To Try It: pt1

Story by DavidCoon on SoFurry

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#1 of To Try It: pt1

Jes woke up in in his cold dark room for some strange reason. He went to lift up the covers but when he did, cold air rushed under and suprised him. He gasped and quickly pulled the covers back over him. His conforter was soft and very thick so it doesn't take long to get warm.Jes sat there pondering for a momment then started feeling around under the covers for something. Then his paw hit something that felt like plastic. As he brought it up to his face he saw that it was his phone. He poked his head from out of the covers and looked into the blackness off his room. A few seconds after the otter was finished looking around he threw his phone into the darkest corner of his room.

There was a soft "thump" sound.

"OUCH! what was that!?!" The phone landed on a raccoons head who was sleeping on the floor of that corner in that corner." Tay go turn the AC off." Jes said in a voice near a whisper.

"You didn't have to hit me in the head!" Tay hissed back.

"Just go turn it off!".

"What ever." the otter mumbled.

Tay got up from his palet he made on the floor. He whinced at the freezing cold air that came under as he threw the blankets off. He was ready to run back under his palet,but he just went though the door and down the hall and switched the AC off.

"If you'er just gonna complain about it being cold every night why do you turn it up so high?"

"Is hot in the day and forget it on sometimes."

"How do you forget its on? Its the loudest thing in the house!"

" OKAY! Tay chill out. We'll go to your house then."

Tay is Jes's best friend and always keeps him company. He is sleeping over Jes's house from playing video games,joking and wrestling till they were tired and it got dark.Tay is a 16teen year raccoon 5'9 with a near athletic build. He and Jes knew each other from grade school to their current 10th grade. Niether can remember how they met but it doesnt matter to them.

"Yeah, my mom said i can have company over as long as we keep the place clean. She'll be out for three days and she left me some money....lots of money."Tay said as he opened the blinds and let soft morning beams of light in the room.

"Wow, wheres she going?"

"I think on some trip i dont know."

"She didnt get you a baby sitter?"

"WHAT! Jes how old am I?"

"You'er kinda babyish if you ask me."

"YOU'ER THE CRYBABY!!! WHAAAA ITS TO COLD, TURN OFF THE AC!! What ever what do you want to do fathead?"

HAHA!! Its so funny when you get like that!uuhhm....OH an old friend of mine just moved back in the neigbor hood, wanna go visit him with me?"

"Sure lets go.where is his house?"

"I think its around the block.....and stop saying my head looks funny."Jes said putting bout paws on his otter head.

"But first i need a shower." Jes grabed some clothing and headed for the bathroom.He noticed his parents were still asleep. When he got into the bathroom, he threw his stuff on the shelf. On the wall next to the shelf he just put his clothes on, there was a ceiling to floor mirror. While he was preparing for his shower he caught a glimpse of him self. So he decided to take of his shirt. He was skinny for an otter, but you could see he had muscles.It didn't matter to him he's been told many time that he had a really cute body. Finishing up with his gaze, he striped the rest of the way down and took out a radio from a cabinet below the shelf his clothes were on. He never liked taking showers without music. Jes turned the radio and shower on hot and jumped in. For the first few moments he just let the the warm water run down his fur and body. Like most otters he enjoys the feeling of water flowing over him. Jes grabed a bottle of shampoo with wet paws, fliped the cap and poured it over himself. He let it sink in his fur a bit before scrubing. After washing the last bit of his body, he risned off and got out. Water was flooding off of him which did not look like it would stop. The otter turned around and saw dat his back was up agaist his now wet clothes.

"Damn!"he said while wraping a towel around his waist.

"I gotta get back to my room but Tay might still be in there." Jes started to fidget nervously. He opened the door with still wet paws. Infact he never dried off. The bathroom door opened and Jes steped out. Dripping water could be heard in the silent hallway. The wet otter creeped quietly down the hall back toward his room. His door was slightly open and he could see the a raccoon siting it the middle of the floor. Jes began to back away when he sliped on the water coming from his fur. His foot hit the door knocking it wide open and startling unknowing raccoon.Tay jumped up and just stood there. Reason be is when Jes fell his towel came loose and exposing his privates. Tay just stood there staring at the otters balls and sheath. It was like he could not look away. Jes sitting on the floor with his legs wide open had just realized what Tay was looking atand instantly covered it with both paws.

"Are y-you ok?' Tay asked while pretending he didn't see anything.

"Y-yea.....?" Jes felt a little emarrassed.

".......just get dressed and we'll go...alright?"

"uhh hhu."Tay walked quickly into the kitchen and Jes got up slowly.


Later they got on their bikes and rode around till Jes pointed at a peach colored house.

"This is it!" Jes pointed with a smile.

They headed over to the door and rang the bell.There was a loud boom a second after the doorbell was rang.COMING!! Someone shouted in a high pitched voice.

"Whats his name?" Tay asked.

"Danny" Jes replyed.

Just then the door flung open causing both otter and raccoon to jump and a redish orange head poped out.

"May i help yo- hey Jes!! The head screamed.

"Hi D-Danny"Jes stuttered a bit shaken up from the door.

"Uhhm hey other guy....Jes whos your friend?"

"Oh.uhh.Danny this is Tay. Tay this is Danny."

"Hey" they both said at once and Danny giving a little blush.

"So Danny, can we come in or are you comin out....and what was that noice?"

"Yeah just a sec. I knocked down the shelf runnig to the door.I gotta go put something on."

"He's weird?" Tay said with one eyebrow arched.

A few minutes later a fox emerged from the door wearing tight jeans with a long sleave just as tight.Tay thought it looked sort of girly.It wasnt like his and Jes's baggy clothes.

"Yeah he is weird."

"shhhhh! Tay thats not nice!"Jes hissed.

"Come on in"Danny shout and gestured over.

"Oh you and Tay go ahead, I left something home I'll be right back. And with that Jes rode off on his bike

"Well coon boy come in."

Tay walked in timidly. He went to sit on the couch and the fox was right behind him. They sat and in momment Tay began to feel unconfortable from the fox staring. He started to fidget witch made the fox giggle.

"Sooo hows it goin?" Danny broke the silents.

"G-g-g-good...i like your h-house."Tay stuttered. He felt as if he was sweating.

Knock Knock!!

"Hey danny i still had your 360 games."

Tay felt relieved when Jes came in.

"Yahh i go get the stuff ."he skiped off and came back with a box. What was bothering

"Uhh..Danny are y-you g.....never mind"Tay was going to ask him if he was gay but though it best if he didnt.

Sorry!! hows this Jeeves i just got lazy last time. Did it get any better?