Ben and Jess 03: joining the pack

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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Ben and Jess 03 Joining the pack

Benjamin- Border collie male

Jessica- Human female

To what dreams will come,.. Love is for writers poets and dreamers. But it's nice to feel you belong

This story is a nice light story, no high drama. sit back and enjoy. unless you are a deadbeat guardian or morality Nazi. Then you can piss off and not read this. Or maybe boil your dirty dirty genitals for the naughtiness I tempted you to. But I know you like to see some hot male collie butt ladies, and you dudes love some doggy style action. Or either way knowing this place (yiffstar).

Choose your vice.

If your kitten can read, this story will be no problem for em. Collie sexiness ensues in this story. Jess still likes to tie. If you want nonyiffy wholesomeness. You are wrong here. It's wholesomely yiffy. So be careful, or I will convert your precious into a collie fiend like myself. Mmmm,.. Collie

I still like to see what you think about my stories. So keep in mind weather you like it or not. And leave me a note. It's the polite thing to do. And I do pay attention to the comments, otherwise I would not ask.

Happy reading. ^.^


"C'mon" Jessica beat on the door to the only bathroom "You're still a dog! I need to get in there or we'll be late!"

"Hold on damnit." Came a barked reply.

Jess turned from the bathroom door to hover over her suitcase. "Just stay calm. It's going to be fine" she told herself. She was looking foreword and dreading this visit. Ben told her about his family. A pack, as Genomes kept the word for a canine family. It was impossible. She dreaded flying all that way just to find herself rejected and humiliated again. The dinner with her parents was, unsuccessful to say the least. Her father was true to his word in disowning her. Her student loan bills came to Bens home now. Their already stressed budget taxed more.

The bathroom door swung open and Jessica bolted to it stopping dead at the threshold covering her nose. "Oh! Did you leave a rotting cat carcass in here?" she half cracked at him "You never did this before, are you sick?"

"Not yet." Ben replied shortly "But it's free now." He pointed to the bathroom beyond his fiancé'. Ben was terrified of flying. He loathed it and feared it but it was the only way to get to his parents' house and back in her vacation time and his thanksgiving break. He wanted so much to show her his family. He loved them and wanted her to feel welcomed after her parents attack on her.

He looked to make sure the door of the bathroom was closed before stuffing a small ring box into his check in baggage, one with a good lock. He was dressed and had their bags in the car before Jessica came out.

"How much time do we have?"

"We're alright, everything is packed and ready to go." Ben offered his arm to her as she put on her coat. He locked the door to the apartment and the couple left.

* * * * * * * * *

As usual security was backing up and it seemed forever before they could get to their gate. Ben took his seat beside Jessica sitting next to the window. She watched the grip the collie had on the chair arms as the plane took off. His eyes were closed tightly. Jess looked to her canine love and scratched his chest through the buttoned shirt. She looked down as she realized that his tail was stiff as well. She patted him softly between his pinned back ears. "If you're this scared of flying, why did you buy plane tickets?" she asked softly.

"To get us to dad and moms house to meet you." Came bens' teeth clenched reply. Jess unbuttoned the top four buttons of his shirt and began scritching his chest fur. She noticed his breathing came more relaxed and even. She noticed his posture of terror fell to a light slump, his ears no longer plastered to his skull. Jess looked at her fingers full of fur. She realized, with how much he was shedding, how truly terrified he was on a plane.

Jess sat back when she was sure he was asleep. She didn't mind flying. It never bothered her. It only took two hours of flying time before they landed. Ben jerked with a yelp as the landing gear struck the runway and the plane slowed suddenly with reverse thrust.

A few passengers both Genome and humans, looked at the terrified collie. Some with distain others giggled. Ben almost bolted off the plane only blocked by the multitude of passengers.

Jess held her collie close in the terminal as he began breathing normal again. After getting his composure they went to baggage claim. Shortly there after in the lobby Jess spotted a large congregation of border collies, an older male and female with two younger females. Ben bee lined for them and he hugged each in turn. A slim collie with a good bit of silver fur about his muzzle but the same striking features as her Ben was his father. Charlie. His mother, Michelle, was almost spinally in Border collie fashion with only a touch of silver lining her muzzle and a young adult female, bens' sister Garnet. She had the upper part of her ear pierced with large gold flowers with a red (most likely cut glass) ruby in the center. The folds of her upper ears did not cover them from their position high on her head but the twin beaded braids from her mained collie fur danced about her new fur covered cleavage.

The youngest, not yet seeing the affects of puberty was the most memorable to Jess. A memory she would keep forever because of a child's honest assessment.

Julie sniffed at her brother and tilted her head a bit. "You don't smell like you flew in a plane, last time you did you smelled like glans.

She saw the embarrassed restraint and a quick look he gave her. She realized what the pup meant. The fear reaction for dogs is to release the anal glands. And on an airplane that would be deplorable. She suddenly realized why the bathroom stank so bad, he had expressed his glands. She felt sorry for being insensitive to him, but she didn't know.

The ride in the van was another round at bens' expense as they all told family stories. Jess had never laughed so much. She held onto Ben who was taking it all so quietly.

He smiled to Jess and hugged her to him and reminded his father of the time he had sat in gum Ben left in a chair, and had to shave half his tail to get it out as they drove into the parking lot of a nice steakhouse. Ben looked mildly confused.

"What are we doing here?"

Charlie looked back at his son. "Your mother has a lot of cooking to do for tomorrow, so we're eating out tonight." the collie explained as he parked the van "Besides, it would be a nice treat with you and your fiancé' here."

Jessica smiled and ruffed Bens' ears gleefully. Julie giggled and petted her sisters' ears, receiving a growling whimper of protest and anger.

"Don't do that," garnet scolded her smaller sister, "you'll mess up my fur."

Michelle sighed following her husbands lead on exiting the van but still dictatorially parented, "Garnet, don't growl at your sister. Julie, don't pet your sister, and neither of you start anything in the restaurant. Got it?"

The duet of yes ma'am fell out of the van as the passengers disembarked and headed into the warm atmosphere inside the building.

After a minimum of waiting for a table large enough to support the pack, they were seated. The waitress smiled and passed out menus while giving out the specials.

Garnet whimpered being seated next to her sister who insisted on playing with some of the things on the table. Jessica watched carefully how the older collie was going through some adolescent angst. She could not help be thinking of herself at that age. How her family seemed out to demolish any social status. She wanted the sophisticate status she saw her parents as having.

The thought of her own wrathful parents made her sigh. But five sets of sharp ears well tuned to any nuance suddenly set upon her five sets of collie brown eyes.

"What's wrong" Ben asked, the nervousness in his voice obvious to her.

"Sorry, was just thinking," she said, "What do you like to do?" Jessica directed to Garnet, avoiding any other questions.

Garnet looked suddenly at the table and began playing with a braid that went form behind her ear to dangle close to her breast. "Not much really." Was the ambiguous reply, "I like to sing and run."

Garnet wants to be a wolf." Julie piped in.

"Shut up!" Garnet snapped in a short growl

Garnet!" the mother collie scolded "don't growl at your sister

"I think she will have her first heat soon." The younger put in, then rubbed the back of her head where her father swatted her with his fingertips.

"You know better than to talk like that Julie. Behave yourself, and stop tormenting your sister."

Their father put an end to talking but the older collie looked embarrassed.

Jessica watched family drama from a new angle. As one who was about to bring herself together with another to make a new family. She was a little nervous now. Could she bring up children? What kind of mother would she be?

Her stream of thought was broken with a request of an order. Jessica looked at the menu and ordered a decent steak and fries, mostly because that seemed to be the going thing at the table.

"Ben says you're a nurse." Ben's mother said "How is it?"

Jessica smiled, a little nervous, she usually liked talking about her job, but now she was talking to her future mother-in-law. She felt herself freeze, but had to speak. Here is where she would be judged if she was worthy of their son. She stuttered at first, but managed to get to coherent words. "I'm pretty good at it, I like it a lot. I get to help Genomes and humans and I make pretty good money with it, me and Ben plan to get a house one day but we have to save up for a while. I have loans to repay and Ben is still going to school,..."

Jessica looked to the collies. Maybe her voice was too stressed, Ben could pick up on it easily, and they surely could. She felt like hyperventilating. She nearly jumped when Ben touched her between the shoulder blades.

"Calm down, Mom's just asking about you. She isn't testing you or anything."

Jessica looked to her future husband and sighed nodding at the worried looking collie. She looked to the rest of the family. Only Julie wasn't pretending not to worry about Jessica. the thing about dogs, they wore there emotions on their face like a mask, there was no hiding, not truly hiding their feelings, every wag of the tail, tilt of an ear or distance between eyelids conveyed the canine feelings. And now it was concern. Jessica felt embarrassed and excused herself to the ladies room.

Ben watched her go. Still watching her form as she walked off, human faces were still difficult to read, but when she looked back to him over her shoulder, he really felt for her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset her." Michelle said softly to her son. His father just gave him an understanding look, a remembrance of a fresh relationships stresses. Garnet sat unusually quiet. Ben felt a dourness filling the table. Shrugging he smiled in his canine way.

"Don't worry about it we're doing fine. We're just starting off." He left off the meeting with her parents. No use in worrying about that now with both her and his parents.

"Well if you two need any help we'll be glad to do what we can." His father offered.

Ben shook his head. "Nah, once I graduate and get a good job, with me and her, we'll be in big money."

The collie couple smiled and looked to each other at the hopes of their young, right or wrong the dream was there.


Jessica dabbed around her eyes with a tissue. "They are not judging me, they like me and I'm freaking out" she scolded herself with reason. "Just go out there and loosen up. They like me and love their son and his future wife." She smiled and touched the place where her engagement ring used to be. She looked sadly at her ring finger and sighed at the horrible memory. With a final look in the mirror and a deep breath she smiled to her reflection until she believed she was happy and kept it out the bathroom and to the table, rejoining her new loving family and the dog that loved her. She gave his ears an affectionate rub when she sat down. Her mood totally changed and she began relating stories about them. Making the older pair of collies look to each other in affectionate shared memories several times before dinner arrived.


The rest of the car ride was a comfortable silence. Jessica and Benjamin leaned on one another as his parents held hushed conversations between them. But the canine smiles and the loving look in Michelle's eyes to her husband lent her comfort that she was indeed being accepted.

They pulled the van into the driveway of a moderately sized home. The houses were spread far apart with a lot of trees around the houses. Jess already felt welcomed. The freedom and liveliness of her mates' family and home was wonderful. They had a modest home for a family of five. It was obvious the pups had grown up in this house from the marrings on the wall that even a shade of blue paint could not disguise completely. The furniture was well worn but sturdy and very comfortable.

Jess was halfway asleep on the couch still tired from the exerted nerves to get to the airport on time and the early hour and not wigging out at dinner when Julie touched her on the shoulder. She looked at the puppy who just sat with the all too familiar border collie look of herding. "Is it true you go into heat once a month?"

Jess furrowed her brow "what?"

The puppy looked annoyed but determined. "When you go into heat. It happens once a month. Garnet says humans have a heat cycle every month. Is that true?" the little collie tilted her head with her half fold ears perked foreword.

Jess looked at the puppy. She had never expected or thought of that question before. Her biology classes kicked in high gear and she analyzed the question as it was put to her.

"Yes, I do go into heat once a month." Jess smiled thinking the questions had ended there. but that was just the beginning apparently.

"If you go into heat once a month, how do you go to work, I thought you were a nurse. If you go into heat you have to stay home for a month. If you go into heat every month, how do you work? Is it only every month for a season or is it every month every month? Will you have Ben's puppies when you go into heat again? And can I come to visit them, I like puppies. Mommy's not having more puppies and I wanna see more puppies. Will they be border collies like Ben? Why do humans have puppies instead of babies when the mommy or daddy are genomes?"

Jess reeled at the pup's ability to seemingly canter on without breath or any sign of needing to breath anytime soon. She stuttered on wondering on each question and how to answer each. But how?

"Ask your mom" Jessica replied finally. "She'll tell you."

The pup looked down and wagged her tail a bit. "Why does everyone tell me that, why don't they just tell me?"

Jessica shrugged. "Maybe you should just try one question at a time and think of the more important ones you want to know first."

Julie snapped her head around and instantly asked "are you gonna have puppies?"

Nothing followed but an intense stare. Jess shrugged. "Well if I have puppies." She wanted to giggle at the childhood concept "Ben and I will let you know."

Julie brightened up and bolted off down a hallway her tail almost like a squirrels straight up with delight.

Just then Ben walked in with a glass of coke and offered it to her

"You're a little late on the rescue." Jess said taking the drink "The interrogator already got my heat cycle times and breeding prospects."

Ben instantly looked in the direction down the hall where his sisters' room sits. "yea, she needs to be a cop. She can hound out anything she wants to know. Relentlessly" he smiled and sat beside his fiancé'. "How you doing? Everything okay?"

Jessica grinned and hugged Ben giving his tail base a squeeze. "I love your family." She rubbed her nose against his damp nosepad. "I just wish mine were as accepting."

Ben ruffed the humans' hair and licked her forehead. "We'll see what we can do about them. I'm sure they will come around." Ben really didn't want to continue this conversation that had no end and only depressed his love. "Have you seen the back yard? Mom keeps a nice garden there."

Jessica smiled and took the paw Ben offered to her and lead her out the back door. It was a rather spacious yard. a lot of tall trees, some sort of fir, but that only accented the colors of bens' mothers' rose garden. the deep green of the stalks and leaves only made the colors all that more riotous. She touched the soft petals of a white rose just blooming. "I would love to have a garden like this." Jess said to herself.

"One day" Ben replied to the rhetorical statement. She happened to see garnet in the yard running on all fours in the trees. it hardly registered until the female dog stopped in front of her and stood up wiping her paws on each other to remove the dirt; she wore not a strip of clothes. but her fur kept the human modesty.

"Hi." the collie bitch smiled to her soon to be sister in law then to her brother. "He really likes you," she said in the bashful envy of a teenager, "I'll see you later" she said to the woman with a little feminine smile before bolting off on all fours across the yard again.

Jessica looked to Ben. "Do you usually run about like that?"

Ben made a so-so motion with his paw. "At times, but garnet wants to go to Yellowstone and join a wolf pack. I told her that it was illegal to interfere with the park wolves, now she wants to move to Colorado." He shrugged and was about to walk on

"I want you to be my doggie."

Ben looked to her and smiled. "I am your doggie"

Jess shook her head. "No, I want you to run about in the buff like your sister."

Ben tilted his head. His halffold ears quirked in wonder, then grinned, so you want me to find a wolf pack and hump up on the head bitch too?" He grinned when Jess punched him in the chest.

"Well if that's so, " she lifted her head and howled as close to a wolf as she could, and was shocked to silence when Garnet off in the woods replied as did Ben. Jess then added her voice to the canine howls.

The woman ruffed her mates' ears. "Maybe we'll play wolf pack later."

Ben nuzzled her tenderly. "We'll make time to run naked in the woods and hump you like a wild wolf, Grrrrrr." Jess crumpled in on herself as the dog tickled her sides and growled at her playfully.

"Don't get too frisky, or I'll have to turn the hose on you."

Ben shot up and around, the bridge of his nose where the white fur grew held a pinkish tint from his flirting and sudden blush of embarrassment as he turned to face his mother at the edge of the garden. Jessica straightened up red faced and panting. The spindly collie femme grinned and shook her head. "At least I know I'll be a grandmother soon." the collie began wandering her garden. "Let's just not conceive any in my garden right now."

Jess giggled as Ben took her hand and walked her back to the house and a warm wonderful evening of stories and shared memories with her new family to be and an early night, tomorrow was the big day.


Bens' mother turned out to be a wonderful and protective cook. No matter how Jessica wanted to help, the collie would hear nothing of it. so she played with Julie. she really loved Ben's little sister. A little too inquisitive, but sweet all the same. The collie pup ran Jessica to exhaustion. She thought about how much energy she had and if she could keep up with a pup. She ran her fingers through her hair thinking about having a child with Ben. She wasn't sure if she was cut out for being a mother yet.

Julie came in with two dolls. A German shepherd male and a border collie female and a shoebox full of random clothes. Jessica giggled as she was handed the shoebox.

"This is Gabe," she lifted up the shepherd doll," and this is Ginger." she showed the collie doll "who do you want?"

Jessica took the collie from the girl. "Can I dress her?"

Julie grinned and pulled up the shoebox. "This side is all Ginger's clothes, this side is Gabes'."

Jess nodded and pulled out several outfits. She watched the pup dress up the shepherd figure and preen his fur. Then she realized her doll had ruffed fur. She brushed her dolls' coat out and smiled. "Ginger is very pretty."

Julie giggled "I thought you might like her because she kinda looks like you."

Jess looked at the doll. "Really?"

"Sure!" the pup exclaimed excitedly "some humans look like genomes." She pointed to the dolls eyes "You both have eyes the same." she then pointed at the muzzle "and you both have the same smile. See" the collie pup grinned and pet her doll. "She's pretty; I hope I can be that pretty."

Jessica took the pups head in her hands and rubbed her nose to the pups. "You already are very pretty. When I have a kid," "Puppy!" Julie interjected "Puppy" Jess corrected, "when I have a puppy I hope she's as pretty as you are."

Julie giggled and began dressing her shepherd doll. Jess taking in the childhood game gave ginger a pretty outfit for her date. But she had another dog in mind than the shepherd Julie held. Was she actually that pretty? She thought as she looked at the features of the genome doll.

* * * * *

Jessica lost herself in playing with bens' little sister. She never noticed Ben watching her from the door to the living room. Ben turned as his dad passed him walking to the kitchen, as usual following the wonderful smells that filled the house.

"Dad," His father turned to face Ben


Ben looked to his father and sighed. "When you first found mom, did you have any doubts?"

The older collie tilted his head. "You mean if you can support her if she will be happy together can you make sure everything will work and the deep pitted feeling that she might find a better dog? Nah never crossed my mind."

Ben gave a crooked shy smile and shook his head

"Look Ben, I can tell you there will be trying times, and it will not be easy, you have to start thinking about the both of you."

Ben nodded "I already am, Dad, Her parents hate me and disowned her because she was with me."

Charlie ruffed his son between the ears. All you can do is appeal to their scenes, they will come through. If not, "he looked in the room with the human and his youngest daughter playing together. "Then it's their loss of a daughter and grandkits." He patted his son on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it. Time lets folks think."

Ben turned and leaned back on the door frame "I hope so."


Dinner was al little awkward for Jessica. There were a few things she wan not really used to seeing or eating at all much less at thanksgiving. The turkey and potatoes were normal, but the gravy was actual canned dog food. Kaysticks and some hardtack bread with some sort of oats that smelled of bacon grease. She tried a little of everything and found most of it was definitely not for the human palette at all. She must have been really worried to get Michelle to take notice.

"I'm sorry dear, really, I forgot that most things we like you wouldn't. Rather inconsiderate of me." The motherly collie looked over the spread with a quirk of concern in her muzzle and ears.

"Don't worry mom, it's good and we have some things she can eat." Her fiancé grinned and took the strange bread form her plate and ate it with delight.

Michelle sighed. "Well next time I will make sure to have more human options open. Just eat what you want."

Jessica smiled and nodded taking a little more turkey and potatoes. Pretty much the only things on the table she could palate or stomach. But both were very good.

The talk around the table was again lively and long. Only Garnet looked like she would prefer to be elsewhere, especially when the conversations reverted to her and her past as a pup and growing up. She was the picture of submission and ire until the conversation went back to Ben and his school.

Much to Jess's dismay dessert was about like dinner, the only thing she could really enjoy was vanilla ice-cream. The lack of good food was made up by the wonderful company Ben and his family was. She cuddled against the soft fur of her mate listening to Charlie tell stories about Ben as a pup.

"He came in the house, and reached into his pocket and pulled a handful of pebbles out of his pocket and put them on the coffee table and asked us to watch them while he got a drink" the older collie chuckled and Ben smirked already knowing this story. Jess had her head on Bens' lap listening to the misadventures of her fiancé

"well we were not happy about having a bunch of rocks on the table and was about to tell him to get them off the table when the rocks uncurled and began running away." The older collie chortled and patted his wife's' thigh, his tail wagging with delight as bens' ears were flipped on the side in embarrassment.

"He had put a pocketful of rollie pollies on the table and they were running everywhere." Bens, dad was laughing with his eyes closed and ears foreword. "He,.. he even looked so indignant and was mad we Weren't more careful with his rollie polies."

"If I wasn't so busy catching bugs," his mother added, "I would have fluffed his tail end." But she was holding back her laugh but the smile was undeniably enjoying the mirthful memory.

Ben ruffed his mates' hair and licked her on the cheek. "Yea, I'm used to doing the odd things, like proposing twice and all."

Jessica sat up quickly looking at Ben. "what?"

Ben just grinned and shifted off the couch to kneel on the floor. He pulled a ring out of his shirt pocket and smiled.

"Jessica, with all that I am I love all that you are. We know each other well and have stayed through the hard times of life and have remained in love." He took her hand and held the ring to her fingertip. "Would you honor me by being my wife, my mate, my love?"

Jessica sniffed and wiped a tear form her cheek as she recognized the repaired ring. "I will." She answered in a shaky voice. She trembled slightly as the ring was put onto her finger again, by the collie she loved. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close smelling the soft musky scent of her mate.

She buried her face in the thick fur of his neck and sniffed a little. She felt she could hold him forever. "I love you Ben, I love you so much."

She felt his arms wrap about her tighten. She knew his quirk on not parroting anything said, giving an expected cliché answer, and in dog fashion, showed more than spoke. There was a comfort in that.

* * * * *

After a family outing to a movie and a stop to get a little more human food, the hour was a late. The pups were shooed to bed followed shortly by the adults. After a few goodnights the house let the eventful day end.

Jess moved her fingers through the soft white fur on her canine fiancés' belly, her head on his chest. His breathing said he was asleep, but it was his heart she listened to most. She felt the beat on her cheek, steady and full of life. She let her hand wander lower down his belly to his sheath. She felt the slim bone in his penis, his heart made a slightly faster beat and she smiled. She let her hand go lower to his soft furred sac. She massaged each testicul with care, a nice little more than clinical exam. She mentally took note of every structure of his testicul. The testie the epididimus, the testicular ligament, she loved his body.

His heart was a little faster, faster still as she began rubbing his sheath. She felt the slight bulge of his knot. His breathing and heartbeat rose as she stroked him softly. Then he stirred "Hey, no fair trying to get sneaky."

Jessica laughed her head still on his chest. "You shouldn't have such a wonderful body." She then lifted up on her elbows and looked into his deep mahogany eyes.

"Ben, How about we tie the knot here?"

Ben looked confused, "you want to get married here?"

"No you silly dog." She giggled. "I mean tie the knot in me." She said reaching down and softly caressing his sheath with her fingertips.

Ben stirred but shook his head. "Not here." He whispered severely "you're loud and dogs have very sensitive hearing."

Jess pulled her head back in affront. "I'm loud?"

"Didn't mean it,.."

"No, you said I was loud." Her hand covered his sheath her fingertips playing between his scrotum and bulbous glands at the base of his penis. Ben gasped as she pulled him on his back and laid between his spread legs. "Shhhh, I'm the loud one, remember."

She brought her other hand to bare tickling him behind his sac and to his tail. He sighed and breathed a little harder. "I don't think this is a good idea." He hoarsely whispered. Jess gave him a coy look as her hands cupped being his sac with her palms her fingertips at the upper part of his sheath. She lowered her head and began licking the collie's velvety furred sac. She lapped over each oval testie and then pressed her tongue between them.

Ben gripped his ears in his paws clenching his jaw shut tight so not to make a sound. Jess paid his distress no mind as her fingers told her of the swelling in his prepuce. She cupped his nuts in one hand as she pulled the flesh and fur covering off his swelling doghood so his knot would not get stuck within the furry cover.

She felt Ben twitch bodily as she took his pink rod in her hand. She stroked over the swelling knot with her fingers, her tongue tracing from behind his sac to the lemon sized knot in her fingers. She heard his muffled whimper as her tongue laced over the sensitive organ. She traced up his long shaft in a barber pole line until she reached the pointed head of his penis. She looked up to see him with one paw tugging an ear the other clamping his muzzle down.

She engulphed his canine rod and was rewarded with a muffled yip, his legs going ridged his feet pointing out. The hand not holding his shaft still held his nut sack tenderly, her thumb playing between his balls her index finger played around his tail hole and chode. She felt him fighting his release. She looked up to see him gripping his muzzle with both paws, his tongue comically stuck out the end of his muzzle. She decided to put an end to that. She sucked him on the upstroke so hard he felt it in his gut, and without a moments beat she laced her tongue around and over the head of his cock as she pulled his nut sack and knot at the same time then pushed the length of canine maleness into her throat. Ben yelped and his arms flew wide hitting the walls and gripping the sides of the futon as a rush of semen filled her mouth. She swallowed his essence and played cruelly with his sensitive parts, electing yipps he could not hold. She sucked him to the tip. "shhh," she used the tip of his organ as one would a finger in that situation. "Dogs have sensitive ears, remember."

Jessica continued to siphon her canine lover, this time keeping up until his knot slipped between her fingers and back into the sheath. She looked up to him in mock sympathy. "aww the puppy lost his bone."

Ben said nothing. Only the heavy rasp of his breathing filled the void. She was really hot now. She loved sucking her lover off. But that was beyond exiting knowing he was trying not to alert the other members in the house. Maybe it was the thrill of being caught, but she really wanted more. Needed to be filled with his solid knot.

She crawled up beside her mate, pulling the covers up with her. "How do you feel love?" she asked with sugary sweetness. She stifled a squeal when his tongue lapped firmly against her teat.

"Nervous, I don't need Julie or Garnet to hear us." He looked to the human and grinned in canine fashion.

Jessica grinned and waved her rear in the collie's muzzle and walked out into the hall naked. Ben followed her, not knowing what she was up to as she went out the back door. He followed her away from the house. He tracked her a little way into the wooded yard coming on her sitting on her haunches.


Ben looked to Jessica with a head tilt. "What?"

"I said I'm the wild wolfess, take me if you can." With that she pounced him, taking him off guard. He fell and she dry humped him.

"Ha! You're my bitch now!"

"You are not getting away with that." The collie barked taking the game on.

Jess eeked and ran. Ben sniffed the ground and followed her on all fours. Running like a true dog he paced beside her and cut her off. The collie took her down, and with extravagant speed takes Jess's throat in his mouth , Ben wrapped his mouth about her neck. Shocked at the maneuver Jess gasped making Ben pull up quickly form her throat. "Are you okay?" the collie asked concerned he harmed his mate "I didn't mean to hu..."

Jessica silenced the dog by grabbing his muzzle and jaw in each of her hands and pulled him down. She put his muzzle back around her throat and let him go after pressing his canines lightly to her soft exposed skin, the only thing protecting the vitality of her arteries and windpipe. She gripped his ribcage and murred, the vibration echoing across his teeth and tongue. Not unfamiliar with the dominating act he had oft put to his sisters when he was younger, he knew how not to hurt her as the domination took on a new role. He squeezed and loosened his grip on her throat. His tongue lapped over the area his mouth covered feeling her pulse under his tongue his ears picking up the rush of blood in her veins.

Ben let his grip on her throat go and lapped a nipple and along her belly. He was about to make a superior comment when Jessica jumped up, shouting "not that easy to dominate this bitch doggy boy!"

She never made it five feet. She tried to turn directions but only succeeded in helping him pounce her into a more compromising position.

He knocked her on her stomach, the grass was rough but soft on her skin, she felt canine claws dig into her sides and half helped raise her rear before she realized what was about to happen. She thought she was going to get it hard, but instead she found herself squirming to a fabulous culling. The thick firm canine tongue ravished every tender aria of her sex. She thought nothing of it when he put his paws on her rear spreading a bit until the hot collie tongue stroked over the puckered little hole. She gripped the grass and pulled chunks of soil form the ground and tried not to squeal as the attention was lavished on her neither region. She almost let her head up to try to move, not letting him get her that easy when she suddenly felt the tip of his penis slip into her anus.

She arched her back as the hot dog bone was buried in her rear. Fingers played with her clitoral hood and the sensitive bead it held. She stifled her moans and cries as the collie sent his knot home in her rectum. She felt the throbbing of his member from her tight sphincter. She wanted to scream the sensations of her body wanted it so badly, but she was now resigned to silence. Then something she never heard him say before came from his muzzle.

"Who's my bitch?"

"I am" she gasped wantingly."

She felt the teeth nip hard on the back of her neck, then let go. I did not say who is my human, I said who-is-my-bitch!" A hard pull and thrust into her rear marked the last asked question.


"My wolf bitch!"

Jess let the screams the passion the throbbing pleasure in her ass and cunny flow over her hard nipples and her tight chest and pounding heart to her throat in a bestial howl that could have attracted wolves. As she was pounded, licked and fondled to submission to her alpha.

Ben breathed a little softer and rested his chest on her back. She let him rest as he pulsed his seed into her rear, tied for a while with nothing to do but enjoy the night and feral lovemaking.

* * * * *

Jess woke the next morning a little sore and scratched but very happy. She had everything, everything but the acceptance of her parents. She snuggled to the hot soft furred body of her mate. She looked at the ring on her finger as she watched herself scritch his chest. Tomorrow they would have to leave for her to get back to work the day after, but until then, she knew she was surrounded by those who loved her most. She sighed and kissed his furry chest.