
Story by Uoikih on SoFurry

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I think you've heard enough disclaimers to know what you are and are not supposed to do.

1) If you are under 18, leave now, though I doubt you'll listen to me. Sick young bastard.

2) If you don't like m/m, m/f scenes, then go ahead and turn tail and run, eeping the entire way. Coward!

3) Last, but not least, sit back, relax, and enjoy, keeping lube at one paw and snacks at the other! You horny dog!

Ahh, my first fantasy story on Yiffstar! Well, not quite fantasy, but close! Now, this tale is a legend, one of mystery and romance, bitterness and battle, a mixture of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter, the yiffy story Foxhump, and the War of the Spider Queen series by R.A. Salvatore. This is a legend where cats rule the roost of the great city Felinia with dogs as their slaves, and, even if a cat does not possess the noble blood of an aristocratic aristocat (no pun intended!), they are allowed to treat the dogs as if they /were/ nobles. I think the title states it all. However, far to the north, where climates are cruel and only the strong survive, the canines live, struggling for life in the rocky crags of the Caninia mountains. When these worlds come together in a cataclysmic battle, only one species will endure. . . dog or cat. There is a lot of big, hard-to-pronounce names in this tale, but I will try to make it easy for you.


All characters © me, Uoikih.

Once upon a time (yeah, I'm gonna start the story like this, so, if you don't like it, bite me!), the world was not at all like what it is now. It was a measureless plain of infinite black stone and red fire, of cold and hot, of light and dark, of yin and yang. Until, of course, the cosmic forces that defined the very existence of life reached down from the dark galaxies and began to sculpt this mass of steaming, frozen planet into an earth upon which life could thrive. Once finished, all that was lacking was wild creatures. . .

For fourteen million years, the earth lay dormant, the plant life slowly blooming, growing, and wilting in an undying 'circle of life.' The great forces consulted among themselves for all this time as to which beast would rule this fresh new earth first, sometimes arguing, sometimes agreeing, but, for fourteen million years, a creature was not decided on. . .

Suddenly, a glowing streak appeared in the minds of these astral forces, a dot on the screen of life. As it approached, the forcefield surrounding the newborn planet caught the celestial intruder. It was like nothing the cosmos had ever encountered before! It was a small, fuzzy monster, with two slitted yellow orbs for organs of sight, pointed appendages for organs of hearing, and eighteen wicked talons which it used to slash at the forcefield. It possessed a high-pitched, fierce voice, and when it opened its small maw, the powerful beings could see dimunitive fangs. They studied it, nodded among themselves, and decided that this unknown beast would be the first to walk the unmarred earth. . .

Yet, before the creature was untangled from the clinging forcefield and allowed onto the planet, it must prove itself worthy of the forces' protection. Five hideous monstrosities from some forgotten realm were loosed onto the strange new beast, and the cosmos watched in astonishment as the small, furry fiend ripped every one of its opponents apart with a savagery never before seen. When, finally, the bloodshed was over, the creature sat placidly, barely panting, and cleaned its pelt free of smelly gore and sticky blood. The beings were both shocked and pleased, and they caught the small creature up into the heavens. . .

There, they endowed the beast with wisdom, strength, cunning, extra fierceness, speed, agility, balance, grace, and a thousand other attributes to be used for its own gain. In those days, beings were neither male nor female, but the cosmic forces decided to make this creature a male. Now, all that was left was to name the extrordinary beast and determine its species. The forces named the thing T'zirim, and chose to call it a "feline," which meant, "creature of the dark void." Then, with much celebration, they allowed T'zirim into the new planet. . .

The feline was quite happy, for a time, and the cosmic beings enjoyed watching him romp and play amongst the plants. But, after a while, T'zirim began to grow depressed and idle, mooning about most of the time. The forces communed with him, but, not understanding his language, did not know what to do for him. Upon letting him into the planet, they had provided him with small, living, flesh-and-blood creatures for his disposal, and fresh, running, clear, cold liquid to quench his thirst, but T'zirim did not seem to be thriving. . .

And then, one of the beings hit upon a theory. Perhaps, since T'zirim was a male, he needed female companionship? So, the feline was caught up into the cosmos once more, and the forces began to work over him. Carefully, they lulled him into a trance and extracted blood from his body. Using their phenomenal abilities of creation, they constructed another feline, using T'zirim's blood and his body shape, but made this creature female. It was a delicate process, but amusing, also, to color the female's pelt and make her attractive to T'zirim. And, when the male feline awoke, he was deposited into the planet and presented with the forces' creation: the female Seluna. . .

Such a din of snarls and hisses was raised when the two caught sight of each other that the beings pulled Seluna back into the heavens, for fear of her and T'zirim injuring one another, perhaps even fatally. They kept the female with them, but, when T'zirim began to fail once again, let Seluna down, this time about five miles away from where T'zirim prowled. The female began to cry out in her language for companionship, lonely and frightened. T'zirim perked his ears and began to follow the sweet voice, but the cosmic forces were afraid of what might happen if Seluna and T'zirim caught sight of each other again. So, the female was hidden from the male for three years. . .

The forces worked and deliberated over ways they could teach T'zirim and Seluna to be comrades, but could not seem to find a way. Until another intelligent being theorized that one way to bring a male and female together was to add an element of sexual allure to both felines. It was agreed upon, and Seluna was brought back into the heavens for yet another dosage of experimentation. The forces created a cycle of what they called "heat" to the female's personality, and timed it so that, when they deposited her back upon earth, her flesh was hot and aching for a male's touch. T'zirim was given sexual instincts, and when he found Seluna, the cacophony of yowls and hisses that reached the cosmos was that of coupling beasts, not hostile rivals. . .

Seluna became pregant by T'zirim, and was the first to give birth upon that new planet. Eight kittens were born of her and her mate's first union, four males and four females, and the powerful beings that defined life watched as fondly as parents from the heavens. And then, it was back to square one. . .

The cosmic forces knew that they would have to create mates for the kittens when it was time for them to mature and reproduce to populate the vast planet, and so, when Seluna and T'zirim's offspring were mature adults, eight more felines were created to be companions for the first litter of felines born: four males and four females. The sixteen new couples copulated, impregnated the females, and more kittens were born. Meanwhile, Seluna became pregant again, and seven more kittens were born. . .

Soon, the planet was suitably populated with the first creatures ever to walk the earth, and the cosmic forces were pleased. They provided larger mammals for the felines to hunt, more water, different plants, and an interesting quirk. . .

When it was time for Seluna and T'zirim to pass on, the forces caught both of them up into the heavens and made them a celestial couple, a god and a goddess for the generations after them to worship. Then, one of the beings wondered what the felines would look like with vaguely humanoid forms, and the next litter of kittens born were what the cosmic forces called "anthromoporphic beings."

With this new change came new knowlege. The felines began to build crude shelters, which advanced slowly into a city, began to bury their dead, began to read the stars and invented writing and the alphabet. The animals they killed were not eaten raw anymore, but, with the invention of fire, the meat was cooked and the hides cured to make clothing. The felines were becoming akin to the beings that had created them; they were becoming too intelligent for their own good. Weapons were invented, developed into effectiveness; the kittens were beginning to be taught by the oldest felines. And then, the first ruler was elected, paws down. Her name was S' Inua, and she was of the fourth generation of Seluna and T'zirim. She named the first city Felinia, in honor of their glorious species. . .

To combat this growing threat, the forces created yet another creature, with half the intelligence of a feline, but with much more strength. They named this strange new beast N'tue: a female canine, deposited her in the mountains far to the north of Felinia, and, in time, this new zspecies accquired the anthromoporphic gene, as well. They established their own city, Caninia, in the stony mountains, in honor of their own species, the canine, and grew in intelligence and might. Yet, in the shadow of the felines, these new creatures were crude savages. As a result of the felines' more advanced technology, many, many canines were captured and became slaves to the inhabitants of Felinia. In retribution, whenever a feline was caught outside the city's borders, the canines tortured it to death before devouring it hungrily. The canines developed a derogatory term for the felines. "Cat," they called them, which, in their tongue, meant "cunning brutes." In turn, the felines laughed and mocked the canines, calling them "dogs," meaning "half-witted barbarians."

As the years progressed, all the cosmic beings could do was watch helplessly as cat destroyed dog ruthlessly. . . and dog murdered cat with the same savagery. . .


Chapter One - Seluna's Prophesy

S'Inua was a high priestess, one of many who served the goddess Seluna. With her pitch black, sleek, form-fitting pelt, pointed ears, emerald green eyes, and gleaming white fangs, S'Inua was a formidable character in every way.

Pawing the solid golden hilt of a lioness-headed dagger, the feline priestess climbed the steps of her temple, her light, semi-transparent robes drifting wisplike around her slender form. Her tail curled, gleaming in the torchlight, above her finely shaped heels, and her eyes stayed fixed on the huge sculpture that dominated the sanctuary. The statue was of a female cat carved from glimmering, pure black marble: Seluna. The goddess's eyes were golden marbles, cunningly carved to look like organs of sight, and her physique was slim, barely hidden behind a molded sheet of the purest gold. Her right paw was outstretched, as if beckoning to her followers; in her left hand, a lyre crossed with an arrow rested, Seluna's symbol of art and war.

Even though she had done this for five thousand years, S'Inua was nonetheless captivated by the majestic beauty and grace of the graven image. Letting her robes whisper off her nude form to the warm black marble floor, the priestess crossed the room and prostrated herself before Seluna. "Great Goddess of War, I humble myself before thee now. Judge me for who I am, Goddess, and remove thy merciful powers from me if thee sees blackness within my soul." S'Inu stayed in this position for a few more moments; then rose to her knees and reached out a paw for the incense sticks that lay in a pile upon an altar before Seluna's pedestaled feet. Selecting one, she lit the end and placed it into a golden brazier that rested on the floor to her left. A sweet, exotic aroma filled the temple, and S'Inua prostrated herself before her goddess once more.

"Let the sacrifice be brought!"

S'Inua's strong feminine voice resonating through the shrine brought another, lower-ranking priestess, who had entered Seluna's temple. Throwing herself down onto the floor, the priestess shoved a covered basket into the room and then backed out, keeping her eyes fixed on the floor. When her subordinate had gone, S'Inua reached for the basket. Lifting out a small kitten, she held it up before Seluna's gleaming ankles. "The firstborn of the highest-ranking noble family in Felinia is presented before you now." Closing her eyes, the blackfurred priestess reached for a ceremonial dagger.

The glimmering golden eyes seemed to soften with approval as Seluna's highest priestess slit the kitten's throat and lay it upon the altar before her, the little grey body draping limply over the thick incense sticks. Blood trickled slowly through the scented rods from the kitten's pierced throat as S'Inua reached for the incense stick she had placed in the brazier earlier. Its lighted tip flared momentarily into the dim temple; then began to lick hungrily at its wooden kin as the priestess held it against the sacrificial wood. A fire began to crackle around the slain kitten, its aromatic smoke mingling with the smell of burning flesh, a sweet smell to Seluna's nostrils. S'Inua prostrated herself before the altar once more, silently communing with her goddess, waiting for the last ritual to be carried out.

Although it did not make her flinch in the least, the doors to the darkened sanctuary burst open with a bang and a hooded, savagely masked figure swept inside, wearing only the briefest of loincloths. It was a feline, that much was obvious, from the painted, fanged mask the form wore, and its body was lithe and muscled beneath the cape and hood of black fabric. Long white horns surmounted its headmask; it stretched long talons toward the prostrate form of the high priestess and yowled fiercely.

A young priestess nearby lifted a bowl of incense toward Seluna and cried, "The great god T'zirim is here to claim his prize! Hail thee, Lord God of the Heavens!" More young cat-priestesses, standing in the wings of the large temple, standing on balconies, ledges, even in the hands of huge, celestial feline statues, which were created to resemble Seluna's heavenly handmaidens, took up the cry: "Hail thee, Lord T'zirim! Hail thee!"

S'Iuna smiled inwardly. How well these young priestesses were performing! She had trained several of them herself, and her pride was almost tanatmount to a mother's happiness. . . almost. Still, she had a role to carry out, and so she leapt to her feet, shrinking back in mock terror at the sight of the hooded figure that would play T'zirim tonight. "Spare me, Great God of Heaven! I beseech thee!" To which T'zirim answered with a screaming hiss and pounced. S'Inua cowered at Seluna's black feet. "Aide me against thy mate's wrath, O Goddess, that I may live to serve thee the rest of my days!" T'zirim snarled and grabbed for her, but, according to the ritual, S'Inua shrieked and dodged him, leaping for the ledges where the young priestesses stood. However, sharp claws bit into her bare sides and she was yanked back to meet a punishing bite from T'zirim. S'Inua prostrated herself before the god, baring herself to his mercy. "I am thine, God of the Heavens! Do with thy servant what thy will demands."

The painted ivory mask was pressed against her bare breasts; a raspy feline tongue flicked out to circle a nipple and savor her flesh. Then, T'zirim shoved her down onto her stomach and S'Inua felt his teeth latch onto the back of her neck. Like a primordial she-cat in heat, she yowled, rising onto her paws and knees and pushing her rump into his groin. Above her, T'zirim snarled and bit harder. S'Inua winced; the priest was taking this last ritual much too seriously. She gasped with genuine pleasure as his hard, hot rod slid past her slickening nether lips and deep into her. Claws raked through her fur on her back and hips, making her shiver with delight, and a paw dipped under her to caress a full, firm breast.

The high priestess backed to meet T'zirim again, and again, and yet again, as he took her with slow, steady thrusts, measured in tempo, pleasurable in rhythm. Their tails intertwined behind them; T'zirim's grip on her neck tightened somewhat, and his thrusts became faster, heralding his imminent climax. S'Inua was close herself; every time his shaft slid into her, it brushed her hard clitoris, adding to her pleasure. Growling slightly, his tempo building, T'zirim gripped his ritualistic consort's breasts tightly, his claws leaving small marks in her flesh. Then, with a roar of pride and pleasure, he released himself into her, S'Inua climaxing with him, yowling her own delight.

She lowered herself to the floor slowly, T'zirim's warm body pressed against her own, and looked over at the altar. The fire that was eagerly licking at the kitten's body was still blazing brightly, and, as custom demanded, the high priestess would have to couple with T'zirim until the flames died away. S'Inua smiled to herself as the masked priest pulled himself from her; she guessed that he was Anare, a young cat that had just recently been appointed to the rank of high priest to Seluna's mate, T'zirim. Rolling onto her back, she gazed hard at him. Her guess had been correct; through the mask's eyeholes, she could detect a gleam of youthful lust and ambition. Sighing with pleasure, she wrapped her legs around his muscled waist and drew him into her again.

To be continued. . .

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