assassian's tale

Story by Loki the Wanderer on SoFurry

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Unrelated to End of a World, It predates it. But I'm sure you'll enjoy, Please comment

Year 42 of the Phage invasion.

So, you want to hear this old wolfs' story? I suppose it's only right, what with me on my death bed and all. I'm nine-hundred and fifty years old, and I'm not getting younger! I'm ready to see Theska again...

Right, my story, before the Phage, during the times when Anthronicans fought oneanother fairly. God what a long time ago... I was only twenty five.

Chapter One

933 years ago

Leather jacket, fingerless gloves, olive-green cargo pants and wrap-around shades. If my outfit didn't identify my as a hitman, the assault-rifle slung across my back sure as hell did. I walked calmly though the crowded streets, allowing myself a rare smile as the masses parted to make way for me. Being an assassain had its downsides, but it also had its perks. For instance, you were respected, though through fear more than anything else.

approaching my destination, I cast a glance at the skyscapers title.


Eight-hundered floors of medical research facilities, and I had to find one man. I entered the building, slid into an elevator and hit floor number eight. The others in the elevator did their best to press discreatly against the walls. I let out a snort. weak minded drones. they'd never understand the thrill of the hunt. The elevator reached my floor and I stepped out. I pulled out my targets Info once more. Throsha Mallama. Lead researcer in finding cures for mental illnesses, which he did by scrambling cubs brains and sending them back home. Not to mention eightteen years of embezzelment on the side.

I moved through the work stations, checking each face twice till I found him, just getting ready to leave.

"Throsha Mallama?" I asked.

Bright blue eyes met mine, "Yes? I'm afraid I'm off for the day so..."

He paused, viewing my attire.

"Police?" He guessed.

"You wish," I growled, Grabbing his arm, "Come with me."

"Now see here-" He started.

"You don't really have a choice."

I shoved him into an empty elevator, walked in behind him and hit floor four-hundred.

"Alright, alright." He said, "is this about the money? Cause I can get you a cut." the high-speed lift arrived at the four-hundredth floor, and I shoved him out and against a window.

"W-what do you want?" he whimpered.

Shooting the glass around him, I took three steps and snarled: "Justice." And kicked him out the window.

reloading, I reentered the elevator, rode it to the ground floor and left the building just as the doctor hit the cement beside me.

End of a World: Part II

"Don't worry about that," Volka said, sitting up and breaking out of her handcuffs with obvious ease. "They're my people." "Your people?" I asked, "Yes, part of the Zealot rebels." "Rebels," intoned Issac, "First I've heard of 'em." Volka rolled...

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End of a World

I sighed, adjusting the scope on my rifle for the umpteenth time. Beside me, Katrina sighed as well. Anthronicans are bipedal animals which humans like to describe as 'anthropomorphic', so like humans...just, better. I let my gaze linger over my mates...

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(updated) Anthronic Chronocals

I stood out side the clay studio, my paw's covered in the thick substance. I waited for my friend Jeskai to come and pick me up, She was a charming girl, well she was nearly a Vixen now, 18 years old. I took glance at my watch, 3:30. Just then I heard...

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