What Transpires Between Cats

Story by interloper on SoFurry

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#1 of A World of Cats

My nose tells me what's going on three steps into the door. Her scent is unmistakable, ...

(Note: This story serves as the inspiration for the stories in A World of Cats, although it was written several years beforehand and should not be considered canon.)

My nose tells me what's going on three steps into the door. Her scent is unmistakable, suffusing the air, intermingled with the unmistakable musk of the gardener and mailman. Not that I mind, though - I mean, one of the secretaries down the hall had it hit at work last week, and most of the department took her around back to the parking lot and had her right there, one after another, grinding and moaning on the hot pavement. I mean, that's why all the males have some of their paychecks withheld into a national fund, evenly divvied up and paid out per kid. Certainly makes it simpler - no bitching about custody, no lab results, no one wondering which ones they're supposed to take care of. And best of all, no more jealousy - if you weren't getting any, the only possible reason was that you were locked alone in a room somewhere. Marriage is more convenient, though, as it gives you a lot more... mostly exclusive fun, especially if the timing is right like today, with me heading home for the weekend. Not to mention, there's a lot to be said for not having to wait in line for it.

A few more steps and the smell is getting to me - my pulse is racing and I'm fast on my way to becoming hard as a rock, struggling against briefs that are now way too tight. I reach down for a quick upward adjustment, and when I look up, she's there - standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a sheer satin robe and a pair of cute cotton bikini panties, pulled tight and already dripping, the wet fabric perfectly tracing her skin. I could never figure out why she wore them in this situation, anyway - chances are she'll be nice and wet until Monday afternoon at the earliest. But it's cute, and I love it - I hold onto them for days afterward, just to be reminded of that delicious scent.

She makes a soft noise, deep in her throat, and I can see the longing in her face. This isn't the time to wait around exchanging pleasantries. "Let me just put my briefcase down," I almost get out, before she's across the room and pressed up against me, one hand stroking my nervously twitching tail as the other reaches down to grab me through my slacks, rubbing with such an intensity that I almost yelp in surprise. And then I moan, because it feels better than good. After a few seconds, though, she pauses, gives my tail a final tweak, expertly works the buckle on my belt, and yanks my pants and underwear off in one fell swoop. I know what's coming next, and close my eyes as she ducks down, my hands coming to rest on her shoulders. And then her tongue touches, and licks, from the base to the tip, lapping gently across the soft spines, the perfect combination of rough and gentle, wet and warm. I shudder in pleasure, my muscles shivering, my tail twitching out of control. It only takes a few more licks to bring me to the verge, and her tongue hovers, caressing the head and sending me over the top. I come, pulsing and trembling, all over my perfectly good work shirt, but it's worth it.

Actually, I don't mind at all, because a moment later she's ripping it off me, buttons be damned. And I'm still raring to go, of course. I mean sure, coming in thirty seconds is one thing, but not all that problematic if you're back in action in the same amount of time. I let her take the edge off pushing up against me, leaving a wet spot on my fur as she presses her crotch tight against my leg. She licks my neck as I nibble lightly on an ear, trying to maintain enough concentration to kick my shoes off and my pants from around my ankles as her hot, rapid breaths puff against my chest. As she is already partly wrapped around me, I lift her up the rest of the way, her multitude of breasts soft against my abdomen as I sprint the few steps down the hall to the bedroom.

We both fall onto the bed, and I'm quickly on top of her, my hands running quickly across her breasts and through her fur, straight like and arrow down across her abdomen. Her panties are soft, and wet, as I slide my hand under them to caress her gently. She moans, pressing her legs together around my hand as the scent becomes almost overpowering - no more time for foreplay, for either of us.

The panties are made of a light enough fabric that they rip off without much effort, and while my first instinct is to bury my face, the look of undisguised urgency on hers tells me otherwise. I put my hands on her thighs, and she spreads them apart, almost beaming with relief - and then jumps a bit as my body finds hers and her legs and abdomen shiver as I waste no time and jam it straight into the hilt, feeling her warmth encompass me as she bites her lip, managing to blush even through her fur. She's said before that the spines don't ever exactly hurt going in, they're just more startling than anything - and in situations like this, partners hardly ever ease into it.

I press as deep into her as I can, pulling her thighs up and back to get as close as possible, my abdomen rubbing tight against her clit, and she's purring, contented, her body's biological demands momentarily sated in a wave of pleasure. I push against her, moving imperceptibly back and forth, grinding my pelvis against hers, the warmth of her flesh rubbing me gently but insistently. I look into her eyes and move in for a kiss, locked in the warm embrace, grinding and verging, her tongue intertwined with mine as my orgasm sends waves of pleasure coursing through me, running crazily up my spine, my feet tensing and curling as I pulse, my warmth intermingling with hers.

I come down from it, my mind lost in a pleasant haze, mostly ignoring the slight voice of dread piping up faintly in the back of my consciousness. I give her cheek another peck, run my hand down her side, and pull out, quick and clean, remembering only at the last moment that I should have been holding onto her arms.

She shrieks, her legs falling away at the sudden shock of it, and a moment later her left hand slaps me angrily across the face, her claws out and scraping. I manage to flinch away before they can dig in too badly, and roll over to grab a handful of tissues off of the bedside table. Gingerly mopping up the trickle of blood leaking from the scratches, I look over to find her staring at me with a pained expression.

In return, I give her my best "what did I do?" look, feeling myself becoming aroused again despite the tension. After all, what else could I have done? Sex is what it is, and it's a lot more sadistic to pull out slowly, dragging it out as the spines scrape over sensitive surfaces bit by bit. Better to do one quick rake and get over it. And the pained expression doesn't last for long, just a brief emotional interlude amidst everything else. At least it reminds me why we usually don't do it in that position - too many free hands.

I roll back onto the bed, and by the time I'm hard again, she's rubbing up against me and mewling, desperate to get back to it. This time, I gesture for her to turn over, and she naturally comes up on all fours, her pussy front and center and her tail in the air, a perfect presentation. I take just a moment to admire the sight before me, before I reach up and tease away a tiny rivulet of cum tracing down her thigh. I bring my hand up, taking a moment to tease her gently, brushing her clit before tracing my hands down her legs, then back up to grab handfuls of a very nice ass, as the head of my cock slowly moves in, rubbing against her lips to a contented sigh before pushing between them.

I ease in a bit more this time, smoothly but firmly, feeling every inch of her and every inch of me enmesh, her juices making the ride nice and easy. I push in all the way, as deep as I can, my balls toying with her, and I swear that I can feel her stretch around me as I go all the way in. I grind, reaching down with one hand to play with her some more. She murmurs a sound of pure pleasure as my fingers stroke across her, her muscles deep inside clenching tightly around me, bringing my swiftly to a mind-shattering climax that leaves me quivering, snuggling her tightly as our union completes, listening to her murr as I pant glowingly close to her face. It takes me a moment to regain my composure, but when I do, my hand finds its way quickly back to where our bodies meet. I touch her, quickly, urgently, tracing her pussy lips as they wrap around me, up and across, quickly, quickly, going to town on her clit as I pull out smoothly, cleanly, feeling her twitch against me as her body ignores the pain, contracting in a screaming orgasm. I watch as she moans at the top of her lungs, her pussy pulsating rhythmically as the orgasm spreads to the rest of her, her legs shaking and giving way as she rocks forward onto her stomach, her claws tearing at the sheets as her voice breaks into a primal growl, her whole body quaking from the intensity. I roll on top of her, pressing her into the bed, feeling the heat radiating off of her, my cock nuzzling her gently between her legs and setting her into another paroxysm. I rub up against her, holding her, feeling her body relax bit by bit as she finally comes down.

Since we're already together, and I'm still ready to go, a quick thrust takes me back inside of her. She doesn't protest in the slightest, reveling in the joy of our contact. It feels perfect and warm, and I'm content to take it slow, holding her close, knowing every part of her, hearing her voice as we whisper softly to each other, feeling each other breathe, knowing the joy of being alive. This time, when I shudder and pull out, she only winces a bit, the smile quickly returning to her face as we gaze into each other's eyes. It's true, perhaps, that others have borrowed her for a time, but we truly have each other - and I feel, at that moment, that even though it's impossible, I'd give up every backlot tag-team session I've ever had, if I could just lie here with her like this, forever.

But heat is what it is, and soon we're back at it. A few goes later, we take a break and a shower to cool off, and order out for pizza. I think you can figure out how the rest of my weekend went on your own.