A Persistent Dragon Teaser

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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Here's a short teaser for those interested in what might be happening in the next chapter of The Persistent Dragon. I would also like to thank everyone who donated money for the production of more chapters. As I get more donations in I will continue to work on the story until it is finished. :)


"Jay-ake!" Penelope cooed, the sultry sound in the dragon's voice unmistakable. Jacob felt something brush up against his side from behind, and gasped as the tail quickly wrapped around his waist, constricting him tight.

"I-rrf! Nel!" Jacob gasped and writhed in the dragon's grip. With a yank, Penelope pulled her keeper closer to her backside, causing him to stumble backward.

"What?" She giggled as innocent as the dragon possibly could.

Jacob turned to his dragon, his face beginning to turn red. "You know what! Let go!"

Penelope looked back at him with the tip of her tongue sticking out from the front of her lips. That same cute, innocent expression that Jacob found so hard to say no to.

"Jake... I want you to pet me. Starting at the rump and working your way down." She gave him another pull, causing Jacob to stumble right into the dragon's backside and giving her rear end a nudge with his hips.

"Absolutely not!" he yelled too loudly, causing a few people to turn their heads. He began to pull at the tail that was tightly wound around him.

Seeing such a staunch resistance shocked the dragon. She immediately dropped her grin. "But... but...."

Jacob struggled to remove the scaly tail tightly wrapped around his waist. "Nel, we're in public! No rough-housing, no teasing..." he leaned closer and hissed the words. "And no you-know-what!"

The dragon drooped her head and ear fins as she relaxed her tail, freeing her keeper. "You're no fun..."

Jacob let out a huge sigh of relief as his dragon acquiesced and her thick, draconic tail loosened round his waist. Pushing the tail off, he smoothed out his shirt, adjusted his collar, and attempted to collect himself. He then pulled the reins on his dragon's halter and brought Penelope close.

"Nel!" he hissed into her ear. "There's a time and a place for that, do you understand? We talked about this!"

Penelope pouted and stared at the ground. "I know, I know... I just wanted to..."

"To do what?"

The dragon attempted to hide a smile. "To tease you."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Nel..." he whined. The pained expression on his face was all too obvious to Penelope, but she happily ignored it.

"But you're so fun to tease!" the dragon pranced in place, apparently delighted with herself. "Its fun seeing you get all flustered and upset and frustrated."

"Well, its not fun for me!" he proclaimed. "So we're going to stop that behavior right now. Understand?"

She looked up at him with a hint of a smile showing across her snout. "But... seeing you struggle makes you cute."

"Nel?" He warned with his tone of voice. He knew where the dragon was going with this....

"And it makes me want to tease you more, Jake," the dragon growled under her breath. "And then I get myself riled up and it makes me want to do things to you."

Jacob felt the blood drain from his face. In a rush he clamped his hands around the dragon's snout. "Ssshhhhh!" He hissed, looking around wildly and hoping no one heard. "Not in public!" He admonished the dragon.

Penelope wriggled out of his grasp with a giggle. "But I do!" the dragon squealed in excitement, causing her keeper to turn away with a groan of frustration. Prancing close, she leaned into his ear. "It makes me want to take you home and tackle you and do horrible, terrible things," she whispered. Jacob felt the long, slow ply of her thick, draconic tongue brush across his neck, causing him to shudder.

The moment was pure torture for Jacob. He already felt his pants starting to get tight. "Nel, Please don't," he begged her.

Penelope churred and gave his ear lobe a quick nibble, causing Jacob to gasp. Warm, humid breath blew across his neck. "I'm getting all hot, Jake... and I want to do something about it," she sang into his ear.


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