What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter One.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump In The Night Chapter One By Roofles

It was a cold fall morning, a chill frost still lingered on the forest floor. The sun hadn't even rose up over the mountains as the large school bus made its way deep into the wilderness for the local schools camping trip. The windy road was void of all life but the old rust covered yellow bus transporting the student life inside. The wheels screeched and the engine protest as it turned another sharp corner heading up hill further still and with each roll of the wheels, farther away from mankind.

As the bus turned it lurched a bit making the teacher standing up front hold onto the drivers seat. The driver kept watching the road doubting the bus could handle the trip back down, the school counselor had half a mind to turn the bus around as it was. "We'll be there in only a few more minutes guys, settle down." The teacher said trying to calm down a few of the kids up front.

The several hour bus ride was beginning to take its toll on the patience of the youth, most of whom had abandoned their seats and were talking with their friends forming their own little cliques inside the confined vehicle. This only spawned a more rowdy, louder bunch that was already restless and tired from both getting up early in the morning and driving several hours without a stop to stretch their legs. It was wearing the patience down of the teachers up front who both wish they had a bit better luck. They drew the short straws in the staff room and were forced to take the kids.

The front seats consisted of the geeky kids who liked to talk to the teacher and bus driver about random facts of life and homework assignments. Behind them in the middle was the popular clique of naturally good looking or rich kids that sat directly in front of the jocks and other sports players. Behind them was an invisible wall that separated them from the emo goth punk hybrids that had formed due to popular literature trends. All of whom thought it was cool to wear black eye liner all over their face, dye their hair black and complain about the luxury life they had.

And in the far back sat several stragglers that listened to their tunes; heads resting in their laps, against the back of the seat or on the window just trying to get this all over with. Most of them were here due to the simple fact that had been strung in instead of going to detention.

In the far back right seat, sat Marco. Listening to his tunes blaring in his ears, the same songs for the past hours that had ticked by like the water droplets sliding down the window seal. He found himself resting his head against the window looking out past these water droplets at the trees passing by. Signs of any civilization had long since passed. The plains and farm lands disappeared and the land around them began to roll into dense hill covered in an even denser forest as the hills rolled into mountains surrounded them on this windy trail deep into the heart of the land. It felt like they were transversing a snakes back in the tall grass.

He hated every second of it. If he had a choice he'd be home in his room listening to his music, playing his games, surfing the net, doing absolutely nothing as he laid in bed. Maybe jerk off a few times out of boredom. All of which would've been better than this. Man had spent centuries escaping the grasp of nature and now here they were going back into it, willingly for most. Marco wished he was back at work making a few more bucks on next pay day. Both this camping trip and the job was thanks to the school's counselor, Mr. Jefferson. And both of which was just another form of punishment that had been diverted into a more "positive outlet for the young youth" as Mr. Jefferson had explained.

The principal knew how much Marco hated camping and thought it was a creative punishment to give the man. After all there wasn't any electronics or chargers out here and soon his phone would die - something he always happened to be using during class. Marco wasn't really sure why she had it out for him, maybe she was wet between the legs for him or something. That or it was the fact he had "borrowed" her car to go down to the store to get another pack of smokes. A smile crossed his face at that though and he rested back against the brown leather, uncomfortable seat and closed his eyes feeling the jerking, clunky motions of the bus around him as Nine Inch Nails "I Want To Fuck You Like An Animal" played again.

The seat next to him shifted as his best friend, Kenny, sat down kicking his legs up against the seat in front of them (and pissing a few girls off in the process) and rested back. Kenny gave him a nudge. "We're almost there."

Marco looked at him after taking one of the headphones out, his face was one of a bored disbelief. "They've been sayin that for the past hour. They're prob' lost or some shit." He muttered putting the headphone back in.

Kenny was an old next door neighbor that he had hit it off with. The two caused all sorts of troubles as kids and now as young adults. During their Sophmore year they had a falling out but now as Seniors they were over it. Kenny was a year younger than him, with a soft baby face that Marco always made fun of him for. The guy had longer Justin Beaver hair that always went back to the way it was no matter how much he fussed with it or how much gel he used; at least he had a nice healthy tan to him. Marco always relentlessly teased him about this as well. The chicks loved it though, his bad boy routine with the "gorgeous locks" seemed to be an aphrodisiac to them.

Marco was the scapegoat. Everyone blamed him for Kenny's rebellious stage. Even at Seventeen Marco had tattoo's on his arms all the way to his shoulders. His lip was pierced, his ears had plugs in them. Side burns ran down to his chin, and a stubble was along his jaw line connecting the two. He looked far older than he was. And was defiantly not the ideal student in appearance or in class.

Within the coming hour the bus lurched to a halt causing everyone to brace themselves or land face first against whatever was in front of them. Marco kicked up a leg and caught himself as he opened his eyes again, disgruntled as usual as he looked out the window. It was still raining. His face soften a bit at the scene outside. A small camp ground that looked as if it hadn't seen use in ages. A creek ran through the large opening and a ratty looking hut was off in the corner, presumably the bathrooms. There was grills dug into the ground and benches set up, covered in leaves, twigs and moss clung to the rotting wet wood. It reminded him of an old camping trip he had gone on as a kid.

Marco grimaced as the teacher up front spoke. "Make sure to stay with your accountabilibuddy as we set up camp and get everything ready. Stay within the main camp area until we make sure we're ready to go hiking. We'll be going fishing tomorrow and will have s'mores tonight." This got several cheers from the kids who all stood up at once and began fighting their luggage from overhead, underneath and all around trying to be the first ones out with all their junk.

"Mr. Whit." One of the big boob dumb blondes in the middle said raising her hand up. Even her face had a ditzy expression. "Where are the outlets. For like, my compuuuuterr and you know like phooone and like stuuuufff." She elongated each word making several of the kids in the back both laugh and pity her at the same time. She was only getting through biology because she was sleeping with the science teacher.

"Uh...Nancy," Mr. Whit, the teacher up front, said before correcting himself, blushing and stammering a bit. The only thing he was good at was science it seemed. "Ms. Brown, there aren't any outlets out here. We're in the middle of nature. The closest human settlement is several miles away."

"But my phone." She whined in a high pitch voice that sounded something along the lines of rusty nails dragging against a wet chalkboard.

It was her last word that seemed to have caught everyone's attention and almost immediately every phone was pulled out to check their service. Every one, other than one of the geeky kids up front with a satellite phone, didn't have connection. This was soon followed by several groans and moaning from the students, some of which pulled out their spare phones, laptops and other electronics to see if they had service.

Everyone's spirits seem to fall and several students complained that they wanted to go back home. Most begrudgingly made their way down the center of the bus and out the door with sunken hearts, fallen shoulders, deflated chest and lowered heads. Each counting the seconds until they could get back on the bus to go home.

"Come on guys, it'll be fun." The driver said finally managing to lock the emergency break of the old bus. It screeched and protested loudly but managed to lock in place. Jefferson was one of those loud, annoying always happy kind of people that, in the end of things, you ended up feeling nothing but spite for. Always trying to help the students and trouble makers and asking for nothing in return. Already a good looking guy he was still in his early Thirties and didn't look it. "Sure we have to do a little work now and it sucks that the phones are dead. But with a little work we can have our own kind of fun and before you know it we'll be back at school!" This got several groans from the students as he smiled over the crowd.

Marco tolerated the counselor to a point having to already see him at least once a week for their "sessions" and ending up in his office more than that for every time he got in trouble. Jefferson just reminded him of one of those annoying older guys that always tried to act far younger than they were. He even had a goatee and wore the "cool" cloths trying to relate to the students more. He never was angry at him either, Jefferson always tried to find some kind of solution. Which in itself was annoying.

Kenny waited for Marco and the two were some of the last to get off the bus (only that creepy kid who had a seat all to himself was left in the bus). With a single bag slung over his shoulder Marco was about to head down the steps when a hand gripped his shoulder and he saw the smiling face of the counselor who had stayed on to make sure everyone got off ok.

"It'll be fun. So relax." He smiled and laughed and slapped him on the back lightly allowing him to go.

He caught Kenny though which made Marco stop. "Go ahead," Kenny said even before the counselor managed to say anything. "I'll catch up. Set up the tent." He added mockingly. It got him the finger in return which only broadened his smile.

Marco jumped down, landing on the cold hard dirt in his boots looking around the camp. Most of the kids had already begun to attempt to set up their tents, others continued to whine and bitch while most didn't even know how to unpack their tent let alone set it up. The rain wasn't helping matters any. Marco just pushed his way through a small crowd that had formed in front of the bus door, rudely. He ignored their petty complaints finding it in itself to be rude to block the only exit from the bus.

Finding a spot off to the side he hoisted the large army green duffle bag off his shoulder and onto the ground. It was only a single bag but it was something his Uncle had used in the army. It alone could fit all the things he owned into it and still have room. All the things of some value anyways.

Marco set the bag down against a tree and rolled his shoulders before getting to work. Getting ones hand dirty was one of the few things he was good at. Tools, cars and the general stuff most people didn't know how to fix he could do. He'd probably settle on being a mechanic some day, its one of the jobs the counselor suggested anyways. Something he could tolerate to do and was good at. The army was second choice but he rather not be a military dog.

The tent was already set up and he was only placing the last bending pole in its home as Kenny came up. "Sorry 'bout that."

Marco grunted as a reply as he stood back up. He looked at him without saying a thing.

"It's about the transfer degree I had requested." Kenny answered as if asked. "Just wanted to make sure it's what I still wanted to do." The man grumbled a bit, scratching the back of his head. "Hey!" He said a bit too loudly. "You got the tent all ready for me." He forced a laugh.

"Suck a dick." Marco laughed back, playing along and not poking at the subject any further. He followed the man inside bringing his bag in with him. He zipped the front shut and took out his sleeping bag, setting up their humble abode he would be staying in this whole camping trip.

And the second the man laid down he didn't move until night fell. No one tried to budge him finding it better if he didn't tag along to begin with, though several girls whined for Kenny to come along anyways and leave the "lazy ass" behind. Kenny joined in only a few hours later to grab some food and bring it back to the tent.

"Feel free to humor your fangirls." Marco teased looking at him as he zipped the tent shut again.

"Suck a dick." Kenny replied with a har de dar offering him a roasted wiener.

"With pleasure." Marco grinned back taking the hot dog. He sat up a bit and rested back. His phone lay died next to him. His pants had been kicked off and shirt discarded the only thing he was in was a pair of loose briefs.

Kenny flushed as half the hot dog slide freely into his mouth and he chomped down on it making the other man wince. Kenny sat down next to the door picking at his own food. Like any guy he only had a few pieces of meat and nothing else. The man already had a few burgers before coming back and still he felt hungry as he looked at the food but swallowed his pride as Marco pushed a foot against his leg.

"Shit man, you on a diet or something?"

Kenny forced a laugh before looking away yet his eyes kept looking back at the guy. Scruffy would've been a good way to describe him. Hairy legs, chest, arms and a happy trail that led into those full briefs. Kenny swallowed again loudly before taking a hungry bite of the hamburger patty, bunless.

It took some convincing but the reclusive guy eventually put his pants and shirt back on and the two had their own little campfire off to the side. S'mores were shared even for them and the two managed to have several contests of "how many s'mores can you fit in you mff" Marco muffled voice tried to say. Or "eat the flaming marshmallow" and several other dumb ass ideas that only escalated as the night went on and the two were "grounded" to their tent.

"You should know better than to pick on the teachers pet." Kenny continued to laugh still remembering the melting marshmallow that had landed perfectly into Nancy's front.

"Not like they hadn't seen white stuff between those things anyways," Marco said crudely with a laugh stripping once more and lazing out on his chest with a groan.

"Haha, wasn't that bad." Kenny said grinning as he stared at his friend.

"I just feel...stiff from the stupid bus ride is all." Marco grumbled.

"If you hadn't stayed in the tent all day." Kenny said pushing his side with a bare foot. The other man just grumbled and didn't protest so Kenny just left his foot touching his bare side.

"Fuck man," Marco grunted sitting up. The movement made Kenny recoil and pull back afraid he had upset his friend. "Screw this shit." Marco grumbled some more reaching for his pants. "I'm going to take a stroll."

"I'll come along." Kenny offered standing up a bit.

"Nah man, it's cool." Marco rolled his shoulders not even putting his shirt on. "I'm just going to take a piss. Maybe a dump. Maybe fap." He scratched the fuzz on his chin as he thought it over. Probably not best to be caught fapping again during school hours or time or whatever, he really didn't care much and didn't put any thought into it. "Be back in a bit." He waved heading out without even putting his socks on as he slipped his feet into his boots.

Most of the camp had settle down and the only ones allowed up was the teacher helping his "star pupil" out. Marco cleared his throat loudly snapping her head out the guys lap. "Taking a dump." He said loudly, crudely hoping to ruin the mood as he made his way around and towards the old hut wishing he had brought a flashlight. At least the full moon helped...

He pushed the door open and without even hesitating pushed the stall door open, assumed it was empty and did his business.

Outside heavy footsteps crept by, sniffing at the ground. Following an unseen trail up to the front door of the hut. It huffed heavily, its hot breath fogging up in front of the black muzzle. Moving with an uncanny swiftness it pushed its way through the brush, rustling the branches as its heavy form moved around to sniff at the hut more. It's nose wrinkled and pulled back as its glowing emerald eyes scanned over the wooden surface before spying a hole in the rotting wood.

Using a large clawed finger it whittled the hole bigger before peering inside, crouching down and saw the outline of the man in the corner of the stall with a hand between his spread legs. Swallowing loudly the great beast popped the button off its pants and brushed a hand down it's white fur chest and to it's leaking sheath.

Huffing, panting and swallowing loudly it stroked its gorged member thumbing its own sheath opening and licking a long, wet hot pink tongue crossed its fanged muzzle. Already the glistening, throbbing head was sliding free. Biting it's own lip it continued to watch as the man inside panted along with him, sweat trickling down his brow as he hand jerked faster and faster. Rubbing a thumb roughly against his own sensitive, preing tip Marco gasped, twisting his legs and arching his back.

The smell was overpowering that of even the bathroom and the beasts claws dug into the side of the wooden hut; scrapping against the surface as its jaw clenched shut, paw gripped the swollen knot in it's length.

A pointed black ear stood up and the paw loosened from it's knot. It stood up slowly sniffing at the air rather disgruntled about the foreign smell. It was faint, downwind. It took a moment to pin point the location, making both its ears jump up as it realized it was on the other side of the bathroom where the front door was.

Gasping, and panting loudly Marco played with the spooge on his belly laughing a bit in an exhausted high. Standing up he zipped up his front and opened the stall door not even planning on washing his hands. Maybe he'd give the teacher some more hell about teaching sex ed on their vacation, that was until all thoughts left his mind as he met the red eyes staring at him from the darkness of where the front door would've been. Marco would've shit himself if he hadn't just gone.

Fear gripped him with cold icy talons freezing his legs in place, tightening his chest and making every muscle in his body flex until it hurt. A cold sweat took him and his heart began pounding loudly in his chest again as goosebumps crawled up his arms and legs like spiders. His heart ached, thundering in fact as it jumped into his throat making it hard to breath as if he were joking on it. The only sound he could hear over the sound of his heart were the scraping of the animals claws in front of him.

Drool trickled down its dark brown, dirty chin splattering the floor as it took another step. It's body was shrouded in darkness but Marco could tell it was nearly large enough to be a bear. Those dead, sunken red eyes never left his face as its slobbered pantingly at him. A hunger in its eyes, large black claws scratching the cement floor as if it were nothing but loose dirt.

It moved, lumbering from one step to the next towards him as a twisted smile spread over its grimy fanged face as if it were getting a sick thrill out of this.

"What's the matter, boy?" A voice spoke and it sent a shiver down Marco's spine as if someone had ran an ice cube down it. "Cat got your tongue?" And it stood up. A massive body rose up high in front of him, towering over him like a colossal giant making him feel like nothing but a small boy. "Scream for me." It grinned raising a paw up high, spreading its clawed fingers and with a swipe brought it down.

The wall next to them broke apart, splinters of wood flying everywhere and another large form smashed into the first breaking the sink and denting the other wall. Claws flew, fangs were bared and blood was spilled in seconds as there was a roaring howl from the first as the second sunk its teeth into it's neck. Blood spilled like a broken faucet as a junk of fleshy fur was tore out. Claws dug into it's side and chest aiming for the heart, cracking the sternum open and ripping down until intestines spilled onto the floor and the whole body was hoisted up, tossed aside with only one left standing.

The second panted heavily blood covered its maw and paws as it glared, snarling down at the twitching body of the first. It turned and looked at the man who hadn't moved, a cold stare of those emerald slit eyes as it panted heavily, flexing its fingers. Marco couldn't tell if he was next, if it was savoring it's victory or looking for something else.

There was stirring from the camp and bodies were moving but Marco focus was only on one thing as it turned towards him. Taking a step forward, pants down, reaching a bloody clawed hand out towards him.

Marco flinched back snapping back to reality and moved back against the wall bracing himself. He wasn't about to go down without a fight.

Yet it pulled its hand back looking at it as if, to even it, it was a foreign unfamiliar thing. The pointed ears folded back on the nearly Nine foot beast. "Sorry." It's voice was deep more of a growl than actual words.

And as bodies began to swarm the area to investigate the noise it, on all fours, leapt out of the hole it had made and vanished deep into the night leaving the man alone to wonder what the hell had happened.