Oklahoma's Story Part 04

Story by Charrio on SoFurry

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#6 of Oklahoma's Story

Part 4 of Oklahoma's Story. NOTE: Draft Form so forgive Errors To Be Illustrated when I can.

Oklahoma's Story By Charrio (Charles Uriarte)

Part Four

Warning: This is an Adult Story intended for Adults! This story is complete fantasy and intended for erotic entertainment purposes.

***** Dawn came as it always does, bringing the warmth and light to the quiet house. The sun's rays shining on Oklahoma's face, her soft grey fur dark around her eyes from tears. During the night Oklahoma had woken up and found herself inside the house in her bed. She remembered talking to Olivia and her conversation about being with her Uncle Gary. Her shame and and embarrassment kept stabbing her mind making returning to sleep dreadful, crying her pain into her pillow in quaking sobs. Sleep found Oklahoma again but not till only recently, he face-fur still damp with her tears.

Laying there with the sun on her face, Oklahoma murmurs a single word before rolling over out of the light, "Momma". Gary waking from his dreams, something brief and intense dealing with an invisible assailant. Eyes popping open and the fear and excitement quickly fading to dream fluff one hardly remembers when called upon, Gary feels the familiar feeling of Olivia's warm body cuddled to him. Quietly studying her face, her Tan fur almost golden in the light, whiskers barely stirring as he breathes. Leaning in he breathes in deeply her Scent, nuzzling into her fur to get a better whiff.

Holding her close and enjoying the moment, his brain starts clicking, "something is different" he thought to himself. Stirring from her sleep and smiling feeling her Husband nuzzling her fur, she reflexively begins grooming his face and ears, clucking pleasures as she does. Feeling her groom him he loses his train of thought and responds in kind, licking and grooming her fur. The two of them lay there saying barely a word, enjoying the other and the feeling of closeness after such a time of discord and trial of their love.

Gary holding his wife close kisses her deeply his paws holding her chubby body to his. Olivia could think of no better place where she could want to be, this was her Gary her husband. Life is full of moments we make a choice, sometimes we react and make a rash one. Kissing and pressing their bodies together, each growing more crazy for the other. Kissing more intensely and instinctively moving their bodies to join.

Olivia needed Gary as he needed her, His erection showing his needs pressing against the fur oh his mate. Kissing again and whispering "I love you" over and over they made love. This was the first time they had been intimate since Olivia's recent assault and rape, Gary was being incredibly gentle. Between kisses and slow deliberate movements, Olivia nibbling on Gary's ear whispers "I'm sorry". Gary busts up, those words were meant to be his after his incident with Oklahoma his breath choking and tears unable to stop. Olivia seeing his state instantly kisses and comforts him not knowing her own words would be taken this way. Several moments pass as Gary calms himself and croaks his feelings to Olivia. Olivia just holding her husbands cheeks and listening her own tears flowing.

Spending years together they knew one another well, even more so since they could naturally smell hints on moods or states of being. Olivia knew pretty much how Gary felt, he was still feeling bad and responsible for hurting her. Olivia almost told him about the Dr.'s office and her test results, but stopped. This wasn't the right time anyways, maybe later she thought lying to herself.

Getting up and dressing the two were making those ever so important connections with each other again. Small things, like the ability to walk up and put your arms around your mate without the fear before. They even flirted some and took their shower together, both so happy to feel the freedom of love again. Not aware of the noise they were making or the scents carried downstairs, Oklahoma wakes feeling so tired and genuinely bad.

Feeling it's better to be less seen today, Oklahoma quietly gets up and dresses. Taking a look at her bloodshot eyes and crumpled hair, she frowns. Too much in feeling she doesn't want to be there now she quickly ties her hair back and dresses in a non revealing T-shirt and Jeans. In a hurry to leave she bounds out of her room and tip toes out the door, the shower upstairs still running strong.

Glancing at the stove clock before she leaves it's 8:45am, "Nice and early..." Oklahoma thought miserably. Opening the door and taking a step out she quietly and gently closes the door behind her. The air was cold and fresh with the cool of the morning. Scents were the strongest this time of day, before the heat could burn them off or distort them badly. Walking down the paved path, down a small hill to the main sidewalk, the smells filling her nose. The smells of grass and water which was everywhere hanging as dew on the countless blades of grass and leaves. Mixed with it were the smells of life, Cooking breakfasts, the smell of a combustion engine as someone goes to the daily grind of work.

Walking on alone down the empty street, only the occasional Mouse or human going about their own morning routine. A female fox jogger passes her by nodding to her while music blares in her ear buds, Oklahoma waves and smiles. It was Shently a fox she saw often around Gary's neighborhood, she had always been nice. Oklahoma didn't know her personally but saw here around a bunch while staying there. Oklahoma really liked foxes from what she had seen of them, their Reddish silky fur always lit up in the sun making them quite popular.

Onward she walked, the sun growing higher and slowly warmer. Shifting the scents in the air again as conditions changed. Now the breeze brought her the smells of the forests, dampness, bark, dirt, mosses and most of all the smell reminded her of her home. That smell made her feel the most homesick she had in a long time, normally she would have her Uncle Gary and Olivia to ease if not take away that pain. Slowing her pace to almost a stop she wipes a tear away and tells herself "I'm not gonna Cry, not now." with a deep breath she finds her strength and wills her tears to end.

The area she had walked into was more rural, tall grasses and summer flowers with the tree line just in the distance. About to walk out to the trees out in the distance, Oklahoma's phone buzzes with a new message. Not wanting to know who it is she ignores the buzz and the second that follows, running out toward the tree line needing the familiar setting and needing to be alone.

Olivia looking panicky looks down at her phone again, no response after she sent another text to Oklahoma.

Olivia: "Gary where is she?" She asks with a tinge of panic in her voice

Gary : "Oli, i have no idea where that Girl ran off to. Did you try the locate feature?" He asked hoping to be helpful and ease the situation.

The morning had been going well for the two until they came down to wake Oklahoma for Breakfast, only to find she was gone and nowhere in the house.

Olivia: Trying the Locate function with no luck "What is wrong with her!? It says the phone is off!" Her voice getting annoyed

Gary: "Well maybe she turned it off and wants to be alone? I'll go take a look around the neighborhood she can't of gotten far." He said in his hope to help and find his Niece who was starting to make him worry as well.

Olivia: "Well see if you can find her." Olivia replies hurriedly and goes back to Oklahoma's room to double check for a note.

Sighing and walking outside, Gary squints as the sun blinds him for a moment. The smells of outdoors rushing him. Most City mouse homes had air circulating through filters to lessen the outdoors odors inside. In the past Mice would just live in earthen homes which gave off their own earthen odor and kept the home very much closed off. Mouse homes now were Artificial constructs made in factories, having a completely different set of smells mostly artificial and chemical treatments.

Setting off in a direction he felt she had gone, Gary starts off down the path. Half going by guess and also subconsciously by what fragments of her scent he could gather. Most furry races don't think about smell, it's part of their lives so scenting someone is very natural almost instinct. Not even aware of being led most of the time, Gary follows Oklahoma's trail toward the far off trees.


Walking on Gary passes Shently the young Fox miss jogging past on her return lap, stopping a moment to talk. "Hey looking for your Neice?" Shently asked seeing and scenting this distress on Gary as well as Oklahoma when she passed earlier.

"Yes actually, have you seen her?" Gary asked his ears perking up with a hopeful lead. "Yeah she was looking a bit down, is everything OK?" Shently asked genuinely a little worried. Shently had lived in the neighborhood for years growing up here, she had seen Oklahoma grown up over time as well and often saw Gary and Olivia. It was odd seeing her neighbor and the little girl down the street so upset. "You saw Her?" Gary replied his voice hopeful. "She went on toward the Fields, You two OK?" Shently asked again. Gary paused a moment and then replied, "Yeah, everything is fine, just one of those days ya know?" Shently nodded and smiled happy she could help, "Well I hope it all works out, gotta run works in a half hour." she said and politely excused herself jogging back on her way home. Gary was brightened up, he knew Oklahoma was around but also she was troubled, he continued up the hill to the fields his pace quickened.

Oklahoma was sitting among the trees her eyes closed, her ears picked up Gary's pawsteps coming before he saw her. She thought of running or trying to hide, but knew well it would be useless. She sighed and readied herself for a talk...

Gary picking up Oklahoma's scent now easily locates her sitting among the trees, he stops seeing her posture and look of sadness on her face. Oklahoma's ears were drooped and her eyes damp with tears kept back with strength ebbing by the moment. Gary walking up each step a challenge, he was afraid, in his heart he was afraid of what she could say or be feeling. Sitting down in front of Oklahoma, who was still sitting there eyes almost clamped shut was shivering with emotion.

Oklahoma was feeling Heartbroken, Sad, Humiliated, Ashamed, She was terrified of what Gary will say and Olivia's possible looks of anger or shame. Gary reached out and touched Oklahoma's paw, it was a trigger. Oklahoma squeaked and broke, knocking his paw away and balling up crying, her emotions so strong she couldn't hold it anymore. Gary didn't know what was wrong but his hackles were up and he knew she was hurting bad, her whole body shook as she cried.

Gary whimpered and very gently rubbed her back while she sobbed and let her pain out, Oklahoma cried for several moments. The whole time Gary never said a word and just offered his support, Oklahoma finally calmed her breathing heavy still. Shivering still from the outpour of emotions Oklahoma couldn't look up, she wouldn't, all she could see were Gary's Footpaws.

Gary cleared his throat and began, "Honey can you talk to me about it?" He asked so gently it moved Oklahoma making her look up, her red curls hanging over her face. "Do you hate me?..." Oklahoma squeaked barely audible. "Oaky, I can never hate you." Gary responded instantly, gently sweeping her long red curls aside and looking into her tear stained face.

Gary: "Oaky love, we still have some issues to deal with. Running away doesn't help things." he said tenderly wiping the still flowing tears from her face, His own threatening.

Oklahoma: "I know..." She replied then added "I just needed to be alone." her voice fading.

Gary: "Do you still want to be alone? I can." Gary started but was cut off

Oklahoma "NO stay, at least stay for a bit. Then we can walk back, I know Olivia is probably worried" She said rubbing her eyes and sniffling.

Gary: "Speaking of which, she tried to text you Honey."

Oklahoma: "I figured as much, sorry for making you guys worry."

Gary: "Oaky, do you know why I worry, or why Olivia worry about you? It's because we love you honey, your part of us." Gary stopped there not wanting to add his next thought.

Oklahoma: Ears laid flat like a sour note was hit, "Do you Love Me?" She asked almost coldly.

Gary was hit with a knife, he wasn't aware truly of how hard those few words could hit him coming from his Niece. He started to cry, he broke down his emotions confusing and overwhelming. Mice typically pick up on another mouse's moods and health from scent and subconscious cues as body posture or eye movements. This typically led to a much deeper understanding and empathic connections. Oklahoma's frustration and emotional state was very much affecting him, making him more receptive and emotional himself.

Oklahoma was watching him scared, she had never seen Gary so upset, she crawled over tears flowing again and clung to him and wailed. Squeaking and crying, the two of them held on one another. Gary was in torment his emotions out of control and his young niece's hurting badly for somehow crushing her Uncle.

It was several moments until the two calmed enough to hear the concerned Cluck of Olivia. Standing a bit off and wiping tears away with a hankie, one of which she always carried. "Are you two OK?" Olivia asked knowing what happened. Growing up Olivia had often seen Gary get overly emotional around a distraught mouse, she loved that about him. She loved the fact he could be so moved and feel so deeply, she had no fear of anything sexual happening the scent was far too strong of sadness.

Olivia walked to them and wiped Gary's eyes gently with her hankerchief and clucked kissing his muzzle sweetly. Gently she cleaned Oklahoma's face as well, tenderly and lovingly, taking great stride to show she loved her. Oklahoma was so drained now, Gary was too with little prompting Olivia led the two back home. Inside Olivia was just starting to realize how deeply Oklahoma loved Gary, it made her happy but also was worrying her.

Back at home Olivia did what she knew best, Feed her family. They all had a wonderfully large lunch, baked bread fresh from the oven. Oklahoma helped, she loved the chance to step back into normal routine with the two. Stew heavy with potatoes and carrots, and other vegetables cooked in a beef broth. A store bought pie, which was always sweeter then needed to be.

The three had a great meal, a very nice change from the stress that seemed to be lurking in the shadows. Afterwards Olivia leading the trio, very much taking a mother hen role with both of them. The rest of the day went perfectly, Olivia seemed to be a buffer for most of the emotions swirling around.

That evening things changed, Olivia, Oklahoma and Gary were together in the living room when Olivia brought up the Elephant in the room.

Olivia: Taking a long moment on how to phrase her words, "So what are we going to do about you two?" she finally said her tone serious and inflecting.

Gary: "What? Oli?" Gary sputtered hoping she wasn't talking about Oklahoma and Him. Oklahoma: Squeaked and looked away at the photo on the wall. "....I.." Oklahoma couldn't speak more.

Olivia: Walking to Oklahoma and turned her muzzle to face her to look into her eyes. "Honey it's not going to stop and not going to go away." Olivia said gently

Gary: Silently takes a seat and sits nervously, clucking and flicking his ears tensely.

Oklahoma: Looking so scared and trapped, "It hurts..."

Olivia: Taking both Oklahoma's paws in hers she starts. "I know honey, its love."

Gary: Silent as a stone watches, his heart racing unsure where Olivia is taking this.

Oklahoma: Shaking and nodding unable to say the words to Olivia

Olivia: Squeezing her paws for support, "It's OK baby, it's OK to love. It's even OK to love Gary. It's alright to have fantasies and desires Sweetie." Olivia said remembering long ago when she was in love with her own father. Nothing like Oklahoma's desires but she loved him and pretended to be married to him for a while.

Oklahoma: Her eyes flicking to Gary and then Olivia but nodding agreement. "I love him...." Oklahoma finally admitted.

Gary: "I.. I." He started

Olivia: "HUSH! NOW!" Olivia hissed, her own heart racing.

Gary: "...." Was instantly cowed silent.

Oklahoma: Was shocked and squeaked.

Olivia: "Oklahoma, this is important." Swallowing and pausing, "I know you love Gary, and I know Gary loves you."

Oklahoma: Her eyes wide, "How? Did he tell you?"

Gary: Swallowing and coming forward, his throat was dry and he wasn't exactly sure what to do or say. He was following cues unseen and his own emotions, kneeling down next to Olivia and in front to the side. "Honey, I do love you, I also Love Olivia." he said almost fearing Olivia's hiss but none came.

Olivia: Nodding approval and adding, "Its OK to love honey, we just don't normally want to take it to that physical level." Olivia clucked affectionately

Oklahoma: Didn't know what to do, her emotions were so conflicting, morals not her own trying to force emotions away. "I love you, I love you both. I know its not OK to do that." Oklahoma was about to continue but Olivia cut her off.

Olivia: "Darling I didn't say it wasn't OK, i said it wasn't normally brought to that level" She chirped and winked trying to bring some play back.

Gary: Hugged his wife and groped her rump while winking at Oklahoma.

Olivia: Gasped and clucked smiling.

Oklahoma: Giggled and seemed to genuinely relax, her feelings of shame quelled for now.

Olivia: Noting the mood change to a more positive one took the next step, "So now what are we gonna do about it?"

Gary: "Oli, what are you suggesting?" He asked his eyebrows cocked curiously.

Olivia: "Just what needs to be done Honey." Olivia said with definite conviction in her voice.

Oklahoma: Squeaked and blushed but got a deep tingle inside at the concept and her love for Gary was very strong. It was her first real love, her heart had made a connection and her experience was nil making it unbearable strong and driving.

Gary: "Oli...?" Gary said softly his voice cracking, "I can't, I don't want to hurt you..." His emotions coming to surface again.

Olivia: Taking his paw, "Shhhh shhhh honey, it's OK." Taking Oklahoma's Paw in her other hand, "I want this honey, I know Oklahoma is in pain and what Love for you feels like baby."

Oklahoma: Tears welling up, looked to Olivia and Gary, both their faces kind and gentle. She loved them so much it hurt.

The evening moved on up into the master bedroom, the room lit with candles and the faint scent of roses in the air. The room also had the unmistakable strong scent of emotions charged, emotions of love, lust and painful fears just starting to fade.

************** Olivia kissed Oklahoma sweetly, both a bit awkward at first but soon passing into full sensuality. Gary Unbuttoning Olivia's blouse, freeing her large furred breasts. The nipples already alive and standing above the fur, they laid hidden when not in such a state. Olivia nuzzling and kissing Oklahoma's neck, making her gasp and squirm. Kissing and nuzzling, along with nibbles and nips were very intimate signs of affection among mice.

Kissing and nuzzling are normal but when combined with grooming and nibbles starts a courtship mating. Mice have sex all the time normally but aren't in a mated relationship, mated mice however display courtship behavior. Most of the time, mice only share this with a close loved mate or spouse. Long ago Mice found bonds were much stronger after such intense displays of affection, leading to a mate courtship behavior differing from casual sex.

Oklahoma was never treated so lovingly, her body was alive and her heart was swelling in emotions of love belonging and most of all desire. Small orgasms ran through her just kissing and having her fur nibbled by Gary, biting and nuzzling into her thick grey fur.

Her large breasts were teased by Olivia, kissing and nuzzling her sensitive teats finally taking it into her hot wet muzzle. Olivia was already turned on, the scent in the room was driving them on. Each one's excitement fueling the other, Gary's cock was hard and poking from his velvet sheath. Oklahoma just let everything happen, having no experience she reveled in being so aroused and loving the ones she loved.

Gary kissing and licking at Olivia's tail side, her rump in the air as she paid the same attention to Oklahoma's soaking mound. Olivia's tail rose up automatically for her lover, allowing him to explore and inviting. Oklahoma was squeaking and raising her hips into Olivia's muzzle cumming again as Gary lapped away at Olivia's pussy, her own wetness delighting Gary. Gary was Olivia's completely, she had given him to Oklahoma for tonight and clucked it to him.

Squeaking and chittering lovings to her he moved up beside Olivia who moved aside and down so she could taste her mate's member. Oklahoma was panting still from cumming when Gary nuzzled and licked her tailhole, chittering with his muzzle buried against. Oklahoma squealed and bucked making Gary laugh and wait till she settled down, her chitters and squeaks finally subsiding.

Olivia had to wait for her to calm down before she could properly go down on Gary, pressing her large breasts against his sheath and letting him hump her tits. Her muzzle dipping down to suck and lick at this cock head. Gary came quickly but his erection didn't fade in the least, his salty musk greedily lapped up by Olivia.

Gary at Olivia's urging moved up over Oklahoma his eight inch mouse erection laying against her soaked furry mound looking down at her glowing eyes and face full of love, nodding him onward. Moving into position Gary placed his cock head at Oklahoma's opening, pushing firmly but gently her slit resisting before giving way and Gary slid inside Oklahoma's sex. She squealed and bit her lip, tail curling tense and then relaxing along with her body as she adjusted to the feel of his cock inside her.

Gary being as gentle as possible waits for her to signal for him to continue, his mouse cock only the head inside gently pushes in. Oklahoma chittering and squeezing her nipples hard, making her ecstacy that much more. Olivia clucking and whispering encouragement, "Slow and gently baby" she directed. Gary was in heaven two women he loved, both encouraging him on, his first climax inside Oklahoma erupted.

Oklahoma was surprised and bucked up as his cock throbbed and jumped inside spraying his seed, her first hard climax during mating hit her. Oklahoma's body locked up and her breathing stopped as the sensation went through her. Mice commonly have simultaneous orgasms, a pleasant holdover from more feral times. Also Mice tend to have multiple orgasms, especially when courtship mating or group sex sessions. The combined scents of arousal help drive males to stay erect even after ejaculation and keep hips humping instinctually. Gary was no exception, his erection was rock hard still and his cock slid in and out in a quicker pace, almost shuddering. Not a lot of movement in and out but a shiver that made the two sexes connect well.

Gary continued to make love to Oklahoma, her mind a fog of emotions and sensations so powerful her brain had little time before another wave hit. Changing positions Oklahoma got on all fours, the more primal position for mice. Sliding in with ease now with so much cum, hers and his the fur was dark soaked through as he mated her in that position both of them squeaking in pleasure as his cock slid in to the hilt.

Olivia was pawing herself watching the two, her mind fuddled in the scents and display of love and lust before her. Her paw was deftly stroking the length of her slit, it's musky dampness quite wet herself. Using her fingers and thumb she teased her nipples as well as her swollen clit, cumming several times as Gary bred Oklahoma.

Several hours passed and the three of them lay collapsed and cuddling in a ball of spent warm furry forms. The clock showed 5:47am, hundreds of miles away a Country mouse was already up checking up on the crops of SCORN a Soy/Corn Hybrid as well as the Livestock. Joined by his Son Jaqe, Both were large brown mice, strong from working a farm even if much modernized with machinery. Jax the slightly larger and much older of the two, spat on the ground and looked up into the sky his nose sampling the air.

"Pa do you think Oaky will be surprised when we get there?" Jaqe asked picking up a stick from the dirt and swinging it absently.

"She'll be surprised alright, We're going to be there a week early and your Ma is missing her bad. I reckon Oaky will be missing her Momma too" Jax replied sure of it.

"Go on and get those Chattle fed and watered and make sure the timers are working. Last time we left the poor beasts had no water." Jax ordered as his son walked off to do his chores.

Standing in the new day's light, Jax took in the breeze something was in the wind he didn't like. Call it intuition or call it foreboding but Jax had a feeling today was going have problems, heck it might even be a bad day.

Taking another sniff of the breeze he went on to his work, if he got done early they could be on the road to see Oaky that much sooner.

Back at Gary and Olivia's they slept, happy loved and satisfied. The day was going to be a long one indeed. The air was charged with the scent of a sex fest, Gary and Oklahoma had spent themselves in orgasmic bliss marking their fur and bodies with musk and odors one can't mistake. A country nose like Jax's was much more sensitive then that of a City mouse, He could track his daughter on a rainy day.

Woe behold those who dare see a father's wrath, Human or mouse the basic desire to protect your babies and keep them from growing up even when it has to happen never fades.

End Part Four

Writer Comments: If you liked the story comment, I love hearing comments.

Part 3 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11547028/ Part 2 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4561992/ Part 1 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4540005/

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Oklahoma's Story Part 03

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