Memories of the past (Part 3)

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#3 of Back to Wales

Wow, I couldn't stop writing this one when I did. I fully enjoyed it that was for sure. Anyway, this is quite a big story for me as it goes deep into Maiden's past and explains his love story while growing up :) May have a few shocks in it.

'Right, now that that is out of the way we can go into the town and have a look around. If I remember correctly, you can walk out onto the pier.'

Maiden was again back to his excited self, only the bad memories occasionally made him frown. But right now, he was happy while wearing a pair of shorts and a tight Senna shirt which barely covered the vast mounds under it. Kauto meanwhile had some shorts on and the large shirt his wolf had bought him for his birthday. On the front, the whole group were grinning with Kauto in the middle. Toqeira, Falcon, Ring Eye and Ula were all in the picture, and of course Maiden directly behind the stallion in his favourite snarling grin which showed every large teeth he had. But back to the situation at present, Kauto looked to him a little nervous again. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm fine, it's just....well, that pier goes out a long way into the sea. I'm a little edgy over deep water, ships are fine. But I don't like the look of that.' Maiden comforted the stallion with a big furry arm over his shoulders and stroked his long Friesian mane also.

'Hey come on, you're a big stallion not a mouse. I'm here with you, you can hold onto me if that makes you better.' Kauto eyed the pier up and down, as well as his big toothy muscle wolf before nodding with a smile. 'That's the spirit. There are loads of amusements and exciting things on that pier so you'll not even notice the water.'

'Okay, I'll keep close to you to start with and see how I feel.'

With a warm nuzzle, the pair hugged before making there way into the town. The sun was still beaming down in the thirties (celsius) and Maiden certainly felt it. His thick fur, dripping wet from the heat. 'I think a dip in that sea is required later.'

'I'll go in the sea, but not to far out. But...Maiden, where are we going right now? I'm loving this whole place, but we don't seem to be doing anything.'

''re right. I'm sorry, I got so into seeing my old surroundings I actually forgot to plan anything. You're not mad at me for bringing you here like this are you?' Maiden's cheeks warmed even more than the heat already in them as he blushed and tapped a footpaw on the ground. Kauto chuckled at him and placed his meaty hands on the shoulders of the wolf before turning him around and gently pushing him to walk on.

'Hehe no of course I'm not mad. It just means we can do whatever we like. So, why don't we get something to eat and drink. Then maybe a dip in the sea is called for, because you are going to suffer in this heat if you're not careful. I can't let that happen to my fluffy pup.'

'Fluffy pup? Right that's it, you're getting soaked in that sea hehe.'

After a playful kiss, a meal and drink, Maiden took Kauto back onto the beach and placed two towels under their large umbrella on the soft sand in a place out of the way of the crowds. It was a neat place they had chosen as the sand was warm and soft, while only they could use it due to the rocky parts aranged in a circle around them. The sea came in under the pier as it was above them, giving them some shade as well. So while the sea was out, Maiden carefully took his Senna shirt off and murred deeply as he stretched his upper body. The stallion looking to him and drooled at the sight of those rippling pecs and furry, yet detailed hard abs. Kauto walked over as though he was in a trance, and dug his muzzle into that chest while Maiden was still moaning and stretching. The Sabertooth Wolf lowered his ripped arms over Kauto's as he was hugged and chuckled. 'You're a sexy fluffy pup, that's for sure.'

'I am not a fluffy pup, why are you calling me that?'

'Sorry, I was just trying to be playful. I thought you liked me being playful with you?'

'I know you were and i do like you having fun, but right now it's not something I like. You're reminding me of some very unhappy moments in my past.'

*Flashback, six months after fur colour incident*

Whatever had happened on that complicated day in which Maiden saw changes occur to his fur, it certainly brought on a rush of events that changed his life very quickly. In the six months that followed, the wolf had seen his rather timid anger grow far worse than he had ever imagined. His good friend, Ayrton had become very worried very quickly. Not only had Maiden become a more savage wolf since then, but he had doubled his time in the gym and his fur had seen changes. Becoming messy and thick, with a dark blue now covering him in various places. Tints of green appeared around his chest and footpaws too.

But it wasn't this that was worrying the arctic wolf who had certainly put on a good amount of muscle. Ayrton was more worried at how much, and how quickly Maiden had packed on size. He was now fifteen, and had doubled in weight since starting out at the gym. Weighing in at around two hundred and fifty pounds, Maiden was also a noticeable six feet in height. But, not only had this happened in the short space of time that was six months, Maiden had started growing a pair of lethal nashers that would look menacing on a fully grown wolf. He certainly looked more of wild wolf than his name intended.

On a day late in the final term, the tension that had been building between Maiden and a number of the schools' bullies had reached boiling point. A few rough moments between them had already occured in the last few months, but Maiden had managed to defend himself up to this point very well. But due to his growing need to strengthen, he was becoming somewhat of an enemy within the bullying camp. By no means was he a bully himself, in fact the older students in his year were enjoying having him as part of their group. Even though Ayrton was a very nervous wolf at times around him, Maiden knew how to be a good mate still. He comforted the arctic wolf in the nights as they slept. It was only when he encountered the bullies, did Ayrton worry so much.

This day though, Maiden was finishing a heavy workout. So he was incredibly pumped as he walked in to have a shower. With Ayrton again, the other wolves in the showers cringed at the sight of Maiden's noticeable bulge in his gym shorts. It showed he was growing fast and in all places. But it did bring a dilema to the young wolf, as when the clock ticked over to six in the evening it was the time the known bully gangs came in for their sessions. He and Ayrton had stayed in the gym for to long, Maiden hadn't realised he enjoyed it that much.

As he and Ayrton finished their showers, they walked through with a towel each and instantly noticed the group were around. Their familiar scent of horrible sweat and odour emanating throughout the changing rooms. An unexpected growl rumbled from Maiden, making Ayrton pull his heavy frame into a nearby cubicle. 'Don't do that, they'll hear us.' The arctic wolf whispered to the pumped toothy wolf in front of him.

'So what, I'm fed up of them treating me like a house rat. If they even as much as look at me funny, I swear they'll see stars.' Suddenly, the cubicle door opened and a pair of the gang's biggest bullies appeared. An overly fat lion, who looked as though he lived in a takeaway and a rhino who was totally the opposite with rippling muscle on every inch of his frame.

'So you are going to make us see stars, eyy Maiden? You're mouth is starting to ramble, why don't we put you out of your misery and shut you up. Get here you ponsy wolf!' Gareth, the rhino, grabbed a soaking wet Maiden by the throat and yanked his heavy body out of the cubicle. Ayrton squealed and shouted his mate's name as this happened. But the fat lion bounced him off his stomach as Ayrton tried to do something. The muscular Arctic wolf bounced back into the cubicle, and was left alone as Maiden was taken back into the gym.

A deep rumble from Maiden suddenly made the rhino jump and drop him onto the floor. Maiden took his opportunity and produced an jaw shattering superkick he had learned from the wrestling that Ayrton had taught him. The aerobic lessons also helped. But this kick, was more deadly than anticipated as it connected as sweet as a nut on the rhino's chin. The connection with the floor was even louder as he landed with a bang, totally knocked out. But Maiden wasn't safe yet, the fat lion grabbed him in an arm lock behind his back and began yanking the young wolf against his beasty stomach.

Howling and growling like crazy, Maiden's body suddenly changed. The back of his neck turning a deep blue colour as he began powering out of that vise like hold. The lion began cringing as he saw the whole of Maiden's back go dark blue from a black, revealing the mounds of thick muscle on the teen wolf more clearly. But then the lion screamed as Maiden turned his eyes and evily snarled to him. Those inch long teeth seeming bigger than before, while his eyes narrowed menacingly. The lion reacted and threw Maiden over himself towards the door into the changing rooms.

A moment past with the lion looking towards the door, and then it flung open to the site of a heavy breathing Maiden with his teeth fully bared and his eyes looking narrower than ever. Growling horribly, Maiden stomped his footpaws as he walked back up to the terrified lion and connected with a hard left fisted paw in the middle of his fat gut. The blow sending the snowman-lion back a metre or two before he was then beaten down by another Superkick by the wolf. His muscles looked incredibly ripped and larger than ever as his chest raised up and down.

Maiden howled out in the gym before angrily slamming the door behind him on his way to find his mate. He was still growling and tensing his muscles as he got to the cubicle in which Ayrton was still in. Maiden's expression instantly changed however as he saw him lying on the seat with his eyes closed. 'Ayrton!' He screamed as he picked the young wolf in his arms and sat in the cubicle. Maiden rubbed over his ears and did everything he could to wake him up. It took a while, but finally his eyes opened and looked up to the big buff wolf holding him. 'Oh thank god, how are you feeling?' Ayrton sat up and hugged Maiden, not noticing the changes yet.

'Dazed, but okay I guess. More importantly, how come........holy crap! Maiden you're all sweaty and cut on your back. What happened?'

'Oh, my claws did that. Look, forget what happened to me are you okay? You're more important right now.'

'Yes I'm fine, we'd better get out of here.'

'Yeah and quickly, before the others find us. Ayrton, there's something I'd like to ask you later on before we sleep. I think it would be better that we discuss it alone.'


Maiden swiftly helped Ayrton out of the building and back to his home safely, the arctic wolf didn't realise Maiden had changed at all. That night before going to sleep, a very different looking Maiden was dressing ready for bed with Ayrton. By now, the two had grown comfortable around one another and didn't need any privacy. But while the more colourful wolf was putting on his normally comfortable shorts for sleeping, he found them particularly tight. They didn't even go past his thighs. But even if they did, those shorts would no longer contain the frighteningly bigger manhood Maiden now somehow had. Ayrton looked to him and suddenly had a million and one thoughts going through his head. But the main one was how sexy he thought Maiden was with nothing on. If only he had the guts to say the words he wanted. Even though he was a full year older than Maiden, he had secretly loved the other wolf for the last couple they had spent together. Ever since that first day in the gym, Ayrton had felt Maiden had given him a new life and treated him so well.

Particularly in the last six months, even though he was very nervous at times, he had grown affectionate for Maiden and wanted him to be a part of his life for good. Whether this was something Maiden was good at, making close friends love him was a mystery to the young arctic wolf. However, it was certainly happening with Ayrton as he slowly walked forward and kissed the coloured wolf on the lips. Maidens' eyes beamed open as he certainly wasn't expecting it. Moaning a bit, Ayrton released the kiss and immediately cowered behind the bed with a million sorries. 'Oh my god, why did I do that? Maiden I didn't....mean to I'm very sorry.'

Maiden licked his lips and just stood in shock in the middle of the room. He then looked over to Ayrton and shook his head some before quickly putting on a pair of oversized shorts he had bought brand new the other day. 'Ayrton, where did that come from? It was amazing.'

While peaking his head over the bed, Ayrton nervously shrugged his shoulders and said sorry again. Maiden slowly leaned over the bed and held out a pair of large paws for his mate to grab a hold of. Those arms of his looking amazingly cut, and were very large for a wolf of his age. Ayrton again nervously took Maidens' paws while shaking, and stood up to walk around the bed. They sat down together as Ayrton received a warm hug.

'Why did you suddenly kiss me like that? It's alright I'm not angry at you, it was kinda......well......nice. You're a good kisser.'

'I err....I saw you with nothing on and.....I dunno, something just came into to my head and next thing I know I was kissing you.'

'Heh, what do you mean something came into your head?'

'Again I don't know, I saw you there and.....oh I can't say it.' Ayrton's shyness coming through at this point.

'You can say it to me, I'm you're best buddy right? If you are trying to say what I think you are, then I love you too.' Ayrton suddenly looked into Maidens' eyes and was shocked as he said this.

' are?'

'Well, I've loved you ever since you first allowed me to stay with you. You've been so good to me. Even though I'm still fifteen and have a few months yet till I'm sixteen, we could take our friendship a step further if you'd like? That didn't seem like a fluky kiss to me Ayrton.'

'Maiden...I.....' Confused and lost for words, Ayrton suddenly broke out into tears over Maidens' meaty pecs as he fell onto him. The blue wolf smiled and stroked the arctic wolf warmly. 'Maiden, I've been meaning to ask you for so long. But I haven't had the bottle too.'

'Well, what if I was to ask you? would you say yes?'

'Huh? really?'

'Yeah, would you go out with me? That was the question I wanted to ask you from before. We can take it slowly at first and see were things head. I never asked you before now because, well, I'm still fifteen and I didn't think I was you're type to be perfectly honest.'

'Are you kidding, I've always wanted a big strong wolf to love and have fun with. I guess until now, it's not really been suitable. You don't feel like you have to do this do you just because you're my friend?'

'No, definitely not. Ayrton, I'm saying this directly to you from within. I want to be you're real mate, not friends, a real proper mate.'

*Finally back to the present*

'Awwwww, that's wonderful. come you two are now friends and you're with me if you were mated to Ayrton?'

'Well...that's another difficult part of my life...and poor Ayrton's. You see we didn't see each other after his family moved away and I got a job in racing. He wrote a letter a month or two later saying it'd be best if we lived our own lives with someone who could be there. We we're together for six of the best years I ever had before I met you.' This time, Maiden broke out into tears on Kauto as the stallion began rubbing his ears and hugged him warmly.

'So how did you two get back together at your gym?'

'Oh, yeah that.' Maiden sniffled. 'I had told Ayrton in the letter I wrote back to him that I would be moving here to America. He never missed a thing, A good number of years later, about two before I met you actually....he had managed to get a job in the bodybuilding industry, travelling around and helping the top athletes remain in shape for their contests. Well, he finally came here to Virginia in fact and somehow found out I owned my own gym and surprised me with a visit.'

'I bet you couldn't believe who it was eyy?'

'Hehe well.....

*Flashback to that day*

A now older, and incredibly built Maiden with a complete thick blue furry coat, was taking a swimming lesson an hour before lunch. It was a busy day as usual in his gym and the many members inside were all enjoying the time. But during this lesson, he had to pop off quickly to take care of a few things. As he went through to his office, the entrance doors opened and in entered a similar sized wolf wearing a heavy leather jacket and tight fitting jeans with a hat. The wolf was pure black in colour and noticeably muscled even under the clothes. He walked through with an envelope and handed it to Maiden as they met up randomly.

'Mail, for a Mister Maiden Wolf.'

'Oh, thank you sir.' Maiden took the letter, and smiled before walking through to his office. He opened the letter and read it. '_Greetings from your once lover, Ayrton. I just want to say a big hello to the big blue wolf I once knew. I still love you and always will......Ayrton. _ Awwww Ayrton, how could I forget to write to you bud. I love you too. I'd better write back swiftly when I get home.' Maiden headed back through with a smile as he remembered his old mate from school and college. While going through to the swimming pools, he noticed the mail guy was still in his gym walking around looking at the various pictures of Maiden posing. 'Err....can I help you sir?'

'Oh, err....I was just wondering how much a membership would be here?'

'It's two hundred dollars for the year, including a free workout session and swim. Are you interested in joining?'

'Why yes I am, I'd like to join today please if that is okay?'

'Err....well I have a swimming lesson I have nearly finished with. So why don't you go upstairs and grab a bite to eat or drink. I'll be up in a few minutes with the paperwork.'

'Thank you Maiden.'

*Present time*

'Haha you didn't even notice him?' Kauto laughed.

'No.' Maiden blushed.

*Flashback quickly*

Maiden finished the lesson and swiftly grabbed an application form before heading upstairs. he found the black wolf eating a sandwich alone overlooking the vast swimming pools and workout areas below. He sat down and shook paws. 'Okay, here we are. I'll ask a few health questions, get your details and then a tour.'

Maiden asked all the health questions, and hadn't even asked for the wolf's name up to this point. But the details section was next.

'Okay, a bit embarrassingly, what is your surname please sir?'

'Err...Da Silva.'

'And forename please?' Silence broke out at this point as the black wolf nervously took a sip of his drink and bit into his sandwich before mumbling his name. Maiden didn't hear, and asked again.

'It's err....Ayrton.'

The pen dropped, and Maiden's jaw opened as he gasped towards the wolf. Maiden then grabbed the hat and slowly began to grin.

'Oh my god, how did you....Oh my god!' Maiden lunged over the table and wrapped the arctic muscle wolf in a big hug. 'How did I not recognise you? What are you doing here?' At this point, Ayrton was under the big heavy blue wolf and couldn't say much. Maiden blushed and helped him up with another hug again.

*Present time*

'He told me he was in our state permanently, as in living there and was looking to start fresh. It was funny, because he simply walked into a job after being fired the day before. We chatted and I asked if he'd be my assistant, he said yes, then we had a party and that was that.'

'Wow, that's amazing. Why didn't you two get back together?'

'That was a mutual choice between us both, we decided we had been through too much torment of splitting off and not seeing each other for so long that we didn't want it to happen again. So we stayed as close friends. We still have our affectionate moments in the gym everyday though.'

'Awwww, you see, that's why you are such an amazing wolf. There's no one else in the entire world like you. I must say, Ayrton is an amazing wolf too. I mean coming back to you like that and all after so many years.'

'Yeah, we lived together for a year and a half before he got his own place. The best wolf I could ever ask for. But you're the best thing that ever happened to me, I don't mean this in anyway to be harsh, but things with Ayrton were a real deep shame so we couldn't be together. But you're not even a wolf, and you've accepted me for who I am regardless of how difficult I was in the past. You've been there for me whenever I needed help, and that's why I love you so much.'

By now the sun was going down, and the sea was coming in. But that didn't stop them from having one last kiss before heading back to the hotel.

Back to Wales for a Rainbow Wolf - Part 1

During the past couple of weeks, Maiden had been thinking of returning to his home country for a week to see what his good old Welsh country was like after all these years. All he could ever remember was his hometown being a very traditional market...

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Back to Wales for a Rainbow Wolf - Part 2

With the gorgeous V8 bellowing from the rented Jaguar, Maiden and Kauto were headed up past Birmingham and only an hour or two away from the Saber wolf's hometown. The traffic was busy, and as the toll road around Birmingham approached, many cars were...

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On this particular weekend of racing at Silverstone, the special group of Kauto, Toqeira, Ula and the drivers had been enjoying the for once hot sunshine and hearing the high revving sounds from the V10 Formula One engines. But, even though they were...

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