Dire Circumstances

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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#6 of Old stories


Dire Circumstances

Michelle Teague

The fox ambled down the path, hacking at the jungle around him with a long blade. His frustration building as he worked the blade against the foliage. His temper fueled by fear. His supplies were low enough as it was, and being lost without his map was making him wonder if he would see the light of a civilized city ever again. The red fox was lithe, as was common for his kind. The thick, luxurious fur not so well groomed, but clean enough. His yellow eyes gazed over the seemingly endless jungle,

His name was Casius. He was a spice trader. The silk road was normally where persons like him would be found in this year. 1833, and what a year. Spice and silk were the basic unit of monetary wealth now. His Work was usually traveling with caravans over the terrain, leaving with chests of gold, and returning with mountains of spices.

But rumors reached him of a place yet touched by traders like himself. A place where spices untasted by his brethren were waiting for discovery. He was attempting to find this place, alone.

Stopping to reach for his waterskin, he leaned on a tree. Unaware that his presence had drawn some attention. The fox was wondering if he could turn back and make it back to the village. There he could acquire new supplies, a guide or two, and a bit of rest and creature comfort before coming back to try again.

He took a drink of water, as the shadow crept closer. He put the waterskin away and turned. His world exploded. He saw stars and then everything went black. Slowly life crept back into his body. He managed to open an eye. He was being dragged along, and the jungle was still swirling around. His eye closed as he faded out again.

A second time he came around, finding himself unable to move, as a towering shadow loomed over him. He muttered softly and the shadow approached. Again, he passed out. As he returned to the world of the living a third time, he managed to get one eye open fully. His other was swollen shut. It hurt, ungodly pain coursing through his face.

The fox found himself in a dimly lit hut made of branches and large jungle leaves. The simple fact that he was bound kept him from investigating further. It was then the shadow returned, leaning over the glowing embers of a fire and stoking them to life.

The fox got a look at his attacker. A tall, muscled tiger. Male, holding a club. He looked the brutish type and smelt it too. Unwashed, dumb look upon his face, vacant eyes. But there was also that look like he was hungry. The fox gulped, wondering if the rumors of cannibals were true. The tiger prodded him with that club and the fox tried to move back. The tiger laughed, standing slowly. His voice coarse, but the language familiar. _"You. Mine. Slave. No run. Kill."_The fox understood that.

He closed his eyes and turned his head aside. The tiger laughed again. Then he moved to a side of the hut, taking something in his paws. As he came closer, the fox saw it was a crude rope. The kind a tribal inhabitant would use. Fixing one end of it around the fox's neck he pulled it tight enough that struggling would choke the fox Then he affixed the other end to a large wooden pole in the middle of the hut. The fox got to looking at it. It had some fifteen feet. Enough he could go outside the hut, and a little distance. But not too far.

Then the tiger brought forth the claws. Gently he traced one of them over the fox's neck, displaying just how easy it was for him to kill the fox. Casius gulped a little, realizing his predicament. The tiger then unbound his paws and feet. Casius took a moment to check himself. No wounds, aside from the black eye. He was missing his boots, his gloves, and his trousers. He wondered why his clothing was gone, but the answer came soon enough. His bare butt on the dirt clenched when the tiger dropped his loin cloth. Turning to the fox, he gave the vulpine a full view of his throbbing hard on. The thick feline shaft twitching, drooling thick musky pre as the tiger growled softly. The barbs already standing stiffly.

"_Turn. Mate, now."_The fox whined loudly, trying to hold his butt on the ground. The tiger wasn't going to have it. He grabbed the fox by the tail and hoisted him off the dirt easily. Dropping him on his chest, effectively knocking the wind form him. The fox tucked his tail, trying to cover his rear, but to no effect. The tiger easily pushed the thick bush aside. Grabbing the fox's hips, he raised his lower half. "Please....Please no....don't do this to me," the vulpine pleaded.

Casius's plea fell on deaf ears as he felt that tip poking at his pucker. He had no strength to fight this offender. Ne tried to brace himself, to prepare for the pain. But it never came. The tiger seemed content to grind his length against the fox's pucker.

The fox had always enjoyed both sex's. He had indulged in many dark lusts, sodomy was his ultimate vise. And he was easily swayed by it. Often he had used it as a bargaining chip, and yet sometimes it backfired. But he didn't care. As long as he got what he wanted, which was usually to fire a load in someone, he was happy with the outcome.

This time, he couldn't help but moan. This tiger's length was impressive. Throbbing, hard, dripping pre at the tip. The fox was starting to lose his resistance. And then the tiger shifted. He didn't ease in. He didn't warm the fox up first. He just rammed the full length in. The fox yelped reflexively. It hurt, unimaginable pain. He clawed at the dirt, trying to get away as the tiger held him tightly. He cried, the pain making him clench and try to force the offensive appendage from his orifice.

The tiger held still a moment. Waiting for the fox to calm down some before he pulled back to the tip and slammed it home again. Another yelp, this time louder, more pained. The fox gripped at the dirt as he cried out. "No! Stop! Please stop! I beg you!" The tiger paid him no heed. The fox tried to force himself to relax. He tried to loosen up, as best he could.

The tiger sensed this and began a rhythm, pounding the fox forcefully. Casius, for his part, did everything in his power to just try and let it pass. He wanted it over. He wanted the punishment to end. But it didn't, not for over an hour. Finally the tiger blew his load. He emptied his sac into the fox's abused and pained anal cavity. Dropped the fox with a sigh of satisfaction. Casius crawled to the wall of the hut huddling down and trying to protect his abused pucker.

He could feel the thick, hot seed seeping out his gaping tail hole. He could feel the thick spunk running down his crack and over this tucked tail. He hadn't cum, he wasn't even hard. His body shivered as he tried to recover form the forced sexual act he had endured. The tiger snorted at him and pulled his loin cloth back on. Leaving the hut he picked up a spear and headed into the forest.

The fox spent an hour wondering if this was to be his fate. A battered slave only used for sex and neglected otherwise. The pain subsided, with minimal injury to his butt, thanks to his rather lewd lifestyle back home. He sighed softly as he sat to let the rest of the cum leak out while his pucker closed again.

He was no match physically, that was for sure. If he were to escape, he wold need to know where the nearest village was, and how to get there. These were things the tiger would not give up, he knew. And the fox had no gear left. The tiger had taken it all. Taking a bit longer, he managed to stand on shaky legs. He wandered out of the hut, and found himself in a dark forest. He could see, but not so well as to know how to get away. He was still tied to a leash as well. Walking back into the safety of the hut, he curled up in a corner to try and sleep.

He drifted off, only to be aroused a short time later as the tiger returned. Terrified, the fox huddled in a corner, trying to shield himself from another attack. The tiger paid him no mind. Instead setting about cleaning his kill. The fox watched the tiger work. Seeing the large feral animal he had killed. The fox waited until the tiger was not looking to try and see if he could reach the spear. A quick look around told him no. The tiger was no fool.

Casius would have to pass right by him to get the weapon. It was no good. He would need to wait for a better opportunity. The tiger was busy skinning the animal, and cutting meat off. Soon the tiger put the meat on a short stick, and set it over the fire to cook. The scent soon got the fox's stomach growling. He licked at his lips, wondering just what he was to do.

If he tried to get some food, he might get beaten or raped. If he didn't he'd die of starvation within a week. The fox was watching the food as the tiger set the skin on a rack to tan. After this he returned to the food, taking a bit off and chewing on it. Then he noticed his new slave. The fox was gazing at the meat hungrily. The tiger mulled it over in his head. He would be able to use him longer if the fox remained alive and strong enough to stand and walk. He picked up the stick and held the end out. _"Eat."_He said softly. The fox took a large piece, huddling back in the corner of the hut to eat. The tiger continued to pay him no heed for the rest of the night.

Several weeks had passed. Casius had grown accustomed to the nightly sexual acts. He had come to anticipate them by his master's body language, and prepare. He had even got the tiger to leave his rear alone some times in favor of the fox's oral prowess. The fox was sitting outside, wearing nothing but a loin cloth. His butt still sore from the night before, but nothing like the first time. He watched the tiger sorting through some fruits he had collected.

The fox was still tied to the pole. However it was usually far from his mind. He was fed, given shelter, protected from the wild around him. In exchange all he had to do was offer his rear and mouth as a cum dump for his master. It was not too harsh an arrangement. The fox was pondering freedom again, but it was a fleeting thought. A grunt form the tiger drew his attention.

He tossed a bit of fruit aside and staggered. The fox jumped up, rushing to the end of his leash and pulling at it to get to the tiger. The tiger staggered toward the fox, and collapsed at his feet. He was muttering strangely, and rubbing at his face. The fox glanced at the fruit. His heart jumped into his throat. Mandrake Fruit. He knew it was poisonous. He had seen it's effects on other furs. Anything from instant death to mild hallucinations. He was praying for the latter as he did his best to try and drag the tiger back into the hut.

Doing what he could, he ripped the last tatters of his old clothing apart. Making rags out of it, he went to a water pot and dipped them inside. He knew that if it was just a mild reaction, the tiger would come around soon enough. He just had to keep him calm until then. The fox wiped gently as the tiger's forehead, trying to keep him calm as the tiger's eyes roved over the hut.

It was well after nightfall that the tiger came out of his stupor. He rubbed his face and sat up. The fox as sitting beside him, trying to coax him to relax. The tiger sat up slowly, muttering something that the fox didn't understand. The tiger seemed relaxed now, as Casius tried to wipe at his forehead again. The tiger pushed him off gently, and let his senses return. How long had he been out of it, he didn't know. But he was hungry, horny, and a little upset.

The tiger's loin cloth was tented, and inside was a sticky mess. Some of his toxin induced visions had been rather exotic in nature, leaving him rather riled up. Moving to the fire, he stoked it back to life and gathered some dried meat from a ceramic like pot in the corner. Taking time to heat his meal, he watched the fox.

Casius didn't move. Just sat, waiting for his master. The tiger offered him some food, and the fox ate as he watched the tiger. The large male was slowly wondering why the fox hadn't run off. He could have. Easily in fact. But he remained, still on his leash, waiting for a command.

The tiger ate quickly, but only so much. The rest he gave to Casius. The fox took what he was given gratefully. Eating it, he watched the tiger trying to get his loin cloth off. He was still uncoordinated apparently. The fox could smell the musk. It was clouding his mind, making him think lewd things. He was horny as well now. And he had an idea. He hoped the tiger would not object. As the fox finished his food, the tiger got his loin cloth off. The fox slid from his own. His length exposed, stiffening now as he came closer. Leaning in, he reached a paw in, and caressed the hefty sac of the tiger.

The feline did nothing to object, only sit to let his slave do the work for him. He was too tired to mount him properly, and if the fox was willing to initiate, he would let him. Besides, those fingers massaging his balls felt good.

The fox leaned close, licking the thick feline cock. Cleaning the sticky pre from it and coaxing out more. After a while, he stopped and moved to straddle the tiger's lap. The tiger, for his part, was confused. Casius had never done this before. But the tiger made no move to object just yet. He was curious as to what was about to happen.

Casius moved himself in position, slowly sinking himself on the tiger's cock. Groaning loudly, he gently scratched at the tiger's chest. The feline purred deeply as his stiff length was enveloped in that warm butt. Casius settled in, holding still as he leaned into the tiger's broad chest. He was then surprised to feel those strong arms come around him, almost hugging him. His hips began to move instinctively. Gyrating back and forth, grinding on the thick meat in his back door.

The tiger grunted, feeling those walls working over his length. The fox seemed to be enjoying himself as well, as he groaned and yipped loudly. The tiger smirked, as he that stiff fox cock poking at his abs. He glanced down, seeing it smearing pre in his fur. He should have been angry, he should have hurt the fox. But he didn't care at the moment. For now, he just enjoyed the simple carnal act of getting his rocks off without having to do the work.

He shifted his hips, feeling his tip poking deep into the fox's innards. Listening to him moan like that. It made the tiger feel satisfied inside, in some small part of his mind. Like he truly could pleasure another so well as to make them scream. And as that satisfaction grew, so did his efforts. His paw drifted down, slowly teasing that fox cock. He grunted when the fox tensed, clenching his ass on the thick tiger meat.

The tiger shivered as the fox began to bounce now, timing his movements to he was humping that paw while riding his master. The tiger grunted and suddenly wrapped both arms around the fox. Pushing him on his back and holding him on the dirt floor. The fox shivered, fearful he had displeased his master. Then the tiger began to lick at the fox's neck, nipping him softly as he growled. His hips began to pat against the fox's butt, as he moved Casius's legs around his waist.

The fox gasped loudly, surprised by his master's sudden display of affection. Putting his arms around the massive tiger, he felt those muscles ripple and flex under the tight fur. Each movement making him shiver as the tiger took time to mate him properly now. Calling out for more, blissfully crying out in bliss as he was given what he wanted.

The fox felt his knot swelling, and his cock was leaking pre heavily. The tiger leaned up some, gripping that cock and hilting himself in the fox. Jacking the fox he growled as he watched the fox writhe under him. Then Casius peeked. Thick jets of fox spunk, pent up for weeks. Heavy jet after hot jet gushed, coating the fox's chest in his own jizz.

The tiger couldn't help but grin, thinking of how he himself had caused this fox so much pleasure. The clenching and squeezing on his own cock was wonderful, even as the fox's hips bucked and ground on his hilted meat.

The fox was rolling in orgasm. So powerful, he had never felt anything like it. The thick cock spreading his ass so deliciously, the heavy waves of bliss with each jet of spunk he shot. As the fox came down from his peek, the tiger leaned over to him, nuzzling his cheek as he ground his cock inside him. The tiger began thrusting again, deep long thrusts, as he took his own pleasure now. Mating the fox, intimately now. His hips grinding at each hilt, his throbbing cock jetting pre inside his slave.

The tiger couldn't resist. He wanted to empty his load into the fox. Not just to get satisfaction, but to claim him now. Make him as his own. The fox gripped the tiger's back fur, groaning as he screamed for it, begging for that load. The tiger didn't understand the words. But he knew the meaning. Hilting one last hard time, he roared. His cock erupted inside the fox's bowels. Unloading a full blast of searing hot tiger cream in the vulpine.

His body shuddered hard, having never had an orgasm this hard. His seed spilling into this fox, filling him and marking him inside with the tiger's scent. Giving soft pushes at each jet, he milked his cock inside his slave. After a moment he relaxed and lay over the fox. Holding him close, he licked the fox's neck. Casius, leaning closer to his master, kissed his lips. The tiger was surprised, but pleasantly so.

He returned the kiss, though awkwardly. Slowly the tiger pulled out, laying to the side. The fox cuddled right to him, draping a leg over the tiger's lap. The fox's tail high, flagging his cream pie to the entire jungle around them. He could feel that seed leaking out of his gaping ass. He could feel it oozing down his crack, running over his balls. He moaned softly, as his stretched rear caught a soft breeze from the door. The tiger slowly wrapped an arm around the fox, holding him gently and licking his cheek.

Seven days later......

Casius awoke to the sounds of the tiger moving around and getting the morning meal ready. The fox shivered as the light wind crept through the cracks in the hut, chilling him lightly. He pulled his tail over his exposed lower regions. On shaky legs he stood, moving to the fire pit to sit and warm himself. As he was sitting, the tiger pulled him closer and held the fox in his lap.

Casius murred happily as his master began to groom him. The nude fox happily leaning into it as he took the time to scratch gently at the hips of the tiger. The feline finished grooming the fox's back, and moved his paws around to hold him softly.

Casius leaned into the tiger, smiling at him. His neck still bore that rope. It was still attached to the stake in the middle of the hut. His master had offered to let him off the leash, but the fox seemed to want it. He had come to enjoy the fact he was his master's toy. A bitch to be bred nightly. He relished in that single thought so much that he often found himself flagging his master the moment he walked into the door.

The tiger had also come to deeply enjoy this fox. He was valuable. He could cook, clean, groom, and above all he seemed to have talents the tiger had not thought of. He would frequently beg for mating. Not that the tiger complained, certainly not. He enjoyed it that his slave craved him in this way. He stroked the fox's head softly and spoke. _"I hunt. Bring animals. You make clothing?"_The fox nodded softly. He knew what was needed.

The tiger had taken the time to show him how to make loincloths, and cloaks. And winter would be arriving soon. In the jungle that only meant rain. A four month cycle of rains. The pelts could be tanned and sewn together over the hut to make it more water resistant. Softly the tiger reached down, cupping the fox's package. He had come to enjoy teasing his slave. Working him to orgasm and then denying him that until later when he wanted to fuck.

The fox moaned happily, as his legs spread. The soft fur of his master's paw caressing and teasing the full length of the fox to life. Making it stiffen and throb with need. As the tiger continued to tease Casius, the fox had just a small thought in the back of his head before he was lost in the pleasure, "My life.....is the best one I could ever have....."

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