This Is Not Hardcore

Story by Drafty on SoFurry

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#2 of This Is Hardcore

This is the second part to This Is Hardcore. Although reading that story is not a prerequisite, it would help you get to know the two main characters Tom and Sam since this story dives straight in and picks up directly from the end of the last one. (and the first story has plenty of yiff in it, so it's not a bad read)

Still not going to read the first instalment eh? your loss. but I'll be nice and give you something to go on for this.

Tom is a Percheron/Friesian draft horse adult film actor who is essentially dead inside. Sam is a New Forest Pony and a new actor in the industry. after doing a shoot together with tom's ex girlfriend, the two stallions decide to get to know each other a little better...

Thanks go, once again to Wolfie Steel for being an excellent proof-reader and picking up my spelling mistakes and giving me the confidence to write at all. Thanks friend.

I hope you enjoy. If you do please, please let me know.

If you don't then tell me that too, and tell me why.

"Right, shower time" we made our way through the house together stark naked, it's just normal here, we fucked together, why wouldn't we wash together. We three strode into the houses well-appointed wet room, and that's right, you guessed it we fuck in here sometimes too, we don't even close the door properly, it's, just like that here.

On with the water, still warm and floor wet from the previous occupants, Sarah took charge and handed round the soaps and shower gels, different ones for Sam and I.

We lathered up with what Sarah had given us then swapped, I turned to start on my mane when Sam grabbed my arm, "Tom mate, would you wash my back for me please" it was nothing to me so giving myself a palm full of shower gel, I began working it into the pony's lean, white back,

I worked from top to bottom, matter-of-factly, rubbing the stuff in with my large hands. He stood still the whole time whickering quietly to himself, I had nearly finished and the moment was fast approaching when I'd have to stop kneading and lift my hands away but I found myself not wanting to, afraid of breaking the spell he seemed to be under.

Was this fucked up stallion going soft in his old age? Quite possibly.

Eventually I had to, the moment I did was like flicking a switch, and the new forester snapped right back to reality, "Thanks mate" he snorted cheerfully, "Now let me do you."

I turned round for him, but the moment he laid his hands on me I instantly regretted it, his amazing hands again, I'd forgotten about those. They made me realise what a poor job I'd done for him, I felt like a complete arsehole. I should have caught on and given him more than just a lather up. That's what he was doing to me, and it felt... you know, pretty good.

"Fucking get over yourself, you don't do that shit, not for blokes anyway, and you certainly don't want one washing your back" my mind screamed at me. But his hands felt so good, fingers knowing exactly where to press and where to knead. Sarah stood watching from underneath the shower head, a wry smile cracking her muzzle, water cascading over her fine feminine body. "Bitch" I thought to myself half-jokingly, she knew exactly what pleasure his hands were capable of inflicting, perhaps I was a big, bad stallion, but I still couldn't help but enjoy the feeling.

When he'd finished, the pony broke my spell with a big slap on my bum, bringing me back to reality with a start, "Cheeky little bastard" I thought to myself, I caught Sarah's eye again and she grinned at me, incredibly I couldn't bring myself to say or do anything in response to the mild humiliation, for fuck sake, I really am going soft.

I got on with cleaning, giving the slight black feather round my hooves some special attention, the Frisian in me, It came from my father's side and it was the only thing I had ever got from him, unhappy thought move on Tom.

After rinsing and drying, Sarah elected to stay behind, she had another shoot and needed special preening, but I didn't, I just dry and throw my clothes on, the ones I had come in, I am pretty unfussy about how I look, I only do things to my mane or tail if they want it, and the demands on my appearance were becoming less and less the older I got, us horses don't age badly at all, otherwise I'd be out of a job now but everyone knew I wasn't the big thick colt I used to be. Now I'm a thick old stallion, and I feel thick In both senses of the word, especially when I look back at my life and while we're talking about me and things I'm seriously considering finishing up here, and with the industry. Tell you the truth I've wanted to jack it in for a long time now the only thing that stopped me, Sarah, but now... I can do it if I want, and I do want.

Walking back through the big house, I get cornered by a tiger, Garry the tiger to be precise "My man big black" he always greets me like that, accompanied with a mock scratch to my arm, it's... his thing I suppose. "Fuck man I've got me a scene with some sweet tiger pussy today". " It's refreshing to see someone's still in love with their job" I say a little sarcastically but everyone's used to that from me, "Fuck man, what's wrong with you, it's kitteh kitteh kitteh time" a fist bump this time "Stay good big black"

Garry or Gazza, is a brand I suppose, he is like the superstar black rapper of the porn wold. Only, this is England, and he isn't black he's a Bengal tiger, yeah I know, no one's told him. But he is very popular in the world of feline porn, which is a growing market, or so I'm told.He is also super annoying on top of all that.

"Big black" came a voice from behind me, "I'll be sure to remember that one" fucking cocky little horse, I laid my ears flat against my skull and glared at him. He dramatically took a step backwards and held his hands up "Ok, I'm sorry, don't hit me. Big black" he burst out laughing, I stood there shaking my head, trying to hold back a smile from my lips, not succeeding very well, eventually I did crack a smile, "Garry's such a shithead" I mused, chuckling wow, laughter this didn't feature heavily in my life, I hadn't really had anything much to laugh about the last few years, but it felt good.

Suddenly we were cut off by the most terrible roar, it sounded like the biggest cat fight imaginable, we both put our head round the door Garry had disappeared into, inside where two tigers facing off like an overgrown pair of alley cats, we watched the strange feral courtship with morbid fascination. "Do you know, he's also got a massive catnip problem?" I whispered to Sam who, doubled over, trying not to burst out laughing. The director (a long haired retriever this time) gave us a stern look and made a shooing motion with his hands, we were pissing the film crew off big time. Fuck 'em. I stayed a few more minutes just to make a point, but got bored of the felines doing their creepy mating ritual, overrated if you ask me.

"So what are you doing with the rest of the day?" the white new forest pony asked sideling up beside me. That was a very good question, it was half eleven on a Wednesday morning. I could go to the gym, no I've had enough of that for one week, go running, no that's physical exertion too, smoke yes I have a few of those left but that doesn't fill an afternoon (although it has before) a dilemma then, I didn't have anything to do until this evening, but I didn't want to admit it to my new ghostly white shadow, so I decided to turn the question around on itself. "What are you doing" I asked him, fuck I felt like I was back in school trying to playing the cool game, let's see who blinks first. "Sod all" the pony said breezily "I have nothing to do and all day to do it in"

Fucker, honest little fucker, he even carried it off with dignity intact, right, how do I go about this one then, "Well, we could" I started "Go for a drink" he finished "Spot on, let's go"

The Ram inn was open, just about, and completely empty of customers, until we arrived. Sam drove, the porn stars of Los Angeles may have a taste and the cash for expensive German cars but Sam drives a Nissan note, don't scoff, I drive a golf, I barely fit in, and it barely passed its mot this year so we were clearly made for each other.

We take our pint's and sit in the furthest corner, the place is one of these old pubs made new, really now it's just a restaurant with a bar attached, inside is all clean and new to appeal to the family market. I hated it, to me pubs are where you _don't_bring families, it's where moody broken old horses like me go to be with people that vaguely resemble friends. The pony opposite me was trying to resemble a friend but, I wandered what he was really up to.

I took a long drink from my pint, half emptying the glass of the brown liquid, before putting it down and looking at my new drinking partner. "Well, talk to me, tell me about yourself" the white pony leaned back and crossed his arms, "What do you want to know?" was all he said. I frowned "Well, I don't know" I reply, confused, he was such a confident, chatty little horse. "What do you do when you're not working, you must have pastimes, family, pets or stuff, anything" I reached.

"No, no and no" was all he said. This was strange, I looked at him at length, as if by looking at his face long enough the answer would be revealed to me without him opening his mouth, it didn't work, instead he looked away then looked back at me, snapping irritably "Pastime, fucking, family dead, pets none, me? Well the least you know about me... he left that one hanging in the air "Going to the toilet" he said slipping out of his seat.

I couldn't believe it, the white pony (sorry, small horse) I had met only this morning, who seemed so friendly and keen to please, was acting like me. That exchange is me down to a tee, it's how I keep people out and protect myself from hurt, and it's a surprise to hear it from Sam's muzzle.

I look out the window at the traffic passing slowly, it's raining, it so often is in England, what a fuck up my life has been, what a cunt I'd been, Sam was working with the hand he'd been given, and seemed for the most part to be happy. But I fucked my own life up, I'd spent more than two decades pissing it away with drink drugs, girls/boys, cars and smokes, was I happy with myself? Not even going to answer that one.

The white pony returns with two full glasses "Ah, diamond" I say delighted. I realise I'm happy because it will move the conversation on, but I now realise that I'm fucked because I'll have to talk. I finish the first pint and start the second, I can't think of anything to say let alone anything I want to say. I look at him, I'm not playing the cool game anymore, I'm shit at this sort of thing, what do I tell him, what do I talk about? The pub, the job, the weather

"Ah mister pony it appears to be raining again", "Doesn't it always mister thunder", "yes quite hahaha", look at us and our terrible British weather mister pony hahahaha" "hahahaha mister thunder" Fuck that.

I drop my head slightly and look out the window, I'm stuck. "Look I'm sorry for that, you know biting your head off, but I can't go there, mate, I would much rather to talk about you" he said softly "I know what thunder's like, but what does Tom like, where does he come from, where is he going, what does he want and what does he need"

"Tom needs a ciggy" I reply, my turn to slip out from under the table. I go into the "pub garden" it's raining but I need nicotine more, "Fuck, two left, how the fuck did that happen" "Click" "Terrible habit you have there my friend" it was the little horse again, fuck it, he really was my little white shadow, I took the light and sucked a lungful of stinging bliss "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" I asked on the exhale "Touché" he grinned "Now drink up and stop trying to act like the big bad stallion. Big black" I took my pint from him, and blew a big puff of smoke in his direction as punishment. He flared his nostrils in response and sucked in an exaggerated breath "Aah, Benson and Hedges" I shook my head smiling it killed me to admit it but I was beginning to like the little shit head.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked nonchalantly "Oh I have a few things in mind" he winked at me, his mask had slipped, maybe that was his intention, what he was suggesting was perfectly obvious and to my great surprise, I was int..., yes I was interested. "All right, got to stop by a shop first though" I tapped my almost empty pack of cigarettes.

Sarah's place wasn't far away, it was a new house, on a new estate on the edge of London it was in a mock Tudor style with white rendered eaves with fake black oak style timbers laid into them at an angles. It had fuck all garden and fuck all parking, like all new planned estates in the south of England and the builders never did point the brickwork properly, grumpy middle aged stallions like me notice this sort of thing.

I could feel myself growing apprehensive, Thoughts, and memories filling my mind, all the times I'd had here, we'd had here, Sarah and I living something nearly approaching a normal life, and not falling very far short of being happy. "Drink" Sam asks "Please" I say "Whisky ok" his voice sailed back from the kitchen, "Perfect" I said distantly, drinking whisky in this very room, memories flooding through my mind, we'd spent many winters here in this home keeping each other warm with each other's company each other's bodies and good whiskey.

Sam came back with a bottle of black label and two glasses, and gave us both a good measure, "To you" he raised his glass informally "Why me" I asked "Well, why not" he replied shrugging "No, to change" I raised my glass "To Sarah and Sam, I've had some happy times here, and I think you will too" "No, happy memories are the ones you make with the people you love, and to that, my friend I will drink to" I nod reaching over and giving a little clink with the white little horse, before raising the glass to my lips and taking a good drink, emptying half in one go, I roll it around my mouth, burnt, sweet, sharp fire filling my senses before slowly allowing the liquor to sink further warming me anew.

I relaxed into Sarah's comfortable sofa, not unhappy just thinking, lost in thought so much that I barely notice Sam topping my glass up and sitting next to me his side touching mine, sipping from his own glass, when I do noticed him there I don't say anything, I didn't mind. I felt comfortable in the stallions company, like I'd known him for years instead of hours.

"Penny for your thoughts" The pony said looking ahead, I thought for a moment, trying to edit and censor what I wanted to say. Before giving up and going for it "Regret, loss, pain loads of that, self-loathing too" "The main thing is the knowledge that everything that has ever befallen me in life is completely and entirely of my own doing and no one else's. Worse than that is knowing that everyone that my life has touched in one way or another is worse off for it" I pause and take another sip, enjoying the harsh golden liquid, using the time to think and put the next sentence together "But sitting here reminds me of other things, it reminds me that I was capable of caring about something and someone, strange as it may sound only good things ever happened here" Sam slips his arm around my shoulder, part of me want's to shake it off, but I can't bring myself to, it feels... warm, and.... all right.

I feel a hand on my jaw, pulling my head round, then there is a muzzle against mine, just there waiting, undemanding patient. "Come on Tom, stop playing the fucking cool game has it done you well? No" I open first, just a little, and gently lick the pony's lips asking for entry, he grants it, opening wider, pressing in, sealing our muzzles together, we share tongues, playing with each other, tasting each other whisky is the predominant flavour but there are subtle nuances there also, kissing mares is nearly always nice but this felt different, right.

I break the kiss and look the pony in the eye "Sam, just so you know, I'm not gay, I don't do those things" "Don't worry, Blackie, neither am I" Sam cooed gently "But we should definitely take this upstairs.

Off come the clothes, and we stare at each other, two equines, so very different. "I want to taste you" he said "I want to taste you too" I admit, but he put his hand to my chest to lie me back on the bed, I guess he gets to taste me first.

He gently lifts and plays with the testicles hanging low between my legs quite a challenge, they're about the size of a softball each, but egg-shaped I actually really enjoy them being played with, and Sam was doing an amazing job, bringing his muzzle down to breath and nuzzle and lick, his furry fingers finding the long patch of flesh behind them, between the globes and my tail hole, stroking and caressing the sensitive skin, his other hand cupping and kneading my black orbs.

This was good, I was getting excited, my sheath bulged then the black length started to emerge, still shrouded in the skin of its self, growing longer, thicker, filling with blood, then the broad wide head emerged, bursting free from the confining skin of the rest of the shaft. It was too much, had to start stroking, his tongue feeling so good.

He had poked his boxy little muzzle in underneath my testicles and was busily licking from tail dock to nut sack and everything in between, paying special attention to my donut, in shape and size, good god it felt heavenly.

Much to my disappointment he withdrew his muzzle from my crevice my hefty orbs falling off the bridge of his muzzle, his hand found my cock instead and began caressing it, he knew exactly where to grab and squeeze. Without a word he dropped his muzzle and gently whuffed against the tip, I rocked my hips and a steam of pre flowed from the opening hitting Sam's lips before running down my shaft, cooling quickly, Sam Laughed licking his muzzle before extending his tongue to my tip not staying long, he slowly, teasingly slid his muzzle down, further and further each inch bringing me new pleasures, I nickered deeply he made it to my median ring and stayed there, his long equine tongue teasing, massaging and caressing my shaft from within his muzzle.

I bucked again like a feral stallion, I knew I was doing it, I couldn't help myself this pony was too good by far. He was going to make me cum. He pulled off though, giving my head a teasing lick as it popped out. "I can get more if we change positions"

I liked the sound of that, I scooted up the bed and the white pony laid on his belly next to me, his head resting sideways on my chest, before taking my stallion hood into his muzzle once more, but this time he kept going, down, and down, past the sensitive fleshy ring, down, grabbing me with his hands using my body to pull himself even further "Oh" I groaned, he finished up lips almost touching my sheath, he put his tongue out and licked it instead, teasing the creased skin where shaft met sheath "You alright?" I grunted, he nodded slightly.

Then he swallowed "I shuddered" powerful squeezing sensation flowing through my organ, he began working his tongue again, and then pulled back slowly just to the median ring before sliding back down again. His equine head laid flat on its side against my belly and groin with my penis buried deep within his throat, it looked obscene, and it felt amazing.

I was getting close, I realised that when I felt myself thrusting into meet his muzzle, my hands rubbing and stroking his soft white neck fur his ears went back and he swallowed once more, a long squeezing sucking swallow, strong throat muscles flexing along my shaft, squeezing my flared head. I whinnied and came, feeling long strands of cum leaving my cock to travel down his sucking swallowing throat. He had to swallow, and the more he swallowed the harder I came, it was so intense, I had never cum like this before, and I'd done it loads of times.

Sam sucks and sucks, even as my penis loses its rigidity, then starts retreating into my sheath, he lovingly licks it all the way to the end of his muzzle and back into my sheath.

"Where did you learn to do that" I asked out of breath "Not telling" he grinned cheekily

I suddenly notice his white bum next to me on the bed, tail swishing contentedly, I reach over with some effort (he is a small horse after all) lift his butt onto my chest, "Just relax mate, this is going to feel good" I reached under his hips and pull him up to me feeling his sheath warm against my fur.

His tail is still down, so I nip at a buttock, then pull my lips back and slowly closing my teeth against his fur again, and again, it felt good for me, but it must of felt good for him too because he starts moaning softly, with a hand I reach under his tail and play with his balls, feeling them through his sac, rolling them round in my hand. The white tail flutters slightly, "Got to do better than that" he calls out teasing, I reach under with my other free hand and trace a line from testicles to taint, stroking along his dock, he enjoyed that lifting his tail a little more, I took liberty and dove my long black muzzle straight in, licking everything in sight first, then trying to stimulate him as he had me, concentrating mostly on his creamy pink donut.

I was having an effect, I could feel his cock straining against my chest for release, until he lifted his hips and it surges up my body, warm and erect. He tastes really good, I grip his buttocks and try to push my tongue past his barrier, to my surprise he relaxes and suddenly I'm in. I push my tongue in as far as I can, using my lips to tickle and stimulate his warm ring.

"Ooourrgh" his turn to grunt and groan and a wicker, he slaps my thigh and pulls forward, "I'm going to cum Tom, and I don't want to waste it in your fur" I nod, rolling him over quickly and taking exactly the same position he did for me, except my big muzzle could take his stallion shaft with ease. I made good use of it too, mouthing in as much of his pink sheath as I could, slavering the rest with my tongue. His hands were all over me again, making circles on my broad neck, fingering through my mane and rubbing my head. I could feel his flare fill and expand at the back of my muzzle, then he came, rich sticky seed covering my throat making me want to cough, I resist though, pulling forwards instead so I can taste his seed on my tongue, his delicious mix of salty, grassy, and sweetness I savour the new tastes, other males never cum in my muzzle, perhaps I've been missing out on something.

I did exactly the same for Sam as he'd done for me, following his warm little cock back to its plump fury opening, even inside, just to tease, and then nuzzled and licked outside, but he wasn't coming back out to play.

He reaches over and pulls me down into his arms, and waiting muzzle, we share our tongues once again, not the hot quick, tonguing performed for the benefit of the camera this morning, but long, slow sharing of mouths that was romantic and mutually satisfying.

"Enjoying yourself big black?" Sam broke the kiss to ask, I answered by leaning back in and licking his sweet nose. "Yes, but now I need a smoke" "No you don't" the pony responded "No, I really do" I said reaching to the floor and fumbling though my trousers, finding the pack, it wasn't hard to miss. I try to tear the cellophane from the cardboard without success.

"Let me" The pony snatches it deftly from my hands, tearing the plastic and unwrapping it slowly, suggestively, he brings the little pack to his nose and licks it, looking at me. Before opening his muzzle and putting it inside.

I watched incredulously as he chewed and swallowed, "You fucker" I said in disbelief "I know, I told you, you didn't need them, what you need is me" and with that he kissed me again. I couldn't resist, feeling myself melting into his muzzle once more.

"You know, from the way you were trying to get inside me earlier, I'd be forgiven for thinking that you had some unfinished business in there" Sam said suggestively "I have" I replied "But I don't want to fuck you" "Really?" "No, I want to make love to you" "Oh I like the sound of that, big black" he said stroking my neck. "How do you want me" Sam asked "Over the bed, to start with" he got up and bent over, resting his hands on the bed giving his bum a suggestive shake, tail slicing the air from side to side like a mare in heat.

I slid up behind him, gently biting his butt and pulling his tail out of the way, time to wet him up again, I didn't mind one bit. Holding his tail in one hand I licked from the dock again, right down to his testicles, taking one of his speckled orbs into my mouth, rolling the lovely warm organ around, making him moan. I reach my hand between his legs and fondle his heavy, hanging sheath, tracing a finger round the opening before pushing inside, then another, feeling the warmth on my fingers and his bunched up cock starting to push against them.

I let the nut slip gently from my muzzle, remembering the purpose of my trip to his nethers. I licked along his perineum between his anus and balls, always a nice area to give and receive attention and it was having the desired effect too, and he began dropping for my eager hands to fondle.

I reluctantly left that alone and travelled back to his pucker, I licked across it, then gave a long lick round the perimeter before going for the middle, he surprised me yet again by parting for me, his pink donut yawning open before my lips.

I took my invitation and dove in once again, licking and preparing him lovingly, When he was good and wet I left his ass alone, nipping him gently in the butt, with my big blunt teeth, getting a nicker for my trouble.

I reached down and picked up my limp cock, not even fully unsheathed, this was becoming a habit "Never mind" I brought it to his anus anyway and for the second time today rubbed it round his warm nether regions, using the sensation to his and my advantage.

I stroked and rubbed my length to full hardness, grabbing the girth around my median ring and stroking back and forth, I was rewarded with the feeling of pre flowing like a stream of pee out of my glans and all over Sam's tail hole, a delicious sight, I took the unflared head in one hand and gave a squeeze, rewarded with shuddering pleasure and a handful of pre, I stroked it along the length of my cock in an effort to provide some lubrication.

It was time, enough teasing. Shaft in hand I pushed in. it was so easy this time round, no resistance and no pretence of any, but he squeezed his anus and it felt blissful traveling down my length until I was in up to my wobbly black sheath.

Oh god, this felt so good. "Any time now, would be nice big black mate" the pony called over his shoulder with mock impatience "And don't worry, you won't hurt me" I leaned over him, muzzle to his ear, "This is not hardcore porn, little pony, this is lovemaking" he turned his muzzle to mine and gives me a long lick across the lips "Well make love to me then, lover"

He punctuates that with a squeeze on my shaft that makes me shudder. I pull out nearly all the way and push back in slowly but forcefully concentrating on going slowly bit.

It's harder than it sounds, rutting gently. My cock telling me to go faster and rut the little stallion like a mare in heat, But I want him to enjoy this, I want him to enjoy this more than I am, it feels important to me, so I work hard at it, sometimes going faster, sometimes slowing right down and grinding my hips in to the hilt using a circular motion to rub his sweet spot.

I reach, around and find his cock, hanging below his belly, rock hard, but hanging, as if ready for a mount. I am going to make him cum I told myself, but not yet, I removed my hand and went further back, cupping his balls, a generous handful even for my big hands, I loved these things, I hope he likes them being played with as much as I like playing with them. I cup and roll them around while I breed him slowly. But eventually I reluctantly let them go and go back to his cock, now painfully tight against his belly, he is enjoying himself, good.

I squeeze around his median ring, and he thrusts his hips involuntarily away from mine, I smile as I imagine the stream of liquid pre-cum leaving his penis at this very moment. "Does pony want help" I ask mockingly, there was a pause "Yes" came a rasping reply, I slowly, deliberately moved up his shaft and squeezed just under the head with my hand, the head responded immediately by expanding, flaring, I cruelly take my hand away and give a few short thrusts before grinding into his hips, and again, and again until his cries of pleasure fill the room.

I lean over the small new forester, still buried inside him, still hard and unsatisfied, but happy I'd given him satisfaction, no rush.

I nibble and nuzzle his neck, drawing some of it into my mouth along with his mane, and give a couple of long hard thrusts as if I were a feral stallion breeding a feral mare, but I let go, teasing.

"Tom" he said weekly, "I want to see you" I stroked his white back and began pulling out, his bum didn't let me go without a fight though, continually trying to suck me back, but eventually I popped free with a little splat, I had made him quite wet in there. I helped him turn over, so he was facing me, that beautiful little cock of his lying flaccid across his belly, I was about to push back into him, but he hiked himself up the bed and beckoned me to follow him "Ok mate, I get you" I said softly, and walked up the bed to him on my knees, he lays his head to the side and looks at me, I look back at the pony and push into him once more maintaining eye contact, and start thrusting into him once more, a little faster this time round.

I lean down to plant kisses on his muzzle but he wraps his arms around me pulling me down, bringing our bodies close to each other's, and kissing me deeper. I get the idea and really start grinding into the stallion, this position is not as good for long strokes, but fantastic for short little thrusts followed by hip rolling grinding. It was taking its effect, we'd broken the kiss and I'd planted my head next to his labouring slightly with the effort, I could hear all his moans and grunts, and he could hear mine, it left me with no doubt that the little stallion was indeed enjoying himself.

I could feel his cock, rock hard again, sandwiched between us, "Tom, I can't take anymore" he moaned, "I'm going to cum soon" that was good, I sped up settling into a faster rhythm that was optimal for me, lewd wet slaps the new soundtrack to out lovemaking.

I felt him swell, then I heard him gasp, his third orgasm of the afternoon upon him, then I felt wetness between us.

But I kept on, not far now, I could feel my flare itching, tingling, then hot blood rushing to inflate it, then I was there, oh, wave after wave of hot pleasure streaming through my cock and into the little stallion, I kept thrusting through my orgasm the sounds becoming wetter and wetter, cum leaking out and running down my balls, cooling in the afternoon air. Until I felt the last few spurts leave me.

I gripped Sam tight in my arms still buried deep within him, kissing and nuzzling each other contentedly.

Yes I was content, I never remembered feeling like this before, I had come close once or twice, but not nearly as satisfied as this, it felt good, scratch that it felt amazing and you know, and just, right.

Sleep took us quickly, whisking me off to happy, contented places, not the dark contorted dreams of my own bed. I only woke when I felt another body slip under the covers in the dark and slide up to me, sandwiching Sam (still snoozing away happily) in between us, I felt a warm lick on my nose "Sarah" I said groggily. It was pitch black with no lights on "Did you know it's, half nine, my dear, I see you skipped dinner and jumped straight on top of desert" I blushed in the dark, it sounded wrong when said like that, but what Sam and I had done together felt so right. She leaned in and kissed me, a quick bump on my muzzle and brief sharing of tongues.

"So when are you moving back?" she asked bluntly, "I don't know about you but I rather like coming home to find two stallions in my bed"

I wanted to reply with the usual "Maybe" noncommittal shit that everyone's used to hearing from my muzzle. But fuck it Tom, my mind screamed at me stop playing the cool game just say it. Go on, say it you prick, say it.

"Tomorrow?" I offered, "Hmm, I was hoping now, but I suppose tomorrow will have to do, goodnight Tom"

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This Is Hardcore

This Is Hardcore, I'm a black stallion with a little bit of Percheron and a little bit of Frisian in me, I'm big 7.2 ft, and big in other... places you know... Interested now? good then we'll begin, I work in porn, I fuck, suck, get fucked (on...

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Two Mares, Chapter 1 Nile

Nile. Nile, say it for me please, Nile, again with a northern Irish accent ni-all, his accent niall that's it you've got it. He's shouting again, that's nothing unusual. He's upset, I won't wink for him, he doesn't understand that I can't, not...

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