Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Three

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter Three

"I just can't figure it out," Mr. Sandwich exclaimed.  "Last night, there was a great big burn on

his back!"

"Well, I don't see anything of the sort," the vet replied.  He ran his hand down Peanut's back, and the

pup didn't complain in the slightest.  "He's

as healthy as a horse."

"But I'm a dog!" Peanut protested.

"Grape said he got struck by lightning," Mr. Sandwich went

on.  "She was in tears over the whole


The vet turned to look at Grape, who instinctively shrank

into the corner just in case he decided to pull a needle out.

"What do you have to say about all this, Princess?" the

doctor asked.

"My name is Grape!" the cat spat.

The doctor chuckled, "Well, you'll always be Princess

Periwinkle to me!"

Grape glared at the wicked, evil, doctor man with all the

hatred she could muster, "All I know is that everything got really bright all

of a sudden, and the next thing I know he's face down in the dirt!"  She had avoided mentioning anything about

Tarot's visit the night before.

"I feel fine!" Peanut piped up.  "We went to see Pridelands 3 last night!  Have you ever read the Pridelands books, Mr.


"Can't say that I have," the vet answered before turning to their

dad again.  "I hate to be the bearer of

bad news, but it looks like your pets have played a trick on you, Mr. Sandwich."

"No way," Mr. Sandwich argued.  "I saw the burn with my own two eyes.  It was there!"

"Then I don't know what to tell you, because Peanut is..."

"I'm not a horse!" Peanut interjected crossly.

"I won't charge you for the visit," the vet finished.  "But next time, I'd suggest taking a closer

look at them when they tell you they've been struck by lightning."

Mr. Sandwich bit his lip and sighed, shaking his head in

resignation, "All right, then.  Come on,

Peanut."  He placed his dog back on the

floor.  Clipping their leashes to their

collars, he led them out of the room.  "Thank

you, Doc.  I'm sorry for the trouble."

"No trouble at all," the doctor smiled.  "I know how pets can get sometimes."

"Don't I get a lollipop?" Peanut asked as they walked out.

"Guys, I am very disappointed in you both," Mr. Sandwich

said as they left the office.  "I can't

believe you would do something like this!"

"I don't even remember what any of you are talking about,"

Peanut said, pulling on his leash to sniff a fire hydrant.

"Don't give me that, young pup!" Mr. Sandwich scolded

him.  "I don't know how you two managed

to make that burn look so real last night, but it was a very mean thing to

do.  Your mother and I were worried sick!"

"Sorry, Dad," Grape muttered, looking down and shuffling her

feet guiltily.  Better to just let him

think the whole thing was a trick than have to explain everything.

"I should hope so, Grape!" Mr. Sandwich said, turning to

her.  "No more midnight movies for either

of you.  Ever!"

"Aaw!" Peanut whined. 

"No fair, Dad!"

"You should have thought of that before you played that

trick on us last night," Mr. Sandwich concluded.  "Now come on, we're going home."

The walk from the vet office to the Sandwich's house was

only about a mile, and Mr. Sandwich had insisted they walk the distance from

now on, claiming it would be good exercise. 

As they walked, Grape reflected on their situation.  If all that came of this dilemma was that

they couldn't go to the movies at midnight anymore, then she counted herself


"Wait a minute," Mr. Sandwich said suddenly.  He'd stopped outside the grocery store.  "I  need to get some milk.  Can I trust you two to get home on your own?"

"Yeah!" Peanut agreed.

"Go straight home," their dad ordered sternly.  "No stopping to talk to your friends."

The two of them continued walking as Mr. Sandwich went

inside the store.

"So, what's all this about me being struck by lightning?"

Peanut asked.

Grape bit her lip and looked away, her mind racing as she

tried to figure out how much she should tell him.

"It was nothing," she said, speaking fast.  "You fell asleep on the way home.  You must have been more tired than you

thought after the movie ended.  I thought

it'd be funny if I drew a burn mark on your back."  She grinned sheepishly, "I guess Mom and Dad

didn't think it was funny, huh?"

Peanut glared at her crossly, "That was mean of you, Grape!"

he exclaimed.  "Mom and Dad said they

were really scared!"

"Sorry!" Grape said.

"I hope you're happy," Peanut grumped, looking at the ground

in front of him.  "Now neither of us get

to go to the movies anymore!"

"I'll tell them it wasn't your fault," Grape promised.  "They'll probably let you off the hook."

Peanut didn't reply. 

Grape fell into a guilty silence, but refused to take her eyes off of


"What are you staring at me like that for?" Peanut demanded

angrily a few minutes later.

"Nothing!" Grape replied, promptly averting her eyes.  This wasn't right.  Even when she'd gotten him in trouble in the

past, he had been quick to forgive her. 

This prolonged, brooding anger just wasn't like him.

They finally made their way into their neighborhood.  The pets were milling around their yards like


"Hey, Grape!"  Grape

turned to see her boyfriend, Max, running up to meet her.

"Sorry, Max!" she said. 

"I can't talk now.  We're being


"What for?" Max asked, not deterred in the least.

"For her being stupid little pussycat!" Peanut spat.

Max looked at Peanut in confusion before turning indignant, "You'd

better watch your mouth when you're talking about my girlfriend, dog!"

"Max, no," Grape pleaded. 

"Not now!"

"What are you going to do about it?" Peanut demanded, moving

to stand directly in front of Max.  Even

though Max was older, Peanut was still a few inches taller.

"Maybe I'll teach you a lesson, you stupid pooch!" Max

flexed his claws.

Before the cat could make a move, though, Peanut had his

paws wrapped around his neck!  He tackled

Max to the ground, squeezing his throat with all his might.  Max gurgled with surprise, and fought to

break the dog's grip, to no avail.

"Peanut!" Grape screamed. 

"Peanut, no!  Stop!"

"That's enough!" Officer Fido yelled.  Before Grape knew what was happening, the

large dog was had joined the fray.  With

his strength, training, and larger size, he was able to pull Peanut off of Max.

"You are crazy!" Max screamed in horror, scrambling to his

feet.  "You've got rabies!"  Without a backwards glance, he turned and ran

all the way home.

"Peanut, what in the world was that?" Fido demanded, holding

the pup off the ground by the scruff of his neck.

"What was what?" Peanut asked, uncomprehendingly.

Grape blinked.  All

traces of anger had disappeared from Peanut's face, and he stared at the canine

officer in confusion.

"You just attacked Max!" Fido exclaimed.

"No I didn't!" Peanut protested.  He turned to Grape, "Tell him I didn't attack


"He's... he's sick, Fido," Grape stammered, still in shock

over what she had just witnessed.  "We

just came from the vet, and he says that Peanut needs to go home and rest."

"He did not!" Peanut protested.  "He said I was a horse!"

"He doesn't know what he's saying," Grape lied through her

teeth, hoping against hope that Fido would buy it.  "My dad's out getting him some medicine.  He'll be back later!"

Fido eyed Peanut suspiciously one last time before turning

and walking towards the Sandwich house, "All right, but I'm not letting him go

until he's inside your front door."

"He's a werewolf!" a squeaky voice shouted from Fido's

head.  Grape froze in horror.

"Not now, Spo!" Fido growled.  "Just keep your mouth shut."

Fido opened the door to the Sandwich house and set Peanut


"Don't come out until you're better," he warned him.  "If you do that again, I'll have to bring you

in for it."  With that, he slammed the

door.  Turning to Grape, he said, "Be

careful around him.  You might want to

sleep outside until he's better."

"Yeah, no kidding," Grape agreed.  She waited until Fido had left their yard

before turning and running off in search of Tarot.

Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Four

Chapter Four   "He's in the house," Grape explained to the Pomeranian as they hid behind the next door neighbor's bushes. "How badly did he hurt Max?" Tarot asked.  Grape had explained everything on their way over. "I don't think he did any permanent...

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut, Chapter Two

Chapter Two   "Mom!  Dad!" Grape yelled as she clumsily opened the door to her house, carrying Peanut inside.  "Wake up!" Hearing the desperate tone of her voice, both the Sandwich parents got out of bed and came running downstairs. "Grape, what's...

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut

Chapter One   It was a dark night, and the silver moon peeked through the clouds, providing only the meanest amount of light for Peanut and Grape Sandwich as they made their way home from the movie theater.  They had begged for their parents to...

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