Getting Your Monies Worth

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#2 of Draccy RPs

This is an old (but still totally delicious) play with Sargon and myself from back in early 2011.

Here we have our lovely hen being courted and seduced by a dirty drake intent on getting more activity out of the movie than just casually watching what's on screen. If all goes right he'll get to set the stage for a new scene within the belly of an unsuspecting hen...

To point out the obvious this is an RP log, not a story so S: is Sargon and D: is myself. Please vote and rate this by your enjoyment of the event and not as a story because it is NOT a story, it's a reformatted IM roleplay!

However, my rule still applies, if you want moreVOTE if you read it.COMMENT if you enjoyed it.PAW if you loved it!

D: The black dragoness couldn't help but give her companion a kiss on the cheek as they sat down in the theater. He'd been so sweet to her with dinner and the gift and now a movie too, one she'd wanted to see for some time now without ever telling anyone; he just seemed to know what was on her mind. Seating for their kind was only really accessible in the back but the area was comfortable and spacious with just the two of them back here. There were a few dozen other patrons as well but nothing within three rows giving them plenty of space to stretch out. With a comfortable sigh, she leaned against his warm bulk, wearing the gorgeous silky blue dress she'd gotten as a present. It was a single piece gown that ruffled pleasantly around the edges. The big black just relaxed there, shifting slightly as the lights began to dim.

S: Sargon smiled to her, taking a moment to look over her form wearing the dress he'd given her for her hatching day today. The seats back here were really more like long beds parallel to each other to lay on for the dragons in the back. And he liked how close together they were in this theater. He'd been working with her for a few months now, and this was the first he'd asked her out. She'd already liked the first half of her hatching day present... and he was hoping she'd like the second half of what he had in mind, too. He shifts his weight over a bit, lying along one side of his seat so he can lie against your side, rumbling softly as the movie begins.

D: While the tickets in this theater were a little more expensive, the lack of opening advertisements and comfortable decor made up for the cost, able to jump right into the movie. By the first half hour of the show, the entire crowd is entranced with the superb special effects and captivating story, the black dragoness so vividly zoned in on what's happening on the screen, little else has her attention. However, as the mood shifts, Sargon finds her tail lazily laying over his as she watches with great interest, wondering what's to happen next.

S: Sargon actually tries to watch the movie for a while, but he's not too impressed with it himself. Not his sort of film. But he knew she'd wanted to see it. And having her entertained would increase the chances of enjoying his own entertainment tonight. He feels her tail draw over and lay over his. Ah, this will be his chance. He turns his tail in toward her, letting it rub against the underside of hers, deepening the motion she already started. He doesn't press too far... not yet. Merely wedging his tail under hers somewhat. He lays his wing over you and strokes a fore claw along your side gently, tracing over the fabric of the dress.

D: She doesn't show an immediate change to the caresses, her mind still attached to the movie but the subconscious reactions you get prove to be quite encouraging, the soft flowing purr that flows from her throat and the feel of her tail not so much lifting as it is relaxing out of the way to make room for your own. Her own warm body is pleasant to the touch as she presses into you, drawn in against your flank comfortably by that large possessive wing. Eventually your motions catch her attention, the pretty girl's softly glowing green eyes sliding away from the movie screen to meet your own, leaning in to kiss your underjaw with sensual affection. She's still innocent to your motives but now that she's aware of your actions, she gives you an even more positive reaction, tail half sliding up and down the curve of your own slowly, affectionately, letting her bare scales rub against your own.

S: Sargon smiles to you, letting his eyes stay on the movie as you kiss under his chin... not wanting you to think he isn't enjoying himself. He is, but for other reasons. He rubs his chin over the ridge of your snout gently. He returns to watching the movie as you rub your tail more up and down along his own, scales rubbing against scales. The blue dragon is wearing an ornate black robe of light silks embroidered in silver... it was a little formal to wear to a movie, but not too much so for its particular design. But the value in it can be seen now as he wears nothing underneath... and so as he rubs more firmly along the underside of your tail, you can feel something else that isn't scaled rub across the side of your tail... warm and fleshy and quite stiff. There's just a hint of it at first, as he is predominantly rubbing his tail along yours.

D: It takes her several seconds to realize what it is your doing, a hot flush of embarrassment coursing through her system edged by a pang of worry as her eyes glance about, checking for anyone who might be looking at us. But not a single head is turned, all eyes glued on the scene on the big screen. She can feel her heartbeat quickening at the thought of what he's hinting at, the realization behind the dress-gift coming just as suddenly. As a single flowing gown that drapes far down the tail, it makes for easy access for what lays beneath. Another hot flush rushes up from her belly, but this time as little butterflies of excitement. Even as her tail begins to lift a little more, she can't believe she's doing this, feeling that hot slick flesh wiggling further under her as she gives him room- slowly and cautiously but with dedicated interest. She presses the side of her head flush against his neck, looking at the screen but not really seeing what's being projected, her mind too focused on what's going on behind her.

S: Sargon moves his haunches slowly, adjusting his motions to grind his tail along the underside of her own... a little further back until his higher hemipene is grinding along your undertail. He adjusts his position to bring his haunches forward now until his tip is brushing against your panties at the bottom of each motion. He reaches his fore claw back now to rub over your panties... and rub his tip along the crease made in the fabric by your vent beneath it. He leans his snout to whisper in your ear, "I have some condoms with me... but I want to do this more seriously. You know... bare and all..."

D: She huffs softly; having to stifle the soft groan she'd like to voice at feeling your warm flesh pressing against her heated undertail, the only thing protecting her vulnerable slit from your thick eager flesh is a thin layer of soft damp fabric. Her foreclaws kneed the ground beneath them slowly as she feels your talons graze over her sensual bits, tracing the outline of her gender with a bit of a delightfully ticklish sensation. At your words she closes her eyes and trembles against you in sexual elation, here, now...? Her eyes wander the stands again, a knot forming in her stomach at the thought of being caught fucking in public. Ohhh but the danger of it all makes her giddy with excitement to try all the same. She lets a silence hang between us for several moments, rubbing her snout tip along the curve of your neck before planting a long hot kiss on your hide. "You want to make hatchlings on my hatching day?" She whispers back with a soft sensual purr, just barely above the level of the movie's music. "I'm game." She gives a toothy grin and nibbles firmly up the rest of your throat.

S: The blue dragon looks around himself to make sure nobody is watching, then whispers in your ear. "I thought the symmetry would be appealing..." He chortles a little under his breath as he hooks his talon tips under the fabric of your panties and gently pulls the underside of them to one side until your vent is exposed to the air conditioned movie theater air. In truth, he just wants to fuck her bareback and cum in her. He doesn't really care if it gives her hatchlings. That's just a risk of doing what he wants to do... and it will be her problem if it happens. He wedges his bare tip against her vent, and... looking around one last time... seeing that everyone seems to be watching the movie... he carefully wedges his haunches forward... easing in inch after thick inch of grey hemipene into her unprotected vent.

D: She shivers lightly in anticipation as she feels your claw draw her protective undergarments to the side, the big male not bothering to remove them as he shifts a little closer and sinks his thick spire up into that snug heated hole. Mmm how good she feels, the slick fleshy walls of her sex nice and tight as you pry her open and shove inside. It takes a bit of work to wedge it all up with that thick undertail and remain in a somewhat civil posture but she accommodates you nicely, raising her hind end just high enough for you to get it all in. As the movie shifts to a bit of a lull, your forced to wait before you can get to work breeding the pretty little hen but at least it's a pleasant wait, giving you time to enjoy the sensation those powerful muscular walls squeezing tightly around that bare shaft lodged deep between her thighs for several seconds before twitching into a more relaxed state. And all it takes is just a simple shift or caress of the talons to make her do it all over again, to feel the silky walls of her bare, unprotected channel hugging your grey flesh.

S: Sargon waits out the lull in the movie... a suspenseful scene where there's no sound at all. He can't afford to move... but that soft vent squeezing around his bare length feels so good, he really wants to. He just teases in the meantime, pressing a little bit here and there, eliciting those squeezes from her. And then finally, music starts up in the movie as the scene progresses, and he is able to progress as well... He starts slowly, rubbing his length into her underneath her dress at a pace well below notice to anyone watching or listening... and then slowly increasing until he can just start to hear any sounds... adjusting the way he's thrusting... and getting a little faster at it without making any noise. He half lids his eyes and suppresses the sounds that he wants to make as the pleasure rolls in through his hemipene.

D: The pretty female beneath you tenses, the thrumming of her heartbeat becoming stronger from both the pleasure of having her vent stroked by that thick smooth cockflesh and the excited danger of fucking in public, stealing the thrill of being caught without actually being caught. That bulging tip grinds heavenly through her inner passage, prying her open delightfully again and again as you wedge it fruitfully up inside her, disregarding any consequences and just using the pretty female for your own pleasure. Not that she isn't getting quite a bit out of having your body grinding firmly against her own, working that vulnerable little slit over nicely. Her pleasure glazed eyes scan the surroundings as you get a little more eager with your motions, enjoying the way you react to the ebb and flow of the movie to keep the noise level just at the edge of hearing, teasing her with the thrill of exposure. Though no one else seems to notice, the soft wet slapping noises of your tailbase meeting hers are loud in her ears, the sound accented by the spark of exhilaration that jolts up her spine each time you ram home in her.

S: Sargon sees the shadows move as the door to the theater opens, and he withdraws from you quickly, straightening his position in his seat before a flash light shines across the two dragons briefly. The fox turns his flash light back down and steps down the aisle, looking over the theater. He seems satisfied after a time and shrugs, then walks back up the aisle and out the door again. The door hasn't even closed yet when you feel the blue dragon climbing over you. He had been very close to cumming inside you before he had to stop for that. And now he makes no bones about his position if anyone looks back here... simply straddling your seat behind you, he wedges back into you and starts thrusting... still keeping the sound down... not wanting to be quite _that_ overt about it. But if anyone looks back here, it's going to be pretty obvious. But it can be read from his motions that he is very close, and won't need to risk this for long.

D: Having only been looking at the crowd below, the black dragoness had completely forgotten about the stewards from behind. She'd have liked to cry out in disappointment as you suddenly yank free from the warm welcoming confines of her bare vent but your sudden actions clue her in. Her heart pounds like a hammer in her chest as she stares straight forward, almost unnaturally so as the slight shines in their direction. Her head doesn't move as he wanders away but her eyes shift in the fox's direction, watching him check on everything before slipping away, none the wiser. So caught up in her barely contained emotional outburst is she that feeling you mount her again comes as an even greater shock. Still, how could she say no now with you in such an obvious position, any attempt to call you out would undoubtedly result in turned heads so she's forced to lay there and take it like a good girl. Indeed, her heart is still hammering away in her chest as your slippery glossy grey shaft questingly seeks the soft juicy confines of her vulnerable sex and shoves right up inside again. On the plus side, that dangerous little excursion has made her all the tighter a hole to fuck, every muscle in her body tense as you wedge yourself up under that lifted tail again and make full use of that bare unprotected vent in the middle of a crowded theater.

S: The movie enters an action scene and the music turns up loud and there are a lot of special effect sounds. Sargon uses it as cover as he starts thrusting much harder now, still avoiding shoving too much, lest he shake the entire theater. But now the sounds of scales slapping against scales can be readily heard... but lost in the mix of other sounds blaring from the movie speakers. And then you feel the first shot of liquid heat shoot inside you. One after another, they spatter into your egg chamber as the assembled movie goers remain unaware of the new life starting in the belly of a dragoness mere feet behind them. Sargon doesn't hold back any of it... he's cumming copiously into the black dragoness, and after a few seconds, it is backwashing down her inner thighs and drenching the movie theater seat beneath them... something for that steward to find later and realize he _did_ miss something on his pass through. Sargon worries about neither being caught nor the consequences of making her pregnant... she's just another dragoness to breed to him, and anyway... he has to get his 10 credits worth out of this awful movie.

D: The poor girl has to resist the urge grunt each time she feels you drive into her, her tail forced up out of the way to make room for your thick grey hemipene. Her talons grip the edge of her seat as you shove up inside of her without a care in the world for the consequences. Left without room to growl, roar or even hiss loudly, your left with little more than a heavy breath exhaled through smoky nostrils to vocalize your satisfaction in seeding another fresh female. She can feel you twitching inside of her like a copulating snake with each fresh spurt of rich pearly seed, the heavy thick load thumping hungrily against her insides. Her own muted orgasm twitches around your cumming length, the powerful muscular contractions letting the excess juices ripple and flood through her vent until its drooling onto the seat. Waiting just long enough to finish inside of her, she feels you dismount and take up your place beside her as if nothing had happened, leaving her to pant through flared nostrils, watching the end of a movie she's missed the most crucial part of while her undertail drools a bit of excess semen onto the seat beneath her.

S: Sargon leans over, still pretending to watch the movie afterward, and whispers, "Happy hatching day." He smiles toothily.

A Chance Encounter

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