The Centralite Games Pt2

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#2 of Centralite Games

Tufty tapped the end of his bat against the ground as I came forwards at a non committal run, neither sprinting, nor jogging, and bowled one outside off, and an uneven height. Tufty leaned back to play it, but left it as it whistled safely past him into Grant's gloves.

"As Ryan would say at this point, is he going to hit anything this round?" the panther smiled as he passed the ball to Javid at point, who threw it to Draco at mid on, and he walked beside me as I stalked back to my mark.

"Want a bet?"

"I've a bad feeling about it, what does it consist of?"

"Who gets the most wickets." Draco grinned."I'm holding Devlin as well."

"Very well." I replied straightly, taking the ball from him. He stood in his fielding position, smirking, as I looked at the fox looking around at my fielders. Devlin was at slip, I needed him for his reactions too, Doran was down by fine leg, and the others in a rough circle around the pitch.

I ran in at the same speed, and bowled the same speed, but I bowled fuller, and at leg stump. Tufty pulled back for defence, but the ball got some turn off the pitch, and Tufty edged it. Grant thrust at it, but the ball bounced off the top of the glove, and into the air as he dived past it. Devlin took three neat steps forward as the ball looped upwards, and cleanly took the ball in his claws. Tufty looked at me, then the grinning Hell fire, and then back at me.

"Damn." he said, putting his bat under his arm and walking back to the pavilion. Everyone rushed forwards to congratulate the three of us, me, Grant and Devlin.

"Easiest catch you'll ever have to take." I smiled.

"Nice seamer." the dragon replied.

Thomas came into bat, and I bowled to him. He immediately cracked the ball over the field for two runs, and the fourth ball of my over beat Javid to the boundary.He had scored six in two balls, and I needed to stop him.

And that's exactly what happened. I bowled on off stump, and the ball kissed the pitch sharply. Thomas played defensively, and the ball struck the bottom of his pads.

"Howzat!!!" Everyone appealed. Thomas looked downcast, and he started walking before Kodey nodded and raised his finger. I ran down the pitch and punched the air in jubilation, before running into a hug from Devlin, Grant and Gareth.

"That is bowling." the Hell fire smiled, patting me on the back. I turned to Draco, who was looking in a state of shock, I had taken two wickets in one over.

Valmeero watched as Takori came in.

"I didn't expect to be coming in at six for two." Takori said to his fellow batsman.

"I didn't expect to see Alduin get that much movement from the pitch." Valmeero replied, as I walked past him.

"It's a knack." I smiled,"My best is three wickets off one over, no runs." My best bowling figures were actually four for twelve, and that was not going to happen here, I had just taken them by surprise.

Takori survived the last ball, and Draco came into bowl against Valmeero. The dragon was very accurate, as I stood at mid on, but the wolf/dragon was equally proficient, and he hit two two's.

The next few overs were basically getting over the shock for them, and rebuilding. I bowled accurately, and Draco, apart from one ball that Valmeero took full advantage of into the lake.

With us having bowled four overs each, the score was twenty two for two, Valmeero on thirteen, Takori on eleven.

I removed myself from the bowling cracks, and let Blake have a go.He didn't bowl fast, his wings annoyed him too much, so he bowled sharp turning leg spinners that had to be played very carefully.But no matter how clever the dragon or tiger bowled, eight more overs passed without a wicket, and the score rose to forty six.

Finally Draco got what he was after, and one of his full paced yorkers demolished two stumps, Valmeero was bowled on twenty nine. Takori looked pityingly at Valmeero as Draco did a dance on the pitch surrounded by all of us. Takori, on seventeen, was joined by Time Dancer, who looked prepared for war.I also noticed Winslo was padded up, and that Silverine had handing scoring to Thomas, he was going to get padded up too.

Draco and Blake toiled for eight more overs, but Time and Takori were working perfectly as a team, keeping the run rate moving, up to eighty for three. Debating, I withdrew Draco from the attack, and brought Dev in to have a go. For once, this was the moment of captaincy brilliance, for Devlin came in, and after four balls, got the wicket. Takori was on forty two, when he received a very dodgy delivery that he was caught in the middle of a shot. Brendan was standing at point when the ball lobbed towards him, and Takori was walking back to the pavilion before Brendan caught it.Eighty eight for four. We applauded his knock, and watched as Winslo came on. Time Dancer, on eleven, whispered a few words to the bunny, who nodded.

Unfortunately, what ever Winslo had in plan, it was smashed with the very next ball. Devlin came in with a full paced blast that tore off the side of the bat. The piece of wood ripped off jagged backwards, but the ball continued safely into Grant's gloves.There was a cheer from the fielders, Winslo looked at his bat in surprise. Devlin looked at the bat too, hands on hips.

"They don't make sport gear like they used to." he said drily. Winslo fingered his broken bat as he walked back to the pavilion, as Silverine walked on. Eighty eight for five.

"Lightning delivery, Devlin, granted." he grinned. Devlin merely smiled as he walked back. Silverine gently drove the last ball of the over back to me, and they ran a single.I nodded at Blake.

"I'll show him some real intimidation." I took the ball from the tiger. Silverine stood on guard, and the first ball was hit past point for four. I ignored the result, and stalked back to my place.

The second ball was full, and was driven past me for two. I ignored this, and went back to my mark. Silverine was grinning, and I looked placid and calm as I came in for my third delivery.

The bouncer, when used sparingly, can really unsettle a batsman. The ball comes whizzing towards your chest and head, and no one expects it from a medium pacer. No pace came from the run, all of it was in the action, and the ball just reared off the pitch. Silverine made to hook.

He had expected it slower, and he was half way through his swing as it smacked into his jaw. He was resistant to pain, and he merely staggered sideways, dropping his bat. There was a wince around the crowd.

"Are you trying to kill him?" Time Dancer asked gently.

"Was he trying to kill me?" I replied innocently, and Silverine felt his jaw."One bouncer per over is perfectly acceptable."

Devlin was grinning at me as the Lupogriff shook himself and picked his bat back up.

"Where did that come from?" he asked out loud.

"It came from me, it's called a bouncer." I smiled. The Lupogriff rolled his eyes.

"I knew what it is, but I didn't expect you to bowl so fast."

"It's all in the arms."I said sagely, as Gareth passed the ball back to me. I over stepped my mark by about eight yards, and looked at Silverine from my extended run up.

I came in like a hurricane, much faster than usual. Grant took a few steps backwards, and Silverine waited for the delivery.

It was fast, it was low, and it was full. Silverine thought it was going to be short, and played backwards in defence. The ball zipped past his toes, and took out his middle stump.

"Goal!" Alecto shouted, as Silverine looked down at his broken wicket.Devlin blew a jet of flame into the sky as a way of letting his feelings loose. Time hadn't faced a delivery, and three wickets had fallen.Ninety seven for six.

Ryan joined Time, still on eleven, and Javid and Devlin continued the attack.But Time and Ryan both knew how to play them, and the score board settled down. One hundred, one ten, one twenty, the afternoon sky began to click to three as they were still there, one hundred and forty nine for the loss of six. We took a much needed drinks break, with Time on forty one, and Ryan on twenty two.

"Landon, Salbar and Simba to go, over three hundred runs." Silverine looked at the immaculate score card Abigail had recorded, and then Val's equally neat and matching score.

"A bit of a mountain?" I asked innocently beside him, drinking a bottle of Lift Plus. I tossed one to Brendan, promising he could bowl next if he waited.

Silverine didn't bother to answer. Ryan was looking calm, Time slightly worried about her task, and all of my team were looking smooth and in control. Landon was having throw downs from Thomas.

Time had every right to be worried as we went back on the field, she had Brendan on sugar coming to face her. Grant had tactfully taken about eight yards back from the stumps, awaiting the ball. Brendan ran in like a train, and bowled. The ball flashed down, and Time connected big time. The ball sailed over the pavilion. Time was looking at her bat for cracks.

"Keep it full, at your speed it's a matter of time." I said to the hyped up dragon. The second ball was blasted past him for four, and Time raised her bat as she got to fifty. The very next ball, Brendan removed all three stumps from the ground. Abigail's remark was rather laconic.

"Time Dancer, score fifty one, bowled Brendan."she said plainly.

"Hah." Devlin replied.Ryan was looking at the wreckage of the stumps in slight worry, but the one you had to feel sorry for was Landon, who still had three balls to face from the dragon.

Landon showed it, but the next two balls showed he didn't care. Both were blasted in classic drive style over Brendan, one bounced and four, the other didn't, and six. I applauded.

"Nice, Landon."

End of the over, Landon ten, Ryan twenty two, score 169 for seven. Landon was speaking to Ryan in the centre as we walked past.

"Silverine says we need to blast this, only way."

Javid and Brendan spent the next four overs wondering what was going on. The score zipped to two hundred as the tiger and fox went ballistic, blasting balls in every direction.Two overs after that, it was 216 for seven, and I brought Blake back to restrict the damage.This slowed them down, but didn't stop them, and with Draco on the other end, they placed their shots.

Thank you, Devlin. After Ryan went past sixty five, he came back, and retaliated by seaming one off the edge of the tiger's bat, and into Grant's capable gloves. The score was 252 for seven, and Landon had just celebrated his fifty when he lost his wingman.

"And I was just beginning to enjoy it." Ryan said disconsolately as he walked past me to the pavilion. Salbar was in the same mood, and opened with a straight drive that I had to chase to the boundary, and I still lost, it beating me to the rope by about half a second.

Three hundred went up before Salbar went, Blake got his well deserved wicket, spinning one past the lizard, 303 for nine.Salbar had hit 27, and Landon, on seventy four, sighed as he watched the lion come in. The final stand put on twenty eight more, but Blake got his second when he took Simba lbw for eight.Landon was left standing on ninety four, and he cursed loudly.Three hundred and thirty one all out.

Silverine sighed."Damn, and I thought we had you for a second there." he shook my hand, gracious in defeat, and we went around shaking hands. We sat down, as the remaining games went on, and Draco, Dev and self went into the changing room. Blake and Salbar had already beaten us there, and Salbar appeared to be sucking off the tiger as a way of being on the losing team.

"So I got three." Devlin smiled,"How many did you get, Draco?" the cousin in question rolled his eyes.

"I don't believe this, I lost in both batting and bowling. How do you do it?"

"Raw pace, and a bit of trickery." Devlin replied.

"Still, ball of our innings goes to me, taking out Silverine like that."

"Agreed." Devlin smiled."Next time we play this, Landon can be on our side."

True, the fox had taken four wickets, and scored close of a hundred.Devlin only took three, but scored quite a bit more. I was up there as well, but Draco knew he was in for it.

As Devlin sat down on one of the benches in the middle, he straddled it, as Draco lay down on the bench, licking the Hellfire's cock. I suppose that left me with fucking him anally, so I did.The smaller dragon growled gently as my steel cock,(oops, I 'forgot' I was in bionic form) penetrated his tight ass.

After we had finished with the cricket, the glowers spoke.

"The first official event is the motor race." one glower said." This is for all those with road cars, which is about eighty of you. If you will stand around me, we will teleport to the track."

"Road cars?" Valmeero looked confused."Does that include my F1?"

"I'm afraid not." I replied,"A road car has to have lights, license, and indicators.The Ferrari F1 has none of those."

"Damn." Val cursed, he had been looking forward to sweeping the entire field.We arrived at the track, all three hundred of us, and the driver's taking part, fifty six of us, headed towards the garage, while everyone else headed towards their own personal favourite vantage points. We had about forty or fifty different cameras on the circuit, plus a flying camera on the straight. Then there was everyone's camera glasses.

"O.K., "said the glower who had followed us,"The rules are it's a ten lap race, standing start.Do a lap to get some warmth in your tyres, and form up on the grid."

"Who starts at the front?"

"Who ever gets there first." the glower would have smiled.

People got into their racing clothes, well for those who liked to. I was parked next to Winslo and Javid today in the hangar, and as some of the scouts not participating looked at our cars, the Lambo Countach that Javid owned and the Pagani Zonda,Winslo's made the Atom seem unclothed.

Tahir however was the first to leave the garage, the elf pulling his Aston Martin Vantage out with a very satisfying grumble.I left second, switching the traction control off to warm the tyres. Behind me was the dangerous front end of Thomas Nagoya's car. Like him, it was white, and like the accurate, cool, snow leopard it was an Audi R8. Behind him was the reindeer's car, Kodey had picked a NSX Honda of all things. Then Abigail's LP-560/4, Billy in his Ascari, Gareth in his Nissan Skyline GT-R and before I could see anymore, we were out of the pit lane, and warming up the tyres.

Tahir weaved left and right , but the Ariel Atom weaved faster past him as we headed up the hill in a very long cavalcade.I took the lead up the hill, and down the other side, all of us I could see involved in hard acceleration, hard braking, anything to get the car's tyres warm, which was critical in a race. Time pulled along side, and shouted over the wind.

"I hope you don't intend to pull away like last time."

"Depends how fast everyone else is."I shouted back. Time and me went down the hill side by side, and through Aurora.

Then, through an unspoken command, we both hit the throttle. Thomas and Tahir watched as from fifty kilometres an hour, Time powered into a wheel stand as her bike's speed tripled. My Ariel almost kept pace, but only for a kilometre.We slowed back down to let every one else catch up, and Javid spoke through his head set to us.

"O.K., that looked nice, Time, but you're taking the crop of the Earth race cars.Alduin, Time, prepare to get taken down."

"Alright,"I opened my link to everyone,"Javid believes he's going to beat me. There fore, let's do this Draco's way. The three medallists get to fuck three of the others, agreed?"

There was a huge chorus of affirmation. Simba laughed.

"I've got an old school Charger, there is no way I'm going to be in the top three. This thing steers like it's steering column is detached."

"Why'd you choose it then?" Tahir asked, his Aston pulling level with me on the straight.

"Name a cooler car than the Charger."

"Cooler old school car, the Countach." Javid replied.

"Cooler new school car, Ferrari 430." Draco shot back.

"No, you've got it all wrong. That car isn't a sports car, it's not a super car either. It's a muscle car, you have to compare it to other muscle cars.And while Blake has a Viper, it's not as good looking as the Charger." I said.

"He's got a point.It's got the sort of three bad guys are in it, and they intend to steal all your stuff and beat you in the process." Gareth replied, in his GT-R, as we came to the Brake Tester corner.

"Exactly, it's meant to look intimidating, not smooth." I finished,"So, can I line up on the front row, else I'm going to drive into someone's rear axle off the front line."

"Oh sure, you've got good acceleration, but what is the top speed of that car?"

"Three hundred and fifty, I tested it."

"Exactly, all of us, save Simba and Alecto's Dakart are capable of 400.You've got no chance."

"I'll remember you said that,Tufty." I replied gently. Abigail decided to hold her tongue, after all she had been obliterated on this track, and she had her LP-560.

"My bet," Gareth said," is that Alduin and Time get to the first corner in first, that much I know."

"O.K., they've got the best acceleration to a certain rate, but they don't have straight line speed." Draco replied, his 430 weaving as we came to the start line. Despite Time's protests, Tahir had gently bumped her to the second row, so it was the two British cars, the Atom and the Aston, on the front row.Not that that meant much, because the only thing still British was the interior and body work, the actual important bits were all Central.

In front of us, a row of five lights came down. Silverine wasn't taking part, his hover car was different, but he would wave the flags.He held up the five second board, and then the first light went on. One by one the lights went on, and I revved the Atom. Everyone else was doing the same.Behind me was Takori's BMW Z4, and I saw the bionic tiger gripping the wheel. The fifth light went on, and there was nothing but the noise of everyone on maximum revs.

Then the light went off. True to Gareth's predicitons, the Atom blasted off the line like a fighter jet, and the Z4 disappeared backwards. Time went up on one wheel as she drove straight between Takori and Tahir, and pulled in behind me as we came to the first corner. A huge stream of cars were behind me, and as I took the first corner they all came charging in.

There simply wasn't enough room for all of them.

Tufty's 911 was nudged by Landon, who was a fraction late, and suddenly it was bumper car racing through the corner as each car dinked into one another. Tufty spun out into the gravel trap, but didn't beach, as the cars slowly fed through the corners leading onto the foot of the hill. Time Dancer got a healthy lead over them as everyone sorted themselves out, but I was already one hundred metres ahead of her.

The charge up the hill was epic, but unfortunately I was not a part of it.I was quite quickly flying ahead, so saw none of the wheel banging close racing further down the field. Devlin got squeezed between two other cars, but shot forward into third,and Abigail directly behind him. No one was able to overtake Time up the hill.So by the time that Time was overtaken on the crest by Devlin's GT, I was already merrily coming towards Aurora.

The middle pack must have got a shock coming over the ridge and seeing me blasting down the straight.

"What the..."

"How is that road legal?" Landon asked the world," It's going like Val's F1."

"One of these days, I'm going to have to show you the difference between this and that." I replied, as the second stage cut in,"As I told Abby, this is a cross between motorbike and car, with the best of both.Now, anyone I lap is going to be bondaged, clear."

"Oh Hell." Simba said, who was trailing a bit. Tufty, after recovering from the gravel trap, was last, but I was going like the very devil.I would probably get one or two, but there was a full eight miles of track. The crest wasn't actually that far from Aurora, I might catch the first on lap nine, but still, I didn't expect to take many.

I crossed the line on that first lap like a bullet.

"Alduin, 8 minutes 2 seconds." Silverine announced.

I raced on the very lonely race track, while behind me, we were realising this many cars would lead to collisions. Kodey got nudged through Aurora, and his NSX gently touched the wall before he came to a complete stop, before recovering onto the tarmac. Time Dancer was completely swamped on the straight, and in the cluster of so many cars, misjudged her braking position.

At about fifty kilometres more than she could handle, she went skidding off the road at the Brake Tester, and her bike scraped to a halt beside her in the gravel.Time was perfectly fine, her suit had stopped the bumps, but she couldn't rejoin.

"Hah, twenty cars surrounding a motorbike, I'm not surprised." I said,"Are you alright, Time?"

"Sore." she replied, picking herself up and very quickly heading for the nearest wall as Javid locked up and almost followed her.

So with the pack snarling at one another, I merrily zipped up the hill. Like my race against Time and Abigail, I turned my head set off to avoid distraction, for example people telling me where everyone was, but I was recording them on my recorder, it would activate any time some one tried to say anything. As I cross the line for the second time, breaking the eight minute mark, Silverine announced it.

"We're not even through Aurora!" Tahir hit the wheel as he followed Devlin down to that corner," Abigail, what did you do to that car?"

"I did nothing out of the ordinary." the lioness replied,"It's the car itself. It blasted me and Time on the day Khamsina was born, we could have been going backwards."

The swearing grew louder on the third lap, and after several laps of hard concentration, I was most surprised on the eighth lap to find a 911 and a Charger driving hard through Aurora, I was only fifteen seconds behind them. I took out my mike.

"Well, I seem to have found a Charger and a Porsche."

"You're kidding me!" Simba said on the straight, looking behind Tufty as I came sideways through Aurora."Guys, Alduin's car is rocket powered, he's right behind us."

"He's what!" Kodey replied, in horror. He was fourth from the back after his spin, and not that far ahead the two tail enders. I caught up with them under acceleration down the straight, but as Tufty knew, my top speed was less, so they pulled back again.

"You're only holding back the inevitable." I replied to Tufty's taunting. We came to the brake tester, and as all three of us went for the brakes, I came zipping past Tufty and pulled into the corner behind the black Charger.

"Here we go, that's one."

Devlin was amazed, although he was still some way ahead."I said that car was primal."

"O.K., after this race, that's two, I'll give Val a one lap race, to show you what's fast."I said, as I zipped past Simba.

The penultimate lap was amusing. Kodey and Alecto was the back runners to the main grid, and they must have had a heart attack as I stormed onto the front straight.

"Oh, I've found the peleton." I laughed.

"Oh fuck." Alecto replied, quite plainly expressing his feelings. I had indeed found the tail of the line of cars, and after four corners was on the back of Alecto's Dakart.

"It might take a long time for him to bondage all of us." Kodey said, as I drove right round the outside of Alecto's off roader in the reindeer's rear view mirror.

"On the other hand, you spent several years being bondaged by the raptors,"I said, fixing my gaze on the rear of the NSX,"What I have in store for you won't be as bad as that."

"That's not saying much..." the reindeer took the next corner, and I went flying past him.He sighed,"That thing manouveres like your fighter plane."

He had a good point, it was the agility the car showed, because it was so light and chuckable. This was why it was so damnably fast.

"I have a lunatic in my mirrors." Gareth announced as I came over the crest. He was part of a gaggle of cars, five in fact. Takori, Doran, Javid, Grant and Gareth. Javid looked behind him.

"Please, let me crash." he made a prayer as I joined the tail of this queue heading towards Aurora."This Lambo's too cool to be lapped."

"On the other hand, it's old tech, this is twenty first century mate." I said, as we all braked. The Atom could brake harder and turn sharper than anything else on the track.

Grant and Gareth could only watch as I went flying past them, watch me tuck in behind Doran, and then pull back out and blast past Doran and pull alongside Javid.

"Has anyone seen him changing gears, I think I should fit one of those to my car." Javid said, shifting his manual into fifth gear. He began to pull away as my car got to max speed, and he gained about five car lengths, which I immediately hauled back under braking for the Tester.

Javid and Takori were disposed of in that corner, and I began catching the rest of the pack as I went across the line for the last time.And ooh, it was sweet when I saw that Ferrari heading into the first corner as I came onto the straight.

"I spy with my little eye, a car called a Ferrari 430."

"You have got to be kidding, what about everyone behind me?" He was part of a cluster of six.

Several cars had pulled off, but not any of my close friends. Most of them for mechanical reasons, not all the cars were perfect yet.

Perhaps everyone was praying I would break down too, except I had done a lot more laps with this, fine tuning it. Among the six were Draco, Abigail and Blake's Dodge Viper, and they were caught up with before I got the crest. Blake looked behind him casually.

"We have a problem." he said to the world at large.

"Tell me something we don't know." Abigail replied.

Blake, knowing I would rush past, deliberately ran wide at the next hairpin, and I tooted him as I sailed past.

"Thank you, Blake.I'll keep that in mind. Who's in the other two spots?"

"Salbar, and Devlin. Ryan's in fourth, Tahir sixth behind Billy Carlson." the lion hybrid replied.

Abigail sighed heavily as I pulled up behind her car through a few more corners.

"Draco, help me." she said despondently.

"How?" the dragon replied, as I went screaming past an wolf.

"I don't know." the lioness took the next corner towards the crest, but not before the Atom went into over drive and went past. Draco looked behind, thoroughly alarmed.

"You went past that Lambo like it wasn't even there!"

"It's very simple, Draco. Light, fast, and easy to handle. Watch me through this next corner." I took one hand off the wheel, and casually drifted it sideways behind the Ferrari, hand in a mocking salute to the dragon.

"I want one of those."

"Copyright." I replied," and no forfeit."

"No!" the dragon shouted as I dived into Aurora, on the inside of him. Landon had just left Aurora, and I came through the corner.

"Eeep!" the fox said, as I slid onto the straight behind him. I was some distance, and I only had the straight and a couple of corners to catch him. The Veyron got a long way ahead before Tester, but I clawed back an alarming amount through the corner. With two corners left, I was only a hundred yards behind.

"Lord deliver me from the jaws of evil." Landon managed a quick prayer. I laughed.

"It isn't evil you have to contend with, it's an Atom." I hounded him through the second to last corner, and was on his bumper through the last one. I accelerated, but Landon just beat me to the flag. As I pulled alongside after the chequered flag, I could see the fox look at me, and breathe out deeply.

"Almost, Landon. A matter of metres."

"I think I'll just pull off the road and finish my heart attack." the fox replied, as I slowed down.

As those I lapped and then, after several minutes, the runners up came, I instructed Val to come on to the track in his F1 car, and do a warm up lap.Salbar lost time somewhere around the Brake Tester, and Devlin managed to find a way to squeeze his Ford GT into second. Ryan was all over the back of the lizard through the final corner, but the SLR hung grimly on to third. Billy overtook Tahir to finish fifth, and the elf six. Winslo was seventh, and Thomas eighth.

As everyone pulled into the pits, Valmeero announced he was through the crest, and as everyone came back to see my demonstration, he was through Brake Tester, still warming the tyres. The F1 was immensely noticeable, it's engine sound unique, and I could hear it from Tester while I was sitting on the start finish line with my engine cut.

"O.K., for everyone who thinks I am fast, an explanation.Coming up behind me now is a Ferrari F1. It's engine has been taken out and given an ion drive that gives out a ratioed amount of power compared to the rest of us. It's body is so sleek and precise, every curve is made for down force. Now we're going to chuck it against the Atom."

Everyone linked into my glasses, or the one's beside the track. The wolf dragon hybrid came onto the finish straight, the sleek body looking menacing as he pulled to a halt beside me. Abigail walked onto the track, and stood between us.

"Valmeero, if you don't beat me, I'll devise some cruel and unusual punishment."

"And if I win?"

"It was expected. You know you're the fastest on four wheels, I'm just here to show the difference."

Abigail raised her arms, and the F1 car revved high and loud. The Atom revved, and then the lioness let her arms fall. Both of us shot away like a rocket, the unmistakable whine of the F1 car simply bolting away. He was leading by a good twenty metres by the first corner, and after that, I lost sight of him.

"Has this made it quite clear?"I said, getting to the crest and seeing Valmeero surging down the long straight.

"Well, now I can see why Valmeero wasn't allowed to enter." Devlin said, looking through my glasses as the F1 took off on the second stage.

"He wasn't allowed to enter because it's not road legal." I replied," On ther other hand, that's doing five hundred now.It's lighter, turns harder, and is a lot, lot more powerful." I was coming to Aurora, he to the Tester. Silverine was blunt as always.

"Valmeero, time, seven minutes, twenty seconds."

"From a standing start, too." Abigail watched as Valmeero stopped at the end of the straight, and came back. I was forty seconds behind him, and we both parked our cars.

"He would have lapped the lot of us." Time said, an ice pack on her bruised knees as we got out of our respective cars.

"He would have lapped me, and possibly gotten back to Simba." I replied, as we headed towards where the glowers were clustered, in one big group. Devlin ruffled my hair as I walked beside him.

"Nice driving, Alduin."

"I had a good car." I replied modestly."Well done for second."

"Only because I over shot the Tester." Salbar reminded,"Silly lapse, and you lose a place."

"Good to see the SLR third." I replied. Ryan looked annoyed his CCXR hadn't gotten on the podium, but took it all with good grace.The four glowers hovered facing us.

"Alduin, your piloting skills are impressive.Are you a racing driver in your spare time?"

"I wish." I looked weakly at them. There was a ripple of laughter, and the glowers brightened a bit, as if joining in the merriment.

"Very well, the final event of today is the target shooting."

"I know who's going to win this one." I said to Devlin out of the corner of my mouth.

"Don't we all." he hissed back, as we teleported.