Shau'i - Chapter 8 ½ – My Love

Story by ewulf on SoFurry

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#9 of Shau'i

But sleep wouldn't come easily. The excitement of their new found love rushing through them. Tom was still spooning her as she wiggled in his arms to adjust her position, snuggling even closer into him, inadvertently pressing her rump into his groin. He couldn't help it, and before he even had a chance to move back a bit, Shau'i had already noticed the newly formed bulge poking at her bottom.

Tom blushed brightly, "Sorry."

"About what?"

"For poking you with my ..."

She turned her head and looked down, finally realizing what was pressing against her backside and blushed furiously under her fur.

"Does this mean you want to ... mate with me?" she asked, also thinking about the guard that wanted to rape her.

It was Tom's turn to blush now, and after thinking over his own feelings and also feeling her concerns and fears, he replied, "I became aroused being close such a beautiful girl, there is not much I can do about it, it's a natural reaction for a man. But there is a difference between acting on the impulse, or controlling it. I would never do something you don't like. It would be a lie if I said that I don't want you, but it has time until you think you are ready. Hell, I don't even know if I'm ready."

Shau'i mulled over his word in her mind for quite some time. Then she turned around to face Tom and looked deep into his eyes.

<I want to try it!>

Tom face immediately flushed red, "A ... Are you sure?" he stammered.

"Tom. I trust you. I love you. And I can see into your heart literally. Please, show me."

<I ... I'm a virgin too.>


<It means that I have never done it before. And even if I had, it's not something to show, it's something to share.>

<Then how do you know about it?>

<I have seen ... > he trailed off, getting even redder, if possible, <You have never pleasured yourself?>

She just stared at him.

<Have you ever touched yourself between your legs and felt good?>


<Well, it feels very good too, it's called masturbating and it relieves sexual tension if you have no partner. And ... there are arousing pictures and videos to help get you in the mood.>

<So you've done that.>

<Yes,> Tom admitted.

<Should I do it too?>

Tom suddenly smiled at her innocence.

<That's something I can't tell you. But probably most people do it.>

Her hands crept lower, between her legs. But after a few moments she grew impatiently, <Nothing's happening! What do I do wrong?>

<You've never done this before, you just don't know your body yet. It's something your have to explore and learn.>

She looked at him a bit sadly and his inhibitions fell away.

<Just relax,> he whispered and kissed her full on the muzzle, stroking her cheeks.

She could feel his warm fire pour into her soul.

Her back firmly pressed against his chest, she then felt his right hand lightly tracing down her side to her hip, and back up again. She almost gasped at the intimate feelings exploding inside her, and was amazed that such a light touch could be so intense.

Next Shau'i felt his hands running through her belly-fur, caresses and playing with it. She couldn't help it, she began to purr.

"Enjoying yourself?"


Tom kissed the back of her head and began to draw circles around her small breasts with his fingers, slowly spiraling up the black furred mounds, touching ever so lightly. This was the first time Shau'i actually noticed that she was getting aroused. Her breathing increased and she felt herself getting wet between her legs. Her breasts felt harder than usual and there was that indescribable tingle all over her. Her tension mounted as Tom circled higher and higher, and just as he reached the top he tapped exposed nipples lightly.

She gave an involuntary twitch and let out a throaty mewl. Tom had never heard it before, and in his ears it was the sweetest most innocent sound possible.

"Wow!" she whispered, "that feels wonderful."

At that he slid his down to her legs and began to fondle and stroke her inner thighs slowly nearing the fuzzy edges of her slit.

On his first light brush she inhaled sharply and twitched and let out a mewling moan again. Tom could actually feel the jolt of pleasure echoed in his mind, and felt his own arousal intensify. He stroked her outer slit for a while, feeling that it had to be pretty much like a human one. Just smaller, fitting her slender physique.

Then he found it.

"Mrrriauuu!!" Shau'i exclaimed a she bucked and arched her back.

Tom could feel the surge that coursed through her intensely and could only imagine how it felt for her. But it wasn't the peak yet.

"Should I go on?"

"Yes!" she pressed out breathlessly.

With that Tom spread her slit slightly and pressed half of his right digit inside slowly. She shuddered and Tom could already feel that she was very small down there, gripping his finger tightly.

He halted for a moment to let her get used to the feeling, and the he began sliding his finger in and out, building up speed gradually. Her in initial huffs soon became labored pants. And her soft mewls became increasingly high pitched.

Every now and then Tom would brush against her clit, sending another intense jolt of pleasure through her body. And as he was linked to her, he had to admit to himself that he had never been more aroused in his life, his underpants felt like they could explode at any moment.

"Tom! TOM!! What's happening?" she gasped.

"Just let it."

"Iaowwwl!!" she yowled, tensing up for an instant and then twitching and thrashing all over, completely losing control over her body. She came for incredibly long ten seconds until she fell limply to her side, held closely by Tom's arms.

"Th ... th ..." <That was incredible!> she uttered, still huffing hard.


After she had come down a bit from her high, she noticed that Tom's bulge was still pressing firmly into her back and she remembered that she initially wanted to try something else too. She reached down with a paw and rested it gently over Tom's cotton-covered member.

<Can I see it?> she whispered innocently.

Tom nodded.

She threw off the blanket and slid down to the foot of the bed, seeing only now what a mess she had made as she came. There was a big spot on the mattress and even Tom's underpants had a wet spot of her juices where she had pressed herself to him. But Tom didn't seem to mind in the slightest. Then she pulled down his pants and his member jumped out.

"It's big, ... much bigger than that guard's."

Then she looked down between her legs, "Do you think it will fit?"

<That's very flattering my love, but it's about average size. But you are right, I don't want to hurt you.>

<Come on. We won't know until we try.>

<OK, but if it hurts in any way, we'll stop!>

Shau'i nodded, a tad nervously, but her face set.

And as Tom was lying on his back, Shau'i crawled on top of him. Then she used on paw to prop herself up a bit and the other to guide Tom's still painfully hard member to her treasure and prepared herself, trembling in anticipation and maybe a little fear. Tom helped to support her, and cupped her left cheek with his free hand.

"Take your time, there is no rush."

Shau'i began slowly her descent, until her outer vaginal lips came in contact with the tip of his shaft. She adjusted herself one last time and moved down even further, increasing the pressure of his tip on her opening.

They both gasped as Tom's tip literally popped inside from all the pressure around it. And as Shau'i continued to drop herself slowly, Tom gasped at the feeling, her insides having his member in an iron-like grip so powerful it slightly hurt. For Shau'i it was similarly uncomfortable, her lithe physique in combination with her rigorous training meant that she would be quite tight for a male of her own size, but with Tom it was even more of a challenge.

Suddenly she felt some sort of resistance inside of her and she already had prepared herself for a slightly more powerful thrust, when Tom suddenly embraced her closely, stopping her.


<What is it?>

<I didn't think you would still have it. I was sure that with all your training you would have ripped it a long time ago.>

<What do you mean?>

<That barrier you're feeling right now is your hymen. And I've heard that for some girls it hurts a lot when it's broken. Are you still sure you want to go on?>

She nodded resolutely.

<Then I suggest you break it quickly.>

She nodded again and readied herself as Tom loosened his embrace a bit. Then without warning she dropped herself about a centimeter.

"Ngaaaaahhh!" it really hurt like hell. She began to tremble and her eyes began to water.

Tom immediately had his arms around her again, keeping as still as possible and holding her close, trying to comfort her with rubbing her back and kissing her gently. It took a while for Shau'i to calm, and even longer for the pain to subside. But eventually she said, "I'm better now, let's go on."

Very slowly Tom pushed on, eliciting moans from both of them. When he was almost completely buried inside of her, he stopped. Her insides were still clamping down on Tom's penis like a vice and so they waited for a little while for her grip to lessen a bit and become more bearable for them both. They stared into each other with sparkling eyes, needing no words to exchange their feelings. A haze of deepest trust, love and passion.

Tom still couldn't believe that he found such a beautiful, strong and lovely girl that loved him. And as Shau'i peered into Tom's soul she thought about his wonderful kindness and willingness to love her for what she was.

It was incredible how they could feel each others body entirely, and as Tom felt her loosen up a bit he didn't even need to ask her. She just consented to his forming thought. Tom pulled out a bit and began with slow and shallow thrusts. Gradually, with every push the discomfort turned into more and more pleasure.

Soon Tom was gasping and Shau'i mewling as their souls melded together in a haze of love. They almost felt like passengers as their bodies seemed to be on auto-pilot, petting, kissing, and pounding into each other, hurtling inevitably towards a peak of blinding white light.

As it came nearer, their bodies began to tingle with electricity.

Then, with a final, powerful push, Tom hilted himself inside and their feelings exploded. In a mixture of "Oh God!" and something between a high pitched mewl and a shriek they fell sideways onto the bed, reduced to a twitching and quivering mess of two entangled bodies clutching each other.

Their high seemed to last forever, and they both felt completely synchronized.




"I love you sooo much!"

"Love you too. I hope we can be together forever!"

"I hope so too," he replied, <How do you feel?>

<Great! But I'm going to be sore tomorrow.>


<No! I definitely want to do this again!>

"You're so sweet," he whispered, stroking her back.

"Thanks," Shau'i replied impishly and wiggled her hips a bit, giving Tom's still embedded member a squeeze, making him moan.

It was only then that Tom realized something. She sensed his growing concern immediately and looked up questioningly

"Shau'i we ... I forgot to use a condom!"

"Don't worry so much my love," she whispered, snuggling into Tom's chest and closing her eyes, "Besides, I wouldn't mind having children with you."

Tom was a bit surprised by this and had to admit that he never really thought about it, until it clicked inside him.

"I wouldn't mind either, my lovely kitty."

Shau'i's muzzle twitched into a faint smile before they both drifted off to sleep.