Foxes and Plots 6: A Coons and Theft Tale

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#6 of Foxes and Plots: A Coons and Theft Tale

All characters besides Clipfox(Mark) and Jeff are copyright to me, TiberiusRings. Mark and Jeff copyright to Clipfox and Jeffkun Addison also belongs to Clip per his request. Thanks again to my wonderful friend whose been helping me out on contextual issues and feedback.

A new day, a new set of tasks to do, new goals to accomplish. Mark was used to being busy all the time. Today, Jeff however reminded him that the bigger he extended their little family the more divided the fox's attention he would become. Jeff wasn't usually vauge, but that always translated to Addison. Jeff was the kindest, most generous, and intelligent person Clip had ever met and he loved him with all of his heart as an equal and his mate. Addison was different. He loved the dog as much as Jeff, but as his son and pupil. Possibly even his successor once both the fox and his mate were retired or gone. The comment reminded the fox of that day...

Addison had been a homeless, scrawny little kid when Mark found him in his home country; the male was barely alive from starvation and malnutrition. Mark remembered seeing the boy on the side of some street he had been strolling down, seeing the boy hunkered down in the corner of an unused doorway. The boy wore tattered clothing of a non-descript color; upon closer inspection it looked like it might have been a dull yellow at one time but now was covered in black and brown stains.

This was back when his company was expanding rapidly and became a blip on the radar of the federal government. The time the fox could least afford to lose focus now, as a good deal of the company's growing pains had to do with finding talented engineers and scientists. That was why the vulpine was here, to interview potential employees at the university. For some reason this was one of the few times in his life he took pity on someone.

Mark had a Bit-o-Honey candy bar stuffed in his pocket and held it down to the boy who looked cold and was shivering in the cool morning air of early winter. When he saw the boy's head look up he had a resigned expression on his face; the kind of look that said he was ready to die; the grim reaper had the scythe to the throat and all he was waiting for was a deep cut to finally end it.

The fox crouched down, still in his designer three piece suit when the boy did not take the candy bar. He thankfully knew the native tongue and easily slipped into it. "Here, you can have this."

The boy looked to him and blinked his eyes a bit. Searching the fox's face, the pup was not sure what to do. His hand came up hesitantly and took the candy bar from the fox. Mark smiled, but it quickly turned to a frown when he heard the boy speak.

"We can go to the alley, sir."

Mark was floored. He knew prostitution was the oldest profession in the world, but he never had a child offer it. He almost stood up and went on his way to get away from the boy, but something held him still. He did not want to leave. He hadn't felt a tug on his heart strings like this since he proposed to his mate. This boy had weaseled his little hands into his heart and grabbed a nest of strings. The fox sighed.

"I do not want to take you to the alley."

The dog blinked, frowned and looked to the candy bar in his hand, looking it over and then held it back to the fox who had given it to him. Mark shook his head and moved his hand forward, taking the candy and opening it up, the sweet smell of honey taffy filling the air around them. He broke off a small piece and held it out to the boy who seemed hesitant to even hold it. This should get him to eat. "This is yours. Try it; I'm sure you'll like it."

The boy took the piece of taffy and looked it over. Then, without hesitation he shoved the piece of candy right into his muzzle, chewing it softly. His golden eyes widened at the taste of something so sweet, something he had never had before. He licked his lips and even the two fingers that had held the confection. His tail even wagged and thumped against the box he had been sitting on. It made Mark smile.

"You like that, kiddo?"

"Oh, yes sir. I never had candy before." The honey taffy seemed to restore a bit of spark in the boy's body. The scythe lifted away from the throat just a bit more.

Mark broke off another segment of the candy bar and held it out to the pup, who greedily took it and shoved it right into his muzzle, chewing rapidly and licking his lips and fingers once more. Before both of them knew it, the boy had finished the candy bar.

"What's your name? Where are your parents?" Mark asked as he crumpled up the candy bar wrapper and put it in his pocket for later disposal. He disliked littering.

"I don't have a name, sir. My parents are dead, sir. I don't remember them very well. No-one wanted me and so I live here now," the boy said with a sad expression written on his face. Then the pup started smiling again, looking at the fox hopefully as he wagged his tail, "Do you have any more candy, sir? I can show you around town for more candy."

Mark smiled then and stood up from his crouching position and held his hand out for the boy. "I can do something better for you, Addison. How would you like to come live with me? I can get you cleaned up and give you a place to sleep and play. And you won't go hungry anymore."

The boy blinked again, "Addison?" The dog did not hesitate however; he stood up and slipped his hand inside the much larger fox hand offered to him. He squeezed it at the same moment Mark did. The fox began to walk away from the alley they had been in, heading toward the richer district of the town.

"Yes." Mark began, smiling down to the eager boy. "You need a name and I like the name Addison."

"Addison," the boy said, tilting his head to the side as he pondered the sound of his new name, walking along with his eagerly wagging tail. "I like it! Thank you sir!" The pup looked up at Mark with a loving look as he felt wanted after being alone for so long.

Mark smiled as he returned from his reverie. He had made such a wise choice in bringing Addison home with him. The boy had been very adaptable to the things that his life threw at him. A lot of things both in Japan and the US. He had picked up English very quickly, and was very eager to please. It made all the training Mark had envisioned earlier unnecessary; the boy was a diamond in the rough, and all he needed was a little polishing.

Addison was just out to do one thing; make his new father happy. This meant excelling at every task he was given and doing it to the best of his abilities, be it combat training or his education; he always tried his best. He wasn't perfect but then no one really is, and the fox never faulted Addison for minor failures. The dog had, in a few short years, become his personal bodyguard and top assistant. Where Mark went, Addy followed.

Mark also knew that he had a great responsibility toward Addison that may people didn't really understand; he was the dog's father, brother, lover, and boss all in one. Addison got so much out of their unusual relationship that Mark had always paid him extra attention. The fox didn't mind though; he loved Addison like he did Jeff and would be devestated should his Addy ever died. He knew finding people like that only happened once in a blue moon.

With a shallow breath he knocked on the door to let Addison know he was coming into his room and opened the door. Mark had wiggled out of the bed he and Garrison had taken Rei in, and found Jeff also curled up in the bed that morning. Four people in that bed wasn't the most uncommon thing, but the fact that Jeff didn't even wake him up surprised him. His otter must've been tired. He placed a loving kiss on top of Jeff's forehead and his mate made some quiet happy sounds before shifting a little and resuming his slumber. Mark had just pulled on some underwear; a pair of dark blue boxer-briefs. He knew Addison would be in his room at this hour of the morning. He usually stayed put until someone got him, or he was hungry and prowling about the kitchen.

Addison's room was spacious; high ceilings with decorative molding and wide walls which sat on a cherry wood floor. There was a huge bed in the middle of the room to accommodate Addison's big frame. There was a walk in closet on the side of the room and a expansive bathroom opposite; Addison getting his own Jacuzzi tub and shower. There was also a deck that overlooked the back yard. The dog was an excellent swimmer and he swam every day.

The walls were decorated with various posters of music bands and movies Addison loved. He never had to go to the movies as his father's manor was quite far from the nearest town, but someone like Mark had his own home theatre and all the first run movies at his disposal. There were black lights lining the brim of the ceiling that could cast the room in a dark glow if he wished.

There were shelves full of DVDs and CDs, with a large plasma TV on the wall in front of the bed with various game systems connected to it. Addison was an avid PC gamer as well, made obvious by the powerful computer, surround sound speakers and oversized monitor most of which sat on a large desk in the corner. Addison's set up wasn't complete without a plethora of little knickknack toys and other goodies he just simply could not live without.

Addison was seated in front of his TV, with a set of headphones on as he liked to play games with the volume all the way up. He had a controller in his hand. The dog was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing esle, like usual. He remembered the rules; he had to wear clothes when Mark had guests and this was the least amount of clothing he could get away with. He didn't hear the fox open his door as he was busy talking to someone over the voice chat built into the game system. He was serious about his gaming.

Mark smiled and moved over to the dog, touching his head a bit and laughed. "Winning?" He knew that the moment he entered that Addison would give up on the game he was playing; he had more important things to care about now that his dad was visiting.

Addison looked up and yelped, and briefly told the other players he had to go, then tossed the controller and the headset on to the pillow he was sitting on as he stood to his full height. The canine was taller than even Mark and wider in the shoulders. He smiled down to Mark, wagging his tail rapidly. "Father! I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in, but I was really playing this game and I wanted to win but the guys the computer assigned me were really lame and I don't like losing and--"

"Shh," the fox said with a smile, placing a finger across the dog's lips and then putting his hands on the dog's waist. Addison shut up the moment the vulpine spoke. "It's okay. I'm not mad at you; am I ever mad at you?"

"No," Addison said with the small revelation and then wagged his tail a bit. "You're always happy for me!"

"That's right, kiddo!" Mark said with a happy smile as he pulled away from Addison. "I just wanted to check in with you, Addy. I know I've been busy with my guests, I haven't really given you the time you deserve. Is everything okay with you?"

"Oh, me?" Addison asked, wagging his tail again and nodding his head rapidly. "I've been playing with Wolfy. He's a lot of fun; thinks the games I play are silly but he watches me, especially when I do tasks for you and Master Jeff. Buuuuut, there is one thing..."

"What's that?" Mark asked, looking to the dog. He smiled as he saw Addison approach and just touched his shoulders with his big, powerful hands. He leaned his head down and nuzzled Mark's neck with his thick muzzle, his lips pulling away and brushing his soft white teeth along the fox's neck. "I don't like wearing shorts this long, sir. They're uncomfortable and it's just not me. Can I please take them off? Pleeeaaassseee?"

Mark smiled a bit then and thought, looking to the dog then and stepped back to get a good look at his Addison. His eyes wandered up and down along the muscular frame of the male and then nodded. "You can. I know you don't like swimming with a bathing suit. You can go around nude for now."

"YES! Thank you sir!" Addison bounced and quickly tugged off the shorts, sending them flying to the hamper on the side of the room. They bounced off the wall and landed right into the basket where they belonged. Surprisingly, Addison kept his room very clean and didn't need a lot of work nor vaccuming, etc.

The fox grinned as he saw his pet naked; the muscular body was usually on display but now he got the whole nine yards; something he hadn't seen since the bath the other night. He looked at the large genitals; the testicles that screamed masculinity and the thick sheath that was a staple of Addison's breed. The dog reached up to his neck and undid the black and white kangaroo leather collar from around his neck, putting it down on the bed near where he stood.

"I'm going to go swim, okay? Want to join me, Master Mark?" Addison looked hopeful. He loved swimming with the fox. Mark had actually taught him to swim, a memory he really did cherish. This was, of course, back when Addison was so much smaller than he was today. Puberty had hit the boy like a semi truck and shot him up like a rocket.

Mark barely had a chance to answer as he saw his Addison smile and then scramble out to the deck. The deck had a special function he had installed specifically for Addison's birthday a few years ago. The fox watched as his doggy pushed a button on the wall, extending the diving board hidden under the deck and lifting the faux railing that would allow someone to walk onto it. Addison's tail wagged rapidly and he looked anxious for the board to finish extending. Finally he heard the clank of the gears locking into place.

With a laugh he lept forward, jumping high and planting both of his large paws right onto the edge of the board. Mark watched as the heavy dog was propelled up into the air, soaring up several feet. Addison did a flip in the air and tucked his knees very close to his chest. Gravity began to do its work, pulling the boyish dog downward. The splash was large, as expected, sending ripples of the clear water in every direction and high into the air. Mark grinned a bit as he walked onto the deck and looked down just in time to see Addison surface, smiling up to the fox.

"Come on in, the water's wonderful!" Addison was treading water; the diving board was over the deep end of the pool so he could dive in and not risk injury.

Mark grinned and padded lazily onto the board. He smiled down to the dog and then flicked his tail a bit, shaking his head a bit. "Such a pup." The vulpine didn't bother undressing; he knew he would end up naked eventually. He crouched low and jumped upwards, his feet hitting the edge of the board and being tossed into the air much like Addison had, and then dove forward, flipping three times in the air before he straightened his body out.

He didn't make a splash like Addison; he pierced the water with his body, shooting into the warm water like a bullet, forcing the water to part for him. He kicked his legs and swam for a brief moment, eventually poking his head above the water and smiling to Addison, who eagerly swam over to him. Seemed like his puppy was in the mood to play his favorite water game.

It had started so many years ago in the shallow end of the pool. The poor thing had been afraid of the water and no matter what he or Jeff did, they could not get the eager to please doggy into the water. Bribes of candy and toys didn't work, and for someone like Addison it was amazing he even said no. It took Mark and Jeff a lot of coaxing and intense promises that he would not take Addison to the deep end of the pool.

The fox had gotten the pup to finally come into the water. Going to the stairs, he stepped down gingerly, in the shallowest portion and held onto the edge. Mark had smiled and they sat there on the steps for hours just talking, showing Addison that he did not need to fear the water at all; it wasn't going to hurt him as long as he respected it.

Finally, they got off the steps with the idea of a game. Addison was fast as lightning on land and in water Mark bet the dog could catch anything with some practice. He had said that if Addison was able to grab him and hold on he could have anything he wanted for dessert. This usually translated into ten Bit-O-Honey candy bars, the boy's favorite.

Addison agreed as long as Mark would not go anywhere near the lowered glass wall that separated the shallow and deep end of the pool and finally began to walk out away from the steps. The game had been just walking, the fox moving out of the way, and eventually gliding on his back in the water. Addison had ended up figuring out how to doggy paddle and used it to propel himself forward. Addison managed to grab onto Mark's arm after an hour of actual swimming.

His father had made good on his promise and the boy got what he asked for. The kid got ten candy bars with all of their honeyed sweetness and ate them eagerly at the dinner table. Jeff often worried about Addison putting on weight since he ate so much, but the boy never put on an ounce of fat. Mark had figured the kid's metabolic rate was through the roof and he needed a lot of food.

Still, Jeff monitored what the boy ate and made sure he would get all the proper nutrients, and made sure that he didn't get candy bar dinners too often. Addison would look healthy working out and eating anything he wanted, but junk food tended to catch up with you as you aged.

Mark saw Addison was noe a master of the game that made the dog fall in love with the pool. The dog was faster than even the water loving vulpine and otter duo, though he wasn't faster than by much. And Addy wasn't as agile. It made evading the dog a cinch, at lease for Jeff. For the fox, that was the only way he could actually avoid losing.

He saw Addison barrel at him from under the water. Mark flicked his feet and dove downwards, Addison making a grab for his ankle. The fox managed to pull his leg inwards at the last moment and avoid being nabbed like that, but Addison flipped around under the water and kicked his powerful legs, trying for a second grab.

The fox knew he was boned if Addison kept trying this hard to grab him. He swam forward, and sensed the dog nearing his black socked feet, and pulled them close, using his strong arms to pull him forward, he swam between the divider that separated the ends of the pool, swimming now in the shallower water he turned around, kicking as he saw Addison shoot past him in an attempt to grab him.

He was at a depth at which he could stand up now, and Mark did. His torso and body erupted from the surface of the water and looked around as he saw Addison stand up too, noticing how the water licked around his waist in a handsome, defining way. He grinned.

"You're still very quick, Master!"

"Yes, but I'm getting slower as I age." The vulpine said to Addison, flicking his tail under the water. "You'll catch me more frequently."

"Mmm." Addison said, tilting his head to the side and thinking a bit, then shook his head with a little smile. "No fun in that!"

"Of course not!" Mark said as he walked along the edge of the pool and pulled himself out of it, sitting on the lip. He looked to his pup who just smiled cutely. "Addison, you may be needed for the mission Rei is going to go on."

"Oh? Are you going?" Addison usually didn't do things with weaponry and fighting unless the fox was involved.

"No, I won't be going. However, I think we're going to be short a man if my predictions are correct." Mark sighed and shook his head, looking down into the water. "I don't want to put you in danger where I can't tell you to rein it in, but this is very important and you're the best I have, Addy. Would you do this for me if I ask you to?" The fox didn't really have to ask, since he knew already what the answer would be.

Addison stood there and just thought about what the fox was asking of him, the smile having melted from his face. He walked over to Mark slowly and just looked down at him. He finally lowered to his knees in the water so the line licked along his shoulders. He leaned his head down right into the fox's damp lap, closing his eyes as he nuzzled into Mark's thigh. "I'd do anything for you , father. You know that."

The vulpine smiled and moved his hand to pet along the dog's head, scritching him behind his ears, listening to the sound of murrs coming from the canine's throat. He knew Addison would do well, and he would pair the dog up well. Addison was good, but he was also very naïve to the outside world. Deploying this pup would be very risky to him, and the fox had second thoughts. But he simply could not afford to fail. He just pet along the back of the dog's head, running his fingers through the wet fur and then smiled. "I think we should hit the Jacuzzi. I'm getting cold."

Addison quickly stood up and launched himself out of the water by sheer strength and determination, landing on the side of the pool with a wet thud, shaking his body so that water flew from his thick, shaggy coat. His fur looked far fuller as he stood there and looked down at the fox who was standing. "I'll go turn on the bubbles!"

Addison quickly moved to the controls. The dog loved to push buttons. Mark remembered the first time he had shown the pup a computer. He had pounded on the keyboard for hours to make things happen. When he asked Addison later why he liked to push buttons he said he liked the way they sounded.

Mark tugged down his soaked boxer briefs, kicking them to the side, not caring where they landed. Someone would be around later to clean up, find them and put them in the wash. They would find their way back to his room, one way or another.

He padded slowly over to the Jacuzzi sat down on the ground and let his legs dangle into the water and smiled as Addison fiddled with the controls and temperature gauge. He watched as the dog turned the bubbles on and changed the temperature hotter than the standard setting; the fox's favorite. Addison wagged his tail and waited for the fox to get in.

Stepping in slowly, Mark lowered his body down into the hot water with a sigh. He needed this more than he had realized. Spending so much time with that silly raccoon and his friends was making him sore in places, especially with all the events rolling about. It felt like he hadn't had a chance to just sit back and relax in ages. When he sunk down so the water past his nipples he nodded his head to Addison and gave him a thumbs up.

With the signal clear, Addison leapt into the water with far more control than how he exited the pool. He lowered his hulking frame right into the water across from Mark, sitting and reclining all the way into the water until only his head was poking above the water, enjoying the relaxing heat on his body. Addison watched bubbles float along by his muzzle and blow them away when they touched his black nose. Addison did not enjoy being tickled and his nose was an especially bad target for tickles.

Mark watched the big dog sit there on the bench, blowing the bubbles away as the tub lights clicked on after a moment. He almost forgot that the lights came on automatically when the controls were turned on but idle, the built in computer assumed that the user had probably gone into the water. The fox was treated with a rather delicious view of Addison's muscular body partially as bubbles moved across the surface of the water, rippling and cascading to refract his true image.

The two men sat there awhile and enjoyed each other's company, talking about the small things like dinner, what they planned to do for this years vacation, etc. Small talk they had been doing since Addison had opened up. Of course, Addison decided to move beyond quiet conversation. Mark's eyes, half lidded, caught the big dog sliding his large frame along the smooth submerged bench, following the circular curve of the tub.

He moved his frame up against Mark's, letting their knees touch and brush against one another lazily. He moved his head down to lay it against the fox's strong shoulder, closing his eyes as he began to nuzzle into his neck, tongue flicking out to lick and lap at the moisture clinging to his fur. Mark knew where this was going.

"Master Mark," Addison said gently, whispering right into the fox's ear, licking along the edges and giving it a soft nibble. "Can we...please? Please oh please?"

Mark sighed softly. He had never intended their relationship to be like this. When he had found Addison near death in the street he saw a boy who needed a father; needed someone to take care of him. He didn't realize how indebted the boy would feel and eventually focus his world solely on Mark and his mate.

When Addison hit puberty it was obvious the boy was attracted to his guardians, the fox especially. It was hard to tell the boy no, and as years went on Addison tried harder to get the fox to give him what he wanted. Still, he said no time and time again. He knew this frustrated Addison to no end. As much as Mark had unique fetishes, a taste for young boys was hardly one of them. He knew Addison would continue to hound him and the pup would be an adult one day. If he still wanted to at that point, he might agree.

Finally, on Addison's 18th birthday he got his wish. Jeff had gone all out to make Addison's birthday special. While they didn't send the boy to school he still had friends around the compound. The tutors he had been given all loved Addison, as did a lot of the wolf servants who worked under Mark. There were some young boys and girls he had become friends with, all children of the scientists who lived in the compound deep under ground. Addison had an endearing nature and along with his good looks and innocent ways, most people couldn't help but care for him.

Jeff had invited everyone to Addison's birthday, though they didn't have to bring presents. Jeff spoiled the poor dog silly with so many gifts the dog wouldn't know what to do with them. They had managed to get Addy's favorite band at the time to come and play for the whole party; it was probably one of the most unique 18 year old birthday party in the world and it had made Addison happy.

Mark remembered how Addison's eyes lit up when he walked into their grand ballroom; the square marble tiled floors that spanned the length of the room sparkled in the light; the high walls that curved at the top, decorated with Romanesque pillars lined with silk tapestries. The center of the ballroom had a fully functional fountain of a fox standing in a Roman tunic and armor, his sword and shield at his feet, spear held lax in his hand and standing proud on top of a rock as water poured from under the metallic statue.

Addison never understood the statue but knew the man who had modeled for it was his father. The dog also made note to always throw a penny in the fountain whenever he was in the room. Jeff had said it was good luck.

After the party Addison had followed Mark to his room. The fox had intended to go to bed early as he had a number of morning meetings. Addison, who had looked so cute in his birthday suit (no, he was not naked). The dog just gave Mark a needful, longing look; he longed to have the vulpine acquiesce to what he had been trying for years to get Clip to agree to. Addison had been 18 for less than a few hours, but finally, legality aside, he made sure to look at the dog as a man and not the scrawny boy he had found on the side of a road. That was the night Addison lost his virginity.

Mark was brought back to the present when he felt Addison's hand on his chest. He thought for a moment and rolled his head back, against the soft side of the tub and thought. Was he willing to go this early in the morning after he had been so relaxed? Hmm.

"I don't know, Addy. It's kinda draining and I have a long day."

"Oh, please Master Mark?" Addison said as he looked up to the fox pleadingly. He moved to rub his other hand along the the vulpine's chest, brushing his fingers through the silky white chest fur and feel the soft feel of it, even damp and wet. "You can just sit there...I can do it that one way..."

Mark couldn't believe Addison asked for THAT. He hadn't asked to do that in a long, long time. He flicked his tail some a bit more wide under the surface of the water as he sat up and thought, looking to Addison and regarding him closely. He examined the intense face of a man who was eager to please, even beyond his own pleasure. The fox had to admit he hated saying no to the dog. He leaned his head back, putting one of his hands back behind his head with his damp palm gripping the back of his scruff as he thought long and hard, then nodded his head some, smiling down to Addison. "You have been a good boy lately. I think you deserve a treat. You can do it, but if I say stop you stop, all right?"

"Oh, yes sir Master Mark, yes sir!" Addison smiled and sat up, flicking his tail a bit as he looked at the fox who was only grinning from ear to ear. It didn't take much to make the pup happy. And they hadn't done this in awhile.

Addison had reached down under the water, surprising Mark that the dog already having an erection. Addison was like a young boy in that regards, he could easily become aroused and not give a damn. He flicked his tail rapidly and just moved up closer to Mark and smiled. This was one of the most dominant things Addison did with the fox, where Addison had the most control. In everything else, Mark usually took charge.

Addison gripped the base of his erection under the water, holding himself behind his knot and giving it a squeeze. The squeezing sensation made Addison moan softly and put him even more in the mood. He looked at Mark then and grinned. "Here I go, sir."

The next thing the fox felt was pressure on his soft sheath. He felt the pressure build and a hand move down to grip his white soft sheath. He knew what Addison liked, which was docking, though oft times he wanted the fox or otter to dock him. The dog had found the method online and since he and Mark were of the same body size and build, they could easily accommodate such an act without risk of injury.

Mark shuddered as he felt the pressure on his sheath intensify as Addison actually managed to push his cock head inside that tube of flesh, making both of them gasp at the same time. The sensation of being in another's sheath, or having another man in your sheath, was one of the most intense and pleasurable sensations for either the giver or the taker, and was one of the few submissive things that Mark did. He moaned as he felt Addison's tip slide down into his sheath, brushing along his bare flesh within, feeling his own vulpine length against Addison's throbbing dogcock.

Addison grabbed the fox by the hips as well and lifted him up and made him sit on the edge of the tub, kneeling there in front of the fox, still inside the sheath. His free hand was holding on to the fox's sheath, and grinding his length forward into it, feeling the silky smooth inner portion of Mark's sheath brush along his sensitive flesh and made him tremble.

To Addison, the inside of Mark's sheath was the softest, warmest sensation he had ever felt. And while it wasn't like topping, something he had never done, it felt good to push his throbbing length into something. Feeling the tightness and the slick moistness around his length, it was almost as if Mark's sheath was trying to coax an orgasm out of him.

Mark, meanwhile, was grinning. While it felt different to the fox, it was still a wonderful sensation. He couldn't believe how the sensation felt, wondering if this felt like being topped. The fox had never let anyone top him, including Jeff. He would never admit to it publicly, but he once allowed Jeff to try mounting him to see what it was like; it was so painful after the first few inches that he had never tried again.

This was one of the few times he let another body part inside his own, excluding the tongue for a kiss of course. Mark moaned softly and just enjoyed the length sliding into his sheath, stretching out the flesh and spreading it even more than it was used to, but no pain followed.

The pleasure of his sheath expanding was similar to when his knot was forming inside of it, or when he was getting a full blown erection, triggering the sensitive nerves in his sheath and spurring his arousal on. It wasn't hard to believe that the whole escapade was turning him on, more to the point that he was grinding upwards into that big hulking dog body, his hands gripping the side of the pool so tightly that his claws came out.

Addison was furiously grinding forward, pushing several inches of his thick length right into the fox's sheath, burying past flesh and fur, feeling Mark grip his erection in a way not many people experienced in general and then not many people did this with Mark. As far as Addison knew, this was purely something the only two of them shared and he was very eager to keep it that way; it made him feel special.

Mark shuddered, feeling his length pulsing deep within his sheath, focusing intensely on trying not to get an erection and ruin Addy's fun; since if he got hard he would end up forcing the big lunk out of his sheath, or at least Addison would pull back and that would be the end of their little playtime fun. He leaned his head back, muzzle pointed upwards toward the ceiling and he moaned, his toes curling into the water and tinking softly as his hands gripped the soft foamy sides, fight off the urges. "Addy... I'm getting hard..."

Addison, who usually snapped at the chance to respond, just grunted softly and kept grinding forward, plowing his length right into the vulpine's sheath, holding both his length and the vulpine sheath in his thick palm, squeezing them together and making the sensation even more intense. He moaned loudly, rolling his head forward with his muzzle parted, exposing black tiered lips and his pinkish tongue lolling out to the side, a drop of saliva trickling off of it and falling into the churning water he was kneeling in. Without so much as a warning to Mark, Addison hit his peak like a freight train.

The dog rolled his head back and howled with his climax, chest heaving and his abdominal muscles rigid as his testicles clenched up against his body. The unyielding rush of pleasure boiled up from his testicles and up along his belly and through his throbbing shaft. He moaned as he erupted right inside Mark's sheath, jetting more and more of his semen, ropes of thick material washed inside that sheath, coating the interior, filling the sheath around Clip's rapidly hardening length, only to backwash and flow back to their joining.

Addison's jizz poured out from the seam, trickling down Addison's clenching fingers between the cracks and down along the vulpine's testicles, dripping and trickling until they too joined the bubbling water of the Jacuzzi tub.

Addison remained still, buried inside Mark, who just shivered, touching Addison's stomach with his hot palm and pushing back gently, wanting to be allowed to get his own erection. As Addison was pushed back and retreating from Mark's sheath, they both saw the throbbing vulpine length emerge, more than half aroused and rapidly gaining speed to a full blown erection.

It was glistening and shiny with Addison's seed, small droplets falling into the water and onto Addison's thigh. Mark grinned and reached down, his hand touching his aching sheath and softly massaging it, feeling the flesh a bit sore from being stretched, but he still massaged. Addison watched as the fox's length continued to emerge from his sheath, throbbing upwards to full mast, he was just as big as Addison, capping off at ten inches not including his knot. He grinned and looked to Addison, who was still panting.

"Hop on, doggy."

Addison merely nodded and slipped over onto Mark, straddling his hips and holding onto the man's strong shoulders for support. This would be awkward with the fox sitting on the lip of the spa, but they had done this in far different locations. Mark was being a sport and holding up his length at the proper angle, and thus when Addison flicked his tail up and pressed that pinkish star of flesh against that cock head, there was no need to reach back and hold it upward. The young man simply sat down, moaning as the moist and dripping cock head began to push its way past his sphincter and right into his body, making him roll his had back with pleasure and desire. He felt the wetness press right into his body, his seed providing the lubrication for their union.

Two muscled bodies became one briefly as Mark pushed upwards and buried his length right into Addison, a boyish pup who had grown up during his puberty wanting this so badly. He had it several times in his life, and he was addicted. Sure he slept with Jeff somewhat often and he enjoyed the feel of the otter entering him, but this was his favorite, but didn't make a habit of it. Sometimes Mark asked him if he wanted to fool around but usually it was Addison who approached him and begged for it. The fox, after all, had many outlets, though at the present moment he was concerned with one. He ground his hips upwards into Addison's body, feeling those tight walls spread around his drooling vulpine length.

His chest heaved and let out a shuddered breath as one of his gripping hands shot up and curled his arm around Addison's neck, pulling the dog down so he could kiss. He pressed his lips against Addison's, invading his body from two different points, shooting his tongue deep into that sweet opening, curling his tongue around the dog's. Addison knew to keep grinding against his fox, and he did.

Addison's hips never stopped moving up and down, holding onto the edge of the tub with one hand while the other held onto the vulpine for balance, using his strong arm and legs to flex and push himself up, gliding his body along the length pushed deep into him, his toes curling as Mark's foxhood just worked deep into him, making him shudder into their kiss, Mark's never released his grip on Addison's neck, digging his fingers into the loose skin of the dog's scruff, holding it loosely, but reminding Addison that he was still the top dog, even though he was a fox.

Addison moaned as his scruff was tugged backwards, his lips pulling back slightly as he had to break the kiss for air, gasping as droplets of sweat began to trickle down his brow, feeling his body hot from the exertion and steam of the warm water he was standing over, and the friction he was creating by moving against the bigger male. He moaned sweetly, flicking his tail loosely as he just bounced up and down along Mark's thick vulpine shaft, the fox, no longer kissing him, buried his muzzle against the dog's neck, gently nipping it softly and tugging on the soft fur. Addison was trembling, his instincts told him to not enjoy those soft bites, but he very much did.

Mark moved and grabbed ahold of the dog with both hands, relying on Addison now to hold them steady as he ground his hips upwards furiously, shoving his knot right against the dog's back door, his tail flicking rapidly back and forth as he just enjoyed the sensation of Addison's tight body around his length. He rolled his head back and moaned very loudly, his jaws opening and closing around Addison's throat, his pearly white teeth gripped onto the throat loosely, though he did prick the flesh buried under the fur.

He moaned with the dog's throat in his muzzle and with a firm push downwards, he forced his knot right into the dog. Addison yowled in pain and pleasure as Mark tied them together, the knot expanding from its usual girth to the thickness of nearly a softball. The fox's dick twitched and throbbed, and finally it erupted with semen, the gushing vulpine seed poured from the flared head and right into the handsome beloved dog in his lap.

Mark finally leaned back, panting as he laid down at the side of the tub and just shuddered, feeling his length twitch lazily and then end his orgasm, leaving him empty. It was at that moment as he was leaning in to kiss the handsome dog that a wolf entered from the side door, speaking up.

"Master Mark, sir--"

"GO AWAY!" The fox growled, looking to the wolf. The man looked terrified and had backed against the wall, tail tucked submissively between his legs.



"Rei and Jeff and everyone else need to see you right away!" And then the wolf ran, probably afraid of his life.

Mark blinked, then sighed and shook his head. "I guess they found something."

The room that had been given to Drew and Garrison to work in was like something you would expect to see at NASA. There were rows upon rows of computers with chairs left empty, with monitors blinking and various lines of text flashing across the screen. There were a few wolves here and there on some of the computers but mostly the rows of computers were left alone. The real action was near the front of the darkened, blue glowing room.

The hum of the machines was hard to miss; Drew and Garrison had brought their own rigs to work with. Drew, who had dressed up for work it seemed, was busy typing away on his computer. The Fennec fox had put silver earrings into his ears, the rings going down each large ear with six rings on each side for a total of 24 rings. Drew was also wearing what looked to be tight black leather pants with a neon strip going up along the sides, his torso was covered by an equally leather sleeveless vest.

Ite looked a little mortified, but it made Drew happy when he dressed up like one of those Japanese Animation sci-fi hackers, and it seemed to improve his productivity. The computer he had been working on was advanced, but appearanced to be jury-rigged, held together by duct tape. Various going components inside, whirling cooling agents, a chemical tank even strapped to the side of the transparent tower completed the look. The monster of a machine looked like something Victor Frankenstein might create.

Garrison's own equipment looked far more streamlined and almost store bought; Garrison enjoyed blending in and not being seen. His machine was hooked up to a mini-server he had actually brought, and attached to the tower of server blades were wireless routers connected with a maze of Cat5e and fiber optic cables, and other wires in configurations that the husky created. Garrison had his machine linked to the large projectors at the front of the room, displaying a map of the world and blinking lights with multicolored lines connecting those dots. There was a small screen to the side with rapidly scrolling green text. Now and again a blinking light would travel the length of those webs of lines and lights, and vanish.

Monitors all around the room were displaying various code and data, information that may as well have been German to anyone who didn't know the field. When Mark entered the room he was surprised to find he and Addison were the last to to show up. He smiled a bit when he saw Jeff leaning down against the table between the Fennec and the husky, talking to both of them. The otter had one of his famous journals, jotting things down. His otter loved learning, and the field the two hackers seemed to be in was somewhat close to what he did for a living, and he was eagerly picking their brains. He heard Jeff make a comment and the three of them erupted in a fit of laughter. Probably some computer joke.

Ite was standing next to Rei, dressed in a pair of black jeans and matching tank top. Mark's cousin had been with Harding most of the time at the mansion, keeping their pet in line. Addison had joined in, but then Harding was mostly Ite's pet and he liked a tight leash on the wolf. Mark had regretted not talking to his cousin as much while they stayed here and made a mental note to go out and grab a bite to eat with just Ite; catch up and get to know the man he used to dunk in the pools all those years ago.

Rei was, as always, wearing clothes that did not belong to him. Mark had still not returned the 'coon's things, and had one of the servants find something to fit the man that belonged to him. The 'coon was dressed in a pair of shorts again, these were light blue with a white stripe up along the side of his thighs, and then the shirt was a size too big and polo even. It was the same sky blue coloring as the shorts and looked rather cute on the lean male. He personally thought that Rei looked far more handsome when he was wearing baggy clothing than the tighter, more form revealing items that had decorated the interior of his luggage. Oh well, to each their own apparently.

Mark himself had just grabbed a pair of shorts for himself and Addison decided since he had been given the liberty to go about naked he'd do so. When the two of them entered the room, heads turned and settled onto Addison. Jeff couldn't help but grin, Drew looked stunned and Garrison rolled his eyes. Mark smiled then and turned to Addison, touching his chest then and motioned to the first row of computers. "Take a seat Addy. This is a big meeting. If you have any questions wait for me to ask if you have them, okay?"

"Yes master!" The dog smiled and rapidly nodded his head. He padded down the sloping pathway lined by glowing blue lights. Addison was reminded of the movie theatre on the other side of the home. Addison wiggled his way past the computers and sat behind one as everyone was gathered near the front of the room anyhow. He wished he had a candy bar right about now.

Mark approached the floor and smiled, seeing everyone look to him. He took a deep breath and looked up to the monitor of the world. "So, what have you found?"

"Well," Drew said with a grin as he spun in his black swivel chair, looking to the big red fox. Drew was even wearing a black studded collar, not a professional one like Addison wore, and it was more for style than anything else. "We found where the datacube is being held."

"It wasn't easy," Garrison added as he leaned back and pushed a few buttons on the keys. "But thanks to your fuckin' unique development, the system has a unique power signature. Part of yer proprietary power systems, it can be detected from space and if its fuckin' hooked up to the god damn net, we can pick up faint signals."

Mark blinked. He hadn't personally thought of that, but then he had never let any of the cubes out of his control before. At least he knew now there was a way to track them, even if he had the instinctual desire to go and reengineer them. He looked to Jeff then and smiled. "So, how did we miss that?"

"We didn't think to scan for the power signature; we were only looking for the connecting systems when it was hooked up to the 'net." Jeff motioned to the screen. The web. "When it's hooked up its signal is distinctive, but it causes signal interference that routers and systems don't seem to filter out. The result is a weird mishmash of digital rubbish that has a repetitive pattern. We'd discovered it earlier while playing with the sample cube you let us use. Anyway, by the time it was hooked up long enough to the network the feedback starts to make it too weak to differentiate."

"But," Ite began as he stepped up, moving to Drew and giving him a squeeze to his fennec's shoulder. "Drewby here managed to detect the power signal and create a smaller search radius. With that we were able to probe into the networks and find exactly where the cube was."

"So," Mark began, putting a hand on his hip as he looked up to the map in front of him. "Where is it?"

"The United States." Rei said, standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest. The raccoon didn't seem happy, probably because he was still wearing that god damned collar and clothes that were not his. "Your searches had you scanning Japan, Asia, and Europe. Your investigators didn't think it could be in your own back yard."

Mark was surprised. He would have to scold his wolves more. That was stupid. However, even his best minds hadn't figured out how to detect the cube so it would have been a moot point. He shook his head. "Where?"

"San Diego, California. In a large building in the downtown area." Rei said. He walked up toward the computers and pushed a few buttons on Drew's keyboard. A picture overlapped onto the world map that showed a huge sky scraper like building with various pillars on the top, antennae. There was also a rather serious looking satellite dish on the roof. The walls were mirror like in finish and the windows reflective making the outside world unable to look inside. There was no neon sign decorating the sides of the building, no sign out front, nothing. All that was on the side of the building was an address.

"And it's a fuckin' spook building." Garrison added, moving from his kicked up position on the desk to leaning over to push a few buttons on the computer. He typed in a few lines of commands and some windows popped onto the screen. Documents, tax records, the building layout thankfully. But there was a striking lack of data.

"Spook?" Jeff asked, touching the back of Garrison's chair. "Like a ghost?"

"Somethin' like that. Whoever is using that building has hidden their presence by various methods, finances and taxes, trades, etc. I was able to find out its name but it was hard. It's a company building called Tel-dirk. A lot of data is goin' into that building and everything going out is so encrypted." Garrison sighed and shook his head.

"We can't decrypt the data." Drew added, pushing a few more keys. He brought up a portion of a data block. It was displayed like a visual image randomly changing; there were lines of scrolling text going down next to it but so far nothing. "It's using some kind of reverse fractal algorithm. As far as I knew programs that operated on something like that were few and far between."

"Friend of mine in the FBI is workin' on getting me the data they got on fractals but it'll be a while, Marko." Garrison said as he leaned back, putting his hands behind his head as he relaxed.

"What's the next step?" Mark asked. He posed the question to Rei then and smiled. He wondered if the raccoon would do this mission with so little information.

"I would like to wait," Rei began, his arms crossing once more across his chest. "But the longer the cube is in their control the longer they have to access its data and if they can crack it; create reactors of their own. We need this cube now and I'm mobilizing. I need your help, of course."

"Of course."

"There's an extremely well guarded security system that Garrison will attempt to access. It's a lot of work so Ite will go with him. It's in an adjoining building on the first level. It's going to need muscle and tactics, something Ite and Garr can handle, I think."

Ite grinned. Garrison just huffed and rubbed the top of his head. The two of them seemed indignant toward the task at hand. After all, it wasn't the big thing, the one everyone wanted to do. Rei was going to be doing that himself.

"Drew here will work with your best minds and Jeff. The security system to the building is set to alert any and all authorities if the security system is disabled or data transmissions are interrupted. We need your network resources to stop the flow of information leaving the building and all attempts to contact authorities. Don't worry, we'll bounce the traffic all over the net so tracking down your networks as the culprit will take more time than it's worth. We will also disable power grids in various city blocks to create a distraction, mostly the ones with police and government agencies on them. We'll also clog all police and federal transmissions for approximately 20 minutes."

"And what about you?" Mark asked. This was going to be much bigger than he thought, but then this was what Rei did. He had more resources at his disposal than ever before, and he was going to make this work. He wasn't going to let himself get captured again and was playing it overly safe.

"I will enter the building from the top floor. This room will serve as mission control. But, I need help." Rei said, looking past Mark to the dog sitting quietly at the computer desk. Addison had been playing with his collar when he saw Rei look at him. The dog almost said something but then looked to his fox, remembering the order to be silent.

"Addison?" More than one person asked, Mark being the loudest. Mark continued, "Take one of my wolves."

"No. I want Addison. He's got combat and weapons training, and he's your personal bodyguard and assistant. He's not clumsy and he's not dumb. He's sweet but I'll bet if there's a gun pointed at his head then he'll act very different; that's his charm. He makes people underestimate him. They let their defenses down and it'd give him a wide open shot to strike when they least expect him to. And, I don't trust your wolves. It's him, or no go."

"Addison is important to me, 'coon." Mark said, sounding far more stern. He wasn't happy with the request. Far from happy. He knew that he had suggested possibly sending his pup along earlier that day and the pup had agreed to the idea without complaint, but his concerns grew. Since then he couldn't bring himself to send Addison into the lion's den. If Addison got hurt or died... He wasn't sure how he would cope with that loss. He shook his head. "No. Not Addison."

"Clip," Rei began. "I can do this without backup but any help I get increases the odds of success."

"I SAID, NOT ADDISON!" Mark growled, slamming his hand onto the desk he was standing next to. Addison yelped and jumped, his ears folding back against his head. "I can't risk losing him!"

Rei growled and advanced on Mark. The fox shifted his weight slightly, putting more on his back foot and heel, settling into a combat stance. If Rei wanted a fight, he would get one. Rei stopped and stared up at Mark, eyes glaring. "I'm risking a lot of the people I care about for this mission and you can't spare someone I will personally be watching? How selfish!"

Mark growled menacingly. He angrily stared long and hard at Rei. Finally, with a worried and torn expression painted across his face as he looked at Addy, he huffed. "Fine. But if he's hurt I'm holding you personally responsible, boy. And the consequences won't be light." The fox looked over at Addison, who smiled shyly when he saw Mark looking at him. A mission.

"Good," Rei said and looked to everyone. "All right. The mission has officially begun; full mobilization at 1900 hours local time, everyone be ready."

To be continued...