of me I'm going to give you one hell of a black eye!" the skunk snarls, trying to reach back and grab Shawna.

"I am, I'm a slut. I am what my mistress made me, she put these things in my cock, I can't cum without someone else touching me. I can't even have a good wet dream. With someone jerking me off or fucking me willingly, I can't release it all, just a tiny bit. This is the only way I can stop the hurting in my cock, Spira, I've been feeling like I'm gonna explode if I don't cum. I have to do this, to someone who might understand. I... I love you Spira." the wolf-herm says, eyes tearing up.

"You're my only friend in the world, Spira, and I don't want to hurt you. I just need a female, and need to cum so bad. You'll probably hate me forever now. But if I didn't mate with you then it would just build and build and build until I just snapped and attacked somebody. I want to at least have some control, Spira. Just let me finish and then I'll let you beat me up as much as you want."

"So you haven't cum but a couple of times since you, aaaah! Became a slave?" the skunk asks, her anger fading. "Mmmhmm, and it's not really worth it, it's more of a teasing then anythiiiiAAAAAHH! Thing else." says the little wolf, hugging the skunk tightly. "Mmm, Shawna, I think I could get used to this." murrs the skunk femme. "I, mmmm, wish you'd have told me about this thing you have buried in me earlier, or at least had the courtesy to tell me you're a herm. Oooh goddess, that's the spot! Here I am having a little herm woofie scrubbing me, no wonder you keep your shorts on while you help me bathe!"

"Ooooh, Spira, I'm gonna cum!" moans the wolf-herm. "Gonna cum, Spira, gonna fill up my pretty skunkie..." shi moans, hir breath catching in hir throat as hir body tenses. "All of it?" the skunk murrs. "Yes, all of iii... iii. IIII. AAAAAAWWWWWWWOOOOOO!" Shawna howls, hir cock spurting out years of stored up seed.

The gush of hot semen into hir womb sends Spira over the edge, the skunks howl of ecstasy joining the wolf's own. The two lie there, connected at the crotch as Shawna's cock pumps jet after jet of wolfcum into the green skunkette. "Oh wow, you weren't kidding, you're full of spooge! Hey... what the AAAAH!"

Spira begins to paw frantically at her groin, where a strange blue glow has begun to form. "What's... what's happening to me?" she asks curiously. "And... why does it feel so good?" The skunk moans and pulls away from Shawna, hir knot pulling out of Spira with an audible pop.

The wolf looks down at hirself in awe, the same blue glue emanating from the bolts of hir cock. "It's... it's happening to me too!" shi says, wrapping a paw around hir shaft and beginning to stroke. The glow on the both of them continues to spread until it encompasses their entire bodies.

Spira feels her climax rising quickly, astonishingly quickly after her orgasm moments before. She pumps her fingers in and out of herself furiously, trying to scratch a lustful itch that seems just out of her reach. Her other paw begins to rub frantically at her clit. She gasps as a shiver runs through her body. "Yeeeesssss..." the skunk moans, laying on the warm, wet tiling of the shower room floor.

The wolf on the other hand feels a different kind of pressure building. It was like shi was a balloon, being filled with too much air, hir skin ready to pop. All the while an ache in hir loins, a throbbing desire to mate and be mated. To lick and to suck, to pleasure any furr that shi came across with her paws and tongue. And power, a strong sense of power flowing through hir body. A hunger, a hunger to feed. But on what?

Each exhale nearly a howl of pleasure, Spira bucks her hips, frantic gyrations made unconsciously my her muscles. The itch was so strong, but there was something else there. A feeling of stored energy, like a coiled spring about to be released. She wanted to release it, it felt like she would explode. Oh gods, her pussy was so hot and so wet. She was burning up, she was seized by the desire to put out the fire she imagined burning inside her cunt.

Shawna felt like shi was growing, twisted, changing. Hir paw felt something different on hir cock, the cold metal of the piercing, never warmed even so close to hir body, had vanished, though it felt like they had merged into hir flesh. With a yelp and a wet, sticky sound Shawna's cock suddenly altered in shape and size, the underside developing thick heavy ribs, the organ doubling in size. Shawna wrapped both hir paws around hir hot, slick, pink member.

Spira needed to stop the burning, stop the itching. She couldn't get up to reach the faucet, she couldn't turn it to cold, she couldn't stop fingering herself of else the fire would spread and consume her until she was nothing more then ash. She licked her lips, she'd lick it away! She had seen some furrs able to do this in porno movies, but heavily muscled Spira had no chance of putting tongue to clitty. But she tried anyway, rolling onto her back, pulling her legs behind her head. To her surprise the act comes with no pain or discomfort.

The pressure was too much for Shawna to handle, she could hear hir flesh ripping apart as the build up inside of hir was too much to contain, but instead of pain, she felt something else. Strength, power, might. She opened her amber eyes to watch her body grow and swell, powerful muscles, the envy of any jock, filling out her thing frame. Her body expanding, growing taller. All the while hir manhood continued to grow.

The feeling of her tongue on her aching sex was delicious, as were her own juices. She lapped at her clitty, her entire paw inside of herself. Finger lubricated with plentiful amounts of precum slowly circled her tailhole, slipping in eagerly. Once again that itch returned, Spira scratched it as best she could, but it kept moving forward, and forward, and forward, until it was right on her clit.

The wolf felt the strange force flowing through her, whispering things half heard into hir mind. Filling hir with strange instincts and desires. Hir pussy dripped a strange blue liquid onto the shower room floor, it began to drips from hir cock, then hir nipples, suddenly shi was sweating this blue ooze. Shi was casting off what shi had been, replacing it with what shi had always been meant to be. Shi wasn't born to be someone's slave, hir maleness held in aching captivity. No, shi was a strong, powerful Alpha, who would never let anyone dominate hir!

Shawna lapped eagerly at the itch, delighting in it's ability to finally be scratched at last. She felt her clitty begin to tingle, she continued to caress her tiny nub with her eager tongue. The little button began to grow and lengthen. That felt so much better, being able to take the source of the itch in her mouth, rubbing it against the ridges atop her mouth. The itch stopped, but Spira continued to suck of her cl... no! It was hir cock!

The wolf whined softly as shi felt the force beginning to ebb in hir body, but began to pant and moan as hir climax was building in hir massive, powerful body. Hir member thrust into the air, the ministrations of hir well practiced paws feeling heavenly on the flesh. Shi wrapped a paw around hir balls, squeezing tightly. Shi howls, spraying hir seed in jet of six of seven feet in length. splattering on the walls, the ceiling, hir own body, and that of the skunk.

Something hot, warm, and sticky landed on Spira's pussy. It tickled and began to seep into hir. In a few moments shi felt hir nose pressing against a pair of testicles encase in a soft white furred sheath. Hir own sheath. Shi sucked hirself happily. The itch and the burning inside hir faded entirely. Left with only the sensations of hir onrushing climax, Spira's body tightened as much as it good, burying hir manhood entirely in hir mouth and throat. Shi nearly gagged as shi came, rich, think skunkseed pouring down hir throat, into hir mouth, leaking down onto hir breasts. A gush of girlcum erupting from hir femsex, splattering everywhere.

The two transformed girls lay there panting. Unconsciously they begin to scoot toward one another, snuggling under the hot flow of the showers. "Wh-what happened?" gasps Spira. "Something happened, the stores of male energy were released. I... I'm male as I can be, so all the left over energy... it's done something to me. I... I feel wonderful, Spira." the wolf says. "I... I know the feeling, so do I. Something feels..." "Right inside? Like something was missing and now it's there?"

The skunkie just nods. Shawna helps hir friend to hir feet. Shawna gasps, finding hir head on levels with Shawna's cleavage. The wolf now stands nearly eight feet tall, hir body covered in slabs of powerful muscle, yet still not lost his feminine curves. A two and a half foot dogcock pokes proudly out of hir sheath, still needing more attention even after that eruption.

Shawna takes a step back, looking over the mint colored skunk. Shi had changed as well, not just the addition of a nice, juicy cock either. Shi looked thinner, more lithe, but still carrying all the muscle that shi had worked out in the gym for. Shi looked kind of halfway between a skunk and a ferret.

They kiss, tongues exploring the other's muzzle. "Shawna, I... I'm so horny!" the skunk moans. "Please, fuck me!" Shawna shakes hir head. "I can't. I have something I need to do." shi says with a wild glint in hir eyes. "Here, use this!" Shawna says, pressing the bottle of orange shampoo into the skunk's paws.

"But... it's so close to track practice time, what if somebody comes in and sees me?" the skunk wails. "I'm sure you'll be done in 45 minutes. But if you DO find you're sharing the shower with somebody, then hey, you've got a place to put your new cock." the wolf smiles, so does Spira, pressing the bottle against hir waiting snatch. "I think I might do just that." she murrs, but Shawna is already gone. "Gee, I hope nobody heard any of that." the skunks thinks to hirself, almost blushing as hir maleness begins to grow erect again.

But someone DID hear it. They did more then hear, they saw. A pair red eyes glowed in the darkness of an area vent, padded feet landed without a sound on the tiles. Spira looked up and recoiled in horror and the sight of the creature. "Wh-what are you?" shi shivers, hir lusts forgotten. "In any place where magic is studied, there are unspeakable horrors created that lurk in hidden depths. I am one of them."