Shau'i - Chapter 9 – Hope

Tom woke up to the first rays of light filtering through the curtained windows of the small hut. As he opened his eyes and looked down his vision was limited by a fuzzy horizon that was Shau'i's head. She was lying on top of his chest looking so...

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Shau'i - Chapter 8 ½ – My Love

But sleep wouldn't come easily. The excitement of their new found love rushing through them. Tom was still spooning her as she wiggled in his arms to adjust her position, snuggling even closer into him, inadvertently pressing her rump into his groin....

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Shau'i - Chapter 8 – The Flight

"Police! Open up!" After Tom made sure that Shau'i was already hidden he opened the door. A black suit and tie flanked by two uniforms met his gaze. The suit stepped forward. "Good evening sir. My name is Frank Graber, I'm with the internal security...

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Shau'i - Chapter 7 – Life of fear

"The first thing I know is being in a small glass cell surrounded by people in white lab coats, all watching me. Then one entered and poked me with a needle." Tom received an image with her in said cell, seeing her reflection in the glass trough her...

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Shau'i - Chapter 6 – Clothes and Memories

Next morning Tom was woken by the shrill beeping of his alarm clock. He raised his head a bit, and seeing that it was still six in the morning, he slammed his hand on the clock, silencing it, ... for five minutes. \<Beep, beep, ...\> "Alright!...

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Shau'i - Chapter 5 – Breakfast

The next few days soon a daily routine was established. Tom worked on his project, closely watched by Shau'i, and even though her mental presence was distracting sometimes, he never had worked faster or better in his entire life. She kept quiet most of...

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Shau'i - Chapter 4 – Bad Tale

"Come on, let's get you back to the bed, I'm sure it still hurts much," Tom said, glancing down at her bandaged body. She nodded, though still miserable, she was very grateful that Tom still wanted to stick with her. And help he did. It seemed...

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Shau'i - Chapter 3 – Lost T-Shirt

Next day Tom woke up with a strange hot feeling around his shoulder and arm. Someone was blowing hot air onto him. He already wanted to jerk his arm in response but realized that his hand was locked tightly with a furry paw. His eyes flew open wide as...

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Shau'i - Chapter 2 – The Run

While Tom slept deeply, his guest wasn't resting as calmly. She moaned and thrashed around in the bed, bad memories and pain tormenting her. A bit after two in the morning she suddenly jerked awake and opened her eyes, not knowing where she was. She...

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Shau'i - Chapter 1 - Fire from the Sky

It was late afternoon when Tom finally decided to begin his descent. He had spent a wonderful summer day trying a new mountaineering route and using the opportunity of the higher ground to have some conversations on his hand-held HAM radio set. He...

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